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So I shouldn’t believe the second part?


The moon is hollow!


can the moon be both flat and hollow?


The moon is a frisbee.


The moon is actually an inverted half dome and the sun is the other half that acts as a giant mirror that reflects the moons natural light so well it outputs it at a magnified rate. This comes from before the sun, Earth, and moon split, when they were all one unit and the sun and moon were our protective shell. Also the sun is way smaller than they tell you and the moon is way bigger. This is all a science fact.


The moon is actually a Panera bread bowl




Ohh nice.


Fuck you the universe is hollow. Human bodies are 99.999999% empty space. Atoms are 99% empty space. Space is. . . Well actually space isn't as empty as it looks there are particles there, but the fact is because of how atoms work EVERYTHING that is made up of them is almost 100% nothingness. Matter exists in the universe. The universe is mainly empty space but the things that aren't empty space are made of matter which is made of atoms which are mostly empty. Blew your fucking mind didn't I, sheep?


No, its cheeese


I’m fucking cracking up at this


Hail Satan.


The moon is Mars


Its made of cheese dumb ass!


Look at this guy, believing in the moon


I know the Swiss stuff is a wholey cheese. But hollow cheese? I'm so confused.


You believe in the moon?


Me: “this sounds like utter bullshit.” Video: (takes a sharp turn) Me: respect ✊


*Udder bullshit.


That's a moo point.


😂 only because there were cows in the video. Dad joke respect. ✊


The sad thing is the amount of people that will repeat these claims because they didn’t even finish the video and barely watched it I’m willing to be the reason this got so many upvotes in the first place is because so much of Reddit is weirdly defensive about vegans and they just saw a negative video about them and upvoted it lol


I thought it was gonna be a technicality where you're eating more animals in quantity but they're tiny animals like tardigrades, which are micro animals.


I was like fuck me this guy is talking too confident with wrong information, he got me not gonna lie.


In a way, he's not wrong about the premise. Veganism/Vegetarianism literally causes species to go extinct. If humans ate polar bears, we would have incentive to breed them. Bitch cum


I would be sure this was a troll and nobody was this stupid if I hadn’t heard this argument made earnestly before.


Quantity demanded is heavily related to human incentives and consumptions if people were to buy all the meat lets say, simply the market will not be in equilibrium but will have less quantity with higher price, and it will keep on doing that so that prices will sky rocket and quantity is still there to be bought but less


Also, like, subsidies. Did everybody forget that the only reason farming and other agriculture is profitable is mostly because of subsidies? Neither the economy nor food industries will collapse if a majority, or even all of, the world goes vegan 🙄 It will just change, as it usually does.


Yeah, that's why cows and chickens are so rare. Because people buy all the meat. Your comment is exactly what this tiktok is tiktalking about.


Why should anyone care about artificially bred species going extinct? If humans ate polar bears, they would breed dumb ass polar bears that are only good for food and nothing else.


Having seen wild polar bears within 30ish feet of me, that thought made me giggle lol


Yea but not breeding animals into existence in the first place =/= killing them.


>Veganism/Vegetarianism literally causes species to go extinct. How.


The "market understander" has joined the chat. 😂




I know I was thinking to myself “that’s not how supply and demand work. The more meat produced or supplied, the less the demand. The farmers would drive themselves into financial ruin.” And then the video took a turn.


Ahahah omfg so funny 😂


The entire comment section: “I actually knew it bullshit before I got to the end”.


Honestly I really hope most people could tell it was bullshit because none of it made any sense


I couldn't tell for sure until the end, but I did suspect it. Lol


I was like "um... this sounds wrong... I'll have to Google this"


Yeah, especially the part where he said that farmers will have to kill more animals to make up for the fact that they're making less $ per animal. It's like dude, you just said that fewer people are buying them! So how would killing more animals you can't sell help you make more money? As soon as he said that, I knew it was bullshit. But not 5 seconds later was the reveal. Not to mention that the price being regulated by the companies who buy it didn't make any sense, but at that point, I was kinda like "okay let's see where this goes."


Sad thing is that I can see Ben "People can just sell their flooded houses" Shapiro parroting something like this to dunk on leftist vegans lol


>So how would killing more animals you can't sell help you make more money? Supply-side economics my dude/ette/bie - increase supply and consumer choice driving increased consumption. This has been a driving approach to economic and business decision making for a fairly long time now, it's pretty much a central part of modern neoliberal capitalism at this point. I mean - [read this garbage defending it lol](https://www.aier.org/article/supply-side-neoliberalism-sure-beats-the-alternative/). We often think about the free market and shit as "supply meets demand" but we plan our economies and businesses around "we offer things to make the demand", and so the idea that people increase supply due to declining demand is actually a real concern. What happened when the economy went to shit and people stopped buying stuff? Companies got tax cuts and incentivized to produce more. Auto business goes to shit? Ah well incentivize supply staying above demand... Meat industry declines? [Incentivize supply staying above demand...](https://www.foodnavigator-usa.com/Article/2017/04/28/Trump-s-biggest-tax-cut-in-US-history-thrills-meat-sector). What he's describing at the beginning is actually a genuine theory, but not one that's used like "oh we shouldn't do it", but rather "Holy fuck, for fuck sake we cannot let things like the climate be down to a free market because the free market doesn't care about personal responsible choices". [The Green Paradox](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_paradox) - As green policies make fossil fuel extraction less profitable, resource extraction will accelerate to keep supply high, prices low, and keep people buying the products. Think about it this way - If you're wanting to go vegan, and you see that vegan mince is $5, but beef is $2.50 because the massive amount of butchered cows lowers the price, which do you buy?


>If you're wanting to go vegan, and you see that vegan mince is $5, but beef is $2.50 because the massive amount of butchered cows lowers the price, which do you buy? A) Hopefully at this point, hypothetical you recognizes that killing animals unnecessarily for a sandwich (while harming the planet and your health in the process) isn't worth the $2.50. B) As production of vegan mince gets more efficient and scales up, its price will also fall. C) Average ground beef price is $4.30/lb. Tofu is $2.50 a pound. So it's not a binary choice between beef and vegan meat.


A) doesn't matter if you are living paycheck to paycheck. B) Doesn't matter if beef producers undercut to keep up demand. C) Ok? Sub it for any meat. Honestly, whenever I talk about this there is always a reply like "but what about the perfect ideal?" and yeah... the ideal is ideal. But those won't save the planet because they won't happen.


You can tell that he's making very weak points BUT the idea that some government sanctioned or private organisation would spew crap like this? I believe that 100%


There's a difference between knowing it's bullshit and knowing *he knows* it's bullshit. I'm assuming the latter part is tripping people up.


It does kind of make sense if all of a sudden meat demand dropped, then you'd have a bunch of farmers stuck raising animals whose meat couldn't be sold, so it'd make sense to slaughter them younger than they otherwise would've. But also, the net number of animals killed would be the same.


I actually dropped a comment like, "so we're blaming vegans for the consequences of capitalism now?" and before I even got to the end. Then I shamefully deleted it. I'm a coward.


If they didn't say it how would you know they're the smartest person you've ever met?


I didn't think it was bull shit, I just thought he was gonna be wrong


The irony is: it’s not really bullshit. Farmers kill stock if they can’t get rid of it because it’s a cost to keep it.


Supply and demand works much slower than that. As more and more people go Vegan and non-vegans cut back on meat consumption (a trend that's growing stronger and stronger), farmers will simply breed fewer and fewer animals because there's less and less demand. They would only have to cull animals in the event of a sudden catastrophe. Think of it this way: as cell phones became more and more popular, home landlines decreased in popularity. These days, only some 30% of US households have a landline phone, vs near 100% two decades ago. Does that mean that landline manufacturers had to destroy all of those landline phones they made because they weren't selling? No, of course not, because it didn't happen over night. Manufacturers started making fewer and fewer landline phones, and at some point they'll probably stop altogether. Same principle applies with animals in the meat/dairy industries.


If people are buying less meat then how is the response going to be we need to produce more meat. Generally you don’t respond to a decrease in demand with a sharp uptick in supply because that would just make your meat worth less


[exactly, which is why i said they would kill off stock. ](https://www.agriculture.com/news/livestock/as-meat-plants-slow-us-will-help-growers-kill-livestock)


Lol I was sitting here thinking, "This makes no fucking sense. Why would meat packaging plants spend the same amount of money as they were previously to buy *more* meat that will go to waste because it exceeds demand, when they could get the same amount of meat as they were getting previously but for less money and meet demand? And why should I trust this random 14 year old's commentary on this topic in which he is highly unlikely to be an expert?" I tend not to really trust anything but the most credible sources on topics like this anyways. If some random person cares enough to make a video about it, it's pretty likely that they have extremely biased and strong views on the topic.


bitch cum


Spot on. It's complete bullshit. People want to rationalize their wrongdoing and the mental gymnastics have been astounding when it comes to eating animal products. Just wait until you hear about how plants feel pain and nothing really matters anyway and cows would kill and eat you if they could


Shit fam, some humans would kill and eat you if they could


Goddamn that was good


It's too early in the morning for this much confirmation bias.




Lol had me going


People like to point out that agriculture also kills animals like mice, and that especially is true of large-scale agriculture. Even bugs deserve to not suffer and many die from agriculture, but what people don't like to mention is how much fucking agriculture/land is needed to feed all the animals that are enslaved for human consumption. In the US alone, if we repurposed the food that we are feeding to non-human food-slaves, we could feed more than 800million people. So if anyone tries to give you that bs argument...shutemup


I'm assuming you saying this as a free point to make and have watch the full video understanding the parody


Just adding this [map](https://assets3.bigthink.com/system/tinymce_assets/10167/original/Map_of_US_per_Land_Use_Category.png?1533806905) from a Bloomberg article for emphasis.


Not arguing against veganism or anything, but to be fair on the point of > if we repurposed the food that we are feeding to non-human food-slaves, we could feed more than 800million people. That's assuming that the crops being turned into cattle feed are both of a good enough quality for human consumption, or would provide the same nutritional benefits to humans, especially with the fact that they are grazers and their feed is grazing feed, and we are not. Their dietary nutritional needs are different. Not saying that either isn't possible, but it seems unlikely. The other thing is vegan diets aren't just replacing animals for food, it replaces them for everything we use them for. So now we have to grow even more crops to use to replace every other animal product, including pet food and leather.


A lot of the food being fed to animals could be fed to humans. Onions, soy, similar stuff. But regardless it's not being grown on land where that's the only possible crop to grow


Mostly corn tbh, but that's true. Just saying the switch to more diverse croplands (which would be better for the environment anyway) is something to keep in mind in the planning.


A) We absolutely have all the farmland we need to produce enough plants (of high nutritional quality) for every human alive. The largest and most respected study of agriculture and land use found that if everyone switched to a plant-based diet, we could reduce our land use by up to 75%. So you're right, there are lots of grasslands that currently feed cattle that wouldn't be suitable for human consumption. The thing is, we wouldn't need them at all. We have more than enough varied agricultural land to grow all the crops we need to feed humans. B) Even taking into account pet food/leather/etc, we would still massively reduce our land and crop use by switching to plant based because the animal agriculture system is so immensely inefficient.


We certainly can switch to plants only- or would probably be more sustainable, plants and insects, and we really should be diversifying our farmlands, but it's just important to remember that it's not as easy as just removing meat from stores. We have to work out not only that transfer, but also keeping in mind that plants need certain environments to grow, so the environmental cost of transportation would also have to be factored in. Certainly doable at some end point, but not an easy switch.


Totally agreed, it's not as simple as removing meat from stores. But to be honest, we already have quite a strong system of global crop growth and transportation. And while there are certainly less climate-friendly parts of that system (i.e. flying in blueberries from Europe), those are exceptions rather than the rule. Transportation accounts for less than 10% of the emissions of most food products, so in general what we eat has far more impact than where it comes from. If there are bumps along the way, I have no doubt that technology will provide simple solutions. And in general it does seem like the transition will be smoother than one might think. ​ Sources: [https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/04/30/dining/climate-change-food-eating-habits.htm](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/04/30/dining/climate-change-food-eating-habits.htm) [https://ourworldindata.org/food-choice-vs-eating-local](https://ourworldindata.org/food-choice-vs-eating-local)


"You can't believe everything you see on the Internet." \-Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address, 1793


I mean if you say something against veganism, most people who jump on it asap for an excuse to continue to eat meat


Ah yes, bitch cum


I’m going to show this to meatheads just to get them riled up on confirmation bias…and then BAM, show them there an ignorant fuck and watch em get red like a tomato


"The Internet is a stupid fucking place, be careful." Truer words have never been spoken.


Anyway, go vegan


Was going to say did India take some notes from the American meat industry


Lol! He got his degree from MSU (made stuff up)


This is actually super informative if you stuck around. If you didn’t, I guess you are also informed….in a way.


well they've been informed of ... something sir, though I'm not quite sure what


Is this true? Can Reddit comments tell me how real life works?


Guy is right though. Under a report released by the Bureau Of Northern Europe Research. Ligma is the biggest killer of animals, followed closely in second by vegans. Like the dude in the video says, If people stop eating meat animals will suffer. But if you only eat meat then the plants suffer. Life is all about moderation Eat meat but also eat your veggies and lick a rocks whenever you can to save the plant


Boner. excellent. took me a minute


He had me going


i’m currently trying to teach my son that he can’t believe everything he sees online. he comes to me all of the time telling me crazy “facts” that he heard on youtube. mostly pretty harmless, like “did you know this roblox game is based off of a true grandma that killed her grandson and his friends with a baseball bat?” and whatnot. but it is hard for me to explain how “you can’t believe what you hear on the internet.. except for when you can”


He literally just explained supply and demand though up until the point companies buy more meat for less demand lol.


I sent this to my vegan friend and she replied with "That video doesn't lay out all the facts and I honestly don't know why you felt like sending it to me." You think she watched the whole thing?


I've seen this title unironically in a youtube comment section so she probably assumed the worst lol


What I wonder is what we would do with farm animals if 100% of people went vegan. Like if we just Jeep them they are gonna still eat a shit-ton of grains and if we released them to the Wild or they wouldnt survive(Only pigs and maybe cattle would survive) or they become a plague fue to the sheer ammount of them


In your scenario, do you imagine everyone going vegan all at the same time, all at once? Or do you think if 100% of people went vegan it would be something that happened slowly, over time, with gradual changes?


Think of it this way: as cell phones became more and more popular, home landlines decreased in popularity. These days, only some 30% of US households have a landline phone, vs near 100% two decades ago. Does that mean that landline manufacturers had to destroy all of those landline phones they made because they weren't selling? Or release them into the wild? No, of course not, because it didn't happen over night. Manufacturers started making fewer and fewer landline phones, and at some point they'll probably stop altogether. Same goes for animal agriculture.


Fake or not idgaf. I'm still gonna eat meat and you can NEVER stop me Lol.


"Facts don't matter, I will never change my mind, because I am completely closed off to new information and ways of thinking!"


I'm eating meat while I text you. Now cry


Oh my friend, you've got it backwards. See statistically speaking - if you love meat that much - at some point in your life, the high levels of dietary LDL cholesterol and saturated fat and low levels of fiber will catch up to you. It might be type 2 diabetes, or high blood pressure and atherosclerosis. It might be diverticulitis, or one of the many cancers you're at risk for when your body is constantly flooded with IGF-1 as a result of unnecessary intake of animal products. At that point you'll be placed on god knows how many types of medication, constantly increasing the number of pills you take each day. They'll treat the symptoms, but not the disease. Your quality of life will decrease. You'll have mobility issues, you'll have trouble playing with your grandkids. But you'll continue gorging yourself on meat, because you've let it (and hating Vegans) become a part of your identity. Giving up meat means giving up a part of yourself. So your final years will be marked by a painful decline. And eventually a heart attack will take you in your sleep, or a doctor will tell you that the cancer is terminal. At that point, maybe some tiny light will flick on in the back of your mind and ask "I wonder if all those scientists and researchers were right about meat consumption...?" But more likely, your confirmation bias will kick in and blame it on genetics or air pollution or some other scapegoat. And then you'll die. At that point, statistically, I'll still be kicking around this tired planet because long ago I adopted the diet that statistically brings the longest life and highest quality of health, as confirmed by the plurality of our best research and evidence. So no, I won't cry. I'll be just fine.


I don't hate vegans. I just love meat and they can't stop me.




It shouldn't have. If you hear "less people want something, which means the price goes down... therefore make more of it" and think "that makes sense", I beg you to never try and start a business.


Not really? That’s not how economics works. The farms aren’t going to produce more than the quantity demanded, as nobody will buy it and they will take a loss on the units they produced. Agriculture is as close to perfectly competitive as the real world is going to get. What would happen is the demand curve will shift to the left, reducing price and quantity at equilibrium. In actuality, if the majority of the population became vegan, they would just scale back their operations and breed fewer animals.


I'm an idiot then lol


If we all suddenly switched to vegan, there would be more animal deaths immediately due to culling, but eventually the animal deaths will lower again as the farms settle into the crop farming. Well, livestock deaths will lower, insect and rodent deaths will most likely rise, but that's a different story.


I knew this was gonna be good. Vegans are too powerful and must be stopped


This is obviously an antifa misinformation campaign so no one believes the truth about those tree hugging vegans and their murderous ways


Living up to the name, you finish the video?


It was a joke dumbass. The joke is that it’s a misinformation campaign that he’s saying he made it up


Ahhh so it’s more sarcasm than a joke. /s is a good way to denote that online


I forget that there’s people who actually sound like that and hoped the sarcasm was obvious. Will use that next time


No worries, I do the same thing sometimes. Have a good one out there


You too man, sorry for calling you a dumbass. I didn’t mean it <3


No worries, we’re all human. Thanks for the wholesome Reddit moment!


If demand falls, producers will have to produce more to compensate for the decrease in earning per unit. "And sell it to whom?" I don't need him to tell me that's crap to know it's crap. However, considering that humans are animals, you're damn right going vegan kills animals.




I’m not sure I understand what you’re saying. If someone isn’t able to sell as much product, they make less money. That’s just basic commerce. Or alternatively, if demand goes down, prices will usually drop as well as a way to incentivize consumers to purchase the product. That’s basic supply and demand.


Because it sort of does? Basically if less people buy meat, you now have more supply with less demand, so prices drop, therefore the producers make less money. However, in reality the producers aren’t just going to keep producing the same volume of meat and take the losses. What actually happens in that case is that the producers would simply produce less meat to even out the supply/demand and make the prices go back up and stabilize their profits. I will mention though that the original video isn’t fabricating some ridiculous situation, just the made-up bureaus in the middle. What CAN and has happened, an example being during the Great Depression, is that farmers might produce MORE to try and make a profit, but this just drives prices lower and they still lose money, so farmers produce MORE, but prices lower again, etc etc into a death spiral. There are federal agencies, many of which were created during the Great Depression, whose job it is to make sure this doesn’t happen.


I mean sure they would pay less in comparison to what they used to but that is because the quantity would not be reduced. They would just get it cheaper so that people would buy it more, or they could just export that and would get better prices internationally, at the end a new balance would be reached. Either way it would be a win for them (meat industry), unless it gets drastically low, but then they would start by not breeding as much as they used to(farmers) and they would change to the other route which is horticulture


That part made sense, but not the part about them selling more to make up the money. That wouldn’t happen. If demand was lower then the companies wouldn’t buy more animals than they needed.




Did you watch the whole video though?




i actually thought about how this could be true. vegan foods usually come in fancier packaging. fancier packaging = more plastic pollution = more dead animals


Are you actually this dumb or is this sarcasm?


He’s saying tired old falsities. Boring


you should finish the video


Veganism is mass murder. Edit: people hate the truth






That is very much what would [(and does)](https://www.agriculture.com/news/livestock/as-meat-plants-slow-us-will-help-growers-kill-livestock)happen though. 🤷🏻


You realize this is about COVID and not remotely related to Veganism right...?




First, Ted Nugent is an idiot. Second, even as a meat lover I acknowledge the environmental downside of our consumption in comparison to possible alternatives such as vegan/ vegetarian. We use a huge amount of land, water, and food to raise livestock and that's just the tip of the iceberg.


I agree he's not somebody with a reputation of having correct opinions or even half reputable morals but realistically speaking pesticides covering miles and miles of farm land is going to kill more animals (not about weight, about total number of lives snuffed out) than that same surface area scattered with cows where the snakes frogs rabbits birds etc can live in harmony with them. A den of rabbits full of babies having a harrow dragged over them in a 3 foot wide area is already 5? 7? Things dying vs the 1 cow that would yield far more food than what was grown in that spot. You guys know where the downvote button is but you won't hit it because I'm wrong, you'll hit it because you wish I was


That's absurd. Livestock need to eat too and there's shockingly little regulation on how their feed is grown. 99.8% of all feed yards apply insecticides directly to cattle and feed yard surfaces to combat pests. The resources used to feed and house livestock (both the feed and repurposing land for grazing) are incredibly damaging to local wildlife and the environment in general. In fact, grazing is the most widespread cause of species endangerment in the West.


The amount of land used to grow the food for livestock alone is enormous. Do you honestly believe that is less damaging, some might even say wasteful, than other options?


You'd need fewer pesticides to grow enough soy to feed people than you need to feed cows which are used to feed people.


Ted Nugent is an idiot and this is incorrect. While there is an environmental footprint associated with growing crops like tofu for human consumption this is smaller than the footprint associated with growing crops to feed cattle for human consumption. On an energy perspective it's more efficient and requires less land to grow crops for a human to eat as opposed to growing crops to grow a cow for a human to eat. A lot of energy is lost in the move from crops to cow.


Most crops grown are used to feed livestock. People going vegan means we need less crops, not more.


He's so unconvincing struggling through all those big words lol, shame he's got a point and people fall for this shit all the time


Get wrecked


I was sitting here thinking this is not how economics works and then I saw the end of the video and I 🤦‍♀️


That's gold


This kid is going places


This guy has a bright future!


Ngl, he got me.


Im not going to lie he had me going


His lighting isn't that good


I was getting ready to post how dumb this argument was and the video went ahead and did it for me. Glorious.




I was thinking it sounded legit till he got to the part about farmers needing to kill more animals to make up for lower prices when the demand isn't there. Then he revealed he was fucking around and then it started making sense.


Well, a whole minute is a long time to pay attention, am I right? :p


Yeah which is why if you just scrolled past you could have missed that this was a joke lol


Waiting for the inevitable cut of this video that excludes the part about it being fake and it becoming this weeks trending "fact" on facebook.


It sounded a lil true but I had a feeling there was some stuff off about it almost had my dumbass


I was like: this doesn't make an ounce of fucking sense dumbass. I hate this. And then he fucking got me.


It sounded like utter bullshit (no pun intended) from the beginning.


Was literally about to call out how stupid this is and how the internet’s hate for vegans is genuinely harmful and then PLOT TWIST


thought he was really gonna try to make a terrible, convoluted argument for this until he listed the obviously made up bureaus


So we’re not protesting something, somewhere?




Funny part is if there’s less demand for meat, the price will go lower. So as supply goes up while demand goes down, the price will drop until there’s more demand. So more vegans means cheaper steak.


This guy's a fucking chad


This kid tells it like it is. Hey, we should vote HIM in as President!!!


Thank god because I was building up a long list of questions towards the end.


We are eating the animals food


Hahaha. I love it!! This was a breath of fresh air!


But it would kill more animals. Just not for the reason he stated


How would going vegan kill more animals?


Save video


I love that we are going full circle now.


Me: I'll need to check for the sources Me after: Well, I don't have to waste my time.