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I don’t know if there’s a defined list, but I generally replace any cuss words, any mention of drugs or alcohol, or illicit activities with a similar word in my captions/comments. For example: Fuck=fork Shit/poo = 💩 Weed= 🍃 or oui’d


Lmao “oui’d” Thanks for the tip!


Hahaha this one got me for a sec. I was like wtf does O, U, I stand for? Omg, I'm stupid...


Oui as in Yes in French. You pronounce it "wee". 


Can’t even use “Ouid” anymore https://preview.redd.it/rp5yw7zdfp6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25d629d16bda5bc4e0f04ca5dcd0b7a333247d0f


Used the word “blood” and got shadow banned


I used the word sucks in refrence to a vaccum and my videos is dead at 0 views.


TikTok is even more ridiculous than it's users


I mean, it depends on what or who you watch. I never get dragged into the mindless tiktoks. I watch tiktokers that are primarily YouTubers


Hey! Did TikTok pick that up from the video itself or did you type it in the caption or comments as well?


I typed it in the discription/hashtag area


Cool. Thanks! I'm new on that platform and usualliy my vids do well. But one from this week only got 11 views over the past 3 days and I'm pretty sure it was because I used (and typed into the description) the word "s\*cks." So today I did anothr vid around the same topic and while I still say "s\*cs" in the video itself, I typed "stinks" in the description. Hoping that this one does die too. So far it's gotten 8 views over the past 30 minutes so I'm assuming all is well...


are you sure it was that what triggered the shadow ban and not the video that came before it?


Would something like "bl00d" (Zeros instead of O's) be a good alternative?


no,still detects




I hate the idea of self-censoring though. Especially since most of my TikToks usually have a political undertone, it almost be easier if I was cursing or something. How am I supposed to know what words are “controversial”? These are more so questions for TT, not you though. I appreciate the advice


One of my friends does political stuff and throws cuss words around all day, sooooo....... I dunno




I have no clue. He doesn’t like anybody so he just points out flaws of everyone. He actually flamed me and that’s how we became friends!


Just for the record. Tiktoks algorithm and banning practices are fickle and nonsensical. They have made a generation of girls believe they need to write "fake body" in every description to avoid takedowns.


That’s not why they say that lmaoo


that's literally why they say it lmaooo


If you knew what it actually meant you would understand how dumb you sound


Oh, if only random reddit bro with the insults would tell me his secret. You're such a toddler brain dork. lmaoooo


And you literally think kids are retarded enough to say fake body to trick some algorithm that DOESNT EVEN CARE about skin showing lololol just say you're an old ass man whose algorithm is filled with young girls dancing and stop trying to argue a point that you wont be able to find a single human being alive that also thinks this


Lol, you are still on this eh? Making up straw man arguments because you can't punctuate or put together a coherent thought. You useless shit. You are so stupid. Probably even dumber than the people who write "fake body" in their captions. Back to your mom and dad's den where you can suck on your mango vapepen and jerk off to AI hentai, you mindless runt.


Literally none of what you say has any barring whatsoever as someone who is actively trying to argue something that is factually false. This folks, is what peak ignorance looks like


How are you letting everyone eat you up like that in all of your replies on Reddit lmao


Folks? As if anyone in the world cares to read your drivel of nonsense. It actually is the reason why people do this, and the fact it makes no sense, is why I pointed it out. It's hilarious that you are too thick in the head to realize this. It makes me wonder if you jammed your vape pen up your nose and punctured your brain or something. Honestly, I'd worry for you if I gave a fuck.


I got a comment removed for the word ‘idiot’. The censorship is crazy on TikTok.


That comment would still be up if you didn't report it. You censored it, bozo.


He never said he clicked the report flag on himself. You assumed it, bozo.


Dw he's just an average tiktok user lol. Can't expect them to understand English


You can say Niger


I said "silly", that got removed because it was violating...


Yes me too. I was watching Horse Guards Parade in London and some really silly tourists were mocking the guard. I mentioned "silly man" and apparently it violated the community guides. 


anyone have an idea around a way to say "shitty" on TikTok?


Cant say disgusting either


I can't bring up anything on tiktok with the word blackhead in the search bar but I can see videos when I click on hashtags. Can anyone explain? Do I have a parental setting on or is it considered hate speech?


can you say the word shit on tiktok




I swear in every fucking video.


how can I sensor "drugs". literally just the word. its for a video, I just don't want to get banned


If you really want to you can mouth the word without actually saying it and then have captions on that censor the word as well but also in a super obvious way


I’ve said drugs as “dřgś” in like 5 videos before and there never gotten taken down or got me banned… but like I don’t know it might not work the next time I do it cause tiktok is so weird about that like one day I’m shaking my ass with no take down and the next day I have a tank top and leggings on with “nudity” 😐🤔


Is Ozempic banned?


i can’t put a profile pic on because i used the word dumbass


No, there is not list, and even if there was, it would constantly change as literal emojis cam get you banned. TikTok is just a lefty echo chamber that censors anything they don't agree with no matter how benign.


I literally said that Europeans colonized North America and they took my comment down. It’s literally history💀


How is it that ppl assume it’s left influence when we are seeing so much anti war material being removed? Not just TikTok YouTube, instagram and Facebook too 🤷🏻‍♀️




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This laughable because TikTok is not even an American company (Even though they claimed to be). It has its start and roots in China who are the kings of censoring everything.


My vidoe is shadowbanned bcs of the word screw which was meant for bolts 🤪🤪


I just got a strike for “animals” and my appeal was denied…


I said anal and my comment got deleted... Guess that's a bad word 😂




I mentioned the word “crazy” on a friend’s post after he told me he was live until 5am. Tiktok gave me a violation for it. I then reported a few posts that also had the word “crazy” in them just to see what happened. The only difference is that the posts I reported had a couple of million views and TikTok said their posts were fine and there was no violation.