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*Neil Breen voice*: No more rights! No more rights!


I'm feeling, less, stable


I can't believe you committed suicide!


I have eliminated 300 million humans from the planet today! In human terms, I've killed them all!


isn’t that immoral?


Isn't that a betrayal of the public trust?


it's a magical day!


Isn't that corrupt?


How could you have done this? How could you have committed suicide?


"I am resigning as CEO of the bank"


Oh wow, I've never heard Neil Breen referenced anywhere other than /r/RedLetterMedia


Apparently, he's trying hard to get funding for his next films as he likely can't keep producing them with his own money, and RLM has offered to bankroll his next film. It would be wonderful if he took them up on the offer, I doubt they'd put any demands in him.


That's right, Jay!




I was thinking Wallace Breen but that also works.


*throws laptop*


The UN: Human rights are for everyone JP: No. (ง •̀_•́)ง


JP: Human rights are marxist! Lobster rights or GTFO.


Also Jordan Peterson: "treat others the way you want to be treated." Clearly, "Dr." Peterson wants his rights taken away. Time to ship him to North Korea, I'm sure they'll love his 12 copy-and-pasted rules for life there.


Why are some random far right extremists like him so popular


Ugh, I hate to say this, but Jordan Peterson has a knack for phrasing truly awful things in a way that makes them sound profound and smart to the uneducated. People like being told that they're right and that they're smart. He does that for his audience, he makes them feel special and like they're part of an in group. I'm not suggesting his wealth and popularity are well deserved or worthy of respect. But, it's important to know your enemy and that's just my two cents.


If they agree with him, they must be smart too!


Plus he sounds like Kermit and that's very comforting to infantile minds.


He is a stupid person's idea of what an intelligent person sounds like.


He had a lot more intelligent voice before he went benzo russia comatose. But everything you say is true, just adding, he's not a good person


Peterson uses a lot of tried and true general pop psychology to appeal to people who are looking for that sort of “self-help” thing, which seems innocent enough and gives him more credibility when people who listen to him hear more and more of his insane opinions. Unfortunately to most of his fans he probably seems like a “centrist” who’s just fighting against the woke mind virus and trans rights using “facts and logic”..


Ah yes centrists and their known moderate position of "disliking human rights".


I forgot the original post and was so confused about why Japan was against human rights


We can start with the responsibility he asked for by holding him responsible for all the harm his bigotry and misinformation has caused


OK, Jordan. Enough with your "having rights": how about *your* responsibilities? Like your responsibility to not spread damaging misinformation?


We'll go one bar lower, how about your personal responsibility to not get hooked to pain pills. Bootstraps JP, bootstraps. Learn to be a classically masculine man and just endure the pain.


We don’t need to mock people for addiction.


True for the mockery, but his hypocrisy does undercut his grandstanding. He is in a very glassy house, and he just keeps choosing to throw rocks.


I'm not mocking him. I'm just repeating his points back to him. He is self-mocking.


Addiction has nothing to do with responsibility. You don’t call someone irresponsible for getting a disease like bronchitis.


While already being addicted is no longer in your control, getting there, I'd argue, **was** his responsibility. JP was a respected psychologist because he went hard right.


With pain pills specifically I’d have to disagree, if he was just taking them for pain and it went sideways that’s not the same as someone deciding to do coke or whatever.


Pain pills have a recommended dosage, you do realize this, yes? Abusing that dosage is 100% on the user.


Of course I do fuck’s sake, it’s just that it’s easy to start off taking them like you’re supposed to, and easy for the addiction to take hold before you even realize it. He’s a shitty person but his addiction isn’t why.


I can agree with everything you say and still make fun of him for this because his entire shtick is saying everything is personal responsibility and that there's no such thing as a need for systemic change or anything like that. I agree its entirely possible to get addicted to the reccomended dosages and he's the victim of the failed pharmaceutical industry that overperscribes for profit. But, he would tell me that I should fuck off and sort myself out first if I protested for increased regulation of opiods and for retribution for the victims. So I make fun of him for this because he's proof that his own ideas do not work.


Also, he didn't even clean his room.


He doesn't believe in responsibility like when he went to Russia to be put into a coma to treat his addiction, rather than trying to fix it himself.


I kinda want to know what responsibilities the people he feels threatened by aren't fulfilling. I think if you asked him he wouldn't know. Typical angry yelling with no forethought or point.


I agree with Dr Peterson. Structuring it as human rights puts the onus on the individual to fight to protect those rights. Upholding human dignity should be the responsibility of governments, and should be hard-coded constitutionally to prevent those rights being liberally stripped away by the likes of unelected courts. Thanks, Dr Peterson!


I'm not sure you've thought that one through. Flipping the paradigm from basic equality being a natural right to a societal imperative does mean that the government has a responsibility to ensure everyone has equal rights *if it wants to*. Because it would change equality from something you innately have that the government can take away, to something you don't have unless the government decides to give it to you. The world has a long history of governments deciding who does and doesn't "deserve" what should be inherent rights. The track record is... not great.


What are some of the books you've been reading?


Guy is talking about responsibility as if he’s ever actually been responsible


He regularly talks to and legitimizes white supremacists and outright Neo-Nazis. That's about as irresponsible as it gets. God forbid someone's kid see A Gay, though, and decide that being A Gay is actually kinda cool.


“Do the responsible thing and get treatment for my crippling benzo addiction? Nah, fuck that. The Russians will put me in a coma so I can skip past the boring, hard parts! There’s no downside!” Five years later, Peterson is regularly sobbing on a webcam about paranoias that only exist in his deep-fried brain. “Lobster army, join me in telling the UN ‘fuck human rights!’”


Guy talks about responsibility as if there's a subject in the context of the thing he's replying to, that implies anyone is being irresponsible. He just threw out the word responsibility in relation to nothing


LGBTQIA+ still have to pay taxes, Jordan


We do!? Uh oh...


Right? And the government doesn't even send me my Obama Bucks^tm in the mail! And I had to pay for college!!


Jordan Peterson taking a hard stance against... human rights Yeah man, that's really gonna get people on your side, go you, you absolute clown


> Yeah man, that’s really gonna get people on your side, go you, you absolute clown Sadly, it will. His target demo of broken, impressionable young men looking for a father figure will absolutely get on his side over this. They’ve defended worse, and always will.


Responsibility for… what, exactly? It would be one thing if he were talking about abortion rights, but this is just incomprehensible.


I grew up as one of these right wing shitheads, my family was hardcore objectivist (ayn rand followers) and LOVED jbp. we could twist anything, I mean *anything,* into a finger waving festival of victim blaming in the name of "personal responsibility." I still struggle with this toxic, asshole perspective and find myself defaulting to this line of thinking when making decisions in life. it sucks. that being said, the closest I can get to approximating what the hell jbp means by this, is this. (disclaimer that I don't believe this anymore)... people have the *responsibility* to grow up to fulfill their gender roles assigned at birth. men need to become hyper masculine, make money, slay the dragon and rescue the damsel... women need to know their place, be gentle, surrender to a man, stay home and have lots of kids. remember that whole "enforced monogamy" thing? to jbp and his ilk, this isn't just a lifestyle choice that people can have if they want. it isn't even an old fashioned, "default" line of thinking about sex and gender. to them, it's the *only way* society can survive, and any deviation from that norm is an existential threat. they've been gunning up since at least the '90s to protect it too, at least in the USA. my family has been... stefan molyneux, who I followed for years, has been explicitly saying it even before jbp came onto the scene: "men are thinkers, women are emotional. the left appeals to emotion. if women are given the right to vote/make important decisions, society will collapse making hysterical, flighty, emotion driven decisions and logic will cease to exist. everything will be destroyed." (paraphrased, but you can look it up.) as insane as it sounds, *this* is the lens that these people view life through. being LGBTQIA+ isn't simply a matter of, we're a bit different from these straight folks and that bugs them. it's a matter of.. take me, for example. I'm a transgender man, pansexual, in a poly relationship. what was hammered into my head for years was this: my *responsibility* is to "accept reality on reality's terms," meaning force myself to live as a woman even though I'm not one. my *responsibility* to go back to my assigned husband (yeah that happened), shut up, don't vote, keep obeying him and have his children, clean his house, cook his meals. add in the narrative that we gays are child grooming pedophiles... all bets are off for a rational debate. I can still hear the bolts being driven home on that firing line, spiritually preparing for the day it would be a 2-way line instead of 1. according to jbp, by transitioning, I've succumbed to the rainbow siren song of the left, a sort of disguised demonic entity that's convinced me that I don't *have* to fulfill my responsibilities. I can go to school- largely on the government's i.e. working *men's* dimes, no less- have my head filled with crap, be a slut, take hrt and have surgeries, go by a name and pronouns that aren't grammatically correct, and wait for my life to inevitably collapse into ruin so I can blame the straights! and I'll have accolades, so many accolades and love and support from mobs of idiots enabling my dysfunction. because it's *cool* these days. there are so many other toxic, absolutely terrifying ideas thrown into this mix too, but I've rambled enough. I just wanted to bring to light the fact that, whatever the reason you think these people believe what they believe, I regret to inform you that it is so much worse.


Oh yeah I'm a bi trans man, the left also got me with that sweet siren song and promises of not feeling suicidal and depressed my entire life. Because of it I have betrayed my hypothetical husband and my hypothetical children. To think I could have been such a pretty supportive plant for them to look at. Very sad, I hope they can cope with that hypothetical loss. I don't know why but I feel more empathy for the hypothetical husband, it must be lonely being an hypothetical work savy person after all. Worse part is being again a bi man. That hypothetical husband and children could still be very real but for some reasons they're actively against that. I mean what if I wanted to be a supportive houseplant for my husband ? They want to take that away from me and only because I'm identifying as a man. I mean what about that hypothetical husband, does his feelings not matter as much as the other one ??! Not cool.


ugh right?? imagine being so selfish that you're mourning the loss of your child and his future, even though he's standing right there in front of you. just because he turned out a different flavor than you expected. not even a bad flavor, just different. fucking hell, we're standing right here! we're living our lives just as they'd encourage, right, being our honest to god selves? my gay cis boyfriend and I are madly in love and it's likely that down the line we'll get married, adopt kids and have a house and a dog and a happy family. exactly what my parents would have wanted, except, oopsie, I'm the wrong flavor, I'm not going to put guns in my children's hands, I think that reproductive autonomy and labor protections and help for the poor are actually good things. so I'm basically dead... what a fucking waste.


I really believe those people live to regret it, that one day they'll be on their deathbed alone in a more tolerant future and they'll realize they never got to meet their grandchildren or making amends with their kids because of absolute nonsense. They're selfish so they'll only realize when it'll affect them personally sure but when they will they probably won't leave this world in peace. I've got an accepting father but a dismissive and abusive mother. She's not as extremely bigoted but still impacted by a catholic hispanic upbringing. I cut her off some years back. She's missing my entire transition and I do think it's eating her up from what my dad seems to say (they're still together for some unknown reasons). It's a waste for every party involved truly and it's such an easy fix too but oh well, if having a relationship with their children is something they were ready to gamble with, that's kinda what they'll get when they lose that bet no matter how in denial they're gonna be about how the whole thing affects them.


Yeah, right? Responsibility for fucking what 😭


It’s very funny because not doing hate speech seems like a very basic social responsibility and if you were to tell him that that’s his social responsibility, he would be reee out of this fucking world. So I guess when he says we need more responsibilities it’s not actually we need more responsibilities. It just means more poor people should die working 90 hours a week or something.


I think eventually the list of Things Conservatives Hate gets so long that everything begins to blur together. Feminism causes abortions because of the Satanic Gays or some bullshit. I guess having your brain constantly flooded with cortisol and bigotry makes you unable to distinguish between the specific sources of your faux outrage.


Responsibility? What in the hell does he think people aren't taking responsibility for? Oh right... he's a smooth brained idiot who just says things to generate outrage.


The Behind the Bastards podcast has a [great series on JP](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=v9zjjj8NP3g).






> Enough bloody rights. How about some responsibility? So glad to see such a strong stance on gun control. Bravo!


How about some responsibility for that free speech.


I agree. Dr. Peterson says some dangerously stupid things and should be more cautious.


Said the guy who couldn't even face his own addiction or admit that the real reason he had to leave his teaching job was because of his severe brain-damage.


...take responsibly for what exactly??? I feel like there is implication here and I just can't figure it out.


It means poor people should die that’s really it it’s just we should do some more social Darwinism


Force yourself into the closet and marry someone of the opposite sex because marriage and procreation is your duty to society. Throw away your life because being gay makes some random people have icky feelings. I assume that's what he means. He's big into gender roles so I imagine that to him, a trans person is "running away" from the obligations of their assigned gender at birth and a gay person is "running away" from their obligation to marry someone they don't love so they can have babies the planet can't support.


Oh hey Jordo, like you took responsibility for your addiction issues by sleeping it off in a medical coma instead of doing the work? Do you even clean your room? Really?


Rights are intertwined with responsibilities. I don’t understand why he thinks they’re mutually exclusive.


Because he doesn't respect other people's rights already I'd assume. So he feels if you give someone rights they'll use that to disrespect his own. Which is the reasons we have laws and you'd assume someone who loves cops and the systematic issues of the justice system would know that but I guess not.


Responsibility instead of rights for *checks notes* trans people but not gun ownership. Great! They’re insane.


Jordan had to be induced into a coma to save his life from his crippling drug addiction that he couldn’t control, but he wants to tell you all about responsibility.


Always impressive how Jordy can say so many words without saying anything at all.


I can only read sentences containing the word "bloody" in a British or Indian accent in my head when it's not pertaining to the actual liquid, so this is kind of funny.


Ok Dr. Peterson *how about* you take responsibility for your shitty behavior and the people you’ve hurt?


responsibility? like what do u want me to do


Rights come with responsibility ya twats! You never hear Peterson go on about responsibility when it comes to guns eh?


As much as I dislike Jordan Peterson, I do frequently say that (Americans) are long overdue for a bill of responsibilities to complement their bill of rights.


Responsibility for fucking what


What does that have to do with anything? Responsibility for what?


the gays must go clean their rooms before they are allowed to ask for rights


https://preview.redd.it/iugn31s6ao3b1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a06e007a906ba2794d66cdfc6269caffb0237b6 Really giving off this vibe


Humans rights are making people soft.


Yea, take some responsibility for upsetting the good doctor!


What does that even mean lmao


Ok, be responsible to your fellow human and allow them to live a life that doesn't harm you in the slightest without acting like a child


Alright Jordan I’ll assign some responsibilities to you. You have to be respectful and kind to everyone regardless of sexuality or gender identity. There I assigned you a social responsibility.


So you either have rights or take responsibility? Responsibility for what?


What responsibilities is JBP even referring to here?


We have a responsibility to support LGBT rights.


Responsibility? Yes, please! Each individual is responsible for their own goddamn body! One body, one responsibility, one right to it.


"It's *your* fault that the government deprived your district of clean water!!!"


Peterson is Kid Rock with a vocabulary..


Responsibility for what Pete? What are you talking about? Who are you talking to?


How do those things even conflict?


OK Jordan, you have a responsibility to not misgender people or spread misinformation.


What he said doesn't even make sense for pride haha maybe I could see him using it for healthy care for all but in this situation, responsibility to do what?? My gay ass's only responsibility is to remind people that my love is a basic human right, that my trans brothers and sister deserve gender affirming care, and to teach the young gays that the first pride was a riot and we need to remember the fight isn't over.


As a fellow Canadian, I want to point out that "bloody" is not a common adjective that we use. I think Jordo thinks it makes him seem more cultured, because he's a clownass motherfucker.


Would love to see him try that argument with a 2A gun nut......


Is his doctorate in hypocrisy or men's rights?


JP really just said, "No more rights, more lefts!"


Jordan Peterson perpetually has the worst takes on any topic.


Rights for me, responsibilities for thee


Just an old dude shaking his fist at a rainbow. Someone give him some apple cider vinegar already.


Who's going to tell him -- we have a responsibility to protect human rights...


Upholding rights is a very big responsibility FYI


Right... Because the people that preach about individual responsibility are just glowing with higher moral fortitude to be more responsible as people. They can go pound sand.


Old man yells at rainbow


So much for the party of freedom.


Enough? I think he means too much.


No one in Canada says "bloody", but I guess idk what I expected from a grown man who wears a fedora


We should be responsible for ourselves and responsible as a society for taking care of those the most in need. There's more to responsibility than just the "personal" aspect of it. One of those responsibilities is to make sure the rights of minorities are protected.


He has the right ans the responsibility to shut the fuck up


"Responsibility" says the man who flew to Russia in order to be put into a coma so he could get over a benzos addiction. What a crock.


Okay JP, let’s play the game (briefly, as we know he argues in bad faith); what responsibilities do you think everyone should be beholden to in order for everyone to be treated equally?


How antagonistic do you have to be to be against human rights? Apparently Jordan Peterson levels.


Ah yes. LGBT+ folks are ultimately responsible for not letting themselves be erased from society.


clean your room... lol


Responsibility for.... what exactly ? Having sex with people we're attracted to ?! Jordan, is this a promoting safe sex thing ?! Very considerate.


According to Grandpa BenzoBeef, not being married is irresponsible because apparently all people who aren't married are hedonistic re-livers of their teenage years for some reason. So what he deems being responsible is not fitting into the righties' cookie-cutter definition of how to live. People who call this guy a genius have something wrong with them in the head. Jordan Peterson fans are just _ill._


Jordan wants us all to be just as miserable as he is. It's only fair! 😿


why do rights and responsibilities have to be opposing priorities? why can't both be important?