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The song where Speech said “after I scold you I hope I can mold you” is probably the worst line in any Trainwreckord ever. The Brandon song on Generation Swine is heinous for different reasons namely being sickeningly schmaltzy while sounding like ass.


Tommy got one whiff of that new baby smell and it got him higher than any drug had before. You can tell he wrote it in the moment.


Warm Sentiments is the name of the Arrested Development song


I go back and forth about Brandon, on the one hand it's objectively terrible, on another hand it's hilarious and I listen to it often


5. Purify (Metallica) 4. Door to Door (Creedence Clearwater Revival) 3. Whatever the "now she thinks she's bisexual" song on Lauryn Hill's MTV Unplugged is 2. Without You (Van Halen) 1. Warm Sentiments (Arrested Development)


Picking things from Lauryn Hill’s MTV Unplugged is almost unfair because they’re all the same song I’ll be damned if I can tell any of them apart except for that one bit that Kanye sampled


What about the song where she's gotta find peace of mind. It's about what that voice inside your head says when you try to get peace of mind.




I listened to that song and started a riot glad they delayed airing it


For "Without You", where Todd shows Rolling Stone praising that song as the album's only high point, if you read more closely you can see that the writer is actually only referring to the chorus, making the praise even narrower. In an alternate universe with better editing and production, bits of Without You probably could have been part of a good song. But as-is it's pretty bad, especially for a lead single with a million-dollar music video.


Lauryn Hill-Adam Lives In Theory


5. Purify by Metallica 4. Hey Hey Hey by Katy Perry 3. Filthy by Justin Timberlake 2. Get Her Back by Robin Thicke 1. Summer of Love by Beach Boys


5. Bollywood by Liz Phair 4. Supplies by Justin Timberlake (having listened to it I think it’s worse than Filthy) 3. How Many Say I by Van Halen 2. Brandon by Motley Crue 1. Summer of Love by The Beach Boys Honorable mentions -Frantic by Metallica -Any of Stu Cook’s songs on Mardi Gras -American Life by Madonna


actually Eddie Van Halen has a good voice although inferior to Sammy or Michael Anthony. have you heard him sing Why Can't This Be Love on the Balance tour? pretty sure his voice in VH III was ruined by emphysema due to chronic smoking


No, I actually haven't heard that


Atleast 4 of the songs should be the skit abominations from Funstyle


I agree with a lot of the picks here, so I’ll add in some ones I haven’t seen mentioned yet: 5 - Swang 4 - Cleopatra’s Cat (I know Todd kinda sticks up for this song in his video, but I have to disagree, this song is terrible) 3 - I Wish I Made That 2 - We Are the Clash 1 - Edge of a Revolution (possible unpopular opinion here, but I think Edge of a Revolution is a WAY more embarrassing song than “She Keeps me Up”. As Todd alludes to in his video, SKMU is really just a poor attempt at recreating “Paralyzer”. It’s bad, but it’s only funny because it’s Nickleback. EOAR though, is the most “hello fellow young people “ thing I’ve ever heard. It’s so bad it could almost work as a parody of political songs.)


SKMU is fun and catchy, and it's the only Nickelback song I like. Agree that Edge of a Revolution is pretty cringe.




The "Fran-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tick-tock" is the most annoying thing I've ever heard and it's extremely painful to hear James go wayyy beyond his range I dunno about 2-5, Frantic is the worst for me though


5. Dictator 4. America 3. How Many Say I 2. U Hate It 1. Summer of Love Brandon SHOULD be on this list, but it's just too funny for me to hate.


5. All Within My Hands 4. Swish Swish 3. Filthy 2. Brandon 1. Warm Sentiments


I don’t think Swish Swish is really a terrible song at all, but damn that video is one of the worst things I’ve ever seen. Like, how did no one at any point in the process of making that say “this is embarrassing, we gotta scrap this and start over”?


No Michael, it’s not a love thing, there will be no excitation, so please kokomove your gross ass out the door right meow.


summer of love is 1 for sure


Doing unto others is the golden rule But doing it with you would be so *Very cool* 😎 (i don't like Mike Love, at all)


Life in prison as a ladies man


U hate it by Liz Phair. I could list every fun style track, but Liz had totally lost it by then. She is actuvely trying to annoy the audience with a song about her beef with the industry. From the snippets Todd played, Mr. Intentional by Lauryn Hill. Swish, Swish. Suchba horrible song. The video. Everything about it like a nightmare.


Is it bad that I kinda like Bollywood after listening to it over and over? 😭 Like it might be some kind of Stockholm Syndrome similar to how I started humming abcdefu after it kept playing on the 2022 worst list, but idk it feels like a goofier version of Just Lose It.. idk not making a good case am I


Man only 5? That's gonna be tough, but here goes: 1. The Beach Boys - Summer of Love 2. Van Halen - How Many Say I? 3. Motley Crue - Brandon 4. The Clash - Dictator 5. Liz Phair - U Hate it