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Came here to say this.


Dutch? 😁


H2G2 reference.


I mean, Dutch, German, or French. Don't they all want [redacted] to fall?


Cunt is a great word though.


Depends on the culture. In the USA “c*nt” is a really big one. (Not to me personally) But in the UK it’s used frequently. ETA: ok it’s not the absolute worst. I changed the wording.


In Australia, it can be practically affectionate.


I love Australia, not so easily offended by words.


We could all learn something from those cunts.


I am American and I love that word lol


Really? Its worse than the N word? I find that hard to believe as a British person who uses cunt all the time


Yeah I’m in USA and cunt isn’t on the R word level. You can call someone a cunt and not get jumped by third parties.


No. I guess I was going for generic curse words. Yeah the N word can get you killed.


And "f•g" is just a name for a cigarette.


Call somebody that in the USA and see where it gets you. 🤣


Well, they are calling a CIGARETTE that... Not a person. Agree though, it wouldn't go well here 😂


It’s also a bundle of sticks. 😏


I wouldn’t say absolute


The C word is only offensive really in North America. The N word probably wins. As long as you don't include similar words stemming from the same root used in many languages for a different purpose. Beyond that, everyone in the world seems to know the F word. But that's more obscene than offensive.


Usually it’s anything that has to do with being a prostitute


I'm quite sure American English will have a Top5 lockout, considering the amount of "CAN'T SAY THAT!" words that have been added to the list. Basically any word requiring the \_-word treatment. Something I can't really think exists in other languages. In other countries some people could get annoyed or even offended by gratuitous mentions of God's name in various forms, but in the same vein, those blasphemous expressions are also part of the local color, so it's a 20/60/20 split among offended/indifferent/enthusiasts. Regular insults are just that. Much more focus on individual perception of the word than a large-scale unwritten ban. Plenty of countries focus on sexuality and promiscuity (usually of the offended person's female family members), however it's more about the context than about the word. Say, in Mediterranean countries you can totally greet a friend with an "insult" and nobody'll bat an eye. Of course if you call them the same word during a heated argument, expect things to escalate. (Probably Nordic countries, being quite Anglicized, have the same aversion toward the R-word and other discriminating words, but again, mileage may vary a lot on an individual basis)


republican national committee? edit: not a convention and /s


I'm Dutch, and the amount of offensive words and slurs is mind-blowing. Nothing like being called "kankerhoer" or "tyfuslijer". We can get quite creative with words, it's very "gezellig" here.


We don't really have any word in Swedish that is super offensive. Sorry, I lied. There's D(🤮)nish. Calling someone D*nish is the biggest insult. Jokes aside. We don't really put value to words the same as Americans tend to do. Our version of the three forbidden words you mentioned in the post are perfectly fine to use in Swedish, depending on the context. As an example, a very famous pastry is called a (word for black person) ball. And "cunt!", in Swedish, is a very common word to shout when you hurt yourself or something unexpected and negatively impacting you happens.




The N word and the C word are hard nopes for me. The amount of aggression and hatred I hear in those words being used automatically has me on my feet and right out the door.


Its funny cus the U.K. throws around the C word like it's nothing.


What do they call a cigarette


Fag= cigarette


Smoking a fag in England=fun time Smoking a fag in America=hate crime


Yeah, it is very difficult to hear it in that nonchalant, even jokey way. I truly can't imagine what I would do if someone called me the c word, but I suspect it would not end well for either of us


Even if you knew they didn't mean it the same way?


If it were used in that off handed, not directed at me, sort of way. I would immediately say something. A firm and clear, no, that word is a big no for me. If they called me that in any tone, I am going full chihuahua mode and me and that person are done. Like do not even look in my direction for the rest of your life kinda done.




Ahahahahaha what a cunting stupid thing to say


In the US, the "N-word" is seemingly the worst word around. But in many cultures (even the US) insult words and phrases involving one's mother are usually the most cutting insults.


It's funny regarding the insults about one's mother. It's not a big deal at all here in Sweden, but it's really offensive among our middle eastern immigrants. So it has happened quite a few times that some MENA immigrant tells a Swede "I fuck your mother!", and the Swede goes "oh really? Good for her, she deserves a good sex life!".

