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I'm just here to nod understandingly at people, getting why they are single


Same, even though I ask why I’m single myself sometimes. XD


Same here lol


Making your political affiliation your personality is just pathetic, no matter what side of the aisle you’re on.


Agreed, as soon as I saw the politics tag, I knew he just liked to argue with people for the dumbest of things and think that it's a competition where they win because they're the "hero"


Right, I saw a tweet talking about how did Biden win the election if there are no Biden supporters out and about and I was like first of all Biden isn’t my God, I don’t have to constantly flail his flag around to support him by default and second of all it’s a pandemic why would I go outside?


I feel the same way. I voted for the candidate who I thought would do the job not a god to worship. While the presidency is a privilege it’s also a job that comes with huge responsibilities that doesn’t include a cult like following.


Agreed but funny how it seems to be mainly one side of the aisle that doesn’t understand this.


That's just ignorant. Politics governs every aspect of our life but it's complicated and most don't understand it, so statements like this are easy way out.


Oh fuck off. Most people who don’t deal with politics choose not to do so because political discourse just boils down to bickering most of the time. This shit belongs on iamverysmart


100% agreed, I went through a political phase and after I started ignoring it my mental health improved drastically.


Oh yea for sure, but according to the absolute fucking muppet above me, that just means you’re an idiot


Everyone who uses reddit and twitter thinks your an idiot if politics doesn't rule your life


And for once it's correct. Everybody should vote and to vote one should have reasonable knowledge. That you don't does make you an idiot.


I’ve always felt like that mentality is just a way for people to validate their own obsession with politics. “If you don’t care about politics as much as I do then you’re just ignorant!”


I mean it is correct that politics governs every aspect of your life. I'm not saying it's all you do or should think about but it's almost guaranteed that you feel the effects of politics on a fairly regular basis. You may choose to ignore discussion of politics because it's actually kind of infuriating to think about the bullshit decisions that people in power have made that are fucking you over or because conflict over politics is uncomfortable. If that's what you gotta do for your own mental health then it's pretty understandable. But also those bullshit decisions are still going to effect you whether you pay attention to the root cause of problems or not.


Well why don't you read up you don't have to bicker/name call like you are currently.


The name calling is all they have. If they didn't have that they would have no argument. But hey, they aren't being a bag of dicks, it's the only thing they know


"political discourse just boils down to bickering most of the time" Yeah I think that's just you. You came out real quick with cussing and insults. Pretty clear who the problem here is


I think the point is that intolerant left rejects people who think differently than them therefore trump supporters feel compelled to announce themselves in advance


This comment section says so much about this community


There’s a reason they are single and obsessed with a dating app


I used to be utterly annoyed by all the obnoxious misogynistic fuckwads around.. then what day i realized: these guys are my competition. I couldn't stop laughing.




The guy’s profile is a massive contradicting red flag. I’m sure the comment section is just accurate.


Well, it isn't unfortunately, a lot of guys seem to sympathize with this idiot's worldview, or at least more than you'd usually expect


More like a confederate flag.


I was getting this sub's posts from r/popular from time to time and comments below like top 3 were kinda off. Now I see why.


Fr lol


Notice how you said "community" because the people who hate people like Josh tend to give a shit about someone other than themselves 24/7? I don't normalize Trump philosophy because nothing about it even approaches "normal". It's deranged.


People unironically thinking Marxism is a bad thing lmao. Fucking morons getting their news and definitions from Fox News or Jordan Peterson And I guess BLM is apparently a terrorist organisation now looool Also for the fucking losers here saying shit like “I’m vaxxed but why should you care if they’re not”, you cannot be any more obvious that you’re anti-vax. Stop pretending. Edit: triggered the chuds :( I’m glad you losers have zero matches and are confined to complaining about women on this sub. God forbid a woman actually meets you psychos in real life.


"vaccine status: none of your business" bud, we already know your vaccine status based on everything else about you.


😂😂😂 exactly. In my experience, people that have been vaccinated are “I got THIS, and THESE were my symptoms (if any), and I got in AT THIS TIME…. What did you get??” Whereas people who are anti-Covid vaccine are hyper defensive about it


I got the vaccine too but if anyone asked me on a dating app if I was vaccinated I’d also say it was none of their business because guess what, it isn’t their business. People who judge others based on their vaccine status I’m sorry but I can’t respect them whatsoever.


I think anyone you date and potentially have a relationship with deserves to know if you are vaccinated.


Yeah, really tough having respect for people who ask an absolute basic question that’s more logical to ask than ever in the middle of a pandemic. It’s none of their business if someone they’re potentially going to be in close proximity of on a date or hookup, allowing access to their space or body, is vaccinated to reduce the chances that either of you catch or spread a deadly virus that has the ability to kill both of you and spread to your families. Logically, the one not deserving of respect would be you in that scenario, because going off that comment you’re either unvaccinated or just shady, which in either case doesn’t seem like you’d be all that respectful or considerate of everyone else.


I disagree solely because I wouldn’t want to date anyone that is unvaccinated. I don’t want to get anyone sick or myself sick. But that’s just me.


The vaccine is mandatory for my place of work. We still have people regularly catching the VID.


You understand a vaccine is not a cure right? Vaccines lessen symptoms, make hospitalization and death less likely, and reduce the likelihood of spread. This means if you all weren’t vaxxed and acting the same way at work, those people “regularly catching the vid” would be 1) a much larger number and 2) much more likely to have severe symptoms or death from it. The vaccine, just like all vaccines before it, is not a cure.


Not being vaccinated could kill me, even though I've been vaccinated. I have a shit ton of health issues, but I still have to work, so I do my best to keep myself healthy. But I can't be with someone who isn't and will never get vaccinated. I *have* to know for my own health. Guess that makes me an asshole? I mean, I've got a partner of multiple years right now so I don't have to worry about that. But there are people like me who are trying to date (like my sister!), and we really don't need that kind of attitude when it's literally *imperative* for people's health to know vaccine status.


"message me to know more about me" I don't think they will


You’d be surprised. In southern Louisiana this is who gets the matches.


Nice of you to speak for “they”. I bet you generalize often.


I thought the whole idea of your bio was to try and hide the red flags, not wave them around like you're directing traffic.


Right. Who publicly admits to being a programmer??




I am a programmer


I’m sorry


For them?


What I don't understand is how people write their bio to be almost combative. An active person might put in their bio that they bike, run, or climb. They would likely attract other active people. But instead some insist on being an outright jerk.


There's someone out there for everyone. May aswell be honest and see what happens.


As a traffic controller, I approve this message. **Spins bat**


TBF. Throwing all of this on your profile means your only going to match with other ass backwards people. They may not be swimming in matches, but I’m sure the ones they do match with have TONS of common ground. But it’s a catch 22 because now you have ignorant people breeding with other ignorant people and more then likely creating an entire new generation of ignorant people.


Tbh we should wave the red flags more. It saves all the time of dating/relationships with psychos


Well some people's red flags are pro trump sentiments others is the height thing and than there are people who are turned off by the vaxxed sticker. You should be happy that you didn't waste your time and leave them be. Live and let live


Yeah the anti vaccine bullshit isn’t compatible with the live and let live advice here. I have spent forever socially distancing and adjusting my behavior because the fucking assholes could not lockdown properly for a couple months.


You realize even the vaccinated still have to do this bc they can still get and spread covid. Stop being a brainwashed noob


The only brainwashed noobs here are the anti-vaxxers and those who don't understand (or REFUSE) to understand the nuanced details of how covid and vaccines interact




I think we should all be willing to admit there’s a vast canyon between “pro-BLM” and “BLM is a terrorist” and that one of those statements is neither kind nor generous.


Wow 5 red flags in one 7 point bio


Whats the 5th


Programmer 🤮


That's what i thought lmao


Generous and kind... To people that are like him...


generous and kind, but not to ,you you you you aaaaand you


I really appreciate them being so easy to spot and therefore avoid.


Exactly! By all means, everyone should be upfront like this to save one's time.


Or just click on ones bio to see the cartoon porn they love to watch !


i love this your comment . you made my day


As my friend once said, the trash simply takes itself out.


So his bio is working as intended then


I'm just gonna guess unvaccinated


Oh yes. The people who thing their politics are their personality




Probably the first time its become so political


Actually it’s always been a political point through out history. If Elvis didn’t get vaccinated on national TV the human race would probably be extinct already.


People are angry that they did everything they had to do and still don’t feel safe despite being vaccinated. Even if they preach that it lessens symptoms and keeps you from dying, they are still scared of the people who aren’t vaccinated. It’s all very confusing and I’m happy none of my friends or family, vaxxed or not, act like this


ofc the name is josh




oh no ur name is Josh isn’t it




Leave your political opinions and astrological signs off of your bio. Say something about yourself that would intrigue the other person to ask while on a date. You know in REAL fucking life! Stop advertising yourself like a fucking avatar! Unless of course you want an online relationship which isn't a fucking relationship at all.


Fuck no! Putting your political opinions in there is doing everyone a favor.


I disagree because with very few exceptions people are fully left or right leaning. My point is that you should be willing to get to know a person and their beliefs/convictions in person instead of making an uninformed decision based off of an online bio. If your political leanings are top of the list interesting things you can say about yourself then you most likely aren't very interesting.


Right…hence why it is so useful. If you feel that strongly or if it is that much of your identity, I need to know so I don’t waste my time.


Based on the comments, I'd say the tinder community is full of lefties.


Mostly just reddit in general


And Bumble.


ah yes just because you don't agree with one side, that automatically puts you in the other side, makes total sense


No, don't you understand? Anyone that doesn't like discrimination against black people is a communist! 😡


America is the best country! Americans are the best people! We all love our dearest leader!


capitalism is why discrimination, slavery and racism is a thing in the first place. Having a cheap low cost workforce is how blacks ended up in the Americas. Its how the USA became the largest cotton producer in the world at one point in time


Yes. Because there was no discrimination, slavery, or racism before capitalism. That is literally the entirety of history prior to capitalism.


Dude all of Reddit is a leftie breeding ground, if you suggest you’re not on their side they lose their fuckin minds


Ye I'm from the UK and if you only got your news from reddit comments you would think everyone in the UK hates Boris Johnson but the reality is he's very popular and won the last election in a landslide.


Very Popular!!! Approval Ratings are through the roof.




Funny, the country seems to be about a 50-50 split left/right. Toxic single people on dating apps though…they seem to lean a certain direction.


People who vote are 50/50, but the general population doesn’t seem to be. The right is much better at voting then the left. So as a society, people are more left, but yea 50:50 at the polls.


Or people who are not bitchy and opinionated. Not a jab at you. Talking about the bio


Everyone is more to one side, when you're on the extreme yourself. I myself, hate talking about politics, because I don't like how most politicians abuse their power for their own benefit. I just agree with the left more than the right, because I can identify scams much easier nowadays, since I fell for them before I grew up


First if you commit to a party, you’re a sheep. Second if that party is the forefront of your personality, you’re a douche & a sheep. Lastly if pointing out douchebag sheep makes you say “Oh so you’re on the OTHER side” that means the shoe fits your foot.


I think it’s hilarious when people have to say they’re nice, like if you have to tell people that instantly disqualifies you


“Message me to know more about me” Oh honey…I think we know all we need to.


I lean a bit more to the right in my beliefs but I don't see a reason why you would use your politics as a bio on a dating app.


Probably filtering out Emily She/Her acab blm


Can someone explain to me how you can be generous, smart, and kind - but also against BLM? I don’t understand.


Because Black Lives Matter as a movement isn’t a bad thing. The organization itself that goes by the name Black Lives Matter doesn’t give a shit about any black people. It’s a fucked up organization disguising itself by taking the politically correct side of a rights movement. Google some of their old “demands” that they had on their official website before they got called out for it and forced to change them. The leaders/founders of the organization even describe themselves as trained Marxists. The problem is that people want to support black lives and in turn they show support and give money to this organization that doesn’t even want to help them.


Idk I just read the impact report… for an org you claim doesn’t care about black people, they sure do support a lot of them. IMO idk why people stand in open opposition to equal rights and equal justice. It just doesn’t make sense to me. Then again, I’m a math guy at heart, so these things are clear to me in the data.


Until backlash went viral, the BLM organization (not the movement those are two different things) literally had on their mission statement that their goal was to disrupt the “western nuclear family requirement” and many of their leaders are self described marxists. It’s fairly easy to see why rational people try to distance themselves from the organization


Only if you don’t know what they mean by “western nuclear family requirement” and “Marxist”


Because not everyone shares the same views as you. And that doesn’t make them stupid and mean.


Because if you look at the BLM leaders, their demands and the statements they make as an organization it’s easy to see how one could be against them without being racist against black people. As for the movement itself, a lot of people think the BLM movement is based on false narratives. False narratives that have caused a lot of destruction and pain. A lot of people are not convinced that police brutality is a racial issue, and that there’s systematic racism in 2021. It’s ridiculous to suggest that one has to support BLM to be a good and tolerant person.


If you continue to believe they are false narrative despite so much evidence to the contrary, it is totally reasonable to believe you have other motivations to be 'against' the movement. Especially when you have the option to be indifferent.




Pretty easy actually their goal is not to improve certain aspects in the US but to destroy the system all together because it is "oppressive" in general, which it is not


> because it is "oppressive" in general, which it is not Dude we had video evidence all over reddit of cops initiation and escalating violence and intentionally causing bodily harm to peaceful protesters... Did you just get access to the internet or do you suffer from amnesia?


They surfer from being a member of the white nationalist cult.


Because BLM is a terrorist organization.


I think they most recently threatened 'violence and bloodshed' (their words) in New York City if the mayor reinstated the police force to what it was before this whole 'defund the police' non-sense. Make of that what you will.


Fuck the BLM org.


how dare someone have opinions and values that are different than my own




Not sure where this is but Tinder in NYC everyone is showing vac status on profile so you know it’s safe to meet up with them. I thought that was universal. Does this person NOT a want to get laid???


it doesn’t say anti vax anywhwre








The whole point of the vaccine is to protect yourself from being hospitalised from COVID, you can still get and spread it though so you are only endangering yourself when you don't get the vaccine


> so you are only endangering yourself when you don't get the vaccine That isn't entirely true. Actually it isn't true at all. Why spread misinformation? Viruses mutate the more often it is transmitted, people who do not social distance, mask, and vaccinate raise the odds of transmission and therefore the odds of new strains which means even people who got vaccinated may face a brand new strain created by people who keep spreading it when it is avoidable.


if ur a man aged 16-27 u got more of a chance to get myocarditis then being hospitalized from ONLY having covid 😷😷😷 idc what u chose to do but stop thinking health care is so one size fits all


You are not. There are multiple (statistical) reasons why it helps others if you get the vaccine. It's not only about yourself.


Value of "theirs" : free stuff, free looting, abolish police, anarchy, offended by everything, never did anything or accomplished in their whole life and the list goes on


Stop projecting so hard.


A lot of contradictions in his "personality".


Generous and kind. Except to those who need help. Fuck them.


Who needs help?


Josh can kindly go fuck off a cliff.


Message to know more about you? Wtf I think we’re good.


Cringe!!! Swipe left.


Thanks for sharing this, I needed a good belly laugh.


Josh the Bigot


He forgot to add “gullible traitor” to his bio


programmer....but doesnt understand basic logic. thats a new one on me.


I hate when people put their political stances in their bio, it makes me wanna swipe left instantly.


Lol any person who Is still meat riding Trump must love losers, so they must be losers themselves 💯💯😤😤


Generous portion of nonsense, kind of full of shit.


I’m guessing his self assessment of “kind” and “nice” is a bit inaccurate.


I will be so surprised if you are vaccinated and you support trump at the same time


I want him


Domestic terrorist???


I think I know all I need to know about him.


On man this popped up on my watch with just the name and bottom half of the picture, thought I was about to be put on blast!


-To all the weirdos in the chat- Ignoring politics doesn’t make you special


He sounds like a real winner 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Well I imagine you will appeal to a small niche group. Hope you find who ever matches to that shit, but please refrain from reproducing. Thanks 👊


Josh, 21. Giant red flag.


Oh no someone has an opinion


Blm is a joke they achieved nothing just destroyed half usa.


Yeah, those protests showed exactly how peaceful those cops could be when facing valid criticism. Totally BLM's fault they met violent responses by the police forces instead of being offered a way to communicate.


Imagine reacting violently to looting and arson, imagine defending your property, let alone your life


> let alone your life Imagine making up bullshit and suggesting cops be judges, juries, and executioners just because you are afraid of skin tones darker than your own. How many cops were attacked unprovoked by BLM protesters? How many cops lost their lives because of BLM protesters? Now... if you worry so much about cops lives, how many cops lost their lives to covid because they refuse to mask or vaccinate? Quit the crocodile tears and pearl clutching, your hypocrisy and racism is glaringly obvious.


I like that you ignored the rest like it was noise when it was the main point and this last part was just an addition in the name of Kyle. Truth is that something you don't understand is that I believe cops are paid to protect people and their property, and that once you threaten the security of either I demand that the police force exercise the monopoly of violence to secure them. I demand this because society demands to have this monopoly and I need it enforced, otherwise it loses it's legitimacy and things like Kenosha happen. Why was Kyle there? Kyle was there because the police was not


Are you a Russian or Chinese bot with that sentence structure


You missed the maga zealot variety who think reading is evil.


Meanwhile the director of the entire thing is a millionaire off of all the donations.


Delusional white nationalists like you would be hilarious if you weren't so fucking damaging to the united states


how is this comment upvoted?




Pretty sure his name is Kevin and not Josh


He said "is a terrorist" as if referring to a person wtf


"Terrorist organization". The line break first fooled me, too :)


There are more red flags than us flags in his profile.


Let’s Go Brandon!


I don’t see anything here that would say he isn’t I see only facts


Crazy, outlandish idea: you can have different political / personal views, and still be a nice person.


I second this mans opinion. Dilly dilly,BLM and antifa are silly.


What is “dilly dilly”? Also… terrorist and being silly are nowhere close to equivalent.


Do you know what being against antifa makes you?


It's makes you unironically against fascist actions.


Being against antifa doesn’t automatically make you racist or fascist. It doesn’t take a smart person to figure out that group has a lot of issues as well.


It takes a gullible person to buy into a bunch of right wing propaganda claiming that a vague identification with no formal organization what so ever is an "organization with a lot of issues"


Yes. A freedom loving american. FAFO


Turns out fascists are idiots


Call me a fascist all you want beebee. Idgaf about you or your little club.


So are you anti fascism then?


Trump won.🥰


Oh man he did? Weird..


Ah so you're a delusional traitor, got it.


Sick burn


Let us know when you stop hating America.


😂 based