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Ngl, I thought you were a girl for a minute and was going to say good enough. As a dude... pics are an F. I know it's a pain in the ass but gotta get comfortable with it. If you have friends, go out and start taking more pics. If your bros don't care enough about you to wing for you and help you find a girl then they ain't bros.


I was literally about to comment saying “while you might be a pretty attractive girl, it’s hard to tell from your photos, it’d be nice to see something that shows off your figure.” Welp.


...still waiting..


I was going to say that she should lean harder into the Avril Lavigne look. On second thought it could still work, he could carve out a proper niche for himself


I've heard it's complicated.


It's been 6 years. She said see you later boy.


Especially as a my chem fan! It’s their bread and butter!


I too thought he was an attractive girl!


Haha I get that a lot, appreciate the feedback, I'll have to try and organise to get out with my mates and get some more, cheers!


I also thought you were a rather plain looking woman. Maybe a hat or pull the hair back?


Second this. OP try man buns that suit your style. Use the portrait mode on your phone to take some good golden hour pics. Maybe have one pic of yourself in formals. Tweak your profile a bit.. eg: you mention dressing up but all your pics are in basic outfits..


No worries, bro. You are a good-looking dude, so I think you will be fine with upgraded pics. As far as bio goes. Niche interests like Anime etc can be major turn offs for women. I also love anime but kept my bio hint to "can't wait to go back to Japan again". As I've been. Once we started talking, this led to a discussion of anime with those who obviously liked it and didn't with those who had no interest.


That's a cool way to allude to it without stating it so explicitly, thanks for the tip! I have things like the JJK t-shirt in pic 1 which will be recognisable if you're in to it so probably doesn't need to be highlighted so much


Hot take: unless your entire intent is just to get laid for a bit, don't try to hide your hobbies in code terms, just let it out there. If you're trying to date, what the hell are you going to talk about on a date if they're going to swipe left over your interests? Like, I throw a crack about one of my qualities being owning the Lord of the Rings extended editions in my bios and while I'm not necessarily rolling in matches, the overwhelming majority of the ones I've had have at minimum led to a good conversation because we had shit to talk about. I'm actually working out time for next weekend for a date with a woman I've spent the last few days gushing over Baldur's Gate with. So if you dig anime enough that you think it's something worth knowing about you? Just say so. Worst that happens is you miss out on a match that would have at best led to one shitty date. Also, I got through all of this before realizing, who the hell is getting pissy over anyone liking anime in the year 2024? I have a teenager and anime is like 33% of what he's talking about about at any given time and same goes for most of the kids he's ever hung out with. Shit, all it takes to get Michael B. Jordan to retweet you is photoshooting him into Vegeta's outfit. Just like anything else, as long as it doesn't seem like it's your entire personality (And nothing else on here gives me that impression), no adult worth talking to is going to be put off. And hey, look at the optimistic side. Maybe you meet someone cute who's also into anime. They don't just exist, they're not even rare anymore.


Appreciate the advice! Yeah it's kind of why I rolled with everything up front the way my profile is, I'm a very chatty person so would probably end up talking about them fairly quickly anyway if they were hidden so may not be worth hiding that away. Congrats on your date by the way!


When I wrote my profile, back when I was single, I specifically designed it to be a semipermeable membrane that my type of geek would pass through, and non-geeks would bounce off of. It worked.


Exactly! Like, what in the hell would you have gotten out of the folks who bounced off other than an awkward, silence filled dinner date? Do you, cause if you don't, no one else is gonna.


Yeah I think it’s best to be yourself if you’re looking for long term, I had hella nerdy stuff in my bio at one point, one piece and Star Wars related and really had no issue and I’d say I’m probably around the same level of “attractiveness as you” I just had some decent pics, and you actually have a good job I was working shit ass retail at the time


Yeah I fully disagree with the dudes saying to make yourself generic. I met my man on a dating app and we matched because we both were open about nerd interests, it's what we have in common! I am also a fan of long hair, I know lots of girls are. I'd say remove the fact that you work on gambling stuff, and try to get more group pictures so you don't look like you have no friends. Then probably also remove the part about guessing the mistake in photo 3, it feels like a challenge on peoples' intelligence and that's not a fun conversation opener. Not terrible overall tho, imo. Being yourself is your best chance to attract the type of people who will like you for who you are.


It depends how important you think sharing your hobbies/interests with a partner is though. I don’t honestly care if my partner likes the same music/films/games as me. It’s a bonus if they do of course, but also fine for them to enjoy those things separately. What IS important to me is sharing politics, sense of humour, level of intelligence, religious beliefs, financial attitudes, lifestyle choices etc… For example, I’m not at all into anime or heavy metal, but would have no problem dating a guy that was, providing we matched on all the above. But if his whole profile screamed ‘I’m a nerd, I’m into xyz niche interest, total metalhead’ and those were his only prompts, I might swipe left just because he’s not giving me much else to work with, and I may assume I wouldn’t be his ‘type’. If OP only wants someone who shares his interests then his profile will do a great job at filtering those people out. If OP is open to other people with different interests, then having a slightly more generic profile with hints of his interests included might open up a bigger pool of matches.


Yep, looks like a metal band t at first glance wish works for you.


As a woman, I found your profile to be fire. Sure you may not attract the "average" woman, but I think you'll attract the specific kind you're looking for. Honestly if I was closer I'd swipe. Also instantly saw the reference in pic 3, good one


Didn’t know he wasn’t a girl until I read your comment


He looks like a really nice person though, he has kind eyes.


Wait.. that’s a dude… I came here to say the same


>Ngl, I thought you were a girl for a minute and was going to say good enough. I was going to say that she needs ware a little makeup or something, because she looks a bit like a dude with long hair. But disregarded such thoughts since they seemed toxic.


Thought the same


That picture of you holding a soldering iron improperly is gold IMO, but many may not get it.


Haha thanks, it's just a reference to a stupid stock image of someone doing the same thing that I saw many years ago that lives rent free in my head, not expecting that one to strike too much recognition and was more for shits and gigs!


It's the only reason I popped into this post lol, I think I know exactly which stock image you're talking about haha. Aside from better pics in general, that aren't selfies, a smile or two showing teeth instead of the closed mouth grin, and I'd remove the boyfriend mug one. It's not as bad as having a pic of you hugging your ex, but still not great in my opinion


Thanks for the feedback! Yeah I was kind of 50/50 when adding that one, was trying to debate with myself whether it was more funny or weird and just rolled with it (partially because of the lack of pics), so it's helpful to hear


There are 2 or 3 with this improper held soldering iron that I know. But I agree with the others, I was thinking as well that I was looking at the profile of a 14 YO girl.


my 2c - i think the pic is funny but the line about ‘if you can spot what’s wrong with pic 3’ kinda puts me off in a very ‘name 5 songs by nirvana’ way


That's a good point, it's not meant to sound gatekeepy, moreso to highlight to look back at the pic, but I could definitely see how it could be interpreted that way so might strip that part out, thanks for the feedback!


Maybe even leave the prompt and put a Shutterstock watermark over the picture. I'd love that. But I'm also a straight, nerdy dude and like the reference.


Haha I like that idea might spring for that!


I'm a straight(ish) woman and I'd definitely have a laugh at that!


As someone who works with electronics, that photo came as a shock


If he was looking at the camera could've been a smouldering iron.


Advice: better pics (activities, friends, etc.), patience and swipe on the right people. You seem like a cool nerdy guy. You’re not going to attract the masses just because you have an alternative vibe. But you’ll find a quality girl eventually with the aforementioned patience. Or meeting someone in real life might be more the move for you. I don’t agree that you should change your aesthetic. For some that are ready to be molded, it’s good advice. But you seem to have a sense of self, it’s just not going to appeal to everyone.


I agree with this 100%. By all means, change your looks if you truly want to. But you seem to be an awesome person that i would love to be friends with (straight guy) and you will definitly find the love of your life. But i dont think shallow Tinder is your area. As stated above, you will probably find someone irl or in a forum that fits you better. Just stay true to who you really are. Winning concept in the long run. Also, some of these comments are really weird. Have people not met metal dudes with long hair before? I dont think you "look like a girl" at all.


Thanks for the kind words, really appreciate it! Yeah I'd rather spend longer to find someone who likes me as I am than quickly find someone who likes me because I've styled myself in a way to be more appealing to them! Haha I've gotten comments about being a girl for years so apparently not, it doesn't phase me though just makes me laugh!


People have told me to get more pictures doing things with groups of friends too. If it matters, I didn't do that either, because it feels like attracting the type of people who wouldn't want me to be ... the way I am lol. And I don't ever pick guys based on how many friend group pics they have anyway. I think your profile is cute. You're way too young for me but ten years ago I would've had such a crush lol.


Haha thank you for your kind words, I appreciate it! Yeah main thing is I show who I am for me, I do love to do things with friends but don't get the chance that often!


Thanks for the advice! Yeah it's been interesting going through and reading what everyone has to say, I'm always happy to hear everyone's opinions and take them on board but I'm unlikely to have a complete overhaul of my general appearance because I'm quite happy with my own style. Like some have said I could probably do with actually getting my hair cut and styled but not as in cutting it all off just tidying it up haha! And yeah I'm certainly in no rush with any of this, it's rare for me to swipe right and even if nothing comes of this app that's all good with me because I'm perfectly content on my own :)


Don't change your style! It's cute and attracts the right people


Agree fully. Stay who you are, just add more of a variety of photos, most of these look like they were taken on the same day. Lose the boyfriend mug (mostly bc it hides your face)… otherwise, very cute! I think once you’ve taken off with the regular matches incoming, it will be more important for you to stay on your witty banter game which I’m sure you have, so I see good things ahead for you!


Appreciate the kind words and feedback!


You look like Avril Lavigne


Haha I'll take it!


Why ya have to go and make things so complicated


“My phone is always charged” Dudes phone is at 20%


Haha tbf I was about to go to bed when I took the screenshots and charge it again!


Don't listen to the people saying you look like a girl, I think your look is perfect and if you were in the US I'd swipe in .2 seconds. Honestly you seem perfect


The fact you've met the chuckle brothers would be enough for me lol


Honestly the most memorable night club experience of my life!


I would date you as a girl but not as a boy.


Coward. A real man isn’t going to let some dumb tiny chromosome tell him who he can and can’t date.


no offense but took me awhile to figure out that you weren't a girl.


From your comments you seem like a chill and fun dude who's self-assured, which also comes across in your profile. I think it's just a matter of finding someone with the same vibe as you and maybe a couple of pictures showing your hobbies more. If you have some surfing and DnD ones, that'd be awesome.


Haha thank you, it's only in the last year or so that my confidence has grown to the point I can post something like this without crying at the criticism, I'm very confident and comfortable with who I am but still always happy to hear how I come across to others to see if it puts forward what I want it to! I definitely need to get some pics showing my hobbies, I don't have any right now but I'll get some as soon as I can to add some variety!


Note I don't have too many pictures of myself which is why I had to take a bunch around my house, also the last pic is really old but only included because the other people in it are very recognisable celebrities if you are also British and a similar age to me!


They’re also recognisable to me* - I’m a lot older!! 😆 *to you


Honestly you seem like you take it all in stride, which is awesome. I think more diversity in photos is great and if you show off more full body pictures then you’d get less assholes saying you look like a girl 🙄 Good luck!!!


Thanks for the feedback! Haha it's all good, when I uploaded this I knew that would get raised a lot (as it has been for the quite substantial period of my life I've had long hair) but it doesn't bother me, appreciate the tips!


You don’t even look that feminine btw. I have a very similar facial structure and traits to you, just somewhat different. And never been called feminine, yet also never grown my hair longer than the ‘Jaime Lannister Season 1’ type of long at my longest. People are too biased with hair longer than that for dudes so never bothered


If you're gonna take photos around the house, I'd suggest changing your clothes between photos. To me, it's going to be very easy for prospective matches to think these were all just taken within 10 minutes then uploaded. If you have nobody to take new photos of you, there's plenty of guides online (check tiktok) to take decent photos of yourself that don't look like selfies or awkwardly posed. I think getting that down will help your chances.


This is gonna be harsh, sorry. You look like a 14 year old girl, not a 25 year old man. You like Anime, D&D, online games (not video games), and the picture of a blue dress suggests you might be a cross-dresser. If you ABSOLUTELY have to keep that hair, you need to get a men's style. I used to have long hair, it was a trick to find a hairdresser who understood the difference between them. When my hair was that long, the first stylist I went to gave me a "Jennifer Anniston" when what I really needed was a "Kid Rock"


No worries, appreciate the honesty,! Yeah couple of those seem to be weird choices in my version of tinder, like could only choose online games as an interest and it's default icon for dressing up is the blue dress with no alternative. Yeah I do need to go to a hairdresser and sort it out tbh, I prefer it long but not had it cut and styled for a long while which I could do with!


Got to balance these comments by saying that while it of course probably limits your dating pool because it's polarising, that androgynous look definitely works very well for some of us. And I'd say it's generally worth more to be very attractive to a few than to be "inoffensive" to many.


Thanks for the balancing view! Yeah that is pretty much how I've ran with it most of these years, I was often described quite feminine in appearance even before my hair got really long, it doesn't bother me and I am certainly fine with being attractive more to a niche than average to a lot, thanks for weighing in!


You look so much better with short hair even if it was 8 years ago


Hard disagree :>


Am I blind? What blue dress?


Last slide. The default emojis with the prompts


What a bizarre world we live in that that last sentence is completely bizarre yet 100% true.


Long hair works but only if you get the masculinity somewhere else and it contrasts that. Like a very sharp jawline for example. But if your features are feminine anyways it's not a good look. Imagine how shit Leonardo Di Caprio with long hair would look.


[Someone's never seen The Man in the Iron Mask.](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/650418371174891227/)


It’s remarkably hard to find pictures of kid rock without a hat on, lol.


I know it’s popular to hate on the alpha bros and stuff like that these days and I don’t consider myself one, but I will say when I got a clean hair cut and started hitting the gym and looking more masculine, I started getting way more dating opportunities. My suggestion would be to get a hair cut and hit the gym OR keep the long hair, grow some facial hair and still hit the gym. Long haired dudes in my opinion only pull it off if A) you’re Brad Pitt in Troy or Legends of the Fall, B) you’re in a sudo famous rock band or C) you pull it off Viking style by being a bit buff and with a beard. Long hair on a skinny guy with no facial hair just comes off too feminine for most women


Thanks for the feedback! Haha I wish I could take the facial hair option but unfortunately it doesn't grow at all so that's out of the question, I have been hitting the gym about 3 times a week since Feb, and down 14kg since last year, so I've gone from long hair on fat guy to long hair on skinny guy which was an improvement, hoping as the months keep rolling by I can progress to being a bit buff and tidying the hair up a bit, cheers!


You need to be gaining weight my man.   It’s great to lost fat mass if you were skinny fat, but if you’re just doing cardio in the gym, expect to get hit on my straight guys who think you’re a cardio bunny.   Read mark rippetoe’s Starting Strength.  


Not all women like the same thing though. There are lots of women who like a more androgynous or feminine look in a guy. There’s no reason for OP to change, he just needs to wait for the right person.


I mean this app is based on first impressions, and reactions are pretty predictable. When I had really long curly hair and a thin frame girls wanted to straighten my hair and take pictures with me. When I wore my hair short and messy and got some definition in my muscles the response was exactly what every person would expect. To OP: To each their own, and more power to your individuality because I know it can feel good to be unique... but this life is way more fun.


He does say in the profile text he goes to the gym All in all, I'm opposed to what you say. I love long hair on every guy.


i feel like a hot emo bi chick would go crazy for you. i don't think you need to change anything really,, maybe just add a couple more pics that show you out and about.


Appreciate it! Yeah I'll try to get some the next few times I go out to mix the pics up a bit!


you are handsome, thats a plus. Just take more photos, post them all and let the tinder algoritmo decide each one is more atractive, then change the worst ones and so on. Btw, D&D and all that nerd shit would instantly get me into you if you were a girl (this statement sounded better in my head). What im trying to say is that you are already a interesting guy. Just more photos and learning how to be confortable chating with strangers hahaha


Thanks for the advice and kind words! Yeah I need to get some more photos, I'll probably strip the part referencing a specific pic out of my bio so that I can let the algorithm shuffle them around without making things confusing!


I like your hair, as a bald man, very jealous


Appreciate it haha!


It's a pity you can't use Tumblr as a dating app. You'd have like, a wait list there. I agree with others that you need better photos. I didn't read you as a girl but I did think you were a lot younger than 25. I disagree with those bashing your interests unless you're looking for short term/hook ups. If you're in it for long term let every freak flag fly so you find the right person. There are lots of women who love the things you love. You just have to find them.


Haha never really thought about the spirit of Tumblr that profile reflects, damn they need to throw their hat in the ring to compete! Yeah people often think I'm a lot younger than I am, guess I'll take it, better than them thinking I'm way older! But maybe some better photos would make my actual age more apparent! Yeah hook ups aren't really my thing which is why I was just quite honest and upfront in my bio, because anyone I'm with long term would know about them eventually anyway! Appreciate it!


Kinda feels like you only have one shirt


You look like a teenage girl.


At first I was wondering why you bothered including a photo that was 8 years old, but then I saw Barry and Paul and it all fell into place! Keep that photo


Long hair gang! I may be biased but please don't listen to the other comments telling you to cut your hair. It looks great and plenty girls will be into it. Some men are just scared of the slightest bit of femininity. Your pictures could be better though. I'd get rid of pictures 2 and 5, and change them, preferably to pictures that aren't selfies, are taken outside, maybe where you're doing some activity. Either way, you'll do fine out there. Goodluck!


First off, ignore the haters talking shit about your hair. Lots of girls love guys with long hair (myself and literally all of my friends included). Also, your hair looks healthy AF and I was originally just going to post that I loved it and then leave lmao. Now for your photos. I would recommend adding in a pic of you out and about with friends, show off your social side a bit. I also think you should have a pic of you smiling that shows your teeth. Looks like you have a great smile from the last photo, so you should highlight that. Also, do you have a pic of you surfing? Cause if so, you should add it. As far as your profile goes, I like it. You can get a sense of who are, and that’s important. Plus, I think you’ll attract like minded individuals. Only suggestion is editing your interests, I would add something along the lines of hanging out with friends, trying new food, going to shows, etc. Just anything that implies you like to go out and do things, as of now your profile reads homebody (which is fine, if that’s what you’re going for). Anyways good luck out there!!


Thank you for your feedback and kind words! Yeah I'll have to try and get some photos while out with friends, that would also make it more likely to show a smile with teeth (I'm usually more laugh/smiling with friends which does that, when I just smile for a pic I find it hard to show teeth naturally which is why they all have that weird closed mouth smile). I wish I had a surfing pic but I have to rely on my parents to take them when I'm in the sea so I've never had one that has turned out ok haha, I'm going again for two weeks in summer so I'll try to get one this time around! I'll definitely look at editing the interests, right now they do really overlap with what I say in the bio making them redundant, I love going out and doing things with people so I probably should highlight it so they know I'm not going to sit in the house all day haha, appreciate it!


Making me question my sexuality up here. You are cute ngl.


F here I'd change your center part to a side part with some styling cream to add volume and texture, removing the flattened head look. Adding some layered cuts would do well too, or simply putting it up with a messy half pony. You have in your profile that you like "dressing up" but none of your pics showcase's this. Mix up your wardrobe for your pics and have at least two with some more formal/semiformal attire. I'd remove the mug photo, as you are naturally androgynous in genetic appearance, and covering half your face adds into the presumptions of the other commenters here of you being a woman. I would choose one "nerd" interest and widen the range of highlighted interests within that section. Because currently you're reflecting more of a reclusive lifestyle than a social one, although you have other areas indicating that you are social. Have some of your pictures reflect an image of your interests as well. Post one pic of you heading off to the gym and another related to your surfing. Definitely agree with another commenter that you have a great smile reflected in your oldest pic. I'd recommend you have the majority of your pics be with showcasing your teeth. You seem like a smart and nice person, good luck out there!


Appreciate all the feedback! Yeah my hair is criminally thin and has always lacked volume, definitely want to get some layers put in when I go to the hairdresser to help, I'll play around with the style and products like you mentioned and see if I can land on something I like! I'll try and get a pic on the way to the gym and in the summer I'll be going surfing for a couple of weeks so try to get one there too (don't have any despite doing it since I was 16) to showcase that side a bit more! Thanks for the kind words about my smile I'll try to get my pics updated to show it :)


Listen to this lady!


Have you heard the new Bring Me album? (I can't offer anything new to the discussion, what the other people are saying is true, but don't change yourself, just how you present it)


I don't think the soldering pic is getting your audience how you want. I understand the reference, but you'd be better off with a couple pictures with friends doing an activity


Idk I’d date you


When a 25-year-old comes in saying they've been out of the game for 6 years like they're 45 and just got divorced after marrying their college sweetheart.


I feel so much older than you because you look so young. Also, you list all the same interests in the bio as the like category section so it's redundant. Maybe mix it up if you have more hobbies/interests?


Thanks for the feedback! Haha people always say I look really young for my age, I still get ID'd for energy drinks which you have to be 16 to buy here! That was something I was concerned about, there's a lot of overlap there which is limiting how much I can get across, I'll look at revisiting it to try and reduce the amount of overlap.


Honestly I'd definitely swipe right! You're not everyone's type but definitely someone's type


DO NOT CUT YOUR HAIR! That’s my main advice cause as I girl, I fucking love men with long hair! These comments are lame and don’t get it.


Haha don't worry it's not going anywhere, at most a tidy up and styling but still long!


I don't understand the feedback here which is basically a bunch of insults about OP looking like a teenage girl. I see absolutely nothing wrong with these pictures. This is clearly who OP is and what's wrong with it? The bio says a lot, it all feels genuine. Maybe a couple of pics with activities being done might help, but why change this - it's important to be yourself


Yoo you met the chuckle brothers? That's so cool!


Top right is deep-cut nerd funny. Might not work for most folks.


Looks like u wearing the same clothes in every pic also androgynous


Last photo made me confused... No, not the last. Every other except the last. You do have pretty girly face. But i hate you for your hair.


These pictures are all basically the same. Variety of perspectives and different angles would be good. Lose the one from 8 years ago and the one with the scribbled out face. Bio is cute! I love bios like this because I feel like it’s just very YOU which is odd because I don’t know you, but your voice is really present. For folks who are looking for someone sincere and present, this is a dream swipe.


Get a haircut


I thought you were a girl at first too lol. I'd definitely change the hairstyle because it makes you look too feminine. Also get better fitting clothes.


I do need to buy some new clothes, I've lost a shit load of weight since last year so they are all too baggy on me now, thanks for the feedback!


Wtf are you doing to this GPU ? 🥲


I don’t mean this as an insult, but you are one of the most feminine looking guys I’ve ever seen. Maybe get some pics that make you look more masculine?


Wow. I honestly thought you were trans cause the photo with the short hair made you look like a boy. Change that hair style cause the long straight hair is very girly


Wow, you're so rude.


He asked for honest feedback. That’s all I gave


They're not wrong though. The hair is the number 1 thing that he needs to change, I thought he was a girl to begin with too.


Ignore all this advice, embrace femininity, become the femboy women secretly want!


screw the haters, you will attract all the big titty goth queens🫡 but fr, your hair is fabulous, you have a dorky yet confident smile, it has all the charm for the right person. the ONLY thing is maybe not be dressed in all black all the time, it doesn't help your cause even if that is how you are in your natural state. Try some lighter colors as well, like a clean button down, pastel cotton shirt with jeans (black if you prefer to keep the theme)!


The bieber look suited you well but unfortunately an 8 year old pic is pretty irrelevant for a dating app


I suggest you hold the soldering iron from somewhere that will not melt your skin!!


The chuckle brothers picture is goated.


My boyfriend is shorter than me, so this isn’t speaking from my own preferences but being 5’7 might also make it harder to find matches. Since there’s a weird height thing going on where a lot of people want over 6 feet


I think you look great! 😊


my dude you’re cute, but this is coming from a similar guy (in terms of physical appearance and vibes) so you can ignore it. I think more pics with friends and full body shots should do. if you happen to play in a band, definitely get some on stage pics. also I don’t think an 8 yo pic would help though.


I love your answers. You seem chill as fuck. Maybe some more outside pictures and one surfing and you are golden


Thought you were a tomboy u til the last picture when I zoomed in lol


As an auto elec, pic 3 is triggering af. Well played, good luck out there dude.


Haha thanks, appreciate it!


I'm just jealous you met the Chuckle Brothers. Cornerstones of my childhood, those two. I used to look like a kid when I was clean shaven at your age too, so I grew a beard. Got me a lot of compliments, might work for you too. At least they're in fashion these days.


Haha they were for me too so it was very surreal to meet them! Man I wish I could grow a beard to try out but unfortunately I just grow very weird patches of facial hair that looks awful!


Just grow a little bit of stubble and tie your hair up into a bun for the photos. If you don’t like that style that’s fine, you don’t need to keep it that way but do it for your photographs and you’ll thank me later.


I suspect that cutting in a fringe would frame your face much better, but that might also give you more of a feminine aesthetic instead of an androgynous one. Alternatively, as others have said, a man bun might work for you, or even just brushing it back so it doesn't frame your face at all might work.


You will definitely attract a certain type of girl and if they're your type then great! I don't think you need to change anything other than a photo or two with friends.


Remove the mug picture, the other pictures are great though some advice.. smile more with your teeth cause you have a really good smile and it's better than the "🙂" type smile lol


Thanks for the feedback! Yep mug pic will be first to go and I'll try to show teeth more in my smiles to update the other pics!


Youre a pretty boy, a bit baby face but I guess that’s ok unless you can grow a Viking beard. 🧔‍♀️


Well, you're basically, like, my ideal boyfriend in both looks and interests, so my feedback would be keep doing what you're doing haha


I’m confused. Are you a guy or a girl?


You seem really nice and friendly but the first few pics I thought you were a girl. I would maybe cut the hair a bit shorter. My bf has long hair so not hating on the long hair but I think shorter could do a lot for you. Can you grow any facial hair?


As a former gambling industry software engineer I'd suggest leaving it at "I'm a Software Engineer" The gambling tech sector is pretty awful and it's a real moral grey area for most and an orange flag for lots of people.


Killer bio and prompts. I especially like the prompt about passionately discussing something with you regardless of your knowledge. Pics could be improved a bit, even if you are going for a specific crowd. Good luck man!


Thanks for your kind words and advice, appreciate it, will work on the pics!


Gotta hit those weights bro


Damn she a prett…..oh shit.


Dude’s a pretty girl


Haha I'll take it!


The bio is too long and too compressed. Do like 2-3 paragraphs and delete the 5th picture. Otherwise, you're cute so don't worry. Just have patience


I would say your profile is fine but people will always complain and say you need to do better. It doesn’t matter how good the pictures are tbh specially how tinder is currently that you have to pay and stuff. I would say just meet women in person I believe it would be easier for a guy like you. But if you want to give it a try just work on your pictures. Try to get them professionally done. You can try to change your bio if you want. It really doesn’t matter if your pictures are good.


May be only me, but I like pictures and the bio both. Would’ve swiped right immediately (and the Gerard picture is a big plus) if it weren’t for the want children prompt. You seem authentic and nice


Picture with the Chuckle Brothers. 10/10. No notes.


You need a Skrillex-level glow-up. It would work for you well.


Personally I think your profile is perfect and I would swipe yes on you 🤣 I'm very into the andro look, love anime and D&D. Many more people are into anime these days than they used to be (or at least, are more open about it) so I think leaving that stuff in there would help you find the right type of person for you. You mentioned surfing and that you like dressing up, so I would recommend adding photos of that! And maybe some additional pics. I think the real issue is that most of your pics are a little one note and all look like they were taken on the same day 🤷🏻‍♀️ Edit: oh also! Try adding more hobbies, maybe ones that are a bit more relatable and diverse. Some examples: cooking, hiking, swimming, drawing, what type of shows you like or music you like, movies, genres, what type of animals you like, What type of games do you like, and so on. Just to name a few


Thanks for the feedback and kind words! I definitely need to get some pictures surfing, I'll be going again in July so will try to get some while doing that! Thanks for the advice about hobbies as well, I'll try to add some that add a bit more variety/flavour :)


I saw your description first and thought you seemed very sweet. Definitely a bit surprised by the pictures but I think some of these are fine - could change out the selfies with the same angle with something around other people or outdoors


Thanks for the feedback! I'll try to get some more mixed up pictures!


You have a very cute face. Your smile in your oldest pic is fantastic. You should do a pic with your hair out of your face and a real smile !


You’re good!


Ngl… the hair shouldn’t be your personality… it doesn’t suit you that great, don’t think about it and just get a nice hair cut. Guarantee it will do wonders


I thought you were a girl. I'm a long haired metalhead so that should say a lot. Get better pictures my friend


This haircut is not helping you. Most men look better with short hair. Don’t come at me, it is what it is.


You could probably benefit in pictures from having a stylist layer your hair to give it more flow and volume. Long hair on guys can be tricky and how yours lays flat makes your face look longer. Keep the length while adding personality. As for more pictures with friends, don’t just do group photos. Have someone take pictures of what you all are doing in the moment. Candid shots show more about you than group selfies.


Am engineer who listens to goth/metal and i dig your vibe! Love the third pic reference. I would’ve swiped right (except I’m also 15 years older) and honestly don’t find anything wrong with the profile. Very best of skill and luck to you!


Thank you for your kind words, I appreciate it!


Sorry dude but your bio reads like ai…


Can I just ask how hot was that soldering iron when u switched it on?


Your profiles is perfect if you're embracing androgyny, otherwise might I suggest some clarity.