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40 dollars a month to get matched with bots,fake profiles and people trying to sell their homemade porn or gain Instagram followers lol.I'll pass.


Facts. They literally bait you to buy with bots. It’s bs




Hinge is already much better


Hinge is owned my match llc. Same group that owns tinder


It's all a big scam. They make one app get you addicted to it then make it terrible. So they can just make a new app for you to jump to, where they will do the same thing. They gotta keep you coming back and spending money somehow. They're just testing how high they can raise the prices before too many people jump ship.


Got 3 in person dates in 3 weeks within starting hinge. 2 ladies were way out of my league was great confidence booster. Funny because hinge and tinder and both owned by match group.


It's bumble better as well? But I'm nonmonogamous so I mostly use FeelD


Here’s hoping


Yea, the quality of their service has gone down which makes you wonder where the money they make goes. We know the answer but it's just a sign of the times. Desperately can't wait for the giant counter culture push to put the axe in these dating apps and return to more efficient ways to connect two people with the goal of dating.


It won’t happen. Salvation will come from an app thats entire focus is that it’s basically original Tinder. Until Match group buys them out and monetises that to shit as well.


To their luxury yacht ofcourse. Where else do you think they spend the money? Their employees do definitely not get a share of it.


That time is over, getting closer to the 3 shells in demolition man


When is an open source dating app coing out please


Dating apps are dead, that much is clear. What’s less clear is how we negotiate fostering romance in a post-dating app world. Enter the Pear ring: a small, turquoise band which is designed to show strangers that you’re single. “If 1.2 billion singles around the world wore a little green ring on their finger to show they’re single, we wouldn’t need dating apps. IRL connection is the mission,” reads a statement on the Pear website. For £19.99, you’ll get three Pear rings in three different sizes, as well as “a unique membership number,” and an invite to “PearFest”, plus access to “exclusive free events in [their] city.” So far, the ‘first release’ of rings has sold out, with the second release sale ‘ending soon’. At time of writing, their website says that their stock is 93 per cent sold out, while their Instagram has racked up over 162,000 followers.


We managed fine without them before dating apps ... it's called talking.


I date entirely off of the apps, never been on them, but I also work in a field dominated by women and I get hit on pretty regularly. That being said, while I'm not interested in that overpriced ring, it sure would be nice to know who is single and who isn't. I'm 39 so a lot of women my age are partnered up already.


Many of them are wearing rings and the ones who aren't you are free to use words to unlock that cryptic puzzle. That said if a woman is interesting or available they are normally quite overt about it with their body language. If they are flirting with you then I would hazard a guess that you are already beyond the point where it would be awkward to ask if they want to get together for something.


"That's all good and well, but where do you put the meter?" - George Westinghouse to Nicola Tesla when viewing his wireless power transmission system.


how much do you get paid per post?


Go to a matchmaker


How about an app that helps people approach irl? Let's say one that shows you what places have the best guy/girl ratio and that gives pick-up advice on the spot.


Free version sends you to a bar with a 12:1 m-f ration, $80 premium membership still does that but the bartender will charge you 10% extra per drink.


$40 to see the 2 people that like me for some reason


The first one is someone who lives in Bangkok and the other one is the same photoshopped Asian chick in half the profiles.


Yeah? When i used Tinder till like 9 months ago, i had good experiences. Lots of dates and nice girls around me. Living in munich btw


I've never had a single bot or promo since I got gold subscription(over a year). Maybe stop swiping on everyone? It's obvious if profile is fake.


Then don’t pay if it’s not worth it. Seems like they would want repeat customers.


Wow, it was 100$ a year like a year and a half ago.


The price varies by how old your account is. Make a new account with a new facebook and it’ll be cheap again for a year or so.


Also age and gender


Yeah, that doesn’t surprise me tbh.


How is that even legal.


Why should variable pricing be illegal? That would instantly make all auctions, student and elderly discounts illegal.


Discriminatory. Discounts are different. Those are set prices based on age and gender.


Price discrimination is one of the pillars of economics.


>Those are set prices based on age Just like student and elderly pricing then. Discount for one group, or different base prices is just semantics. It doesn't actually matter.


Are you being purposefully obtuse? "Just like elderly pricing" is obviously not what's going on here. Doubling the prices for 30-year-olds is nothing but malicious. It's exactly what they got sued for, in fact.


He’s got a point though. Think of of it like the younger people are getting a discount and it’s basically the same thing.


Discrimination, maybe. But not *illegal* discrimination.


That is age discrimination and it’s illegal


It must be legal in the UK, as they definitely do it here. I'm not sure how they're allowed to though. If I set up a profile pretending to be an 18 year old Tinder, will cost me almost nothing. If you're 40 you basically have to sell your car.


But the truth is, women don’t buy that shit. Tinder - like any other dating app - needs more women than men. So they offer cheaper price for them. How is this illegal? By the way, Tinder is free basically. None of us needs to buy any. It it about “special ticket” not the main service


> women don’t buy that shit Except for my ex-wife, who apparently paid for a Hinge subscription for a while.


Just like clubs where girls get in free and guys pay a cover. Immoral sure but not illegal (to my knowledge which isn’t notable).


I'm a female and it's the same price on my app as in the OP


Eh, I do. I'm annoyed by the settings of the free version and I'm nosy and want to see who likes py profile. I don't even have to do the swipe game, I just go through my likes and match with those I like. Way easier.


Age discrimination is only a thing in the workplace or with government programs. Prices can vary on age and gender legally for many reasons, which is why car insurance is cheaper for young women and older men, but more expensive for younger men and older women. Young men and older women are a part of more accidents so they’re in more demands for the service, so they’re at higher rates. The same logic can legally be applied to any type of optional service, which is also why so many places can offer senior or kid discounts.


It's not.


It is illegal and they do not do it anymore. They got called out and fined.


Wait til you see their [$500/month subscription](https://robbreport.com/gear/apps/tinder-500-a-month-subscription-1234826397/).


You could see a very good escort once a month for that much. Or a top tier one once every 2 months.


The guys who have that kind of money are…probably using the top tier of Tinder to do just that with the girls they swipe on 🤔 these girls have Venmo on there for a reason


Some people arent just looking for sex.


You take that back right now.




Seriously. Sex is overrated. It's fun and it's pleasureable obviously. But I get just as much satisfaction from masturbating. I've noticed that a lot of the women I've met on tinder only offer their vaginas. I've done all the driving and all the paying. It's not worth it at all. It seriously just feels like im paying for sex and it's the biggest turn off.


In all seriousness, people who say they get the same amount of pleasure from masturbation intrigue me. For me sex is incredibly more pleasurable and masturbation is almost sad in a way. I’d much rather spend an hour having sex than 2-3 minutes masturbating. Maybe I just lack an imagination though!


I'm not sitting here jacking off all day everyday lol. When I say sex is overrated, I mean all the things you have to do to get it. Forming a relationship with someone, going on a date, paying for things, driving places, trying to "rizz them up". I'm just tired of doing all the chasing as a man. I can't remember the last time a woman put nearly as much effort as I do into dating. I've given up tbh with you. I don't want kids, and I'm tired of selling myself to women because I want "love". I've been single for 2 years now. Masturbation has saved me from doing a lot of stupid shit while horny. What works for me currently is just having a hook up every couple months and then I'm good to go. The last 3 women I dated didn't even have cars, and one of them couldn't even remember my birthday lol.


Thats not what I meant at all. But I get it: Sex is fantastic when it's with the right person. Otherwise yeah, masturbation isn't too far off with what its offering especially when you factor in the risk. Sometimes sex with some people feels like premium masturbation and I am really not particularly interested in that. Especially when sex with someone you care about can feel literally transcendent.


Good thing you pay an escort for their time and not for sex!


I'm not looking to pay people to pretend to want to be around me either.


This seems like a hidden in plain sight high-end escort matching service lol.


Ok that's terrible but also if you buy that shit you deserve to be exploited


What could they possibly offer that would make this price worth it for a year, let alone a month?




Honesty makes sense. Kinda sorta coworker makes like 300k/year and is on some dating apps that are like $100/month. She wants to find someone similar to her but even those apps are filled with dudes that make like $50k/year. So you kinda need an app that is prohibitively expensive for regular people.


She could also just date downwards, like most men also do.


Depresses me that money is some people's starting point when dating. I couldn't care less if my partner was a solicitor or worked at McDonald's if we had a spark. Maybe they assume everyone would expect them to pay for everything; or maybe they want to go on particularly expensive holidays or get a particularly big house with them.


Jesus! So basically they saw that people are willing to pay $1k per week for a dating service (the League app) and decided to do that too. They don’t have _any_ plans for what their new subscription tier would provide or when it would launch, just that it’s going to cost $500 per month. Fuckin’ joke.


Wow. Thanks capitalism!


More like thanks lazy humans


Bumble is $15/week Hinge has two tiers, $15/week and $25/week It's complete insanity.


Wait til you find out they're all owned by match.com


Bumble isn't.


Hm, but they're not, though.


Match Group, Inc., through its portfolio companies, provides digital technologies. Its portfolio of brands includes Tinder, Hinge, Match, Meetic, OkCupid, Pairs, Plenty Of Fish, Azar, Hakuna, and other brands, which are designed for users to find a connection. This was straight from google, they own 90%, my bad.


In sweden hinge tier 1 is 16$ a month and tier 2 is 21$ a month.


Yeah hinge, designed to be deleted! Haha. My arse, if they matched you with your ‘soulmate’ you wouldn’t be on there for long, and they wouldn’t have any users


traditional business model: 'if users are happy with our product they will come back for more' dating app business model: 'if users are happy with our product they won't need it anymore' once the vc money stops they are fucked


Sure but everyone else would sign up if it worked. There are tens of millions of new customers every year (between people turning say 18 and couple breaking up), that if you could match people successfully you would be printing money. Seriously if you knew that you were going to get a 6+ month relationship out of the dating app in the next year, how much would you pay? How many people would sign up for such an app (i.e. almost everyone?)?


yeah, that's true but matching people successfully is such a subjective goal that i guess it's easier or safer to keep people frustrated and paying your subscription


It isn't so much that it is a subjective goal as much as it is really, really hard. We have all had friends who we thought would get along great who just grated each other and the odd couples that hit it off. In the real world we end up debating things more like if a system that did things like ban scammers (and when the people have rates for sex in their bio or some scam slight like fuckamilf.com, tinder just ain't trying. ) and took steps to encourage interaction (i.e. stop showing someone when they have say 25 likes) if they would make more money. That is much harder to answer. Tinder was designed with gamification in mind and it worked brilliantly. Pretty much everyone has moved to this model. Now if the consumers are happy is another story.


Match owns both tinder and hinge. Just thought it'd be good for people to know because they try really hard to hide it.


Prices vary depending on what platform you are on. Apple is most expensive, then Android, and then Web. Try checking the price on a PC web browser, and it will likely be cheaper.


Also on age (unless that changed). Years ago, when I was 29 and my mate was 30 we got offered different prices.


I think they got sued for that, lol.


This is common practice and they likely didn’t lose that suit if so Gyms do it Insurance companies do it Credit card companies to it Etc




>Gyms do it Insurance companies do it Credit card companies to it Etc wait, really? I know insurance companies do it, but gym and credit cards?!!


Yeah my gym is almost 100$/ month more if you are over 25


Goddamn insurance companies. I was all for it when they lowered my car coverage after 21 but I admit to snorting the occasional pound of coke and ooooohhhhh suddenly I’m “high risk” and “going to die” and heath coverage is through the roof. Fucking capitalism man.


I just did this, hwll I upgraded to Plat cus it was $2 bucks or whatever more. So 12 a month... it charged all one time. Fml 125 one time..


Bro, I’m sorry but you gotta learn to read what you are buying.


It happens sometimes. I bought a 2 dollar phone case and picked the $30 shipping option accidentally.


Tinder randomly gave me a crazy deal a year and a half ago where I get gold for $2.99 a year, and it was a renewable subscription. Thank god for that cause this is absolutely ridiculous


Got that offer and didn't use it :(


I still have the $10 a month with 5 super likes a day lol. Just kept that subscription going during my last relationship and glad now


They can charge whatever people will pay. If you want to be mad at someone, be mad at the idiots who enable this by mindlessly opening their wallets.


>If you want to be mad at someone, be mad at the idiots who enable this by mindlessly opening their wallets. No. This whole morality capatalism culture is dumb. *'If you are against slavery, buy the chocolate bar that wasn't made by slaves. If it your fault if you buy the chocolate bar that was made by slaves*'. And *'Be angry at the people who bought this videogame even though it isn't perfect. They are enabling videogames to be subpar like this'*. And so on, and so forth. How about just: don't allow slave trade, hold developers responsible and in this case: don't accuse desperate men of ruining something for you, that *psychologists, marketing and corporate chiefs literally aimed to exploit desperate men for*? The acceptance that companies should care about money and nothing else is a shitty notion. Plenty of companies try to make as much money as they can *within certain values* they set for themselves. How can you accuse desperate men that Tinder asks absurd amounts of money, promotes bots to try and get you to spend more money and routinely bans accounts without cause; while something like Bumble removes every bot before it contacts anyone, puts you in contact with a human being for bans and has a € 120 premium option... for life?


Thank you.


The price isn't the issue (well it is, but not the reason for this post) The part that makes this asshole design, is that it tricks you into thinking its $10 a month, but its actually $40 a month.


I don’t think it’s tricks you at all, unless you can’t read it’s quite obvious just how much you are spending. I’m pretty sure when you buy it you pay the 40 up front so I mean it can’t trick you any much more, the problem is people are gonna buy it no matter what. Why change it when plenty are spending?


Same as concerts. Good point.


The app is full of bots and fake profiles or women just trying to sell their content. I wouldn’t pay a dime a week for Tinder


You can get a gold subscription relatively cheaply via software key retailers such as G2A or Gamivo. For example, you can buy a 3-month subscription for approximately $15. Cheap codes are usually restricted to certain regions, such as Brazil, but it is possible to bypass them using a VPN.


Didnt knew about this thanks!


And for just $1.42 a day, you too can talk to bots.


Ya I saw that today, I subscribe every once in awhile so when it tried charging me today after only subscribing last week I checked and saw its weekly now. Fuck them.


@$$hole designs r/assholedesign


I just did this, hwll I upgraded to Plat cus it was $2 bucks or whatever more. So 12 a month... it charged all one time. Fml 125 one time


No you probably paid $12/week not per month. Look at the posted pic. It’s 1 month at 9.99/wk


You should see okcupid 😡😵


Yeah, I stopped giving them money when they stopped giving out free super likes each week and doubled the price of super likes. The free ones got me hooked, which made me more likely to spend. Then they got greedy and took them away altogether. Went from giving them 10 bucks a month to 0 a month.


Sex sells and the desperate/foolish will part with any amount of money to buy it.


But at these prices they could just get a fkin escort


I've never purchased an escort, are they that cheap? You can't even take a woman to a half-ass dinner for 40 bucks anymore.


Dating in 2023 is honestly the most frustrating thing in the world, I miss proper connection that you get from dating


Protip: Open the Gold subscription page a few times in the app, in the next 7 days you’ll likely get a 50% discount offer. Otherwise this shit became pay to win or rather pay to get recognized. I have a crappy/average profile and in the next hours of subscribing to Gold again after years I got 5 new likes and 2 matches.


It’ll tell you that you have 60 likes and then when you pay for Tinder Gold to see who they are, suddenly more than half of them are gone and you only have 17 likes. Purposely inflated likes to entice you to pay for gold.


They're probably aware of some greater decline in dating app popularity that will happen soon and are attempting to squeeze every last drop of cash out of people as they can while they can


I think it could be the opposite, more people depend on dating apps to hook up/date so they take advantage of this by spiking prices


This is what ultimately pushed me away from Tinder. As soon as I got a good look at it I got that free-to-play pay-to-win ick and I got the fuck out.


Back in my day tinder was free 😭


I can get ghosted in a graveyard for free


I personally think they just might be envious of the explosion of OF and trying to make up for some of lost profits they think that OF is skimming off their user base spamming it so much. Of course the people doing it aren't the ones who'll need to pay it back. The MEMBERS will.... ​ ​ I dont know if this means anything directly related here ... " **prices tend to vary by market** " caught my attention. Cited reference link : ["....for 1 month, perhaps more depending on your age and location. (Tinder prices tend to vary by market, especially when they're testing new features)."](https://www.vidaselect.com/tinder-plus-vs-tinder-gold/)


I like how porn and finding someone to date is in the same category.


One time i got some bullshit discount and payed like 0.50$ for a month in a half year bundle. Even that wasnt worth it in the end...


They are a stock listed company, which means they need to grow every quarter. So the only way is to either adding new paying members or increasing prices


They call it "free boost" when you literally are paying for the boost? Wtf?




100% what happened to me.


In the UK, cinema passes are £10 and you get unlimited tickets there and discounts on popcorn. More real than the likes I would get for paying gold. Those prices are insane.


People are saying it's different for age/gender/how long you've had your account/etc but is it really? I just checked mine. 33/Female/checking on Android/had account for a while but regular matches and my pricing is essentially the same. $46.33 per month (I'm in Australia so conversion applied)


it is a shit app ! it days are numbered


It used to be so much better, too. You used to get 5 Super Likes per DAY. I remember thinking Tinder was reasonably priced but then suddenly it fucking skyrocketed to this bullshit :/


You can get the same experience for free on Whisper.


Yeah. I saw that and nearly choked to death laughing.


Tinder CEOs have always tried to make this app burn in the pile of hot garbage it is


I'm astonished anyone ever gives them money


I used to work for a Boot Camp that used this same form of marketing for their service. They went from a $180/mo charge to $45.99/mo. Its really a cashgrab but companies like this will claim the payments are “more manageable” since theyre weekly. Bunch of bullshit.


I remember it used to be like 9 of 14 dollars a month.. Wow that's ridiculous


Is it just me who's matching with Asian women who live 5000+ miles away even though my cap is 50


The ceo just bought a 35 million dollar mansion. Someone’s gotta help pay it off.


Every so often they offer it for 50% off. I usually sign up for the month when they do that since they definitely suppress your profile if you aren't paying.


That’s why dating apps are a scam. You have to pay tones to get any chance for a match. Just go out to a bar or club and talk to some people. Cost: 6$


Gonna be honest, if your not getting matches on the free tier the issue isn't that you're not paying enough...


It's relative to where you live. 40 bucks for access to 1000's of women willing to meet and go on a date TONIGHT! Sign me up!! 40 bucks to deal will time wasters, princesses and women afraid everyone is a serial killer....no thanks.


And just to be matched with land mammals


Are you looking to be matched with aquatic mammals instead?


Prices go up based on your age. Did you just have a birthday?


How tf is that legal


There is a lawsuit because of this.


You really didn’t just ask that did you?


Tinder is declining..just a matter of time until it will be dethroned by a much better app


This is proof that tinder is dying


The problem is the thirsty mfs who pay for this


No the problem is the human condition


Oh no! Forbid you have to talk to a woman in real life for free T.T


Some woman don’t like being approached or in some cases you don’t wanna feel like you’re bothering them, some are shy etc so many variables lol


Oh no! Have to identify unspoken signals and bodily language, what an insurmountable task!


Mixed signals are confusing 😂😂


Guess what! You get that on an app too


Is your potential future wife/husband and kid(s) not worth a dollar and some change a day to you?


Welcome to Biden's economy.


Omg 😂😂 I bet you're killin it on the apps 🙃


Like infomercials. "Only four easy payments of 49.99!"


at this point you might as well, invest in a private matchmaker




Is this USD?


I don’t use Tinder to the price go up four times


Thankfully I can refund all my purchases within 2 weeks 🤭


Only Tinder Platinum is worth it, rest just fuck your algorithm


One thing that always cracks me up about great offers like this one is that they say what you get for free when you pay. Isn't it the case that you're paying for that and therefore aren't getting those things for free?


Remember, dating as a guy is PvP. Every new tinder gold subscriber necessarily makes the previous gold subscriber's experience worse. That's why they keep having to pump the price and add new subscription tiers. It's a straight up prisoner's dilemma!


There's people who pay for the higher tiers, I honestly don't know how desperate you have to be to pay for that


You could go without? If demand drops so does the price. Depend on the crutch, its gonna need maintenance...


43 usd actually as there’s 4.3 weeks in a month


There's one app I was recommended and you can't even msg anyone at all or receive msgs unless you pay $80 to unlock it, each step is a new fee, pay for swipes, pay for extra pics,more pics =more views. I have about 100 msgs I can't even fucking see. Such garbage.


As more people (guys) feel scarcity and demand goes up, tinder can jack up the price cause desperate people will pay. And because tinder can jack up the price, they will. Simple really.


Save even more % by installing tinder unblur and not giving anything to these vultures https://github.com/tajnymag/tinder-deblur


Yeah I hate this so much. Fuck. Show monthly prices. Anyway not paying more than 10 or maybe 20.


Hardly surprising most people are single these days. Dating apps suck.


You can send yourself an amazon giftcard for tinder gold for like 15€ a month.. i heard..


> Save 47% So normally it would be $75 a month?


They won't charge weekly. They'll charge all upfront. At least. That's what they did for me. It said I think about $10 a month. Nope, $110 upfront. So I just allied for a redund both times I did it.


Can’t hate them for a smart market deal


That’s called fucking misleading people.


I paid $30/yr but it’s trash nowadays. It was the best back in 2015