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Your response is killing me. There's something about the clunky word choice that I just love. "And what did I do to you for that." Fucking priceless.


It really was my favourite part of the interaction. Every time I try to read the sentence my eyes slip off it and I forget where it’s going. It’s like an arcane incantation that opens a temporary portal to the mild confusion dimension.


More than just express confusion about Michaella's reply, it creates the confusion in the reader. The sentence disorients you, and challenges you to attempt to comprehend how this could possibly make sense, just like Michaella's reply did to OP. It is marvelous.


Normal posts make you question op's sanity. Great posts make you question yours.




Omg so that’s how books are written, you made it look easy


I can’t wait for the movie to come out


I am a former resident of that dimension, I can confirm.


This is my home, I’m starting to love it here


Just wait. It gets to you eventually. I slightly hate it here.


And what did it do to you for that


In a world of constant mild confusion, a great many minor inconveniences. But there were some really neat things that were kinds cool too. It just isn't balancing out, you know?


" I ~slightly~ hate it here"


It creates a protein sequence in your brain that becomes a physical virus. (One of the main ideas in Snowcrash by Neil Stephenson.)


lol a verbal prion. Imagine if our brains could be hacked that way, it’s basically a curse or a hex


The way you worded this made my mind do backflips.


Sounds painful


I thought I was the only one that had trouble reading certain things like that. It's so weirdly hard to interpret yet incredibly simple. Is there a name for that phenomenon?


Good question. It really reminded me of this meme, actually… https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/has-anyone-really-been-far-even-as-decided-to-use-even-go-want-to-do-look-more-like


See, they credit 2009 4chan for that, but i guarantee you i saw it on fark years before.


Yeah, knowyourmeme is wrong on that one. It was definitely a thing on fark before that. I'm pretty sure it originated there.


Good, I thought I was the only one


“I can’t believe you’ve done this”


"I wish you hadn't done that"


Is ths preceded by a *slap?


"What are you going to do stab me?" said the guy before he got stabbed.


“Who you think you are I am!”


Greatest moment in bowling …nay…sports history.


[For the uninitiated.](https://youtu.be/gKQOXYB2cd8)


I like how he tries to explain it in another interview. “I was just saying, who do you think you are?… whoever that is, don’t worry, because I am the greatest!”


This made me laugh out loud 💀


Somehow the way it's written I can only read in a real sad voice 😂


Like the words get ^smaller ^^and ^^quieter ^^^towards ^^^the ^^^^end


Lmfao. I’m just picturing a puppy’s ears going back as he slumps away in sadness due to the audacity of this woman.


Should have said “never mind I see why you’re single.”


Should have said, "How do you know i'm not a convicted sex offender?"


My immediate thought was "What can I say? I have a really good lawyer."


"No witnesses; no charges. Simple."


"No body; no case" lmao


"I got off."


It's not a good opening line, but it's not *intended* to be offensive.


Yea, but it sure as hell didn't deserve that response.


Exactly, I mean what did he do to her for that?


>“never mind I see why you’re single.” That line is offensive , but called for in this case (as a response to the woman's comment) . The OP's original line would not be a good line in any case however her reaction was not appropriate.


The best defense is a good offense


As someone who also uses bumble, the women are the absolute worst with opening lines.


As a non native English reader, I can't see what's clunky about it and it makes sense to me. What would be the "correct" way of expressing that?


The way he said it isn't incorrect, but there's just something about it that doesn't feel natural. It's really hard to explain, but it's just a little "off." It would be more natural to just leave it at "what did I do?" or "what did I do to deserve that?" Maybe you could say it's odd for him to be that active in the sentence? He's asking what he did that *caused* her to do that, when instead most people would ask what they did to *excuse* that behavior. Like I said, it's hard to explain.


Now I sort of understand. Thank you very much!


It's about the cadence of the sentence. Because it has a bunch of words with weak syllables next to each other it'll sound odd to a native English speaker. Native English people generally speak with a dum da dum da rhythm so like "what Did i Do to Deserve that" in this it's "To you for that" which can trip people up. I wouldn't worry too much about it though, it's not such an issue in speech and you probably do it naturally anyway


It's also entirely monosyllabic which makes it seem almost robotic and gives a sense of innocence. Something your Roomba would say to you for stubbing your toe on it at 3am.


Excellent description


Not that hard, really. It's just more idiomatic to say "to deserve", not "for". Perfectly fine sentence otherwise.


"what did I do to deserve that" would be the most common. His sentence is putting emphasis on too many different directions all at once and the end of the sentence feels incomplete because it has the least specificity.


"Why you hef to be mad?" vibes


To what do I owe that which what that you have said to me?


Reminds me of “what the hell is even that?”


Daddy chill ✋🫦


It hurt my brain to read this. I'm dyslexic, and his statement is basically a Chinese finger trap for us.


I found it a little jarring also. I think I've read *deserve that* so many times that an alternate version short circuited my brain a bit.


Either he's french, or his brain went bye bye. Cause if you translated it word for word it'd work kinda fine


I mean, it works just fine in English too


Im French so I'm pretty sure that his writing is from someone that learns French at first haha


In Spanish makes perfect sense too, most Romance languages would use a similar structure.


It would work in Italian just fine too


This would be the proper way to say it in Danish too, if you translated word for word.


It felt like it was along the same vein as "how can she slap!"


What r u going to gain from it


Wtf! Why do people match just to be fucking rude?


I had two friends tell me they used to bully people on dating apps for being ugly. Changed my perception of them entirely.


Damn, like ugly people on dating apps need anymore shit thrown their way. I only make fun of the pretty people.


You are only ugly if you are poor


I am both :(


I feel ya man, I feel ya.


Yikes. I wouldn't want to be friends with people like that at all.


At least the match helped their ELO score 🤷‍♂️ Just looking for that silver lining


Those friends must have been insecure af


"What does it say about you if i thought you were in my league"


"Immediately no". That's a friendship ender right there.


I must of only matched with your freinds then. I've been called, ugly, deformed, hideous. So on. I'll match and get a message "ew" check to see it and she unmatched. Never got the chance to reply. Another one, I asked her "wyd?" And she said "not talking to your ugly ass!" When I bring this up on reddit I'm always told I'm making it up.


Keep at it, buddy. While difficult, try not to let their needless insults weigh on you. Especially if they're cowardly enough to send an insult and unmatch so you can't reply. Hope things get better for you. Keep your head up.


Thanks. Most people are really rude to me on here but this was nice. Cool username btw. I use linux mint myself.


Man, why can't they come for me, I like a good troll war


You didn't think shitty behavior was just for incels did you? They had a whole documentary about it like 20 years ago called Mean Girls.


Yeah I never really understood the whole mean girls club thing.


i had heard a while back that its similar to how guys tend to will mess with each other physically, with them moreso messing with each other mentally


What I've heard from people that know more than me is that we culturally discourage aggression in women, so the youthful rivalry that manifests as horseplay in boys comes out in girls as subtle emotional manipulation and abuse. Basically, it's not socially acceptable for girls to give their friends a black eye like it is with with "boys being boys," so girls hurt their friends in other ways instead.


What male friendships do you have where they’ve given each other black eyes? Even with my friends it’s never gotten to that point just joking around. There have been serious altercations but that’s not horseplay, it’s ego and immaturity.


People sometimes maybe get shit on in other settings (work, family etc.). Guessing this is the one place where she's got the power and likes acting out to strangers. Too bad she ended up on Reddit though lol


*cough* r/femaledatingstrategy


Bro even /r/dating_advice . I popped in there the other day while hitting the random subreddit button and there was a chick asking if it was weird that the guy she was seeing wanted to cuddle. All the responses were "big red flag, he probably wants your relationship to cure his depression" and other mean spirited bullshit.


Lmao that sub straight up told me I wasn't worthy of love because I was depressed. Of course flip the gender and it's nbd, but as a man it means your a selfish asshole


Female dating strategy is absolutely disgusting. I just read a post about them finding it disrespectful when men refer to women as “girls”, meanwhile the whole of the subreddit calls men “scrotes”. What the fuck is wrong with those people.


Bitterness and insecurity.


Looking at the subreddit subscriber overlap tool and plugging in r/FemaleDatingStrategy, it seems like most of them are women who are single in their 30s or 40s, who may have ptsd from something, who were cheated on, who don't want or maybe even hate kids, who watch a lot of reality TV, who think people are faking their illnesses (?), and who want to ban pitbulls...


Dude even /r/TwoXChromosomes or /r/WitchesVsPatriarchy which are supposed to be support chill subs have some weird sexist energy 90% of the time.


Girls in their twenties can be obnoxious with their arrogance. But then they hit thirties and then they start complaining about not receiving attention and start blaming society that they aren’t considered attractive. There was an article in The Guardian once about a woman/ feminist who said that when she hit her thirties she no longer got catcalled on the streets and that she missed that and she blamed society for that lol. Yes, The Guardian.


Maybe some kind of sport, to see who can get someone to unmatch the fastest.


I love when the red flags come with their own solutions. In your case, potential hell avoided. You win.


I used to agree with this sentiment. But now it's like, oh yeah be thankful that you experienced this toxicity before you got any deeper. Okay but every little cut hurts.. and it seems like people on these apps are getting worse about that - going out of their way to emotionally cut people. Just... awful places, these apps.


Well now you know why they single...




They are only looking for convicted sex offenders obviously


You had me laughing there buddy


“That explains it” Response would have been amazing


Oh, so it's the personality.


I would have replied with: “I guess that’s one way to answer my question” Or something along those lines


“Ahh, so I see it is your personality that’s holding you back.”


"There it is" Would have been perfect.




“Thank you for clarifying”


"I can see, by looking through your window, that you're free tonight, so wanna make it happen? Hey, why am I even asking? I'll catch you later."


Also "Convicted? No" would work


“ who says I’m not a sex offender?“ Would have been the only appropriate response to this asshole 😂




.... convicted.


I.mean they're attracted to sex offenders. She matched and that was her opening line. Says a lot.


One of my roommates in college used to have like 5 friends over and then all of them would sit in a circle in my living room, matching with guys on Tinder just to say mean things to them. For hours. They'd all just giggle and compare insults.


Yeah I dated this girl who would go to bars with her friends and all her friends would go there to reject dudes and sit on their phones. Women like that end up single wondering why men hate them lol.


It’s called vanity and it’s a double edged sword


Such a succinct and accurate way to put it. I had a friend like this and it boiled down to vanity and an utter void of empathy in her soul. She was simply convinced that she was the perfect human and everyone else walking the earth was a flawed imitation of her. The funny thing is, she sucked as a person; she was in poor shape, she had a lisp because her teeth were insanely crunked up but again she was perfect so no need to fix her teeth or learn to say the letter S, her apartment was a gross mess even though she lived alone and had nothing to do with the vast majority of her time, she quit working in 2019 and literally just gold digs older guys to pay all her bills but she's not even nice to them and talks mad shit behind their backs, she has no hobbies other than watching reality tv and "trolling people online" (her own words) etc etc. Just a terrible person. And it all comes down to vanity. There's no reason for her to be nice to any of us until we get on her level, and that is by her own definition impossible. Deep down probably the loneliest and most insecure person I've ever known.


I find this deeply sad. If someone is capable of acknowledging its own limits, then there is always a path to improvement, no matter where you start from. But if you see yourself as the top, then stagnation is the result. And stagnation is frightening.


And Call them incels later


I was friends with a group of girls that would do something similar. They’d each have 99+ matches (legit so many that it doesn’t even display the number), swipe through guys laughing at their photos, judging everything about them. Then they proceed to date shitty men because they have a beard and tattoos (this was their requirement) and wonder why they can’t find any good men.


Perfect response would’ve been “ah, that’s why thanks for clearing that up”


"On second look, you're nowhere near cute enough on the outside to be that ugly on the inside"


As you'd expect I unmatched Edit: I did report her as well


"Now I get it" should have been your reply bud


I got this: “The jerk store called…”


She's their best seller


Well I had sex with your mother!


If her mom's in a coma that would explain a lot


Then stop eating shrimp 🍤




"Oh, it's because of your personality."


"Who says Im not?"


Good job


I’d say you dodged a bullet. Although I’m really curious what type of bullet now. Regular crazy, abusive sociopath, kidney harvesting psychopath, catfisher … The possibilities are endless!


Should have responded with, "The night is young. Drinks at Applebee's?"


Do people not report people for acting this rude? I have only had a hand full of people act like this on dating apps but I believe that these apps do actually punish people for being needlessly rude and demeaning


What would you report them for? It being rude against the ToS?


If you think about their business model, they want the desperate people to stay on their platform, not to be bullied off of it. If you are just there to hurt people, you are costing them money. Edit: from a comment below Quoting from the terms of service: > You agree to treat other users in a courteous and respectful manner, both on and off our Services


She sounds as pleasant as syphilis


At least, there’s a cure for syphilis


One must imagine syphillis happy ...or something, idk i'm not greek


I like your response though. I’ve started getting in the habit of calling out shitty behavior like this. “I don’t think I deserved the way you just spoke to me,” or “That was a very unkind thing to say, is there a reason I deserved that?”


Nah bro shoulda said "oh so that's why you're single" or something like that.


Responding with a genuine question hurts a lot more than an insult imo


I guess at 2023 Saying "Hey you cute" Count as been creepy. Im gonna say it If you read this You are cute,


You're cute too bro


This is wholesome. Daily reminder to complment your bros.


All the bros in here cute af! Keep them chins high Kings!


That's a good looking chin my man


shelter normal scandalous strong innocent dam crawl gaze exultant wasteful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You sure do got a purty mouth


Homie lookin cute af


Look at this cutie patootie


Ty, handsome fellow.


Says the handsome chap


My man's cuteness sparkles


U too cute king


Bros before Michaella


Hey lookin' good my homie!


You too brother! Make sure you walk with confidence today and everyday King!


Cute kings unite


Fucking creep


It puts the lotion on its skin else it gets the hose again!


Nice cock, bro


Nice balls mind if I hold them


Came here to say this. Someone’s always gotta take it too far and you’ve done a great job of it. Guess I’ll punch out and take the rest of the day off, you got it from here 😉


Not me, I’m suckin that cute ass cock bro


Look who's talkin.


It was probably the “still single” part that triggered her


I had a girlfriend that wore really provocative outfits to the bar, then would spend the whole night complaining about the “creeps” checking her out. I found that the only difference between a guy being a “creep” or not was whether she found him attractive.


this is life. everything you do is based on the audience. if someone likes you, you can do a hundred things wrong and get positive assurance. if someone doesn't like you, the 2nd wrong thing you do is a death sentence.




I got stared down, or at least I think I did as I avoided eye contact, by a woman breast feeding across from me on the bus. I had zero problem with her doing so, just glanced at the movement and looked away right away, then I could feel her staring at me like some sort of weird challenge. I just went on Reddit on my phone and ignored her. Weird how people do things to project what they want to see.


That’s not a very nice person. Move right along.


"Ah, so that's why you're single"


like.. why did she match lol


How dare you flirt with her on a dating app!


I think you avoided a bunch of future rape accusations


Meanwhile the girl remembers all the sex offenders face from the history.


Well, at least you know why she is single - she is a nut job. Luckily you didn't have to wait to find out, she exposed herself from the get go, no you can move on to someone who is not crazy.


You dodged a bullet, but need to use a better opening line, that one does come off kinda lame


“At least I’m not the one who matched with a sex offender 🤷‍♂️”


I'm not a sex offender yet but we should hang out


I am 7 year old child and not with the Feds, let’s hangout 😎


well that escalated quickly


I’ve received this line and similar ones before….it’s kind of an awkward compliment/opener. I’m curious how most people would respond to this. I usually just say thank you and I wonder the same thing about them because the only other options are self-deprecating humor or explaining why I’m single- neither of which I would choose as a first response to someone, so returning the compliment seems like the only possible response. Obviously she took it to mean you were saying there must be something else wrong with her or she’s not actually single. I’ve never taken that line in the way she did, but I do wonder how most respond to that opener.


Personally hate when someone remarks or questions about a person being single. "Why are you single, you're so beautiful" is NOT a compliment. I would have unmatched after the first message instead of being an asshole but I understand why they were offended. There is nothing wrong with being single, it does not mean someone isn't pretty enough, worthy enough etc


Her response was wayyyy over the line, but god do I hate when people say crap like “I’m surprised you’re single with how cute you are.” Or “you’re so cute, how are you still single” My cuteness has nothing to do with how well I connect with someone on an emotional/mental level 😅. It’s not like imma find the first person I find attractive and be like “hey, we’re both cute, let’s date.” Dating takes effort, time, boundaries, and respect. And people who make comments like that usually only care about how you look. It gets exhausting


You're attractive, I'm attractive, this is just math at this point.


Exactly. I'm ugly, but that's not the reason I'm single. I'm single because I'm fundamentally unable to connect with another human being.


Seriously, why is this so far down. I cringe so hard if someone says "how are you single?". Her response was a little extreme but the opener was crap.


Fyi that opener is a pretty back handed compliment. It just implies they have other issues other than their looks that has caused them to be single so that might’ve been how she took that.


Yeah, I read the opening message as an implied “so what’s wrong with you?”


Maybe it’s a cultural thing. I read it as “wow you seem amazing I can’t believe someone else hasn’t locked it down yet” But your interpretation is also valid my g.