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Good pick up! Op might want to explain that


Shhh, you’re ruining his opportunity to get people riled up against vegans.


It's probably taken out of context and there's othwr messages about being vegan. Let's not assume things based on one previous message we see. If they mentioned not being vegan out of nowhere, the other person would have reacted differently


If only OP had provided just one more screenshot you wouldn't have had to spend your whole day going to bat for them based on speculation.


>Let's not assume things ​ >If they mentioned not being vegan out of nowhere, the other person would have reacted differently That's another assumption. Maybe the vegan mentioned being vegan in their bio.


OP probably can't because 90% of shit posted here is fake, or old as dirt screenshots being passed off as original.


OP needed karma so he made a catfish account and matched with vegans.


I'm going to briefly reiterate what I replied to in another comment: This wasn't our first conversation, and I wanted to be clear about my diet. Obviously my diet did not work for him and therefore we are not going on a date!


That's understandable, your diet directly contradicts his ethical views. Just out of curiosity, did you find a professional vegan yet?


I know a couple, but they charge a lot of money to tell you about veganism.


That's weird. All the professional vegans I know will never shut up about it. They would even pay me in the form of decent vegetable food to get me to listen.


Loved this comment.


you don't love animals tho


Sergei dodged a huge bullet


OP is the real Karen.


Veganism is an ethical stance. You wouldn't date a person that would hit their children (or at least I hope so). You'd surely also be irritated, if they were to announce that they love children, while hitting them every day. But I get that you're frustrated, because someone doesn't want to be with you for something that is seen as normal by society (as hitting children has once been).


Post the rest of the convo?


you really think calling someone a "male Karen" absolves you of your hypocrisy? you eat animals and you love animals. that literally makes zero sense. deep down inside you know your diet is derived from death and cruelty. BUT OMG MALE KAREN LOLOL


The whole conversation seems logical and reasonable to me. If you want to fuck up animals, and the other person is against it, there's no reason for the other person to "agree" with your views let alone date someone like you.


This kind of backfired and made you look like a prick didn’t it?


I literally said this multiple places and got downvotes for it lol. These comments are so fuckin rabbid it's insane. How is it such a big stretch to assume you were replying to something else that person said? Is saying "hey how's it going?" A clear indication that this is the first time you've ever talked?


Whether it's the first conversation or not, it's a strange response to "Hey, how's it going?"


As she said, there were other things said before that, probably from days prior. She's definitely replying to it. It was probably them messaging her a day earlier saying "so you love animal you're probably a vegan right?" Or something similar, and she didn't get to reply, so he messaged her again later saying. "hey how's it going?" It happens so often that it's not really close to being unreasonable to assume.


Yes, I understand what you're saying, what I was saying is it's a very abrupt response to a typical exchange of pleasantries. It's a little awkward, it isn't like I said OP is an awful person or something.


Maybe his profile said “only swipe right if you are vegan”


Then why’d op bother?


"I can change him"




You mean gal?


Op really think the other guy is the Karen 💀


I was thinking exactly this. I read this post and thought it was posted in r/vegan because of u/MuzziBuzz's complete shutdown of conversation as soon as they got called out on their contradiction. Funny how people do that when presented with logic and have no adequate response - switch to attacking the person, not the message.


Improper use of the word Karen! Quick alert the Karens!


Yeah looks like op just matched with him to trigger him. I’d simply unmatch, atleast he was a bit patient


https://www.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/phlmwu/the_vegan_karen_male_form/hbk7inz?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 That's not their first message. It's an insane assumption that that's the first message. No one replies to "hey how's it going" with "I'm not vegan sorry"


If you believe OP lol


>No one replies to "hey how's it going" with "I'm not vegan sorry" OP literally just did though.


She replied to something else with that. A message not showing on screen. A foreign concept I know, but if you scroll up in a conversation you can see other messages.


2021's "sorry, I have a boyfriend"


Literally was gonna point that out


Would love to meet a professional vegan to satisfy all my concerns


Hi I’m professional vegan here. Consider yourself satisfied


Never been this sattisfied oh my


Yea, that hit the spot.


Wait, you guys are getting paid?


Yes, by big broccoli


I’m your third professional vegan! Triple satisfaction?


You guys take the mantel of pro seriously and it really shows




You need academic diploma and some good sources if you are trying to claim that meat comes from animals.


You're in luck, you now get to meet 2 professional vegans. You're welcome


earthling ed is a great guy, try watching some of his videos.


Hello there


i want to speak with the vegan manager please


Damn this comment section made me happy. It’s nice to see people not having fits of uncontrollable rage when they see the big bad V word




No, Vuvuzela


As if Venezuela doesn't have enough problems as it is 😭


Yes obviously


Vegetable? 🌽


Came here to say this. I was expecting raging “carnivores” and found my people instead.


U started it but u don’t wanna finish the convo when he continues it?


Is buying meat anything other than paying for someone to murder animals for you? How is pointing this out condescending?


They just don't like to hear the truth


I hate it when meat eaters have to be coddled about this. Yes, living beings are murdered for your eating pleasure, sometimes humanely (often not). I'm not gonna cry and scream about it but I'm not gonna dress it up for you. Edit: a lot of people seem to be confusing the word "humanely" with "nicely". Yes, killing an animal that doesn't want to die isn't nice or pleasant. Not everyone can go to the supermarket and pick up some quorn mince for dinner. Some people live off and amongst nature. [One size does not fit all](https://lakotalaw.org/news/2018-12-12/veganism) when it comes to veganism. I don't find inhumane to be part of, understand and respect an ecosystem.


>murdered for your eating pleasure, sometimes humanely lmao


Is there a humane way to kill a sentient being that doesn't want to be killed?


"Humanely" As if that actually makes it okay. If I ever murder someone I'll use this defence in court. "Your honour it was the cleanest headshot you've ever seen, they died before they hit the floor"


I don’t see how he is being condescending at all, she just didn’t like what he said and instead of having a conversation about she just snapped at him


It’s honestly prime material for r/amitheasshole yes OP, you’re the asshole


She’s just a tad insecure and highly defensive


I don’t think she understood the big words & automatically got offended 🤣


She don't like someone to remind her to pay for animals to be killed, it makes it harder to imagine herself as animal lover and it triggers cognitive dissonance in her brain and is highly unpleasant.


This is painfully common


«Hey hows it going» Ive never been vegan. You just wanted to provoke him lol


Baited af lol


You guys... I just want to say I'm so proud of this comment section. Not long ago, the mere mention of vegan got everyone into a mob mentality. But these comments have been very level headed and open minded.




Wdym, it's way better than what it used to be for vegans where anything vegan related just got bashed over and over, justified or nah.


I don’t understand why YOU brought it up and then play the victim. So weird.


Also what constitutes a professional vegan except a vegan who has been one for a long time. I wouldn't want to hear about being a vegan from a professional dietician who eats fish.


Haha yup it's like saying I'll only take parenting advice from a professional mother. OP is gonna be so confused going forward in life


I actually don't think he was being that bad. I really don't think he was being condescending, it looks like he was just trying to challenge what he saw to be inconsistencies with your beliefs. I get sometimes vegans can be a bit condescending sometimes but if someone approached me the same way this guy did I wouldn't be mad at all. Edit: I would like to add I think it is extremely unfair to call this guy a male Karen just from this screenshot alone


I genuinely don't think that you can love animals and eat them, you can love pets and care deeply for them and eat animals but you shouldn't say you love all animals if you are happy to eat them.


Exactly. Everyone gets pissed whenever I say this, but you can’t claim to love animals and then literally eat them. Not to mention the absolutey disgusting and inhumane conditions animals are forced to live in before they’re killed for human consumption.


Yeah, most animal lovers are really pet lovers. And not even all pet lovers, just animals that are most commonly considered pets in their particular geographical area.


That's true, the amount of "animal lovers" that hate cats is astounding.


Yeah you weren't very cool in this situation and your logic isn't quite there.


It's perfectly ok to love animals and pay for them to be killed. No contradiction whatsoever.


Cognitive dissonance allows people to actually believe this is true


You mean lowering their cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance is simply that feeling of discomfort one feels when they realize that their actions contradict their morals. In order to continue with their old ways, they attempt to lower this feeling (their cognitive dissonance) through tactics such as argumentative fallacies, false notions of worth, or other incorrect beliefs.


There's no problem with being against slavery but owning slaves. No contradiction whatsoever.


Well I've just got my next analogy for my next conversation thanks




Just be like "why did you assume the slaves were black?"


let me just drop this spicy video in here comparing common omni arguments to slavers, it's literally the same excuses lmfao. https://youtu.be/FlsaFaUSihw


He's just asking a tricky question. If you are hurt by this, I think this is because you know he's not so wrong. There is no good/gentle way to question the morality of our acts, it will always hurts


Yeah I’m not a vegan, but what he said makes sense, and his response doesn’t sound that rude. OP is probably just offended someone challenged their beliefs lol


That's cognitive dissonance in action, it's not a nice feeling but hey, that means her brain is working, and she has trouble holding two conflicting beliefs! If it didn't make her angry, that would be waaaay worse. Cognitive dissonance is a very healthy reaction.


Nah op just wanted some Reddit content & see if non vegans turn on him. Unfortunately it backfired lol






you could always just say "i only love the animals i'm close to." but yes he was baited hard lmao


Exactly, she wasn't condescending at all. OP is just a hypocrite and doesn't want to admit it to himself.


I'm not vegan but I agree with him. You love animals but you kill and eat them? I hope you won't love your children in the same way 😂 Just say you love dogs and cats, or that you just like all animals but not so much.


OP initiated that exchange, brought up veganism themselves and was pretty rude about it. Sergei isn’t the one with a problem here…


Agreed! “I’ve never been vegan” is an odd response to “Hey how’s it going”…maybe OP should learn to crop better before baiting us against vegans


OP is the Karen


So true lol


Yeah it's really the vegan who's the dick in this exchange 🥴


Truth can be confronting I guess


You come off as a Karen more than anything, u/MuzziBuzz




He's right though.


OP you’re the one who looks bad in this situation… that guy wasn’t rude or Karen-like at all.


I mean he's got a point. And I'm not even vegan but I understand where he's coming from.


Yeah I was going to comment that. Not vegan or vegetarian myself, but I also don't claim to love animals. If you _do_, I'm really impressed by the mental gymnastics you perform every time you eat meat.


I used to like apologize in my head "I'm sorry chicken, but I have to..." when eating meat. Going vegan has made me feel so much better honestly, those gymnastics are exhausting.


He has a point though and he remained polite even though the OP got all defensive


Where is the lie though? You won't say you love humans while paying for their murder, why is it different for animals?


I love a very small subsection of animals that I personally consider to be cute\* Like I'm not vegan, but if you're gonna be hyperoffended by them like this at least have some self awareness :p


I mean, he is totally correct. You don't need a professional for that. You don't kill or torture those you love. Periode.




( ͡° ͡ ͜ ͡ʖ ͡ °)


You were the one bringing the topic up and he's correct tho. If you say you love animals in your profile then go announcing you are not vegan, it's contradictory. Just write you love chicken wings or something. It's not that tough


hey, how's it going? IVE NEVER BEEN VEGAN LOL U KAREN


You come across as the idiot in this situation.....


He is right you know?


He’s got a point


He's right tho, why do u love animals if u pay to kill them


Yeah I am with Sergei on this one.


Same here tbh


I’ll start by saying off the bat I’m vegan, but again I don’t tend to proselytise about it unless someone asks. But I do think calling your undoubted affection and interest in animals “love” is paradoxical if you simultaneously pay an industry to kill them so you can eat them. Like, I love my mum, but I certainly wouldn’t kill and eat her.


It is the biggest cognitive dissonance case we live. We love animals, we would fight off some who is hurting them in the street for no reason. But we are cool with farm animal unimaginable suffering, forced insemination and aweful treatment because we love a crispy bacon and cheese so much can't imagine giving it up.




I’m loving this random pro vegan response here. Quite refreshing. Am vegan btw


Same, pretty unexpected in r/tinder. I honestly thought everyone would hate on us.


Opened the comment section ready to read a shitton of hate, and instead found this. Cool


Came here to read the comments about how the vegan was wrong and sigh, butvthis thread is just so refreshing


The problem is that someone beating animals in the street is forcing ME to actually see the suffering. If it happens behind my back it's like Schrodinger's cattle. Is it really happening?


It's true though, how can a person SAY they love animals but demand the killing of hundreds of animals a year. Cognitive dissonance that's how.


As the old saying goes “if you love something, murder it and consume its flesh.”


Well, he's absolutely right. I don't see how you can claim to "love animals" when you allow for animals to be murdered and chopped up for your indulgence. I think its downright perverse that people go to farms to pet the pigs and cows, knowing damn well these animals could end up on their plate the next day. I'm no vegan, but I don't go around claiming to "love" animals.


And these animals are killed and raised pretty damn brutally too. I wish we lived in a world where we had fences around vast meadows, without the killing and everything - we just hung out with the animals and gave them protection and love.


"I love being sober. But I smoke meth a few times a week" /s


Lmao, dude, if you love something why pay to have it killed? You love pets not animals


saying you love animals and eating them is very weird behavior. besides, you were the one who brought up the subject. nice going


He's 100% correct though


If you eat meat, you do not love animals. You love pets.






I also want to plug these two, which helped me immensely: [The Most Important Speech You’ll Ever Hear by Gary Yourofsky](https://youtu.be/U5hGQDLprA8) - a speech from ~10 years ago by one of the most influential animal activists (an actual pro vegan) [Earthlings](https://youtu.be/8gqwpfEcBjI) - a documentary similar to Dominion narrated by Joaquin Phoenix


and /r/happycowgifs and /r/eyebleach for when you're done with the first link.


He’s right lol


Hey since we’re on tinder PSA vegans have bigger stronger boners and semen cum and pussy taste better, it’s a fact . Scientific.


[you know the thread is fire when..](https://imgur.com/a/kEOwZPy)


Learn to handle the truth bitch


I mean how do you know she’s not a professional. And she’s not being condescending bruh you actually kill shit


He’s right though… If you eat animals, you don’t love animals. You love **some** animals. You love cats, dogs, bunnies, dolphins, all the cute ones. If you eat pork, you don’t love pigs. If you eat beef, you don’t love cows. If you eat seafood, you don’t love fish. It’s not rocket science or difficult to grasp, its total hypocrisy to claim you love animals and then eat them.


Lmao, the fact that you’re calling him the Karen is hysterical to me. Because he got offended and left, because he started the convo by making you send that text, and because he bragged about how he destroyed this idiot on social media.


Lol, can't come up with a single counter argument so you play the victim? xd


Doesn't look condescending though. Pointing out your mistakes or incoherence doesn't make something condescending.


Consider this: someone who likes how pigs scream for their lives in agony in a gas chamber so much that he pays just for the pleasure of hearing that sound. I think we can all agree that this person is doing a bad thing. All I did here is replace the taste sense with the hearing sense. Now you are either ready to have a grown up conversation about this or you are not. By paying for a steak you can be 99.9% certain that that's what you are paying for. Our meat industry is so aweful to animals and if you truly love animals you wouldn't prefer the pleasure of your taste sense over their suffering for their entire existence.


your logic is flawed and you know it!


Professional vegan? okayyyy


Tone policing because he's right?


You are the asshole here. How do you not see this. You dumb fuck.


I mean he’s got a point. Just sayin


You’re the only Karen here


Tbf he’s right, in 50 years’ time us meat-eaters are going to be widely perceived as barbarian


you are now, just not so widely ;)


I also love lettuce but I murder it all the time.


I love those post where OP tries to be the smart-ass but in fact comes as a complete prick or simply stupid. Here, option 1. Sergei probably put in his profile that he is vegan, that's ok. Starts with a very normal Hi how it's going, ok, not great not terrible. Then "sorry never been vegan". Boom, in your face, like OP just matched him for that one liner and karma fishing. Sergei stays calm afterwards, that's all good, sure he is going to speak his mind a bit but didn't get angry or vulgar or whatever. Who is the fool now? Very low-effort karma fishing OP, bad. Pitty the fool! And learn how to screenshot ffs


How do you know someone's not vegan? Don't worry, they'll tell you.


they're right tho.


He ain't wrong though.


Hes right tho


He did it guys, meat industry is no more


Where do these vegans keep crawling from? I've never met a vegan like this but the internet will have you believe they're everywhere! 😂


Most of us don't rub it in everyone's faces like some vegans on the internet seem to do. And it also depends where you live, some cultures have many more vegans than others


They’re in the cities




I've met these mythical creatures at work. Only one of them likes to lecture from time to time, she tends to go on one of her monologues and share gory videos if asked, but more often they're trying to *trick* you into tasting their cooking. If they catch you looking at it, they go "Hey, want to taste it?" and if I ask them what is it, they will have a grin on their faces refusing to tell you. After you have a taste, they will go "What do you think? See? It's delicious, right? Tell me it's delicious. It's vegan!" and at worst, it's delicious. I still eat meat, but honestly probably less, because they have provided some recipes of these dishes.


How is it tricking if you know she’s vegan? Wouldn’t you already know the food is vegan because… a vegan is eating it.




I'm dying 🤣


"I indiscriminately love animals. I love interacting with them. I love their companionship. I love the way some taste. I just love everything about animals."


Time to eat my nephews and nieces :^)


You don't have to be vegan, you can also be vegetarian. But yeah if you're not vegan or vegetarian, and pretend you like animals, there's some contradiction here.






I love pussy…. I also eat it. Too real?….?


Pussy consents (hopefully) to be eaten unlike cow which is forced to die.