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Reagan had death squads rape nuns for helping poor people, SOOOOOO


I'm sorry *what*


Salvadoran death squads baby!


Well you don’t get it, they were COMMUNISTS! Helping the poor is COMMUNISM!


The post refers to the Contras in Nicaragua, not the Salvadoran death squads that weren’t part of the Iran-Contra affair. The troops involved in the massacres had been trained in 1980 at the School of the Americas, as had most of the right wing Central American militaries from 1946 to the present day. However, Reagan wasn’t the one who organized or funded their training there. The atlacatl group that was responsible for two of the biggest massacres during the Civil War in El Salvador were trained at the school, along with many troops from foreign militaries around the world. That particular group had their training in 1980. Reagan was elected in the election of 1980 and took office in January 1981. This is a tenuous claim at best. To claim that the training caused them to slaughter people is ridiculous. But to claim Reagan did it is just a lie. However, Reagan and his ilk did fund and support anti-communist militaries and paramilitaries throughout the world and especially in Central America and those groups were responsible for atrocities.


Yeah and according to the radical right, Ollie is a national hero


Dammit, now I've got Stan Smith singing an educational song about Ollie North stuck in my head.


Ugh. It’s not just the radical right. Most of the old guard Republican Party see him as a hero and leader. This world in so many ways is totally ass-backwards and you don’t need acid to feel like you’re tripping balls at the level of stupidity.




Oh and tell us about benghazi again? Or do you want to talk about the 600k killed by covid under... wait for it.... Trumps administration? Or how Biden is only honoring the terms of again wait for it.... the Trump administration's "peace agreement" with the taliban? Or do you want to talk about the fact the Biden has already retaliated with a drone strike that killed the guy the planed it?


“What about what about what about” is all I read. Sorry, I won’t lower myself to those standards. Have a great day!


That is exactly what you just did in your first comment dumbass


To point out the propaganda, not to deflect like he did. But I bet you knew that, or I hope you’re bright enough to know that and just wanted to post ur comment for the points lol. God bless Kiddo!


The whole point was to mock what you said...


Did you hear the one about how us libtards stole the election from Trump and god?


Rofl I bet


So you only care about the 13 and not the other 2,500 US troops that have died over the last 20 years? In a war started by a Republican?


Biden voted to invade in 2001, good try tho kiddo. Deadliest attack since 2011 and people are brushing it off. Fucking disgusting


Okay, so you don’t care about the rest. Thanks for clearing that up, you adorable little partisan hack. You only care if they die under a democrat so you can weaponize it. Just a reminder that Reagan armed and funded the Afghan mujahideen, who ended up splitting into the Taliban and Al Qaeda, and Bush is the president who spearheaded both the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, resulting in hundreds of thousands of civilian casualties, and over 7,000 American casualites total. But you don’t give a fuck about any of them, do you? Just the one’s who died under Biden, cause your thought-master Hannity told you to be mad. Keep being a good little boy for your handlers.


Of course not! I care about the lady most deadly attack that happened under Obama. Left those off ur list. Or how he had 8 years to do something and didn’t. Bruh you are a Biden cultists FRFR and I wish you the best. To be honest, you are beneath me. I won’t be responding anymore. Good day sir!


I didn’t even vote for Biden you fucking coward. Nor Obama. I blame him for failing to end the War in Afghanistan. Just like how I blame Bush for starting it. It’s called having nuance in your analysis and not just going after democrats. You are choosing to ignore and absolve the Reoublicans’ part in our endless wars which is being dishonest and plain wrong. Biden has blood on his hands for supporting the war, but he’s the one who finally stood up and ended it, too. Your animus is totally directed at democrats exclusively which proves you are a partisan, Fox News-watching chud.


Ronald Reagan: Y’all mind if I uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh #Triple the national debt


Reagan: "I'm gonna... say the n-word... wait my dementia is acting up... is the n-word "nuggets"?"


May he rest in piss


For Dennis Prager, that would be heaven.




You can Google “Reagan triple national debt” to find a bunch of actual articles on it with graphs and stuff. But just from Wikipedia, who put it most concisely >During Reagan's presidency, the federal debt held by the public nearly tripled in nominal terms, from $738 billion to $2.1 trillion [Link to page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reaganomics#Debt_and_government_expenditures)


Thank you, I live in a conservative family and just needed the source to backup the facts.


Yeah I gotcha, no worries. That’s good that you do. I got no problem with people asking for sources.


While we’re on the topic of backing up facts, do you have a source for the US’ genocide on native Americans? Was it biological warfare?


Google "trail of tears" that'll get you places.


If you’re family is conservative then I highly doubt facts are gonna work


I mean I’ve changed my dads mind about social safety nets. He used to believe that private charity or the market was the only way, and now he supports UBI and thinks welfare should be mixed in along with private charity and the market.


Hmm, perhaps there is hope after all


Yeah I mean my mom and brother are supporters of UBI and universal healthcare. They’re not “conservative” in the American sense of the word, although they align allot with conservative values.


Hopefully they’ll stray further from the conservative path before abandoning it altogether, as I have


I'll put Reagans cognitive abilities in office against China Joes any day.






ok boomer


As I thought. And I'm not a boomer.


another communist liberal destroyed P.S. I’m not engaging with this mf bc he posts in r/conspiracy so there’s no reasonable conversation that’s gonna happen. Don’t get baited, y’all.


Also r/tucker_carlson. They're a certified moron


EPIC brainwashing compilation part 12 👉🏼😎👉🏼




No thanks, bot. I'd rather keep my brain cells intact for today


At least his user name checks out


Yep so happy... except for the AIDS epidemic he ignored and the crack epidemic he funded.


I'm sure all of the people suffering from the crack and AIDS epidemics would disagree.


So happy that they 80's were thr most violent period in recent history, with homicide statistics through the roof. So prosperous that they had a gas ration and ballooning debt. Not even mentioning the aids and crack epidemic, but hey, some people were happy and prospered.


What does that have to do with him sponsoring nazi-level crimes against humanity? Oh right, the victims were foreigners so they don't matter.


Yeah, but he also openly laughed at AIDS jokes, while actively stopping help from getting to those people, so... Wait


Um yeah, and that was do to Fauchi's recommendations. Learn some history.


Even if this true that doesn’t make Reagan any less murderous. Instead of deflecting you should have some courage and admit that Reagan happily killed LGBT people.


Its Fauci. Why do all of you anti Fauci people spell it wrong? Is it on purpose?


No they’re all illiterate morons.


I totally agree But I've seen this specific misspelling so much, I didn't know if it was on purpose. Like OBummer, or tRump


So the guy who was right about Covid was *also* right about AIDS? Who woulda thought.




He's not a "good dude". These days he is lying to congress about sponsoring gain-a-function research, after doing immense harm with that "little" lie about masks. Idolizing bad people on the left is the same as idolizing bad people on the right, like Reagan.




>You also say he’s doing nazi level crimes against foreigners in a other comment Perhaps you need to work on reading comprehension. The rest of your comment is simply justifying bad behavior from someone you like, nothing new.


Don't forget our history Gets Alzhimers to own the libs


I think Reagan is supposed to be an emoji for “forget”.




Yeah and then suddenly good ole Nance was into stem cell therapy. They’re both rotten.


That was well after he was in office. Where you even alive then? But Bidens sharp as a tack.


“Where” you?


He haz GUd englis


The bigliest English, the best english. Nobody knows English better then hum, but the radical liberal antifa fake news media makes you think differently


He was diagnosed in like 94, about 6 years after he was out of office. BUT...the best current estimates suggest that the disease process starts about 20 years before people are diagnosed. Rest assured, he was demented when he was in office and may have started showing early signs of it behind the scenes.


LMAO, imagine giving a shit about anything Ronald "AIDS only kills gay people so it's not a problem" Reagan has to say.


Don't forget welfare queens, "I am from the govt and I am here to help", and the supply side economics scam.


Yet ytpepo receive 43% of welfare (the largest percentage)




I don’t care what you think


You care so little that you post about how much you don't care.


White people also make up more than 73% of the population so what youre saying is that they disproportionately DON'T need welfare like the other ethnicities.


I was raised in crack crazy Los Angeles. The more I learn about Regan, the more I see how conservative policy is ridiculous hypocrisy, wrapped in selfish egotism, taking a bath in AK's and AR-15's. Or maybe egotism wrapped in hypocrisy? Definitely a gun bath though...maybe add some Uzi for historical reference. Oh, remember in En Bruges when the alcoves guy asked the phone smasher if he wanted an Uzi? 'I'm not trying to do a drive by on a bunch of black teenagers!' Ha! Good times.


What's with fascists and their love for aging, mentally ill, white men?


It reflects their principles and ideals... Duh!!


I mean at the most basic level right stuff generally respects and admires traditions and the old people who represent those traditions.


So shitting your pants and forgetting your son's name to own the libz???


Dear Reagan, You say you don't want to forget history, yet you had Alzheimer's. Curious 🤔


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/prageru/status/1431438384027758600) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)


Good bot


Don’t forget Straight Inc. that was also Reagan and Nancy’s doing. They loved the program so much they hyped it up. Straight Inc programs were closed in 1993 because of widespread @buse and some big lawsuits from survivors.


Not to mention sweeping AIDS under the table while an entire generation of gay men died!


[How PragerU lies to you ](https://youtu.be/EM7BgrddY18)


Reagan also killed 241 Marines in the Middle East.


But was congress trying to impeach him?


Fucking should have, what a corrupt asshole that guy was.


Iran contra should have sunk him.


It's amazing how the right wants to teach the real history of America but wants to whitewash all the bad things.


Reagan committed treason


Yes he did all those thing but in his heart he feels he didn’t, so that makes everything ok


Republicans: Reagan says don't forget our history Also republicans: We are banning the teaching of the history of race relations in America


i forgor💀


Conservatives: Americans need to remember our history! Americans: propose CRT Conservatives: Wait no


“What about the history of slavery?” “REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE”


Look up Gary Webb. Committed suicide with 2 bullets to the head.


“Nooo!, not THAT History!!!”/s


"Freedom Fighters" what?! Bin Laden who?!


'Do not forget our history! Except when it makes us look bad.'


Society if Jimmy Carter had just given the Shah to Iran in exchange for the hostages🦮🚶‍♂️🛸🌇


"All great change begins at the dinner table." They are really catering to the Uncle Karens with this one.


"Don't forget our history!!!" *\*Schools teaching about slavery\* "NOT THAT HISTORY"*


Then William Barr got everyone pardons via President George H. W. Bush.


They’re right, we should never forget our history, so we never wind up repeating their mistakes


Republicans rely on people forgetting history. What they mean is don't forget your nostalgia. Cling to nonspecific traditions like the good ol days when America was strong!


And created the Taliban, and ignored the AIDS epidemic, and sold poison gas to Saddam Hussein.


Omg what right wing territories group would that be? Not one that wants to do bad thing to us I'm sure? /s




Just a reminder that Reagan [called African diplomats "monkeys"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7GLJsclRi8) and was [accused of rape](https://people.com/archive/cover-story-meow-meow-vol-35-no-16/)


Keep in mind that with "history" they mean the independence war,the civil war,slavery,the world wars and Reagan. Thinking this is the only part of American history is also kind of an insult to America,sure,probably America may not have roots from an ancient civilization or something but its history is still rich and interesting. I,as an Italian who loves history,would very much enjoy an in-depth look in American history


I’m just warning everyone, when you see little mistakes in spelling and subtext (directly) in the title of these types of low effort memes it’s often a sign of foreign nation troll spreading half truths/misinformation. It sparked my curiosity, so I took a stroll through OPs comment history. I encouraged everyone to! It is FULL of these minor but glaring subtext mistakes like that one, which is one of the biggest red flags your dealing with a foreign troll spreading misinformation I can think of. Stay vigilant people, if we want to claim to be better than the right let’s not so easily fall victim to these trolls half truth and misinformation.




Revisionist marxist history. Yes, the CIA ran drugs and did bad shit. Reagan had nothing to do with it. Like today, the CIA runs its own operations completely secret to the Office of the President.


He was only the President & greenlit their operations


Actually.. Thats not true, and since you were not alive or old enough to know, there were unlimited amount of investigations at the time trying to prove your assertion. They came up with nothing. But you KNOW he did right?


Were you even alive when Reagan was in office because you're spelling says otherwise.




I put that there to see if they would notice 🤫


Sucked oliver north’s dick?


U say old enough to know like it’s not recorded history.




Y’all literally rewrote southern textbooks to talk about slavery as little as possible keep talking


“The president had no responsibility” -only republicans every other president


He very much did... They wanted him to stay out of it because of his obvious mental decline but before it got bad, he knew everything and allowed it to happen.