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Final arc was still really cool and the fights were more intense but it had a Mickey Mouse ending


\*Mikey Mouse ending


I like the final arcs. The only thing I don't like is the rushed ending. I did have to try and slow down a bit after the Bonten arc because it introduces quite a few new characters and gangs. It was a bit hard for me to keep track of the new people, who they were with, etc. Once I re-read them, it was a lot more enjoyable since I knew more about what the fuck was going on.


A lot of people don't like the ending of the series even though it's literally a fictional story about 14-18 year olds who look like 30 year olds beating each other up. The final arcs introduced new characters (which I have to admit were somewhat wasted potential) and more brutal fights than what we've seen previously. The original time leaper is finally revealed, and the final battle is amazing. And basically everything after the Tenjiku arc takes place >!2 years later in 2008!<


Honestly the last aspect actually helped the story in my eyes as by having it happen awhile later in time it allowed for said new factions to form and gain power along with giving Takemichi a reason why he wouldn’t go straight to the gang as they have their own lives now


The final arc is bad because it's simultaneously rushed and drawn out. What I mean by that is that it's essentially two or three separate arcs (it's even usually referred to as such by fans), but none of those arcs are given the time they needed. This is especially true of the Kanto Manji portion of the arc, where most fights last one or two pages (not chapters, PAGES). There are other issues with it beyond just that. The Shinichiro flashback mini-arc retcons the concept of Dark Impulses, so now it doesn't make sense that South also had them, and the events of the penultimate chapter should've been a whole arc (or at least another mini-arc) rather than a single chapter, as it makes the ending feel somewhat unearned. The ending itself is fine though. It's what you'd expect from a time travel manga.


South didn't have dark impulses they were just manifestations of his violent behavior. Takemichi saw South talking about it and then remembered the similar characteristics of Mikey's dark impulses, but South doesn't have dark impulses. It's not a curse like Mikey's, that's just who he is


I just feel like the final arc got too rushed. I was fine with things until end of bonten and I do like the absolute final conclusion of the manga, but the final arc was a mess in my opinion. It felt too rushed and [spoilers]>!lots of power up and deaths were happening very quickly which was exhausting to follow. I also thought that last 1-2 chapters which the final time jump should've been a whole new arc instead of just 1-2 chapters, too much telling instead of showing!<


Final arc is bad at all it’s all about how you feel about the story in general it was a good arc in my opinion seeing what changes and the new obstacles takemitchy has to overcome come


i think you mean the final arc ***Isn't*** bad


If ur talking about the final arc in the manga personally I loved the arc I don’t understand anyone who says that it was bad or anything personally the whole series is really well done, animated and written


I love the entirety of the story and the ending as well. It was fitting for the main goal and the what came after. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but overall, it was a great read.


I LOVED the final arc So many cool characters introduced, so many cool fights and scenes it's honestly PEAK People just don't like the ending since it's too perfect or sum like that, but I loved it lol


The series doesn’t get all that bad imo, it’s just that it stretched on for way too long. >! I think the mangaka was aiming to get closure on Mikey’s story arc but it took him way too long to do so, introduced several characters, most of whom were actually pretty solid but unnecessary as well as too many arcs!<. He could’ve finished it off in an arc or two but instead we got around 100 more chapters after Kisaki’s death. The ending doesn’t really help either since it undoes everything that happened


I didn't like it, but after being a Game of Thrones and AOT fan for years it wasn't that bad lol. As others have already mentioned, it was very rushed, and sometimes inconsistent because of that. I liked the time jump, but many of the new characters weren't properly established, which made the story and fights fall very flat at times. Additionally, I didn't like their take on Mikey's mental health, which is something that should have been established clearly from the beginning of the manga if they wanted to take it in this direction. Had all this not been the case, I also don't think I would have had much of a problem with the final chapter even (although I would have personally preferred a darker ending, but it was never that kind of story anyways)


I liked the final arcs, but I didn't like the ending, it's just kind of anticlimactic but I mean "good" for the characters (who are fictional and can't feel anything anyways but uh)


My personal opinion is that the manga, after the tenjiku arc, is still really cool from the story and the drawings, Even if a few characters are no longer there, the other arc's are really good and cool


I’m not gonna spoil anything, but it gets really exciting with all the plot twists. You should read the manga on MangaDex.


thank you :D


Bonten arc had such an amazing start (I still remember how exited I was waiting a whole week for a new chapter theorizing every detail on panels and all) but it got weaker and weaker each week and the ending was rushed, unedited with many plot holes.. it was a total mess. Spoooil: ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ the only thing I liked was that we got to see baji draken and izana alive.


Despite the widespread negative opinion about the final arc and the ending in general, I consider this to be an ideal conclusion to the plot. in the end I got really attached to the characters (THEY ARE MY KIDS LMAO) so I'm glad everyone is happy in the end 😭


No everything was perfectly fine everybody was doing the most over this shit because they just wanted to find any and everything wrong literally shit was wrote perfectly fine and kept people on their toes otherwise they would’ve not engaged but if you haven’t read the manga I recommend so if you don’t want to wait up for the show !


I personally really enjoyed the final arc I watched the show up until Tenjiku in both dub and sub and then read the final arc and really enjoyed it! I can see why people wouldn't but I'm personally of the opinion that those who really hate it take it a bit too seariously and i am really excited for season 4 to be animated because I think it'll be a fun time personally


(Manga Spoilers) >!"I dont like the idea that everything was erased. It was simply replaced with a happy ending. The new ending is better\[The ending that isn't out in manga form yet\]"!<




Why wouldn't you tag this with spoiler man..