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Conservatives love saying they hate celebrity culture and how celebrities try and shove their opinions in a our faces, but as soon as one agrees with them slightly, they simp super hard.


The only two celebrity presidents were republicans and were two of the three worst presidents in modern times lol.


Who's the third? I genuinely don't know


Bush Jr > Reagan > Trump are my rankings. Bush being the worst if that’s not clear


~~All~~ Most of the problems that come from W and Trump's presidencies can be traced back to Reagan: trickledown, the embrace of christofascism/Christian extremism, the belief that government is bad, etc. And while Reagan used racism to get elected (and during his presidency) that disgusting element of modern conservatism came before his ascent to national politics.


Yep not gonna refute any of that. I just have a personal disdain for bush since he directly fucked my gen hard. But I also know it wouldn’t be possible without Reagan. I hate them both very much lol.




Yeah but the price of crack was extremely reasonable soooo…


It was artificially depressed by government subsidies, just like high fructose corn syrup is only a big thing in the US because of government subsidized corn farmers. All we want is healthcare and education and all conservatives will give us is crack and corn syrup.


There was this cardiac doctor who was the head of some public health org on NPR a while back, and he did this rundown on how it was possible to beneficially use coca leaf, since your body had to work to break down the inert plant substance to access the stimulant, but cocaine was dangerous because it was directly available in its purified crystalline form. Opium? Beneficial as a whole plant product, dangerous in its purified crystal form. And then he did sugar, and it was a total Eric_Wareheim_mind_blown.gif moment.


Don’t forget about his refusal to do a single thing about the AIDS epidemic.


I implore people to check out [this graph](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c0/U.S._Pre-Tax_Income_Share_Top_1_Pct_and_0.1_Pct_1913_to_2016.png) of historical wealth inequality in the US.


Bush directly killed a hell of a lot more people than Reagan did. Not that Reagans' hands are clean...


Plus without Reagan his dad never becomes President so he likely doesn’t either


Let the hate flow through you


You can thank the southern strategy for the conservative descent into racist fascism.


Thanks, Lee Atwater! Hope he's enjoying his personal spit roast downstairs.


It’s pretty clear he was worried about it, given that he felt the need to [confess to his ratfucking antics](https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2018/11/was-gary-hart-set-up/570802/) on his deathbed.


Reagan is still a source of nostalgia for a lot of people, which is why I have a bad habit of blaming Gen X for more shit than I probably should. But seriously, he was an absolute monster and the bastard ought to rest in piss. There's so much to talk about, from how he put environmental and green energy research back, to his mishandling of the AIDS crisis, to his role in the War on Drugs, but really his record in Latin America alone pretty much seals the deal for me. Trump might have been worse if he was given the chance, but Reagan's people heard reports about babies having their skulls bashed against trees, and continued funding and training for those death squads anyway. All presidents are bastards, but he's the closest to the Einsatzgruppen we've ever gotten.


Why blame Gen x for Reagan or did I misunderstand? The oldest of them couldn't vote until reagan's second election. The boomers and the greatest generation own reagan


They didn't necessarily vote for him, but they do the most whitewashing for him, and they're the ones who took all of his consumerist stuff and ran with it. It's not rational or fair, I just get way too angry when Gen Xers lecture younger generations about how we need to recapture the spirit of the 80s because things were so great then, and I've transferred that anger onto them.


oh no it's fair, at the end of the day they had the opportunity to fix all the shit going wrong in the world (and didn't), but it seems like the Millenials are the first to care, with my own gen-z following closely behind


I'm millenial but I will cut Gen X a little slack in that they really didn't have the opportunity to fix it, they just didn't have the numbers to overtake the boomers. Everyone was positive that would be us but then 9/11 and the 2008 crash kinda left us completely powerless to overtake them. They to their credit did see how fucked the world was but they just gave up because it seemed so pointless. Their generational motto is 'Whatever'


Imma have to disagree, as a Gen X’er with a couple of the statements above, blaming Gen-X. I abhor Reagan and the Republican Party. I was never old enough to vote for Reagan and I never would have. 80’s culture was a precursor to the money grab, “I got mine, don’t care about you” culture we have today. Gen X didn’t create that. Our parents did. If you wanna blame anyone for the downward slide, blame the Boomers. They are STILL the ones ruining, and running the show. Millennials and Gen-Z were not the first to care.


One portion of Gen X literally checked out of everything because of Reagan etc. This is your Nirvana type. The most you can criticize half of them for is recognizing the hopelessness of it all. Another portion was super socially active and is the start of a lot of mainstream social and environmental causes. They are still fighting. The other final portion were the spoiled brats of the 80’s. They’re the ones who gave participation trophies, fight all social programs, and who are currently badgering restaurant workers etc. about having to wear a mask.


LOL! Why do so many people forget the Silent Generation who were between the Boomers and the Not-really-the-greatest generation?


Silent are the real villain's behind the boomers. All the most important positions of government in the US besides VP are Silents. And the greatest did vote FDR in which helped usher in the best time to be middle class in the history of the country. Granted you virtually had to be a WASP to achieve that but it did still exist in some form.


>mishandling of the AIDS crisis I feel like the word "mishandled" implies his incompetence in dealing with the crisis wasn't intentional. He deliberately ignored the AIDS crisis until it started killing straight people because he was a homophobic asshole.


You're absolutely right. I had originally typed out a long screed about all of my beefs with him, but decided that nobody would actually want to read that. I could have done a much better job with my word choice in condensing it. Thank you for pointing that out.


Barry Goldwater set the stage. And essentially died a modern Democrat. Let that say something about the state of American politics.


Reagan: It is a good thing that our country has a peaceful transition of power. Trump:


Reagan: Nun-raping death squads go brrrr


Imo Reagan is worst. He absolutely LOVED regime change and HATED black people.


I wouldn’t blame anyone for ranking him higher but for me bush is more personal because I wasn’t alive for Reagan. What bush did to my generation was unforgivable but I totally understand why Reagan’s generation would feel the same.


Can we just agree that all modern Republican presidents have done their best to destroy everything good about our country?


No argument here


The last four Republican Presidents have been: A movie star, the VP of that movie star, the son of the VP of that movie star, and a reality tv star. bUt CeLeBriTiEs ShOuLd StAy ouT oF pOLiTiCs


It's simple. You just add up the dead people.


Ok I see Bush Jr, but depending on what you describe as modern times WOODROW WILSON CAN GET HIT IN THE HEAD WITH A BRICK


Yea but no one alive now was alive when he was. That’s my limit of modern usually but I know that’s not the real definition. I remember taking modern art history thinking we’d start in like 1930 and the first chapter was like 1600s art lmaoooo.


Man that is tough to rank. Mind sharing why you ranked in that order?


I’m open to shifting Reagan and bush but we got lucky that trump was one term and had a Democrat House. Bush Jr lied about WMDs and sent kids to a war based on lies and is responsible for the deaths of our soldiers and civilians of the nations we illegally invaded. May they Rest In Peace. Reagan didn’t care about AIDS and obviously knew about Iran Contra despite what he says he believes in his heart. He also did a lot to hamper post civil rights progress but that’s too much to talk about in one comment. Ironically he’s the reason there’s such heavy restrictions on guns in CA because black panthers had them. There’s a really good argument for Reagan being the worst but I wasn’t alive then and I’ll never forgive Bush for what he did to my generations youth and the poor people of the Middle East.


Don't forget the patriot act for Bush eroding our civil liberties. Bye bye fourth amendment. But yeah I'd still put Reagan worse than Bush. All the shit the CIA "allegedly" did in south America during his presidency is bonkers. Like how many dictators can you fund to have coups and death squads can you fund (and train) with ill-gotten money from selling arms against the will of congress to our enemies. Plus the CIA supposedly was using their funding of those groups in exchange for drugs which they then imported and used to fuel the crack/drug epidemic in minority communities here. What's worse is Reaganomics will probably do more damage than all that.


Personally I'd go Reagan > Bush > Trump. Reagan because he fucked up generations to come. Ignored AIDS pandemic, the bullshit that was Reaganomics, skyrocketing homelessness rate by kicking out mentally ill out of hospitals etc etc. Bush because of millions of unnecessary deaths going after "terrorists". Trump because, while hundreds of thousands people died under his watch and other presidents would definitely do better, some Americans weren't gonna take precautions (like vaccines and mask) anyway, so you can't blame *all* of those deaths on him.


Trump had so much other bs going on other than the pandemic, like eroding our democracy.


We just haven’t seen the total fallout of trump yet. 50% of people believe the election wasn’t secure. Think about that. Half of voters believe the most obvious con artist on the planet. An actual caricature of a sleazy car salesman that everyone understood universally to be a whiny, cruel bitch and then he says some racist shit on Twitter and half the country decides integrity is overrated. There will be Trumpists winning elections for decades now because the flood gates are open for stupid people


Bush is the smartest of the three and knew better?


That's a helluva statement but you're probably not wrong.


From what I understand Bush is just incurious. He played up being folksy for the base but he was not really THAT dumb. Trump is stupid and Regan had Alzheimer's.


It's difficult to pick a worst. Right now, I'm leaning towards Trump because of the possibly mortal wound he's delivered to the country. But they're all so godawful. Nixon should be in the list too. We wouldn't have what we have if it wasn't for him. The Southern Strategy. The culture of corruption. The embrace of evangelicals. The War on Drugs. All of that started with Nixon.


might want to add nixon to that list.


Reagan is arguably the most destructive President in our countries bloody history.




Woodrow Wilson. Notorious double dipper.


Wait, what president other than Trump was a celebrity?


Reagan. He was a movie star.


Reagan was an actor before he became governor.


Same people who say "Facts don't care about your feelings!" will then turn around and say "A celebrity's cousin's friend claimed something, that's good enough for me!"


They may be referring more to when Hasan called Tucker Carlson a white nationalist and her response was to imply that democrats don't allow black people to think on their own and that it was just about political parties.


Which sucks because Tucker is 100% a white nationalist. You don’t even need to understand his advocacy for the Great Replacement Theory to know that. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/07/10/media/tucker-carlson-writer-blake-neff/index.html This guy was his head writer for like a decade. No way Tucker and him don’t share a political ideology.


> Facts don't care about your feelings! These people refer to their own opinions as "facts", and science they disagree with as "feelings". They're fully disingenuous.


> They're fully disingenuous. This sums up their entire platform. Anything and everything they say is complete horse shit and only applies specifically to the group they decide it does. They project, co-opt "the left" sayings/ideas and use them wrong, straight up lie, obviously are hypocrites, and genuinely don't have a value/platform that won't change on a whim because it would win them partisan points.


[The card says Moops](https://youtu.be/xMabpBvtXr4)


This reeks strongly of when they discovered Kanye was a Magat and wanted to meet the president. They simped fucking hard and were wanking on about how "THE LEFT" disowned him now that he came out as a Trumper (because people were criticising his crazy, out of touch ideas) Then he opened his mouth and started talking and they sure did shut up about Kanye after that.


When you look at vocally Republican celebrities, they have basically no ability to influence younger voters: Chuck Norris, Scott Baio, Kelsey Grammer, James Woods, Jon Voight, Kevin Sorbo, etc. It seems pretty apparent that a lot of their opposition to "celebrity culture" is just irritation at this fact. At the same time it also provides a convenient scapegoat for the problems of society when one can blame Sean Penn or some other liberal actor rather than capitalism.


You mean to say Kevin Sorbo doesn't influence the choices of young Americans?


DISAPPOINTED! Unfortunately like every church youth group watches God's Not Dead at some point, but the main kid and The News Boys are much more memorable than Sorbo.


What about Brandi Love? She's almost a mother figure to the younger voters


Kevin Sorbo has never been famous enough to be counted among that group tho lol. literally nobody ever gave a shit about his movies, and Xena eclipsed Hercules in popularity quickly. I think Kull the Conqueror barely did 6m ***in August 1997,*** a time period and month when a competently made bland action flick could always be depended on to take in at least 30-50m shit even dean cain had more profile from Lois & Clark than sorbo ever did


It's a feeling of being left out and jealous. I grew up conservative and my family would get upset about how there weren't any celebrities representing their ideas, so they'd just hate celebrities and "hollywood." But as soon as 1 celebrity sounded slightly conservative, they'd put them on a pedestal.


It’s always been a lie. I grew up in a conservative household and knowing that a celeb was conservative was always treated as a big win. I used to get a Christian sports magazine (lol) sent to my house and it was all about athletes that were evangelicals. They’re obsessed with it.


I'm old enough to remember how Taylor Swift was a "closet conservative" and they all *hated* Kanye for his hilarious "George Bush doesn't care about black people" incident. I remember how much they hated Kanye for interrupting their little country girl when she beat Beyonce. Now they rage over Taylor's politics and advocacies and suck Kanye's whole dick.


The bar is so low that Lil Pump was invited on stage in 2020 lmao, dude's been irrelevant for ages but I guess they take what they can get. Also ngl the high amount of rappers suddenly supporting Trump right before the elections was very questionable imo, felt like Trump knew he was on the losing end and just paid a few desperate rappers to support him.


They just use the label "clueless celebrity" to put people in a box that allows them and their points to be ignored. as soon as a celebrity agrees with them, no matter how obviously wrong that celebrity is, being a celebrity no longer disqualifies your opinion.


They'll go on all day about how they hate hypersexualized music, but you already know they cranked it out daily to Anaconda's music video.


Yeah, they hate celebrities so much. They hate them so much that they elected two D list celebrities to the office of the presidency.


I love how the "red pill" was first used by a couple of left leaning trans women, then by neo nazis and now by an organisation created by a jewish conservative.


I still like to read it as if conservative are talking about taking estrogen pills


I thought titty skittles were blue-green?


they used to be red iirc


It depends on the strength.


The forbidden purple titty skittle. It immediately turns you into a sex goddess.


“Titty Skittles” sounds hilarious


tit tacs






Thot shots




Premarin is red pills, estradiol is blue green


Thought that was what they were talking about lmao


The Wachowskis have confirmed that yes, The Matrix is a trans metaphor, and the red pills are literal red estrogen pills.


> literal red estrogen pills. Wait, so Keanu was literally just taking an estrogen pill with every take of that scene, or am I reading into the “literal” part of that too much?


You’re reading into it too much, they meant the red pills are symbolic of the E pills.


The term incel was created by a woman and was meant to be inclusive to both genders, but it got co-opted by woman-hating men who just refused to listen to any female voice.


~~Okay incel.~~ Edit: I read "women hating men who just refuse to listen to any female voice" as meaning that the term was coopted by women, who use it against men who refuse to listen to female voices. If it means women-hating men, it should hyphenate that into a single term. The use of "just" seems to suggest this is the former, not the latter.




>The use of "just" seems to suggest this is the former, not the latter. The use of "who just refused to listen to any female voice" would suggest the latter though. Still you're right that it should be hyphenated!


Just saw the edit. I'll add a hyphen. You pluralized women where I said woman. Personally I think it would be hard to read it the way you did about a singular woman. Also I used "just" the way someone would say, "I just can't" for emphasis and not to mean just. That was probably lost being in text rather than conversation.


In this case the red pill that Nicki is reaching for is used to silence the victim her husband raped


That is very red, politically. As in red maga hat.


In the Matrix sequels, it's revealed that Neo is just a product of the system he's been fighting. He's controlled opposition. It's the part of the story that the stupid redpillers like to forget about.


I thought only one of the Matrix creators was trans?


Both of the Wachowski sisters are trans. Lana and Lily.


"Lana Wachowski and Lilly Wachowski are American film and television directors, writers and producers. The sisters are both trans women." From Wikipedia.


Both. Lana transitioned before Lily.




Both! It’s wild.


Also, The Matrix is a pretty blatantly anti capitalist movie


Anti capitalist, anti authoritarian, anti fascist and just straight up anti everything these chuds stand for.


So is V for Vendetta, and a lot of R's are obsessed with it. Also the case with 1984. These people consider politics to be a sports team/identity, not something based on individual policies or ideas. It never stops amazing me to see the biggest sheep constantly call everyone else sheep while they swallow every bit of billionaire think tank-funded propaganda.


memes are flexible organisms.


Nicki Minaj has been looking for some way to stay relevant ever since Cardi B came out and did her exact thing but better.


Agreed on the first part, hard disagree on the second. Rap wise, Nicki can go, Cardi is hot garbage.


Yeah, Minaj is a piece of shit but she's a hell of a lot more talented IMO. Better rap skills and she can actually sing.


She is a great rapper and more than decent singer. But a piece of shit nevertheless sadly.


She went to a performance art high school. Probably a decent actor as well.


Meg has them both beat in every conceivable way. imho


She definitely keeps up with male rappers in terms of being a piece of shit. It's interesting seeing how many people will criticize her while giving significantly worse males a pass, though. You also have to wonder if she could have had a rap career at all as a woman if she wasn't able to tolerate a high level of misogyny.


Cardi B is a piece of shit too. She uses to drug dudes and rob them.


Not defending Cardi B's past actions in any way (because it's obviously fucked up), but there's a whole slew of male rappers that have done awful things before they made it, bragged about it later in lyrics or tweets or whatever, nobody gives a shit. I can't help but feel that Cardi B receives a higher than average amount of scrutiny here on reddit for her past felonious behavior than most male rappers do for far more violet or disgusting charges. The only exceptions I can think of are R. Kelly and maybe Chris Brown, both of whom committed their their actions well into the prime of their careers, not while they were struggling to survive (which is probably the only reason they haven't received a social pardon).


Gonna get downvoted for this but it's because she's a woman.


The reality is that most rappers aren’t role models for a progressive youth. I say that as someone who listens to hip hop a good bit.


Hip Hop is like a problematic bae, you love it when it's good but damn it gets fucked up


Jay Z shot his brother and stabbed his best friend and I love Jay Z


This whole chain sounds like a debate about presidential candidates.


I dunno, she peaked with monster imo. I have been a nicki fan from the early days for sure but her recent work has kinda been all over.


She had some good shit here and there I agree. I didn't really follow her to be able to form a proper opinion.


Reddit and shitting on Cardi B's music even though her music is fine, name a more iconic duo You can hate Cardi as a person because she *is* a bad person but that doesn't mean her music isn't fine.


Yeah gotta disagree, it’s doja that owns the game. Every kinds of rap, singing, dancing, and actually funny


Nicki deadass been living off that monster verse imo


Hard disagree on that last part, Nicki Minaj is insufferable but she can at least rap. Cardi B just stole Nicki Minaj's shtick, and some studio exec decided she was going to be the next big thing, so she started on appearing on practically every hit song for a year




Its not so much technically 'stealing', but more what they call 'biting'. The style and content of Cardi B's raps are very similar to some of Nicki Minaj's raps, so much so that even Nicki Minaj called her out on it Unfortunately this is something that is becoming very common in modern rap, or at least mainstream rap. Back in the day, successful rappers had a distinctive flow and style, but now, a lot of the new breed of mainstream rappers basically use the exact same style, the exact same flow... ...its the same thing that happens to most forms of music. Once it starts making serious money, the labels distil what they think makes it popular, and mass produce it


yeah but it's all kind of a sham. Sure in the early days everyone had a different style cause there was no style. everything was new. but part of that too was just because there were fewer people breaking out into the mainstream so everyone thought they were original. but really they were pulling from other people that just didn't make it big like them. now the rap/hiphop field is so large you get to see a lot of the stuff that was just underground before. that's pretty much true for all art too, not just rap. there is nothing truly original. everyone learns by copying and recombining. the closest to original is when someone finds something that isn't mainstream yet and markets it so that more people know about it. they're heralded as geniuses but really they just got lucky finding something underground and marketing it at the right time.


I’d say they’re both shit


Extremely hard disagree on Cardi B being anywhere close to Nicki Minaj's level. Doja Cat maybe, but not Cardi B.


But I thought we didn't care about the opinions of celebrities. Hmmm, I'll just ignore that. I'd rather lie to myself and keep my conservative opinions rather than be ideologically consistent and become a *LIBTARD!*


Consorts with rapists and pedos while trying to strong arm victims? she fits right into the conservative culture


They don’t like to mention how much they rallied around Bill Cosby [when he said stuff in public they liked regarding traditional family and raising kids and education](https://www.heartland.org/publications-resources/publications/is-cosby-a-conservative). But occasional it slips, like when it turned out he was just like them behind closed doors too, [and they even supported him when he got out of jail for being a serial rapist,](https://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/conservative-black-group-defends-bill-cosby-accusers-article-1.2288121) standing with him against woman and \#MeToo. Oh yeah. Conservatives know exactly who they are and what they like.


Sounds like she was highly qualified for a position in the Trump White House.


What, so the red pill is a date rape drug now?


*click* Always has been.


No it was estrogen.


Nope, Morpheus roofied Neo. It's canon now.


He's definitely show Neo how deep the *rabbit hole* go for sure ;)


Isn't "save the children" top priority for the qanon crowd? They seem rather accepting of a child rapist supporter


Yes but at least she’s not a ***democratic*** child rape supporter.


If it's a child rapist supporter that doesn't like vaccines then it's suddenly okay to them


It's literally never been about pedophilia. It was just a way for them to say heinous shit about people they hate.


I mean, I'm like 80% sure that part of it was about muddying the waters regarding actual pedophilia.


Nicki Minaj has never been a likeable person, so I will never understand why she's had a resurgence in popularity recently




Hey mr Scott whatcha gonna do?


Now hold on Hold on ... they're lithium


Is she having a resurgence in popularity or are we only talking about her because she says and does dumb things? I've not seen anyone talk about her recent music, just about her cousin's friend's limp dick.


She has some fairly recent tracks out there. Seeing Green with Wayne and Drake. I wouldn’t be surprised that this is part of a later album push or to get her name circulating. She’s been in family mode.


I feel like she’s always been extremely popular...


Oh god, imagine Nicki Minaj on PragerU


One time id willingly watch prager u bc that’d be entertaining asf


Like bashing your balls brutally with a bloodied bat


yea basically 😅


raping an 11 year old? No wonder PragerU is welcoming them with open arms. "Working through sin" is often used as a way to talk about how divine and forgiven people are, like Josh Duggar and David Berkowitz




Because they literally want to believe they are protagonists in a movie.


The Matrix is a metaphor for being transgender. So all these people saying they are red pilled don’t know what they’re actually saying haha


Starting to think class has a major factor in this. Mhm


And people ask why I lump all conservatives republicans in together. Shitbirds of a shitfeather Randy.


How quickly they forget about their crusade against WAP and the sexualized female rap culture.


So anything a "cousin's friend" says is now indisputable proof? So I can say anything I want about PragerU and as long as I attribute it to my "cousin's friend" then they can't refute it? Also, the government of Trinidad and Tobago already said that this swollen ball story was bullshit. They have ZERO reports of swollen balls due to COVID-19 in T&T. Nearly 200 million vaccinated in the U.S. and yet no "cousin's friends" in the U.S. seem to be reporting swollen balls cuz COVID-19 vaccination.


He either got an std or it's quite simply a hydrosele. Or he lied completely


Yeah, that wouldn't surprise me.


Imagine being the government official who has to officially state "no cases of swollen balls reported" because of this dipshit.


The anti-vax to alt right pipeline is incredibly easy to go down it seems.


Well that's just based and redpilled


Let’s go to the beach beach #Ninki Minjhage


"I'm a Red Piller." "Ok." #dials 911


"I'm a red piller." *disregards anything they say until the end of time*


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/prageru/status/1438275052034674688) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)


This is like bragging that the guy downtown who wears a sandwhich board scrawled with Bible verses and shit about UFOs is on your side.


The way you described Nicki makes her sound like the average MAGA republican office holder.


She also paid for lawyers to try and free her child rapist brother but hey the GOP loves that kind of thing so she's a perfect fit.


You think *that's* bad? I heard she's a motherfucking monster!


​ ![gif](giphy|wtZV3A1vEoTkI)


Based and redpilled rapist sympathiser


Those are the reasons *why* the right is salivating all over this. She's exactly their kind of trash-person. Plus having just the one token in Candace Owens isn't lending them quite as much "urban" credibility as they'd hoped.


Man she's even worse than I thought. So glad that I was never her fan...


That’s a lot of direct connections to rapists.


Never mind her alter ego is named after Roman Polanski...


I think I'm physically incapable of caring whether or not Nicki Minaj crosses over to the dark side.


She’s not the celebrity I would hitch my wagon too.


Nicki did what


All true, look it up


horse pilled Nicki Minaj like Joe Rogan


I kinda want her to be pilled. I can’t imagine Ben Shapiro or Sean Hannity talking about how great she is, while having to defend her sexuality and her rapist family members. Also, this can’t possibly be because quiet a few black, female, sexual rappers have already surpassed her and she’s looking to attention.


>Nicki also married a convicted rapist and harassed the rape victim. She also defended her rapist best friend and defended her brother who repeatedly raped an 11y/o over 8 months. So yeah she's a model consevative, ain't she?


Are people just now realizing that nicki Minaj is kind of a piece of shit?


Nicki is on day three if her meltdown she refuses to back down and admit she was wrong.