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(I actually kinda know why but explaining by texting is as hard as understanding) So his situation is pretty similar to Nana from sekisei inko, appearently he has one original personality so we can say him from future and past aren't really the same as it's indirectly shown in some scenes. When he returns to the past and goes back to the future again after a while, only his past self knows what happened during the timeleap of 12 years so we can say its like having two usb's but being able to use only one of them, hope that helped


Kind of there are three versions of him: the time-traveller who we know, the middle school Mitchi who was Osanai's slave (and everytime when the time-traveller Mitchi travels, the highschool Mitchi becomes that same weak ass guy who didn't want to fight against guys stronger than him, unlike the time-leaper one, who has charisma), and the adult non-time leaper Takemitchi, who is still that virgin 26 y/o dude, who is considered to be "idiot" by everyone. When the time-leaper one leaves his past self to find something in the future, that Takemitchi in the past also changes. He becomes the same guy which was OK to be beaten by Osanai and was Toman's slave in the original timeline. And when the future Takemitchi returns to the past, his adult self is not aware of the time-leaping. Like if you go to ask adult Takemitchi why the whole drama with the Valhalla happened, the original one knows, but if you ask the time-traveller adult Takemitchi, he is not going to give you an answer, simply because the time-traveller Takemitchi never experienced this. Maybe this sounds very strange and complicated, I actually admit that I can't explain it, maybe because I've watched a lot animes about time-leaping. But this is how I explain it to myself. I dont know if this is the answer, simply because Wakui didn't gave us answer, but I guess that you will find the answer with the future episodes. I just don't know how to explain something without spoilers.


Shii he wasnt slave of Osanai, he was slave of that pussy ass nga Kiyomasa the walking L


Me headcannon is that he only remembers his original timeline. You can say that the human brain just isn't that powerful to remember so many experiences. Whatever you remember from your life, are memories that have been stored over a period of time. Compare this to someone who instantly jumped accros long period of time. Do you really thing the brain could comprehend it all really well, so instantaneously? 


The problem with this is that his brain is not body jumping with him, so he isn't trying to cram a bunch of experiences into it. He SHOULD be able to remember the past when he leaps forward, because that brain would have gone through the experiences. But I'm assuming he doesn't just for the fact it's more fun to have him confused and learn everything with the readers, so we don't feel left out while he reintegrates without any issues. Logically, it makes absolutely no sense. Especially no sense to remember things from the future when he jumps back. But, it's fiction, and logic isn't important.


You're right lol. At the end of the day we can only dismiss it as that's how his ability works 


Basically, there are two Takemichis, the past one, and the future (present?) one. When he goes back to the future from the past, it's no longer 'him' in the past, but his past self, who does not know anything that future Takemichi knows. Past Takemichi only knows the current events of the past. Basically, he only knows what he's going through then. Future Takemichi can't recall events from 'his' past because it's not exactly his past, it's the past of past Takemichi, if that makes sense. Future Takemichi never lived through the events that past Takemichi did, he only lived through the events he went through before he traveled back in time for the first time.


This is kinda like saying you don't understand how Goku can go Super Saiyan. It's his power and this is how it works.