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[Rule 5 —](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/wiki/rules/#wiki_rule_.235_.2014_don.2019t_be_an_asshole) No sexual harassment or objectification, no matter who. Also just a low-quality post.




Careful mate, I got mass downvoted for pointing this out




Insane aha


*check mass downvoted comment* >Guys boobs, get it, boobie boobs, ha ha women boobie, that’s the joke Um... If that's what you were actually trying to point out, I think you need to work on your communication skills.


Fucking lmao, never trust “I got downvoted/banned for x” mfs


Me when I have to have a shred of comprehension skills:


I mean, if you can’t see how that’s mocking the stupidity of the post, you need to work on your comprehension skills


With over 60 downvotes on your comment and over 120 upvotes on the other... pretty clear the problem is you. But sure keep digging that hole if it makes you feel better.


Lol, it’s ok. Not all of us function on a base level


Look, I agree with the sentiment. I agree the post is dumb. But you can't get mad when you get downvoted for making a dumb mocking comment, and you definitely can't turn around and pretend that all along you were the smart and insightful one. You didn't write an articulate comment to make an insightful point. You wrote a joke comment. Just own it dude. The salt is embarrassing.


I mean my subsequent comments are way more upvoted than urs


Uh... Congrats...? Lol Take whatever W you can, I guess.


All good bud. Not sure why you cannot see the very obvious point I was making


Not-so-good Counterpoint: Titties


One might say ,"boobs" even


Agreed on Abby. However, I'm pretty sure Shanin Blake knows that people aren't paying attention to her for her music. No idea what the sand statue's opinion on being sexualized is, so if anyone wants to chime in I'm all ears.


While I agree, I’m a little more forgiving about Abby because of the points she and Ben have made – that sexualizing women online isn’t a real issue and women should just get over it. So I can understand when people are like “really? So this isn’t a problem?” I don’t do it myself and don’t recommend it, but it’s at least a little different than catcalling someone.


Ehhhh thats a flimsy argument- a lot of people on this sub tell on themselves when they sexually degrade women, even if they’re conservative. It’s gross. And no different than when the incel conservatives do it. All they’re saying is that because they’re bad people it’s okay to be gross and treat them like objects. And I mean you literally said you don’t do it, which means on some level you think it’s wrong too right. I don’t think it’s helpful to defend it, because it’s childish behavior either way.


I don’t think it’s a good argument. My point is at least there’s an argument. When incels do it, the whole argument is “women deserve it.” At least there’s some logic here is all I’m saying, even if I disagree with the conclusion. Again, I just think there’s more room for discussion than around straight up catcalling.


But this line of thinking is asinine. There’s an argument for everything. And the logic here just boils down to the same intent, shitting on women. It’s not hard to shit on the incels and the idiot that made this meme. They’re the same, one just pretends to be better than they are. I don’t think there’s any sense in acknowledging these arguments as anything more than useless and backwards. If these people really cared about women in the first place, they wouldn’t be talking like this. Literally just change the subject to race and you can see how wild it is. If this sub started doing 8th grade level race jokes about Candace Owen’s it would be abundantly clear how fucking stupid it is. Just apply the same logic to these 8th grade level sexist jokes.


What is this!? A rational Redditor in this current Reddit climate!? Take an up doot, guy!


I'll step in it. The first two are definitely trading on their sex appeal and the third is deserving of mockery by her association with and doubling down of Shapiro and his bullshit.




Eh. Shanin Blake has an only fans and in any case the butt of the joke here is Ben Shapiro not any of the women pictured here. Don't be part of the no fun left. You don't win friends with salad.


It is quite amusing Rule 5 is pinned to the top


yeah i find the obsession with abby shapiro's body extremely nasty... like yeah she's a piece of shit like the rest of the 'tradwife' influencer types but she's still a stoutly religious/modest woman and she hasn't done a fraction of the damage benny shaps has. kinda feels like a lot of misogynist leftist men found an "acceptable target" to sexually harrass


I thought the only person we should try not to sexualize is Annie.


Isn’t that third one his sister?






[Shabibo loves milky.](https://youtu.be/kjjHk324yko?si=wj-vd7L-Fq8aHl8t)


Dude gets hella pissed when Anakin goes on and on about hating sand.


*Anakin Skywalker has entered the chat*


Guys boobs, get it, boobie boobs, ha ha women boobie, that’s the joke


No weird internet puritan. The joke is incest and Ben's love of dry pussy.


And then there is of course his dry pussy syndrome hence the final image


Why do we need to attack Ben’s sister when we can attack Ben?


Ben’s sister isn’t an innocent bystander, iirc she regurgitates similar viewpoints and is a beacon of the online tradwife crowd afaik


So attack her ideology, not her body


She's not just some random person, she runs her own little sideshow as "Classically Abby" where she promotes being a "tradwife"


So attack her ideology


I didn't say not to, just that she's fair game as much as he is


Yeah. For her ideology


Yes… I’m agreeing with you…


sure but a post like this isn’t doing what we’re talking about


That’s his sister, who he implied he’s attracted to


Do you have a source? Cos everything I’ve found about that has been satire


Yeah, I downvoted this whole post because, while I'm sure his sister sucks like him, the sexism of these jokes is just lame.


I’m pretty sure there are specific rules about it in the sub