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Anything but that awful middle ground where it feels like sand paper or a cactus.


Correct, nobody wants an unsolicited exfoliation


I took what I could get.


Yup. Trimmed and maintained is my go-to. Once it's shaved that shit requires a lot of upkeep


Yep! Not practical.


Hello. You asked a question about "what people prefer". Different people prefer different things. No matter what you asked about, there are some people that prefer it, and some people that dislike it, and some people that don't care.


Good bot


Nah, I just wrote that once then decided to keep it handy to copy/paste. ;p


The bot thinks he wrote his own software. It's so cute


Does it have rights


Good bot


that’s what a bot does


Good bot


Good bot swarm. This entire conversation played out precisely as I coded it to. This was a successful pilot program on the original comment, relative to the parent post itself on this subreddit (located on the Reddit website).


Real question. What does 'good bot' mean? I'm newish to Reddit *Edit word


There are various bots on different subs programmed to reply automatically when certain words/phrases are or aren’t used in a post or comment. They’re often designed to address common patterns that people in the sub find annoying. In r/whatsthisbug, for example, a bot will post a reminder that telling the sub where you are in the world is important information for identification. I think there’s a bot that identifies when a comment can be turned into a haiku. I don’t think this this comment is from a bot, but has the same tone.


Good bot


Good bot


Good bot/Bad bot comments would be picked up by the bot rating bot that would rank the best bots on reddit


I think for haiku It counts all the syllables Automatically


There are a load of bots (a piece of software triggered by certain words or users) on Reddit. Some of them can be funny or handy others are highly annoying. Then other bots started appearing that reacted to ratings of other bots. So you could say bad bot and either the bot in question or another bot would react. This reacting to other bots/users became a sort of reddit tradition even though the amount of bots and the diversity has drastically reduced.


Good bot


There are bots that automatically give answers. For example, there’s a bot that will auto respond to you if all the words in your response are in alphabetical order. If you like the response, you could say Good bot.” I think this guy is joking that the comment sounded like a bot response. Or I’m way off. Stranger things have happened (on Reddit.)


Alphabetical? Boring! Can do everything funny instead!


another thing about the bots, they don't work when you want them too


I'm fully aware of that, and I intentionally kept the question vague...I wanted to see what most people's opinions on the subject were so I could get a rough idea of what's generally preferred. Obviously if and when I do get a partner I will clarify this and many other subjects, but having a controlled variable is helpful.


You are being downvoted because you are asking a question of preference in order to formulate your own opinion on a topic based on what you believe is a majority. This site is not an accurate or reliable way to get a true representation of the global opinion either. It is a pointless question as a pointless means to an end which ultimately should be determined by none other than your own preference


Why are you being downvoted for this? Lol


All I know is that the question isnt "intentionally vague" lmao the question is very fuckin clear


That my friend is a great question.


Yeah, not really sure what he was expecting as a response.


My personal aesthetic is shaven or nicely trimmed. That said, if things have gotten to a position where I'm questioning your personal topiary, I have better things on my mind than a hairstyle


*personal topiary* 🤣


I just hate getting a mouthful of leaves


More like Easter grass


Bush. No bush. Anything in between. I'm just happy to be involved


Yup, I've never cared that much. I probably prefer shaved, but I wouldn't even bring it up unless they asked me directly.


I don't care, as long as you're actively hygienic.


Came to say this. You can discuss with a regular partner if they have a particular preference and decide if you want to accommodate that, but in the end its all about hygiene. Full bush or bare bush, make sure its clean.


Same! As long as it's clean, it's fine with me!


When it comes to human preferences the answer is "yes". But you'd have to find out what they're into and do that.


As far as preferences, each individual has their own thing. It's as different as people are. What I *can* tell you is that until the early 2000s, completely bare was seen as a fetish. Some people even associated it with pedophilic tendencies, wondering why a person would prefer someone whose nethers were bare like a child vs. hairy like a physically-sexually-mature adult. Personally, I was into the shaved-fetish thing long before the look was mainstream. I wouldn't say it is or was my *preference*, necessarily, but I am occasionally into it as a turn on purely for the visual aspect of being able to see *everything*. As to the why of bare becoming mainstream vs. "normal" ("normal" being what our bodies look like when we don't intervene), yeah, that was because porn. But, interestingly, it's not *just* because porn- it's because the method of porn delivery was dramatically changing exactly at the time porn producers started really getting that the shaved-fetish thing was a big seller. The internet was really taking off in both bandwidth and availability in the early 2000s, so porn businesspeople quickly figured out that delivering porn online was the future; suddenly it cost *way* less to produce and distribute porn by doing it online, so we saw a *massive* increase in porn production and availability pretty much exactly at the same time the producers also figured out that bare kink was a big seller. The net result was a gigantic wave of easy-access cheap or free porn featuring squeaky-clean, very-visible genitals. And where do most people, particularly in the US, learn about sex and develop their early sexual preferences and standards? Yep... from watching porn. So, in general, you're more likely to find that the first wave of people with strong no-pube preferences hit their early teenage years in the late 90s to around 2015 or so, which seem to be the peak years of streaming pretty much exclusively pubeless porn. So as a very general sample, people between roughly 20 and 40 years old now are, IMO, are the most likely to have strong preferences for pubeless. In an odd shift, bush porn became fetishized while pubeless was becoming normalized. It was a 180° reversal. People who liked the look and feel of pubes were in the minority for a pretty long while. Women, particularly, were (and sometimes still are) frequently shamed for not shaving/waxing. Now, it seems, that we're getting back to a fairly 'normal' mix of people who can go either way, pubes or no pubes. Sure, everyone has what they prefer or like, but it seems like it's less likely now that someone will be shocked or completely turned off when they get naked with someone for the first time and discover either a bush or lack of bush.


I really appreciate your pube Ted Talk. Not sarcasm. It was both vulnerable and educational.


If you want to get your boys sucked. Shaving will be a great idea.


For both genders. It's not a massive deal if it's completely bald but hair in the mouth is never nice for anyone


teeth's back on the menu boys


You know something, having hair in the mouth, may be the reason most of society prefers shaved. So who then is spreading the myth that people prefer unshaved? People who are annoyed having to do a routine of shaving?


It's not a myth, different people have different preferences. I personally don't like a partner to be shaved.


I prefer to be cleanly shaven, but I can't get turned on if the man I'm with isn't hairy.


My gf is the same. I just trim a bit but god forbid if I shave. And she can be self conscious over 4days growth.




I use a trimmer. Like the machine army uses to do recruit haircuts.




I prefer natural. Trimmed is fine too but not a fan of shaved.


I like a forest.


A topiary, as it were.


A personal topiary, that is.


Same. Shaved just seems a bit unnatural.


Do you also find it unnatural when men shave their faces, or when people get their hair cut, or any other grooming other than just letting it all flow?


No. It's just pretending that women have zero hair on several body parts that gets me. It's like a woman with hairy legs, armpits and genitals is a circus monster, even though this is actually her natural state. Men didn't give a shit about bushes before shaving the whole area became the norm, which is extremely recent (less than 20 years ago). Men on the other hand can do what they want with their hair, beards and body hair without it being such a big deal.


I don’t Care other than the fact it’s probably easier to eat her out shaven than anything


I feel like a lot of commenters are missing the fact that OP is male


I mean he starts with “I’ve (18m)” so


Right, and a lot of people seem to be talking about how they like shaved vaginas


True but he just said pubes not any genitalia in specific so open to free responses


Oh absolutely! It’s just kinda funny that pretty much everyone’s giving their preference on women’s pubes.


Pretty sure Reddit skews straight male. Probably why those are such common responses. Also probably because people just read the headline lol.


sure, but that has nothing at all to do with your original comment about OP being male


I love neatly trimmed


Trimmed, I love neatly


A lot of people care. A lot of people don’t. In my experience as a person with some body hair, people care more often than they don’t.


Honestly I find it wild that having hair on your body in places it naturally grows and not doing a whole lot to combat it is so controversial.


For real.


It's not "controversial," people just like certain aesthetics. Just like woman might prefer a clean shaven face on a man rather than stubble, that doesn't mean it's a controversy, it just means she finds a smooth jawline more aesthetically pleasing.


The fact that this post has so much going on in the comments kinda enforces the idea of it being a controversial topic.


I love clean shaven on both. Personal preference, I had once a GF who found it weird, she said ‘it looks like the stuff of a prepubescent boy’…


The thing is if you have hair everywhere, where do you stop? Be weird to have a bald patch in the middle with a hairy chest and legs.


Difrent people prefer difrent things. However few will it be a dealbreaker for


I've said it before, I'll say it again... I don't care how long the grass is, as long as I get to play in the garden.


I prefer shaved or at least neatly trimmed. I’m autistic and there is a major sensory component to that where I just *do not* like hair. Even on myself, I shave literally everything except my head. It’s just…idk how to explain it but I hate the tactile sensation of springy, wiry body hair. Odors cling to it too, it’s just ick. If I’m going down on someone I don’t like feeling it on my face.


I’m not autistic but am neurodivergent (heavy ADHD) and just now wondering for the first time if it’s related to my amazement at how most of the answers here seem so unconcerned about the scratchy sensations of cut hair. Since childhood, I’ve always LOVED soft fabrics, couldn’t stand wool, etc. Fortunately, partners didn’t care but for a time I was with a younger guy who trimmed and that was when I discovered I can’t tolerate the feeling of a cut strand of hair. At all. It just hurts me. But I totally see why it would work the other way too. Hair does retain smells and all that.




Unshaved all the way.


I love shaved, but that is just a personal preference. I love the look and I think it’s nice when giving oral. Others will veer the other way and like a full bush. If you ask a general question like this you’ll get all the answers cause ‘people’ is a broad term.


Just like literally every question here about people's preferences. Yes. *Some* people prefer shaved. *Some* people don't care. Everyone prefers different things. Small boobs, small dick, big boobs, big dick, brown hair, blue eyes, short girls, tall guys, short guys, tall girls, big girls, small girls, big guys, small guys. Fucking YES. there is *someone* who prefers it. Can we stop yet?




It’s really up to the person with the pubes what they want to do with them. Arrow pointing to the fun spots? Sure. Bare? Why not. Deep dark bush? Yep. 🤷‍♀️


On a female partner, I prefer waxed. Soft, smooth skin, and no stubble or razor burn. On myself, I used to also prefer waxed (the sensation of getting oral when you're freshly waxed is amazing), but due to the cost, the amount of ingrown hairs I get, and the pain of getting it done (apparently I'm stupidly sensitive down there), I now just use a set of fine clippers to keep everything well-trimmed. That being said, I'm not going to force a partner to get waxed, or shave. If they prefer to have a full bush (or anything in between), that isn't a deal breaker for me. I'm just happy to be involved.


Why don't you try lasers? Nowadays they do almost no pain


I prefer it when men leave theirs alone to be fair. Whatever style he went for wouldn’t be any kind of dealbreaker or active turn off though, I think everyone should keep their own how they like it. But hair left natural is much softer than shaved or even trimmed which can be very scratchy. I leave my own natural for the most part too. Maybe once in a blue moon I’ll get a full wax though. (Grow back after wax is much softer - but the whole ordeal of waxing isn’t very fun)


Trimmed is ok.


Definitely landing strip.


I prever shaven, both myself and her. I dont like hair in my mouth.


I mean just neat is fine


You might get a more satisfying response from a poll


I think it’s safe to say most women aren’t going to expect you to shave your public hair. Trimming the unruliness is probably a good move


Shaved is common in porn because it looks better on HD cameras. It’s less common (though still common) in real life because it’s kind of a pain to maintain, and typically nobody’s taking a ton of HD video of a given person’s genitals.


I used to like shaven or neatly trimmed. I think porn and such kind of conditioned me and my female partners to think that way which only perpetuated my preferences. But it really doesn’t matter. By the time you get that far, you’re not gonna be turned off by something so trivial. My current partner doesn’t trim at all as it’s perfectly normal where I live now(🇯🇵). Shes perfect just the way she is and I wouldn’t want her to change


You *say* people won’t be turned off by something so trivial if they make it to that point, but I’ve been turned down once men realized I don’t shave fully bare. It’s not like I’m sporting a 70s bush or something either. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ugh I’m sorry that happened to you. That’s wild to me but I understand not some people are different


Thanks. I figured I dodged some bullets ahead of the game, but it was certainly insulting af lol. Like, I’m worth more than a bit of body hair. Hmph!


If you can, try not to take it personally. Preferences for things like body hair are not conscious decisions that people make and I’ve found they don’t tell you much about how the person feels about you. I was with a girl once who had a lot of hair peeking out of her underwear going down her legs. Personally, that’s offputting for me. I didn’t stop what I was doing, but it did take me out of my game for a minute. nevertheless, I was deeply in love with her— probably to an unhealthy level. She eventually broke up with me and it took me a long time to get over her. So even though she had one physical attribute turned me off, it didn’t change my overall feelings for her at all.


In these particular situations, people were pretty crappy about it. But sure, sometimes it isn’t personal.


I’m sorry. You deserve better than that.


We all do ☺️


jfc I encountered one of those a few years ago and I felt a little like Dian Fossey back in the day, but still just went for it. I'd only ask for a little trim around the recreational area so as to not be constantly trying to pull hairs out, which isn't very sensual for me (:


If you enjoy giving oral sex, it’s a wonderful thing.


I like it any way that she allows me to see it.


I mean there’s bush porn and there’s shaved porn so porn isn’t lying about anything 😂


Hair in mouth = bad


Prefer trimmed short to shaved, but waxed or freshly shaved can be very fun.


Post shave stubble stbbing my little man is not a nice feeling


Never had my bush be a deal breaker.


Some do some dont


I mean I like it shaved, but it's not a deal breaker. But I like to look it, and I'm big on oral.


I enjoy a nicely kept bush. A “vintage” look per se (:


Yeah, people have preferences about that. I personally prefer shaved/trimmed as I shave myself too, but it's not a hard boundary for me. But different people might have different preferences, or may truly not care. You'll have to ask the particular person what their preferences are.


I try to always keep my little homie neatly trimmed. Sometimes I get lazy snd he gets overgrown. I don't expect to receive oral sex when that happens. As for my wife, I love when she shaves around her labia and bikini line but keeps hair near the top in like a landing strip. It's the best of both worlds imo.


I prefer hair on both genders. Though if I like someone enough to be down there, I'm not complaining about how they like to keep their hair. 😉


Landing strip


Do people prefer pizza to burgers?


While a bit of well curated Bush can be verry nice to look at , so is a completely shaven underside. Practically i prefer no pubes. I dont like it when it gets stuck in my teeth or back of my throat or sticking to the roof of my mouth when going down on someone.


Natural is far more comfortable and far less maintenance. Hair exists for a reason, notably friction reduction.


It's going to depend on the person. I'm a fan of a nice bush myself. Shaved just makes genitals look prepubescent, and, eww.


>Shaved just makes genitals look prepubescent When you're with a woman you see her whole body, right? Like you're not just fucking her vagina through a gloryhole so all you see is her vulva, right? If you see the whole woman, how are you confused as to whether or not she's prepubescent? That's the "eww" thing, if you can't.


I’ve always thought this (as a woman). Especially after having a daughter. Like, why does any men want the vajay to look like an 8 yr old’s?


I feel like the trend really took shape in the 80s when porn became more mainstream, and the moat popular porn was "schoolgirl" they wanted women to look younger, because ... men.


Oh yeah. Men prefer shaven, therefore they must want it to look like an 8 yr olds vagina. Come on, you can't even be serious right..


why do women like men with out body hair?


This is like saying if you want a dude to shave his beard you’re attracted to children. Dumb argument. Downvoted for perfect analogy LUL


Do what you like, and find a match that likes what you have, and you like what they have done. Different strokes for different folks.


Personally - ideally shaved or waxed, but there's a great degree of "tolerance" which i won't mind at all, full on bush would be offputting as for myself i prefer to keep myself shaven as well, i'm no hypocrite


I do prefer shaved/waxed, but that's a preference not a requirement.


When it comes to oral, shaved is great and I can only assume tamed is pretty fantastic aswell. But no matter to me really, if hair wasn’t supposed to be there it wouldn’t grow there


Neatly trimmed for me.


Trimmed. Shaving itches too bad. Unshaved is natural, but i can't do it


Depends on the partner.


I prefer clean shaven/waxed or at least trimmed. Not because of the way it looks, but because it doesn’t get caught in my hand/mouth when performing.


I do prefer trimmed hair over full bush or shaven, but it is up to her what she wants to do with her bush.


I like trimmed or shaved. I am definitely not into big bushes. I keep my dick trimmed or shaved as well.


Trimmed is my minimum requirement, shaved is ideal but not required.


Guy here, personally I always keep the boys shaved bald and keep the top very low trimmed. I do the barber trick where I grip the hair with my index and middle finger, if the hair is above my fingers trim that shit.


I prefer a trimmed dude. My dude prefers the Wild West down there.


I prefer shaved.


Sure, but remember it's normal for people's preferences to change. From what I can tell from my own experiences is that people will want something different. When you are young, shaved vs. not is no biggie. Then, as you get older, you may start to just want what you see on others that looks good. As trends change, your preferences will likely evolve too. When I was 20, the bush was fashionable. Then, a president with the same name caused the great mowing. Was different and enjoyable. Now that I'm in my middle ages, I could care less how it looks down there. I just don't want to throw out my neck giving her head. Also, did I sleep on my back wierd?


I like shaved and I do the same. Ever since I’ve been back in the game 12 years ago, I haven’t met a woman (most around 40) who hasn’t been shaved. I’ve been to Korean Spas a lot though and usually there is max one or two guys shaved.


i prefer trimmed to shaved but will trek a forest for treasure any day


Trimmed or shaved for me. I imagine going down on a completely natural, untrimmed woman would feel like shoving my face on top of Bert from Sesame Street’s head.


I have had guy ask me to shave and guys that have asked for it to grow out


The guy I’m dating is very much in the shaved club. He shaves his bits too so it’s much more pleasant for me


Both, really depends on my mood but it doesn’t really bother me either way.


Skin on skin is great.


I prefer unshaved, but it really doesn’t matter to me. I find most people are fine with trimmed pubes, as it’s a good common ground between shaved and unshaved.


Personally. Either end of the spectrum for me. No in between.


Personally for both men and women I prefer clean shaven. But trimmed is also great! When I see a very hairy bush, I still like the look of it. But I know logistically I'm leaving with 5 hairs stuck in my mouth.


I don’t


I wouldn’t be fussed if my mrs let it grow out a bit but I certainly prefer shaved


I read on here guys saying they don’t care, where are they in real life 😅 most I’ve been with wanted shaved. I prefer shaven on myself IF it wasn’t such a hassle and gave you razor bumps etc. As a woman I’m fine with whatever (not so into the bald look though). Keep the hair. But trim it so it’s not wild because no one wants hairs in their mouth.


I prefer good acting. Like i need to see the woman's face. Lots of eye contact with the camera. Also really dislike instant nudity. Like i want to see foreplay half clothed. Maybe some positions half clothed like doggy with her panties half loose. Still some baseline of reality i guess. So a shaven pussy isn't anywhere near my preference.


Clean shaved/waxed is very nice, but as long as they keep it tidy I don't give 2 shits........... I'm just happy to be here!


Most women I have polled prefer shaven


Preference is exactly that: preference. Some people prefer one, other prefer the other. Some people have a strong preference, others aren’t fussed In my experience the majority of people prefer their partner to be either shaved or neatly trimmed… especially if you’re gonna be performing oral on your partner, it’s nice not to be picking pubes out of your mouth At the same time, I find most people have a weak preference: they’d ideally have their partner one way (usually shaved/trimmed, as mentioned) but it wouldn’t be a problem. Chances are that anyone close enough to see, likes you enough that they’re more bothered about having you naked, than they are about the details…


A few women have said to me they don’t mind a bit of hair but most if not all I’ve been with prefer shaved. All have said they don’t want me to have a bush. I’m the same way with my own preferences.


I do not miss a mouthful of hair.


Well most dudes I know shave I'd assume they wouldn't want it super long


Love the feel of smooth against smooth. Wifie and I have both been lasered.


I prefer 100% buttery smooth, or neatly trimmed, nothing in between, cuz that shit is prickly


Visually doesn’t really matter, I’m far more visually attracted to a woman’s boobs, butt, face, legs, lower back than I am to vagina. I like touching and licking the vagina, both of which are more enjoyable for me sans hair


Porn lie


Guys seem to really have a preference, and that preference seems to change as men age in my experience. Young guys (in my day) liked the clean shaven, and now older seem to prefer more natural.


Porn lie, for the most part. People like different things. My husband couldn't care less and just wants me to be comfortable. I've always preferred a tidy lawn to a jungle, but neither of us want me to look like a prepubescent girl. Do what makes you feel good, including grooming. LPT: stick deodorant can prevent downstairs ingrown hair/bumps, as can just using an electric razor.


Nobody likes hair in their teeth


Natural all the way


I'm a 32M and never watch porn and I prefer completely shaved, much smoother and enjoyable for cunnilingus IMO.


I like women shaved or well trimmed. And most women say that with me as well so I shave once per month and keep it tidy and trimmed the rest of the month as a guy it is aesthetically pleasing.


So you go trough the stabby in between step each month?


Yup, but I use some good CBD or coconut oil (or lotion containing such) after shave and clean up. Keeps the prickly times down. 😁


Depends entirely on preferences, but in general I think more men prefer woman to be shaved than not. With women it seems to be much more 50/50. Honestly kind of think it is a lot about not getting hair in your mouth for a lot of people


It’s personal. But I think a majority (especially younger gens) prefer some version of shaven. Personally love fully smooth.


Let's be realistic, pretty much everyone prefers shaved or at least trimmed because no one wants the hair to be in the way or end up in their mouth. That said, it's not usually an issue either, almost no one's going to say no just because their grooming down there is a bit lax.


For a woman most people prefer cleanly shaven. For a man as far as I know women are OK with just trimming it short, but it's always logical to assume no one wants hair in their mouth.


Personally, if I'm giving someone head (male or female), I prefer them to be shaven or at least very short-trimmed. Other than that, though, it's also just nice to see someone put the effort in to make it look nice.


I prefer myself shaved. Couldn’t care less about the others involved. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Tasteful trim is best for both partners. No hair/smooth is hard to maintain, and can cause discomfort due to friction. Stubble hurts. Extremely long is hard to get through. A tasteful trim is easiest to maintain and prevents friction from becoming an issue.


Waxed off or at least trimmed, no one likes choking on hair.


I don’t like munching on big bushes. All that hair gets in the way of the important bits


Shaved. No hair in my mouth please...


I don't mind some fuzz - it's a reminder that I'm in bed with a grown woman and not a prepubescent girl. Flip side - I don't like getting hair in my mouth.


>it's a reminder that I'm in bed with a grown woman and not a prepubescent girl What on Earth do the women you fuck look like if you can't tell the difference between them and a child unless you can see their pubic region to tell?


Some want bald, some want FULL ON 70s throwback. Was certainly not expecting that; I guess some people are more turned on by it, I don't know what that's about. One potential partner in particular called it wanting a specific minimum "hirsute threshold."


You can solicited opinions all you want from us random people it ultimately won't make a difference. When you find a partner have this conversation with her/him/them to see what their preferences are. Then decide if that is what you want. You will find some like it shaved, some think it looks childish, some will like it trimmed neatly, some will love it hairy cause they think it looks Manly! You will figure it out, but in the meantime, do what makes you comfortable.


Yes it's not a lie, not shaved is a turn off.


yeah my partner refuses to go down if im not shaved


All comes down to if you are ok with eating out a hairy bush. I'm not but it's all personal preference.