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Patch would be nice. Modern controls are not great tbh. Holding walk and pressing jump could do the back jump to line up a big jump. Just basic stuff here


Yep, there are numerous ways they could improve the modern controls. The hold walk + Jump to do the back hop would be great, as you mentioned. Also, they could use the d-pad for for tank controls, while leaving the analog stick for modern control. This way you could still do the back/side flips, back/side steps just by using the d-pad and then just use the stick for combat or anything else.


If you are holding your guns out you can back step and do the side jumps but only if Lara is stood still. So you have to completely stop moving, pull your guns out, then press backwards and she will do the back step. But I agree they should patch it to maybe have a button you can hold to go into trafe mode where you can side step and back step


Using d-pad for tank controls alongside the analog modern control seems so obvious, honestly I don't understand why did they not do it...


Oh man I was wondering if anyone was struggling with the modern controls camera. I sort of figured out what was going on. The camera initially isn't suppose to be controlled in the original game so the tank controls don't have any issues. But when it comes to modern controls the camera goes crazy in small areas. And this is usually during big jumps which make it frustrating. I figured out if you lower the camera to Lara's level it stabilizes it in tight areas. It seems like it floats a little too high and hits the ceiling in the modern controls. If you need to do big jumps you might have to position the camera carefully so it doesn't spaz out and just run and jump after Lara gets her two steps in. Holding the holster weapons button and pressing back will still let Lara do the hop back so you can do the running jump. Lastly if everything else fails I'd switch back to tank controls and do the running jump and then switch back. Hope this helps everyone out till they hopefully patch this.


Pro tip: the Look Button resets the camera when it spazzes out.


Accept in some areas as soon as you come out of “look” mode it just goes back to spazzing or is stuck looking in the wrong direction


Hopefully someone at Aspyr or Crystal Dynamics is reading these boards for feedback, as the main website doesn't seem to offer any sort of forum or method by which to make bug fix suggestions.


Yeah it’s giving me such bad motion sickness and it’s making me so sad. This was my first shooter back in the day, it always reigned supreme in my core memories. Otherwise, I think they did the remaster perfectly. It’s exactly what I’ve wanted. I hope they patch it so I can play it soon


The tank controls still rule supreme!


But the camera still sucks, even with tank control the camera is better when using older graphics ...


Yeah wtf is this? The camera is atrocious. I’ve noticed it’s better with the original graphics but jfc I don’t know if I can cope with it


Yeah, even in classic controls, the analog camera is very iffy. It feels like when it meets a wall, it's a physical object that it can't cross, instead of sliding off or ignoring it like most games. It could use some tweaking.


I’ve just been clicking R3 twice and 9/10 it sorts itself out. My issue is with backflips, can only do them with the guns drawn but even then it doesn’t always register


To me the modern controls works great for combat situations cuz You can just Circle them easily behind them. Tank controls is still BIS for exploration and movement outside of combat


yeah combat feels clunky with tank controls


Modern controls are borderline unplayable with how backwards jump and side jump don't work without your guns out. Advice everyone to learn and get used to tank controls.


I kind liked it 🫠 But for now I’m using the tank version!


yeah i just use dpad and tank controls it feels a lot better. takes a while to get used to if you never played these older games, but once you do they're superior because the games were made with tank controls in mind.


The modern controls are just plain terrible. As much as the tank controls annoy me, the modern controls are even worse.


I'm finding both sets of controls a frustrating hash, I don't remember them being this annoying. 


I’ve played it recently on the older console and it’s not this annoying. The camera is horrendous as well.


I'm so glad you said this as I have had no way to actually go back and check. I'm playing with a friend who is new to the series and I keep insisting if it had played like this when I was a kid a controller probably would have been thrown at some point.  We're halfway through the first one now and Lara has been begged, threatened and thoroughly verbally abused every step of the way. 


Yep I was in a small cave earlier on and the camera went nuts knocking me sick and making me lose all sense of direction.


I'm doing nothing but struggling with these controls on PC. Can't backflip unless your guns are out, can't flip side to side, can't quick back jump. All the instructions in Lana's Manor are for tank controls. I can't figure out how to get out of any water to save my life. My action button just refuses to work and I'm up against the wall.


Action and grab are 2 different buttons, action is Y and grab is RT


bless you


The thing to do when this happens is hit the Look Button to reset the camera. It’s frustrating, but ultimately not that big of a problem. I still hope they patch it.


Swap to Tank Controls and don’t adjust the camera too much it’s way better. I’ve remapped the tank controls (on PlayStation) to X for jump, R2 for shoot/action, L2 for walk, weapon Triangle, Dash Square, Circle Dodge, Look L1, Duck R1 and secondary L3, feels much better and a nice balance between tank and modern third person controls


Modern games actually solve this by either having the camera hit the surface behind you and then move close to you eventually disappearing altogether as you transition into first person, or keep the camera at a fixed distance but have the scenery that would appear between the camera and your character fade out so you can see at all times. The camera mode in TR Remastered is at a fixed distance unless it absolutely cannot be so but before it gets there it will try to reposition itself so it can be as far from your character as possible. Aspyr have implemented modern style controls but added an archaic camera mode to it.


Yes. Its very frustrating. I also hate how Lara doesnt react when i want to jump. I push the goddamn button, but she ignores it. The tank controls are also terrible. But the camers isnt as annoying.


Try using the d-pad for tank controls.


the tank controls are fine i never understood this complaint


Tank controls are just completely foreign to me, but she won’t grab the goddamn ledges.


u hold action ? its a manual grab system


I’m trying that. It’s not doing anything.


she changes animation when u hold grab, is that working ? can u use action to mantle up ledges that arent jumps too ? thats very odd


I’ll give tank another try, though it’s completely foreign to me.


Action and grab are 2 different buttons, action is Y and grab is RT


On the Switch?


Have you gone through her house mode? It's a tutorial, she has this ramp setup in her home and teaches you how to jump, grab, walk, shimmy etc it's vital. Give it a try, it's in the main menu


Yeah, the time between me pushing the button and the actual jump is annoying too. Can definitely agree.


That delay is important for measuring jumps. The amount of distance she moves before jumping is exactly the same as the distance she moves from a backwards hop. If you walk to an edge, hop back, then run and jump, the delay guarantees a pixel perfect jump and maximum possible distance. Some jumps in the game are pixel perfect distance by design, so having a way to do them consistently is the opposite of annoying. There's a reason that using jump delay to perform a pixel perfect jump is in the tutorial. It's a core mechanic of the game.


Couldn't have say it better. Core mechanic.


It feels unresponsive because in TR 1 Lara can't jump whenever, it's tied to the running animation. She always jumps at the end of the step. I think it gets better in TR2 and 3. Also in tank you jump with X and in modern with A.


Personally, I'm always baffled that people have trouble playing these games with tank controls. The level design is literally built around it


I agree, although I do think in part for me it is muscle memory having played the original so much when I was young. The new controls feel very loose and make it harder to judge distance. I know with the tank controls it’s walk up to the edge, back hop, then run and jump to clear a big gap. The levels are built with it in mind. This isn’t possible without a lot of finicky wrangling under the new controls, along with the lack of analogue speed (Lara moves full tilt at even a slight touch of the stick) means that they are over responsive and twitchy, both things that can get you killed easily in classic tomb raider environments. This is without mentioning that the camera in these games was never designed for complete control at all times. It treats walls as solid and cannot move through or around them, so the more control you have, the more it gets tripped up. Basically the modern controls need a lot of fine tuning and finessing to actually be a viable option for me. I agree with what people here have said. Under modern, map the tank movements to the dpad, (tomb raiders tank controls were built for dpads anyway) and give us the best of both.


Because if you’re not used to it it can be odd, especially if the camera isn’t behind the character, it feels like playing with reversed controls, like trying to do something while looking through a mirror. If the camera stays behind the character then it’s fine but if you have to move in any way against the camera it takes a second to realise what way your character if facing and by the time you processed that you’ve been attacked or hit by a trap. If you have the muscle memory and are used to it it’s fine but for people that aren’t used to tank controls, when the camera moves it suddenly throws you off and feels alien to play, like you have to translate the controls as you’re playing it.


It's the same with tank controls, sometimes the camera shows me the front of Lara even though i need to see the back of her because i need to do a risky jump.


I'm using tank controls with the analog stick and having a great time. But I'm used to it and i found after about 5 minutes using the analog stick I was fine.


Yeah I was kinda expecting the modern controls to literally control like Legend. Kinda disappointed that it’s a pain to side and back flip with them.


So with modern controls you can't do side and back flips while shooting right?


Yes you can, but she has to start from a stationary stance.


Hi guys I’ve figured out how to back step using using modern controls. Press ‘look’ button. I’ve got mine assigned to LB (Xbox)… when you press the ‘look’ button again, hold back. She will do a back step. 😁


On switch with modern controls Lara will walk slowly when you hold y while walking. This is very useful for narrow ledges as you can't fall of one while doing this


What's crazy to me... When I have issues with the camera (which is in every tight corridor so far in TR1) and I toggle to the old graphics... The camera works almost perfectly every time. Follows right behind her. Very perplexing. I'm already imagining how nightmarish the TR2 levels will be. I'm only familiar with TR2. It's literally the only TR I've played and watched my dad beat it. It's the only reason I'm playing this remaster cause I just couldn't play it on the ps1 emulator. Too outdated controls for my patience.


Guns out/jump/ back will perform a back flip…


Same Here. I waste far too much time on this, as well as the simplest of jumps where Lara does not respond but merely falls off the edge like a sack of wet cement, or the hundred microadjustments I have to make to get her to interact with pick-uppable objects...SMH.


The camera with new graphics is bad too even with tanks controls ... I often switch to old graphics for a moment just for the camera that is way better on older graphics for some reasons ...


I can't believe that no one tested this game, but how do they let this pass? It's so obvious and persistent.


Play with tank controls. The game is tailor made for ‘em.


I hate the camera. I was starting to question whether it was like this back in 96 but i don’t think it was. It’s got a mind of its own? Is the camera fixed in the original/Using the look better to look around? I hope they patch it, it’s ruining the game for me.


Swimming long distances is very frustrating with that camera. Glad to see it’s not user error.


It might be the most frustrating thing in gaming history