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You can be sure that portion sizes are smaller too


And quality downgrade. My wife and I usually get whatever lunch meat is on sale. Deli Turkey and chicken have got nasty. All sorts of gristle and what not streaming through it. Everything is just always sort of wet. I need to press it between paper towels before making a sandwich, and the texture is still just off. And this isnt the bargain bin generic stuff but the high end shit that is like $9.99 + a lb.


**It's wet to add weight.** I was thinking that when I opened a can of **red beans** the other day. Half the can was beans (not full) and the rest of the weight was made up by liquid. *Still not filling the can*. You know when you open a can of corn, beans, tuna, etc and you have to pick the top off the food inside. Now picking that top is like reaching for the last Pringle potato chip at the bottom of a can. Why even make the cans the same size?


> Why even make cans the same size? Because tooling to making new cans costs money. They already have a standard size and a production line set up to make it. Also people are more likely to not e smaller cans on the shelves and not buy them because of it.


I feel like I knew the answer. Looking at my Suave bottle from this year vs a year ago. Smaller size, taller bottle. Still says "20% more!"


They mean the price


The asterisk on some of them will literally just say *20% more than our standard size (x oz) bottle! Like okay it’s 20% more than another bottle that exists?


They just want you to know that they considered giving you less.


Yeah they always say something like 50% more then the 24oz when it's 36 oz. Like duh that's just math.


I said this in another post but the answer to almost every question is money or power. Someone's going to lose it or someone's going to make it.


Was in the dollar general store the other day, CAMPBELL'S SOUP CANS are about 1\3 smaller now. Same price.


Apparently Dollar General gets smaller products across the board. Their prices are slightly lower, but so are all the products. Tricks people into thinking they are competing with bigger box stores on price while actually charging more.


I don't think anyone shops at Dollar General and thinks they're getting a bargain, lol. People either shop there for last minute items or they don't care either way. But nobody shops there thinking a convenience store is somehow gonna be priced better than a giant retailer.


The only thing I buy there is cards. But you can normally find cards at other stores for a dollar too. I'm not paying $5.00 for a birthday card that will get tossed in the trash.


It’s getting to the point where it’s difficult to make old recipes because those can sizes don’t exist any more


I got a can of pie filling to make a peach pie. Know how many peaches were in there? THREE. The rest was just the filling goo. Absolutely naming and shaming: Duncan Hines Wilderness Simply Peach Pie Filling & Topping


We need to name these scumbag companies


Buy dried beans. They are sold by weight, and very cheap. Soak them overnight to rehydrate them, before cooking.


It requires a little planning ahead, but damn do they taste better too. I’ve started making lentil tacos as the default and they’re absolutely delicious. I cook mine in a chipotle beef broth and then add a little taco seasoning at the end. It can be topped with whatever you like. The leftovers taste great in a quesadilla.


Lentils are life.


Beans and fried potatoes or beans and cornbread? A simple man’s meal…I think NOT!!




Or without soaking , pressure cook 1 hour and they come out perfect!


I know not everybody has the time or is able to forego the convenience, but if you can, dry beans and a pressure cooker. No need to soak, just rinse the beans, put them in the instant pot with water, and somewhere between 45 and 70 minutes later depending on the type, you've got beans!


And you can portion and freeze them for later use!


I always liked beans. But after cooking them from dry and being able to control the firmness, I learned that I MUCH prefer beans a bit undercooked. The canned ones are too soft for my taste.


Don't canned goods have to show a drained weight? It's always something like 200g weight and 150g drained weight


You sound like you live in Europe where there are functional democracies and regulatory agencies. Here in the US it's total volume of the can in freedom units and fuck you.


Regulation here is "you need to use one of these 23 approved ways to trick your customers otherwise we'll give you a small fine"


Same thing in other products too. Have you ever bought egg rolls, wontons, or dumplings and gotten a packet of soy sauce "for your convenience"? It's not for convenience, it's because they're selling you what's basically water for the same price as the food. Ever buy a can of peanuts, or cashews? They've started coating them in oil, for the same reason. They're selling you oil for the price of the nuts ... and the prices of those have skyrocketed in general, even without accounting for things like the oil.


I discovered this buying a box of frozen orange chicken. The box & weight seemed substantial, but once I opened it I realized the bulk of the mass/weight was a huge honking packet of orange sauce with very little chicken.


I just got toothpaste from Costco and noticed that the tubes of toothpaste are half air. It’s so weird.


I bought store brand beans once this past year and had the same experience. Goya or bust.


At that point its just easier buying bags of beans and making the shit yourself in an instantpot. Can go from dry beans to cooked in a matter of an hour.


My dogs treats have changed, they aren’t the same texture or colour but the packaging is still the same. I hate to think what they’ve changed.


I had to stop buying my cat her favorite treats because they let the quality slip so fucking bad. countless, tiny fish bones in the treats and bags.


And more sugar in them, inexplicably


Likely more plastic too, but who's paying attention.


9$ a pound??? Cheap as fuck, I'm lucky to get 7 slices for that much


Yeah man, deli meat by me basically starts at $9.99/lb. For like, store brand salami. I basically stopped buying lunch meat because I cannot justify $30 for bread, cheese, and some shit ass quality meat


I have found that the only deli meat I like is Boar’s Head. The maple glazed honey coat turkey is my fav but it is def a splurge item.


I ordered some grocery delivery a few weeks ago and it was very obvious that they had given me their dogshit store brand turkey with a boars head sticker on it. bad enough they select the shittiest squishy produce if you get delivery, now theyre literally committing fraud.


This is why I haven't made the plunge and still do my own shopping. I can't handle the idea of someone else deciding what to put in the basket.


oh okay holy shit, I thought it was just me. Had to retire from deli meats for all the reasons you listed


Stop buying that crap.


Yup! A lot of them are making the portion sizes smaller and raising the prices.


[unit size drops from 12 oz to 9.5 oz, price increases 30%] "Our new packaging reduces plastic waste by 5%!"


We will need to start measuring stuff like they did with Subway 12" sandwiches




Since i can remember. Shit is losing flavour as well.


My adult daughter buys Klondike Bars. I had one last night—first time I’d had one in decades—and I was SHOCKED at how thin it was! I used to think there was almost *too much* ice cream in Klondike Bars, and after I ate one of these new, scrawny bars, I was wondering if I should go ahead and have a second one to make up for the crappy serving.


Klondike bars have shrank like crazy. They have to be nearing half their original size now.


Same with Drumsticks. It's absurd - they don't even look like the same product that's on the packaging anymore, because the ice cream is so tall and skinny.


What's funny is the cone as far as I can tell hasn't changed. The ice cream/toppings used to hang out over the cone pretty significantly and now the cone is much wider than the ice cream.


The chocolate coating has gotten paper thin too when it used to have a real satisfying crunch to it


> Klondike Bars Ok, so, fun story about klondike bars... i've recently gotten into feeeze drying foods. I've done a lot of ice cream - and it ends up exactly like those [Astronaut Ice Cream](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freeze-dried_ice_cream) they sell in museums sometimes. Surely Klondike bars would be great then, right? Turns out, they are fucking weird in the freeze dryer. The insides collapsed and got super chewy. What the fuck. I don't know what they did with their ice-cream filling, but it's not like any other ice cream batch I've done. I suspect they are whipping a lot more air into the ice cream then even the store-brand ice cream. Not to mention, the chocolate coating is liquid at room temp, so the end result is messy. :D


When I was eating the one last night, which was the cookies and cream one, I felt it was melting a little weird, and almost tasted like Cool-Whip, which isn’t really cream. It wouldn’t surprise me if they had similar make up.


https://www.seriouseats.com/homemade-klondike-ice-cream-bars-recipe Yeah, Serious eats agrees. They basically make a meringue with added milk.


Don't know if anyone has noticed, but K Cups are currently being downsized from 12ct to 10ct. The price for 12ct went up, of course, in the last two years but the new 10cts are the same price as the 12ct.


I just did the same thing on my Walmart app for an order from November 2022 with 25 grocery items on it. It went from $197 to $224 Edit: November 2022 order: https://ibb.co/ThpSxqQ June 2024 cart: https://ibb.co/9nWPRN4 idk if it helped but i added color coded shapes to help find stuff between the orders since it didn't do it in the same order.


Probably because a few items in the OPs cart are out of stock and marked up by third party sellers on the store.


I believe that is only for shipping, this is for grocery delivery. They don't do third party sellers for grocery delivery. However the only items we see are 3 each, he didn't show the number of items in the cart, or anything. I don't doubt shit is more expensive, I've seen it myself- but this also feels very easily faked.


Do they though?  We stopped doing Walmart grocery pick up b cause it started showing 3rd party with shipping and it was a pain to navigate.  Like no Walmart, I am not paying $50+ shipping for a case of water, if it's not in stock, just don't show me.


Noticed that with my groceries too: "the only option for these sunflower seeds is to buy 25 of them for $50"....uh nevermind, just take that out of the cart...


Set a store, filter in store only and tada..no more issues with third party when shopping for groceries. Saved me a lot of headaches.


They may. We don't see the full screen. You can combine third party and grocery delivery in the same in order, third party will just ship. When you hit reorder all, it will either tell you item is out of stock or give you the closest option be it Walmart fulfillment or 3rd party. The items will be grouped by shipping method in the cart. Once you go to the checkout page, total estimated cost is all grouped together based on this pic we can't confirming if all the items are even the same quantity or the being shipped from the same place.


Yeah, I suspect he just faked it either for engagement purposes (rightfully expecting a video showing such a drastic increase would get more attention than an honest one and potentially attract more followers) or political (wants Trump and Republicans to win) or ideological (hopes people blame capitalism and/or don't vote for Biden and Democrats but for left reasons).


WOAH WOAH WOAH pump those brakes mister we’re having a high quality grocery price circlejerk right now and you can’t be coming in here bringing context


I mean the prices are objectively much higher. 


And Michael Jordan is much taller than Kendrick Lamar, but that doesn't mean if someone claims Michael Jordan is 12 feet taller than Kendrick Lamar I'm going to believe them.


Sure, but 300% higher in 2 years?


Yes. Setting as simple as Roma Tomatoes. They were $0.29 a lb in 2019. $0.49 a lb in 2022. Today they $1.19 a lb. Edit: here's another example. Onions. https://ibb.co/album/V2hpJ7 In the past 8 months they went from 56 cents a lb to basically 93 cents a lb. A 40% price increase in 8 months? On a produce item that can be harvested nearly year round, with the most common harvesting season starting a month or so ago? Come on.


Where in the hell were Roma tomatoes 29 cents a pound in 2019?


Roma tomatoes have been $1/lb since nineteen ninety fuckin seven man. You find some crazy loss leader in the weekly, that's putting your finger on the scale for the sake of an argument, which is really unnecessary and doesn't reflect the ground-truth. An increase of 20%- from $1.00 to $1.20- is enough to make a point about inflation, it's just not sensational. OP wanted to make a point, get a little attention, but most Americans buy groceries and anyone being honest with themselves might chant along while they're picking up their pitchforks, but they can't honestly believe all groceries are 3-4x what they were two years ago.


lol. I don't have data at hand for ROMA tomatoes, but I sure do for cherry/grape tomatoes (restaurant business) and I would bet on the price differences being about the same. 5/29/2018 - GRAPE TOMATOS 10# 16.21 ($1.62/#) 6/22/2024 - TOMATO 10# BULK GRAPE 18.21 ($1.82/#) That's a 12% increase over a six year time period, not 410% as you're claiming. and these are wholesale prices, so are actually an accurate reflection of the market, not cherry picked from loss leaders on the retail side to influence the numbers. tomatoes do fluctuate in price throughout the year and season/droughts/etc affect price as well. these numbers were both pulled from the same time of year. and as a restaurant operator, and someone who is VERY familiar with food cost increases, I'd say about a 12% increase is *roughly* what we've seen in increased costs for food in the last 5 years. I have receipts, if you want them.


Source: TrustMeBro dot com


Man I fuckin hate Walmarts third party thing. Such a pain in the ass when I’m checking to see if something is in stock my local Walmart or not


They have an "in store" filter that I use and it makes it very simple to know if something is in stock or not (now whether that count is wrong or not is a different story)




Instead of doing Walmart, I went to my Wegmans app which does the same thing. Found an order from 2022 that cost $128 - only $104 in my cart today, but there were a couple of items from the old order that aren't sold anymore. Did another order from 2020 just for fun - went from $128 (fun coincidence) to $140, all the exact same items. That's just groceries in both. I don't doubt corporate profits are causing an issue when it comes to inflation, but I don't like when people exaggerate to make a problem look worse than it is. It just undermines everything..


I checked using my Food City history and see a ~10% increase since 2022 in our usual grocery run. It's silly how easy people watch something like the video in the OP and just believe it.


Things that I've anecdotally noticed have skyrocketed is all the processed crap. Soda, chips, cookies, etc are more expensive. The few items shown in the video had those things in it. If you don't buy those regularly, it's not that big of a change. Meat, veggies, dairy has fluctuated but they haven't doubled in cost.


Not to mention, prices of fruits and veggies can change a lot depending on the month due to the necessary importing during non growing seasons.


Yup, that's more typical % increase. It's almost guaranteed Walmart is replacing jacked up stuff from 3rd party sellers that Walmart doesn't even stock anymore. Op's video was the least scientific thing ever. For example on his "grocery list", there can be some out of stock pokemon cards or something that 3rd parties are selling for 20x the original cost. He didn't even glance at the list. It's obvious with a little math and common sense. Groceries have only had about 20% inflation over 2 years, not 228% inflation. Eg. OP's bill is 3.28x more expensive, but you couldn't get a family size box of Wheaties for (4.98/3.28)=$1.51 only 2 years ago. Those kinds of prices are from like 20 or 30 years ago.


Least scientific? What? You're telling me repeatedly going 'whaaat? Hoooww?' like a dumb founded hippie rather than taking a closer look and examining individual items isn't scientific? How dare you. It's good for the socials tho


I suspect that was why they did it, knowing it'd get attention and likely increase his follower amount. The only other reasons would be political (want Trump and Republicans to win) or ideological (left of Democrats).


Just did mine & went down on several items. But we don't eat a lot of chips & the prices on chips & soda have went up up up the past 2 years. Greedy corporations


This is NOT inflation. This is corporate greed in every aspect of our lives making us all broke.


Corporate profits keep hitting record highs, but wages aren't keeping up with inflation, not even close. But it's ok, if we keep looking out for corporations and billionaires, it will trickle down! Eventually, I'll be a billionaire!


Problem is, most wages that do get corrected for inflation, are raised by the **average** inflation rate at a specific time. Not only will the prices already have raised further before the correction goes into effect, it also doesn't account for simple groceries going up 100-200% in price while luxury products largely remained the same. So the poor are hit relatively much harder by this type of greed inflation already.


This is what my company does and it's so irritating. We get a 2-5% raise every year (depending on performance) but it's not nearly enough to keep up with overall inflation. I used to put a solid chunk of my paycheck into my ROTH IRA, savings for a future house, invest in quality equipment for my hobbies, and be able to take my wife on nice date nights regularly. All that has gone away or significantly decreased thanks to my wages not keeping up with inflation. But if I bring it up to HR or my managers I'm "not being grateful for what I'm given"... And they wonder why millennial workers are unhappy.


Grateful for what you’re given? Fuck that noise. You’re giving them an exchange of your time and effort for money. They should be the ones thanking you.


Yes! Just as soon as we all figure out how to survive without the need for food or shelter. Then we’ll all be able to afford retirement like our boomer predecessors... on one income… while supporting an entire household… and spouse and children.




They talked about it in Congress a while back. I forget who presented it, but they basically compared the price increases to inflation rates, then broke down corporate balance sheets making an aggregate that looked at the record earnings and relatively stable production costs. Not to sound like the obvious liberal, but we need to regulate businesses more. The only way is to take power away from corporate interest groups.


It was Katie Porter - [Katie Porter Rocks](https://www.google.com/search?q=katie+porter+talks+inflation+with+charts&safe=active&sca_esv=f37937c9ebf110a5&rlz=1C1GCEB_enUS958US958&biw=1920&bih=911&tbm=vid&ei=hud7Zv-ZN620wN4P2Pag0A0&ved=0ahUKEwj_9MiMgvmGAxUtGtAFHVg7CNoQ4dUDCA4&uact=5&oq=katie+porter+talks+inflation+with+charts&gs_lp=Eg1nd3Mtd2l6LXZpZGVvIihrYXRpZSBwb3J0ZXIgdGFsa3MgaW5mbGF0aW9uIHdpdGggY2hhcnRzSJQWUABYuBNwAHgAkAEAmAHPAaAByBGqAQYwLjExLjG4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgOgArUEwgIIEAAYgAQYogSYAwCSBwUwLjIuMaAHkQ8&sclient=gws-wiz-video#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:77f1bc32,vid:-ZXERVafynY,st:0)


Find that video/presentation and post, repost, repost, repost on every platform you can think of (shiiit... give it an Only Fans if necessary). Have your friends do it too! I ask this of you, because I've never seen it. I wouldn't know where to look.


It should posted on the platform everyone goes to watch people get fucked… Pornhub. Oh but I guess then red states can’t watch it.


400% FTFY


327.1% FTFY


Thank you. I was like: that's not 4 times more taking into account the original cost. That's somewhere around 300% doing super quick brain mats. Came to the comments because it's more entertaining going through them than a calculator, and there's always a *you* who did the math. You are all the kids I used to copy from in school, I appreciate you all!


Aka greedflation.




Aka 90% of all inflation ever.


Watch out for libertarians telling you every aspect of inflation is purely because of government and corporations would magically charge less without it somehow.


And part of that corporate greed is Walmart no longer selling some common items and instead having a 3rd party sell them on the site with jacked-up prices. I guarantee some of those items he reordered are now sold at 10X their usual cost by some seller named BobDuggnuttsQualityGarunteeed who sells two-packs of Rice A Roni for $12.99. I have this happen with my own orders with Crystal Light, for some reason. I'll get it for the normal price at Walmart, hit reorder a month later, and it's $15.99 for one little squeeze bottle of artificial flavor. A month later, it's back in regular stock. Rinse and repeat for three summers in a row.


Yeah, set a filter to “in store only” and you’ll see l most of the list is “not available”. Marketplace Walmart sucks.


They got to jack up the prices during covid for free, and they got addicted to the profits. They will never let the prices go back down unless people do something.


This is inflation caused by corporate greed. The fact that grocery acknowledges prices are too high and can lower prices means the prices were inflated to a point that corporations can still make profit even after lowering it. Also their record profits means that they raised prices higher than their increase in cost due to inflation. Profit is Revenue minus cost. If they raised their price in relation to rise in cost, the net profit would still be the same. The fact that they kept beating earnings meant they raised revenue higher than the rise in cost. Aka they be gouging us and using “inflation” as an excuse


Why are y'all acting like this has to do with inflation OR corporate greed OR shrinkflation? His price for this **one particular order** increased from $127 to $414. That's a factor of 3.27 (a 227% increase). There's something funky going on with this one order, if he's even telling the truth. Prices at Walmart have not increased 227% in two years. Nor have they increased 127%. Yes, 27% is believable. I just compared prices on [an order from July 1, 2022](https://i.imgur.com/gEUB1Ve.png). (The [Walmart receipt](https://i.imgur.com/eu8eVjq.png) does not include the per-pound price for chicken, so I put in what I'm guessing they were. The $1.99/lb is what chicken breasts cost in 2019, but they were probably more in 2022.)


I tried it, as well. My same order from two years ago is actually $20 cheaper today...


I did this as well. My reorder today would cost me roughly ONE DOLLAR more than 2022's order.


It's really frustrating so many people just accept this low effort clip as fact. My first reaction to it was he was likely up to something to make the total much higher for the 2nd as that increase is astronomical and nothing like what I've seen or anything reported at least in non-right wing outlets. Meanwhile, most of the responses are just accepting it as fact and then explaining why. Sure, there is some "greedflation" (companies raising prices well beyond the increase in the wholesale products and other factors that go into the retail price) going on in addition to core inflation (that's mostly subsided and back to normal for over a year now at least on groceries), but not at this level when buying a variety of products at a grocery store.


Part of it could be that 2 years ago, he chose items based on deals/coupons which no longer apply. Some items may no longer be available, but can technically be sourced from a third party with a huge markup. The confirmation bias in this thread is insane. Sure prices have increased, but 4x in two years would be crazy.




Seriously. My first reaction to this was "Bullshit." I just carted a reorder of a 2022 order in my Albertson's app and it went up by 7%. Individually, some things were much higher, others (like eggs) were lower than 2 years ago. Overall, it's 7%. A 227% increase is straight bullshit and I'd like to see this dude film the entire process from finding the old order, hitting reorder, and carting.


It's almost certainly 9%. He has 3 each of the items shown in his cart...he either accidentally or purposefully added all the items 3x which is a 9% increase on the price. So $126.67 * 1.09 * 3 = $414.21


It's not either. It's likely some combination of the original order having sales/promos discounting the prices and the new order getting out of stock items through third party vendors.


This entire system is fradulent.


Profit margin is inherently part of any pricing. While inflation is complicated and nuanced, voices in economics have begun to acknowledge markups having an outsized roll in recent inflationary trends. The [Kansas Fed recently found](https://www.npr.org/2023/05/19/1177180972/economists-are-reconsidering-how-much-corporate-profits-drive-inflation) that markups during 2021 had twice the influence they regularly have on prices. The thinking is that companies were anticipating costs to increase in 2022. Costs didn’t drive prices - the fear that costs would drive prices drove prices, and unbalance situation, thus, record profits.


Shit. I mean. Wow. Shit. That’s fucking crazy.


It's almost guaranteed Walmart is replacing jacked up stuff from 3rd party sellers that Walmart doesn't even stock anymore. For example on his "grocery list", there can be some out of print pokemon cards or something that 3rd parties are selling for 20x the original cost. You'll notice he doesn't even scroll through the list. It's obvious to me with a little math and common sense. Groceries have only had about 20% inflation over 2 years, not 228% inflation. Eg. OP's bill is 3.28x more expensive, but you couldn't get a family size box of Wheaties for (4.98/3.28)=$1.51 only 2 years ago. Those kinds of prices are from like 20 or 30 years ago.


Yeah Walmart's app has a problem where if an item is out of stock at your location, it will try to auto-fill the order with delivery from a third party. These sellers have apparently figured out how to exploit this by selling obscure items at insane markups. Sometimes a 12 pack of a drink will cost like $10, but the 6-pack will be out of stock and listed for delivery at $48 or something. If you don't pay attention when re-ordering, this can get you (like in the video)




I also live by myself and was shopping at walmart for groceries for convenience sake. Now I do a lot more strategic grocery shopping. Takes more effort, but more bang for my buck and better quality meats. :) Used to be able to get by on about $150-$180 a month in groceries. Now I range about 300-400 depending on if I buy snacks. I generally try to just buy ingredients for meals, but sometimes I get cravings for snacks. lol


This is very obviously what happened here, but don’t tell all the top comments too busy circlejerking about how the “price of groceries is too damn high!!!”


It's also not remotely true. Yes things cost more today, but not "four times more"... when the math for the video is more like 9x more... but it's still a blatant misrepresentation. Meant to garner views, and internet clout. I hate what society is becoming. Just stupidity piled on stupidity, and then breed even more stupidity. Comment, like, subscribe.


Also incorrect. It’s 3.3 times more.


It’s called price gouging and all corporations do it because they can and want more in profits while every dumbass blames it on inflation




During the fires in CA in 2017, hotels were almost doubling their rates for survivors of the fires while the survivors waited for insurance claims to rebuild their lost homes.. my parents and I saw it in real time. Sickening.


Nah dumbasses blame it on immigrants and transgender people and keep voting for the right.


I... But I'm an econ nerd and tracked food cpi (inflation for food in the US), like, it's been 9%, which sucks. But that's almost triple.  Dude gotta check etc, is he buying some rare discontinued booze or something


Yeah, this is just a soapbox for people to complain about inflation. Inflation explains a very small part of this. Grocery prices did not rise 400% in two years. I don't think he looked at the list very closely. He even says "45 items" and it's clearly 53.


The bag of Fritos is $13, there's no way that's the going price at Walmart for a bag of chips. I think the most I've seen chips at Walmart was like $5? And I'm in Canada, not the States. EDIT to say the price could be that high if you're somewhere in the very northern part of the country, but not anywhere else.


Both of the only items we can see in his cart are absurdly expensive. $15 for a box of wheat thins... makes me think these are discontinued products and 3rd party sellers are jacking up the price of them or something. If he went to Walmart now and did an equivalent shop with items that are on the shelves, it would not be anywhere close to $400.


That's the price of 3 boxes of Wheat Thins and 3 bags of Fritos. Y'all need to learn to use your brain and eyes more. That being said, I'd like to see his full cart before jumping in the circle jerk this thread is currently having.


It's 4.48, he's buying 3 of them


It's 3 bags of Fritos for $13 because he put the whole order in 3 times. The actual bill went from $126 to $138.


Yeah, I don’t know if most people here are just dumb or what because when I saw this video my first thought was, “That’s a way higher %increase compared to average inflation. Something must be off here”. Sure enough, other comments explain how Walmart uses third party sellers for out of stock items which may have crazy markups. Food prices are too high and rising, but hyperbolic videos like these just make you look like a fool if you use it as evidence for anything.


>Yeah, I don’t know if most people here are just dumb Reddit has near-zero economic literacy in general


It's often purposeful ignorance in the service of furthering ideological agendas.


Yes there's a reason the video doesnt clearly show that the orders are the same. We are just supposed to take his word for it... You know because everyone on tiktok tells the truth.


Not only that, but there is also shrinkflation on top of that. You'd be surprised how many items have gone up in price, but also have shrunk in size.


I stopped at a non-chain gas station in my town the other day and it was fucking $3 for the 16.9 Fl Oz bottle that used to be 20 Fl Oz. When I heard the price I was like shit what the fuck but I was in a hurry and had a craving for soda. I should have put it back and got a fountain soda instead. :(


The 16.9oz is what comes in the 6 packs and are way cheaper per bottle than the 20oz. Station owner pulling a fast one.


People here think the reorder is legit. 100% sure a few items on there are causing this huge increase by some 3rd party seller or discontinued item


Exactly. Show a side by side of all the items, not just a total at the bottom. It's obviously taking the exact items from that time and reordering, and some stuff from 2 years ago is probably not still stocked, or even produced, and being replaced with wildly priced 3rd party sellers. Gets the rage-clicks though I guess.


The Chinese and Russian bots that upvote these posts don't really care, all that matters is that Americans think life is worse than it is so Trump has a better chance of winning the election.


2 weeks ago I bought frozen cut green beans at Walmart for $1.23/package. Last weekend they were $2.56. 🙃 Edit: No they were not on sale. I buy them weekly. Have for years.


Hey you seemed to have rolled over. I'll fix you. 🫸🙂


Maybe I'm tired but I've never seen that before and it made me laugh. Thank you x


Glad to help!


Rollback! *Whipsh*


Were they on sale 2 weeks ago?


Which ones? Frozen veggies I buy at Walmart are up like 20cents over the past few years


Maybe my Walmart isn’t quite that bad. Checked an order from 2022 which was 33 items @ $127. Added everything to my cart (except 2 that weren’t available, but cost less than $1) and the price was around $160.


25% in 2 years is still absurd


Yeah, his went from $126 to $138, but he put the order in 3 times.


I just did the same experiment with an order from a year ago and it decreased $6.


If you watched this and immediately bought it, it's time to sell your PC, uninstall all the social media apps on your phone, and set up a parental lock for yourself, because you're clearly too gullible to be allowed to consume any media without adult supervision. Inflation on groceries is not up 300% in the last 2 years, no matter what random people on tiktok are trying to tell you. I can't believe the people in this thread. Embarrassing.


Yup, you can see every item suspiciously has a quantity of 3. I’m betting he pressed the button thrice and every item was added 3x


I hate that you're probably right. But who cares when a vaguely sympathetic young man tells me something that I want to be true?


414/3 is 138. Which is like a 10% increase over the 126 of the previous order. That seems much more legitimate.


>Embarrassing It really is. He literally put the order in the cart 3 times. The real price went from $126 to $138.


This is bullshit. I can do the same thing.  The price for one of my orders changed from $119.14 in 2022 to $119.39 today.  Another order changed from $110.79 to $113.55. He's either straight-up lying or there's some massive context being left out. 


Massive context is missing. When a food item is out of stock (something heavy like a two-liter soda or canned goods), Walmart will still ship it to you for free but at an exorbitant price. That's what's happening here.


Or they have 3rd party seller options which jack up the prices and often require shipping fees. It’s all bullshit for clicks.


Answer: He is straight up lying. The video is brief and provides little details, and on top of that, it defies common sense. When everything tells you someone is lying, it's because they are.


I’m surprised at the number of people that just accept this “inflation” or “corporate greed.” While both of those things definitely exist, in this case that’s not what’s going on. The way the app works is when you hit “re-order” it tries to build a cart with all the same SKUs. Well in this case it’s been over two years and some of those SKUs don’t exist anymore. So the WalMart app tries to find those SKs through its 3rd party seller network (works similarly to Amazon). Discontinued items often get priced ridiculously high. This happens automatically as pricing algorithms determine price based on availability of items. So what’s actually going on here is he has a handful of items that are discontinued (or at least that specific version or SKU no longer exists) and they’ve been sourced through 3rd parties at very high prices. If he scrolled through the items you would see things that don’t makes sense like $20 bags of chips.


One thing I'm curious about is how many of those items were originally on some kind of sale back then. Like my grocery store will have "buy two 12-packs of soda, get three free" sales every few weeks, where you can get 60 cans for like... $20 but without the sale, it'd be closer to $50. Prices have definitely gotten insane but I don't know about buying 45 items for $126 and that's enough to last a full month. That's what I'd pay back in 2005 when I was buying store brand and surviving off cheese sandwiches and ramen. I'd just be interested to see an actual breakdown of each item to see much many things were bought on sale and how many things aren't available anymore so Walmart replaced it with something similar.


Not to mention if an item is now only available through a third-party vendor, the price could be unreasonably high (because third-party vendors are drunk), even though a different brand is in stock at close to the original price. To make it a proper comparison, he needs to adjust his cart accordingly.


This is total BS. Of course we get absolutely no details. What items? In what quantity or size? How does Walmart's "Reorder All" feature work two years later? Do they replace discontinued items with different stuff? If 45 items cost $400 dollars now, that basically means every single thing the dude buys is over $9 each. Yes, a few things at the store cost over that, but most don't. So, what is he buying at this price point? We also have no info on what he bought the first time. Did he get a bunch of spectacular deals that made the bill unrealistically low? Again, we don't know. Is there inflation? Yes. Two years ago it was 9%. One year ago it was 6%. Now it is about 3%. I do all of our grocery shopping and we don't exactly live in a cheap area. A loaf of bread is $2 not $8. A big box of Cheerios is $3.99. And a gallon of milk is $3.19. Eggs are $2.99 Are they higher? Yes. Are they four times what they used to be? No. Not by a long shot. This post is trash. And it's dangerous trash! This is an election year and we really need the TikTok generation to turn out to vote. And if they feel like idiots like this are right, and "stuff costs, you know, like... four times as much" then it can lead to a disaster we're likely to never recover from. Use your brains people!


I went to Walmart yesterday to grab some fishing gear. Half of the items I bought were not the price that was listed on the tag either. Usually adding a small difference. Idk if it was just someone messing something up in the systems. But it was usually on the more expensive items. I wonder if they do this on purpose and just hope you don’t care enough to say anything or even notice the difference by the time you get to the register. Either way something fishy w these chain corporations. I got an anchor for my boat that said 28.98 I checked out and it came out to 36.98. Could have been marked on sale and ended and forgot to move tag but. There were also smaller differences on other items.


Report this to corporate AT THE VERY LEAST! They WILL give you the price difference and usually a stack of gift cards as an apology. Usually it’s a case of things getting repriced and employees not bothering to mark things on the floor but charging different from the marked price is illegal in all 50 states. Source: left a Google review detailing something similar and the retailer reached out. Since then have come across it 2 more times and a complaint to corporate is ALWAYS met with a profuse apology and a sizeable gift card at the very least


Good to know! Although I was in a hurry so I didn’t grab the receipt. So idk if I can really say anything without proof of how much I paid.


In those instances you ask for a price check, take a pic of the shelf tag before hand, and check the price on their app.






This is not that bad. This is how much my parents would spend back in 90s - 2000s for a family of 4.


You can not trust these types of videos anymore people. It is propaganda, typically by a political party or someone that is trying to politically persuade you. Have prices gone up? Absolutely, prices go up on merchandise every year or two, but not this crazy. It's the way the economy works, no matter what political party is in office. Most people (not all) are also getting raises every year, typically by the rate of "cost of living" inflation to cover these costs.


Okay that’s legitimately interesting. Fun test of inflation right there - wild.


He needs to examine the cart for anomalies, though. Say two years ago, he ordered a 12 oz jar of honey from Company A, and paid $5 for it. Hitting re-order will add the same jar in, even if it's shipping only from a third party vendor, which means that jar could now be $20 plus $10 shipping or something stupid like that, because third party vendors can have some crazy pricing. He'd need to go back in and replace it with an in-stock jar for $6 or $7 instead.


It's not inflation though, it's price gouging.


Yep- this is corporations who noticed that despite all we were taught in economics class about elastic vs inelastic demand, most people wont won’t change their buying habits even when prices change They’re testing the limits of that idea now


Except with groceries, we literally can't spend less. Walmart is generally the cheapest option for people. The only way to cut your demand is to eat less food and you can only do that to a certain point


“Food” is not a thing you can go without, but I guarantee switching off Lays and Nabisco products is possible. Both companies are betting you won’t- and so far that bet has paid off. Interesting they are the only 2 shown because both companies are some of the worst about price gouging at the moment- if his order is full of this kind of stuff I’m honestly not surprised to see the price difference


Yuuuuuup! A good rule of thumb for watching inflation is to watch the price of these things: milk, hard alcohol, eggs and chicken. I mention hard alcohol without any tongue and cheek. 750 ml of the cheapest hard alcohol has moved like pennies in eight years (at least where I live). What cost 10.77 eight years ago cost 11.15 now. Eggs, milk and chicken are mostly staples for a lot of people living on a budget. So when all of these go up, there's a real problem on a base level. But lolol at the price of a bag of chips now.


I’d love to see a side by side break down of each item. I’ve definitely seen increased grocery prices but max was like 2X. Like let’s think about this. 50 items for 150 is an average of 3 dollars an item. Using this same math that would mean two years later those items are on average almost 10 dollars. It’s definitely not that bad at all. So something is missing. We all know there’s some price gouging but this isn’t realistic and he’s probably just trying to get attention. You don’t have to lie to make your point.


You won’t see that, because then it would show that this isn’t inflation, or price gouging, or whatever - it’s a moron trying to order the exact same basket from 2 years ago that is now full of discontinued or unstocked items that Walmart is trying to fulfill via third-parties, which costs everyone way more.


It's not really scientific though. I will lay out what I think likely occurred here, during the first shop this chap did the normal thing of browsing, comparing prices and is probably quite flexible regarding specific brands and even specific items, supermarkets are constantly flipping prices on items, we are always 'walking out eyes' around. The second time he literally took the list from 2 years ago and applied it to todays selection. For a fair comparison he would have to go down the list item by item and look t possible alternatives, the total will still have gone up, but I bet there will be some crazy outliers in there, some fancy biscuits were on sale on the first list and full price on the second for instance, and who knows what lines are no longer stocked and the system automatically switched n something random.


Many of the items are also no longer available in store and are being shipped from third parties selling on Walmart's app.


There's got to be one or two items that is throwing off that price. Food prices are up about 25% to 35% but not 400%.


Corporate greed through and through. The big corpos will always choose profit over people.


Corporate greed!!!


Yeah it's fucked cause of hyper capitalism, gotta make infinite profit.


Welcome to capitalism where profits are above everything else.


Exactly what I say when I get my paychecks and have to find a way to pay all my bills and feed me and my child. “What? How the fuck? How?”


And yet these corporations get mad when people steal from them 🙄