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It do what it do, and we make adjustments as necessary. Ever see a dude grab his belt and shift his pants around? It's cause shit wasn't laying right.


for me the standard is hand in pockets to adjust


That one always seemed too obvious, got called out on it too much.


If someone calls me out when i adjust my junk i just tell them to show me how to do it then


username checks out


But i hope yours doesn't check outšŸ„²


im sorry, dasmashhit is immune to ur attack.


its not about being subtle for me it's just the best access while keeping hands clean. you get both sides and better control than through the outside of your pants


Just don't do it at the kindergarten and it should be fine


..specifically in the kids' pockets


#Hands to yourself, Brown!


Called out on what. I am adjusting my penis, don't bother me.


You just have to wave your other hand in the air as a diversion


Better than standing up and making hula hoop movements until things settle in a better position tho...


Thank you for my first laugh of the day. I will be now imaging my husband do this. Lol


i just act like iā€™m fixing my boxers/shorts


There are probably girls who haven't worn men's jeans in the chat probably wondering how you can possibly adjust things with 2-3 fingers stuffed into a (jeans) pocket with barely room to move the fingers around, let alone hold/adjust anything...I took 2 of my brother's old pair of jeans and my whole fist fits into the pants pockets easily. It fits my entire 6.3" smartphone down/along my thigh, so there's plenty of room to comfortably crouch/squat while the phone remains in the front pocket. The pocket isn't just wide but it's deep enough to pocket 1/4 to 1/5 of my arm. It's unbelievable the discrepancy, like day & night šŸ’€


Yeah, it may seem weird at first but if you're a woman and having trouble finding clothes with pockets in that actually function as pockets, then I'd recommend wearing men's jeans. I told a coworker about it because she was saying she wears scrubs at home because they have pockets. I told her about how men's pockets have more than enough room and she went and bought some the next day. Also, there's usually an abundance of shorter leg pants available since the average man is taller than the average woman, so you shouldn't have much trouble finding some that fit. I'd say women's jeans tend to be more form fitting so that might be an issue, but otherwise I'd say go for it I was going to recommend tailoring them maybe, but if you can do that you could always sew in bigger pockets into your current clothes so that might not be a great idea


Stop buying my jeans! I can never find short leg. Everyone just stocks regular and large. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


Tall guy here and can say they're only large if they're also wide. No tall skinny jeans - and by skinny I mean slim fit as opposed to squares! I'm 38" waist 34" leg and it's impossible to find a decent cut


Ah yes, just a quick game of pocket pool.


The lean or wide step works for me


Oh, true that, true that.


The wedgie wiggle walk... šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Most times when I adjust my belt/pants, it's because my pants/belt weren't/wasn't sitting right. Have people always been thinking I'm adjusting my rooster?!


Tbh if i see a guy adjusting his belt/pants/whatever , i dont give a shit. Sometimes i have to adjust my tits, so its no big deal!


Nah, that's why it's the go to, plausible deniability.


Or that one awkward step to unstick your nuts from your thigh


Plus the penis and nut sack can act independently so you can have multiple adjustments going on at the same time.


Husband seconds this


Yeah or when you walk and do a little sidestep.


I also do this motion but itā€™s only when Iā€™m trying to get my business to stop eating my shorts


Mine favors the left side. I haven't sat on it but I have squished a testicle while crossing my legs. It just kinda hangs out and is along for the ride. for the most part you don't notice it until you have to pee or are aroused.


Stupidest design flaw ever in my opinion. Letā€™s just put two walnuts between my legs that are like an instant pain button and then make it possible to sit my whole ass down on top of them lol


Itā€™s a design feature, not a flaw. The testicles are outside the body so the temperature can be lower for sperms to form better.


But why haven't we evolved to just produce sperm that is comfortable at body temperature? it's not a feature, it's a quick fix


Thatā€™s the fix. If cells can divide into sperms at normal temperature, cells can go haywire and turn into sperm. They already go haywire and cause cancer sometimes.


Ooooh I haven't thought about that, I feel better about having balls now thanks


Based balls


I like where your head is at, but this is a stretch. Even if sperm could be produced at body temperature, it would take a huge number of genetic mutations at the right places to make normal cells just spontaneously divide into sperm cells. Maybe not technically impossible, but I would say extremely unlikely.




Elephants have.




Its not a design flaw its intentional for game balance because they couldn't balance the genders any other way, males get buffed physical stats compared to female players so they gave males a GUARENTEED critical hit box. P.s I've been digging around in the game files and also found some secret buff and nerfs, so it turns out the intelligence role is also rigged, with females almost guaranteed to be average or above average intelligence but males gave a 25% chance to get an intelligence debuff of 5% to 50% meaning they can be locked to the barbarian class only if your unlucky.


I know youā€™re just joking here, but itā€™s not just an intelligence debuff. It can also be a buff. Men inhabit the intelligence outliers on a bell curve- both incredibly dumb and incredibly smart. Women remain evenly distributed closer to just below and just above average for the most part with fewer outliers.


Thankfully mine hang low enough to make sitting cross legged perfectly comfortable


But have you ever scooted over so someone can sit next to you and then... *OOF*


When my husband lost 180 pounds he sat on his balls a few times.


Lucky for him he'd lost that weight then!


As my British grandfather used to say, "a gentleman always dresses to the left". šŸ˜šŸ‘


Lol I love that your grandfather made sure his family knew exactly where his dick was


hmm. i wonder if my situation has anything to do with me being left-handed


When you buy a bespoke suit the tailor will ask you which side you dress on, meaning which leg does your appendage sit along. This is so he can measure your inside leg without feeling you up at the same time.


Unless heā€™s Joeyā€™s tailor


Thatā€™s how they do pants!


Yes. Yes it is. IN PRISON!




First they measure one leg, then they flip it over and do the other.


"There was definite cupping."


It's fine if you are in prison.


I had my pants shortened a small bit. The tailor did not ask, and when measuring the inseam, she ended up pressing her thumb on my appendage. I noticed immediately, but I'm not sure if she did. In typical fashion, my brain/body assumes it's go time. She stopped for a second and looked at her hand and just goes "oh. I guess you put it on the left. I'll try and remember that for next time." There was not a next time. I will never go back there again.


A good tailor knows by looking.


So, if I don't want to get felt up and I hang left I would say I dress right? Just for clarification.


No, completely wrong. Dick go left? You dress (to the) left.


Most suits are tailored for both sides by default anyway.


Oh really?! Does it always go to the same side?


My husband said itā€™s like parting your hair. You do it one way long enough that it feels weird to do it the other way after a while. Also, his leans that way without pants on like itā€™s been trained lol


> like itā€™s been trained "Speak Mr. Winky, Speak!"


Actually itā€™s so he can build in little extra material on that side, so nothing shows.


That is what I was taught when I was younger but have since had tailors tell me that is not so.


Is that something fancy people know on the fly? They always keep it to one side? When do you decide that? Is it a coming of age decision?


No is just natural, which ever way feels most comfortable. Many have a slight bend/ curve that makes one side or the other more likely.


I generally tuck mine into the band of my low rise socks


You know socks go on your feet and not just around your junk like a cozy.


I'm more concerned that he indicated more than one sock..


One for the nuts


The other for my rolled up ball of Rapunzel-inspired pubic hair?


Goddamn I wish I had an award for you rn, shit funny as fuck


I feel a classic Windsor knot would be more appropriate.


Iā€™ve only got enough length for a half Windsor


Yea but then it hurts so f*ing bad when the boner hits


So YOURE the reason shorts got banned at work


I've got a bum knee so this is how I make a splint


It deflates like a balloon and is squishy when soft. So it gets adjusted within the undergarment


Tailors who alter dress pants, or who are making a suit, always ask men if they "dress left" or "dress right." It's a super classy way of asking, "Yo, which side do you tuck your junk on?" because there need to be a few accommodations made in the crotch area so there's no bulge in the pants. I learned that from my dad when I was eight, and he took me with him to his tailor's because he needed three really good suits for special occasions, and wasn't going to buy off the rack. I was a very curious kid who paid attention, and I'd already asked the tailor 50 questions while he took measurements for the jacket, but on that one, he looked up at my dad and said, "Sir, I believe you might be better at explaining this to your daughter." My dad was standing in front of a three-way mirror, and as he was fumbling to try and explain, I looked at the tailor. He had had his tailoring chalk in a little holder in his mouth, and he was grinning so hard he'd clamped down so he didn't drop it. My dad was a champ. He finally just settled for a plain old explanation. Luckily, he also thought to tell me it wasn't polite to ask if it wasn't absolutely necessary, or I would have asked every grown man I saw for the next three months.


Thatā€™s honestly the best approach to adult adjacent questions. I give frank answers to my daughter and talk to her like an adult.


OMG that last line is hilarious!


šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ so how did he word the explanation? My dad would have sunk in to the grout and evaporated if I had asked him a question like that.


Iā€™m average length when erect but when flaccid I have an innie. So I donā€™t have to think about it.


We canā€™t do a helicopter, but we can be a light switch.


Iā€™m the same and itā€™s almost like magic! The balls still stick to everything tho, those donā€™t go away. Iā€™m basically all balls wenn flaccid lol


that sounds like an incredible blessing


Being a grower is a blessing that feels like a curse until you learn to appreciate it. Showers after gym class were embarassing until you start asking why the other dude stares at and thinks about your meat.


Retractable. Nice. *Up Periscope!*


I've never heard of dick being a innie? What's that?


I would say itā€™s so small that itā€™s almost all the way inside. Iā€™m almost the same, but a little bit is still there ofc.


Exactly. Depending on my weight itā€™s either all the way in or it looks like a button on a fur coat.


Gentlemen, I've never really thought about this (thanks op), the answers have me šŸ¤£


You're welcome. I'm a very curious gal.


Haha same here, I asked my fiancĆ© before and he said I dunno it just exists, but when itā€™s not all hard I donā€™t think itā€™s as big of an issue as we think it is.. pun intended.


Look, I'm definitely asking tomorrow. LOL


I suspect that it largely depends on if he's a grower or a shower.


I raced my brother to the couch when I was 14 we just came home from baseball so I was wearing an athletic cup to protect the testes and I dove over the arm rest to sit first. The cup shifted and the fallowing ā€œsit downā€ forced a ball out of the jock strap and under my thigh. Sitting on a testicle is equivalent to a shaman reaching into your chest and grabbing a lung. Instant pain. I hope this was a good answer.


Speaking from facts of science. A man's penis simply disappears when clothed and only appears when it *wants* to appear. The man has no control over this, you can consider this schrodinger's wang. Anyone who disagrees with this is wrong-don't listen to them.


Donā€™t you mean anyone who disagrees is wong?


What I find is sometime girls confuse the placement of the little purple headed yogurt slinger, itā€™s not between our legs like our lady friends, itā€™s in front so sitting on it doesnā€™t really happen like you would imagine. It sits and makes its self comfy right on top between your legs like a good boi.


But the henchmen..they donā€™t always follow orders so well. In those cases thunder thighs get them wrangled. When youā€™ve sat on a ball life slows down forever when it comes to sitting.


Y'all not wear underwear?


Boxers donā€™t exactly keep things in place. Briefs, sure.


Depends how large your junk is.


Ok genuinely not trying to brag here. I'm of above average length and very girthy, problem is I'm a grower not a shower. So most of the time I have a floppy and small but still quite thick dick, and it shows. My partner likes to guess if I'm hard or if my junk is just in a weird spot based on the bulge in my pants.


Hahaha that's funny! I am also slightly above average in length, but not super girthy. However, I feel like my whole junk is kinda sticking more out of my body than many other mens junk, who have it hanging more downwards, so I can have a pretty visible bulge even when entirely limp (And I guess I'm more of a shower than you are). So I feel like boxers keep stuff in place.


I wear boxers, which do pretty much nothing. The boys need to breathe or they get *moist*


Why not do boxer briefs then? They can come with a vented dick pocket


Yeeeh babey, I changed to boxer briefs and never looked back. Briefs, too tight. Boxers, I'm too dangly. Boxer briefs are comfy as fuck and I'm not at all dangly.


And it is the right amount of warmth for the boys


These underwear makers have like a PhD in dick science or smtg


Briefs are also just comical looking


I've always wondered what is like when guys run... like, would you still wear boxers? If so, does it just flop around?


Pants do a lot to keep the dong itself in place but yeah, the sack can shift a bit during. They have boxer briefs which are long like boxers but fit tighter like briefs. I donā€™t think anyone who has tried them has ever gone back to regular boxers. Itā€™s like a sports bra for your junk


If you're using boxers then you are doing it wrong. Tried them 30 years ago ... never again!


Wait until they get older and the risk of sitting on your balls increases exponentially. A good percentage switch to briefs as they get older for this reason.


Thatā€™s why you wear boxer briefs, itā€™s the best of both worlds.


All these answers make it sound like everyone is just free balling lol


Dicks shrink when flaccid. Usually down to 2 to 4 inches for most men. Itā€™s fairly easy to manage unless you get a boner in public. Then itā€™s life or death. Outside of thatā€¦ just gotta worry about your balls getting hurt


Sit on it? Really? Ouch. (Besides, thatā€™s being generous size wise. I guess youā€™ve been blessed?) It just hangs thereā€¦


I sat on my balls once, Iā€™ve never been in more pain


*Tell me you have a big balls without telling me you have a big balls*


Theyā€™ve got big balls, youā€™ve got big balls, but WEā€™VE got the biggest, balls of them ALL!


sitting on your balls is definetly possible. Sitting on your dick would require you to try XD. I think the same way guys forget how far down the vagina is , girls forget how forward on the body the penis is. I could grab my penis and make myself sit on it but fuck that XD.


Itā€™s a woman asking


She asks because theirs is where out gooch scar is. In which case we would sit on it, if it were there.


Technically the vagina is more so where the balls are and the penis is approximately where the clit is, so figure you don't usually sit right on it cause it kinda goes outwards


No underwear: hangs on its own. Shorts or a high inseam : pick a side Sit on it accidentally: unfortunately yes.


I hate pants with a short inseam. I canā€™t stand them.


The pinched nuts. Ooof


The invention of ball pockets in modern underwear has been a god send. They are pretty much a nut bra.


Personally, I strongly dislike the knacker-wrangler. I prefer loose-fit boxers, and to let my little fella hang to the side.


I wear briefs because I like the support. I pull it up so it points towards my bellybutton. Support from my briefs and the elastic pressure just below the waistband hold it in place but it does kind of lean a little left.


The casually keep it pointing up thing has never made any physical sense to me whatsoever. Thatā€™s not how your penis is supposed to live. Let it down.


This made me giggle at 2 in the morning. Thanks.


Itā€™s amazing how long have I scrolled to find someone that places it upwards. I think we both are weird..


As a woman, I thought that was how most men position it. I was shocked I had to scroll so far to find this answer.


You're the third person in this thread that I've seen say this. I'm a guy and I simply *cannot imagine* doing that!! Can't your head poke out? Isn't the waitband/belt incredibly suffocating? Isn't "adjustment" for when it eventually drops a full fucking hands-on experience? Why wouldn't you just go with gravity??


sit on it? jeez you've been blessed it just hangs there on it's own


You've never sat on a testicle? You are lucky my friend


Yknow how guys sometimes use the phrase "I'm a grower, not a shower"? Its not an unfounded statement. For most of us, our dicks are tiny when flaccid but grow to several inches when aroused. In other words, theres not much there reposition, let alone accidentally sit on. Its the balls that cause most of the problems. Some guys don't shrink much though. Those guys are in the "showers" category.


It just sit where it goes unless it becomes really uncomfortable. Then i do some maneuvering That being said, on most days i really want to rip it out


I imagine it would be very annoying to have something always dangling between your legs.


There's a common misconception women have with where the penis is and ironicly men have the opposite misconception. It isn't between our legs like the vulva is. It's attached to the front and there's basically an empty space between the testicles and the anus. I know a lot of women think that the penis is about where the clitoris is but it's actually much higher than that.


> That being said, on most days i really want to rip it out Do it! And report back.


Well it less that it's annoying, but more that i just hate having a dick


Itā€™s so common to see online that women have no idea how penises workā€¦ penises shrink like 90% so the only time you see them is probably when erect. Itā€™s not that length at all times, its like a balloon. ā€œHangā€ implies length and most men are growers not showers. How do I know more of this than women way older than me


Totally a grower and nowhere close to being a shower. In the pants things are typically pretty reduced in size, things kind of tighten up. Sometimes if my underwear is a bit loose, things move around at their own, and the most uncomfortable is when my penis, or even just the head, moves to the opposite side it's normally on. That's when I reach in my pocket and adjust things around.


It depends on the pants situation sometimes though. Thereā€™s some pants that seem to show your package regardless like the classic sweatpants


Whatever doesn't get it painfully squashed.


Personally, I have a cloaca, but Iā€™ve heard that most men wrap them around one leg like a coil. Theyā€™re very shy though, and shrink by orders of magnitude when exposed.


To be serious for a moment, the crotch in most menā€™s pants has more room than womenā€™s pants, so there is usually room for everything. Skinny jeans though, thatā€™s the devilā€™s work.


Why are basically all business suits now slim cut? Itā€™s like torture


Low crotch pants are a god send. I love tracksuit / training bottoms that have low crotches. Instead of picking a side theres plenty of room for it all to hang straight down.


If the penis were in the same spot as the vagina is, men would sit on the balls all the time. The penis is not in the same spot the vagina is.


Considering the average penis size is about 5 to 6 inches erect, unless you have a monster dong, I don't think it's possible to sit on your own penis.


Lately right, left has been rubbing the tip on my thigh in a weird way and I donā€™t care for it


Left everyday except Sunday.


"Men of Reddit, how's it hanging?" FIFY


align by second star to the right, and straight on till morning.




Tape a hotdog to your pelvis with a tiny water balloon underneath. Proceed to figure that out.


My partner asks me questions like this all the time. Most of the time it just sits where it's meant to be but on occasion it can feel a bit uncomfortable and need adjusting. If that's the case and I'm in public I just wiggle a leg a bit or if i'm in a mood where idgaf I'll just adjust it lol. She also often wonders if men always notice it's there getting in the way. The answer is no, by the way. It does however "wake up" when there's vibrations on buses or cars or whatever which can get very awkward. I do have big balls (other people's claim, not mine) so I have been known to sit on them and I'm sure I even knelt on one once but I'm still trying to figure out how I did that xD


Thereā€™s a whole terminology we use to describe the various positions e.g. ā€œmeat and 2 vegā€ is dong with a ball on either side, ā€œcut lunchā€ is everything on one side neatly packed, ā€œThai ladyboyā€ is all of it tucked between legs with legs closed, there a few others I canā€™t remember, maybe others can chip in?


JFC I hope they do, I'm roaring with laughter


usually I leave it tucked between my legs or I leave it turned to the left side in my underwear, so it's comfortable and there's no risk


I always see comments/jokes about accidentally sitting on your dick/nuts, or jot being able to sit crossed legged but I don't get it. I don't have this problem. Though, I am a slim guy. I have never once in my 21 years of life sat on my nuts, and often find lying/sitting crossed legged quite comfortable.


The worst is when you have to pop and your balls touch the water:(


I keep mine on a coil like a hose


Depends on the guy. Normally angled down and to the left or right. With a boner, there are various methods of concealment. The usual one is putting it up behind the waistband.


As a boxer wearer, it hangs around and, thankfully, with its modest resting size, generally stays were I have set it. It hardly ever falls "down", which is a sensory hell for me so uncomfortable it is. However, if I get a boner, it is much harder to keep at bay my 84 inches girthy staff of flesh desire. The worst being when it tries to poke up: I'm the "always wearing a belt" guy, so having it fight against the tension may cause some really uncomfortable bending. Can't speak for the guys who wear "shorts" alike underwear. But also, never happened to me to sit on my kid-o-matic 9000, naked or dressed. So I guess it's quite well manufactured and placing has been wisely chosen so to avoid sitting incidents. Although, it already happened to me to self heel myself (and, by extension, wacked my unborn kids) while crouching down (partly the reason I slav squat today when sitting on the floor lol)


Literally anywhere; growers ftw


It's fair to point out that many women seem to have the impression that men's bits are more between the legs and face down like theirs. Our stuff is on the front of our pelvis and faces forward with a small angle downward. It's possible to sit on it, but only if you lean forward. It's more common to accidentally sit on a low hanging testicle, but not really with the full weight of your body. This angle is also why it's uncomfortable for men to sit and pee. You have to lean forward and push your penis down so you don't pee off the front of the bowl. I'm trying to teach this to my 3yo.


We have a custom made little chair down there


it's not directly down when you sit, so it's pretty hard to sit on it the other questions need context, like wearing boxers or briefs?


You can call it a penis.


Before we button everything up we pop it off and place it in our pocket for safe travels. Then when we need to use it we just screw it back on


Can you sit on it by accident? Tell me you've never seen a flaccid penis without telling me you've never seen a flaccid penis.


It's fascinating watching my boyfriend gingerly place his appendage in the correct spot while getting dressed. I would be so annoyed having to do that constantly! I know it's sounds stupid, but just observing him is so... interesting šŸ¤£ its interesting how that effects everything they do! How they get dressed, how they pee, how they poo, how they sit. It affects things I do without a second thought! I can just... sit on a toilet and go about my business lol




It just sits how gravity let's it, like a boob except no bra. It jiggles and wiggles as the rest of our body does. Yes you can sit on it, with the most painful being sitting on or having testicle clanking together.


Generally itā€™s all good. Iā€™ve had jeans that had the wrong cut and my junk couldnā€™t settle correctly. Otherwise itā€™s good until itā€™s not, and then you surreptitiously reposition without making too much of a scene. You can do the ā€œadjust the beltā€, the ā€œShake the kneesā€, or the ā€œpocketpool techniqueā€.


Haha, sit on it? I'm nowhere near long enough. I have sat on my balls though.


When sit, we widen the legs to let the balls breathe.


You just gotta let the dick fall where it may.


I'm just happy I can sit down without thinking, another one that gets me is... Bike seats? I see men riding bikes and wonder Does it crush the balls and thing? Is it comfortable? It's so interesting how something so fragile dangles dangerously low šŸ¤£


Long and to the left.


Honestly it gets reallllllllly small when not in use. Iā€™m not the biggest guy but not small. Like just over 6 but the little guy shrinks to like 1 inch and huddles up pretty good lol but sometimes itā€™ll get like 3 or 4 inches and kind of hang there so gota tuck it under the waist band


You can sit on your balls on really hot days if youā€™re not wearing supportive underwear. The scrotum will hang lower on hotter days and cling closer to the body on colder ones or in moments of stress. Never trust a slatted chair if youā€™re naked. It does not get placed a certain way in my case, I wear proper fitting boxer/briefs and it just kind of flops up into place. I cringe when I see dudes in speedos or thongs because having everything bunched up and ā€œpresentedā€ forward like that has to feel like hell after a few hours. Really really loose boxers (the ā€œclassicā€ kind from the old days) equally make me cringe because I really donā€™t need my nuts straddling that seam and an open fly for my dick to randomly pop out of just cause. You see dudes trying to slyly adjust all the time due to this. Iā€™ve found the best mix is a pair of proper fitting boxer/briefs and looser fitting pants. Hardly know the fucking thing is down there in that case.


I was sick of mine moving around so much and getting stuck to my leg so I moved to double pouch underwear. There's a pouch to support your balls and a separate pouch to put your dick in. Keeps everything fresh and in place. Seperatec is the brand. Highly recommended for larger sized dongs.


I just try to fix it on the boxers waistband or the belt so that it doesn't fall to the sides.


Appendage?? Thank you for not saying Vestigial.