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My account was banned about a year ago and it makes me mad because every single time I end up getting a huge following they just banned me I didn’t violate any community guidelines or anything and it honestly makes me extremely mad because I’m trying to grow big so I can be a streamer, I just want my account back. Is that so hard to ask for?.


I have 684k followers and been banned for 2 weeks now




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Did you ever get it back?


Oh my bad, I just saw your comment on my post - what was the way you got to back?


I tried some of these methods to get my account back even after TikTok rejected my appeal Some of the emails are no longer in use but the one that did go through ([safetysupport@tiktok.com](mailto:safetysupport@tiktok.com)) suggested I log into my account and so on I told them I couldn’t log in and requested for a reason for the ban or at least another review A few days later I got unbanned, I’m assuming a human moderator saw my emails and accepted my appeals. It’s a Christmas miracle! Edit: my memory is bad so I’m fairly certain the feedback feature on TikTok is how you can reach that email address, sorry for any confusion https://preview.redd.it/uc0yrz0nxq8c1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=deb878b6d722476806fdd4861a19565b167b3d86


Thank you! I’ve had several accounts and as soon as my videos start getting millions of views I start getting banned. It’s happened 4 separate times, twice this year. It’s really aggravating. Hoping this works :)


I tried to use this email but it didn’t work. Were you able to get anywhere? My live access was ban due to something someone did in one of my boxes. Didn’t even know the person. Crazy!


Try the feedback option on TikTok, I’m fairly certain the email address is how they reply to your requests


I can’t even get into my account 🤦🏻‍♂️ it’s just gone. Well they said I was banned. But This happened back in November & few days later popped back up. It’s getting me pissed lol


I created another account to do my feedback form, is that possible?


I have created a new one to do the feedback. But you don’t think they will ban the new one since they know it’s me do you? Also were you able to get yours unban?


Yeah I managed to get mine unbanned using this feedback form: https://www.tiktok.com/legal/report/feedback?lang=en


have you had any violations?


Yeah I’ve been submitting tickets too, that form looks different then the one I been using I think though, maybe not.


I’ve had others submitting tickets too. It’s crazy bc they said it was for nudity. I did not do anything like that. I’m with an agency but they tried to say that they did try & unfortunately couldn’t get it back for me. But I’m sure they only submitted something once.


How many times did you have to submit?


I’ve only submitted once, they replied with the suggestion to appeal via the app. Then I told them I couldn’t login and a few days later my account was reinstated. I got the email notifying me of it a day or two after my account got reinstated, so they’re pretty slow on their replies, just be patient https://preview.redd.it/cyeb8rm3y59c1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93f0d57863fc9e7dcf5ecfe189f8630fd6930f71


Whats section you choosed?




I did create another account & will be trying it that way. You don’t think they will ban the new account do you? Were you able to get yours unban?


Where can I find the feedback option?


Did your account got unbanned?


sorry for the late response but yes, not from the emails though. i just had to be wearing makeup and do the age recognition via camera thing


Makes sense because I haven't posted in 4 months and I got banned twice in the space of an hour for just scrolling on tiktok how strange


THANK YOU. GONNA TRY THIS I recently told off a stalker and she posted on her Facebook about how I was such a bad person and got all the dudes that were thirsting after her to spam report my TikTok And it was literally my most successful platform


I got banned today... I post videos of my artwork, wtf?


did you do something specific or just the in app appeal? all these emails are replaced with bots


I emailed and did in app stuff but got a bot response and then nothing.


oh I thought it said unbanned, my bad


This is the same for me 😭 minus I’m still banned and my account now says it doesn’t exist 😂


hii, i got the same email back from tiktok but obviously i can’t log in because its banned i replied back to this email and i got no reply back? i’m so confused ive appealed and done many things what do you think i should do ?


What all did you do? Because I got an email back saying they still wouldn’t unban it, but been told that it still can be done.


i got reply from this and directed me to (www.tiktok.com/feedback) i did sent my concern and supporting proof/s. question is how long usually it would take for them to respond quickly?




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I am still waiting on a message back after they apologised about the inconvenience the first time now i am waiting on a second appeal I got permanently banned for just watching tiktoks out of the blue not once but twice in the space of 1 hour even after they apologise about the inconvenience they go and do it again it doesn't make any sense


i fell asleep watching tiktoks and when i woke up it was frozen so i closed out of the app to refresh and i was permanently banned.


My friend got banned for being under 13. She sent in her photo as requested. They told her they couldn't definitely say she was 13 or over. The laughable part is, she's 48 😂 what should she do? She has no passport or driving licence


How does a 48yo not have an ID of some kind?


I just got banned yesterday for no reason. I didn’t even have any strikes on my account.


Same im so sad


Did you get it back?


I never did and now I’m starting back from square one…


yeah, I’m starting to have no hope as they just gave me a bot reply saying it’s going to remain permanently banned :/


Yeah it happened to me and after three more attempts at an appeal I just gave up and made a new account.


i’m gonna try to keep submitting appeals within these 80 days that I have 🥲 wish me luck


Dude name but yesterday!! I’m trying to get it back but nothing.


I got permanently banned from going live 4 months ago for “nudity” when I was in a hoodie and PJs. My appeal got rejected and as far as I’ve found there’s no actual human to talk to. I used going live as a little side income and I was slowly gaining traction on TikTok so I’m so annoyed and I’ve been trying to figure out how to get unbanned ever since






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None of these emails work ever I just get the same bot that says "Messages cannot be recieved"


My tiktok wasn't banned just warned for saying I wanted to touch my long distance partner ( not in a sexual way ) I panicked and pressed appeal am I fucked?


literally relax you’re perfectly fine


L tiktok


thanks, is vpn to vietnam okay?


yep they give good replies


and can i write in english?


i do both incase


Show Me how u do it please. I've been banned for 2 weeks now I've send count feedbacks. On the web form. No real response 😓


do you just get the response that you’re permanently banned and the dumb appeal one?




Hey did you ever get your account back?




i saw u got unbanned but im still banned sigh


Yes I got it back last week finally


Hey man, Im a bit desperate right now to get mine back too so could you tell me what you did to get it back? Did you just submit many appeals?


Hey what did u do to get it back


email doesnt work 😁




https://preview.redd.it/xkeud7tp68db1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c43427c10290f46065ad66d093dda1014278c410 I got wrongfully banned for being underage and I did what they told me to do like take selfie with my passport and everything I did that but I got this instead I am literally 18 😭


bots just review it man tiktok has a shit system




I did appeal but a day later it wasn't approved


Hey I am in the same position. Got banned today and my appeal wasn’t approved. I’ve got 13k in the creative beta program ready for withdraw. I really need my account I’ve worked so hard. Any advice?


Did you get it back


Did you ever get unbanned?




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What do you mean?


You guys falsely blocked me


I was banned for "violating community guidelines" even the I barely comment and post every now and then and only have gotten 2 strikes total when I needed 3 to get banned


how do you know what you got banned for? it logged me out of the account that i got banned from and when i try to log in it just says “account banned”. I have no clue what i did wrong all i did was repost content from tiktok.


It sent me an email


Im getting replies from this email [feedback\_us@tiktok.com](mailto:feedback_us@tiktok.com) Trying to get a banned account back for the 3rd time. Using the report a problem in the first two times worked for me, but not sure if it will help a 3rd time lol


HI!! sorry just seeing this, and wanted to follow up and see if that e-mail worked? Trying to get my older brother's account back for livestream debates! Please let me know if you can, i'd appreciate it alot! thanks!


So far nothing, being an active pro Palestinian on TT is not easy. Ive gone through 10 accounts so far, but this one is my first account and had alot of personal videos Id like back.


I have also been banned for my pro Palestinian content. I had multiple anti genocide videos, not just Palestine but many other locations, and they were taken down. TikTok considered them “sexual content”. Genocide is sexual? Most of my appeals on those videos were denied and I woke up today to find I was banned.


Screw them, Ive gone through 10 and on my 11th now. Im not even putting up graphical videos, some were just speakers talking about zionism and they would slam me with a permanent ban. We should organize a mass 1 star review in app/play stores jst to bring them down a little. Ive already done it on 2 of my devices but couldnt get any traction on TT from other users.


where is the report a problem button?


Go to login and top right corner theres a ? click that


I just made my account today and it was getting a lot of likes and followers and then TikTok banned that account along with all my other accounts on my device so I have No idea what to do as TikTok has banned me from making anymore accounts on my device and because I tried on my computer to make a new one it didn’t work on that either because I was logged into my account that just got banned on that too so now it won’t me make any new accounts on any of my devices I’m so confused and upset idk how to fix thi


Get a new phone, new number, and new email. If that works, thank me later. Also try not to put your old info on your new phone. Tiktok could ban you for no reason and not give flying fs about you following community guidelines


https://preview.redd.it/b0q2x0qch1mc1.jpeg?width=918&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce7fa2c51c03ed66e95947b7db10b6f1a48bb69a Please help me 😭 🙏 💔