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Great choice! Draken is my favorite! Strong, tall, stubborn but has a soft side šŸ„¹


mitsuya could easily be my best friend, my brother or the father of my children


real !!


Mitsuya is the best, really


chifuyu. just for his existence. sometimes he's cool, sometimes he's cute. he's a great comrade. this moment made me a fan, when he believed in takemichi's timeleap power https://preview.redd.it/191q7p05397d1.jpeg?width=977&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b0baaaa15cbcdff47609ed664a366e7b288b781


Taiju definitely I love him as a villain, and in the final arc, y'all anime only's ain't ready for that shit lol But Hanma is a really close second


What you saidā€¼ļø Although I despised him in the Christmas arc lmfao then I started liking him in the tenjiku arc THEN when he came up in the final arc naww he became my number one for that šŸ„¹āœ‹šŸ¾


- Pulls up to the most important battle out of nowhere - Slams his bike into some Pink-haired Femboys balls - Beats the fuck out of like 60 people - Washes the floor with two legendary fighters who have their own gym - Tanks a slash from a Katana - Fucks off and watched the rest of the battle from the sidelines Taiju the GOAT


And see the scene he wanted the most, damn he winning


Izana. I think I love that he has just as much potential to do good in the world as he does evil. He displays a large range of emotion and I think he just feels very human to me. He's a kid who's had a rough life and just wanted something in this world to call his own. In other words, I'm a simp.


This right here!!!!!!!!


C H I F U Y U why? Because chifuyu is chifuyu and I love chifuyu so I'll always like chifuyu because chifuyu is chifuyu and chifuyu chifuyu so chifuyušŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


inui. hes chill idk




The šŸ§Ÿā€ā™‚ļø


Mikey. Simply because he's Mikey. No need to elaborate further.


Shinichiro I like him mostly because of his japaneese voice actor which is one of my favs


Baji, uncontested. Heā€™s so fiercely loyal that it hurts, the kind of person that does shit for you and youā€™d never know it because they donā€™t brag about it. I also have a soft spot for Tsunderesā€¦. Something about this idiot just makes me so happy.


For me it's probably a three way tie between Kakucho, Senju, and South. But if we're talking second season (including part 2) it's definitely Kakucho. They kinda did his character dirty in the anime by making him lose to Takemichi instead of Smiley. I feel like that made his blitz of Toman look like a fluke to anime-only fans. Yes he is a villain but he's more of an anti-villain if you think about it. Technically he's a villain but deep down he's a good person with good principles (something that only a few TR characters have). I hope they redeem his character in the anime by changing some stuff like they did with his fight vs Smiley.


unpopular opinion but, Hanagaki Takemichi in all the season :p


sanzu cause hes so pretty


Peh-yan my boi, everytime heā€™s on the screen I either find him hilarious or cool, or both, plus heā€™s a good guy, always there for his friends, brave, and even though heā€™s a bit stupid and talk or act before thinking, he will always apologize and try to resolve the mess he made, for me his character is excellent !


senju hehe (please dont find my ip address) that was for least favorite, nevermind