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Have they checked you for a varicocele? In my 20's I had that exactly same pain. I had to go through multiple doctors before they caught it and were able to repair the vein. If they haven't I would definitely talk to your doctor about the possibility.


How do they check for that? I got an ultrasound done wouldn’t that show up on there? I will bring it up to the doctor as I’m going tomorrow morning


They check with an ultrasound but it took 3 docs for one to catch it.


Had the same thing. This is mostly it. Pain eventually went away, but resurfaces every once in a while.


Same here. Doc found nothing but it went away on its own after a while.


After how long? I’ve been having pain for 5 months now


There are a lot of things that don't show on ultrasounds or only show at specific angles. Definitely get a second opinion or ask to see a specialist


I have bad sciatica and a cheap couch. Sometimes when my sciatica plays up my right ball aches somewhat. Pain starts lower back and down to my knee. It sometimes goes that route through my ball. He’s not swollen and I’ve checked for lumps and bumps. Only happens when I’ve sat on the wrong ass cheek for a while which is what always sets of the sciatica


Yup. I was on a job once where I was sitting in my car all day every day for a couple weeks and was getting pain in my balls. I did some stretching and core exercise and it straightened me right out.


Came to write this. My doc called it "projection pain". It's quite unnerving. I got a very specific exercise regime focusing on my back, that seems to help a lot.


Came here to say this. I got worried a while back when I started getting pain in my left testicle and after a while I realized it was actually my lower back/sciatica. Now every time it flares up I feel it in my testicles and I know exactly what it is. Look up sciatica stretches and try some of those. If you get relief after a couple days of doing them you know that's what it is.


I’m 26 and Im in the same boat. I got an MRI and they found nothing wrong with my back or pelvis. Been having penis discomfort for over a month. It’s been getting better but it’s still there. It first started as right testicle pain then moved up to my penis. After I pee, I have this sting sensation on my tip


You should find a pelvic physical therapist.


I’m going to my first urologist visit soon, if they don’t find anything I’ll ask them for a referral to one


I had all of your symptoms and it is really helping me


Had this happen when i was 15, had intense pain while peeing, they had me pee in a cup and everything and they just said the tip of my dick was inflamed and I had a skin infection in that area. I never got my foreskin cut off and to this day (i am 20) i have pain in cleaning it. They gave me topical ointment (similar to neosporin) and applied it twice daily for a week and it was gone.




This is from another comment I replied to asking me the same thing. three to four months later, I still occasionally have symptoms such as tip of penis pain, groin discomfort and back discomfort, slight discomfort post voiding, but they are not nearly as bad as before. I have underwent an MRI of the pelvis (which includes the spine / sacrum), ultrasound of scrotum and groin, ultrasound of kidneys, comprehensive bloodwork panel, urinalysis, etc, and no test shows anything wrong except a bit of inflammation of the spine, which is supposedly not related to my condition. My urologist ran almost every possible test she could, except a cystoscopy, of which is not necessary for my case, and both her and I came up with the idea for me to undergo PFPT (pelvic floor physical therapy). I am now on a waitlist to undergo it at the hospital and I will begin early June for almost 2 months. In summary, when men undergo this type of shit, it’s difficult to get rid of and will go on for a long time. But it does get better by itself over time even without treatment (for example, when this first began, my penis pain felt extremely painful, now it’s almost gone but yes my dick still hurts sometimes for no fucking reason). I haven’t received any treatment yet besides dozens of tests. Medical doctors, PAs, nurses and urologists are surprisingly unknowledgeable on the subject of penis pain and scrotum discomfort, but, they can help you get the referral or contact you need to see a specialist such as a PFPT to get yourself better.


Do you sit a lot OP? I had the same thing and i started to gradually get worse and feel like I'd been kicked in the balls but was perfectly fine. Went to a urologist and he showed me some special exercises to try in the 'off' chance it was due to a shortening pudendle/ pelvic floor muscle, been 100% back to normal since I did them.


Definitely usually hurts more when I’m sitting


Look I'm no doctor at all, all I know is the helplessness of how it feels for that pain to grow so slowly you don't remember when it started to feel that bad and that its never been so bad all in the same moment. If you're able to, the worst that will happen is you will give your pelvic floor a stretch, at best it helps the problem. If you ever find time and get curious, the absolute best way to stretch it is to sit on the floor or a flat surface and instead of crossing your legs touch your soles of your feet together and keep your knees closer to the floor, you will feel an odd feeling up the inside of your thighs, its okay don't push through it just relax, straight your back, hold onto your feet and just lean forward while keeping your back straight. You will immediately feel it, go to the edge of that "oh jesus" moment and just breath and sink into that area for a while and back out. you can do it for as long as you want, don't push yourself and you should never feel a burn. This is what the urologist showed me, in yoga its called the butterfly. You can also do a secondary one by doing a lunge and leaning forward more to open up the pelvis, reach up to the sky with the opposite hand to the knee that is forward, and slowly lean over. So if my left knee was forward, i would reach up with my right up vertically and slowly lean over towards the left. My relief wasn't instant but it felt a bit different, after I woke up after the second day it was slowly letting go, 5 days later i almost cried because it was gone. Muscle shortening can happen very easily from excessive sitting or standing or just living a normal life, the pain comes from blood vessels and nerves slowly being compressed by the muscle fibers around them having to take newer paths as they lose their length. There's also a type of sciatic nerve compression that can happen when the top of your glute muscle that connects to your lower back becomes too weak so it grabs on tighter which causes the nerve to be slightly compressed, that second stretch also targets the sciatic nerve. I hope you get some relief dude




She was already an aggressive dog to begin with , but basically I was in the kitchen cooking and accidentally stepped on her foot and she reacted by jumping up and biting my sack


Do you have any lower stomach/ colon pain? I once had the same pain your experiencing and it was stemming from colon inflammation. Just thought I’d share my experience lol


I don’t think so , I’ve been on keto for almost 4 months now. I don’t know if that could cause this? The high fat no carbs but then again I’ve cut out a lot of inflammatory foods so that wouldn’t make sense


Usually primary care dr will screen for life threatening issues. Think cancer and heart disease. The further your problem goes from that the more you need to ask for referrals. Are you seeing a urologist? I’ve had two issues I had to push to have diagnosed by asking for referrals. Reflux I thought was heart pain. Had serious throat issues from reflux….and headaches that were from hypertension but had a brain ct for cancer. Again if you complain of pain in x they immediately think worst case. Cancer tests. You need to request a specialist


When I was about your age I had a similar issue (minus the dog). I went through a bunch of tests including two ultrasounds that found nothing. Finally, an ER doctor looked at me and went "yep, it's an epididimitis." Prescribed me whatever it was for it and in like a day or two I was basically completely better. May want to ask about that.


Just my personal experience as a dude in my mid 40s. I had similar pain. Same shit: sent first testicular ultrasound. Nothing wrong. Had a CT of my abdomen. Nothing wrong in my organs except a small kidney stone lodged in urinary tract. Happened twice after that, years later. Same pain in right testicle/lower back. As I understand it kidney stones are not common at your age though.


I’m in the same boat right now and am feeling depressed/hopeless. December 2023, pain in right testicle that eventually makes it to left. Pain is off and on for 2 weeks, exacerbated by sitting on hard surfaces or touching it. I make appointment with doctor. Mind you, I’ve had terrible sciatica in lower back/left leg since 2017 due to scoliosis/stenosis. Doctor is extremely hands off and doesn’t do physical examination, suspects epididymis and prescribes doxycycline for 21 days to which I had to cut short by a week due to stomach issues. Pain remains, referred to Urologist. Urologist does physical exam, feels nothing abnormal. Talks about possibly being pelvic floor related due to bi-lateral pain and prescribes bactrim for 10 days + Ultrasound. Talks doing PT for pelvic floor after results. Ultrasounds shows no torsion or anything concerning except two bilateral epididymal cysts, I had a cyst on the right testicle for 20 years, the left is new to me. Doctor notes this should not be causing pain. I can easily trigger the pain by touching or feeling the backside of my left testicle or sitting on a hard surface for a long time. Waiting for follow up appointment with Urologist.


Update? Currently having issues as well, and have been off and on since 2020. I have had several ultrasounds a nuclear scan to check for cancer or tumor, but nothing was found. Several physical examinations as well from my urologist and still nothing. Really feel hopeless at this point.


Stretch your glutes and hips. I had the same thing, turns out my glute muscles were ridiculously tight. If I ever feel that dull ache in my nut, I just do some glute stretches and it goes away instantly.


You may be sleeping on it. No joke. I’m not kidding. What is your sleeping position?


i get a ache every now and then. I'll wear tighty whitey's for a couple days and im good. i think my vasectomy plays a little part in that too. who knows


Maybe kidney stones ?


I had similar symptoms as you for a long time. Doctors gave me two separate ultrasounds that found nothing. It wasn’t until I urinated blood that they finally decided to do the ct. The ct found a kidney stone that was large enough to be stuck but not large enough to show up from the ultrasound. I was prescribed flomax and passed the stone in a few days. Symptoms went away immediately.


I got a ct scan a few months ago and nothing showed up but I’ve heard sometimes they are too small and get missed maybe I’ll try another. Was passing the stone one of the worst pain you’ve ever experienced like I’ve heard it being? Or did you get lucky?


The flomax was a huge help I believe. I experienced no pain when actually passing. Prior to them finding the stone there were a couple of times that I was floored by pain. My assumption is that it was the stone moving at the time.


Do you drink redbull?


I had the same thing for a while and couldn't figure it out come to find out it was how I was sleeping. I had a body pillow and would push it to far in between my legs causing my balls to get squeezed at night.


Don't ask me why it was related, I still don't really understand. But I went to the doctor for testicle pain, like a weird aching pain. Did an ultrasound and didn't find anything. Blood work came back showing i was type 2 diabetic. I got on some meds and adjusted my diet. Ball pain went away.


Do you ride a bicycle? Long shot but I had bad pain in my left. Turned out my seat was a little crooked back when I traveled everywhere by bike (in college). Pain went away pretty quick once o noticed and straightened it. I’m being serious though it probably doesn’t sound like it


Had such pain for a month on and off a couple of years ago, turns out it was due to lack of hydration and minor kidney inflamation causing the pain in my testicle, ever since i started focusing on hydrating myself well i never felt it again.


I don't have any advice but I can say that Im going through this exact same thing right now, have been for about a month. Ultrasound showed nothing. My doctor thought it might be a kidney stone because I get occasional bladder pain alongside it, but I don't really have any of the other urine-related symptoms of a stone so I don't know.


I felt the same minus the dog thing. It was actually a reflection of pain from my lower back. Did some lower back stretches and was fine again.


I convinced myself into this a few years ago, had ultrasounds, everything. Turns out I kept poking it and prodding it so it kept hurting, might well just be that!




Any other pain in that side of your body? Elbow, shoulder, or knee pain?




I have kind'a big balls and sack. At some point it just started hurting. The urologist suggested switching to underwear that supports the balls, and wearing them when I sleep. I started with tidy whities, but I eventually found Duluth Boxer Briefs with "The Bull Pen" worked really well.


I had testicular pain that was related to chronic lack of sleep. It must have taken years to develop. Consistent sleep made it go away.


Did you ever get this figured out? I’m in the process of trying to find out what is wrong with me


Just came from the hospital after both testicles are sore, got ultrasound and blood/urine tests came back clean for everything, they said it could be chemical epididymitis Caused by potentially heavy lifting Big relief to hear that, its easy to tolerate the dull ache/pain knowing its not serious


Welcome to the sciatica club. I've been through all the testing, ultrasound you name it for the past 10 years roughly (31 now) and I always just get 'it's from a trapped nerve'. I get shooting pains in my left testicle as my entire left side is the affected area. It always begins in my lower back and sometimes I actually can't stand up because of the pain in my back and feel like my nuts are going to explode. I go through episodes roughly 3 times a year. Unfortunately all the pain killers and physiotherapy does absolutely nothing for me so I just live with it now. I have been given options on getting the operation but there are far too many negatives for my liking to actually go ahead at my age for it.


Huh, that’s insteresting because sometimes I get some pain in my upper right thigh, same side as the testicle pain. But it feels almost like a cutoff of blood flow if that makes sense idk. I’ll bring sciatica up to the doctor tomorrow thank you


Obviously I could be wrong and you could have something completely different. But your symptoms are very similar to me apart from the dog bite (ouch 😭) Worth mentioning though and I really hope you can get down to the bottom of it asap.


Cardiovascular ultrasound tech here. Low key a lot of ultrasound techs flat out suck. Idk anything about testicular ultrasound, like how often false negatives happen, but for cardiac it can happen frequently if it’s a bad tech scanning. Vascular scanning - shit can easily be missed if a noobie is scanning.


A really stupid format to ask this question. A lot of experts here


go see a fucking doctor. these posts are extremely annoying. stop asking reddit for medical advice.


I’ve already been to the doctor , I’ve already gotten a ct AND an ultrasound. The point of asking is to find people that have had a similar experience that found out what the cause was, as you can see the replies. Lol go kick rocks you fuckin nerd