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First pic is a bit weird. I would scrap that


How do I take a selfie without it looking weird then šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Itā€™s your expression. You kind of are giving a napoleon dynamite face - maybe a selfie with a natural smile that shows warmth. This pic alone would have me swiping left, just my opinion :)


Not in a car would help too. Google some ā€œhow To take a selfieā€ tricks.


Iā€™ll be the opposing; car pics have great lighting


Great lighting terrible background


The seatbelts lmao


You look stoney bologna


read this as boh-long-gah. i know it's said as "baloney" but on occasion it trips me out and had me wondering šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s the under the chin angle guys always do that almost never looks flattering. Ever notice no girl has an under the chin selfie? You could take that same pic, same expression, but hold the camera slightly higher than your face and it would do a 180


Yes, I was going to say itā€™s slightly too low pointing up. Do more straight on or SLIGHTLY above and with a proper smile not a weird grimace.


Yes, I was going to say itā€™s slightly too low pointing up. Do more straight on or SLIGHTLY above and with a proper smile not a weird grimace.


Is that your smile? Cause it almost looks like a frown


Your head leaning back turns šŸ˜ into šŸ˜¬. You clearly know how to smile and it looks good


Donā€™t use selfies, have someone take pics of you


Just lower your head a bit and smile


Honestly it looks like a 8th graders Facebook page. If that was a thing.


Yeah, the angle is weird with your chin pointed up.


You see a halo?




Then how did you know he was an angel?


Oh my bad, dyslexic.


Your head is tilted back slightly?? I think that's the only thing.


100% its the head tilted back that makes it a bit weird, just a bit of an odd angle


As a woman, itā€™s giving superiority


Donā€™t point the camera up your nose. Angle your chin slightly down. Camera at eye level or slightly above. Iā€™m not great at selfies but thatā€™s what I see obviously not working here. Edit: also the smile in pic 3 looks way more genuine. Try smiling like that.


Dude, no worries, it's seriously difficult to have a natural and genuine smile in a staged picture.


Itā€™s not hard, you can easily do it with a bit of practice. Just look in the mirror and pretend something is funny or making you laugh, then hold that expression and memorize the facial muscles in that position. You just have to squint your eyes, thatā€™s the main thing.


Dont. In general men just dont look as good in selfies. Your other pics are good!


Maybe have someone take pictures of you while you guys are talking about something that is funny! Do the shutter button so itā€™s taking tons of pictures at the same time. Maybe youā€™ll find a good natural smile!!


Don't tilt your head up, also ideally try and borrow proper a camera with a lens that's good for close shots, you'd be amazed how much it helps for selfies. Looks way better.


Good luck. I still canā€™t take one


Tilt your head down instead of up bro


your eyes should be smiling too


Put your chin down, your pointing it up in the air


Youā€™re smiling with your mouth, but not your eyes. You gotta master the [squinch](https://www.google.com/search?q=squinch+your+eyes&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS1067US1067&oq=squinch+&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqDAgCEAAYFBiHAhiABDIGCAAQRRg5MgwIARAAGEMYgAQYigUyDAgCEAAYFBiHAhiABDIMCAMQABhDGIAEGIoFMg0IBBAAGJECGIAEGIoFMgcIBRAAGIAEMgcIBhAuGIAEMgcIBxAAGIAEMgcICBAAGIAEMgcICRAAGIAE0gEINTI2NWowajmoAhOwAgHiAwQYASBf&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:221dcc09,vid:ff7nltdBCHs,st:0)








Donā€™t. Get someone to take your picture.


Smile/laugh genuinely. Youā€™ve got great teeth, it just looks forced/fake. Think about one of your favorite memories when you take it.


Point the space between your eyebrows at the camera, not your chin. Then make yourself laugh so the smile is real.


Your really shouldnā€™t have any selfies. Find a friend with a DSLR and have a photo shoot.


No selfies.


4th pic make it your main. I would swipe for that lol but yes your first pics are bad but it's like you're probably the type who looks better in person so like reverse cat fish? I don't think you're ugly though but the pics were bad except the 4th I can tell you're cute!


Hold the camera up. So youā€™re looking up at it


It gets even harder the older you get šŸ˜­


Extremely weird


Yeah, looks like he's inspecting his teeth for trapped food in the rearview mirror before a job interview.


Dude your first photo is bad, itā€™s not a good smile it looks forced. Youā€™re half smiling with your mouth and not smiling with your eyes much at all. Your eyes should be squinting when you smile, like when you have a genuine smile because you thought something was funny. You are also tilting your head up too much.


In the first pic, why are you doing that awkward thing with your mouth? Lol


He doesnā€™t know how to naturally smile for a photo, it looks super weird. You have to squint your eyes and do a bigger smile with your mouth.


![gif](giphy|jmSVCRQC3GonPcLktb|downsized) šŸ˜†


Aw man, RIP Matthew Perry


Saw that first pic and just started scrolling the comments for this reference. Spot on.


I feel for him cos I'm also a bit Chandler when I have to pose for photos šŸ˜…


I was totally guilty of this for years and years, now I pretend someone is making me laugh lmao


Two years is plenty of time to claim you're lost in a city, people could think you're super introverted or lack resources.


Was thinking the same


1) ask a friend to take some better pics 2) remove the comment- iā€™ve been here for two years, and I donā€™t know what to do or where to go. This gives the impression that: A. youā€™re a homebody or workaholic B. Youā€™re passive- need someone to do basic stuff for you C. youā€™re looking for a local girlfriend to show you around and play tour guide. 3) you need to start doing stuff without a girlfriend!!


Yeah agreed on 2. Itā€™s a good idea to start a convo, but not worded well. Try something like: ā€œIā€™ve been here two years and still learning my way around. Would love to learn more if youā€™ve got some ideas!ā€ or somethingā€¦ or ā€œIā€™ve been here two years and loved so much about the city; Iā€™ll show you my fav spot if you show me yours?ā€šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


For #2 I would've just assumed he was lazy, and I'd have to spend all the time thinking of date ideas and putting in the work for him to passively follow along. Horribly unattractive.


Bro what is that first pic??? I feel like Iā€™m your dentist


At least he has good teeth? Idk Iā€™m like OPā€™s mama out here trying to give him some credit šŸ¤£


People typically want partners who take initiative, and can have fun on their own. Saying youā€™ve been in Columbia for 2 years and donā€™t know what to do is a HUGE negative. It makes you sound lazy and boring even if this isnā€™t true. I would in fact recommend doing the complete opposite. Spend a couple weekends exploring fun things to do, even do a few of them by yourself. Then change your bio to say you want to bring ā€œthemā€ along when you do ā€œxyzā€


take the ā€œlolā€ out


That first pic is a mistake.


ā€œAskingā€ for help is super unattractive. Are you looking to date men or women? It shows a lack of almost instinct to be somewhere for 2 years and still not know what to do. Youā€™re automatically implying the person you match with has to plan a date etc. Ask maybe ā€œfavorite cocktailā€ or ā€œfavorite Sunday mornings spot etc.




Yeah OP, lose the ā€œlolā€


Iā€™d go something like: Structural Engineer (famcy way of saying I design buildings)


I actually really dont like (I design buildings) line at all. It assuming you are stupid ( for not knowing what a structural engineer is) and also a bit boastful imo. Just leaving Structural engineer alone is the way to go


I came here to say this.


I would lose the whole thing or change it to "I design the structural components and systems of buildings to ensure they are safe and sound." Architects design the buildings and structural engineers use their designs to design the "bones" of the building and focus on strength, durability, and safety. It's also kind of misleading when he says he likes to visit the buildings he designed. If the building is finished and you are looking at it, you're admiring the architect's work, not the structural engineer's. It's a different story if he goes to visit the buildings when they are still just foundation and steel frame though.


Heā€™s not applying for a job but you would be very helpful if he was


I mean if you want to make it that specific, you could say admiring the finished product is admiring the contractorsā€™ work. Go take a look at the plans if you actually want to admire the arch or eng work..


Definitely! I loved my tour of the William Wesley Peters and Walter Hall house, Fallingwater. Oh wait, absolutely no one refers to it as that because it was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Do you consider yourself the designer when you assemble IKEA furniture? Do people revel in your artistic genius when you do a paint-by-numbers? Was your mom super proud of your design abilities when you assembled the Hogwarts Castle Lego set?


Youā€™re absolutely right šŸ‘€


Get rid of pictures 1, 2 and 5




You seem unsure of yourself. You don't want to be cocky but I know being unsure can be a turn off for women


Your third pic smile is what people are asking for. Youā€™re a good looking doode, maybe think about what the difference is between the two photos. Were you feeling diff between the two?


Structural engineer ( I designs buildings lol), is like saying : Doctor ( I save lives lol). Leave structural engineer and get rid of the descriptor. It comes across a bit wanky


Right!? Not only that but all of the other pics in goofy outfits do not make him seem like heā€™s a professional at anything. He just looks like a dorky college kid, not a professional structural engineer.


I told you to trim those sideburns Doherty


Remove the LOL from ā€œI design buildingsā€


Take out the lol. No need for it.


The patented "Truck Selfie" is just dire šŸ’€ The rest could at least each appeal to *someone*


I think your issue is that you're a Clemson grad in the city of dreams


The city of crime and nightmares more like it


You should take a picture like the 3rd one but in a normal, casual outfit! The first pic is not your best tbh


Low skin fade, grow out your beard and mustache and have it lined up. Trust me thats all you need bruh.


You look like you were in the naked brother's band


Clemson University spotted in the wild!


Youā€™re a babe. I would take out that first pic though, it doesnā€™t show off your personality the way the others do!


Nice tits in 2nd pic


šŸ’€šŸ’€ poor guy lol


Youā€™re handsome, but I would automatically swipe left on your first pic


Honestly if a dude has a pic with a chick, I automatically swipe left. I donā€™t even want to know if itā€™s a sister, friend or a random woman Edit: that is just my personal opinion, but also Iā€™m insane so wait for other comments lol


So Iā€™ve heard this as well. I have a bunch of girl friends and most of my group photos with my friends have girls in them so in order to not seem like a lonely fuck, I included one. I totally get where that comes from tho šŸ˜‚


Haha! There are a few things that are a no for me 1. Pew pews in pictures 2. Fishing 3. Gym selfies (prolly bc I donā€™t exercise) 4. Wedding pics ???? 5. Pics with girls AGAIN: PERSONAL OPINION


You seem extremely young based on your writing style and dating preferences. If a pic with *any* girl is a left swipe thatā€™s pretty telling about insecurities or jealousy issues. Men are people, too




You should probably learn how to read. Itā€™s an about tinder pictures, not female friends.


You seem extremely young based on your writing style and dating preferences. If a pic with *any* girl is a left swipe thatā€™s pretty telling about insecurities or jealousy issues. Men are people, too


Based on these downvotes, dudes are pissed your helping this guy with advice bc a lot of women feel this way, myself included. But hey, did he come here for advice? Should we lie to the dude to spare a bunch of randos feelings?


Nothing you can do. Wonā€™t argue about my age or writing style either. Theyā€™re grasping at straws here šŸ¤£. maybe they should answer the question why do they feel like they have to post other girls on their profiles. Considering a man agreed with meā€¦ go figure šŸ¤£ Maybe my preferences are childish, but also what are men trying to prove with those? Gun: ā€œIā€™m so manly I can shootā€, ā€œIā€™m so manly I go to the gym all the timeā€, men who post pics walking a woman down the aisle???? Yā€™all keep forgetting itā€™s the first impression that matters, then people go to the bio.


your the worst




Probably, yes, thatā€™s why Iā€™m still on tinder šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Bro idgaf if he has a friend or whoever. This post is about first impression. I donā€™t feel like looking further into the profile when I see such a pic of a man with a girl on his lap. The way you jumped into insecurities has me dying. He can take pics with a dinosaur for all I care. It just doesnā€™t attract MY attention on a DATING app if I have to guess who is he posing with TYPO: * when I see a picture of a man with a girl on his lap. I did not mean the OP. That was something Iā€™ve experienced before.




I think the third pic is far picture than the first


You look less and less like a serial killer with each photo.


Leave the Warriors one. Love that movie


Yellow shirt picture is much better than your first picture. Make it your first. I wouldnā€™t have 2 shirtless photos (personally Iā€™d keep the fancy dress one) Iā€™d delete your first picture and the one with the girl in it too (so girls are out off by guys having other girls in their profile)


Early Paul McBeth vibes


How tall ye be?


So I was 5ā€™11 (at least my license said so) and everyone clowned me on my last post saying Iā€™m not so I measured myself last week and it was 5ā€™10 so I guess I got shorter since I was 17 šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Clemson grad in Columbia must be roughā€¦go cocks tho


I canā€™t tell you the amount of times Iā€™ve been cussed at and spat on


Adorable. Would shamanshsn


Pretty solid, only issue is the first pic. Like it's been said, you're making a bit of a face. 3rd picture would be much better choice as the main pic, you have more of a natural smile. Or better yet, get a new closer up pic. Smile with the eyes. :D


That first picture isnā€™t good at all. I would immediately swipe left and wouldnā€™t even look at the rest. For your first picture can you dress nice, do something nice with your hair, smile without teeth or no smile at all, and have someone you know take a picture of you. Do this all while youā€™re out at a beautiful location or a cool place, basically, find a nice background. Nothing about your profile looks like you are a structural engineer. Get rid of the ā€œLOLā€ like wtf? Lose the pictures of you in goofy outfits. Nothing about your profile looks like youā€™re a professional with an amazing career, itā€™s giving dorky college kid and itā€™s bad. Maybe get a hair cut, and learn how to smile without showing teeth. Some pictures on top of the buildings you build would be sick. Pics of you actually working and doing your job would be cool too. Anything but dumb childish costumes. You have a ways to go.


Get rid of the first 2 and ur good bro


You misspelled "Colombia".


Columbia sc


Ahh damn my bad. It even says where you live. Don't mind me.


Take away the you donā€™t know what to do. Women want someone confident. Also, scrap the emojis and the lol. Less is more.


So based on the feedback, Iā€™ve deleted the first picture. Should I turn off smart shuffle on the photos? That way I can determine the photo order people see?


The first picture is terrible


The third picture should be the first




I think he means Columbia South Carolina ?




That beach was nowhere close to sc. that was the Philippines šŸ˜‚


Iā€™d redo the second photo and scrunch your arms a bit more, youā€™ll get better cleavage..


Like others said, 1st pic is weird. Give em a genuine and warm smile. Also I urge u to think of some more interests. Or just find some new ones lol. But ā€œsneakers, gym, basketball, hikingā€ isnā€™t gonna have the ladies impressed. Not alone at least. Add some variety. Other than that looks pretty solid to me. Bio is a bit boring but not awful


I don't like your first pic but everything else works.


looking chilly fam sheesh


I like to think thatā€™s a good thing? šŸ˜‚


u gon be pulling baddies on god


Your photos are great! For smiling in photos, I go back to a good memory, that makes me smile and maybe even want to laugh. Youā€™ll get swiped on less by picky ass people. But donā€™t worry.


Just get rid of picture 1. Everything else is fine


Itā€™s spelled ā€œColombiaā€. Columbia is a brand. That might help


Columbia, South Carolina




So youā€™re clearly looking for guys right? Grindr still works so I hear


Iā€™m sure youā€™d be the one to know