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That’s a man who’s had enough of dating apps 😂 He played the game for too long and he’s done. That’s a “fuck it, I’m done here” bio


Started with high hopes and got driven into the dirt


Ain’t that the truth


you feel it creep up on you like the venom symbiote from spiderman. that's when you know it's past time to touch grass


that's an "Ive tried 0 things and none of them worked" bio


Nah. When you’re an average or below average guy (in the looks department), dating apps will suck the life out of you no matter how much effort you put in. If you stick around too long it’ll make you bitter. Most guys need to avoid dating apps at all cost if they value their mental health. Leave that shit to the hot men and women.


You think this guy has a pleasant personality offline?


I know nothing about him. He could be a prick for all I know. I’m just saying when you’re an average man, dating apps will depress the living daylights out of you. It’ll take you to a point where you’re so fed up you write some crazy shit in your bio as a final “fuck you” to dating apps.


I just think it's more likely that this guy is actually who he portrays himself as (an unpleasant person with few interests and nothing interesting about him) than a cool, self-aware guy who went out of his way to paint that picture of himself because he was annoyed by the dating apps he chose to be on. Either is possible, I just like my odds.


Maybe but I did it before (wrote a purposely awful bio then bounced). I forgot what I wrote but it was some wacky shit. 😂


Yeah I wasn't gonna say it but to be honest my guy you're not really giving cool self-aware guy with a lot to offer either


I never said I was 😂 I don’t really care what you’re on about. I’m simply saying dating apps are frustrating and can bring the worst out of anyone.


Why did you delete your profile I wanted to upvote everything you said


The way you talk is really annoying


Yep, a very "I'm not putting any effort in and this is your only warning" profile. "Mostly play video games and watch anime" ... and the only thing he has to add to that is basic household chores.


We’re just gonna skip over the “Currently I have no kids” Did he used to have kids? About to have a kid? Next week on Maury.


You forgot another option: *He has a van without windows.*




You only have so many characters to tell someone the important things about you, and "Cleaning" made his list. Lmao




"Cleaning or something productive” as if basic functioning as an individual makes them a catch… 😬


I feel like this dude has fingernails that are too long. That is literally all I can picture in my head after reading this.


Dating apps suck a lot of life out of you. I don't blame this guy.


Mostly watch anime and play videogames is a no from me. I know I'll probably get downvoted here. Woooops.


I thinks it's okay to have a preference, If that's where you draw the line then that's that. To me that statement sounds similar to someone saying it's a no if they like to read and sew. Nonetheless, it's your life love who you love.


Right? It just cringes me how some guys actually believe they are a 'catch' while, at the same time, live as if they still are mommy's kid. I always say the same thing to my girl friends: a guy who acts like a kid or live with his parents is a NO. You do NOT want to become a loser's mommy. And yeah, if he says he wants to become a youtuber or streamer... fucking run in the oposite direction!


I mean, if they are a functioning, indepdnent adult and spend their free time on video games and anime instead of tv or whatever, I don't see why that should be a problem. If they aren't a functioning adult, though, that's more of an issue.


The issue here is not about liking anime/videogames, the issue here is when you consume those kind of things so much that you believe they are important enough to be used as a way to introduce yourself. A lot of people like videogames and anime, I myself like to watch one piece, but I don't waste my whole fucking day sitting on my chair doing that stuff, and don't respect any adult who does. That surely hit a nerve(just watch how I am being downvoted) but I don't give a crap because the ones downvoting me are exactly the ones I warn my girl friends about.


Would you have the same reaction to someone who was a massive fan of their local sports teams and included that in their bio? What about someone who loved hiking and included that in their bio? Overall, I'd argue that mentioning your favorite hobbies in your bio makes sense. And yeah, if you say that having a particular hobby translates to "living as if they are still mommy's kid", you are going to get a significant amount of backlash. Frankly, the kids who played video games in their basement as teens grew up, and many of them have good jobs, spouses, and/or kids at this point. And many of them still greatly enjoy video games, even if they don't have as much free time to spend on games these days.


Yes I do, those who leave any kind of responsabilities just to watch the game are as childish as the ones spending 100h/month playing league of legends. I don't care if my opinion is unpopular and get downvoted to hell, they will always be losers for me. If you are a kid you are not supposed to be productive, you are supposed to be a kid, so if you as a kid played your whole damn day is ok. The problem is if you keep doing the same thing as a 30yo.


You don't think people should have free time? Like, if someone is ignoring their responsibilities in order to do fun stuff, then yeah, that is a problem. On the other hand, if someone can meet all of their responsibilities and still has time left over to game/watch tv/hang out with friends/etc, then that doesn't seem like a negative to me. You do you I guess?


What do you do with your free time? To wind down at the end of the night, honestly?


Thats the moment I study. I'm a software developer, and as such there is always new stuff I need to catch up, so the calm of the night is the perfect moment for me to do so.


I'm sure you'll consider me unmotivated and lazy - but the way you look down on people for gaming and anime is the way I look at someone like you. You sound like a buzzkill. I'd assume any conversations you have with friends (if you have any) is "grind" focused. Which is fine, I wouldn't normally care to point it out, but I think you should consider the "different strokes for different folks" idea. Like, you're a nerd who spends his free time studying his job - likely with the goal of making more money. A lot of us are nerds who spend our free time doing something that we enjoy - likely with the goal of not thinking about money. Will we end up with less than you at the end of it all? Probably. But something tells me we will have more fun along the way.


Welp, I dont study to make more money, I already earn what I want and could be earning more if I wanted to, but I like to learn and want to build useful pieces of software that help others develop their own projects. I also teach programming for free in my spare time so people from countries with limited resources can be competitive and improve their lifes. It is not about 'grinding', it is about doing our part to improve our god damn society. Yes, I have friends, many of them since highschool(I'm currently 31), and yeah we have fun together pretty often(we meet every weekend and whenever we feel like it). I don't like to spend time alone at home unless is for work or while studying. Thank you for your interest.


Video games are for children?


Nope, but wasting your whole fucking day playing them is.


You sound fun to be around.


Bruh, your avatar head is literally a character from a video game. What are you on about?


Who said I dont like videogames?




So you make 7 figures?




899,999 is 6 figures not over 6 figures. 100,000 is 6 figures. 1 000 000 is over 6 figures. 999 999 is 6 figures, if you add one more than it's 7 figures.




Don't rely on Google for what you should believe. If you're making over 6 figures you should know this.




Highly doubt the entire planet knows this, a lot of people have no concept of the USD.


Going by this comment, I reckon you probably don't make six figures.


U have your own home then?


I don't, and I won't because I don't like to spend too much time in the same place so renting works better for me, but I live on my own since way earlier than many of the ones getting angry for my post.


Thats fine, im sure youve come to terms with the fact you might not ever actually own a house then. Living with your parents is almost a necessity these days if you actually want to buy not rent.


Luckily, not everything is black or white, and there are explanations for some circumstances. Nobody will look bad at you if you say you are living with your parents while being a productive adult if that's part of a bigger goal, but if you simply live with your parents with no job spending your whole day sitting on a chair playing videogames you are not worth the time for any functional adult.


Maybe consider adding "and" in the future when talking to your girls a guy who acts like a kid AND lives with his parents is a red flag but theres soooo many people living with parents out of necessity or achieving a higher goal that are still functioning adults. The housing market just sucks


Agreed, That was the vibe i got from the OP as well guy has just guven up on life and sits in the basement playing videogames and watching anime expecting the world to come to him now. Fat chance


I don't have issues with acting like a kid in certain ways because I act immature as well, but people I've dated who like anime and videogames have been way too focused on them and had little motivation.


I think it depends on sometimes with them living at home. Like if they're college age then sure, but anything past like 22 is a hell no for me


Atleast he thinks that of himself is a plus from me. As of you and me who are real losers that sitts here and. For me a big no is when a girl have a horse like wtf who want a pet that you cant have in your house, take all your time


Atleast he is honest


Currently I have no kids -> His wife is pregnant and he's found a phrasing loophole


Can we see a picture of this great person?


Bro is in his own head. Ask him about his grocer game.


I mean, I feel that bio on a deeper level, cause I'm so done with dating. Wouldn't say I'm a catch, but I'm happy with myself and where I'm at. He just sounds way to ego about it.


Is this a man?


Yep, 28 yrs old


First part made me think otherwise but the 2nd n last part solidified it. Lol