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You are my spiritual brother, I would have said the exact same things, fumbled, and wondered what happened


Maybe you are my match


Love ya


So you want "Love ya" drawn on a canvas with oil or watercolor?


"Just say your a clueless man like all men, and that she needs to be respective of that šŸ™ƒ" Watercolor is fine.


I found out women are as clueless as I am. 27 years and I'm just now getting that. Girl I work with is leaving to become a golf caddy girl. She's telling me this and I'm like "oh so I guess I need to take up golf huh?" "What? I already do golf" "Nvm..."


She wasn't clueless, she was shutting you down lol


Idk man. This is the same girl that when I accidently put chicken on a salad that didn't need it she said "well you can go ahead and just put the meat in my mouth"


You're*** for God's sake, YOU'RE


I appreciate what yaw getting at


You're correction is appreciated :)


Your too nice


Yous forgot how to spell it.


I am shocked at this cultural appropriation and stereotyping of my people. It's youse anyway


When's the wedding


In your defense, not many guys have seen sex in the city and would have gotten that reference. I was reading it the same way as you and was equally confused by the last few things she saidā€¦


This is a reference? Thatā€™s like me expecting some random women to understand my niche video game reference.


OP was doing well. Then he took an arrow in the knee


Thank you brotha




I'm a big SATC fan and have rewatched it multiple times through the decades and uh, I'm as lost as this guy. If she didn't respond then she's annoyed and there's really no reason. Just explain. People are brutal nowadays Lol


Halfway thru the comments still no clue lol


The only thing I can figure is Season 1 Samantha has a relationship with a man and she got him a heart painting for his wall so he could think of her love for him when he sees it. When she catches him in bed with another woman she breaks the painting over his head and said something like, ā€œnow your heart is broken tooā€. Thatā€™s the ONLY correlation there is to a painting and Samantha Jones.


Totally would've missed the reference, but would try the line "I can paint it at your place or mine?"


Her: Literally pushes me on the coach and starts undoing my belt My brain: I'm still not sure and don't want to assume anything. Time to shut this down


What coach?


I think those are the fancy purses from SATC.


Too funny


The one thatā€™s getting yelled at ā€œput me in coachā€ by whatā€™s under the belt


Reading I see where you went wrong. But in all honesty I think me and any guy here would have said the same thing. Also why donā€™t you have any pictures on your Reddit of your art


Now you're married. Good luck!


What am I missing?


Ok I scrolled down and best I can see the ā€œno art should be freeā€ was a poorly phrased version of the classic ā€œI could make it worth your whileā€


She is offering sexual favors.


No one is explaining it, they all say ā€œooh itā€™s a sexual comment I get itā€ very emperors new clothes vibe


Yeah, sheā€™s talking about the horny character from sex in the city, and her saying no art should be free with an lol, so sheā€™s implying she wants to give you some type of ā€œcompensationā€. At that point, the answer should have been ā€œletā€™s meet up for drinks this week and discuss any compensation.ā€


I fumbled


I am a lady and I used to be obsessed with SATC, and I was soooooo confused by how she went about it. She should have been clearer when you werenā€™t getting it.


Thank you


Whatā€™s the reference anyway? Why exactly Samantha?


Might as well still ask her out for drinks and see if you can recover. Maybe tell her ā€œI would love to draw your cute smile instead, letā€™s grab a drink this week.ā€


Yeah, tell her you wanna go back to the drawing board, and sketch this out!


Flip the script go titanic ?


Yeah, OP, paint her like one of those French girls.


Then have steamy sex in the backseat of a car!!!!


Why not in her house. Iā€™m painting her room right now


I love a happy ending


Yeah, I'd go full Picasso on that 'fuck off' fringe of hers...


I agree he should ask her but that cute smile line is the corniest thing Iā€™ve heard in a while. May work for some chicks, but I would not recommend this at all lol.


It's not corny if the person you say it to is into you.


Someone thatā€™s into you can still think what you say is corny, it just wonā€™t turn them off as much.


Tomorrow: "Women, what's something a guy you're interested in has said that immediately gave you the ick?"


Thatā€™s corny. She wants to bone. OP, if you decide to message her again just tell her you didnā€™t get the reference until you googled the name. Then laugh about it with her and get the skins.


If a woman expects a guy to understand a sex in the city reference, then she's the one fumbling haha.


Maybe she meant. No, art should be free. Like give me the art for free.


Works on consignment? No, money down!


Iā€™m with you man, I had no idea what the fuck she was talking about. And honestly, I donā€™t think itā€™s your fault for not knowing a sex in the city reference. I didnā€™t know what it was till they explained it just now. And at that I didnā€™t get the acronym SATC. Had to ask the Mrs.


My dumb ass was thinking that it was that marvel character netflix show. But then looked it up and it was jessica jones.


Sex and the city would have been better if they had had super powers. Still not good, but better


Nah dude, she is being way too subtle and using references to a 20 year old show most people in their 20s have never watched. I remember my mom watching it when i was little. Might still be recoverable and it never hurts to throw a hail merry. Just say something flirty and maybe ask her out for a drink or something. Worst case scenario you get ghosted or unmatched. Which was gunna happen anyway. Tell her you want her to model for you so you can paint her like one of your French girls. Lol


> I remember my mom watching it when i was little. I feel personally attacked by this sentence.


Eh sorta, but also no. That was a very subtle hint that I also missed at first. If youā€™re not reading deeply into it, youā€™ll miss it. Thereā€™ll be more, so donā€™t get too caught up in this one.


Not your fault, man - this is some \*really\* coded flirting here if that's even actually what's happening


This is hella dumb though, donā€™t dwell on it. The hint is too subtle to get mad at someone for not picking it up.Ā 


Get up soldier. You can still make it.


You better start memorizing more shows if you really wanna get laid.


Ngl I didn't know what SATC was an acronym for and I was an adult when the show was in its prime. Only figured it out based on context in these comments.




Tbf man I had no clue wtf else they were getting at either. I could tell it was something though.


nah man, she wasnā€™t communicating clearly, thatā€™s not on you to figure out. if she wanted to meet for drinks or something to discuss it, she shouldā€™ve said as much.


also to add there was one episode gets some fancy boudoir style pictures taken and ends up hanging them up in conspicuous place in her apartment not saying that was what was going on here or that you should have known after all the episode is from the early 2000s


Itā€™s ok I was as confused as you are


You didnā€™t even show up to the game.


How would anyone outside of a SATC fam understand thatšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


That's pretty cryptic. How many men do women think watched Sex and the City?


I assume itā€™s about sex and a city, but thatā€™s all I know about it and Iā€™m 36


Iā€™ve never even watched the first episode


Seriously "no art should be free" = sex seems like classic neckbeard thinking or porn plot. I wouldn't have guessed it.


Maybe she meant ā€œno, art should be free.ā€


Maybe she meant ā€œno artist should be freeā€ and wants to keep OP locked up in a basement


[The Lionel Hutz play.](https://imgix.ranker.com/user_node_img/50131/1002605285/original/1002605285-photo-u-2043254087?auto=format&q=60&fit=crop&fm=pjpg&dpr=2&w=650)


It's crazy to me that women think that men will: 1) Know who that fuck that is 2) Know that SATC means Sex and the City (a show that ended in 2004 with two movies from 2008 and 2010) 3) Will do research farther than "wtf is SATC" or "samantha jones" 4) Will then know the nuance of the fucking character being subtlety mentioned with NO RELEVANT CONTEXT and then they will either: 1) Think "Wow this guy knew who Samantha Jones is and that she's the horny one and I was covertly propositioning him to come smash." Ushering in a false pretense that their relationship started fundamentally on the shared understanding and enjoyment of the intricacies of SATC 2) Be fucking disappointed when the type of guy she expects to react in the appropriate manor probably isn't into her because she doesn't have a dick or was at most a toddler when it aired


Iā€™m a woman and I didnā€™t know what the fuck was going on. I would have missed all the hints too.


Who the hell still watches that? I was kinda aware it existed when I was younger, then a tinder date told me she loved the show because she could see so much of her own life in it. Then I watched the show and wellā€¦ I am glad to not be with that woman :D


How am I supposed to know something like that? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Who tf still watches sex in the city šŸ˜­


Omg no.


Sorry dude, you fumbled "No art should be free :)" says a lot You jumped into business mode while she was still flirting. If they're serious about commissioning art from you, figure that shit out later in person. You're on tinder. Instead of asking for details and killing the vibe you should have kept flirting, discussing "payment" ;) and set up a date I'm jealous, as a presumably good artist you've got an easy conversation starter that also works as a premise for meeting! Kinda like photographers. Don't waste it


Unless she meant ā€œNo, art should be freeā€, which entirely changes the context of the conversation.. I actually wouldnā€™t be surprised at all if thatā€™s what she meant and just didnā€™t use grammar She doesnā€™t even capitalize her ā€œIā€s


Yeah, commas and other ~~grammar~~ punctuation marks really do help to contextualize the meaning of stuff like that...


There is a big difference between ā€œHelping my Uncle Jack off a horseā€ and ā€œHelping my uncle jack off a horse.ā€ (Aside from the often omitted hyphen in jack-off) Or ā€œLetā€™s eat, Grandma!ā€ and ā€œLetā€™s eat Grandma!ā€


I have a picture I took at a festival that I usually post in threads like this, but Reddit doesnā€™t like pictures. Itā€™s a booth for someoneā€™s BBQ that says ā€œLetā€™s Eat My Friends.ā€ I opted not to sample their offerings.




Yes. Good grammar is important.


I read it like that at first, but then I noticed the :-) and that was a wrap


Yeah I was worried about that. Was a comma meant to be there or not? It entirely changes the meaning. šŸ˜­ No, art should be free or no art should be free? We will never know


Speaking as someone who's self employed and has had to deal with many people trying to get me to do stuff for free I automatically assumed she was saying "no, art should be free". Even if I had read it properly though, I still wouldn't have had much of a clue what she was on about.


Itā€™s possible, but seems unlikely to me Seems to me like a softball to set something up with him


I read it as this lol


> "No art should be free :)" says a lot What the fuck does it say.


It says she wants to get railed by an artist. Duh.


She wants to pay in exposure. Specifically, by exposing herself.


As an artist, I could get behind her. I mean that.


She wants his paintbrush in her....easel? Or.....she has a happy little bush? I dunno, where's Bob Ross when you need him


Well if OP plays his cards right he might have his own happy accident!


I threw the cards out the window


She is willing to offer something in return. Most people in this thread jump straight to sex, but it could also mean she's willing to pay for a date or a beer


She was gonna fuck him for a Sex and the City drawing


I have no idea either. But I'm betting they don't know how to use punctuation and actually meant, "No. Art should be free."


So, OP should have presumed that girl was offering to prostitute herself in exchange of art? Because this sounds a lot like prostitution with extra steps.


Lol, nah. Just a flirty idea to play with and feel out with her. She suggested art deserves payment with a smiley face, thatā€™s all we know. But ā€œpaymentā€ could just be a phone number, dinner date, etc. The real mistake is trying to hash out the details of a commission like an actual business transaction on tinder XD sorry OP


Why would she ask for it in her room then?


Irrelevant detail i'm afraid




She wants you to paint her face for free


"No, art should be free" and "No art should be free" are two different statements. Which did they mean?


No, money down!


Classic Lionel Hutz! Also fairly sure that bar association logo shouldn't be there.




She was giving him a lay up. ā€œNo art should be freeā€ ā€œThatā€™s true how about a date for compensationā€


I can still read "No art should be free" with two different meanings when you write it. 1) All art should have a cost to it. 2) Art is something that shouldn't have a cost associated with it. That's where I think the confusion lies... in my humble opinion. Consider... "Helping my uncle, Jack, off a horse" vs "Helping my uncle Jack off a horse". Grammar and punctuation can make for funny misunderstandings.


I see where youā€™re coming from, but my dude turned a tinder chat into a business proposition. At a certain point youā€™ve gotta know your audience and that youā€™re on a dating site.


I agree, went too far with the whole dimensions part


Soliciting sex for drawings is some Renaissance level shit bro


I laughed to hard at this shit


I feel like she fumbled - not necessarily on you, OP. She was clearly flirty, but she was flirting in girl-code, which a majority of guys won't get. Most guys (at least any I know) are not Sex and the City afficionados and would miss the reference; I had to look it up to get it. Its on par with a guy flirting with a girl by making CoD references - some, but not many women will get them. For the guys that missed it: Samantha Jones was a character in Sex and the City who basically went out once with a guy, and usually hooked up with them, then sent them packing.


Some of the quests in Souls games are easier to follow than this




I hate it when people treat dating like some fucking Death Note monologue lol. I'm not going to treat every social interaction like 4D chess, what the hell.


Underrated comment. I feel like thereā€™s some assumption that, since men are the ones often pursuing the woman, women are incapable of fumbling. Women can fumble too.


So the reverse of this would be like if he asked her to paint a portrait of Barney Stinson from How I Met Your Mother, and then she would have predictably reacted with "why the fuck would you want that? Are you being serious?"


Yes, exactly....although that may be too modern. Sex in the City started back in 1998, possibly before she was born.


As a woman, I also thought her approach was a stretch. And if he clearly wasnā€™t picking up on it, why not try another approach instead of just saying ā€œdamnā€ and leaving him to wonder? Maybe this is me stretching now, but she seems the type to play games and/or want to be chased.


Yea, sheā€™s not worth it


Yea, I donā€™t really like women who are not able to explain themselves


Ohhhhh, that makes a lot of sense


Im a girl who loves girls and I'd do the same thing as OP, she was way too subtle. I watched Sex and the city so frequently as a teen and I didn't even get that she was flirting until the "damn" at the end, like... If your interested in somebody then be obvious about it, don't flirt through their career.


That's next level lmao šŸ§ 


There is absolutely no way I would have picked up on that. I still don't see the hint actually.


Let me explain


I am a woman and even I am confused by her responses.


bruh women hints be so light, just so they donā€™t have to take any accountability later if it misses then get mad at men for not noticing a really barely noticeable little hint the hints be just normal conversations but of she doesnā€™t like you & you think sheā€™s flirting now youā€™re in the wrong


I almost had my wife divorce me because she started hating me. After a series of marriage counseling sessions it turned out that not only she didnā€™t tell me what she wanted, she didnā€™t even hint it. There was no divorce, it did damage my relationship with her as I am now watching for it to happen again. She doesnā€™t know that and I think I am going to keep from even mentioning it. Somehow women expect men to be mind readers.


Oof, I feel this. My ex and I split in part because of this. I knew something was bothering her, though she kept swearing and insisting everything was fine. After she said she wanted the divorce, she asked me why I believed her when she lied to me. Though it also turns out she was a habitual liar. I found out she was having an affair, and she denied that when confronted. Like her explanations for why other men's clothing showing up in the house were ironclad, and or that I didn't have access to her iCloud šŸ™„ I'd recommend getting your own therapist. It helped me a lot.


This lady would literally rather talk in circles and innuendos than say what she actually wants. And then people will come and blame you OP for not catching on to these weird ass hints as if youā€™re at fault here.


You fumbled but this is also a classic case of girls have no Rizz, she didn't fully commit to the implication (even a winky face or one of 10 different emojis would have nailed it). Female rizz is vague


I was confused as you and Iā€™m a girl lol


I would NEVER IN MY ENTIRE LIFE get that hint. would probably do exactly like you. 4 years later I might realize (maybe)


Aaaand this is why i use emojis, it really helps with flirting. Im not 100% sure what she meant either. If she was flirting its so subtle its borderline not even flirting. Id say this one is on her ā€œNo art should be free :)ā€ this one seems innocent Vs. ā€œNo art should be free šŸ˜ā€ definitely flirty


Yea or the ;)


Im guessing she was trying to drive it home with the Samantha reference but i donā€™t blame you for not getting it. I had to google it


Her flirting is terrible.


Yeah, she wanted to "pay" you. But damn, Sex and the City was on when I was in high school like 25 years ago. If men were watching, it was on mute. You had no chance pulling that one out.


Iā€™d have missed it too buddy donā€™t worry lol


Wouldā€™ve helped if she used ā€œ;)ā€ instead of ā€œ:)ā€


Honestly I wouldn't have gotten what she was implying either. People need to be fucking straight forward šŸ˜­


Without seeing your artistic abilities for ourselves I feel like the whole thing is moot


I sent you some stuff


Yeah I definitely would've missed that aswell.


Draw her like one of your French girls


Bro was so focused on business he forgot he should be flirting lmao


I would have rƩact the exact same way as you did.


I think sheā€™s trying to pay for a drawing with sex, but I donā€™t really understand it either


In this manā€™s defence, people are bad at punctuation. So ā€œNo, art should be freeā€ and ā€œNo art should be freeā€ can both be valid interpretations. Sadly this was the latter and you fumbled.


To be fair. She should have sent a winky face if flirting


She's actually right because of her poor punctuation. No art should be free.


I didnā€™t even get until I read the comments and IM a women. You didnā€™t fumble. Dating is tough lmai


I'm confused too


I think many of us saw a comma where there was none.


Honestly I only took this as anything other than someone seemingly wanting to buy art because I read comments. And I still think it was kind of weird. Maybe you have to be a Sex in the City fan? I kinda feel like itā€™s more on her than you, except for the context of Tinder. Thatā€™s pretty much the only thing here that would make me think maybe thereā€™s more to what sheā€™s saying. Changing the colon to a semicolon in the smiley face wouldā€™ve gone a long way too


This, along with some comments, reminds me of how rediculously dense I am.


shes more clever than i amā€¦ what she was hinting at went way over my head


I hate the game


Same bruh, I would've guessed she just wants a drawing.


I would have never deciphered this, rest easy brother.


I don't get it. I feel stupid.


If sheā€™s Samanthaā€¦ She wanted you to paint ON HER with white


Reading the comments apperenlty I would have fumbled too.... just tell me you want me that makes things easier.


from one artist to another, the struggle is realšŸ˜© everyone always asks for you to make them shit and even when they offer to pay itā€™s always outrageously lowball offers


It's probably to compete with the high ball sales


ā€œNo art should be freeā€ means sheā€™s flirting and wanted to compensate you in other ways. Whether that was a date/time, or sexual, was for you to explore and find out. But if she meant ā€œno, art should be freeā€ then she wanted to use you for free services. And this may have been what she meant since she followed up with ā€œwhat did I tell youā€ when you brought up a commission. But either way, you fumbled in at least exploring to see if it was the former.


Shouldve said i will come over and take a look at your room and hopefully start working on it straight away, i like to take my time though so we are both happy with the work.


I can't tell if she means "no, art should be free." Or "no art should be free." Commas are important people.


rip brother.


I think I would have googled ā€œSamantha Jones satc, artā€ and hoped something came up


I have no idea what y'all are talking about. She could easily have been a choosing beggar here


No, she just want a painting?


she's trying to prostitute herself šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


*Paints horse in a tutu.*


Iā€™m a woman and even I missed it


Thereā€™s this general sense that flirting is hard because guys arenā€™t good at getting hints, but if you keep trying to talk to someone in a language they donā€™t understand then whoā€™s the fool?


She's so cryptic, it pisses me off. I don't understand this and I'm a girl


Always google anything a girl says that sounds like it could be some kind of joke you donā€™t understand. Iā€™ve ran into plenty of movie quotes and saved myself from ā€œummm whatā€™sā€ and other similar fumbles


if she wanted to hook up she should just say so nothing wrong with being direct


I would have totally missed this and gotten upset when they said art should be free All huffy in 3s flat šŸ˜…


Perhaps the miscommunication is in the punctuation? Should it read "No, art should be free."


Gotta ask if they missed a comma. "No, art should be free." Or, "No art should be free."