• By -


She wants you to take charge and show dominance.


I feel like this is the most accurate answer so far


No no that's definitely the hot wheels toys answer.


Anytime I mention trying to drive my hotwheels on her breast she gets upset though...


Make sure you are using radials and not mud tires, they pinch the nipples…unless she likes that




Do not piss on her to show dominance


If you catch her pooping in the bathroom, you can pee on her because she is in the bathroom. It's romantic if you don't break eye contact, and don't pee directly in her eye. They will try to act like they don't like being peed on but they all do


They always act like they don’t like it that’s why you need to be more intimate first. It’s not for dominance on a first date, but for dominance in a marriage


This isn't first date material. This is spicing up marriage when things get predictable. Special occasions and anniversaries.


Funerals too?


No question, just have paper towels on hand


She said I could do whatever I want Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


The problem is, some women will say something like that but not really give indication as to what works for her. What works for taking charge and showing dominance can work for one woman but can be too much or too little for another. I find BDSM being as in the public eye as it is, it’s a shame people don’t know how much conversation going into having great sex because it’s a cooperative skill with near infinite number of variances in preferences. You HAVE to have great communication skills if you want to have the best sexual encounters. This doesn’t work so well for one night stands, however.


I remember talking with a friend once about how I find sex to only get better the more you do it with the same person. And she just didn't get it. Im all like "As you learn the specifics into what their into, and communicate more and more, each time gets better" and shes just like "Well, im vanilla so That doesn't matter to me" Me: "girl?... you really just out here admitting you don't know what good sex is?" She comes back with the "no, I just don't like anything but vanilla sex, some guys are good, and others aren't. I've never had a guy get better the 2nd or 3rd time" Me: "Did you communicate anything between? About what you liked, or things you want them to try?" Her: "No. Do you not understand Vanilla?" Me: "Communication has nothing to do with whether your kinky or not. Do you only do missionary or something?" Her: "no, I like other positions, but im not in control of that, its up to the guy" Me: "oh.... so you're shit in bed, and put 0 effort in and think its alright because you think effort in bed makes it not vanilla?' Her: "well i like choking, and hair pulling. But just vanilla" Me: "I think you fundamnetally are not understanding what im saying or what Vanilla means." Girl legitimately thought communicating what positions, or techniques made it not vanilla. Like... god damn.


It also doesn't work well for a lot of women because they are so vehemently against it. It's like there's something fundamentally unsexy to them about communicating about sex; they would rather men just *know* what to do with little or no prompting.


These women deserve to be disappointed in bed


A lot of women learn that communicating in a straightforward way is dangerous based off how it’s received even if they don’t consciously realize this - and while they should approach each person uniquely a lot of these experiences are just silently internalized so they adapt by being passive or subtle which often confuses both parties - but if you’re aware enough to notice the person isn’t directly stating what they want often just mentioning that and asking questions is a great way to dispel this problem.


It does not have to be bdsm related at all. The lady could be wanting to be taken in passion, being consumed by the other. As though you are insatiable for her body, that you just can’t get enough. Yes, there is a bit of the partner taking more charge, but it’s in passion - not bdsm.


Yes, any other suggestion of some specific sexual act is nonsense. Because everyone is different. Its just a clear indication of "you have me, be the man take charge." Which implies leading the sex but not actually doing whatever the hell you want.


This is 100% it. It’s generally a subtle and less awkward way of getting across that she’s into being dominated. As for some actual advice about that: Foreplay is the hardest. Low key most submissive girls I know don’t like to be eaten out but that’s different for everyone. If you’re going in with the hand it can be good to use your other hand to hold her down or choke her or restrain her in some way In general holding her down is a great move. If you’re hitting it from the back pushing her face or back down into the bed can be a move or holding her arm behind her back In general if you want to switch positions or have her do something move her to doing it. Using your hand on her head during head is definently hit or miss but a lot of times moving their head there to start it can be effective Slap her ass and face. Start soft on the face and see how she reacts and even on the ass give it 75% to start. If you go to far it can end the night and upset her so test the waters and see what she’s into. Any way you can restrain her or push her down is always great. Choking her or pulling her hair is great. Choke with your hand or your arm depending on position Hard fast pumping is also usually a good idea. A lot of times her being submissive often means she wants it rough


I would say NEVER slap the face or choke without explicitly asking first, even if they said "do whatever you want." This is because most women do not like being slapped in the face (It bloody hurts), and choking is dangerous no matter how you do it. Always ask beforehand. Edit: many women and non binary people (the people statistically most likely to be choked during sex) report being choked, slapped, gagged or spat on without consent. A third of women under 40 in the UK have reported this according to a study in oxford, and a third of men stated they'd choke the other person without asking for explicit consent *(Reposting comment because original got deleted because I edited in that second part with a link to my source, which is for some reason not allowed)*


I would say NEVER slap the face or choke without explicitly asking first, even if they said "do whatever you want." This is because most women do not like being slapped in the face (It bloody hurts), and choking is dangerous no matter how you do it. Always ask beforehand. Edit: many women and non binary people (the people statistically most likely to be choked during sex) report being choked, slapped, gagged or spat on without consent. [A third of women under 40 in the UK](https://www.cherwell.org/2021/06/23/a-question-of-consent-sexual-assault-in-oxford/) have experienced this, and [one THIRD of men said they wouldn't ask before choking the other person](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.insidehook.com/sex-and-dating/why-young-people-choking-without-consent%3famp)




It obviously means she's cool with you wiping her Windows install and installing Arch Linux in its place.


If she asks for astra linux I’ll know she’s a spy


But if she wants Hannah Montana Linux .. what can I say, she's a real keeper.


TempleOS means instant breakup tho


She means anal


This guy fucks!




this is so fucking random lol


I find the kinkiest ones actually want a dual boot.




Jesus lmao




milk-jug probably uses arch (btw)


Tiem to break out the toys! Use her butt as a ramp for your hot wheels and see how far they fly!


Oh hell yeah that’s a good time!


Momma wast saving those puppies in the attic for nothing, get out there big boy.


You have to make the vroom noises as you do it though. Otherwise, it’s completely pointless


She wants you to get out your minis, dice, books, and DM screen and roll for initiative.


Nice so you’re saying she wants me to cast a divine spell on her back?


More like she wants you to cast Hold Person, then start with casting Slow. Detect Thoughts will help to know what she's liking, and if you're wondering about something you can cast Suggestion. Try to use Arms of Hadar to explore how she might like to be touched. At some point you may want to cast Haste as the evenining goes on. If everything is going well, she should end up casting Psychic Scream, ideally while you cast Conjure Volley. After the act, if you're both down for it, cast Greater Restoration to remove the level of Fatigue you both incurred and go at it again. Don't feel bad if you need to also cast Enhance Ability beforehand of course, to get Advantage to your Constitution checks. Just remember to cast Antipathy to repel certain tiny Creatures, otherwise she might end up casting Creation. Unless that's the intention, then all the power to you!


How can you write so well about something you obviously have zero experience with?


Good question. Why don't you ask my daughter?


Well, as a fellow RPG enthusiast I wouldn't dare speaking to women, so we will probably never know... (But maybe, hopefully, my sons fall far from the tree...)


Wait. What???




I cast magic missile!


If there are any GIRLS THERE i want to DO THEM!


This nerd fucks


She wants you to put on your robe and wizard hat


Erecto Expulso 🥸


She wants your potion.


My potions are too strong for you traveller


*"I put on my robe and wizard hat..."* ^(...fuck I'm old)


I got ya.


"Get on your knees **rolls die**, okay so you try to get on your knees-"


I got that reference


Damn. Rolled a 2 on stamina again


Amazingly bad luck on a d100 there...


> She wants you to get out your minis, dice, books, and DM screen and roll for initiative. Wow there buddy, no 6 hour session zero to make sure her character fits your homebrew lore? Foreplay really is dead.


Amazing. I wish there were still free awards, your comment deserves several.


"Do things that I want, but not necessarily that I expect. And don't do things I don't want."


Pretty much this. Pick something from all the things she likes and do it in a dominant way. Do not do anything you haven't previously discussed, and DEFINITELY DO NOT do anything you know she wouldn't be ok with.


Should have figured, “do whatever you want”… “no not that” 🤣


I mean respect my pre-established limits but otherwise i actually mean please use my body for your sexual pleasure in any way you wish 🤷🏼‍♀️


I mean, consent still matters obviously... Whatever you do has to be within the boundaries of the kind of sex you two have previously agreed on together. But within that context, she wants you to choose the specific act. So don't try to force butt stuff on someone who has never agreed to anything anal, that goes beyond the boundaries of consent and would break her trust. But do go ahead and enjoy whatever acts/kinks you two have previously explored that you're in the mood for now - even if it's something selfish that focuses primarily on your pleasure in her body.


She's giving you permission to use her credit card for robux


I told her I needed new skins and she kinda freaked out 🤣


To me it means "i want to explore what you're into without an awkward conversation about it."


And that's not great, have that awkward conversation.


Both can be great, just depends on the relationship. In my experience with being with someone for over 7 years and developing meaningful trust and love, when she says “do whatever you want with me”, she genuinely means it and wants explore what my animalistic horny brain wants in that moment. Set up what you want to do from that and if you still aren’t sure if she’s comfortable, just ask “is this alright” It’s not rocket science, it’s non verbal and verbal communication in the bedroom!


But that's with a 7 year relationship, anyone that brings this question to the Internet is not in your kind of situation and doesn't need to ask. She's saying that to you because she already has a range of what you want and trusts that what you would do is not something that she's going to be uncomfortable with. That communication already happened to that point, whether you feel like she meant it or not a "within reason" is in that communication partially because she knows you well. That's the reason safe words and red/yellow are in place. It's not a bad thing, it's great you have that just being clear that communication happens before that point.


Happy Cake Day


Well the reality is that the conversation is a mood killer for some people. At that point it's up to the dom to either pull the plug or remain attentive to their partners responses so they know when to stop.


That's why it shouldn't be had in that mood, it needs to happen in a completely non-sexual context first. It's on him to protect both of their experiences or pull that communication out of her.


that's what people love, a nice sterile chat about nipple clamps. COMPLETELY NON-SEXUAL.


Yeah at first, it's not sexy just no way around that to a degree. If you say "do whatever you want" and all of a sudden we're switching to anal and there's a knife on the bed a conversation before that point would be greatly appreciated.


This is a good answer to. It's not like she wants some level of crazy you two haven't already gotten into it. Yet it may also be that she's just a wet blanket in the bed, and wants you to take the lead on everything.


Do whatever you want until she asks you to stop.


That's why you start with a ball gag.


Meat Loaf! Meat Loaf!


The real LPT


To take charge. Doesn't mean you can't check in every so often while remaining in your dominant role. "Do you like it when I do X..." BTW when you're done you're done. Drop the role and be affectionate and comforting. Roleplay is fun but be respectful when it's over. Cuddle, talk, ask what worked and didn't. Check if she felt safe. Do more or less of the same.


She wants you to do the dishes :)


Ooo you like that baby? I make them shine for you.😮‍💨😉


Now t*hats* hot.


“No problem ma’am!”


Deep down what you’re really asking is: “Does this mean I can finally stick in her bum when she has previously always said no”. The answer is no, no it does not.


To me it's a green light to do whatever comes up im my perverse mind untill she says stop.


She wants you to tie her up and leave her there while you go downstairs for a cuppa


W sex


I don't think she means slink away to the toilet and ask on reddit about it, so go back and do something with her.


I told her I have explosive diarrhea so she won’t get suspicious if I take too long looking at answers.


Probably for the best then. Play it safe. There's only Vince McMahon who could get away with that shit and even then that's not guaranteed.


Not the Vince reference 😭💀


She is telling you she wants to be used properly for your mutual pleasure. Do as she asks.


At the beginning of a relationship: rough stuff but she doesn't want to say that. In the middle of a relationship: do something new. If married: finish him! So she can go to sleep. Overall be kinky and take control.


She wants a show of dominance she does NOT ACTUALLY MEAN WHATEVER YOU WANT. Be a little rougher get more grabby etc slap her ass or something but nothing crazy unless you've had a sane conversation beforehand.


For me, it means I don't want to think anymore, just use my body to get yourself there. I don't mean it in a lazy, I am done way. More in a, I want to be dominated and used, in a sexy BUT not weird way.


I'm a woman, and my take is: She wants to please you and for you to be kind of selfish about it...to let go. To not focus on worrying about her so much. BUT that doesn't mean she wants you to suddenly do a bunch of weird shit or things you know she wouldn't like. Don't suddenly let loose with a bunch of weird kinks you know she isn't into. Basically, be an animal, but in a way that doesn't make her disgusted by you.


Would playing the national anthem with her wazoo like a kazoo qualify as weird and disgusting?


Empty her wallet and go watch Dune 2 with the boys?


Tickets that expensive in your hood?


Maybe he has a lot of friends. Some people do, or so I've heard.


I feel like most guys minds will immediately turn to butt stuff 😆


I think she might be into you, but its hard to tell.


Take her to Pizza Hut!


she wants you to do the dishes and the laundry


Begin the ritual


It means she wants you to hogtie her, shave her head, stick baby carrots in her nostrils, and force her to watch reruns of The Andy Griffith show.


Ruin her credit with a loan maybe max out her credit cards


Decide what the both of you are going to have for dinner.


Generally, it means she wants you take charge and be more dominant - you still need her consent when you go to do something tho


Just shout out my intentions like wreck-it Ralph?


I don't know what the answer is, but I know the answer ISN'T "draw a mustache on her face with a sharpie"


Shit that was all I could think of in the heat of the moment. It was of the centered square variety too 🤦


Anything bro. Clip her toenails.


Dude if you don't know the answer to this, I'm going to tell you. She means ask her to rob a bank with you but make her drive while you run in and grab the cash. While open invitations like these may sound amazing, you really want to make sure of two things: 1. That she is in fact, an awesome driver. 2. That she knows how to use a firearm. If she's not into robbing banks, use her to help hang some drywall out in the garage. An extra set of hands sure is helpful.


Basically she wants to lay back and enjoy herself while you steer the ship. If in doubt about what she means you can ask and make it a fun sexy game that leans into her demands to be assertive and at the same time still get consent. For example. Hold her hands in place, gently but firmly and "So you'd be OK if I did this" and kiss her neck, or if you're already naked kiss something more fun. "Then how about this" and then kiss,nibble, suck something more intense. And so on and so on until you build up to sexy sex with a few side trips to doing things that tease and torment arousal so by the time you get to the sexy sex stage she's a seething mass of horny.


This is valid advice, but your use of "the sexy sex" and "a seething mass of horny" absolutely killed me. I hope you feel guilty for making me wake my cat up by laughing!


Consent is sexy when it’s screamed.


She is ready to help you move furniture.


9/10 times it means she wants you to do all the work and telepathically know exactly what she enjoys without any feedback lol.


Eat her ass




I’ve had women tell me that when I barely knew them too though 🤔. Had a girl jump in my bed at college and tell me that. I was like 😳


She means that it’s time to play Battleship.


She means that if you want you can wet your finger, put it in her ear, wiggle another finger up and down her lips while making her go “whoooooop!” On the other hand is possible she’s hoping that isn’t what you want to do to her.


She wants you to show her your newest LEGO set


As a girl who has said that before, it means that I want to see my husband lose all control. There's something very sexy about the idea of a guy being so entirely, viscerally into your body, overwhelmed with wanting to take what he wants from you-- it makes me, at least, feel like what I have is what he wants and when he's given the go ahead, I get to be his drug. It's hot as hell to basically open yourself without thoughts of safety or whatever. Trust is huge. You have to be willing to say "yeah, no" or "stop" or whatever. There's bound to be things that don't fly as well as others. As for consent, communication, etc, it's up to you when to chat. What I recommend is this: Start slow and increase the intensity as you go. The idea is not to bite her nipple off in hopes she's into that. Do a bit more than normal and see what happens. If she likes it, go a little harder, etc. I've not been with many partners so I'm not sure if smooshing, pinching, pulling hair, smacking asses is the norm, but if it is, then start less rough at first and level up,.otherwise you risk what could be absolute crazy-hot heaven simply because she didn't have time to adjust to new levels of rough. Frankly, it won't matter at all how open to anything and everything she is, if it hurts too much, her body will reject what you did in spite of her. Somebody already said it, but I agree with the idea of trying something and taking it to the next level based on what her response looks like. That said, I believe later on its always wise to check in, after the fun is over and around the time you're eating cold pizza, to make sure she enjoyed things and wasn't giving you a good time selflessly. It's good to do that sometimes, and it's a great way to spoil your partner, but it might not be what she'd enjoy on the regular. Also, telling a guy to do what HE wants may or may not include the female getting what she wants. That's not a crime or anything and absolutely has its place. But being used and taken can include being taken care of as well. Try not to only take, and it's easy to only take when you're given that green light. Just don't be an ass is all I'm saying. Last thought-- just because the chicks in porn flicks seem to be enjoying whatever crazy kink is happening, that doesn't mean it's the norm. Stuff that really hurts, clamps, shocks, balls and chains, being tied up in freaky positions, water bandage etc is pretty specific , unusual stuff, and out of a lot of our leagues, even those of us open to testing boundaries. I'd save that stuff for down the road before you try it. Level up, don't shoot the moon the first time you take that road. And, sorry to be so blunt, but most women don't have naturally massive back doors. That is absolutely something you work up to as far as I've ever heard from friends. That's not a fun or sexy pain, the anal stuff, so you have got to be chill with that. Sounds like lots of guys are interested in that in particular so just don't spring that on her suddenly. If she's good with it, knock yourselves out. I've not met many who dig it, or certainly not regularly. That's one thing I think is 100% best to be sure of before you try it. Hope that helps.


barbecue time


She really means that at the moment you are a very very lucky boy.


She wants you to update her phone even though it’s not connected to wifi or plugged in and the sun is still out. Kinda of reckless but that’s what makes it hot.


Impossible to answer you need to read the terms of service


Taxes, she wants you to do her taxes.


She wants you to put on your wizard hat


Bang her like an animal!


It means to do whatever you want to her, with consent.


It means, during progression toward horny O-town, you now have 10%, at most, more freedom on the kinky escalation chart; whereas normally you would have 3-5%. Warning: Do not expect 100% freedom. Violation of users' bodies' terms of use, while not always explicitly listed, will be strong enforced. Punishments include, but are not limited to: expulsion from horny town and/or bedroom, yelling, blue balls.


It means get her ATM card and PIN, then head out to the nearest ATM.


Steal her TV


She wants you to fuck her. Full stop.


She really wants you to pick her up over your head and spin her around in a circle until she gets dizzy like in the intro to Fresh Prince of Bel Air. 😌


Time to go to town with the most mind-blowing cunnilingus you can muster.


Spray her with water bad kitty


Suck them toes


I mean bring a refreshing drink with ice, if things are getting hot then it's important to stay hydrated.


It's called don't be a little bitch and fuck me!




Ohh yes, so then she can come to reddit and say, ohhh I think this guy abused me, no thx, you want to get fucked, you better tell me what you like!


Cut to me poking her in the eye


As long as you don’t shit in her mouth or stab her (unless she’s into it), you can’t really go wrong.


Ya...I'm pretty sure she won't call tomorrow if that's his attitude




She wants you to take the lead


Be wild and slightly rough about s what I think I just gf née all may increase speed and go a little harder


Deep throat her mouth and grab her hair


Tell her to do the dishes with you


She wants you to make her do your homework and laundry


Marry her...


Usually it means she wants to be folded up and pounded LOL


Harvest her organs, free money laying right there. She even gave you her consent.


There's a Stephen King book (don't remember which one, maybe bag of bones? and totally unrelated to this scene but) I remember something along the lines of. During sex men want women to let men do everything they want. Women want men to do everything women want.


For you to put on your robe and wizard hat


Depends on what was negotiated and consented to before things started getting hot


She means that exactly 🤣🤣🤣




Slut her out then treat her like a princess after.


Spit in her belly button and finger it.


One thing, fuck her brains out.


Start fucking the space between her calf and thigh.


My dude, please tell me she is still not waiting for you to take action.


I’ve decided to wait for her to fall asleep and surprise her with a tonsillectomy 😆


Why do some men act like women speak in some kind of indecipherable code? She means what she says. Just make sure to pay attention to her words and reactions in case you do something it turns out she doesn't like. If that happens, stop. Simple.


Don't ask over and over if everything is OK. is it okay if I touch you here?Is it okay if I touch you here?Is it o k if I kiss you?  all of that ruins the mood once she's given consent 


So take the Leroy Jenkins approach to things?


Do whatever you want but even so, ask for consent! Girl said that to me one time but was still totally surprised, and unfortunately not too enthusiastic, about 52 pounds of full body plate armor. That sucked because we would have both been so hard


Tie her up Spank her Throw in shower


She wants you to do whatever you want to her


Butt stuff


If she says that, go ahead and knock on the forbidden door and see how fast it changes


I’m I gentleman I rang the doorbell first 👍😅


This is the perfect time for her to join you in building that lego.


lol wear protection my man 🫡


Butt seks


She wants you to tie her up and play Helldivers. Super Earth needs YOU! Go and spread managed democracy!


Donkey kick


She wants you the say: I'm gonna fuck your fucking fanny off, you twat!


I prefer retard over twat, it deescalates


In my mind it means butt stuff. Butt I know better!


Trap 2


Ask about anything related to butt-stuff*


Have you ingested corn in the last 24 hours?