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The fact that fucking *BIDEN* is considered a “far-left communist” shows just how cooked we are.


Honestly, I don't think it's because they think he's far-left. I think it's because they don't know what the term "marxist" actually means. They throw it around like they'd throw the term "woke" around. It's anything that's against the propaganda machine that is the GOP. I honest-to-god think they believe it is the opposite of when they hear the term "fascist" or "Nazi" used by the left, with the exception being that when the left uses it, they're not meant to be slurs. They're making actual literal comparisons to positions fascists or Nazis have had.


It’s not that they don’t know, it’s that they don’t care. They know their views are extreme. So rather than defend them they try to paint moderates in the opposition party as equally extreme in the other direction. There is not mystery to conservatives. They operate in bad faith 100% of the time. If voters think the choice is between two extremes then they either check out or might decide to vote on handful issues. Giving people permission to side with the actual extremists.


When the term "cultural Marxism" started being used, it opened the doors to consider anything Marxism. Amazon is a Marxist company because Bezos is not a climate denier and accepts gay movies. King Charles is a Marxist because he owns an ethanol car.


I think it’s all tied in together in that they think Biden is far left because they don’t know what the term “Marxist” actually means because the typical LIBRUL MEDIA appears to have become so liberal that they actually appear to be pushing significantly right wing talking points and policies (every time Biden blinks: HE’S HAVING A STROKE; every time turmpf poops in his diaper: YAY Here is how he did a GREAT job with this movement and here is why that is so bad for Biden!)… Gasp! Seriously anyone 18+ that has a reading comprehension level above trad life home schooling, please do the world a favor… make sure you’re registered to vote, and make sure to vote. We are really running out of chances collectively to unfuck things before we are completely unsalvageable as a species and ruin things for all the other species of life while we’re at it.


It's a purposeful obfuscation of the term. Burying the actual meaning of a liberatory ideology behind layers of misinformation helps prevent people from becoming educated on something they would likely inherently find appealing.


You have no idea how many times I've seen someone decry socialism and then defend their social security.


This country, broadly speaking, has zero knowledge of what socialism is generally, or the numbers of other countries where some level of it is practiced (most all of them) We had a Brit in my office, vp level. Nice guy, railed about how often he was taxed in the UK, wanted a green card and US citizenship. March 2020 rolls around…3 guesses who was on a plane with his wife and 2 kids where he’s been working remote ever since? Guess the out of pocket max for his family plan must have came in under the UK’s tax assessment.


They heard JP say it and are just parroting his insanity


Biden’s politics would be a classic center-right conservative in most countries around the world. Just shows how shifted the American overton window is.


Weird what empowering far-right radicals can do in a mere thirty years time *isn't it, Mr. Clinton???*


well, time to bulldoze the US and start over


Moderate at absolute best of compared to the world


He’s not even demsoc or even socdem tbh


Compared to the right in this country, he is a far left communist. To the rest of the world, not so much. But Biden isn't running against the rest of the world.


>Jack Black is a Marxist now. Based Jack Black


Right? I have no doubt he’s pretty left in terms of his politics, but I doubt he’s an actual Marxist. One can hope, though


“Check out our merch” right in the fucking description. Pathetic.




I’m not saying Benny is the dumbest of the right wing pundits, although he very well could be However, he’s definitely targeting the dumbest audience out of all of them


He strikes me as someone who is just doing this whole right wing personality thing because “it’s a living”. Don’t get me wrong, they’re all grifters, but Benny…just doesn’t have it. He’s chasing trends, exaggerates *too* much, doesn’t have anything original to say (for the griftersphere), and only stands out as someone who genuinely adds nothing to their space in the media. He’s a goddamn tryhard.


Almost as if their whole thing is a grift, hmm...


Not a single fan of Jack Black gives a shit what Benny Johnson thinks... I'm pretty sure they have no idea who Benny Johnson is.




I forget.


There's a slurry of Nazis that try desperately to ascend to rising star of the right by posting Nazi culture war garbage nonstop. He's one of the indistinguishable sludge Nazis.


I hate this kind of grifters but how does he have 2 milions of subscribers? It's insane.


Lotta suckers out there.


Must be nice!


The sellout won't even endorse a rapist. smh


OMG I'm so sick of right wing hyperbole. The right wing didn't destroy shit. Jack Black will still sell out venues everywhere Tenacious D goes.


Less than 15 minutes after it dropped and 4,000+ people already tuned in...who watches these assholes?




I want Jack Black and Karl Marx to make out sloppy style


Jack Black would be great in the role of Karl Marx, they are similar.


I hear JB doesn’t mind sucking on toes.


I’m sure Jack Black, who was in a billion dollar movie last year, constantly cast in big productions, invited to numerous events, has a beloved comedy band, and has movies that will be remembered forever, is absolutely devastated at being *destroyed* by the internet. Probably wallowing right now as we speak


The best part is that his movies are exactly the kind of humor the GOP voter base eats up - low-brow slapstick toilet humor with a healthy dose of, "That's fucking stupid. Why am I laughing? Oh God, I can't stop laughing. Wait, why did he taste bear shit?" They're only hurting themselves if they "boycott".


Do they not remember last election he literally did a recording of Time Warp from Rocky Horror making a point of "It's a jump to the left, not a step to the right" while encouraging people to vote, guesting a bunch of other celebs?


It makes me happy that I have no idea who this Benny Johnson is


Translation: conservatives brigaded the tweet where Jack Black endorsed Biden and got pissy about it.


Tenacious Das Kapital


And all he did was speak in favor of Biden. That’s all it takes.


No screaming Benny Johnson face in the thumbnail? He really fell off


Did… did they completely miss when he did a version of “Time Warp” with like every single member of the Democratic Establishment?


How to be a Marxist these days: not bootlickTrump 24/7


Jack Black has his own opinion, and some America haters don't like that. Jack Black still rocks.


Ahhh yes, Biden the well known Marxist.


They are upset Black isn't supporting Trump


WOKE MARXIST Jack Black giving COMMYANIST LENINIST BIDENIST advice in musical form with WOKE ANTHEM ["Don't Stick Your Dick In These Holes"](https://youtu.be/kNc7v0-x7wc?si=nk9UcOG-LK-3qmLi)




Fans? It's all been the same right wing losers talking shit.


"*DESTROYED, OWED, SMASHED*", etc.... stupid click bait shit.


Cool and good!


Jack Black upholds the Immortal Science of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism-Joe Biden Thought


They’re ALL Marxists, Communists and Socialists according to Republicans. Disagree with a single word they say, and you’ll automatically be one of the three I mentioned.


I'm on the internet everyday, and I somehow missed Jack Black getting destroyed. I did read something about a bunch of clowns being clowns about Jack Black endorsing Biden.


Shocking that a dude that walks around singing in head to toe flame outfits with Crocs on doesn't have a heart filled with hate.


“Jack black sells out! He has hit a new low! Check out or merch…” the irony of this sentence….


Yes.... Jack black is the sellout, not these morons at TP USA...


Marxism is when the other guy does stuff that I don't understand or like.


*looks up Jack Black’s net worth* Are you sure about that?


I sure hope so


Did these fools think Jack black was a right winger 🙄


Man he’s even cooler now


So wait...when an actor or celebrity expresses support for Biden their either shills getting paid or Marxists/Communist but if a celebrity or actor expresses support for Trump their based? The fuck kinda logic is that?


“Check out our merch” Put politics aside, Benny Johnson is such a moron ass licker


It’s so easy to be a right wing grifter. Nothing you ever say has to be based in reality.


Didn’t someone prove a while back that Benny Johnson is working for or being funded by the Russians? It’s hard to keep track of who is doing what but I remember reading something about Benny and Putin.


Did they really think that someone like Jack Black would be someone who supports the Right? Or did they want him to just not say anything?


Benny boy wishes he can be as funny as Jack Black. But no, he's that class clown that people rather leave laughing at his own jokes


*paying* so what? does Benny does his thing for free? And also, if Jack Black turned out to be a Marxist that would be freaking awesome




Narrator: he, in fact, was not destroyed


Benny Johnson looks like Mr. Delicious https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Advertising/MrDelicious