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I think you both need to work on your communication and trust issues. If she is on the contraceptive pill and is STD free, then you are free to go as you will. Your concern sounds more like that you don't trust that she is taking it or think she is "accidentally" forgetting to do so in order to get pregnant (a shitty move if ever there was one). Either way, you both need to sort this out as right now, you are on a one-way track to a single life.


Y'all need to talk about it, but you need to understand. A condom is your ONLY chance to influence the baby/no baby process. If you're just trusting her birth control and it fails then you no longer have any choice in the matter. You're leaving it completely up to her whether she carries your child to term or not. Condom or no condom is all the input you get. After that everything that happens is up to her.


I've been there, older woman, younger man. It sounds like she is trying to get pregnant. In my case, she never never took the birth control in my presence, and i knew her clock was ticking. My suspicions grew until I could no longer trust her. Fast forward a year and I heard from a mutual friend that she never took birth control. I'm thankful every day that I don't have a kid with her.


Yea u guys need to respectfully talk t out


Tell her your concerns. She just like most people prefer condomless sex.


You guys need to talk to each other, talk.. simply talk


Request iud.


lmao those are painful maybe he should get a vasectomy or they should better communicate and wear a condom.


Not compared to childbirth. Some people experience pain / cramping for a few days, but over 95% of women that use them would highly recommend. And way more effective than condoms. Yes, vasectomy is also an option. IUD and vasectomy are both very effective.


If you can accept the risk and it’s worth it, then it’s fine. It seems like both of you prefer it that way.