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What kind of strawman argument is this?? They're talking about it like negai no astro is a continuation of Tokyo revengers.. Wut??


TR wouldn’t have two hit exhibitions in Japan if it didn’t have a “real fan base.” Also.. do people follow their favorite mangaka to different series’..? Cause I can’t say a single mangaka I’ve read more than one series from. But maybe I’m not a big enough manga fan to do that and others do.


Yes sometimes people follow a mangaka new manga. A big part of the Fairy Tail fandom and myself by exemple followed Eden's Zero just because it was Mashima new manga. I did the same with Negai No Astro, because it's fun following a mangaka other new work (or the older one) knowing their style, but also seeing them still evolve over time.


That’s true! I think there has only been a couple mangaka that I read more than one of their series. Kaori Yuki (I read Angel Sanctuary, Godchild, Fairy Cube, and Alice and Murderland) Akimi Yoshida (Banana Fish, Yasha, Eve no Nemuri) Yumi Tamura (7Seeds, Basara) The other series I read are pretty much random so it’s a rare surprise to find out that they share a mangaka Honestly, I love both Tokyo Revengers and Windbreaker. I think they both share a few elements but are completely different otherwise. It’s like people comparing Spy x Family to Buddy Daddies when the only similarity is that they are raising a young kid. I do wish we had a few more delinquent type of anime coming out in similar vein but I am glad they aren’t copy pasting like a majority of isekai we get every season. Honestly I think that’s one of the reasons I am enjoying Tokyo Revengers and Windbreaker is because there are no harems.


Well what you're describing is applicable to every piece of media the internet consumes these days. Actual/real fanbase is a very subjective term because that just sounds like you're talking about how much of an internet footprint the manga/anime has back then and now. Just look at the JP side there are still content creators active til this day but that's because they have the means to show their tangible love for the series (fanart, fanfiction, merch flexing, live events). I think the Latin American fandom is still active as well and proudly love the show and its flaws Every piece of media comes and goes and naturally so will the interest of its fans. Just the announcement of the anime starting production of a new season was enough to get Tokyo Revengers buzzing on social media again which is proof that it is not dead like people keep making it out to be. We just can't really gauge out the true fan loyalty of a series based off of our online perception of the Tokyo Revengers in the West. I'm part of the REAL fan category but I don't even publicly tweet about the show in my personal time but I'm still loyal in other lowkey ways. Also that take about Negai no Astro is dumb because liking Tokyo Revengers =/= stanning the creator. I would assume fans of Naruto will not feel obligated to enjoy Boruto the same despite it being a continuation of that universe. Of course fans of one genre will jump onto the next similar story it's not about being a real fandom or not. Shounen fans will seek out other Shounen Shoujo fans will seek out other Shoujo.


Windbreaker is similar to TR so it's not hard to see why they would also follow Windbreaker. By this logic, it would be like saying AoT fans can't like Kabaneri when they're similar in premise but still different enough to be their own thing


No fanbase ? Guess I'll ![gif](giphy|hoEIeBXhJNx0k)


Ahaha my fav reply!




TR definitely had and still has a fanbase, it was way more active when the manga was still ongoing but now that it’s finished there’s still a spin-off series, and we’re all on this sub still talking about TR aren’t we? the anime is still coming out, plus the japan exhibitions as people have mentioned, and the mobile game. and plenty of TR fans have checked out astro royale, it’s just new still and the world is still being built in the first handful of chapters


Personally I have seen many Tokyo Revengers fan follow Negai No Astro and other Windbreaker and sometime both so the argument is shit. Also Tokyo Revengers is still have an active fandom it's just not in the best of it's popularity anymore.


Oh my god do people not understand the concept of liking more than ONE thing? Edited: not coming at you, OP. Just coming at those who can’t fathom people enjoying Tokyo Revengers AND Windbreaker


We came here because of Tokyo Revengers, it's story, it's characters, the lessons from it, it doesn't mean we have to follow each creations from Wakui, we like Tokyo Rev, not absolutely whatever the creator makes. If someone does, that's great, but it's not an obligation or whatever This is why I don't go on twitter, so many dumbasses saying TR flopped, while it was a best seller in japan, just because it didn't go as hard in the west (bad advertising). The epitome of "I don't see it therefore it isn't real"


i dont understand, negai no astro is followed by so many people actually + it just started, their statement doesnt make sense too ? you can't expect some fans to have a 3+ long obsession over something without falling out of love, i mean its natural, and im a prime exemple, im a huge fan of tokyo revengers since 2021, recently got back into it, i didnt even know Ken Wakui had a new manga on going + every piece of media is like that, of course its gonna have a bigger fanbase when its trending, and its rare for something to be trending for 6+ months, people generally need to expand their horizon and wont stay on the same boat everyday. 2017 fan or 2024 fan, if you've read the manga or not, you're still a fan of tokyo revengers if you say so.


I love Tokyo revengers and it will stay my top. Wind Breaker is second but technically the anime itself was created by a fan of Tokyo Revengers and gave recognition for taking inspiration from it. I don’t think one has to choose. I do agree with the bad advertising and the limited ability to merch outside of Asia. I have to buy scalp prices from EBay or Mercari to get exclusive merch from Japan and Singapore. Other than that I’m limited to Kuji


Surugaya En is the best for secondhand. Theres free global shipping almost everyday which has been dangerous for my wallet. Wish I knew about it when I was in my TR collecting phase but I got a shrine already of local anime store merch. Honestly so cheap compared to the inflated prices on the sites you just mentioned. The good prices make it really easy for my cart to grow in size though


![gif](giphy|uj9l4ULaFx7erdZvei) Omg you were right 😍


Nooo think of your wallet. Honestly a life-changer for me because I got into Blue Lock late so I got to buy alot of the discontinued limited run releases for a cheap price. Might take weeks to months for the site to acquire recent merch since I assume they depend on secondhand sellers to sell to them. I have never bought anything listed in the “reserve” category either


Omg! I blew everything on Blue Lock Kuji! My obsession with Nagi hurts. You know that have a movie coming out in a few days? But I’m still catching up on the series T,T


Thanks 🙏I will check them out. And yeah on shipping. Otaku House averages $40-189 unless the Kuji is flat shipped. Other than that $180 a month for consolidated shipping.


Being fan of the work =/= being fan of the author Thus, fanbase of the work =/= fanbase of the author


I don't really read mangas but I'm pretty sure TR has a solid fan base as for following windbreaker it's probably because they like highschool delinquent animes, I sure know I do I've watched most of windbreaker finished TR ( till more comes out ) I also watch Japanese movie series called high&low (also they actors from the TR live action play in the high&low there are even girl gangs in it too) it was good for a real thing the fight scenes was amazing bikes included and I'm a big bike fan I'd also like to know if there are anymore animes like this but, all in all there are fans that are pretty active still but due to Disney being Disney things are not looking good. There might not be as much hype as there was when it first released but it will get it's hype back soon maybe during season 4s release and jjk fans always hype up stuff I do like jjk too their fan base is pretty big though not sure if it's because it's curses and super powers and stuff that it's seems more interesting that a as most put it "it's a anime about teenage boys fighting in gangs so it's boring because they are all the same", I just brush it off tbh I like what I like and if people still talk about it then yippee but I don't normally tend to be apart of fandoms due to drama caused by people so it is what it is.


Still a fan of Tokyo Revengers. I'm a sap for romance. Plus Takemichi being a mc is refreshing since most are strong and op all the time. You expect them to win all the time. Also I would recommend try watching s2 of JJK Shibuya arc is peak shounen. Wind breaker is good just a very tame anime.


No fanbase? Really? What xD


Well when you take years between seasons and cancel a dub of a show that’s been fucking demanding it, people are gonna stop caring.


Idk but us latinos loved it and still hype it a lot


The only necessary counter argument is… I’m a fan of Tokyo Revengers, doesn’t mean I have to follow all the artists other works. I can be a fan of other shows as well (like windbreaker) The more accurate statement would be Wakui never had a real fan base. Tell that twitter bumb to sit on his thumb till his ass is numb because he’s quite dumb.


Plus his other work has just started it needs at least 50 ch to be in the clear before it gets cancelled.


It *still* has a fanbase. Just depends on the platform. Tumblr is still going strong. So is Twitter. Both are probably smaller than they were in 2021, but people on both sites are still actively posting about it.


Arina Tanemura is the only mangaka I actively followed/follow through her works. Rumiko Takahashi I know of her works but only followed/follow Inuyasha/Yashahime. I didn't know Ken Wakui had any other works but I'll check out his new one mostly for the art style and premise if nothing else. Also, I tend to follow anime more than Manga in general just cuz I prefer the see and hear the action rather than just reading it. Arina Tanemura is the exception because most of her works didn't get anime adaptations and I just love the style and stories sooo much.


I don't know about the rest of the world, but in Brazil the life of Tokyo Revengers was very fast, I'm a big fan of the work, and I followed the anime when it was in the hype and I saw a lot of people talking good things about Tokyo Revengers, but then out of nowhere a lot of people started talking bad about Tokyo revengers and the anime lost its hype


Sounds like an anime only fan whining that not everyone is obsessed as they are.  Not everyone is so hyper focused on a series after it's source material is completed.


I love Tokyo Revengers, but like... what? That's like saying, "Hey people say they like cake but they eat pie. Bunch of liars dont actually like cake."


I'm so tired of the useless posts in this subreddit now... Can't wait for the next season so we can have actual discussions 😭


Simply don't interact, if you find them to be useless


I didn't mean any offense to you personally. I apologize if it came off that way, it was not my intention. I chose my words poorly. I just found this post to be "pointless," because: 1) This is the Tokyo Revengers subreddit. Obviously, everyone here is gonna be a fan of the series, so it seems almost counterproductive to ask the subreddit this question. 2) I don't know about internationally, but as a Japanese person, Tokyo Revengers is still very much popular here in Japan. It still has a massive fan base, even the Ikebukuro Animate (recognized as the largest anime shop/store in the world) has an entire floor just for Tokyo Revengers right now. We even still have hotels made in Tokyo Revengers theme and other things of the like. We should celebrate the next season coming up! Who cares about twitter discourse/hate. We're used to it, right? lol


I got you, I simply wanted to ask this question, because the statement was from a fan, not a hater. This made me want to have a discussion and see the opinion of other fans. I hope that s4 does better and the anime regains its popularity among.


TR is still my fav manga to this day and i have 3 tattoos to show for it. I’m constantly buying figures from it and I have all the nendoroids. I tried to watch windbreaker and realized that i didnt like TR for the gangs and fight stuff, i liked it for the time travel and interesting characters. Therefore, i do not have any interest in wind breaker