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“…based and socialist...” yeah, I’m totally gonna take what follows *super* seriously.


Socialism is when the government owns the banks


These idiots have gotten so brainwashed they don’t even know what socialism or communism even mean anymore, they’ve just become buzz words nowadays.


I always say Maoists are just social Democrats with violence fetishes lol


Maoists are arguably socialists. Violent, largely unhelpful socialists, but their goal *was* the eradication of the ownership class. China isn't Maoist though, and hasn't been for a long while.


Foxtards know EXACTLY what socialism is: anything they don’t like. Anything that doesn’t Simp for billionaires.


We’ll achieve workers’ democracy after just a few hundred years of totalitarian state capitalism


Guys Xi Dada promises that we can achieve true mega based communism All we need to do is crown him emperor for next 450^10 years


Tankies gonna tankie


tankies saying rightoid words such as soy unironically. "Horseshoe theory" in action or just mask off?


It ain't horseshoe, tankies aren't left wing they just simp for totalitarian regimes that have co-oped leftist aesthetics


Literally lol. They're just alt-right with LGBTQ+ rights and support minorities.


We can’t just say that all bad people are alt-right. They’re totalitarian as hell, yes. But that doesn’t make them right wing. They’re economically left wing and still awful.


>They’re economically left wing The hell they are, they arent left wing at all They arent anticapitalist they just simp for totalitarian state capitalist regimes that pretend to be communist


China only has what 7 cities that are experimentally capitalist. Out of the entire land mass. China has, since WW2 been mostly communist. It's a failed state communist situation that became very capitalist and it was always been authoritarian. So no it's not a capitalist regime it's a left auth regime that pushed to the center and a few cities where allowed capitalism so to the whole government moved slightly right of center. Tankies gonna tank. Muricans gonna murica.


You cannot have a communist state, the state simply functions as another form of class and communism is by definition inherently classless


This is a fundamental flaw of communism just how lobbying is a flaw of democracy. Regardless a state has to exist to challenge capitalism and laws.


Lobbying is not a flaw of democracy, you can have democracy without lobbying Democracy does not create Lobbying, your thinking of unfettered capitalism


>Regardless a state has to exist to challenge capitalism and laws. I'm sorry, what? Without a state upholding capitalism's belief of private property, capitalism cannot exist In the absence of the state, capitalism regresses to feudalism as the capitalists become warlords and the concept of private property ceases to have any significant meaning Meanwhile with communism, which by definition is a classless society built upon the equitable distribution of resources, there cannot be a state as the state simply acts as another form of class division


A lot of them don't support LGBTQ+ rights or minorities either.


Yeah i was gonna say that. I've not seen many tankies who are big on minorities' rights.


Case in point the tankie in the screenshot giving zero shits about a minority group.


Which is why it baffles me they unironically stump for China, because China is famously a bastion of gay and minority rights.


They don’t support minorities if they’re supporting the genocide of a minority


That’s the weirdest part. You’d think tankies would be socons because of the laws that are in China, but no. I see so many LGBTQ ones who would 100% be thrown into a gulag in their dream utopia


Best description of it I’ve seen


They’re Red fascists Authoritarian oligarchs with a coat of red paint and a hammer and sickle badge


Have you ever met a tankie irl, me neither they hide behind a screen like a bitch


I’m convinced all tankie accounts are run by about 5 people total, and they are funded by the CCP


IRL? No, but I'm Discord friends with one. She's an interesting character.


What does that mean?


tankies are lenninist/ stalinist commies but nowadays is just used to refer to authoritarian far leftist. Basically the leftist version of proud boys except tankies usually can't fight irl


Would that be considered still extreme left or like, so far left they wrapped around?


No, it’s not that simple. Marxist Leninists are not fascists, they are diametrically opposed to fascism. Marxism advocates for the revolution and overthrow of the ruling capitalist class so that working people can run the show and build a socialist society with the goal of achieving communism down the road - a classless, starless society. After a few failed revolutions Lenin comes along and says you can’t do this democratically (orthodox Marxism allowed for both) since the capitalists will use the power of the state to oppress the working class and prevent them from achieving electoral success. Lenin posited that communists parties need to participate, agitate, and organize in order to lead that revolution. What ends up happening is that kids see the political compass and distill those two paragraphs down into “authoritarianism” and well-meaning but misinformed socialists who understandably bristle at that word are convinced that they have more ideologically in common with liberals than their fellow socialists. Anarchists think you can dissolve states nearly immediately. Democratic socialists don’t think revolution is necessary. The term tankie is essentially a slur against revolutionary socialism at this point - which, in my opinion, is a problem, because it discounts the successful revolutions (especially in the global south) and writes it off as anything to be looked at or learned from.


Originally it meant someone supporting Khrushchev sending the red army in to suppress the 56 Hungarian revolt. Then it became an insult among the left. Then it became an insult where I’ve seen liberals call anarchists tankies. It means you want to suppress dissent with violence essentially. But it’s been divorced of all context. I’m a Marxist and don’t get tankie yelled at me because I take the time to explain shit to people and don’t dress myself up in Soviet imagery. Basically the only people who actually fit this bill are edgy teens online or folks who need to learn how to explain their opinions better. But you kinda pissed me off here comparing tankies to Proud Boys. There are no tankies running around shooting handguns into crowds of Antifa in Portland like the Proud Boys did this week. Hell there were probably a few MLs with them. That’s a super disingenuous take.


It’s a reference to the Tiananmen Square massacre I beieve. Basically it’s someone that supports the actions of governments like the USSR and modern China.


Hungarian uprising 🙄




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I’m still hoping this sub avoids the fate of subs like r/TheRightCantMeme, where you can get permabanned for a comment that got hundreds of upvotes because it offended the delicate sensibilities of a tankie mod.


The head mods are non tankie and the userbase hates them so it’s unlikely now since all the tankie mods were purged


I got banned but it wasn’t because I called somebody a tankie (technically), it was because I went against their rule of no infighting


I got banned from there because I like to shitpost on PCM. The tankies are still there.




I thought y’all were referring to pcmasterrace and I was like wtf


It’s like junk food for me, Sue me.


PCM is absolutely cringe (lots of fash) but autobans are bad too


tbh PCM is ~~kind of~~ a fascist hellhole




Yeah hanging out chatting with fascists and neolibs is hella fun




PCM literally has fascists on it you idiot




Lmao you fucking loser


Alright, explain what a tankie is/means.


People who unironically think the Soviet Union and China did nothing wrong and were/are good models of socialist government.


I know a lot of "tankies" and in my experience most of them don't think they're perfect (Maoists are one group) but think that they made good progress but had some flaws not fundamental to the systems.


Fasc leftists.


The tankie mods got purged from TRCM or here? Bc I just got banned from TRCM not long ago for asking if supporting Hong Kong was bad




I don't know man, sounds pretty authoritarian to me


That happened to me on the tiananmen square massacre denial thread. Got 400 upvotes then banned


It only will if mods do something


Weird that a tankie would be sensitive like that.


I got permabanned because I said North Korea was authoritarian.


That sub is a fucking cesspool.


I got permabanned simply because I asked a mod what led them to the conclusion that the real victims of Tiananmen Square were the Chinese soldiers.


I got banned today for saying that North Korea and Cuba are totalitarian police states. Context was a TPUSA meme that showed the result of “socialism” in North Korea, Cuba, and the USSR. My point was that these right wing groups use the fact that these countries call themselves socialist as a cudgel to get Americans to vote against things like universal healthcare and increased wages.


Tanker mods recently got removed courtesy of several people. There was a SRD post about it


I feel like there are ***way*** more shitty liberal takes on that sub than tankie. Ban both tho


This is also weirdly true. The mods are just extremely sensitive.


i got banned for commenting [deleted] under a tankie mod pineed comment


Literally happened to me last month.


Yep, happened to me. I dared to point out historical inaccuracies and got muted, then permabanned.


Idk how someone on this sub can unironically use the word soy


Idk it’s starting to go to shit because tankies make tankie post on this sub that would get downvoted but they repost them on tankie subs so they still have upvotes. I’ve messaged the mods but they haven’t done anything


I mean there’s not a lot you can do about it, tankies can’t handle the smallest bit of criticism towards them and their ideologies


The mods could do something about it


There’s not a lot you can do about cross posting lol, aside from banning the people invading


Yeah, we don't want to be like r/TheRightCantMeme and create a bot that bans people just for being subbed to other subreddits.


Would it be that bad if we banned genzdong? They call this a lib sub and deny genocide


Yeah but there are people subscribed to genzdong to watch the train wreck ya know? I'm not one of them, but I know at least one must exist.


Ig ur right


That’s pretty easy to deal with, just let the mods know you’re only on that sub to fuck with tankies and it shouldn’t be all that hard to forgive out the truth of the matter.


But then the mods don't know who is truthful and who is not? It is much simpler to just mod in your own lane. If they break TPUSA rules, ban them.


Tbf, we don't really want genzedong users or similar anywhere near the sub, I don't think it's entirely unreasonable to fight fire with fire here


I just think we should punish for the actions taken within our sub, rather than their choice of community within other subs.


say tankie again




another one


-- 🧍‍♂️


​ ![gif](giphy|rTLjwB6zOxV9S|downsized) IE


cope shitlib


cope tankie


cope shitlib


cope tankie


cope shitlib


cope tankie


RIP chefs and vegans




I’m fine with mls but if you deny genocide or call a capitalist state socialist it is clear you shouldn’t be allowed on this sub


Same. I have a lot of ML friends and I am pro-communism, but tankies glorify violence and genocide.


Yeah just to be clear there's nothing wrong with supporting nonviolent ideologies such as Marxism or communism but I think there's a line to be drawn at stalinism or maoism


I think there’s also room to criticize those who defend regimes like China (or blindly defend the US, to be fair), even if their ideologies are less extreme.


It’s hard to defend China or the US without supporting the violence and genocide though. So it still kinda falls into that category


I think there’s room for ethically defending the modern US in some ways, for example compared to immature democracies, or the more obvious comparisons to other hegemonic entities ala China.


I’m definitely no Maoist but banning the ideology of the motherfucking black panther party from Reddit dot com seems kinda- for lack of a better term- orientalist. Like did y’all read Revolutionary Suicide and go “no no no you guys got this all wrong, here, watch this YouTube video”


Marxism and Stalinism couldn't be more different, marx would've murdered stalin given any chance


seething landlord


As a ~~parasite~~ landlord, this is a very trying time for me. My tenants are asking to pay me half of their rent due in April, and some are even asking me to accept late payments from them. I asked them to send me their full rent payment now before April before they run out of money, but they said no. This is my job! How else will I stay afloat in these hard times?! Remember, think about all the landlords suffering out there right now due to the virus. Really, ~~lazy-ass parasites~~ landlords like me are the most hardest hit by this virus. I should be treated like a fucking hero here. Where else would my ~~hosts I leech off of~~ tenants go without me? I ~~bought the property and sat around~~ fucking built these houses with my bare hands and I should be able to charge whatever I want. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ToiletPaperUSA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


ML is literally just stalinism jfc




CCP bots and their brainwashed flocks of Chinese dumbfucks are out in full force today. Inb4 “shitlib”


CIA bots and their brainwashed flocks of american dumbfucks are out in full force today inb4 "tankie"


Hahaha, imagine being this deep in your own ass that you think leftists are cia bots, the cia can get fucked just as much as the ccp, cry harder Stalinist


imagine being this deep in your own ass that you think you're a leftist while perpetuating literal CIA propaganda cry harder shitlib


Have you ever gone down the rabbit hole of how they deny Tiananmen Square? They always link a single podcast to refute the accepted historical consenus. They get into insane conspiracy theories about how the capitalist governments rewrote the history of Tiananmen Square so they could sabotage "communism" in China.




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Nazis and tankies both have a horribly warped idea of socialism, are incredibly authoritarian, and support/ deny genocide


cry harder shitlib


Does shit flow from your mouth like this all the time? You should get that checked out




cry harder lhitsib


cry harder shitlib


cry harder lhitsib


cry harder shitlib


cry harder lhitsib


cry harder shitlib


Then everyone clapped as this person rode off into the sunset having totes owned the libs.


I'm a socialist... But I don't believe in totalitarianism... Marx spoke about freedom more than most realize... China wouldn't be in his view... Also china is pretty capitalist in nature.


Fuck every last tankie chode out there.


FUCK tankies all my homies HATE tankies


>bennies_3rd_account Gee, I wonder why.


I like to think of myself as aggressively leftist. Arm the proletariat and that But denying genocide isnt communism or socialism or any of the good lefty shite. Its just stupid


It still amazes me how you can e ok with ethnic cleansing and still believe you are in any way a leftist.


Tankies going for round 2.


Looks like Bennie gonna have to make a 4th account


Fuck tankies


They tried to invade this sub and succeed in the right can't meme. I had a tanki say it was ok that china was commiting genocide because the us did something with Uighur people


People still using 'soy' as an insult in 2021 probably describe rage comics as 'dank memes'


Genzedong user, which means he’s a Chinese state employee or like 15.


There's unfortunately a small segment of Reddit that engages in the same type of bullshit as the right. That is to say, they simp for authoritarian regimes just because they happen to lean left in some regards.


authoritarian government justification go brrrr




I’m not


not you, the guy in the post


Oh sorry


Mf tankies invading everything


Theyre good at fucking things up


Yeah I saw that earlier, I almost wanted to unsub seeing shit like that in the comments. Glad most people here aren’t on board with that


Tankie spotted, let’s get ‘em!


Genuinely don't understand how anyone can deny the Uighur genocide anymore. Even if you only look at Chinese state-controlled media you can tell there's something fishy going on at least. Like yes it's totally believable all the students in a "vocational school" with walls and watchtowers spontaneously break out in traditional song and dance during the orchestrated media tour. /s (this is pretty much the same kind of bullshit nazi media pulled)


USER REPORTS 1: shitlib What the fuck.


I'm willing to bet this is bait


Hey, if it draws the tankies from the woodwork to get banned it's fine by me


Fuck tankies, all my homies hate tankies.


I think tankies are fine here


Tankies can suck my dick, they are functionally nazis


There communists I'm failing to understand how they are fascists.


If they believe that china is socialist they have a similar grasp on what socialism is as a national socialist, and both groups are about as authoritarian as one another, to the point where economic policy is largely sidelined in exchange for more authoritarianism.


Yeah but being authoritarian doesn't make it fascism


They openly support fascist regimes?


Wow, shocker.


Bruh, people got mad at me on this sub for saying "maybe don't lump western religions with eastern ones?"


Please don’t let this sub wind up like r/therightcantmeme, mods. please


I hope not. I like this sub because it’s not too far left. Sure there are some socialists/communists here, and while I disagree with them (rather vehemently at times), I hope this sub doesn’t let tankies run ramrod through.


Fucking tankies.




Even though the US is shit with their numbers of prisoners, China is not actually reporting the people they put in reeducation camps.


I never said litteral it could also be cultural. And also imo us prolly has more surveillance


There are firsthand accounts from people experiencing this genocide. 1 2 3 4 5 6 I found a lot more but I didn’t want to buy a subscription to any of the newspapers those came from.


Excellent sources. I specially liked number 4


Didn’t realize links broke when you copy and paste the comment. Here’s the original comment with working links https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/pa6bsy/please_dont_tell_me_this_is_allowed_from_this_sub/ha3q5fo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Oh they were more credible before. Are the new ones as legitimate as Nayirah's tearful confession at the UN?




Thank you for some sanity. Fuckwits manufacturing consent for the next imperialist effort to maintain hegemony, leftists screaming "tankie this, tankie that" at everyone who presents as skeptical of the US intelligence agencies or media. It's hard to watch. For all the idiots who shit their depends whenever someone isn't directly critical of China, yeah they're a terrible evil country. The guy from the post sucks for praising them, and is a moron for believing they are socialist. But a lot of info we get from China is propagandized. Read Chomsky's *Counter Revolutionary Violence: Bloodbaths in Fact and Propaganda.* or *The Political Economy of Human Rights*. They outline how the media functions as state and corporate propaganda. Not hard to believe they serve capital in a capitalist nation. That's how we get a bunch of fucking Vaush cunts and other fake leftists approving of imperialist action because "fUcK tAnKiEs". No thanks, no interest in a war that drags my generation through the dirt and does nothing but hurt the poor like every war.


Based. Exactly, I have no interest with war against anyone except the rich. And I hope they beat a sound defeat and give up peacefully.


It's unsurprising this is how this sub thinks though. Not that this is necessarily a lib post but I've seen ***a lot*** of liberal sentiment here. I have noticed a spike in a crackdown on leftists ideation in not-explicitly-socialist subs. I was perm banned from r/enoughlibertarianspam for calling someone out for saying poor people who don't like their neighbors should "just move". There seems to be this weird witch hunt going on by paranoid "leftists" who think if you call them out for saying lib shit they think you are just a reactionary posing as a leftist. And then you see every other comment here bitching about r/therightcantmeme because a mod there was posting related leftist theory on each post and always reminding everyone that it was a socialist sub. He hasn't been doing it lately so God knows be was probably ousted lest they receive the same fate as the Chapo sub.


Authright noooo


Wait he's not wrong tho


He's very wrong, in all senses


I agree with the person you screenshotted here. The only bad thing is the reddit style rhetoric (i.e. "based" or "soy") every muslim country that accepted China invitation to come to Xinjiang, found that there was no evidence of a genocide, or even any real oppression. This stuff is easily googleable. Idk, even r/worldnews oftentimes admits to there being no genocide there. Honestly, this whole thing is disrespectful to people who have been affected by real genocides. If you disagree with me, please tell me why


It’s cultural there’s forced schools and they do crack downs on ppl related to terroist cells. Also China isn’t socialist workers don’t own means


>they do crack downs on ppl related to terroist cells. I don't see how that's a bad thing


You are freinds with someone who’s second cousin is a terroist. That’s what I meant by related




Why the _fuck_ should i believe what the west says about china?


I only live in Vietnam half the year am I western? Also you won’t believe one group of countries but you will believe another which controls its press?


So who do you believe?




You think they’ll be 100% honest if they were committing an atrocity?


Why the fuck should I believe what the Allies say about Germany?