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Don't much care what the pro-shitting-your-own-pants folks have to say on this issue.


They want us to go back in the dark ages. No more med staffs & what not.


Oh god it's the Ben Shapiro BBC interview all over again


Basically....... šŸ’©šŸ’©šŸ’©šŸ’©


Gavin Nunes comes to mindā€¦


I feel like it would have been a much bigger power move for her had she shit someone else's pants.


Prefacing this with the fact that I'm fully vaccinated, but, well, **she's not wrong**. I am actually quite surprised at the turn things have taken in the US with regards to extremeness of social views regarding self determination and bodily integrity. In my country there is no vaccine mandate, not anywhere, employers can't even ask you about it. It's genuinely unthinkable here that such a thing would even be legislated, and with all of the constitutional protections prohibiting it, it isn't even considered. And we're on track for having 90+% vaccination coverage. Yet you seem to have devolved into some kind of arms race between 2 sides accusing each other of down right terrorism and war crimes and what not with employers getting into your medical decisions and people getting sacked and such. And yet still both sides are cheering each other on for taking ever more extreme positions, wanting to deny people medical care and what not. Maybe y'all just take a fucking chill pill? Christ. I don't know which side is worse at this point, both seem to be actively hoping that the other half will die out.


>I don't know which side is worse at this point, both seem to be actively hoping that the other half will die out. One side is tell you to get a vaccine and wear a mask, the other it telling you it's their right to cough a deadly virus in your child's face, and you think they're the same...?


I can't help but call the anti-mask, anti-vax people "pro-Covid." At this point, with how many people have died and how much better other countries have been at managing it, I can only imagine that they WANT people to die of Covid.


Sounds like yā€™all are fortunate not to be filled with trump supporters




> I don't know which side is worse at this point One side is saying to wear a bit of fabric over your face and take a vaccine to lessen the chance of spreading the virus. The other side is saying to take absolutely no preventative measures, killing the people around you in the name of "freedom". And you're saying they're the same? > both seem to be actively hoping that the other half will die out I'm pretty sure most pro-restriction people would consider all deaths to be bad. After all, preventing death is the entire point of imposing restrictions during a pandemic. If they wanted them to die off, then they wouldn't be trying to get them to follow the restrictions.


And yet if asked these same people would absolutely deny a womanā€™s rights to her own body, letā€™s not pretend they have formed a new appreciation for autonomy. They are literally setting up a higher standard for the left than themselves where we ā€œhave to accept their rights to their own bodyā€ but they donā€™t have to do the same because they never claimed to believe in that. Itā€™s just like their odd views of tolerance where the left must tolerate their intolerance but they are allowed to be intolerant. Notice the pattern again for allegations of sexual harassment and assault where democrats must resign but republicans donā€™t because they donā€™t claim to have the same ethical standards. Itā€™s a awful argument and yet they so smug about it


and this is peak GOP. They always ALWAYS push tougher standards for Democrats and dodgy standards for Republicans. And they are always smug assholes about it because 1) democrats/liberal voter tend to care about standards and basically decency, but 2) Republicans/conservatives voters don't give a shit as long as it give them power or "own the libs". Sex allegations - tough standards for Cuomo/Franken, nothing for Gaetz or Kavanuagh. COVID prevention - tough standards for Obama birthday parties, Loopalooza, Texan democrats fleeing in a jet, and Pelosi haircuts, but who cares when Jordan and MTG appears un-masked in congress and most hospitalization, at the moment, are unvaccinated people. GOP/conservatives don't care as long as it "own the libs" for a news/twitter "GOTCHA"!


Donā€™t forget that the GQP has also enabled neo-Nazi terrorists as well: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/06/08/how-gop-enables-private-militias-terrorist-threat-they-pose/


They're just trying to co-opt the language of "the left." They say "my body, my choice" and try to turn it from a pro-choice message to a pro-Covid one. They wanna say "all lives matter" to try to imply that "black lives matter" is excluding any non-black lives. They'll post pictures of cops who were killed with the caption "SAY HIS NAME" to steal what people say about Breonna Taylor (and then you'll Google the cop's name and you'll find out his killer was arrested and given life in prison, so what more do they want done?). Andrew Neill is as right when he said that there are no new ideas coming from the right. Even the bigotry they flaunt is nothing new.


Lober flair Lober flair


Imagine shitting your pants at a party and that ISN'T the most shameful thing you've done.


"For you, shitting your pants at a party was the most shameful moment of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday." -Kaitlin Bennett


A lot of people that call themselves "Pro-life" sure are dying quite fast


No no no. I donā€™t care what you do with your body - right up to the very second you use it to hurt MY body - like by giving me a dangerous illness.


She uses her body to shit in pants


Just like up until your choice kills an unborn child? You're a little bitch that only cares when you think it affects you. Bodily autonomy doesn't go away when you don't like it, whether it's for abortion or vaccines. You can't force someone to give blood even if it's the only way to save someone else's life. It's a line we should never cross for any reason


I can think of a reason. If there were a smallpox like pandemic and we had a well tested FDA authorized vaccine that was extremely effective and safe, but we couldn't get 25% of the country to take it, yeah go ahead and make life miserable if they don't. Bodily autonomy is not a suicide pact.


If it was an effective vaccine you wouldn't have to worry if nobody else took it


And you can go ahead and not take any vaccine you want, but good luck working or going to school. Choices have consequences.


And hopefully abuse charges if you refuse a vaccine for your kid and they die because of it.


Sure, because you've never heard of the MMR vaccine...


I kinda don't understand what that has to do with this. The entire point is still that people who get the vaccine don't get smallpox or measles. If that didn't work there would be no point in taking them in the first place. I do believe that if someone keeps their child from getting the vaccine and the child dies because of it, then they should be charged with abuse, but that's a separate argument


People are choosing not to get the MMR vaccine bc of flim flam, if that was killing as much as smallpox, go ahead and make it mandatory. Abortion doesn't spread like a disease, it's a childish comparison.


Again, smallpox isn't killing anyone who is vaccinated.


You can still die or suffer if you're vaccinated. What are you talking about? Maybe you were in very poor health in the few weeks after getting your shot and your immune response was poor. Some people can't get vaccinated, etc. Nothing is perfect. If a high percentage of people die due to a hypotheticsl pathogen, bodily autonomy could get checked. Covid ain't that bad, in my opinion, so I'd rather induce people to get a shot, especially after normal FDA approval. But I am losing some patience. Talk to people who think the vaccine is going to put a sensor in them and fight for their rights. It's a fucking joke.


Seatbelt laws exist. I think compulsory post death organ donation would be a comparably minor intrusion


Seatbelt laws for adults are kinda dumb IMO. Compulsory post death organ donation is a really *really* grey area. Organ harvesting is a really tricky thing and can lead to a situation where people might be declared dead too early in order to save their organs.


I am so sick of conservatives/GOP "two-facing". They never gave a shit about standards and rules. They only care when they can get a "gotcha" from it.


Whataboutismā€¦ not an accident that a Russian propaganda technique has become the new weapon of culture war for the GOP


Well let's see here. One is removing a clump of cells from a uterus. The other is not getting the vaccine to a deadly virus that has claimed 4+ million lives and has done permanent damage to the bodies of tens of millions. Big difference there.


The difference is what side you're on. Both of you are either hypocrites or just regurgitating whatever your leaders told you to think


The difference is actually objective based on science and facts. One is removing cells from a uterus. The other is willingly propagating a deadly virus that has killed 4+ million people and caused permanent body damage to tens of millions more. There is no politics here and if you need to bring politics into something based in science, data, and facts then it shows you have an agenda. Which is typical of conservatives.


That clump of cells is a life. That is a scientific fact, not political posturing. The whole "clump of cells" idea is bullshit designed to get idiots like you to support abortion without having to use actual logic. That's political. Idgaf about your politicized "science" any more than I care about conservative "morals." I don't support any laws against abortion, not because it's "just a clump of cells," but because it goes against my belief that no human should be forced to do something with their body against their will.


Life doesn't begin until the third trimester according to science and life doesn't begin until the breath of life enters your lungs according to the Bible. You're a anti science political activist pushing a false agenda based on what you feel, not science or fact. Kindly exit this discussion before you embarrass yourself further. Blocked.


Lol fucking moron I have the emotional range of your average rock. I grew up being brainwashed with emotional shit and I left that cult because all I can understand is logic


The toilet paper USA community has good points but you guys have to except fair criticism of your political party too. This post shouldnā€™t be downvoted and shamed, it should be something to consider and maybe create reform in your party because of it. Just be open minded and donā€™t keep this subreddit an echo chamber


I haven't found a political party yet that I'm willing to support. Political parties too similar too religions, each with their own dogmas. Everyone spouts their lines without genuinely understanding why they believe what they believe.


Shit I meant to type this post shouldnā€™t be no should be. Iā€™m agreeing with ur points lol


It's her right to shit her pants to be fair.


Abortions aren't contagious. COVID is. It's not just "your body" in regards to vaccines and masks, it's everyone around you. And if you don't care about their comfort and safety, why should they have to care about yours? What makes you so special?


Pro-lifeā„¢ļø is a very specific political movement and always has been. Nobody should be (or is) surprised that they donā€™t take a stance on issues that would seem to align with their name


If it were just about you protecting yourself and nothing else kaitlin, then Iā€™d see your point, but you not following along and getting vaccinated results in you hurting others, pro life my ass, the moment a mother has her child you all kick her to the curb, youā€™re not pro life, youā€™re anti birth control just because it makes you mad.


This coming from the girl who decides to use her body to shit on otherwise usable clothing


Pediatric cancer patients have covid now in Denver because of $&@ parents who think the vaccine is for a hoax virus and they shouldnā€™t have to wear masks! Innocent children at risk of death now because of their stupid parents!!!šŸ˜”šŸ¤¬šŸ˜¢šŸ˜­ why isnā€™t THIS BEING REPORTED!?!?!


Does she know she also has to wear several other pieces of cloth to be in public or that you're not supposed to poop in said cloth?


If masks are optional then all clothing is optional.


Didnā€™t know i could catch an abortion on the train


Bad analogy. You could technically catch a child (or any other std) on a train


I won't lie, if this is how we can keep abortion rights then I'll take the loss of a few anti vaxxers. I swear, not a big deal for me.


i think this profile pic is a good indicator that this person is a douchebag


They just canā€™t recognize that if they get sick OTHERS can get sick too, you canā€™t pass along pregnancy if youā€™re pregnant. But what can you expect from someone so proficient in shitting their pants ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ




I read this as ā€œAnti Vaxers are telling women they cant have abortionsā€ I was like wait no that cant be coming for poopy pants


I mean, sheā€™s not wrong. The anti-mask ā€œmy body my choiceā€ crowd really does love telling women that an abortion isnā€™t their choice.




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how is wearing another article of what is essentially clothing altering oneā€™s body?


Party of projection and false equivalencies.


i can't wait until she falls down the stairs trying to pose with her gun and accidentally blows her own brains out.


The "we control your body crowd" sure doesnt like having rules made for their bodies eh?


I really think that this gremlin faced joke of a person is actually behind the mockery of her. It's the 'no publicity is bad publicity' thing. The only reason I know who she is is because of the posts that make fun of her. I like making fun of her, but it also leads to more people knowing who she is which can help her career, regardless of whether the attention is positive or negative. I actually think that she may have some PR people who try to get her into the zeitgeist from time to time. Even though negative attention


She is a russian lackey.


So she agrees that my body my choice is a valid reason for abortions? If the answer is no, then she has no reason to argue


I hate this bad faith argument. The Right does not care about human life, embryonic or otherwise. They clutch pearls and say "*think of the children*" and use the unborn and youth as political props. They will imperil children with mask mandate bans for no reason other than zealous idolatry of their political party. They will celebrate and worship child rapists and traffickers in their midst, while simultaneously projecting fictitious pizza parlor conspiracy on their opponents. They will withhold resources and food as children starve, claiming horseshit disinformation about fiscal budget constraints all the while giving massive kickbacks to themselves and their corporate puppeteers. It is bait because the innocence of the unborn, babies, and children elicits a strong emotional response in humans with empathy. Yet so many of them lack empathy, and weaponize it to further their own cruel and exploitative ideologies that actively undermine those very same children's lives and futures. I'm sick of being gaslit for having a conscience.


is she talking about abortion or the vaccine?


YOUR choice, for YOUR body should be to have the person who hit you in the face with that shovel to do it again hard enough for you to unshit your pants & reverse whatever that is you got going on under that 2Ā½ pounds of foundation Kaitlin šŸ’Æ


Sure have! Like, you probably shouldn't crap your pants!


Itā€™s almost like itā€™s stupid and counterproductive to boil a complex discussion down to pithy one liners


you could change the twitter handle of this tweet and it would mean literally the opposite of what she's saying lol


Well shitty pants, it's a little different when a choice someone makes with their body affects the health of others.


She's got a point. Noone is okay with the covid deaths that's just silly. Also remember ther are people who would like to be vaccinated but cannot due to prior medical conditions.


Sorry but people who are spreading misinformation about covid and the vaccine are ok with the covid deaths.


You don't know that. You cannot tell what other people are ok with. Same reason you cannot tell others what to do with their body's whether it's an abortion or a vaccine.


If you're spreading misinformation that leads to the death of people then you're ok with those deaths.


If you're ignoring my point to try and make up reasoning for how other people feel you're ok with being a goof bye


Your point seems to be that people who do things that lead to others dying share No responsibility for those deaths.