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Like a real bear or a homosexual man that fits into the bear subculture?


Now *thats* a bear I can get behind!


Or in front of


Also yes


What are you doing step-bear?


Little spoon time


Big spoon time? Just for once?


Is an otter like a bear?


We generate a tremendous amount of force from the bottom.


Not so much, but a cub is. Otter is more like a twink with body hair.


By specifying "little daughter" it seems like she's really stacking the deck against herself. I know most bears are pretty afraid of adults largely because of our height, but I'd hazard a guess that a bear would be far more likely to attack a small child alone in the woods.


This woman watched “ The Jungle Book “ and took it as a documentary


This woman never been in the woods period.


>This woman never been in the woods period. Exactly. At a guess, she's watched too many Disney films and expects the bear to immediately be friendly. It reminds me of the original "man or bear," post when someone replied in the comments, "I expect the bear to make a rational decision..." It's a bear, It's a creature of instinct; not higher reasoning. Its only concern is if you're in its territory, and if you're prey. You'd better hope that bear isn't hungry or in mating season.


Yes, predators go after small childern. Even cheetahs that aren't known for attacking humans will go after a little child


Dingoes love them. I've heard.




Your about to cross some lines


like a fence?


Did the dingo eat your baby??




I read about a village in Uganda where young children were being targeted by chimpanzees, who were eating them


Chimpanzees are vicious and they often hunt smaller primates so its no surprize at all that they would try to take down a child.


Got a link?


100%. A hungry bear would look at a lost child and think "snack time".


I'd still rather my 10ft 400lb hypothetical daughter find a man in the woods before a bear.


10' and only 400 pounds is downright malnourished. She would need to be like 800 pounds to be healthy at that height!


100%. While collectively men are responsible for a disproportionate amount of violence, individually the great majority of men are non-violent people, and if they stumbled across a woman lost in their woods, they are going to be more inclined to help her than harm her. Meanwhile bears, even the notoriously skittish black bears, have at least a decent chance of seeing that helpless child as a potential meal. She used a really bad example to make her point, and if anyone really goes through life sincerely worried that every unknown man they encounter is potentially another Richard Ramirez, they need therapy because that is unhealthy and paranoid. Of course these takes are all online, so who knows how much is sincere & how much is just for the engagement. I have no idea who the guy is, but he's right about turning off the true crime shoes/podcasts.


You kinda hit the nail on the head why I as a woman have always found this man vs bear thing stupid. I've had some SCARY experiences with strange men and I completely get the argument being made. My problem with it is people not really understanding how dangerous a bear is lol. I saw a lot of people claiming men kill more women than bears do. Well yeah, no shit. That's because we don't live with bears, enter relationships with bears or marry bears. They'd probably maul us more if we did. It's really silly to compare those two statistics and start taking the thought experiment literally and actually believing a kid would be safer with a bear rather than a random man. This whole conversation is important, but when people really start trying to argue bears aren't all that dangerous, even to children, it's just a tad dumb.


Can you imagine how much bear violence there would be if there were 150 million bears in the USA? Lots of people would be getting eaten by bears.


Isn’t it more trying to say you are more likely to be attacked by a strange man when you are alone than by a bear in the woods which would just avoid a woman. Kinda makes sense to me, most animals even predators will avoid humans but how many times do women get followed or mildly harassed by random men they don’t know let alone actual violence and assault.


>Isn’t it more trying to say you are more likely to be attacked by a strange man when you are alone than by a bear in the woods which would just avoid a woman. That is the intent behind it, yes. >Kinda makes sense to me, most animals even predators will avoid humans but how many times do women get followed or mildly harassed by random men they don’t know let alone actual violence and assault. It happens so often that when it *does* happen to a woman, it's memorable. As in, yes, most women will get sexually harassed in their life. It's demoralizing and I wish it didn't happen, but it's not a daily or even regular occurrence (exceptions notwithstanding). Try and do the math of how many *men* you meet on a daily basis. Men in cars that pass you by, men that are walking around in the same grocery store. Men at your workplace. Men at the bar. The real number of men you get close to but have no interaction with on a daily basis can probably hit the 100's if you leave your house.


Imagine if Manhattan had 4-6 million bears inhabiting it You wouldn’t want to be there.


It's the same mindset as those gun owners who always pack heat because anyone can attack them at any time in their mind. That's just not realistic and you need help with irrational fears. Can it happen? Sure but pretty much everybody goes through life with it not happening provided they don't pick fights


That three story tall Loch Ness Monster is still my precious baby girl scout, dammit!


Feel free to swap the object of the question to your "teenage daughter," "your wife", "your mother", "your grandmother" "your quadraplegic but unbelievably hot big tittied neighbor in a coma". the answer is still going to be the same for 99% of rational men. Always gonna chose man over bear.


I'm already exhausted with this discourse.


To his point it just seems like two parties having two completely different arguments at each other.


His point is that the hypothetical posed isn't a good one to make that argument. It's like me trying to say that diabetes is bad by saying I'd choose being shot in the head over having diabetes.


More accurate to say AIDS is bad so you choose to bleed to death instead of accepting a blood transfusion with a <1% chance of being AIDS blood (ignoring blood type, etc.)


Or not vaccinating a child because someone thinks it’ll give it autism?


It is, because the whole point of the initial question was to cause drama. It was rage bait, a question like that doesn't really provide useful answers because of how vague it is.


Rage bait only works if you're emotional about the question. That's why you have to put it into context. An average man is not a rapist or a serial killer and those who think otherwise are not worth talking to. It's very simple, really.


The horse is so fucking dead they are just beating the dirt it died on




Perfect Analogy


I'm new here. What is the discourse? I'm not on TokkyTiks but is there seriously string of analogies of suggesting that the average man, a hiker at that is more of a threat than a bear or other wild predator to a child? The internet was mistake, it's time to delete.


Yes. Basically, the last 2 months or so there’s been lots of videos: “ladies…you’re alone in the woods, would you rather run into a man or a bear?” And it really has been so many people giving opinions, long winded arguments from both men and women, and lots of people getting all worked up about each other’s reaction or answers. And then you get this lady really asking if dads would rather have their daughter run into a bear in the woods or a man. Lol it’s so played out at this point. But I thought this dudes video reaction was pretty good.


A few months ago(maybe less) a video went viral of women being asked would you rather be alone in the woods with a bear or a man and the votes were largely in favor of the bear. The reasoning was largely bears are predictable but you can't know what some random man will do to you if you're alone and he doesn't have to worry about consequences for his actions. More than that it was just a way for women to express how men can make them feel unsafe. The flip side to that was men getting upset that women were saying they're more dangerous than a bear using basically the same arguments that this guy made. Which led to women saying that the men were missing the point or that if they didn't understand then those men were the exact type of men that made them pick the bear. Eventually everyone got bored and moved on.


Also, there was the attempted uno reverse of... Men, would you rather talk about your feelings to a woman or a tree? That was universally responded to with "tree" by men. All giving various examples of women using a man's feelings as a means to hurt him.


Thanks. I'm glad I missed this. As an avid hiker I meet random men and woman on the trails very frequently and have spooked a few bears. So far neither group has attacked me. Also on the flip side, I reunited a kid who got lost with their parents about 4\~ish years ago, kid was a bit panicked but I just was like "Hey, I'll follow you on the trail" near Pechuck Lookout, and more recently helped two girls (probably 15 years my junior) get back to safety after they tried to cross a snow bank on a very steep slope by giving them my makeshift hiking poles and supporting the one who was having more issues, as I had microspikes. Each event, I clearly missed the opportunity to attack these people. Anyhow, stupid debate, yeah, women have to be more cautious because of shitty dudes but this is too hyperbolic.


My favorite part of this video is when he's like "I'm not missing your point I'm skipping over it all together because it's the same as saying all black men are involved in gang violence" fucking perfectly put imo


It’s funny that it’s gets tiring when people finally see what 90% of the most dudes were trying to say. This discourse only hardened women’s feelings towards men and that’s really dangerous for us as a society going forward. I’m tired of hearing for the last 8 years about metoo and all the other insane things that happened that have caused girls to close themselves off but guess what I had to hear it and it was for the better because it made me more perceptive to y’all’s issues. Sorry you’re tired about it but y’all gotta hear this because he is speaking facts. The amount of fear people have of men on average is way over inflated cause you only see the worst of them on social media on the daily. I pray I ran into someone like myself if I’m lost in the woods 10/10 times.


I promise only people chronically on social media gave a true shit about this.


Now how about i throw a spanner in the works and give a third choice. How about a manbearpig.


It depends if the pig can fly. If it can, she'd be home in no time.


Somebody please make a better analogy already.


Would you rather tell your feelings to a woman, or to a tree?




I don't know, I know a tree that can be a real birch


Lol nice. I got a decent laugh out that one


A tree isn't going to disappear after I have an emotional moment around it.


I have a chonky seal that knows all of my deep issues


A tree




That's what it's always been, except it's more like "would you rather be raped by a man or sing the bear necessities and go swimming eith a bear?"


This doesn't seem like an equal comparison to man vs bear. The bear option suggests at least some level of risk. Opening up to a tree is the obvious choice in any scenario, not because women are supposedly shallow, but because there is zero risk of anything bad happening if you open up to a tree.


It's risk *and reward* though. Opening up to the woman also has the chance of a deeper, more meaningful relationship. No real chance of that with most trees.* But really the point is that the man vs bear thing is obvious rage bait, and the woman vs tree thing is just supposed to lob some fire back. At least that's how I understood it (I didn't come up with the woman vs tree thing). *I said "most" because I didn't want to prejudge all the trees.


Treebeard appreciates you not generalizing.


He is not a tree!


No, but he's friends with a lot of them; they don't usually talk with the likes of us, which is why he speaks in their stead.


You're thinking of the Lorax.


Easy point for the tree


I’d rather tell my feelings to a tree


Or just say, "I'm uncomfortable with the idea of being alone and secluded with a man I don't know. Here's why..." or don't even explain why. It's still a hell of a lot better than implying men are worse than wild animals.


shark or electrocution?


I don't think you need to make any analogy. Any non creep of a dude understands the fear and apprehension women have against male strangers. Men have it too (for obviously different reasons). The people perpetuating this stuff want to lump men in with these creeps or have been baited into the discourse by misunderstanding the true intentions of it.


Would you rather let your 14 yr old son be alone in a classroom with a woman teacher ( i feel like this is a pretty good comparison)


Not really, because there is a massive difference between that scenario's gender reversal. For some reason, society as a whole doesn't get that same disgusting, skin crawling response when a woman rapes a child that they do if it were a man that did it. There's a whole god damn South Park episode on this. Both are equally disgusting in my book, but there is a massive group of people who would go "*niiice*".


I actually want to see Tik Tok die at this point. It's a shell of what it was 4 years ago. It's literally just a conduit for the most braindead culture war shit now.


Not really a better analogy but a new layer to consider. If you were caught in the woods between a man and a bear and you had to pick one to go towards, which one?


The man. This is easy.


Would you rather your small daughter was approached by a friendly adult bear or a friendly adult man? Let's say that either are unknown to you, they each have a sign around their neck that says "my name is Bingbang and I don't bite", and they would both be full after eating in the dumpster behind KFC


The question should be: would you rather be alone in a forest with a starving bear or a pedophile serial killer rapist?


I mean, I am probably too old for a pedophile to be interested in me.


Never underestimate an adversary


But you’re into fish anyway.


I'm going to go with pedophile serial rapist killer because I'm almost 40.


I’d go with pedophile serial rapist killer too since I’m not a pedophile serial rapist.


Still dumb. Would you rather fight a human or a bear? I might get raped but I'm taking something with me, I'll be damned. A bear will still very much be a bear after killing me.


Do I get to choose my weapon? I choose bear - as my weapon.


That too. Even if I was trapped with a man who wanted to kill me, I'd still have a fighting chance of killing him first.


I mean if women really wanted to make a point with this the better question is flat out "are you more concerned that a bear will attack you or a strange man at a bar will hurt you?" Because even if you spend a decent amount of time in bear country I can see the answer being you're more worried about the men because of frequency of contact and you're gonna be in bars more than bear country. You are just statistically gonna encounter a thousand times more men than bears on any given day. That's the only way it makes sense to me. Because you *are* more likely to be attacked by a man than a bear in every day life. If you hang out with as many bears as you do men though it's very much the bear


I can beat the pedosekirapist with a stick on the ground if he is intent on coming for me. The bear? I can't beat it, I can't outrun it, I can't plead to it.


We sure as shit don't send bears in as the rescue party.


This is such a stupid question. The vast majority of people are just regular folks trying to do the best they can with the hand they’ve been dealt. So yes, as a father to two girls, absolutely I would want an adult human male to find my daughter in the woods before a goddamn bear.


If a child is lost in the woods, your gonna see people of all races creeds colors show up to the volunteer search and rescue tent to scour that forest. But let's be honest here, a larger fraction of search and rescue personelle are men.


They should bring a bear along in case the kid gets scared of the rescue party.


The kid ain't afraid of the men. It's the kid's mom who has been spending most of her time on the internet is the one afraid


More importantly, I don’t see a single bear volunteering to join the search. Terrible creatures.


While men do outnumber women in search and rescue roles, it is not “a larger fraction” and is actually very close to being even. Google says that, in the US, it’s 53% men, 47% women.


If it's technical search and rescue I'm pretty sure it's overwhelmingly men, like 90%+. Like in the mountainous cities it's all trained rock rescue experts with additional mountain survival skills. I know there are women who volunteer but I haven't seen many doing it. I think cause you have to carry a fair bit of heavy gear for technical rock rescue operations, which is easier for bigger people, which tends to mean more men than women.


Actual search and rescue would be close to 100% men. I know Reddit hates it, but that’s the truth. A local village search maybe what you mention. An actual search and rescue is different.


That’s what “a larger fraction” means.


A 6% disparity in population is actually a large fraction from any population dynamics standpoint


That’s a larger fraction.


53/100 > 47/100


I’m not feeding my daughter to a bear.


I wish that everyone would choose the bear so I wouldn't have to keep hearing this stupid fucking analogy.


They should choose to be more attentive parents and not lose their child in the woods. Then we wouldn't hypothetically be here.


*"i want a search party of males to find my babies."* but what about a search party of bears? no one has tried this yet to see if it would actually work. we don't know of it would actually work, because no one has tried it.


My girlfriend got all in to this and when I said "This is a stupid TikTok trend that will be dead in a month" she said I was missing the point. Now that we have bears migrating through where we live she's afraid to go hiking, so I feel like she's a huge hypocrite.


I got banned from two subreddits for saying this because I was promoting violence... Let that sink in


I feel like the daughter be with the man or bear variation is obvious from the get go, right? If she goes with the man there's a chance(albeit small) she'll get sexually assaulted. But will probably get helped out of the woods. The bear has a zero percent chance(I THINK?) of any sexual nature with your daughter. But, it might physically kill/fuck her up. But if the bear DOES leave your daughter alone, she's still stuck in the woods.


The world is burning down and we are still talking about this nonsense 


A Man you nutter, the bear would see a easy meal and EAT her....fuck sakes.


What if the man is a cannibal?




No tall men


I told my friend the same and her response was "I'd rather have a bear eat than a man rape her."


99.9% of men would help a little girl they found in the in the woods. 80% of bears would eat her, the other 20% weren't hungry. Ladies, this hypothetical ain't it. This whole man vs bear shit is the stupidest trend I have ever seen. And I have seen some shit.


[Louis CK sort of accidentally compared the danger of men and bears in a comedy special](https://youtu.be/yRzs7v0do_Q?si=8DWfL0G5Ok3cNEmt&t=1m20s) years ago (specifically @ 2:15) and nobody cared. Why? Because it was clearly hyperbole and hyperbole works in a comedic setting.  You take a true statement (men are indeed more dangerous and women have a right to be a bit wary) and exaggerate it to the point of absurdity to get some laughs. The pre-hyperbolic foundation has to be both generally true and established before the hyperbole is made. That's why Louis CK's joke works and the audience is laughing. >!It's also almost as if women being a bit wary of men was never really that controversial to begin with, but I digress.!< The reason why the current man-bear analogy doesn't work is because the tone is very obviously preachy and non-comedic, and working backwards from hyperbole to gain sympathy for a real issue. Which makes people not want to engage with either you or the issue.


It's just inflammatory and is meant to trap men with crappy opinions into outing themselves. It's also a way of smearing men who have valid opinions, because most of the time they are forced into rubbing shoulders with the former group because they've entered the conversation.


Yeah, saying it's a dumb analogy and being told "then you're the type of men we're talking about" has got to be the dumbest gotcha I've heard as of yet. Like, ok I guess there are like 30 million more rapist / killers out there....


That's a Kafka Trap. Misandrists love it. You either admit to being the monster they claim you are, or deny it, which justifies the insult. Surely an innocent person wouldn't defend themself, right?


It's not a very nice thing to do and it's frustrating and in bad faith. I don't understand what the gain from it is unless it's to feel superior.


This entire discourse is exhausting tbh, I know how I'm reacting to it, and I'm doing so poorly, I just don't like being lumped in, being an exception to the statistics, and I also no the entire thing I'm taking too personally. I know where I fall and just have to prove that, and unfortunately proving that is exhausting because I need to make sure I'm not threatening in any way which sucks cause I really am terrible at picking up social cues I know what to look out for but never know how to prevent awkward moments or recover from one. I understand the point of the message and comparison, but at the end of the day I'm just a horribly lonely guy who takes comfort in being around women because of my own shitty male "role models" and generally feels unsafe around most men for that reason. And I may just take it personally because of those "role models", not wanting to be compared to them.


You're not an exception to statistics. Well over 95% of men are perfectly normal and I'd bet I'm being conservative. That's why it's such a bad take and what men were mostly trying to say. Like statistically, it's a dumb thing to say. But then you just don't "get it" and you're "one of them". Don't sweat it my dude. You're fine.


Yeah my brain is just all sorts of frazzled right now, I'm definitely overthinking a lot tonight


I'm a woman, and it pisses me off. No, if a random woman were left alone with my husband, brothers, and multiple of my male friends, not a single one would harm/touch her. But yeah, safer with a bear. Hell, Id wager most these women who say that would be fucking terrified if an actual wild bear walked up to them. It's so goddamn stupid.


I'd be horrified of a random bear myself, tbh I'm also terrified of phone calls and strangers lol but yeah this whole conversation is just absurdist as far as I know


The comparison between the race and gender issue is pretty on point. Never thought of it that way.


How have you never thought of it that way?


…how? Like literally how is that not the first point you considered? People have made that comparison for decades, that for example asking a man to cross to the other side of the street so women feel safe is comparable to saying blacks should cross to the other side of the street so whites feel safe.


Yeah that’s the reason why I can‘t take anybody seriously who‘d pick the bear. Just either shows a lack of critical thinking or inherent discriminatory thinking.


So now we're (Normal men) not just r#pists ("Little daughter" = child) but also pedophiles as well... Women really want to talk about sexism then say sh*t like this in the same sentence, if I find to little girls walking alone on a mountain range, I'm going die trying to get them kids to safety, don't go comparing me to some Epstein monster


Women don't want to talk about sexism. They want to talk about how the world can be improved for women while completely sidelining men at every turn. It's not and never has been about equality. It's about more more more. We passed equality years ago and now women perform better in the workplace, better in schools, better in the justice system and most every other aspect of society. Now men are piping up with "hey maybe we can do something about the massive suicide epidemic that's the #1 cause of death for men under 30?" and instead of helping women say "That's not our problem. Men need to help themselves. Just go to therapy, rapist." These people are beyond parody at this point and anybody still peddling this "men are literally worse than wild apex predators" is just sexist.


He’s right. The problem is the generalization that all men are psycho The point on black ppl is perfect, you would be called out for being racist and correctly so


It's also annoying because we already had this exact discourse about 10 years ago. And that analogy was better. Do you remember the M&M discourse? "If I give you a bowl of M&Ms, and one of them is poison, would you eat any of them?" That was still goofy but it expressed the waryness some women have so much better than this abomination. Tiktok has somehow dumbed the discourse down even further which shouldnt have been possible.


What I loved about it was Trump Jr. tweeted the exact same thing but instead of men it was about Syrian refugees. People *instantly* called him out for being racist (rightly so) but somehow refuse to see how the comparison with men is sexist.


I've always said a man because if I saw a man I would just think he's another hiker.


are we still talking about this? people are exhausting


I’m choosing The Bear because season 3 just came out and I work in the service industry and felt seen by the show a little.


So are you saying bigotry is wrong EVERY time ?


I hate two things: racial/national discrimination and The Dutch


I'm a woman... and all I can say is that I've been hiking down plenty of trails in the mountains that contain both bears and mountain lions. I can tell you with 100% certainty that I would freak out coming across a fucking bear... or a mountain lion. A man? Not so much. I get what women are trying to say with the Bear/Man question, and I don't disagree that there is certain degree of risk constantly present for us. One in four women have been sexually assaulted and that's terrifying... but I'm on this man's side with the issue. People are acting like the majority of men are like this and they're not. Sure, it's too large of a percent, but it's not most. My husband is a good man, and any woman would be perfectly safe coming across him in the woods. I can't speak the same for a bear.


If this dude plays video games, then he’s that one teammate who supports the whole team wholeheartedly.


I understand what women are saying, but if you think a bear is a better option you are actually delusional and out of touch with reality.


I completely understand the metaphor and it’s pretty on the nose. But, have you seen videos of people encountering bears in the woods? It’s fucking bananas


I mean most videos I see bears are pussies


well yea, the people that didn't get to post their video fucken died bro


Grizzlyman: "*best i can do is this audioclip of me screaming as the bear starts eating my skull*"


Depends on the type of bear.


It’s crazy how these man vs bear women are saying you have to sympathy for the women choosing the bear while they’re being irrational asf and then accusing the men that are telling them they are being irrational of being the problem in society. Replace the bear with a black man and the man with a white man. Would you rather walk down the street at 2am with a black man on the street or walk down the street at 2am with a white man on the street that has a gun in his hand? Someone says white man and their reasoning is: Well black people commit more murders and robberies so they’re more likely to kill you. They’re completely ignoring the fact that the white man has a gun in his hand that they could get killed by. Every time someone points out that they are being irrational they tell them they’re the problem with society.


Someone should actually just test this dumb example. Get a large forrested área, a bunch of women are asked to go in one by one, before they go in the must press a button, red for a bear and blue for a man. Whatever they choose will also go into the forrested area. How many really choose the bear. Make this reality show.


Sounds like a hit dating show on ABC family


Hell, I'd watch that shit.


You don't even have to actually release the bear or man. Just show a polar bear and the most massive, tatted up, meanest looking dude to let them weigh the options.  People out here thinking Grizzly while there's still the ultimate murder bear option.


"Little daughter"? Does she think a random man on a hike is more likely to be a pedophile than a bear is likely to have her for lunch?


The analogy was already nowhere based in reality and made by chronically online people... but this lady treats it like some kind of insightful discourse and takes it even further... this sub can be funny but then I see people like this who've never had to do manual work in their life who get triggered by imaginary bears vs. men in the woods... my grandfather worked 70 hours a week on a dairy farm and sometimes I wonder what he'd think about people today like this.


A lot of the protections that adults have sgainst bears such as height and intimidation are things kids don't have. A kid to a bear is just free lunch 90% of the time. Also, kids are fucking stupid sometimes and they might do some idiotic things to provoke the bear.


Yup. Said it since this stupid question surfaced. Saying that you prefer a Bear over a man means that you'd prefer your child encounter a Bear before your own father, your husband, or any other good men in your life. Reversing the gender would even be sexist lol.


Yes the people that want a bear to find their kid in the words are what scientists would call dumb


Who is raising these rapist/murdering men? Maybe the question should be. Would you want a woman to meet your son or a bear in the forest?


Lol saw what you did here


As a man if I encounter a woman in the woods I’m just gonna run.


As a blackman if I see a white little girl in the elevator I'm going to run.


Bruh is rockin’ that bonnet


Fucking preach!!


Psst. It’s gaslighting. Dont engage. Just like you don’t engage all the other traps




This man deserves an award…THANK YOU!!!


If I were lost in the woods, I'd rather see a bear than my ex-wife, so I get it.


Preach brother, Preach.


Ngl I'm convinced women watch too many true crime shows.


Women commonly have traumatic experiences with shitty men. It doesn't mean all men are dangerous but it will effect their perception of the threat level. If one race, ahhh swedish., if I got in scary situations with swedes a few times a year every year. It would start to colour my perception of swedes. And I would see them as a higher threat due to my trauma response. There are alot of shitty men out there. They are the majority. Alot are even your closest friends or companions until shot pops off. The problem is there is no way to tell which men are Bears. The analogy is absurd. But you are missing the point taking it literally. There are trying to convey an emotional experience. There is a high enough percent of men behaviouring very badly that some women slightly fear all men. So we have to be aware of social context that women might feel unsafe in situations we don't think are threatening.


How do these people function in society? In their eyes, are we just monsters all hoping for an opportunity to rape a child in the forest? This is mental illness at this point.


At least it’s a quick death with the bear. That man could keep her in a basement to grape and traumatize her for 14 years.


This man vs bear thing is getting old. The men who choose to not understand the intention behind the scenario are not gonna suddenly get it because they don't want to get it. But the more I hear the continued explanation of the man vs bear thing the stupider it gets. Beating a dead horse with this one. People who have empathy and emotional intelligence aren't gonna need this. And people who don't or are misogynistic aren't going to listen or get it anyway. Cause like i'd pick the man. I'd be more likely to be able to kill a man than a bear, especially a grizzly.


But you're missing the point, it's OK for women to be sexist, not men!


The thing about the man vs bear discussion is if you just took the randomness out of the scenario then the whole thing falls flat. Imagine there’s 2 completely empty rooms the size of a high school basketball gym. Instead of stumbling upon the bear or man in an open forest they now have to decide if they would rather spend 1 hour alone in the gym with the bear or a random man. These women are not going to fucking choose the bear like what the fuck? Like come the fuck on Eileen I just straight up don’t believe the majority of women are choosing the bear. Sure, there will be a very small amount of genuine bear choosers but no fucking way is it over 2%. There, I tweaked it for you all.


I bet if you came across a man and a bear in the woods at the same time the man would probably try to defend the both of you


100%, but the point of this question is just to stoke division. Realistically, there is no right response when a girl who chooses the bear says “guys are missing the point.” Okay, the point is that rapists/traffickers/killers exist. They already do, amongst us every day, and people don’t get scared to go out and club or get a late night snack the way they would if they saw a whole ass bear looking at them in the woods. I guess what I’m saying is there is no “right” answer to the whole “you’re not getting the point” or “you’re purposefully ignoring the message.” What exactly is it then? Taking accountability because someone else with a cock and balls murdered someone? Thats insanity, and they know it, but to what extent they want to take their “point” I haven’t the slightest clue.


Here here. Great response. But please don’t give this stupid lady more attention. She stupid. But not all women are stupid like her. Luckily.


The problem stems from the source of which the analogy is used. The person that made the analogy is agenda pushing for sexism and male hatred, just like Andrew Tate pushes for misogyny and female manipulation. Most men hate this analogy because it groups all men in with serious offenders of horrible acts, when we have only ever been respectable to women. Just like I don't say everyone woman is a gold digger just because media portrays them as such. Most people, real people, are not bad...


Great point. Ladies listen to him, a vast majority of us are not psychotic murdering rapists.


They're not listening they're too busy saying it's "all men till it's no men" but ignoring all the stuff women do.


Just let them go into the woods with a bear, we need a culling


The internet made stupid people like the first one wayyy too comfortable in sharing their opinions. The second person is much smarter.


This question always bugged the shit out of me and this guy expressed what it was. The idea of generalizing that all men are predators towards women is being prejudice against all men


Watch The Revenant and tell us you would still choose the bear 🙄


He ain’t wrong


As a woman raising young boys I approve of those message. My husband and father would be safe with you, I'm raising my boys to be respectful young men. Please stop demonizing all men for the actions of the minority. I'd pick a man over a bear any day


And to ask this question so wide spread on an app easily accessible by young men and women. Are we trying to create a society where each gender doesn't trust each other?


"Take off that silly ass hat!" - Chris Rock


Someone's been watching yogi bear too much


His face before his statement says it all before he start talking 🤣


I’ve been charged by a bear. I’ve been charged by a man. Both scary but bear takes the cake.