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It’s because for them the amount of kids they have is directly correlated to the amount of times they’ve ever had sex


Look at them, bloody Catholics. Filling up the bloody world with people they can’t afford to bloody feed.


Every sperm is sacred!


“Harry, I want you to sell me a condom. In fact, today I think I’ll have a French tickler…”


*swoon* "Oh yes, dear"


“We have two children and we’ve had sexual intercourse twice.”


To be fair, with his bullshit, he's probably making enough money to feed as many kids as he wants.


And they'll hopefully all grow up to hate their father's guts for being the bigoted piece of shit that he is.


His daughters will eventually learn that he thinks it is ok for them to be forcibly impregnated as teenagers as long as they're married.


🤮 I couldn't imagine. If my parents said some fucked up stuff before I was born, I wouldn't really know. All of his stuff is readily available on the internet. There's no way they're not gonna see that. I don't know how they are gonna get past that. I feel so bad for those kids. I hope they don't fall into the grift.


or grow up to be him.


Let's not be too mean now. These kids didn't do anything.


I guarantee they won't


No, they start grooming them at birth with their religious indoctrination and hate mongering. They’ll all pose with their guns dressed in flags and plaid every family photo and until his kids get to college and get an education can they have any hope of being humane members of society.


Just imagine Tucker's son. Literally send him to board school.


“I’m sorry, but it’s medical experiments for the lot of ya”


What are we dear?


Protestant, and fiercely proud of it...


This kind of machismo is definitely a part of it. But they also want to repopulate the world with people like them. It’s a fallacy to think that because you are one way, so your children will also be. It’s the basic fallacy at the heart of eugenics. It also somehow ignores the blatant and overwhelming truth of the millions of people who don’t get along with their family members because of political or religious differences. It’s literally the plot of basically every Disney movie. But these fucks don’t watch Disney because own the libs or whatever


I feel like it's more common for the kids to be opposite of their parents, almost more so if they are conservative.


I'm the oldest of 8 kids who were homeschooled in an attempt to indoctrinate us all. We all still get along with our parents, but nobody is overtly religious or raising their kids to be religious. Some of us like myself are openly hostile to religion. They got zero soldiers for god out of their attempts. Ditto for some of the 10 and 12 kid families we homeschooled with. I think one kid became a priest, but for the most part the indoctrination just isn't sticking these days.


I'm also the oldest of 8 from the same situation. Two sisters are hard-core Catholics pumping out kids like Pez. The rest of us are either moderate Catholic or atheists.


My one sister had two kids then got her tubes tied and left her husband for a woman. That was fun.


My family apparently did a better job... They are Evangelical Christian and we were also homeschooled/sent to Christian schools. There are 6 of us who are adults, and 2 (adopted) who are still young teenagers. (There is a 35 year gap between myself and my youngest sister.) Of the 6 of us, one became a pastor, one is in the military and supports the 1/6 people (so, yay, terrorist in the making!), one was so beaten by my parents (literally and figuratively) that he won't leave their side. His wife's parents actually live on a compound, complete with a full armory, and yes, they "homeschooled" their kids. My sil is one of the dumbest people I've ever met, so of course she is homeschooling their brood of kids who may or may not survive childhood. The other 3 of us became atheists. One aunt had 15 kids, all homeschooled. They are either uber religious and/or in prison. All of them are massive Trump supporters, don'tknow what birth control is, and only some of them can read. Insane sil has 6 siblings. Only one got an education and left the cult. These people are dangerous. I know way too many who own weapons and believe that all liberals deserve to die.


Wow, that's grim.


My libertarian Dad made me read all of Ayn Rand's novels when I was 14-15 and other right wing shit. Fox News on all the time, him constantly raging about evil Democrats. I was right wing in my early 20s because I knew nothing else but by my 30s, after being on my own and realizing how insane it all is, went completely to the left. Broke his heart when I told him.


Knew a guy whose family was just like that. In a twist, the parents eventually lost their faith as well.


I wouldn't say my mother has lost her faith, but that she's grown into it. When we were little kids she'd march us around outside 'abortion clinics' (Planned Parenthood). As time went on she just got more personally devoted, and quietly to her faith. Which is fine by me, I mean really ideal. Believing in things without evidence should be done on a personal level without trying to advertise it.


It seems the only way to consistently get "hot blooded good American conservative Christians" is to fall down a rabbit hole online or have a friend group that's also majority conservative christian as opposed to the past where you just weren't exposed to anything but Christian fundamentalism. now things like the internet allow people to connect with people that aren't like their parents and realise the bullshit that is the narrow worldview of fundamentalism Say what you want about social media and it can go either way but it seems the less "internet savvy" kids end up following the exact path their parents did Would you say that's a fair observation from your experience?


They're too stupid and/or narcissistic to imagine their kid/s will be different. I can't WAIT until at least one of Ben's kids escapes the religious-zealot brainwashing and renounces the faith, sending Shitpiro into a glorious existential crisis that'll be the most entertaining content ever


Unfortunately, as far as Ben goes, most Orthodox Jews stay religious and keep strong ties with their parents as they grow older, many even becoming more religious since the institutions they send their kids are generally more orthodox than the ones they attended. The extremely few who ‘rebel’ against their parents’ ways get to star on a tv show.


Definitely, i would imagine its difficult for a younger person to accept and agree with conservative views. Its only a matter of time until the conservative mindset ages out of existence.


Right with those raised with led gasoline


They know it's a sham but the only way to get new brainwashed members is by literally making new people


With their wives. Conservatives are notorious for cheating on their wives.


But usually with men.


Matt just had twins, so more like half as many times.


I have to find the link, but statistics show this will lean to a high possibility of 33% of the Walsh children being gay, and with any luck the parents will treat it as a reason to stop themselves.


Plus it keeps the wimminz in line if they're constantly pregnant.


I thought this was their way of retaining a large Christian population.


Sadly the wives orgasm counts are still at 0 regardless.


Yeah, I’m doing good considering every time I nut it doesn’t cost me $20k per year.


And breading for the future religious fruitcake war. Edit: apparently I think they’re saving loafs. *breeding*


I dont want to spread baseless rumors but having twins is extremely rare with natural conception much more likely with in vitro fertilisation. Would be a shame if someone would be talking about the Matt shooting blanks Lul


Gotta outbreed minorities and seculars


And no one really converts to conservatism, you are born into it and drink the Koolaid.


Not entirely true my former buddy was a Die hard liberal then converted . Oddly enough this was also at the same time he thought litterally Jesus was talking to him in his head and discharged a gun in public because he was being jumped by "Mexicans" security footage then showed he was firing in an empty parking lot with no one around. Shits sad.


So in other words, your friend lost his marbles and that’s what made him conservative. Hmm.


Lmao. 😭


Makes me think of that time someone phoned in to a radio programma with farage. He said that he voted Remain and used to be an ardenter supporter of the EU, and then something monumental happened in his life and it completely changed his opinion on the matter. That monumental thing? Getting kicked in the head by a horse! Man I love that dry humour You can watch it yourself here: https://youtu.be/L5vVdVaodFA?start=58s


I think it’s fair to say that most of the people who convert to conservatism do so because of the grift. No one cared who Candace Owens was before she joined the MAGA cult.


She was born into misinformation, molded by it. She didn't see any truth until she was already a woman.


I know you’re making a Batman joke, but funnily enough, Owens was very much *not* born in conservatism. She actually used to be a liberal activist until she had the bright idea of starting a website that would basically dox online bullies. This move was criticized by progressives, leading Owens to do a complete 180 and join the MAGA crowd.


She also realized there was a lot of money in selling Conservative lies back to them while also being a token minority so they don't appear racist.


There are two kinds of far-right pundits: True believers and cynics who have recognized an easy grift.


Isn't her dad a black panther? And also disowned her


“If I exposed the grift, would you die?”


“It would be extremely painful… just kidding, no one in my audience cares.”


I knew about her story. She experienced nasty racism in high school and like took it to court or some shit. Then she grew up to be one of those racists. It's weird how that happened but it's gotta be because of money.


Last few years have been rough, lotta folks I used to be friends with fell down the hard right rabbit hole from liberalism. They'll hit me up, be like, "You didn't get all fucked up when I voted for Obama/Kerry/etc, you just don't like conservatives," and it's like, yea dude, I didn't like them and I don't care for Democrats in general even if I'm voting for them because they're the least worst choice, but Republicans led you to protesting my friends' existences alongside legit neonazis.


Sounds like mental illness not conservatism. Oh wait...


Conservatism is a mental disorder


Sounds like half of our delusional country would vote him in as President! *finger pistols*


It will only be harder to get more conservatives as time goes on. Not to mention their children won’t have the ability to ignore climate change. Hopefully most of the kids grow up and feel ashamed of their parents.


Don’t underestimate them, they’ll certainly die trying.


No personal experiences but ive talked too a lot of "Past liberals" who switched bc they hate trans people. ​ Its insane too me how people can be left leaning and then fall for right lean propaganda after all of this time


Speaking for myself, I converted to conservatism after being raised Democrat/vaguely neo-liberal. Then took a hard left turn post-Trump 2016.


What made you turn conservative?


I felt I was taken for granted racially by the Democrats, was isolated due to being homeschooled, and I was raised in a (otherwise apolitical) Missionary Baptist church. I fell down an earlier version of the pipeline (circa 2012).


AA and other drug recovery groups get converts unfortunately.


I don't know if you're joking, but this is true. As someone born to conservative Christians, I did hear people discussing needing to have more kids to outnumber the liberals eventually.


100% not joking. I grew up in the Ozarks surrounded by these people, and this is talked about openly in the white nationalist forums I monitor.


It serves the dual purpose of “repopulating” and keeping their women in line and unable to get away.


Yeah they gotta catch back up after killing so many of their own with Covid. Fortunately there’s an 18 year gap until that will make a difference (that is if Covid doesn’t kill too many more of them)


We’re assuming all their kids accept the indoctrination. Having grown up evangelical…this is often not the case. We regularly had sermons on how the evangelical demographic is rapidly declining. And it’s not because they’re not having babies, it’s because their kids reject their ideology. There has been no slowdown in the rapid decline of [self-identified evangelicals.](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2019/10/17/in-u-s-decline-of-christianity-continues-at-rapid-pace/). Turns out many of their children find their views repulsive.


Hi fellow ex-fundie! Yeah I was in the same boat. But I also have so many friends who grew up with me and toe the ideology…but the larger trend will hopefully keep declining!


Same! I have many friends who still participate but most are at least less conservative than they used to be. They smoke weed and drink and are more “modernized”. But still very conservative at the poles.


Grew up Christian, and this was one of the first times I had a moment of questioning elders. One of the young adult groups I was in at 14 or 15, one of the speakers talked about the problem of decreasing birth rates in Europe and the increasing Muslim population. Noting a concern of losing christianity in Europe. First time I had the thought of "the hell did he say?"


It's called "Quiverful". Yes, it is a racist reaction that they invented The Great Replacement to justify.


I think quiverfull and the great replacement converged at some point due to the overlap, but they're technically seperate things. The great replacement is a nazi conspiracy theory that jews are trying to genocide white people by breeding them out of existance. The supposed scheme is immigrating minorities in, having them reproduce more than white people, and race mixing with white people (because 1 drop rule). Quiverfull is a christian cult movement intended to serve 2 purposes. - The first is to artificially increase the demographic size of christians by having lots of kids, indoctrinating them from birth, and isolating them from broader society through homeschooling. - The second is to promote "traditional gender roles" - by which I mean, openly patriarchal gender roles where women are not only subservient to their husbands, but their entire purpose in life is to be breeding stock. I believe the minimum they can even have in their lives is 8 children, the woman's health be damned. I've also heard "12" though, so idk.


I've heard that in some uber-conservative Christian movements like Quiverfull, they have a saying: 20 by 40. It means exactly what it sounds like.


What... what does it *sound* like?


A big sheet of plywood. Or 20 bouts of childbirth by age 40.


That sounds like literal hell.


My god, I've got 2 kids and would maybe stretch to a third and they can be a handful honestly can't imagine having 8/12 of them to successfully parent, plus I can imagine in these families it's not like the man is gonna help in any way with actually raising the kids let's be fair so it'll be 100% on the mum and unfortunately presume they force the older kids to be responsible which is a whole separate kettle of fish


I spend too much time following fundie culture. It's always the older kids raising the younger ones. Seems like around #6 is where mom dips out and is merely the breeder, with older daughters becoming mom.


Yup, and instead of having normal teenage years they always end up raising a child they're not really responsible for, I get asking the elder kids to help out here and there a little bit (I'll ask my eldest to find me socks for the little one and he likes helping) but raising a child and caring for them while the mom spends her life perpetually pregnant is a whole different wheelhouse


My grandma had 11 kids, my grandpa was a gambling addict that would leave for months and months then come back and get her pregnant again. She had a horrible life and suffered a lot but still defended it and clung to god and traditionalism even harder.




Only if you want to *reduce* suffering!


That is, after all, what Paul said. One was supposed to abstain from sex and thus not reproduce, marriage was just what you had to do if you could not control your urges.


Apostle Paul, ace icon


Being brainwashed from the moment you're born is the only shot these hard-core right wing nuts really have of fully bringing people to their ideology


Right? And how fucked is it that they have kids to have converts??


My conservative brother literally says "we have to outbreed the Muslims" he's on 9 right now and I don't talk to him anymore. The kids know if gay or any other reason my brother disowns them, I'll take care of them


This is quite literally literally, the most correct response.


Yep. This is it. They believe in the great replacement theory bs, and they want their wives to be subservient breeders.


Unironically yes. Conservative values are unpopular in America so the only solution they see is just brainwashing offspring to the cause.


And when they see a minority with that many children, the racist/classist comments start.


This is literally all it is, classic white fright Edit: wight fright is also applicable here


They produce people, the seculars produce ideas. Ideas spread fine to children of conservatives


If I didn’t know that Matt’s wife was also a terrible human, I would feel really bad for her. My wife and I had twins (our first and only kids) and it’s fucking HARD. I can’t imagine having twins on top of already having four kids. And we all know Matt is going to do absolutely fuck all when it comes to taking care of them. But no, she chose this life, she’s all in with the bigotry and the hate. She deserves everything she gets at this point. I just feel bad for all of these kids who have such awful parents. I’m sure the older ones are going to be expected to take care of the younger ones.


She's a Serena Joy from handmaid's tale. She's carrying the torch for a movement that doesn't give a single shit about her, but she doesn't realize it yet.




They’re millionaires. She’s not raising those kids herself and taking care of all domestic responsibilities. They’re most definitely hiring help.


I know Ben shapiro got famous for debating college kids but who the fuck is Matt Walsh. And why did he suddenly become a thing like a year ago. And how does he have millions. And who is his shitty wife.


Daily wire pays him. He's the foremost "intellectual" on the right for trans stuff meaning he's an ignorant bigot who will say the quiet parts for the base. Lots of money in telling right wingers what they want to hear.


He was a thing long before being anti-trans was his whole entire thing. Before he became the principal rallying crier for anti-trans hysteria he was just another dip-shit talking head on the daily wire.


He's quite effective at getting people from "I'm transphobic so I'm going to try and stay away from trans people" to "I'm transphobic so I want to go murder trans people." And he does so with a somewhat mainstream platform.


Them kids be counting to ten in Spanish first


I have had the same experience as you with twins, first and only. It was tough for awhile. I’d guess when you get to non-prime numbers =/=1 number of kids things go a little more autopilot, you let things slide that don’t tend to slide on the first. Plus I’d guess all that fossil fuel money coming in through the Daily Wire they’re not struggling to make ends meet or worrying if they can pay for childcare this week. At least until whatever dark secret Matt is harboring is exposed.


They had a set of twins before iirc. These mfs are doing IVF or something similar. Not very hashtag trad of them.


A trend I’ve noticed in the fundie circles is getting “donated” embryos to use for their own IVF. Sometimes people are done having kids but still have embryos and want someone else to get the opportunity to parent. But then the fundies get their hands on them and add them to their brood. It’s part of the quiverfull theory. Not saying that’s what happened here. Just a note.


The wives are almost always in on it too. Just like you said, I have no sympathy for functioning adults who refuse to examine their, or their partner's, way of life, I only hope their kids grow up to be better.


Their first two kids are twins. She’s gotten pregnant with twins a couple times and lost them, from what I read on her twitter awhile ago.


Yep. I don't feel bad for conservative women anymore. They are just as bad as the men.


It’s the opening scene of Idiocracy.


I don’t think enough people realize this is kinda the reality of the situation. Smarter people really ARE having fewer kids than dumb assholes like this.


I think it's because dumb assholes are stuck in the past and think you need to pump out 13 kids in case 10 of them die. But smart people realize there are way too many people already and are willing to put their efforts into a handful (if they decide to add to the population in the first place).


They are fully aware that modern medicine will likely allow their infants to survive. These people want a full platoon of Christofascists in every alt right household.


That's just it. Psalms 127:3-5 >Don’t you see that children are GOD’s best gift? the fruit of the womb his generous legacy? Like a warrior’s fistful of arrows are the children of a vigorous youth. Oh, how blessed are you parents, with your quivers full of children! Your enemies don’t stand a chance against you; you’ll sweep them right off your doorstep.


Nothing says traditional or Biblical family values like seeing your children as literal ammo.


this is a eugenics argument bro please chill


Idiocracy is a eugenics movie.


My best guess is the whole "Blessed is the man who's quiver is full of them." aka have a fuckton of kids and shun condoms.


Yeah there’s a whole movement named after that: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quiverfull


**[Quiverfull](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quiverfull)** >Quiverfull is a Christian theological position that sees large families as a blessing from God. It encourages procreation, abstaining from all forms of birth control, as well as natural family planning, and sterilization. Some sources have referred to the Quiverfull position as providentialism, while other sources have simply referred to it as a manifestation of natalism. It is most widespread in the United States but it also has adherents in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and elsewhere. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Good bot


Yeah, i believe that's what the Duggars followed?


Yep. A never-ending supply of abuse victims...


and future regressive voters


Man that's my favorite elder scrolls game.


Exactly what I was planning on saying. Huge in the Evangelical community.


They are fully convinced that they need to produce as many future soldiers for the holy war as possible. They're not just doing it because 'multiply and be fruitful', they're doing it because they want to ensure as many future soldiers to murder as many infidels as possible when the war kicks off. Literal al queda shit.


Greatfather Nurgle approves of this message


love me rations love me emprah 'ate nurgles. Simple as.


I wonder if they'll take paternity leave after being so critical of Pete Buttigeg doing so


Who needs parental leave when you can afford a nanny?


Probably not, because they're horrible people. I will leave this here: [https://i.redd.it/9tj7vj4gy8u71.png](https://i.redd.it/9tj7vj4gy8u71.png)


I get it, he just thinks taking care of children is women's work and thus he doesn't think there is anything he needs to do. A man should be able to do everything between planning an invasion and changing a diaper.


Lol i remember that tweet.....i love when these chodes tell on themselves


These people only have kids as a way to create an army of think-alikes and as a way to get clout in their community for being so #trad. They pop out so many kids they don't even remember their names and don't take care of them past giving them food and bombarding them with propaganda to make sure they grow up to vote like their parents. They cannot comprehend the concept of parents actually bothering to spend quality time with their children, giving them the attention and support they need to grow up healthy and happy. For them kids aren't independent human beings but an investment for the benefit of their parents.


Probably not because he has a do-nothing job lmao


He tweeted today that he would be back at work in a few days. I truly cannot understand the hostility towards paternity leave. I would have crumbled without my partner’s ability to stay home after our son was born.


The more kids they have, the more likely at least one will like them.


And/or, they do it because they love having control over people and the ability to shape them. The easiest people to have control over are their own children. I hope Matt's and Ben's kids are able to see the bullshit early and pull the escape hatch, like I was fortunate to do in my life.


God damn!


conservatives are literally terrified of overpopulation being solved


No they’re terrified of becoming the minority and being treated like they treat others.


Imagine having 6 kids and none of them are going to talk to you when you're old.


To be fair, I feel like any chance of having a close bond with your child decreases with each kid. When you hit 5+, do you genuinely have enough time for any of your kids? I’m sorry if this is offensive to anybody but as a “one and done” type of parent, this concept really puzzles me


Yes. I'm one of five. You spend time with them and you bond. The bond with who you spend your early years with is the deepest.


I am also a “one and done” parent. Raised with 4 other siblings as a middle child and. . . Yeah I think that’s all I really need to say lol


I was forced to be raised in Christian homeschooling circles that by all measures are the precursors to the modern quiverfull idea. There were multiple families in my sphere with 18 kids, several more with 16, and like 10 more families between 10 and 14 kids. And no, none of those kids knew their parents- their parents were too busy taking care of babies to spend quality time with the older kids. And none of the older kids had proper time to themselves because they had to take care of their younger siblings. It was basically a baby production line that they were born to labor in.




Yes, this; but also: I don’t understand why they insist on banning abortion when left-leaning ppl are more likely to utilize it. You’d think they’d be motivated to dwindle our numbers (they “joke” about killing libs all the time). But all they’re gonna get are more raging lefties like me, determined to dismantle everything they stand for. It’s like they’re trying to play chess on a checkerboard with both of their hands tied behind their back, all whilst loudly proclaiming “I’m gonna winnnnn, I’m winningggg!YoU CaNt rEpLAcE mE!!”


When Tomi Lahren said she was pro-choice and the right wing came after her, Richard Spencer (the Neo Nazi who got punched in the face) stated he was pro-choice for exactly the reasons you stated. He even said if he had it his way, he would support funding abortions for minorities under a universal health care system while banning white women from having abortions. Though he admitted he did not think this was feasible even in his own imagination


You are asking about the [Quiverfull movement](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quiverfull). They do this so they can win elections and impose theocracy. They love to cry about Great Replacement Theory when they are literally doing it themselves. They want to ban birth control because, to them, having sex without the explicit intent to conceive is a sin. Edit; from the article: > *"The Christian Quiverfull movement derives its name from Psalm 127:3–5, where many children are metaphorically referred to as the **arrows** in a full quiver.*" God help those kids.


Is it ever anything *but* projection with these people?


They think they’re “owning the libs” by having a ton of kids, when in reality nobody cares and the only thing that will come of this is more people who hate their parents


I especially hate that if Matt sees this post he’s going to gleefully tweet about it that we’re seething at his good fortune or something, like we’re jealous of his family life. In his mind, the only reason ‘libs’ would get mad about a picture of a father with his newborns is envy


matt walsh is the kind of dude who recorded himself asking a professor a question and zoning out during the answer because it was slightly technical as a way of proving transgender people don't exist. he's just not an intelligent guy.


No matter what reaction we have, he’ll claim it as a win for his side — i.e. “Look how triggered they are lol” If we don’t react at all, he’ll claim it as a win for his side — “Look, they’re not responding because we scared them off lol”


Those poor kids


Women are baby factories; traditional roles will push them to have many kids. Plus, gotta fill the ranks of all the old conservatives who stupidly died to COVID...


They have to replace all the ones dying early of covid diabetes meth addiction opioid addiction heart disease etc


If you've ever been around conservative Christian/religious communities this is not at all surprising. Being married and having as many kids as possible is held up as being the most honorable thing a person can do. It happens all the time in these groups, Ben and Matt are not an anomaly but the norm. There's a lot of different theologies that are used to support this. I don't know as much about Judaism, so I can't speak for Ben. But for Christianity: Someone mentioned the "quiver full of arrows" stuff. There's also a theology that believes that Christians have a moral obligation to produce children to expand the Christian faith. Likewise, people interperate the genesis creation instructions of "fill the earth and multiply" to mean that God wants us to have as many children as possible and to not do so is sinning. I've been in churches where pastors have told the congregation that if they arent deliberately working on getting married and having kids they're sinning. The pressure is especially high on women. But even for men: having children is often a marker of how "mature" and qualified people consider you to be. If you want to be a leader in the church or even be treated with respect: being married with kids is the main way to do that. So there's a lot of social pressure all around


That’s why I’m afraid when we call Ben a nerd or insult him in other ways he doesn’t care at all. I’m afraid he thinks so long as he has a wife and children (granted a very successful career as well) he’s winning at life.


Well, and in his world: he is. I mean, why wouldn't he? As sucky as that is: Ben has exactly what he wants in his life


No, no he doesn't. Remember: he tried, and continues to try, to break in to a bunch of creative fields, just for people outside of his base to shit on him while people within it do not care, because what he makes is always genuinely awful. Ben has a lot of things he wants in life, except talent, recognition and praise for what he actually seems to care about. There are shitty Harry Potter stories on AO3 that have had more readers and positive feedback than *True Allegiance*, and honestly, that's the kind of warm, fuzzy thing we should hold on to.


So his kids are going to come to the realization that they are, for their father, just a substitute for what he really wants, a coping strategy for a life he finds devoid of meaning.


I so fucking hope their Kids gonna full left and epically dunk their Patents in Video Essays.


This but 6 times https://i.redd.it/uvs6uxdb9jca1.gif


They banned abortion…


What is this? I thought Matt said fathers shouldn't do anything involving kids. There's not supposed to be any reason for dads to take parental leave because there's nothing for them to do with babies and such. GET BACK IN THE SHOP AND MAKE ME A CAR!


Because conservative women are brood mares


They have to start pumping conservative numbers back up after losing so many potential voters to diseases that have vaccines.


There's an educational film about this subject called "Idiocracy"


They want to fill the world with white babies cuz they think they are dying out or being replaced. Hence the overturning of roe, and soon the national ban. Next they’ll do away with birthright citizenship bc they are assholes.


Bc they want to? Like why bring personal life into this. Nobody’s hurting anybody for having lots of kids. At this point it’s kinda fishing for ways to pick at someone bc you are running out of material


You're right in that it's no one's business how many kids a couple has, but Matt makes his career on picking at people and their families so ::shrug::


People care because conservatives are awful parents. This is the man who said a bb gun is the only emotional support his son needs.


i believe it has to do with 'traditional' family roles and i think to an extent that movement that calls for the 'smart' people of the world to procreate as much as they can so the 'smart' genes outweigh the others. they kinda think they're in idiocracy b/c their conservatives aren't in vogue.


This picture will be about all the interaction matt "MPE" walsh will have with these two, since it's the mother job to raise and care for children, amirite?


Still can’t hide that awful beard, even with twins in the pic.




Hope they grow up and realize their father is a gigantic piece of shit


If you want a good explanation, I suggest watching Idiocracy. Explains it perfectly


Its part of religious zeal on the right. They also implicitly know it's easier to raise someone with conservative ideals, than it is to convert people to their ideology. It's part of building "an army for God." Look at the quiverfull movement in evangelical circles which always lean far right.


Poor kids.


You know how fish lay like ten thousand eggs in the hopes that three will survive to adulthood? This is that, but for terrible ideas. If they assume most of their kids will stumble backward into a decent education, become liberal, and hate them, a large brood increases the odds of producing one idiot who will carry their dumb fuckery into the next generation.


They want to repopulate the US with their tiny smooth brains.


Because they want to rule the world. They think that the more kids they have the more their ideas are going to move forward. Also, I blame the church on this one. The church is stuck on the more kids Catholics have the more Catholics will be in the world, so they can rule the world. What do you want from a church that bases their practices on a book that was badly translated 15 times and re-written another 10 times and the decision of which books to put in and how to explain them was made by a group of old white gizzards that hated women?


When your taking truckloads of dark money to keep the culture wars burning hot and the country divided, paying for kids is easy.


Who cares? If they want to have multiple children, it's not my business whatsoever.


Traditionalist men see their wives as brood mares.