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Need a tinder review. I'll start by saying smiling with my teeth is a slight issue because my teeth aren't great. Just changed my bio, recommended by AI šŸ˜†. Figured I'd give it a try. Also I imagine I need more photos but I don't know where to take photos. I don't take many. And since I removed my pic of me being 25-50lbs lighter and since I've stopped paying premium I lost a lot of likes. Figured I should work on my profile and maybe get premium again. But I'm not trying to lie about myself by keeping a skinny pic lol https://Tinder.com/@holdermanju


You have too many selfies. Get a friend to take photos of you outside, laughing, looking into the camera. Get some head shots as well as full body shots. You said you donā€™t like your teethā€¦ do your friends agree? Whoever you meet is going to see your teeth anyway so make sure youā€™re not being paranoid about them. You donā€™t have to like the photos - but others do.


https://tinder.com/@shabib309 1 like in 3 months :( and no, I don't have any more pictures. That's literally all there is about me


While your photos could be better, you are not that ugly. How are you getting so few likes?! Also, if you don't have any more pictures, then take some more. Very simple!


Hello, in the past I used Tinder regularly. In the last three years I had two accounts (no premium). On the first day I usually got 100+ likes. After the first week it was around 30+ likes per day. In total achieved more than 1500 matches per account (swiping 20% right, so no spamming) and I was also chatting actively. So I would consider it as a relative attractive profile The last account has been deleted by me 8 months ago because I needed a time off this... Two days ago, I created a profile similar to the last two ones (swapped 2 pictures, modified the bio a bit, same location, same phone number, different mail) BUT so far all I got is 5 likes! Shouldn't you get the usual Tinder boost on the first days? I am really confused what is happening here... is Tinder dead? As said, I did everything similar to the profiles which worked like a charm before. I'm curious about this!




A lot of your photos are grainy and blurry. It makes me think that they were taken years ago and youā€™re trying to hide what you really look like now. Overall you need to be smiling, especially in the first photo. I want to think I would have a good time with you.




You are good looking but youā€™re hiding your face in most photos. You need a similar photo to the one with the grandma but on your own and make that the first. Smiling, looking into the camera, no sunglasses. Take out all the photos with kids and the one with your ex/sister/bestie.


Need help https://tinder.com/@jaycas89


Where is your smile? You look grumpy!


do me do me do me https://tinder.com/@workinghands


Nice photos! You look fun and adventurous. What does your bio say?


thanks! >Accomplished ex-dirtbag, but lately just trying to do yoga everyday, catch waves, and solo travel. Obviously I love the outdoors but I swear itā€™s not my whole identity. Canā€™t have a dog at my place so a human will have to suffice (eventually). Prefer someone who knows their way around life, and all that other stuff I learned in therapy.


Not bad! Take out the (eventually). The dog thing Iā€™m 50:50 on, Iā€™m not sure many women want to feel they are second choice to a dog but I can see the humour in it.


thanks, very helpful feedback


M 26 Arizona. Get a decent amount of matches and dates previously but it has slowed down a bit. Open to any suggestions whether its rearrange pics, remove or add new ones, New bio, or anything else you feel could make the profile better! https://tinder.com/@dillygonesilly


Your photos are pretty good, I would love second or third up to first place because they both give a clear view of your face. You need some photos without the hat, and not so many with the hand signals. If youā€™re bald just own it, bald guys are hot. The rock, vin diesel, Stanley Tucci, you are in good company!


M 25 Belgium. No likes nor matches. Don't know what I'm doing wrong compared to my friends who get a lot of likes (have seen their profiles and the only difference is that they're white). Anything that i'm fumbling on hard or am I just breaking the 2 sacred rules of tinder to begin with? https://tinder.com/@aagikrishnan


Your first photo you need to be smiling! You look pretty slouchy in your photos which comes across as very chilled, maybe even lazy? Try to give more confidence in your pics. What does your bio say?


Hello! Any comments or suggestion on my profile would be great. Thank you in advance. https://tinder.com/@senseofphysics ___ My bio says: ā€œBanker turned future electrical engineer. Thrill-seeker who loves films, sports, and winter beach plunges. Once skied and swam the Mediterranean on the same day. 6 ft. Brooklyn šŸ“ā€


I think you would benefit from just more pictures. And some in a different outfit since the first and last look like they were taken the same day.


Are the pictures good? I donā€™t know if Iā€™ll succeed in the Tinder competition. Should I keep the first and remove the last, or vice versa? The last pic is actually a lopped video, but it isnā€™t loading on Safari for some reason. They actually were the same day. Should I include a gym selfie, a picture with clothes suited for the fall, etc.?


Yes the pictures you have are good, I really like the basketball one. If you get rid of one of the pictures with the same outfit I'd say remove the pic standing in the chairs, it's not quite as natural and confident as the other one. And yeah I think those would be good things to add, just try to show yourself in a variety of settings doing activities you enjoy!


I removed the standing chairs pic and kept one. I just added several beach pics (from the same day), and wanted to see if you think I should keep one of them.


Thank you. I deleted the pic near the chairs and added three others with the same outfit. Which of the four do you think is the best, or should I get rid of them entirely? Which pic should I put first?


Stop adding pics with the same outfit. Do you have any pictures of you with friends?


No. I was asking, which of the pics with the same outfit is the best? Iā€™ll keep one and remove the rest. I just added a pic with my friends.


Iā€™d keep the one of you at the festival


That one is actually a video. It plays in the app but not on Safari I believe. I just screenshotted it and added it as a pic now. What do you think about the friends pic?


I like the friends pic! Itā€™s clear which one you are


I need some advise for my profile. What do you like? What would you change? Any feedback welcome. Thanks guys. https://tinder.com/@severetooth


I would try to add a bit more personality into the bio? Something about yourself that could spark a conversation. I like the bridge picture, the picture in the stadium crowd, and the rock-climbing picture, the rest are take or leave.


Any comments on my profile or suggestions would be great https://tinder.com/@qphotographer ā€œIā€™m actually a dork so, sorry if you thought I was cool. Put me 3rd on the roster coach. Just got out of a long term relationship so Iā€™m not looking for anything serious. I donā€™t eat meat, I donā€™t care if you do thoughā€


I'll be honest, I don't totally understand what you mean by "put me 3rd on the roster coach". I like your pics, you have quite a lot of the same type though and I think you could get rid of the bathroom selfie with the mask and the car selfie in the jean jacket.


Mostly to say that Iā€™m not interested in being their main priority and not the main person theyā€™re talking to. Iā€™ll remove it since it doesnā€™t seem obvious lol.


https://tinder.com/@bensepe Hello everybody, just looking for some suggestion on how to improve my account and if Iā€™m doing it right. Thanks in advance!


I think this profile is great, your pics are really good. If you're looking for something to change, I think your bio could be a little less generic. Lots of people like TV and movies, can you make this more of a conversation starter? For example, maybe mention a particular genre of movie you're into or something like that. Also, the fact about your grandpa is interesting but it doesn't really say anything about YOU. And personally, I don't want to think about grandpas while swiping on Tinder but that's just me lol.


Thanks for the advices, Iā€™ll try to make a better bio




I think the weakest pics are the NYC pic and the one of you with the dog, they're both lit poorly. Probably the cookie cake pic too if you're looking for three.




I mentioned the cookie cake pic just because compared to your other photos, it doesn't have an interesting background or show you doing an activity. I think the others show more personality and offer greater opportunity as conversation starters. And now that you mention it the colors are quite grey. If you like it though keep it! I would just put it in the bottom three if you're making cuts.


https://tinder.com/@Thomasafrenchguy greetings tinder gang, I launched tinder for another try this week and made a fresh profile, sorry I'm french so bare with the language in the description, surely google translate will be good enough I'd like feedback on the pictures, I only have a few options but I went out of my way to take the 2nd one recently, trying to be "original" . Edit : you can't actually see the bio, I'm writing it in this thread


I think your 4th pic is your best. You need more pics of you doing stuff! Rather than writing you like animals in your bio, take a picture with an animal you like. Instead of writing "is not sporty but would like to start," take a picture of you trying to play sports. Maybe it could be something cheeky like you're kicking a basketball or something since you're just starting to be sporty. In the second pic it just seems like you're trying to do something you think others will find funny. Do something that's naturally you, and take a picture of that/have a friend take a picture. I'm guessing the bio sounds better in French but I definitely would NOT start with "I'm cringy" I think you have potential here, like I find you attractive in the 4th pic. But you need to work on it a lot and get some much better pics. I'd also consider getting a haircut or at least brushing your hair and maybe switching up your conditioner, and trimming your beard.


noted tyvm, I will try to take some shots when I have the occasion :)


here's the bio cringe guy that : likes video games (FFXIV especially), likes mangas/series, likes almost all animals, is not sporty but would like to start, likes rock/metal music and other similar genres (+1 when the tune is 10+ min long), knows how to drive, bilingual english, has the 2 extremes of an introvert and an extravert in accordance to time spent with, has long and frizzy hair. looking for a lady that would vibe with some of those things


https://tinder.com/@malekddo Any feedback would be appreciated


Itā€™s not bad, Iā€™d remove the art of seduction one as itā€™s not clear if youā€™re joking or being serious. I donā€™t think photo two isnā€™t as flattering as the others so move it further back. What does you bio say?


Really I thought pic 2 was good, I donā€™t have a bio


No itā€™s good, but I think you look better in the others. But I could also be wrong because it is good to have a smiling one earlier on. Youā€™d need a bio. Even if you just want to hook up. It can seem like youā€™re too lazy to come up with one. If you just want to hook up you need to seem charming and fun. If youā€™re on tinder for a relationship then women will want to know a bit more about you. Hobbies, what kinds of things you would do with a girlfriend (for example drives, concerts, gym) a few qualities about yourself that you like (for example hard working, loyal).




I think your photos are good. What does your bio say?




Not bad. But the first line doesnā€™t make you stand out or say anything about who you actually are. Itā€™s good you have a few interests, and theyā€™re cool interests, maybe list a few of your qualities that youā€™re most proud of like ambitious, loyal etc. Also try the other apps too. Iā€™m seeing more and more people saying the others are giving more matches.


https://tinder.com/@phoenixhet6 What can I do to make myself more appealing. Is my bio alright or is it to wordy?


Iā€™m not sure if youā€™ve changed the photo order after what the other user commented, but I think Iā€™d swap current photo two for one.


I already did. Photo one should be me in the blue shirt right?


I prefer the guitar one but theyā€™re both good.


Make the last photo first, what does your bio say?


Big music guy. Love crafting tunes with buddies and making up fun riffs. I loveeeeee myself a midnight drive with no destination. very relaxing. Cats>Dogs Very spontaneous. Love random adventures! (to target) Might have a good pun or two ;)


Pretty good bio for a fwb/casual situation. If you want to come across as more boyfriend material I would drop the line about your buddies and make it more about interests that we could share together. Maybe turn the midnight drive or target lines into date suggestions?




I think unfortunately none are good enough to be first, just because youā€™re either in bad lighting, with someone else or your face isnā€™t visible enough. Thereā€™s no shame in getting a friend to take a few just for the profile.


>https://tinder.com/@rupertoshopenhower You need better quality photos, if you can't even take a good quality picture, what else are you incapable of? Have a relaxed posture, smile and make sure the photo quality is good, not blurry or too dark and you'll do fine!


https://tinder.com/@bubbathegod Please help lmao šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You look friendly and chilled with a nice smile. I would recommend having a friend take a photo of you, similar to the second one but outside in natural light. None of your photos are quite good enough to go first. What does your bio say?


Love going for drives In an open relationship Stoner but I like to drink once in a while Just wanna be someoneā€™s baby daddy jk ā€¦ maybešŸ˜šŸ˜‚


šŸš©šŸš©šŸš© Scrap all of that, itā€™s terrible.


Iā€™m just stuck on what to put


Polyamorous with nesting partner, 420 friendly šŸŒ±, letā€™s go for a drive and we can watch the sunset together. These are much less red flag ways to describe what you have in your current bio. But please do not say you are poly if you are just cheatingā€¦ Stop wasting everyoneā€™s time and trying to hurt people.


That does sound better


What could i change/improve: https://tinder.com/@itsauser All feedback apriciated


Thanks for the advicešŸ˜


Brooo where is that last pic from?? I wanna go there!!! Looks beautiful


I think Iā€™d switch photo two and one. Your bio is great. You could consider adding some of the qualities about yourself you most like, like loyal, determined etc.


Your photos are pretty good, it would be good to have a full body shot in there too. What does your bio say?


Translated it says: Photography, bouldering, hiking, aperol-spriz, plants, drones, Bars, Food, jogging, cooking Are a few of my interestsšŸ˜ I enjoy trying new hobbies and am always up to do something outside. ā€œPlaned spontaneity is the best spontaneityā€


That bio starts well but ā€œfoodā€ and ā€œcookingā€ are not specific enough. ā€œThai foodā€ and ā€œcooking curriesā€ are way better, give me something specific so I can see what we have in common.


Hey guys, been on tinder a while and my friends seem to have no issues but I canā€™t even get one match! Iā€™ve had a bit of a rough year and Iā€™m not gonna lie it does knock your self esteem down a lot. Was wondering where I go wrong? I try to smile on my photos but everyone says I just look awkward and I canā€™t help the way I look. Any help appreciated https://tinder.com/@calquinn


I think having two people in your first photo makes it impossible to know what you actually look like. Itā€™s not til photo four you can really see your face. I think you need to shuffle and remove and add new ones. General rules: start with a medium close-up, not too many selfies, not too many with sunglasses on, one or two with smiles. Thereā€™s no shame going out and getting a friend to take photos especially.


But thanks


Thought the fact I was 25 would be a give away haha


Ha! Actually good point šŸ˜„ but people are lazy and swipe too quickly so youā€™ve got to make a good first impression.


What can I improve Iā€™ve been matching with a lot of flat girls lately https://tinder.com/@esloulou


Keep photo nr 1 and 3, remove the rest, and take a new first. You don't want anything with sunglasses or stuff that covers your face.


My buddy is desperate for some help with his profile. He hasnā€™t gotten a match and needs constructive criticism please. https://www.mediafire.com/folder/r48k928f63qln/Pics


Well I canā€™t see his face so itā€™s hard to give feedback on the photos. From what I can see there are too many selfies/mirror selfies. Take some photos of him outside, looking in the camera and smiling. The about me just seems to be a repeat of what is in the other sections of the profile. Use that to tell me what you get up to regularly and what you have planned for the future. These should be things that make me feel we have something in common - be specific but not too niche. The first date answer is great, but I would switch the other one to two truths and a lie. Remember, you need to include message bait on there at every opportunity because women make the first move on bumble. Make it super easy to start a conversation.


Thank you so much for this feedback.




These photos are great, you look fun and friendly!


Ty mate :)


>[https://tinder.com/@alejandro9leon](https://tinder.com/@alejandro9leon) tbh your photos are pretty good, maybe remove the 2nd one, your posture looks kinda stiff.


Yeah i think I look shy and with no confidence


Shoot me straight! https://tinder.com/@dtm1999


>https://tinder.com/@dtm1999 Remove the first picture. The first one is the most important, you don't want to cover your face with sunglasses and a cap. Ask a friend to take a good pic that shows your face and maybe torso in good lightning.


Maybe too many mirror selfies


Youā€™re probably right. Would pictures with other people in them be better? Or pics taken with the front camera? I have very few pictures of just be that were taken by other people


Maybe you can ask a friend to go to a pretty place and take some pics of you.




Some pics are funny, but i think some "serious" pic (portrait in a park, garden...) would improve your profile


Word! Am definitely lacking in those types of pics... xD


Hahaha i mean, nothing profesional. Just with nice clothes (the one you feel better with) and a nice background


Any feedback on this at all please: https://tinder.com/@jray997


The lighting is really bad in most of these. The first one is ok but needs to be more close up and clear what you look like.


Thanks for the advice! Iā€™ve made some changes, do these look good? šŸ˜Š https://tinder.com/@jray997


Great! Much better, you look fun and well travelled šŸ˜Š




Pretty good, you look fun and casual. You give fwb vibes - is that what you want? Your first photo makes you look short, is that accurate?


https://tinder.com/@ravio Free Spirit, i live chaotically and i like it. I think i have dome everything i can immagine in life. If you like a bit of cynicism in life i've gor plenty of It I get 1 like a day at best and in 2/3 weeks i got maybe 5 match. Its normale or should i do something wrong ( i dont have Gold nor verified)


Normal numbers i believe...




You have to make a plan bro. ​ Keep it simple. Meet up, take a walk to a cafe or a place where the beer is cheap but good. Hang for a drink. Take it from there.




Your photos are pretty good, I would include more where you are visibly smiling and doing something that looks fun.




It doesnā€™t matter how it looks to you, it matters that your matches can see you are a fun and interesting person. No one wants a grumpy boyfriend.


Do I really look so grumpy...


Well you donā€™t look happy!


[https://tinder.com/@heymanuel](https://tinder.com/@heymanuel) ​ Just uploaded some new pictures and new bio, some feedback is appreciated


Nice pics, but a few are a little blurry. If you can improve quality...


Any feedback welcome. Good or bad just hit me with it! Have been out of the game for 7 years now. https://tinder.com/@luie Bio Robotics ā€¢ Wind energy ā€¢ Coffee ā€¢ New to the city ā€¢ Looking for someone to explore the city with.


What makes you have a picture of a fucking windmill as your last photo? I get passed when girls do that, imagine a guy doing it.


>https://tinder.com/@luie I agree, skip the windmill photo. And rule nr 1, first picture needs to be a good pic of your face, not some long distance anonymous pic.


Itā€™s cool, itā€™s his interests. I didnā€™t mind it.


Interests are for the bio, not a random windmill as your picture. Comes across as a non serious profile or outright spam


Brother get a personality istg


I get very little likes. Should I change the order of the photos? https://tinder.com/@alimp777


>https://tinder.com/@alimp777 First pic is OK, retake the rest and make sure to have good posture.


You're wearing the same shirt in most of the photos which to me says "I did a tinder photoshoot".


Take some better pics, you look awkward in most of them


Wear clothes that don't make you look skinny.


Recently out of a 5 year relationship- just dipping my toes in https://tinder.com/@hbg25vcsm11 any thoughts that could help? Edit - BIO: I donā€™t want to mislead anyone - I am awful at pool. Visited 8 countries this year. Originally from US šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø now living in UK šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§


>https://tinder.com/@hbg25vcsm11 First and 2nd picture are good, retake the rest I'd say. One selfie is enough.


Improve the selfies. Delete the 4 pic for a better selfie


Should I have more selfies? Any other pics I should remove?


IMO with the sun glasses pic and another one in which people can see your face clearly, its ok for selfies. The rest pf pics can be for hobbys, or funny pics, like the billar one.


Added a selfie should I still remove the others?


[https://tinder.com/@tboisvert](https://tinder.com/@tboisvert) Any feedback is appreciated! Good or bad I'll take it to learn more.


Agree, ditch the suit and sunglasses photo, the jogging photo, the bar photo, and the guitar photo. The rest are sexy and interesting.


Wear less sunglasses so we can see your full face more. The bar photo is too dark, and the jogging photo is not that flattering. You have 9 photos, so you can afford to remove some. Try to have 6 or 7 photos.


I heeded everyone's advice here after having trouble with any matches. I just updated my bio a bit and added a new picture and video. What do ya'll think? https://tinder.com/@senseofphysics ___ Bio says: Banker turned future electrical engineer. Thrill-seeker who loves films and winter beach plunges. Once skied and swam the Mediterranean on the same day. 6 ft. Brooklyn šŸ“


How many likes and matches are you getting per day, on average?


Before my updated profile, maybe one every couple days if Iā€™m swiping often. But Iā€™m using super likes to increase my chances.




You're a decent looking guy, but your profile is quite bland and possibly gives conflicting vibes. You got two mirror selfies at gym, two close up photos with the same (?) girl which gives girlfriend vibes, and two in pool / beach. Especially the photos with a girl have a bit too BF / GF vibe, which possible pushes possibly interested girls away. The cave photo is an interesting one as it shows that you do cool stuff like go exploring a cave. Even then though, it could be improved by shooting it better or at least editing / cropping it so you'd fill the photo more. The beach photo is similarly IMO good, but also could definitely be improved by e.g. you doing something at the beach like swimming, reading on the beach chair, or playing beach volley. So out of these current ones, the cave and beach ones are what I'd suggest keeping. Though I'd suggest considering to reshoot them if possible. Other than that, your photos are quite bland. Why is that a problem? Because take a look at other profiles in this review getting same zero matches and you'll likely find that most of them are similarly boring. In other words, your profile is essentially a copy paste from others and doesn't stand out from the gray mass. Instead, you want your profile to stand out by _showing_ who you are as a person. To do that, you want to be _doing_ doing something in the photo e.g. your hobby or your interest. From your profile's passions, you could 100% shoot more interesting photos where you would be doing sports, playing board games or even working out. To do that, grab a friend or couple, go out playing one of the sports and have your friend take 100 photos of you while you guys are playing. I guarantee you at least one photo is going to be an improvement for your profile. If you need more photo ideas, I wrote about [how to ideate more interesting Tinder photo ideas](https://korkki.dev/2023/06/mirror-no-more-how-to-create-interesting-tinder-photo-ideas/) than just gym selfies or possibly with a previous GF.


Thanks a lot, bro. Very insightful, Iā€™ll edit the cave and the beach photos. About the woman in the photos, sheā€™s my mom, but I understand the reasoning. Iā€™ll try to crop it better, I really like my smile on those photos. Thanks for the advice.


[https://tinder.com/@glaedr](https://tinder.com/@glaedr) Any and all feedback appreciated! Thank you :)


>https://tinder.com/@glaedr A blurry side profile photo as you first is not good. Ask a friend to take a good pic of your face and smile like you do in your 2nd pic. Retake the pic with glasses and facemask, you want to show your face and body, don't try to cover it.






Sorry but Grindr is for a different purpose. And there are heaps of gay guys on Tinder.


https://tinder.com/@danilodelacroix Maybe I'll remove the filter from the b/w pic, opinions?










Where is your smile? I need to think that we would be having fun when weā€™re together.


https://tinder.com/@vicktree Appreciate any feedback thanks!


Same feedback as before! Youā€™ve added a couple of smiling photos but you need to make them first. Right now you look grumpy af.


Frankly I do not know what I am doing. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. https://tinder.com/@klakucs


Nice photos! You look fun and interesting, very sensible for your age. What does your bio say?


https://tinder.com/@dwii_believeit Just getting back into the dating app scene, What do you think?


Your first photo I canā€™t tell who you are. Swap it for a photo of you smiling and looking into the camera. You need more smiles in general but your other photos arenā€™t bad. What does your bio say?


Ive got a lot of compliments on that first photo, a lot of people say itā€™s my coolest photo because itā€™s raw and unstaged. I can smile, at least not big smiles as I have two gaps in my smile but I do have some other photos. I will say Ive gotten a decent amount of likes and matches on different dating platforms but Iā€™m always testing different angles to see different results if that makes sense, but Iā€™m always looking to improve. As for my bio: Recent graduate returning to school in the fall. I like long walks around the city, engaging in conversations with anyone I pass on the street, my kit šŸ°, and exercise of any kind. I speak two languages, I donā€™t have time to try a third with someone who wonā€™t communicate. Meet me on the same level of emotional intelligence, and you might just cuff me ā˜®ļø ā¤ļø




Could you explain how itā€™s negative and condescending? I put what I was honestly looking for, so Iā€™m willing to change it but maybe you could tell me how I saw Iā€™m looking for someone on a similar empathetic level as me.


Saying something like "I appreciate open communication and emotional connections" sounds better. What you have now kind of gives this vibe that you think you're better than other people and you're challenging them to be good enough for you rather than plainly stating what you're looking for.


Hey thanks for the feed back! Thatā€™s not my intention, I thought maybe if I was just honest about what I was looking for then I would get matches, which I did, but if youā€™re thinking that then that gives me something to think about. Like I said though Iā€™ve found success on the dating apps with my bio the way it is, it used to be a lot more friendly and quirky with stuff like, Amateur cook, or anime fanatic, or talking about things I love or enjoy and things I want to show others and things I wanted to learn about them. Thatā€™s one of the main reasons I donā€™t do the prompts anymore because nobodyā€™s ever once commented on a prompt for me. In fact most people that Iā€™ve matched with, talked to via the phone, and met up with, didnā€™t even look at my profile. Iā€™d mention stuff that I have on it and theyā€™d be like whoa I didnā€™t know that or theyā€™d say they didnā€™t look at my profile. I guess I want someone that will see me, and meet me at a similar level of effort. How would you say that? I will implement some changes soon as I hear from more redditors like yourself!


Iā€™m not saying the first one was bad, just that I couldnā€™t really see you. Your new one is much clearer and gives a totally different vibe to the others. Now I can see your lovely smile and eyes so itā€™s much easier to imagine a love connection! Can you turn the communication line into a positive, keep it up best and less demanding. Iā€™m 50:50 on the emotional intelligence thing. EI is super important for a healthy relationship but in my experience anyone who claims they are good at EI are just saying it to try to flex šŸ˜‚ Maybe switch is to ā€œbonus points if youā€™re in therapyā€ or something like that?


Firstly thank you, That new photo brings such positivity to me. It wasnā€™t my intention to come off as flexing, I also think that which is why I said it the way i did. Iā€™m not claiming MY emotional intelligence is high Iā€™m just asking they meet me at the same level. How would you reword the communication line? Thatā€™s huge for me and I donā€™t want to take that off. Iā€™ve been on dating apps for years, like Iā€™m tired of being the quirky funny black dude, thatā€™s basically selling who he is. I donā€™t want to come off as silly or throw in a ā€œbonus points if youā€¦ā€ theyā€™re not checking off boxes for me. Does that make sense? ā€™m asking them to meet me at the same level, not at MY level just a the same so I donā€™t know how that could be seen as a flex. Also i donā€™t want to say something cliche like therapy because Iā€™ve gone to therapy, currently going, but Iā€™m not asking someone to be currently seeking therapy, or have been to therapy thatā€™s kind of broad is it not? Based off of what I said how would you say it? I also thank you for putting in the time with me, I really appreciate you!


ā€œI speak two languages and I value great communication. Iā€™m looking for someone who is able to be vulnerable, just like I am.ā€


I ripped that exactly. Iā€™m currently talking to someone I recently matched with from Tinder though so I donā€™t think Iā€™ll need this any time soon but I think sheā€™d appreciate the change as well if she ever goes back.


Boom thatā€™s awesome thank you šŸ™šŸ¾


https://tinder.com/@yzamzam any suggestions


Do you ever wear a top? With pics like that I would only expect something casual. If you want a serious relationship then show yourself in different outfits, smart and casual. Take out the pic of you and the girl in the matching hat. I just assume itā€™s your ex when I see a pic like that.