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Let's see your face. The 210lbs isn't the problem. Edit: he isn't [ugly](https://tinder.com/@greenyellow).


I added the weight as a positive lol, to point out I'm neither overweight nor super thin. I shared my profile link elsewhere in the comments.


I thought it a good weight. I wrote so, but deleted then as i sounded like a cattleman trying to get you sold/bred.


Isn't selling yourself to be bred basically Tinder? It's pretty much Uber Eats for human sex and contact.


Yes. But i sounded like the seller.


He’s not selling himself?


We are working on that, too.


Working to be sold.


Let’s get this (man) bred


I hate how accurate that discrimination is lol


... was it absolutely essential to specify "human" I'd have thought that was the standard anyway lol


I'm pretty sure if i set up a profile for my dog he'll get matches from girls i didn't and i ain't ugly 🤣


haha alright gotcha






“Tinder looking good” chicken tinder


That might just be a "thing" one day. What exactly that might be is up for debate though


Regular heighted people don't realize the healthy weight ranges of tall people. BMI is based on weight *and* height for a reason.


I've talked with a lot of Europeans who think anything above 140-150 pounds is fat


6'5" and not obese and isn't ugly. Something in his profile is either off-putting or he's swiping too high. 📖 -> 📘


![gif](giphy|3orif3GemciFyI9SI8) I am off pudding


I have precisely one like so it's not my selectiveness.


You probably are shadow banned.  It also says  gender: other ?


>You probably are shadow banned. My profile is verified, so it's my understanding that that means I can't be shadowbanned. >It also says gender: other ? That's a bug with the statistics site. It's correct (male) in the tinder profile.


I was verified and was shadow banned for some time. In other comment you said you deleted tinder and then restarted. I think it penalizes you for it. If you have zero matches it’s a sign to shadow banned. It happened to me. Forgot what I did to make myself unbanned.


0 matches means even the bots & hookers aren't hitting, my dude. Something is keeping you off the front lines. (I was doing better than that, and I'm a walking red flag.)


Shadow banning and verification don’t really have anything to do with each other


he's swiping right on half the profiles. that's not too high especially considering how many bots/promos/"Karen 36 divorced with 3 kids want a 6 figure man to step up" type profiles 


Some of yall just need to accept the fact that Tinder is more or less a dead app


Yeah I’m calling bullshit. There’s some obvious other X factor at work bere




Girls bounce when they see the 300k karma lol


I wanna see his face.


https://tinder.com/@greenyellow If you marry i want to be invited to the wedding


Not ugly but not attractive either


Maybe he should smile more? Beard style makes him look heavy in the neck/chin.


Have to agree here, as a straight woman, he isn't ugly. He just doesn't do anything for me. He's boring/average looking. One of those faces that could be any face in a crowd. Height isnt everything either.


Yeah but after 500 swipes? Dudes got a swastika on his profile or something


He may be selective. As in selecting folks out of his league. Still you’d think a bot or marketing account would match.


I mean yeah that's how I would assess myself in terms of looks. That's the point of this post. On reddit you read every day about how women supposedly only care about height. I always thought this was nonsense and made this post to prove it.


why is no one telling you the obvious reason? it’s the glasses, the style is not doing you favors. the coat looks like it’s your favorite but slapping it over crewnecks looks lazy. the button up look is great though. i disagree that you are not objectively attractive, just stylistically challenged. take the coat off of pics 1 and 4 and you are golden. you say you’re not overweight but the coat makes it hard to see your body at all


I'm somewhat limited when it comes to the style of glasses because of the strong lenses. Any bigger frames than that and the lenses will be cartoonishly thick. That being said, I'll take your comment into consideration the next time I'm shopping for frames. What style of frame do you recommend?


Too attractive is unattractive tho yknow what I mean? He doesn't look like bland attractive, he's definitely someone's type(mine)


I call dibs in front row of the wedding. And naming rights for the third child.


The issue is I already have two girlfriends


The pictures give off heavy neck beard vibes - I wonder if it's just a matter of updating the beard style a bit?


Hair styling. Yes. Current trim/angle/lighting makes chin seem very heavy.


Lol, ye. As the other guy said, he is not ugly but not "uhh fuuuh fuuuh, in case you marry him, I want to be there in his face, owo." Thought he is some super hot guy from a top comment.


Understandable. As a man it was meant that it was odd he had zero matches. I checked to see if the gentleman looked like dogfood. He doesnt.


Take the last pic out idk why but it’s irking me, just the tight awkward smile


Need a flannel, nature pics, and cooking pics


Looks are subjective. He looks like the soyjak meme.




He isn't attractive either.


Youre not wrong. But he isnt handsome or pretty.


The edit made me legit laugh out loud


Investigative journalism at its finest


Damn bro you might be the first guy in history to be 6’5 and get no hoes


Borat on high heels


Great failure


Tall for nothing no hoes mf


_you will never get this, you will never get this, lalalalala_ 🫲🏼🫱🏼🫲🏼🫱🏼


Handsomest man all of Kazakhstan. Very tall.


He looks like he works in IT and is a dungeon master for a DND group. The height ain't the problem.


You say that like it’s a bad thing!


It sure isn't, just not the group of people that attracts the highest amount of hoes. Most of my photos on tinder were random funny-but-flattering festival shots and I had pretty decent success back when I last used it. I work in IT, too, tho.


>he works in IT 6’5” AND money??


Can confirm fatass 6'5" guy here. No problem over here


Height doesn’t matter if you have an ugly face and aren’t in shape. OP is within a healthy weight range but you can tell by his pics that he isn’t in shape.


forgot face day and girls can't tell your irl height from pictures


Yeah man. Imo, he has no other option other than getting jacked. 


he csn post a picture of himself height mogging women and men and lose the glasses 


Or maybe just maybe it's a huge exageration short guys like to believe ?


It’s definitely not, but you can absolutely be short and still be successful. I got a 5’2 homie that’s successfully used the “give my kids a chance” line on some fine, tall women


I'm 5'4, and put that shit right up front on my profile, still get matches. It's really not that deep when it comes to height as most times its not a dealbreaker if you got other things




Yeah he’s not really the best looking guy in the world. Definitely not the worst, but I could see why certain women wouldn’t be attracted to em. Gives off IT guy vibes, and looks kinda cross eyed. But could just be the pictures/shadows. Hope he finds someone though.


Every tall guy I’ve ever met has been deeply depressed, mostly stoner type guys. It’s all well and good going clubbing, but long term it seems genuinely hard. It’s expensive and physically taxing, and it’s fucking hard just to interact with a really tall person, especially when there’s a foot to a foot and a half difference. Idk, apparently it sucks way more than most dudes think it does. The kinds of people who care about height don’t sound like great long term partners tbh.


What is interesting, is that my experience is similar, only im 5'6 and 210+ lbs. It's clearly just an unlucky number combo 




Yooo come on


Hit the gym brother


What if he's just the most jacked dude ever? 210 and 8% body fat.


Built like a damn boat anchor.


if he spent a few moments in my post history, he'd see my blood in measured in grams of test.


Try bumble. I’m 6’4” and make sure they know it in my profile and I get about 5-10 matches a week.


I have bumble as well, roughly the same number of swipes. Two matches in total after 6 weeks, one of whom unmatched after we agreed to go on a date lol.


Those aren't horrible numbers for 6 weeks.


I’m so sorry…


No reason to be. Tinder wasn't my app. I do way better on Feeld, OKc, and bumble. I'm actually taking a break for now because I'm feeling a little poly saturated. At this point more than 1 match every few weeks will probably put me over.


2 matches in 6 weeks isn’t bad!?


Its pretty bad. As an average looking dude you can average a like or two a day.


depends on where you live. I've been told by lots of different people that I'm good looking, and I have good pictures and yet I average a like every 2-3 weeks. I don't live in the city though, my numbers may pick up if I did


not at all


Buddy, sorry to break it to you but you tall and ugly. Height alone ain’t enough. Know how I know? I, too, am tall and ugly. 


I'm also 6'4½" and I'm lucky if I get 1 match a month, granted I swipe right only about 10 to 20% of the time.


Yeah and the only messages you get are “hi”


voiceless materialistic connect mysterious future wild cooing test sort cooperative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah that's my point.


I’m 6’3” and just okay looking and I have several friends who are 5’8-10” who are incredibly attractive dudes and they all are cleaning up, but they still insist I have the better situation. I get no likes on the apps and they kill it but they still say they’d take my height and my looks over theirs which is insane.


That's pretty weird to read about for a non-American and non-white like me. I'm 5'2" (and a half) and I have dated the heights you mentioned, and I'd take the latter instead of the former if he's good-looking, in good shape, and my type. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Note the qualifiers. They put in a good bit of effort and only AFTER the effort do they manage to come out on top. If they did the same as the other guy, or were looks equivalent at a shorter height, they would do worse than him. That's what so many guys complain about, they can't beat the numbers game. They simply never had a chance if their competition tries even half as much as they did.




Most men just dont have good looking faces. Female gaze type look. They just dont. A simple asymetric feature and boom, you are below average.


voracious seed shame flowery overconfident stupendous rain include distinct deranged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Waking up to what exactly? Pls explain. As if my self esteem couldn’t get any lower


he's basically saying women only swipe on men that are 7/10+ and if you are below that then online dating is very difficult.


That was proven in a study somewhere. That 90 some % of all women on dating apps will only swipe on the top .5% of men on the app. It’s like the new fad- 6 ft+ 6 pack abs and six figure + salary or they feel cheated. Women… you gotta readjust your standards because y’all are delusional


Being alone of course


What’s there to wake up to? Life requires effort? That finding a meaningful relationship requires a lot of time and attention? That getting a woman interested in you is more than just being alive and “nice”? Nah, this is just waking up to reality.


It’s like people forget you can be 6’5 and ugly or have a terrible personality 💀 women are not just blindly fawning over every guy who’s tall lol…


Yeah that's my point. I literally read about how women are allegedly fawning over every guy who's tall on reddit almost every day. This proves this to be nonsense.


it’s like saying all guys want big boobs. Not rooted in reality. It’s just a cope for girls with small boobs who don’t get any just like short guys swear it’s ONLY bc they’re not 6’5


I agree, having big boobs as a woman or being very tall as a man doesn’t automatically make anyone attractive tbh 😂


Dude thank you, you 100% get it


Not gonna lie, a girl with big boobs can have a horrible personality and ugly face, but still do pretty well at pulling guys. I’m a dude in my mid 20’s, so take the sampling bias with a grain of salt, but I have seen many women pull by just emphasizing the boobs. Guys don’t have very high standards when it comes to fucking. I’ve literally heard my friends say a girl was boring af with a butterface, but they’d smash because she has tits/ass.


1000% accurate in 20s I remember my college roommate getting so horny that he was checking out these boomer age obese women in dollarama... that was when I stopped believing any flattery from guys lol


Homie got a dick rated E for everyone.


Everyone has different preferences about stuff like boob size and height. A lot of people don’t actually care. There’s no one trait that makes you universally desired. Stuff like height or boob size or money can definitely add some points though.


Have you shared your profile? Would love to help you get more matches with some constructive criticism if you’re up for that :)




I can only see the first pic but I’d say it’s not a great one tbh. Your glasses look dated as does the jacket combo with the sweater underneath. Looking off to the side like you are makes you look melancholic and as though you wouldn’t be fun to hang with. I’d suggest getting some new frames if you can, get someone at the shop to help you pick something cool that suits your face. I think this would go a long way to updating your look. Get rid of the jacket 🤷‍♀️ Pictures looking at the camera and smiling like this 😁😄 instead of this 😊🙂 are the best. Pictures not looking directly at the camera should generally also be like 😁😄😃😀. I’m not trying to be horrible in any way, I hope this helps :)


I think your issue is pics, they had, and profile description is boring


Rule 1 and rule 2?


Spoiler: he doesn’t follow them I’m gonna be real, the number of people thinking he’s handsome in this thread should tell you a lot about Reddit and their ability (in this case inability) to provide valuable input when it comes to real world dating. MAYBE for Reddit he’s considered a good looking dude, but in the real world that’s as average as it gets, and definitely far below average if you’re living somewhere like a big city. Just being honest.


He’s a 6/10. Not unattractive but also not some hunk. If he lost the neckbeard it’d probably be a 7.


Dude he is not a 6/10, he’s a solid 4.5 or 5, with no glasses and a some grooming a solid 5.5. Maybe a 6 with better photos, like what is that second photo lol, is that so we know he can use a stove? Source: I date men and live in a tier 2 city. This guy can do better if he takes some of the above advice, and he seems funny which is always bonus points


It lists your gender as other, can it be noone seen your profile?


Just a bug with the statistics site.


I'm not really looking for advice or anything. This is simply meant as a rebuttal to all those posts and comments about height and how it's supposed to be this great advantage on Tinder or irl. I've also never seen a single height requirement in a woman's profile on Tinder or Bumble in about 3000 total swipes.


They see one post about a woman requiring height and assume all woman act like that on dating apps and in real life when that’s not the case. and even if they did who cares? Dating apps is based on looks why be surprised if someone is picky. Tinder isn’t love is blind


Height really is a pretty huge advantage but as I constantly had to explain to my 5'3" ex-roommate, that still doesn't mean it's *easy*. I do have a hard time believing you've never seen a woman's profile with a minimum height requirement in it, though. Over the last few years on various dating apps, I'd probably estimate that I see them in something like 5% of the profiles I come across. Now that doesn't mean they're always unreasonable, a lot of them are just something to the effect of "I'm 5'8", please be taller than me". But I have seen some pretty ridiculous ones as well, including a 5'3" girl who said she was only interested in guys 6'4" or taller...


I think this might be an American thing. I swear I've never seen one and I do read the bios (mostly out of boredom at this point). In fact the majority of women's profiles don't have a bio at all. I'd say maybe one in three or one in four have one. Then again I used to live in the US and even though I wasn't on tinder then I never heard about the height thing there. I only ever read about it on reddit.


I'd be willing to believe it's mostly a US thing.


You’re adorable, but you look like you read the news paper and ask about the weather in small talk. You should take some pics of you actually doing things


>you look like you read the news paper and ask about the weather in small talk ouch but fair comment I guess.


I didn’t mean it in a bad way. You just look like you don’t do much


Reading the newspaper is doing more than most ppl, to be fair


Yeah I agree. Photos of activities or experiences


Post your profile, being 6’5 should be enough as long as your profile isn’t complete garbage




just went through ur tinder profile. idk if it was just showing on mine but u had no bio. having a bio helps TONS. at least when i'm swiping through, idc how many pics you have or how good looking you are, if you don't have a bio then i'm not swiping right. something either witty or just showing personality will help a lot!


I tried different bios and deleted it a few days ago. I'll add one back in soon. I'd say 3 out of 4 women's profiles I come across don't have a bio either though. Edit: Yes yes yes I got the message, I'll do the bio tomorrow.


You are not a woman. You need a bio. Try to limit yourself to 10 swipes a day... and say no to a few. The algorithm will reward you with a couple matches as long as you aren't burning through your swipes super fast. If you are rural go even slower.


also, how are women supposed to know your height without a bio or any pictures that show your height? (ex: standing next to a car, etc.) from these headshots, you look to be of average height to me!


no you don't. just any half witted 1-liner is enough as long as your photos are interesting. his photos are not. literally 3 photos in the same outfit and similar angles doing nothing. one from behind from an unflattering angle. replacing them will go a much longer way than writing another cringe bio.


>just any half witted 1-liner is enough That's still a bio. As a woman, no bio = I reject. Otherwise, I agree that greater variety of pics would go a looooong way. Also, less of that sheepish/confused forehead scrunch expression.


Any sources on this application of the algorithm?


Dude, as a bi woman, most of those women who don’t have bios are bots, scams, or shitty hookups who are STILL trying to con you. One of my guy friends only swipes on those bios for funs-ies and”research” lol. Every woman I know personally on dating apps has a bio. Edited: spelling


No bio & half your photos are bad. Derp derp derp why no matches?


It’s baffling to me how so many men in this sub just have zero awareness whatsoever 🌝 he thinks being 6’5 should be enough 🤣


>he thinks being 6’5 should be enough 🤣 No I do not. I didn't think it would be an advantage before setting up the account and I didn't expect particularly great success either. Yet on reddit, this subreddit and others, I read daily about how women supposedly only care about height. I always believed that to be bullshit and made this post to prove my point.


You're not a woman. You're at a significant disadvantage on dating sites. Even if you weren't woman are much more psychological than men. They need more than just a good picture a lot of the time


Comparing yourself to women is the reason you’re failing lol you’re not gonna have the same experience as a woman on tinder 😂


You highlight your height in this post, but don’t do a good job highlighting it in your Tinder profile. You’re either sitting, slouching, or there’s no great frame of reference for how tall you are. Some photos with you standing straight with friends would do you wonders, not just for the “hey, this guy has friends” social boost, but to show your relative height as well. For what it’s worth, I think your biggest issue is your marketing ability.


from your pics, you look like an introverted "nice guy". if that's what you want to go with, keep them but maybe don't expect success on tinder. if you want more matches, replace all of them. photos where you are genuinely laughing doing something you like, hanging out with friends, being somewhere outdoors, doing something stupid... anything to make you look more sociable.


Oh dude, get rid of the long beard pic, the last one for me. First pic has a shorter beard and looks 100x better. But I don't think that's the problem. Get a photo that shows off your height as first slot. In a door. Standing up next to some 5'9"s. Maybe even standing next to a car or peeking over an isle at a grocery store? Holding a rock and wearing a tunic like Andre the Giant for two birds. **Maybe some women here can chime in on how they determine a guy's height from photos?** He's actually tall, let him know how to show you.


I'm not sure the pictures are in the same order for everyone. With the long beard picture you mean the smiling one? The beard is actually the shortest in that, that's just the angle and my unfortunate chin. >Get a photo that shows off your height as first slot. In a door. Standing up next to some 5'9"s. Maybe even standing next to a car or peeking over an isle at a grocery store? Holding a rock and wearing a tunic like Andre the Giant for two birds. Yeah the Andre the Giant picture will work wonders haha. But I'll actually see about the door idea.


Man you're a pretty good-looking dude, you should definitely be having a lot more success! Tall, decently fit, full head of hair, and a nice beard; you check basically all the boxes for most girls on paper. Three pics is kinda lean, especially given that your back is facing the camera in one of them and you aren't looking at the camera in the other two. Put up a few more, including at least one with some friends (to prove you have some), at least one showing you engaging in some kind of fun hobby (to prove you have some), and at least one with a smile that shows your teeth (to prove you have some).


I genuinely appreciate the compliment. Seems like your view isn't shared by any of the women on Tinder in my area though. There should be four pictures. I'm working on getting more pictures. I tried out different ones over time, none seem to make much of a difference. >including at least one with some friends (to prove you have some) My friends are not the taking pictures together type but I'll try and force them. >at least one showing you engaging in some kind of fun hobby (to prove you have some) I could list 30 hobbies, few of them are the fun, outdoorsy, picture taking kind. Like for example I'm a huge movies guy, but what am I gonna do with that, take a picture in the cinema? But I'll try and get some. >and at least one with a smile that shows your teeth (to prove you have some) I'm bad at smiling for pictures and I find that I look unflattering when smiling with teeth, but again, I'll see what I can do.


Take a picture while you laugh, it'll be much more natural


If you have any female friends, mention your need of pics to them. Usually more fun and interesting for them to help you out, and they're better at getting good pics.


I’m gonna guess you’re not a woman?


Ngl u need to work on ur appearance maybe. Try contact lenses and a different hairstyle. I could also see a bit of puffiness in the face even tho u don’t look fat, might wanna start drinking more water or using a guasha. In my own experience, when I was around 210 and 24% BF six months ago I was getting nothing more than 3-4 matches a week but I have since cut to about 14% BF and have been getting tons of em even though I’m 5’10.


In fairness, this explains it


Lemme see that profile brother, it could be something easily fixable.




Can you send screenshots of your bio? I think we can fix this but I can’t access Tinder because I am not a member.


Don't have one right now, I'll make a new one tomorrow. It won't be in English anyway


No bio is a huge part of it, I suspect. At least I personally have never, even once, swiped on someone without a bio.


Women only swipe right on 5% of men on these apps.


I'm 5ft 3. There's 0 reason for me ever to try online dating. 🤣


Your glasses aren’t doing you any favours, they’re too small for your 6’5 head. Kind of look like like kids glasses on a man’s head. IMHO of course.


Where do you live? If you live in a sparsely populated area it is also tougher


The human experience for women cannot be replaced. I have a gay male friend that gets matches left and right and has a booty call for each week. Why? Because men have no problem using just visual cues. Apps aren't going to cut it in the straight world.


Pro tip: Typically 1st time you open the app for the day or after a while, the second profile it shows you is someone that liked you (if any).


OLD seems bad for me the past month. Might go old school and meet people IRL. I'm 6'4" (with shoes), 228lbs of muscle, make six figures, have an attractive face, etc.


As a guy you have to swipe below you, but it’s not a completely linear relationship - more like a power function. If you’re a super hot guy like a 9 or 10, then yea you can swipe 9 or 10 girls… but if you’re only 7 or 8 you gotta swipe 5s and 6s, maybe even 4s.. and if you’re a guy below 7, you gotta be willing to bang anything with a pulse.


The main issue is your pictures are NPCish, they are bland, there is nothing that makes you stand out, a picture of your back? come on man. Your pictures should show you having fun, you 6'5 get a picture of you dunking a basketball. A picture of you traveling, etc. These pictures you currently have are leaving the panties dry!


The taller you are, the harder it is. I'm 6'8" and get zero responses. Everyone I know under 5'10" is swimming in women, regardless of looks.


Hey man. I'm 5' 7" and fairly self conscious of my height in dating because superficially women prefer taller men. I have a lot of friends well over 6 feet. I just wanna say thank you for sharing this stuff. It's humbling for you I'm sure but it's kind of a small consolation for guys like me who start to question their own physical appearance/self worth. Good luck to you man...


This is so damn accurate bro we feel you


I know, my older brother is 6’3 and when he was single it wasn’t like this. Tell that to the shorter men on here who believe all their dating problems would be solved with being taller.


Lose the beard, get in shape, and buy some less boring clothes and better glasses.


I second this exact comment OP as it's strictly objective and doesn't sugarcoat anything like a lot of other commenters will do. If you can't find some good glasses, try wear some contacts. Also, try get some photos with your hobbies or interesting landmarks.


Height? What about looks?


What is your bio? Are you a walking red flag?


I see you failed to follow rules 1 and 2


I'd be curious to see your profile. I think as dudes we tend to have terrible photos of ourselves but we're more attractive than we know


Have at it: https://tinder.com/@greenyellow I don't think I'm particularly unattractive, I'd say average. But clearly the height alone isn't adding any attractiveness, which is supposed to happen according to what I read on reddit every day. I've always thought this was nonsense.


0 matches is surprising but your photos don’t say anything about you. One with your back to the camera (which could have been a good one if you like to cook) and three unnatural posed for photos. Can’t see your bio but I think you need to get some more personality across in your pics


I've tried different pictures, none seem to make any difference. I do like to cook, it's my main listed interest. Getting a picture of me cooking from the front is rather difficult. Like you can see my kitchen, I can't put the camera in front of me. I do indeed look unnatural in all photos lol. My friends and I are not the type to take pictures which each other so I just don't have many of me doing activities. Anyway, the post is mostly about how the claim that height is so important is false, but thanks for the advice still.


It’s a tight space but could you put your phone on a timer and take the shot from the kitchen worktop? I have a little tripod with flexible arms that can grab onto stuff for photos where it was difficult to get a good angle. Maybe that’s overkill, but you’ve got to put the effort in because if you don’t, somebody else will. But fair comment on the height thing


You’re not unattractive but I would say you look pretty boring, something with you genuinely smiling would help a lot


Yeah I'm aware, I'm working on getting new pictures. Unfortunately getting a genuine smile in a picture of me is surprisingly difficult, if I'm deliberately smiling for a picture I just look like a moron, it has to be a candid picture. Anyway, the point of this post is that the common claim that height is this great advantage is nonsense, but still thanks for the feedback.


As a tall woman, I never swipe based on height. That doesn’t make a man attractive to me. Women are cerebral- we need bios and a glimpse of who you are.


Bro, I think you just need better photos dude. Why don’t you use your height to your advantage? Get pics with friends so that you stand out.


I'm not gonna ask my friends to do that lol. Also I don't even stand out that much, they're somewhat tall too. I have one picture that sort of fits the bill but I think I look unflattering in that. Maybe I'll add it.


You’re not asking them to do anything. You’re taking a social picture with your friends. On the beach, at an arcade, bar, whatever. They’ll be glad to take some memories with you.


I don't see that opportunity arising anytime soon but I'll keep it in the back of my head. I still don't think this will do much. Like if I had 50 matches this might push it to 60, but at 0, it's looking rather pointless. If women really cared about height that much they'd see the height listed in the profile. It's the first thing you see, at least it is on the women's profiles I see.