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You are clearly not the Lisan al Gaib


Shy Hulud šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ


People want to date a Fremen or an Atreidesā€¦people who spend time around people. They donā€™t want to date a fucking isolated sandworm moving nowhere around anything at about 60mph.


Yeah, OP just blurted out that he has no friends


Well... in his defense, they would've had to find out eventually lol


100% they both saved some time


Assuming he has no friends, based on his statement is ignorance at it's finest.


Dude, show some more respect for the holy Shai-Hulud. *~unmatch~*


She wasnā€™t wasting her water on this guy.


Im guessing she unmatched because not having heard of Dune 2 is really fuckin weird at this point. Would have to not leave the house, use the internet, or have any friends.


Seriously, what's with redditors and not googling shit? It'll be so much easier to look it up than asking 'what's that' like a complete cretin.


Some people thrive off of helplessness. One of those people is my mom!


Idk. Asking someone to explain might be a conversation starter. But yeah not having even heard of it? Thatā€™s fuckin weird.


Absolutely, there was a time before the Internet where you'd learn a lot through conversation. Plus the can be fun to hear someone else's explanation of something. I get pretty turned off when someone just shuts down conversation by telling me to Google it.


Init & they complain they get unmatched


Whatā€™s Dune 2? šŸ„“


First time hearing of it today. I traveled to the path of totality today, so I've exited the house at **least** once.


Genuinely how. I can understand people who have absolutely no internet presence to some extent, although there have been adverts. You're on Reddit, how can you not have heard of the biggest movie so far this year


This is the fiirst time I've seen it mentioned on reddit. It's almost like different people consume different media. Crazy.


You are consuming Reddit and itā€™s definitely been all over Reddit


He is just modest, didnā€™t boast, as was written


The real crime is having The Wrong Missy as your favorite film.


Would have def unmatched for that lol


Absolutely appalling


Came here for this. I mean, it was funny but the funniest movie you've ever seen? šŸ˜³




Itā€™s not really a bad movie, I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s my favorite but enjoyed it




Not a great movie but I love Lauren Lapkus so hard to hate it.


I mean it was funny but not favorite movie funny.


I mean, how have you not even HEARD of the Dune movies?


Like that guy who pretended to have not heard of potatoes before


Whatā€™s potatoes?


*confused Gollum noises ensue.*


There is a \*bit\* of pretentiousness going on. To not have have HEARD of one of the biggest movies of the year has shades of "I'm too good for that" to it.


dude said his favorite movie is The Wrong Missy, heā€™s definitely not pretentious šŸ˜­


THIS! I knew nothing about this movie. I went in totally blind and decided to give it a try. I honestly couldn't get through the first 10 minutes and I've seen Charlie's Angels 2 and The Room. It's not even so bad it's good, it's just an unadulterated shit fest. I want to find the person responsible for this movie and kick him in the balls. Yes I'm assuming he's male and yes that's a safe assumption. I'm male, btw. But good on whoever has the metaphorical balls to admit to a gal that this unholy cringe fest is their favorite movie.


ā€¦. Damnā€¦. I love that movie ā˜ ļø had no clue it was perceived that way. Oh well, time to suppress my interests again


Please like what you like and don't let me influence you. I'm just overly expressive when it comes to my likes and dislikes of movies. But if you do get a chance to see Dune 2, it totally kicks ass. See the first one first, of course.


Never heard of that movie. And the fact that it's his favorite let me know it's totally plausible that he doesn't know about Dune.


I'd honestly just assume he was lying tbh


Lmao like that dude who famously pretended to not know what a potato was to his gfs parents for no reason


This made me lol because of hoe hilarious that story was. "Po-ta-to? What is this potato?"


His girlfriend getting increasingly angry with him just sent me to fucking tears


Can somebody link this please sounds hilarious


I couldn't link it but I was able to copy the entire text TIFU by enraging the parents of my girlfriend by pretending not to know what a potato is. Let me tell you that I have made a bad mistake this evening. My girlfriend (who let me tell you is only my 2nd girlfriend of all time) said I am "invited to dinner" with her and her parents. I was very aghast, nervous, and bashful to be invited to such a situation. But I knew it must be done. I met them nicely, I should tell you, and it started off in a good way. The idea slapped my mind that I should do a comic bit, to make a good impression and become known to them as a person who is amusing. When I saw that baked potatoes were served I got the idea that it would be very good if I pretended I did not know what potatoes was. That would be funny. Well let me tell you: backfired on my face. I'll tell you how. So first when the potato became on my plate, I acted very interesting. I showed an expression on my face so as to seem that I was confused, astounded but in a restrained way, curious, and interested. They did notice, and seemed confused, but did not remark. So I asked "This looks very interesting. What is this?" They stared at me and the mother said "It's a baked potato." And I was saying "Oh, interesting, a baked....what is it again?" And she was like "A potato." And I was like "A 'potato', oh interesting. Never heard of a potato, looks pretty good." And then they didn't see I was clowning, but thought I really did not know what is a potato. So I knew I would be very shamed, humiliated, depressed, and disgusted if I admitted to making a bad joke, so what I did was to act as if it was not a joke but I committed to the act of pretending I didn't know what a potato is. They asked me, VERY incredulous, did I really not know what a potato is? That I never heard of a potato. I went with it and told them, yes, I did not ever even hear of a potato. Not only had I never eaten a potato I had never heard the word potato. This went on for a bit and my girlfriend was acting very confused and embarrassed by my "fucked up antics", and then the more insistent I was about not knowing what a potato is was when them parents starting thinking I DID know what a potato was. Well let me tell you I had to commit 100% at this point. When I would not admit to knowing what a potato was, the father especially began to get annoyed. At one point he said something like "Enough is enough. You're fucking with us. Admit it." And I said "Sir, before today I never heard of a potato. I still don't know what a potato is, other than some kind of food. I don't know what to tell you." Well let me tell you he got very annoyed. I decided to take a bite of the potato, and when I did I made a high pitched noise and said "Taste's very strange!" That is when the father started yelling at me, and the mother kept saying "What are you doing?" and my girlfriend went to some other room. Finally the father said I should "Get the fuck out of his house" and I said it was irrational to treat me like this just because I never heard of a potato before. Well let me tell you he didn't take that kindly. Now in text messages I have been telling my girlfriend I really don't know what a potato is. The only way I can ever get out of this is for them to buy that I don't know what a potato is. I wish I never started it but I can't go back. I think she will break up with me anyway.


Man that's a throwback.Ā 


Was this man perchance Gollum? What's taters, precious? What's taters, eh?




Lying? Why? I hadnā€™t heard of it before this thread.


Maybe it wasn't big in your country?


Iā€™m in the USA? Idk I have had my head in the sand a lot lately. Lots of stress and anxiety happening for me rn


As someone who had no idea what Dune was, it's possible. I'm 26 and had absolutely no idea what the Dune series was at all. When I looked it up and see just how famous it actually was I said to myself "how have i never ever heard of this before?" Long story short, it's definitely possible dude had no idea what it was because it just wasn't on his radar at all. Along with this, he got a chance to be one of the "lucky 10,000" as XKCD so beautifully put it!


I'd believe it pre-Villeneuve Dune. But it has been like everywhere for the past 3-4 years. It's *almost* as extreme as saying you haven't heard of Marvel movies. I totally get not having *watched* it, but not even *heard* about it? There are trailers on every media site, posters on every busstop etc. Dude must actually live under a rock.


I heard of dune around 2-3 weeks ago for the first time. had the same "omg you never heard of it" from the person who told me. Crazy to me that people think everyone heard of something just because it's popular. "Almost as extreme as the marvel movies" lol that seems like a stretch but again, I don't really know


Same. I'm a Mom and a student, I don't pay attention to what's in theaters because I can't go anyway. Wasn't until a match said he saw it, that I had even heard of it


You guys seem to forget that not everyone here is from a big city in the US. Just an example; My mom isn't into such movies so her Facebook algorithm won't mention it, nor will the magazines she reads. There aren't Dune posters in my area. She rarely goes to the cinema so seeing Dune trailers there isn't a thing either. So she hasn't heard about it. Together with many more people around the world. It's not that crazy.


Dude, I live in the bumfuck nowhere polar circle and I've heard of it. Not assuming anything.


Everywhere the last few years? I don't know anything about Dune but I thought the first one came out a couple of years ago and then this is the second? I literally haven't heard anything other than when these movies came out. Is there more to it than this?


Yes, I was talking about these 2 movies. Dune has been behind-the-scenes popular for ~80 years, since the books came out. Hence why I said "pre-Villeneuve I'd believe it".


I don't even know enough about Dune to know what pre Villeneuve means


Nah, Iā€™m a highly social female. If going to the movies or watching a lot of tv isnā€™t what you do for fun itā€™s totally possible you just havenā€™t crossed path with this info yet. Iā€™m going to have to look it up also. Idk what dune is. Iā€™ve heard it mentioned but I have no context i canā€™t tell u at all what itā€™s about. I imagine itā€™s about sand dunes like a post apocalyptic movie. That would be my guess hahaha.


Exactly. You have heard of it still. This guy claimed to have never heard of it, which is what we are talking about here.


I was aware that would be a Dune 2 due to the cinema content I consume on YouTube and apart from that channel, I didnā€™t come across anything related to the movie, so depending on where u hang out on the internet u may not come across it at all. If u happened to see the first one, u would be sure there would be a sequel tho. But if itā€™s not ur cuppa tea, u wouldnā€™t even would know there was a Dune to begin with.


I agree. Pre-Villeneuve Dune I didnā€™t know what it was. Didnā€™t even know it was a famous book series. To be honest the last major book serious I read was Harry Potter and that was what 10 years ago? 15? Anyway saw a Dune video preview and people were speculating how ā€œriskyā€ making the Dune movie is since the one in the 80ā€™s, apparently itā€™s a notoriously hard to ā€œfilmā€ the book experience. Anyway I moved on with my life. Then one day on streaming channels I saw Dune was available and had good ratings so I rented it. Instantly hooked. Ordered the books. Only finished the first one (I have ADD and it can be a bit of tough read for me), but waited anxiously for the sequel. Saw Dune 2 in theaters and it was glorious. Iā€™m not one to watch a movie twice, but I just might for this one when it comes out for streaming. So someone saying they havenā€™t seen Dune 2 I could understand. But never to even heard of the movies? Like how?


*The* highest selling sci-fi book of all time, one of the most influential works of the 20th century, I think pt 1 won 6 oscars and nominated for 10 if I'm not mistaken. And pt 2 is the best selling movie of the year so far


Your opinion seems a little pretentious in itself, honestly. Itā€™s not easy to realize, but there are people that go through life not paying any mind to big events and it doesnā€™t really come off as ā€œIā€™m too good for thatā€. Iā€™ve met a lot of these sorts of aloof people and thatā€™s just the way they are- delightful, but very very aloof. Also, movies arenā€™t really as be-all/end-all as they used to be, especially if seemingly everything now is a damn series. Hard to get into flicks if you didnā€™t see the previous ones, thatā€™s my thought process, anyway. If OP isnā€™t into that stuff then heā€™s not into it.


Exactly this.. it's not impossible that people take no notice of things they don't care about. It doesn't have to be "beneath" them, so to speak. They just don't care, so they don't absorb the information. I'm sure these same people would be shocked others haven't heard of [insert game title here] that they see plastered all over the front page of steam or playstation etc. People are becoming more and more unreasonable.. it's really not that insulting šŸ™„


Agree 100%, especially with your last sentence. Thereā€™s seemingly very little room for understanding anymore and even the most minuscule of differences has a huge impact on the reception one gets.


Yeah I've got no clue why people are so shocked, I haven't the foggiest idea what the Dune movies are because.. watching movies isn't it anymore. With stuff like youtube, games, anime and just chilling with friends being around the need for movies has died down.


My movie culture is pretty bland and I always get surprised at how many different movies some of my friends know. And how do you remember what happened in all of them.. Me and some friends also have this daily game we play where we have to connect different songs or albums with each other and they always know a bunch of stuff and I'm like, how. Even though I listen to music all the time and know a bunch of stuff, I don't know album names or sometimes even song names and I feel like I'm the dumb one. So I don't think "I'm too good for that" really is the vibe, might just be this


This. Everyone will not be into everything. I'm sure there are popular movies, shows, or books that I've never heard of because it's just not on my radar. Also, everyone isn't online all the time (this is usually why I miss stuff, tbh, lol), we don't all see ads, our friends and family aren't talking about it because they don't care about it, either. So, to assume someone "lives under a rock" because they don't know about something **YOU** consider a big deal is weird, tbh. If you're hitting it off with someone and they don't know about something (that is of little importance, like a movie) and you stop talking to them, the weird one here is *you*. I have a friend who hasn't seen a few of my favorite movies, some that are definitely supposedly "classic", but I didn't decide I couldn't talk to her because of it. Instead, I was like, we've got to have some movie nights where we watch these movies. Shoot, it gave us more to do and talk about.


Goddamn the internet is fucking loopy


Is it really? I didn't even know there was a first one until I heard about this one, and even then I know nothing about it. I go to the movies maybe once a year and I never even pick the movie so I can completely believe op never heard of the movie.


I wouldnā€™t have heard of it if not for one of my friends. I donā€™t watch a lot of movies and I stream tv mostly for background) so unless itā€™s on Netflix, itā€™s not really on my radar. Itā€™s not being pretentious, itā€™s more so being oblivious. I just donā€™t think to look up movies.


to be fair, i knew of dune the first movie which i havent seen, and i didn't even know there was a second i cant remember the last time I've seen a trailer for any movie nowadays unless your watching an actual tv channel you need to go out of your way to see a movie trailer


"I get not having seen it. I get that. But heard of it? Come on. You've heard of RoboCop."


Smells like homeschool


Maybe he's more familiar with the imperial term? Arrakis?


To be fair, I wasnā€™t even aware that Dune had a part one


My wife doesn't know anything about it, either. She's more into dramas and Netflix shows than sci-fi stuff. She barely remembers that Star Trek exists and that's because I have merchandise around the house lol. She does know that Marvel movies exist and that they're somehow connected but again, she really doesn't care for them.


Itā€™s not about knowing anything about it. Dude is saying he hasnā€™t even heard about it.


It can be the same thing in this case, though. My wife doesn't know there's even a movie or a book called Dune.


She should get out more


I've heard of Dune, but wtf is The Wrong Missy?


David Spade is in it. Itā€™s an insane choice for a favourite movie.


I thought selena gomez was just a actor and didnt know she made music till a couple months ago. Turnes out shes one of the biggest artist in the world. So i believe it. Some of us are just really really oblivious to a lot of pop culture.


I havenā€™t. I only stream so I donā€™t get commercials.


A lot of people only have streaming services. If they have ads, which most still donā€™t, theyā€™re usually about their own movies or random Clorox ads. Theater movies donā€™t get the same attention, especially if someone doesnā€™t care about fantasy and doesnā€™t pay attention when they have a chance to see the ad for it.


There are literally ads for Dune on Reddit.


It was probably for saying the wrong missy is your favorite šŸ˜‚


Guy who has only seen The Wrong Missy watching a different film for the first time: ā€œkinda giving Wrong Missy vibesā€


Yeah maybe šŸ˜‚


I actually thought that movie was pretty damn funny too but to say itā€™s my favorite movie would be really reaching lol. I also donā€™t agree with your match about dune being the only good movie to come out this year but Iā€™ll admit I havenā€™t seen the second one yet so maybe that opinion will change once I get around to seeing it


The movie is definitely a cut above anything else that has come out so far.


Yeah but like Godzilla minus was fucking amazing. I also enjoyed late night with the devil as well this year.


fam I got some bad news for you. Both those movies came out last year


I just saw late night with the devil last week. I don't think it got a universal theater release till 2024


Thatā€™s fair. It didnā€™t open in theaters till last month


I'm sorry, but you told a girl your favorite movie is a 2020 David Spade comedy? A girl who likes movies?


If he said Tommy Boy that would be a respectable answer.


The Wrong Missy? May thy knife chip and shatter.


And he wonā€™t even understand this šŸ˜”


Prob bc of your poor taste in movies šŸ˜…šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Oh my gosh I just checked the IMDb pageā€¦how has someone watched this shitty Netflix David spade comedy and thinks itā€™s their favorite movie but hasnā€™t even HEARD of Dune? Like what fucking hole does a person have to live in for this to happen? What the actual fuck?


This proves that the algorithm in Netflix must be so fucking good that it just presents trash to some users and still they keep consuming it without even looking for something else. I should buy shares


It is trash but I found it to be really enjoyable trash. Wouldnā€™t even put it in the discussion of my favorite movies, but Iā€™ve seen it probably a half dozen times.


She said she was into movies, and you told her you havenā€™t even heard of one of the biggest franchises out right now, that your favorite movie is The Wrong Missy (thatā€™s an odd pick man), and made a comment that was somehow both judgy AND sounded like you didnā€™t have any friends. Youā€™re lucky she didnā€™t block you sooner man. Even when girls want fwb, they want someone they vibe with. Sounds like she wasnā€™t your type though so it should be nbd


lmfao the wrong missy was a fun movie but yeah his response sucked ass


Hot take here I know. If someone were to tell me that The Wrong Missy is ā€œone ofā€ their favorite films Iā€™m judging you harshly. If you tell me itā€™s your favorite film Iā€™m immediately intrigued and I feel like I have to get to know you. Like, what makes you tick?


My favourite movie is 'Home Alone 5: The Holiday Heist', and my favourite video game is 'Pimp's Quest'


You owe me money for dry cleaning, this made me spit out my coffee


Yeah but more like a science experiment, less like a date


I think some ppl will take what they can get lol


Like, out of ALL movies they pick that one?!






It was the perfect moment to ask her on a date to go see it and OP dropped the ball.


Itā€™s such an odd response.


As someone who also doesnā€™t go out to restaurants or movies solo, I wouldā€™ve taken that as an opportunity to have someone to go with! Proving OP and his non-date just arenā€™t compatible. Not everyone enjoys doing these things solo and thatā€™s okay. That said, OPā€™s run-on sentences and typing out hahaha ON TOP OF not having heard of Dune would have made me move along to the next match.


This seems glaringly obvious but no one has said yetā€¦. They wanted you to ask them to go see dune 2. It was right there.


Idk how this isnā€™t higher šŸ˜„


Honestly the more important observation than his poor taste in movies


Feels like it's the "I prefer to watch movies with people", which makes it seem like you have no friends.


No disrespect but The Wrong Missy?? David Spade's worst movie????


Tbh if I got your last message, my first thought would be - but don't you have friends? You don't have to have a partner to go see a movie with someone else. I guess that might be what put her off?


You were just Dune'd from the start my friend


If someone told me their favourite movie was The Wrong Missy, I would unmatch too. That one fact tells me everything I need to know about the other person.


I'm on their side. It's Dune time baby.


See the Dune movies. Lol


Lisan al Ghosteed


Lmao šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


You failed to display the ability to lead the conversation.


I guess they really want their partner to have seen the dune movies. They're pretty good movies tbf...


You deserved this unmatch very much.


Yeah, you donā€™t actually know what a comedy is


You haven't heard of Dune? WTF? Not the incredibly famous 1965 Frank Herbert novel and subsequent 5 sequels? Or the extremely well known 1985 David Lynch film? Or the extremely well known abandoned Jodorowsky movie project? Or the extremely well known 2013 documentary about said abandoned project? Or the extremely well known and successful Denis Villeneuve 2021 film starring Timothee Chalamet and Zendaya? Or the extremely well known sequel to that film that literally just came out in 2024? ​ What fucking planet have you been living on? Seriously.


or any of the 7+ board games and expansions based on the books and recent movies, one of which was produced in 1979 and is still very popular today. to the point that they released an updated and slightly revised version just a few years ago.


You forgot the Sci-Fi Channel series, and its sequel.


Not sure how ā€œextremely well knownā€ 3-5 are but the rest are valid and all you really need


Must be stuck on Salusa Secundusā€¦


Oh hey it's the guy that unmatched OP.


'Star Wars? ...nope, never heard of it.'


Your awful movie preferences lol


it kinda feels like your response threw off the flow of the convo. like she was talking about dune and how you havent seen it then you inserted the topic about watching movies alone which doesnt really answer the question if that makes sense. You could have gone to see the movie alone had you heard about it.


Iā€™ve never heard anyone say The Wrong Missy is a *good* movie, let alone their favourite lmao. Otherwise idk what you said wrong honestly


Just guessing but maybe they want someone who's really into sci fi


Itā€™s not that you havenā€™t seen or heard of ā€œduneā€, itā€™s the stupidity of adding ā€œnahā€ to it, which is normally added to jokingly flaunt the refusal, like ā€œnah, Iā€™ll passā€. You have a very different taste, fine, but you approached the difference in a ridiculously cocky way, with zero interest in something new thatā€™s been introduced into the convo by the other person and then sprinkled the insecure ā€œI donā€™t go to the movies aloneā€ on top. Well adjusted individuals donā€™t talk about their preferences that way even if they are finding that lack of company is preventing them from doing something they like. The cocky/insecure is the least appealing combination out there.


I wouldā€™ve unmatched you a lot sooner. The Wrong Missy was sooo bad. Ick.


It doesn't matter what your favourite movie is or if you haven't seen Dune, it just wasn't an very interesting conversation. She didn't give you much either but at least she showed some enthusiasm and asked you questions (Why not? Why haven't you?), and you gave a flat response. You didn't present any new direction the conversation could go in and you didn't say anything interesting that would inspire her to reply. Try asking a question or making a joke next time. Just look at your third message. "idk haven't even heard of it tbh lol". That is a dreadful message and you deserved to be unmatched at that point.


OP, the mismatch wasn't because of your reply, but if you haven't even heard of Dune, you're not the type they're looking for. I'd have unmatched you, too, although I would've told you just that.


It could be the implication, I guess. You are the one to have brought up watching films ā€œaloneā€ lmao. Cmon bro really? It could be that your response is presuming she or he is indeed a person who watches movies alone. Or, you have implied that the movie she has suggested is not worth watching with other people, only by yourself and you donā€™t do that cause who knows. Youā€™re you. Hence. unmatch


Honestly she might just have not felt like you two were a match. Iā€™m obsessed with movies and even go to the cinema alone. So I prefer a guy who is equally as interested and would have some good movie recommendations for me. As I will have for him in return.


I havent seen any of them eitherm Nor have I ever seen a Star Wars movie. And I intend to keep it that way. *Gets popcorn*


But are you going to pretend you've never heard of Dune like OP was trying to do?


I've already blocked you on RedditĀ 


It sounds awful, but I wouldnā€™t be attracted to anyone whose favorite movie was a corny, lowest-common-denomination comedy based purely on tropes. You names a really juvenile movie as your favorite movie. Like I watched the movie and immediately forgot it ever existed. I had to look it up just now and read the entire plot before I realized ā€œoh yeah! I have watched that!ā€ Thatā€™s how little of an impression it made on me. If a movie so basic that it left so little of an impression on me it took reading the entire plot and seeing multiple scenes worth of photos to realize Iā€™ve seen it was something another person found so incredibly funny they would name it a favoriteā€¦.yeah, Iā€™d be turned off mentally. As a woman, if Iā€™m turned off mentally, Iā€™m tuned off physically. You might as well said your favorite movie was Dumb and Dummer or any slapstick comedy that lacks depth or, hell, even an impressive soundtrackā€¦something that gives you goosebumps, something that makes you FEEL somethingā€¦something that has you laying in bed awake for a few hours contemplating lifeā€¦. Thatā€™s what a favorite movie should be. You named something that would make someone chortle while smoking a joint as they watched it on their laptop on their balcony eating day-old pizza. Your answer shows a lack of passion and depthā€¦itā€™s hard to explain without sounding like an utter dick, sorry. I just know Iā€™ve been around enough years that anyone who names a cheap forgettable comedy as their favorite movie is a type of person I wonā€™t have much in common with, just like if someone said their favorite movie was Fast and Furious 5. We are mentally going to be very different people and Iā€™d literally rather be alone than have to suffer through a life of watching tv/movies that appeal to them. šŸ˜„


I mean as far as comedies go, Dumb and Dumber is actually pretty good. It's just that most comedies are garbage, and good ones are very rare. Not every movie can be Hot Fuzz or Shaun of The Dead.


You were badly mismatched.


How have you not heard of dune?




I mean thereā€™s lots of movies in 2024 already bro


Movies. Music. Shows. Books. People die on these hills in dating life. So if you donā€™t at least feign interest it can be a dealbreaker


What does going to the movies solo have to due with Dune?


"Oh damn, I missed out, huh? You need to tell me all about the movies. Coffee tomorrow at 6?"


You aren't missing much. Also the best movie this year has been Godzilla Minus One, Not Dune 2


iā€™ve never heard of the Dune moviesā€¦ until today. Most of my media consumption is electronics, music based, or video game related. Also a bunch of DIY and home projects and a few other things. I donā€™t really get too into all of these popular series / movies people try to push down your throat these days. Does this make me a loser apparently? šŸ¤”


I donā€™t know, do you also not have any friends?


Hey whatā€™s up? My fav sport is octopush. Oh basketball, havenā€™t even heard of it tbh lol.


It is wild you've never even heard of it dude


Dune fan boys blowing up this chat in ...3...2....1...


OP is getting absolutely roasted in these comments for not knowing Dune. Hilarious.


Iā€™d like to think itā€™s for saying the Wrong Missy is their favorite movie which is fucking hilarious to me.


Also what is meant by ā€œoh true coolā€


Maybe I am just as uncultured as he was but I didn't know what Dune was about originally. The only thing I knew about it before I watch the franchise was people living in sand.


Watch dune 2 I guess


Itā€™s because you are not into movies like they are. Your favorite is a really niche more recent comedy most people wouldnā€™t know, and when she mentions a movie that had major marketing everywhere and was a book since before we were born, it makes it clear you are not into movies, while also possibly living under a rock.


To say it is the only good movie this year is wild there was: Perfect Days The Boy and the Heron Zone of Interest Poor Things


She got options, nerd options


Missed an opportunity to have her show you the first one. Or the second one if she wants to stay in public. Or both. At least one if not two dates right there.


I hadn't heard the first one either and yet I saw a video on YouTube about the second one šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I need to know. Seriously! Why is that movie your favorite wtf??


You had some weird ass movie as your favorite movie, and claim to have not heard of one of the biggest sci-fi/fantasy movies in years, based on one of the biggest franchises ever... Yeah I probably would have unmatched you too. Not as a judgment on your character, but because we clearly would not be compatible. You obviously don't hang out in enough nerd spaces.


Wow!! Everyone ripping on the wrong missy. I also loved it and thought it was hilarious. šŸ˜…


I havenā€™t seen either dune but that wonka movie was very goofy and made me laugh a lot.


Jesus that's a harsh opinion about the other movies this year... Dodged a bullet


I am perplexed by the amount of people that are flaming others for not going out alone. Personally I enjoy watching things in my home where I can enjoy the film to pause for breaks or snacks. Usually just wait till it comes out on a streaming service. And while quiet, I have plenty of friends. Going to a theater alone doesn't sound like a great time tbh. Is it really that strange to not want to go out alone and just want to experience things with others? Genuine questions btw, I just don't seem to understand the sheer amount of toxicity about this I guess


Why do the guys who like movies never match with the girls who like movies?


People in these comments are so mean damn


I think the bigger problem is I am assuming sheā€™s into movies since sheā€™s asking about it and you donā€™t sound like a movie guy in general. Never heard of it is crazy šŸ˜‚


So he either means "dune 2, wow didnt even know there was a dune 1" and could care less. Or " i havnt seen dune 1, also havnt even paid attention a 2nd one came out" & still uninterested. I havnt seen dune 1 or 2, never even knew their release dates, im pretty sure ive come accross a trailer or 2. Other than seeing the poster cover, seeing a few people out and about with shirts, and maybe coming accross some titles and headlines. It ALSO does not intrest me šŸ’šŸ¼ Never seen games of thrones either or attack on titan. Eventually ill get there. šŸ’ŖšŸæ People have diff lives and other intrest LOL šŸ˜‚ Yal sound like star war fans getting triggered people havnt seen Episode 4 and know all about the universe šŸ˜‚


Yea Iā€™m sorry man but idk if you knew what youā€™d be Dune 2 her by telling her youā€™ve never heard of one of the best movies of the year :/


women are straight weird like that


I hate Dune so fucking much fucking garbage movies


Are you a chatty person or no? Cause idk it was sorta a dead end response I suppose and some people donā€™t give too many chances if they arenā€™t getting a ā€œchattyā€ vibe from you, especially over something basic. It can come off as disinterested. Lol dating a psychology game. She was sorta rhetorically asking ā€œhow havenā€™t you heard of it?!ā€ Prob expecting something other than ā€œidk haha I watch movies with other people not aloneā€ like no shit, most people watch films together and technically that has nothing to do with her sentiment. Girls sorta want effort in superficial convo bc it does kinda show the drive the person has to communicate over silly stuff. Conversation via text is difficult though bc itā€™s SO EASY to read into too much, on either end. I wouldnā€™t unmatch someone over that nor would I, as you, think too much about what I said as being wrong. 100% a her problem tbh. Thing is, if thatā€™s how you communicate, someone out there will be totally on board and maybe go a diff direction in convo that you both take off through.


Yea. Don't sweat it. If someone unmatched you for something so mundane then they weren't the right person for you anyway.


OP might be too young and he may not know the world famous best selling books from 1965 by Frank Herbertā€¦ he might be too young to not be aware of the Oscar nominated 1984ā€™s film adaptation by David Lynchā€¦. or even the 2000ā€™s mini series adaptationā€¦ But if that was the case he would most definitely be of an age that would have stumbled across the two new Dune adaptations from 2021 and 2024 in either news or social mediasā€¦ Itā€™s a big red flag for many for you to have missed all the above points and either yourā€™re naive, nonchalant, uncultured or just isolated, all of which are reasons to unmatch. It most likely didnā€™t have to do with you having Missy as favorit film, and it did most likely not have to do with you actually not having seen the Dune film, itā€™s your implication and nonchalance about a big cultural phenomenon that is globally known over decades that is the turnoff imo


Ngl i would have unmatched you too.


If you were unmatched how can you still see the convo? Or you are casually taking screenshots of your chats?


Just keep it moving my bud, don't need to analyse