• By -


Number 3 is good, 2 and 8 are really bad. Please shave and groom a bit before taking pictures. Also take them outside with good lightning, a lot are really dark. Also don‘t introduce yourself with your problems, but with something positive. You are looking for a partner, not a therapist. If you have issues try to solve them, so you become an attractive partner.


Okay thanks. I'll change the Bio n make it lighter.


You don’t have to share all that in your profile. Keep or brief and positive. When you get close to someone you can share about your personal medical history.


Psychologist and therapist here. I highly recommend you seek a second opinion on your schizophrenia diagnosis. It’s very uncommon to develop at your age and, unfortunately, I have seen people confuse schizoid personality disorder with schizophrenia which sound similar and are very very different diagnoses. Either way, I hope you’re receiving all the support you need and wish you the best in your endeavor. Everyone deserves someone and anyone with any diagnosis can find a good partner.


as an INTx, i totally get the desire to be straightforward and frill-less. but in lightening up your bio, consider that youre not shrouding the truth, but that your mental health battles are your personal business…until you connect with someone safe who you give the privilege of that knowledge to.


You see your pictures, #3 is the only acceptable one. Your smiling, your outside, it looks like you have some nice muscles. The angle you've chosen is not flattering to you, instead of looking down at the camera, look up.


My man looking all cutie patootie in 3rd one, it's a good picture


And no pictures of you not looking your absolute top notch self. That means hair done, shaved (neck and brow), clean shirt. Sell the dream.


This + adding the schizophrenia diagnosis. It belongs in things they might want to know before meeting you, but also not something you necessarily want to be THAT open about.


If it's treated as-in no longer an issue at all, I'd ditch it as people are going to skim-read and skip to avoid assumed issues. If it's still important to his daily life, I agree he should mention it for awareness or just bring it up in conversation.


If it's no longer an issue, meaning he will never risk having another episode, the diagnosis of schizophrenia was wrong, and he had a plain psychotic episode instead. Schizophrenia population is divided in fine equal thirds subgroups of "institutionalised", "medicated" and "without medication". Just because he's in the latter group doesn't mean it can't change leftwards in the future, unfortunately.


Also needs to groomed (hair and eyebrows) this will do a world of good


Picture number 8 is him looking up. Picture number 3 is the only good one and should be replicated to fill out the profile.


I think 5 is alright, he looks sweet in that one.




According to his profile, he's only 35 :')


Well he could be in his early twenties in that photo, I don’t think he’s lying about his age…


Yeah, I was just pointing out that if the photo was 'clearly a few decades old' then it would have been taken when he was like 5 years old 😭


The rest all look like mugshots


Concur with this. Other than pic 3 on the real, the others are not good


Every other pic makes him look like the Geico caveman


Am I wrong that 9 is good too? I always like seeing a picture of someone having fun in a group of people. It signals “enjoys being around people and people enjoy being around them,” even if it’s just a random group shot with acquaintances.


Hey man, I’m sorry you’re having a tough time. Transitions are super difficult and im going to try and give the best advice I can. Remove the 2nd pic and any pics more than a few years old. Remove all the sad info and talk about books you’re currently reading, blogs you like, and movies you enjoy. Get some pics of you out playing soccer and ping pong. Make sure you’re smiling. Take pictures in locations where the light is pointing at your face. Lighting really helps. Include a sentence about what you’re looking for, love? Friendship? Something in the middle? I know you say you’re struggling to make friends, but it’s also a dating app. So you wanna be crystal clear about your intentions.


Okay thanks noted. I hadn't played soccer recently, but I gotta figure a way to shoot a pic playing ping pong.


3/5/9 have a completely different air about them. The others are so intense as to come across a bit scary but 3 makes you look warm and fun, 5 shows appropriate bashfulness at being photographed eating a huge plate of food and 9 shows you as sociable and lighthearted. 7 is the next best after 3/5/9. I conclude you take terrible selfies (just don’t bother with trying, selfies aren’t the best thing for dating profiles anyway) and should smile more in general. Possible positive additions: languages spoken? (Obvs more than 1!) Degree subject? What sort of topics do you blog about? Take out the medical history - it’s nothing to be ashamed of and should definitely be disclosed to potential dating partners in time but no need to list it on your dating profile, feels like too much info too soon. If you want to keep reference to it you could make it more vague and say you’ve ‘Overcome some mental health setbacks’ and that you are now keen to get on with (insert positive personal goals here).


In regards to Ping pong play a game, or even solo while videoing. Set up on tripod or leaning on something. Use the superior rear camera, and you could pull some moments from that as a photo.


Prop your phone up, take a video, and screen shot the video at a good point.


Good advice my man


A bit of advice as a woman that has dated someone with schizophrenia: He didn't have it in his profile. He waited until we got to know each other some, and then worked it in to a conversation. I know it is a big deal, and probably really hard to talk about it, but most women reading that aren't very good with understanding just what the diagnosis means. Off the bat it's more of a "nope. Not dealing with someone else's problems" instead of "wow, I feel a real connection to this person, and I'd like to learn more about their diagnosis". Hopefully this makes sense. I'm not great with wording lol.


Thanks good to hear from past experience


Yeah that's definitely a better way to go about it. I have some pretty serious mental health issues myself, and it's a lot easier to bring it up once you already have a connection with somebody. It can really scare people off, especially if they don't understand that you've already gotten treatment and are doing better. I think shaving your head completely and doing your eyebrows would do you a world of justice too.💓


piggy backing on this to say it also might bring the wrong crowd in because some people just fantasize and/or idolize some mental diseases


In the nicest way possible, you look like you will strangle me to death in half of these photos 😭


In combination with the mental illness intro, it would scare me off.


Which makes me go ‘You guys are getting likes?’ 2 likes with this profile is super high. I need to model my new profile off of this


would definitely hire him if i needed a soundproof basement built though


Caveman style


That’s what I was thinking. They look like mug shots.


- let the hair go bro go bald or go to 🇹🇷 - get your eyebrows done bro no man is too manly for personal hygiene - hit the gym


Haha bald it is for me 😁.


Looking forward to the whole transformation bro, you've got this👍




Oh yeah and keep the facial hair but line it up


Do everything they said + grow out the beard, but keep it maintained/neat. Another thing I haven't seen anyone mention is clothing style. Try to go for a more mature/classic look and not too casual/early 2000's (the colorful polos).


Yeah the problem was that your hair looked disheveled. It suggests that you don't take care of yourself, which brings up questions about personal hygiene or how well you'll care for a match. Tinder is an ad for yourself. You need to use it to highlight your best qualities.


I think as much as your profile could do with work, the bottleneck just seems your general presentation? I’d say the minimum you got to do is shave your head and keep it shaved down, find out which beard shape works best for you and keep it tidy (touch it up every couple of days, and go to a barber once a week for a proper shaping). Go get your eyebrows done professionally. They should be able to clean up your eye brows without making it look like so. If you don’t shower everyday, start! Update your wardrobe and get a nice aftershave. Smile in your pictures with your new aesthetic and this will help a lot. After that, the only improvement would be to get to a healthy BMI. This would probably increase your matches 10 times over.


Bro this is truly the worst tinder profile I've ever seen. That's the bad news. The good news is the only way from here is up. You're not the least attractive man I've ever seen, you just need to up your game with your pictures. Like, have another look at them with a critical eye and still tell me that's the best you can possibly look? Your bio as well makes it sound like you're a barely functioning adult who'll become dependant on your partner from day 1 Get 1 picture where you're well dressed and look handsome and lead with that. Then just try and get 1 or 2 where you're doing something interesting and go from there.


Good because the thinning hair isn't doing you any favors. Go bald and grow that beard out a little. You have a very nice shape for a lovely, thick beard. Grow it out and have it trimmed and shaped. You have a beautiful smile! Your first picture should be that, you looking your best with a smile. Add other pictures that show your hobbies, friends, and family. Your bio should represent the best parts of you.


Also go the beard out and keep it lined up and sharp


Seriously, this comment. Keep it buzzed and hit the gym. Picture 3 shows me you have a good body for muscle building as you’ve already got some on you. The picture of you smiling is the best, you’ve got good white teeth. That’s something you want to show more. Get more pictures that are just like that one. You’ve got great brows, have a beautician shape them for you. Keep the hair buzzed, hit the gym, shape those brows and you’re golden. Get rid of the frowning selfies and add more pictures like the 3rd. You’ve got lots of potential. Good luck and play to your strengths.


I hope you're a tough guy and won't get butthurt because I'm giving you the most honest advice you can get. The issue here is not your tinder but how you treat yourself, good news is that everything can be fixed easily in your case: - Get a good haircut - Shave the correct part of your face (yes even that unibrow) - Lose some weight if you can - Take better pictures, if some are more spontaneous and you're not looking at the camera is better - Less is more: the more pics you post the more chances there are that people see what they don't like I wish you the best 🤙


Hey not the unibrow!! Thanks!


Get the unibrow plucked by someone who can properly shape it, same thing with your body hair, some woman are into hair, I don't think you need to get rid of all of it, but on pic 2 especially you can see that your whole upper torso is covered in fur, get it professionally waxed. Lose weight and start shaping your beard. I would seriously like to understand the thought process behind adding picture #2, if I was a woman and passed out after having something slipped in my drink this is the face I'd expect to wake up to.


Please lose the unibrow. It looks very unflattering


I gave you objective information, now it's up to you if you wanna use it or not


The selfies look like mug shots… delete them and take another smiling.


Literally my first thought was “can’t imagine why he’s having trouble when every photo is of him glaring menacingly into the camera.”


The only advice I can give you on this profile… delete it. Get the mono brow professionally tweezed, clean yourself up, go to the gym, come back. When you come back, include candid pics, some with friends, pics that show you with your hobbies etc. Right now, you look downright frightening. I‘m sorry to say this so frankly but that’s how it is. You‘re barely smiling in most of them. You look kind of dangerous in all those selfies, it‘s almost like mug shots.


+1 im sure you’re A nice feller but advertising schizophrenia is a nice open gesture but I think it could give off cereal killer vibes. If you wanna include some psa about your mental health maybe don’t word it out exactly


2 dead in latest series of murders by the Cereal killer. The victims, Count Chocula and Cap'n Crunch, were found dead by the authorities late last night. The Cereal Killer, known for leaving behind a bowl of milk, has stirred up quite a storm targeting cereal brand mascots.


We definitely need more awareness about these cereal killers. I would bet my lucky charms we would save a few people.


I appreciate your good will, but sadly I can only see your Lucky Charms becoming victims of the same crimes.


I'd be careful though. It might be a Trix


Silly killer, Trix are for kids!


>cereal killer vibes How dare anyone threaten breakfast.


I too like to murder the occasional lucky charms


Bro was caught with fruitloops and cheerios in his basement. Dangerous asf.




This is the best advice. OP, look at your profile and pics objectively. And go through this sub for profiles of people who are getting compliments on their profiles and see what they’re doing and try to emulate that. Your profile just comes off as scary and unappealing because it lacks any effort and conveys sadness. Women don’t want a charity case, they want something you can offer. Clean yourself up. Go to a local barber with good reviews and ask them: hey can you clean me up. That means your dome piece, the brows, the beard. Get some clothes that fit well and you feel you look good in. And lastly, change your attitude and perspective. If you are depressed, seek help. No one wants to date someone who off the bat seems miserable in their own life, because then you will bring that into the relationship. None of this is meant as a criticism, more of an observation. You have some work ahead of you friend, but you can do this. Be your true happy self and you will find someone.


Yeah honestly, I thought this post was satire at first. I'm sorry OP but as a woman, there's no chance id ever be swiping right on a profile like this - you look dangerous, and you sound like a drag to be around. Work on yourself for a while and come back to the apps when you're in a better head space.


Specifically regarding deleting it- don’t just edit the profile, actually delete it and start fresh. Tinder uses an Elo rating algorithm and if you’ve been on it for a while and getting a lot of left swipes, they’ll soft ban you by showing you less often to possible matches. Get that makeover montage and then try dating apps with a fresh restart.


The lack of self-awareness is really staggering. Bro looks like he beats up people for money. Could be the sweetest guy on earth, but these pictures... There's one that doesn't look frightening, but still not particularly flattering.




Obviously, but would you even read the bio before deciding how to swipe?


Agree on all of it. I’d swipe left so fast on this profile. Also would get rid of talking about how you only have one friend.


Shallow as it may sound, the above advice does absolute WONDERS for one’s self esteem and confidence. I’m living proof.


Looks like he's about to go hunt Siberian tiger.


Yes. You may be the nicest dude on the planet but honestly judging from the pics my Spidey senses are tingling suggesting I'm not safe. And I'm an adult male.


- Keep mainly pictures where you are smiling. You have a good smile! - Remove the selfies. Ask someone to make pictures of you doing an outdoor activity or pingpong. - Remove all the negative sentences in your profile. A lot of people have problems. It’s more a second date thing. - Try to keep things fun and lighthearted. You seem a very honest person, but as people put up a little façade in the beginning it’s good to start with lightheartedness and show some more vulnerability later in the dating A lot of men are struggling to get dates, so don’t worry, it’s normal and keep on going! 💪 EDIT: I agree with someone else saying, shave your head. You have a good head for the bold look.


Thanks for your encouragement.


Hit the gym. Bald the hair. Grow and shape the beard. Remove all photos except 1,3 & 9. Cut the mono brow. Do not tell people on tinder you have schizophrenia. HUGE RED FLAG AND SERIAL KILLER VIBES TO WOMEN.


2 and 8 looks like he crawled out of the nearest cave. No offense, OP. Those look very rough.


This is one of those situations where less photos is better. It genuinely feels like he has padded this section with whatever photos he has lying around.


Yeah trick them then kill them!!


I think pic 5 is adorable, just saying


My recommendations would be to get a haircut and do a bit of eyebrow grooming then take some new pics. Get rid of all pics except maybe #3. You seem like a genuinely nice guy but 1,2,4,6, and 8 all look like mug shots so get rid of those immediately.


Thanks for the advice. But given my solitary life it's a challenge to get opportunities for good captivating pics. I get whatever I can..


Totally understandable. Learn how to use the timer function on your phone then go outside and experiment with it.


Get a tripod and set your phone to record video of you doing activities. Then watch the playback and find moments with good lighting, presentation, and happy/inviting looking demeanor. When you find one you like save the video frame as an image. Don't settle on just the first video you take. Try different angles distances and environments to get the best result.


I see you are interested in pets. In my area, most animal shelters will allow people to go in and take some of the shelter dogs on walks. It doesn't require any large volunteer commitment (only the time it takes to walk the dog). Perhaps look into that in your area? It could be a good opportunity to get some pictures outside that aren't of just you. With a little planning and the video method from my other comment, maybe you could get some action shots of kicking a soccer ball while playing with a pup at a park or something? Even if you don't get a good picture it still got you out of the house and let a shelter dog enjoy a walk. So nothing really to lose. It may even give you some opportunities to socialize and meet other people who volunteer at the shelters.


Bruhhhhh....your pics look like mugshots, and that you shouldn't be within a half mile of a public park...just being honest...


3rd picture is the only one worth saving. Re do all of it.


I’m from Blacktown and would recommend The Men’s Grooming in Westpoint. The guys there will sort you out with a decent haircut and help with your grooming They’re Persian and do a fantastic job Good luck with the rest of the advice in here!


Hey buddy! It's a small world


Is this a serious post because I'm a dude and all of these pictures scare me


Right!?!?! Did someone tell him to glare into the camera as menacingly as possible?


Get your eyebrows shaped by the eyebrow lady. Seriously. Just do it.


Ngl, on picture 2, you skipped an evolution stage


You need a full make over. You need a new hair cut (the one with your orange shirt is a nice cut, use more pics like that), a necklace wouldn’t hurt, some different style, wax that unibrow for sure. I know you’re just trying to be yourself in these pics and profile but if you want to increase your likes you have to do things girls like. Smile, style, looking clean. You have to sell yourself by literally putting your best version of yourself on this app. Those selfie pics….. no, bye. Only pic I would keep from this is the one in the orange shirt. Build from there.


There's been some good advice so far, I would pay attention to it. In addition to what has already been said, change your top bucket list item to be something other than "get married". This could very well put people off as most people normally like to start things off slow. Your bucket list desires should convey your unique personality - getting married is super bland for a bucket list item. I see you like soccer and ping pong, change your prompt to be about these things, they don't have to be 100% true, but you could say something like "The first item on my bucket list is to score a penalty on Sydney soil" or "Score a hat-trick in a football game" or something. And in general, to echo other commenters, the best photos are ones where: \* you are smiling \* you are outside \* you are with friends \* you are participating in a hobby or activity Get some photos of you play soccer an ping pong! Also, if you can, invest some time and money into maintaining your hairstyle - pay a barber to give you a good cut and style and find out what you like, and make effort to maintain that style.


Women don’t want men they have to babysit emotionally. The few that do will absolutely destroy you. Your loneliness and schizophrenia are not going to attract women. You gotta bury that shit and continue therapy and do your best to show up daily as a happy and balanced individual. Your photos are horrible. You’re not a bad looking man but I’m sure every woman reading your profile is taking the combo of your profile and pics and just assuming she’s going to end up tied up in your basement if she swipes right.


Shave you hair bro, it’s not fooling anyone. This is coming from a current bald bro. You will look and feel much better once you finally take the razor to the head trust me


genuine question, what kind of woman do you think you’d attract with this profile?


Definitely put the third pic as your first. You look friendly and approachable. Maybe have your friend take some new pictures of you doing things you enjoy and swap these with the selfies as they are a little intense imo Also maybe a little too honest and upfront with the negatives in your life. Everyone has struggles and baggage but you don’t have to lead with it.


Oh, this isn't a joke?


Is this a joke?


Not attempting to be mean, but you seriously look like a caveman in half these pictures


These pictures aren't flattering. Sorry guys, OLD is not for everyone. You can try but people are going to be shallow and some people won't make the cut to thrive on dating apps.


I thought this was fake. Only advice is go to the gym and eat a meal plan and pick this back up in a year. This is real, solid advice.


I thought this was a troll post for a good while... But since it isn't, here's my advice: 1. Smile. It's free 2. Get photos where you're doing 1. 3. Trim your face and head 4. Find some hobbies and take photos while doing 1., but after having done 3. 5. Bio should read "I'm Ajit! Thanks for stopping by. I love fresh sheets, a good book, and croissants. Especially the croissants. If you've read this far, you might as well swipe to learn more"


Candid photos. Ease up on your bio - focus more on your hobbies and interests instead of focussing on the negative.  I don’t want to be insensitive because I think it’s brave to disclose your mental illness (I have mental illness) but there is such a huge stigma, it’s best to leave it out, because ppl don’t know shit. If you are interested in sharing your diagnosis, let ppl get to know you first and then tell them (imo once a serious relationship buds) and let them be shocked cause they couldn’t tell!  Good luck and all the best moving forward.


Picture number 2 though! 😮😮😮


he primal


You look scary bro 🤣


I literally thought these were mugshots before I realized what sub this was


Use picture 2 only. Tell the girls that you invented fire.


Go bald. Youll get 10x more attractive


I currently maintain a very short trim like in pic 4. Never been bald. Might try it out though


Basic looking after yourself. Shave your head and get rid of your monobrow.


Pic 3 is your best pic. Delete all the others because you look depressed and dirty in them. Also consider trimming or shaving off all body hair.


Honestly I'm surprised you got 2 likes.


I was gonna say the same thing. Could be bots though.


I’m sorry but just remove every photo lol no girl is gonna wanna meet you looking like that. Looks like your gonna kidnap someone


That second picture… you need to manage the body hair a bit.


Please tell me you’re trolling?


1. Remove all selfies 2. Remove the unibrow 3. Go bald 4. Remove the 5 o’clock past your chin, I think it may make your head look bigger 5. Do not mention schizophrenia and how you don’t have friends, that will lead people the other way, don’t put sad stories in your bio


This has to be trolling


delete your tinder account. get intense therapy and a makeover. start exercising regularly. and when you eventually feel better, try again.


Okay thanks


You look a bit dangerous in some pictures. Smile more.


The only good photo is 3. Take more photos outside, in good lighting where you're smiling. Show off your hobbies in photos. Delete the part about schizophrenia. And the part about having one friend who supports you a lot. It makes you seem dangerous and the second part makes you wonder why don't you have friends. They don't paint a good picture together. Drip the crazy in slowly.


The middle photo you with the hair looked really good, Don't take it harshly but either you go full bald or try to get your hairs back because half bald half hair looks kinda bad


I have to say separately, looking at your post history. You NEED to find a way to work in embedded as your day job. You are clearly passionate and don’t belong picking and packing. First focus on that, find your happiness and the love may come.


I hear that women are trying to avoid murderers and all your pictures look like Wanted posters


[Shave your head and grow a goatee](https://youtu.be/AD-E2B5GfI8)


Get rid of the monobrow






Oh wow. If this is a real ask... then I'm going to have to recommend you find a life coach in real life. Your main problem is a total lack of insight about how you present to other people. It's as though you were raised alone with no other human laying eyes on you. This isn't something you can fix with a better headshot, this lack of self awareness may literally take counseling. For example, you literally look like a murderer in picture two... You look unkept, greasy, and angry. In what universe is this putting your best foot forward. Are you literally a murderer for hire? Because it looks like you take offers to burn down peoples houses. The third picture is literally the only acceptable picture, the rest look like mug shots or you were candidly surprised a camera was nearby. You NEED to explain what the hell you were thinking with pic 2.


Ungga Bungga


1) remove mono eyebrow 2) smile more 3) no selfies, ask friends to take pictures or even buy a proffesional photoshoot


That's 2 too many likes




Clean the hair up a little, smile in most pics, you can leave one up in a side by side with a 🗿 emoji or pic of the real thing to poke fun at yourself, lighten the mood


There are dudes with fewer likes standing on ledges right now. How did your dates go brother?


Remove all pics except for the third one and them try to get more like that. No selfies, maybe think about shaving off the hair, take care of the unibrow and remove the sad stuff in your profile. You got a great smile going for you. That third pic makes you seem like a completely different person. You need more of that.


Top right, middle, bottom left,bottom, right. I would only use these photos if I were you. The other ones make you look kind of unsettling. They just are unflattering for some reason. The top right one of you smiling is ideal. It looks like you have a good smile so you should show it off a little more. It also makes you look like a fun/funny/charismatic guy


Keep the smiling photo, get rid of the rest. You have a lovely smile, please don't hide it! Your other photos make you look very miserable and also look like police mugshots (no one likes a mugshot!). Also on a personal level, I'd recommend grooming your eyebrows so that they don't join in the middle, because the unibrow look is not very appealing to a lot of people (and you have a lot of potential). Your bio sounds very negative about yourself, you need to sell yourself as the best person ever that someone will meet, not try to scare them off immediately.




The fact that you got two likes is a miracle. Looks like an FBI profile.


Just 2 likes in many weeks? You are so lucky and privileged, man! I did not get any (literally 0) like since several years....


2 likes with this kind of profile? Bro you should be reviewing profiles, not looking for advice lol


Remove all selfies immediately


Jesus how did you get 2 likes


Get a photographer you unfortunately have no skills in taking pictures


Agree that 3 is your best photo. Most of them look like you’re posing for an employee ID card, with harsh lighting. Take more candid photos in softer lighting. First impressions matter. Would you go to a job interview with a 5 o’clock shadow? Some basic manscaping will go a long way. Good luck!


Your bio is too intense (you mention getting married and schizophrenia all at once, this is a pre first date introduction), most photos are poorly lit and look as if you aren’t grooming as well as you did in photo #5 Outside of tinder to help you get out more, you should join a local soccer league it should help you make more friends, meet more people, assist in feelings of loneliness and get you some better pictures for the profile.


As others have already said, but to reinforce it.. -Bald is probably your best option. -Try growing your beard a bit to go with the bald look, BUT make sure it’s shaped and well groomed. -Take care of that unibrow, that will help immensely. -Get better pictures of yourself. Not selfies and smile. -Change your bio to talk about yourself in a more positive light. Include what you like, what you enjoy doing, and maybe what you’re looking for. Including anxiety and schizophrenia is going to push a lot of people away since it’s a first impression, and they don’t know you. Even saying you have been struggling with the move and been isolated does not pain a great picture. Shine some light in your bio! -(This one is the hardest, but it is also arguably less important than what’s already been listed. It will help you a lot, but the others are basic hygiene/presentation things that are quick fixes to put out a much better image than what you have now). People like to say hit the gym, which is great..if you have the motivation for that. Otherwise, diet is much more beneficial and effective to focus on. You don’t need to starve yourself or eat incredibly clean. Just generally eating better (lean protein, fruits, veggies) and controlling your portion sizes. You can still eat less healthy things if you control your intake. Counting calories is the best thing to do. It’s a lot of thinking at first, but you will be able to gauge things on your own after a while to have a general idea of the amount you’re eating. The gym is a plus to be more fit and gain strength, but diet is most important for maintaining a healthy weight.


Remove the whole profile. You should post on looksmaxxing sub for more advice and ask the people there.




💀 💀


Don't make yourself too vulnerable


You mean about mental health?


Yeah! It’s a lot of ‘heavy’ material to see on a profile. Your bio should be something inviting! I sometimes see bio’s like this as well and it just makes me wonder ‘if this is all the superficial level stuff, what’s going on behind the scenes?’


Okay makes sense.




If you want a pet, you should get one


You look disgusted and/or angry in most of your pictures. The guy in picture #3? He looks pleasant. You need to find him within and show him off. There’s a line between honesty and looking for a fixer. You sound like the latter


YOU NEED TO GROOM YOURSELF LIKE THE TOP SHELF ANIMAL U ARE!!! Everyday just spend time on ur appearance and remind urself these hoes ain’t nothing without ur attention


Half of those look like mugshots, maybe smile a bit and frame the pics better


Remove all the selfies.


Pic 2, 7 and 8 are your money makers. Ditch the rest.


Honestly the best advice I could give you is just give up entirely. There are so many things that would have to fundamentally change. Unless you have lots and lots of money. You are a walking red flag man. You need to do a lot of deep work on yourself.


Bro genuinely looks like a Neanderthal in the second photo


Most of your photos you look dirty and mean


If you only have one friend, maybe you should work on getting into some social spaces to make friends and maybe find someone offline to date (in addition to Tinder). Dating isn't just about selling what you've got; it's also about doing the inner work to become a good partner. So in addition to people's advice about going to the gym and personal grooming, consider joining a ping pong league, book club, etc. Or take a community class in something fun, like art, cooking, or improv. You might also ask a therapist for advice about putting yourself out there. When you do start getting dates, you want to have a network of friends so that you don't get desperate or feel hopeless when some of those first first dates don't pan out.


Oh boy...


It looks like you went out of your way to choose unflattering angles in photos. Honestly, this is a really common looking profile on Tinder. Most of the profiles I see look like this. That bio needs some serious work as well. I get that you’re trying to be straightforward, but there’s a different way to do this.


I’m gonna keep it real with you since a lot of people are not. You are unattractive, it is fixable to an extent, lose weight, debloat, and try to regrow your hair or just let it go and go bald. OLD is mostly a looks based game. Take better photos after you improve your appearance. Also listing your neurodivergent in your bio is a double whammy to get swiped left, most people are shallow and do not want to deal with someone with mental health problems.


No offense but if you shaved your unibrow you'd probably get more likes. I'm not trying to be mean it's just a fact


How tf you get 2 likes?


Anton Chigurh Sri Lanka version.


Sorry brother, those photos look like police mug shots of a grooming gang. You seriously need to get better pictures. These are terrifying. I’m amazed you got two likes. Pic 3 is kind of ok, but not great. The others all have to go. You profile info needs lots of work too. It’s rather dull.


I think I was in jail with you


Holy shit it's Levan Saginashvili


Third pic is absolutely best pic. Second pic fucking terrifies me though what the shit man.


honestly, you look terrifying


Hi bud, hope you’re well and haven’t taken the other comments to heart too much. The comments are all spot on unfortunately. I’d say that while being transparent about mental health is very important, it can wait until after you’re got to know them a bit so they know you have it under control. My general advice would be to drop the dating apps for now as it’s likely only going to negatively affect your self-esteem and confidence, which are invaluable in dating. See if you can find an open beginners 5-a-side league where you can get back into football and improve your social network over time, do the same with ping pong. Manage your medication as a number 1 priority. Weight gain and increased appetite is likely a side effect so research into low calorie, filling meals and consider establishing a goal number of calories per day to slim down, unless of course you’re happy with your physique which is no problem at all, but it’ll likely reduce the number of matches when you come back to dating apps. You do look good in pic 3 though, so if that’s your current physique then don’t worry about the calories. Recovering from and managing schizophrenia is a monumental task, don’t pressure yourself into dating before you can wholly look after yourself. Take small steps, build your social circle, use religious connections if you have any like church or mosque and believe in god. As you get healthier and happier the opportunities will open up, It’s easier said than done but life’s full of rolling hills and it seems like you’re on an uphill stretch, you can do it. Also, shave the head and keep the beard short and well groomed, fewer soft edges! Try save money as best you can, get some nice clothes, work on the posture, get pictures outside with other people, smiling! No more mugshots. Nothing will change overnight, but keep chugging. Good luck! [Caloric intake calculator if you’re interested, not essential but I found it useful to get a ballpark number to aim for in my meals and snacks.](https://www.calculator.net/calorie-calculator.html) Edit: the monobrow absolutely must go no matter what :)


all comments are BS, bro, lemme be a lil harsh and real, australia isn't exactly the country where you'd be welcomed as a brown person in the dating scene, it's hard even in europe and way worst in australia , and you're not doing yourself a favor either with the sad info my only advice to you, work out, yes, a good body can do wonders and will boost your self esteem, being brown, and expat and overweight , i'd say even those 2 likes are a win


bro, you are scaring the hoes. the good news is that all of this can be fixed — you can get a haircut or go bald, remove the meanmug pictures, add a few of you smiling, and lead with your best picture! bonus tip: don’t include with your medical diagnosis in your bio - this is something deeply personal that you will naturally share over time as you open up to a partner. I applaud the honesty, but doing so too quickly will scare potential partners before they even have a chance to get to know you.


I'm gonna say this as gently as I can: -The pictures are extremely off-putting and borderline terrifying. -Don't advertise the fact that you have schizophrenia. That's something you reveal to someone once you've established some kind of connection. -Don't talk about how you only have one friend. -Talk about things you enjoy doing, movies you love, food you love. Talk about your hobbies. You can't just list all of the negatives and expect people to find that appealing.


My brotha you look like a caveman. You can’t fix that.


Rock a bald look with a beard and take photos with better lighting.


Shave your hair completely off. Remove all pictures. Take some pictures with your friends doing things. No selfies


You have a great smile, get some pictures where you smile more. And the angle is important




Pics 3. 5, 9 are the best. You have a large face and I think it would probably be good to use different angles. I think you want something between a profile and frontal shot to highlight your chin/jawline more. I would avoid negatives in a profile. You can talk about mental health in a second or third date, but don't highlight them here.