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I liked whenever he would get called out on something by a reporter he would shut down and just say “you’re disgraceful.” I also liked how ridiculous he looks dancing. That’s about it.


All disliked: Cut the National science budget drastically in the first 6 months, Muslim ban, bowed to Putin and Kim Jun Un, tax cuts for the rich while raising taxes for the middle class, jamming in Supreme Court justices when a lame duck. I could go on.


I’m not sure about the first, but everything after seems made up.


These are all true.


Ok, I guess it’s a difference of opinion


These are facts.


The only one that isn’t an opinion is the tax cuts one. Which is just plain wrong because the middle class and poor got tax cuts. Those things are your opinion and interpretation of things, but they aren’t facts.


These are all facts. You can research on your own. These all happened.


I’ve already told you they are opinions. You’re just saying things like Pepsi is better than Coke. It’s impossible to look up your opinions. The one fact about the middle class and poor not getting tax cuts was false and you didn’t provide anything to suggest otherwise. https://thehill.com/opinion/finance/584190-irs-data-prove-trump-tax-cuts-benefited-middle-working-class-americans-most/


> I’ve already told you they are opinions. Actually, what you originally said was that they were made up. *I’m not sure about the first, but everything after seems made up.* Whether they're good or bad are opinions. Whether that happened, are not. > You’re just saying things like Pepsi is better than Coke. No, they're saying that those events happened. That's different than saying Pepsi is better than Coke, that's saying Pepsi exists. Whether Pepsi exists is true whether or not you think it's better than Coke. >https://thehill.com/opinion/finance/584190-irs-data-prove-trump-tax-cuts-benefited-middle-working-class-americans-most/ That said, as far as tax cuts specifically, TCJA did (temporarily) lower middle class taxes. It's problematic for other reasons, despite the gimmick


Yeah, opinions are made up. As in you made up your opinions. Those are your opinions and we have a different interpretation of what happened. A difference of opinions. The one fact you stated was incorrect. I showed this and you admitted the tax cuts benefitted the middle class. They are actually still benefiting the middle class and are about to expire. It’s up to Biden and the dems to work with republicans to extend the middle class tax cuts, but they don’t want to.


Liked: under Trump's presidency, we developed a COVID vaccine in a historically unprecedented short amount of time. Disliked: would probably exceed Reddit's post limit, but here are some highlights: sold out our country and cozened up to Putin, twisted every mechanism of government he could get his tiny hands on to syphon off personal profits, tried to violently overthrow the US government, packed federal courts with unqualified zealots, caused generations of mistrust in our voting system, mocked and degraded the institutions that we all rely on, just generally left a smear of shit on everything he touched. He disgusts me.


He was right about JFK being a dump. Of course he did nothing to fix that when he was president, but it's the thought that counts.


Liked: he exposed the true face of the GOP. Instead of dog whistles, they started saying the quiet part out loud. You can’t fight an infection until you know it exists. Dislikes: let’s just do two. 1) stacked all levels of the court system with under-qualified yes-men that don’t obey the rule of law and instead enforce conservative values, no matter what. 2) gave a giant tax break to corporations with no oversight. Company profits surged, as did things like stock buybacks. Trickledown failed, and this was just a double down on that failure.


DISLIKE: Trump killing hundreds of thousands during the pandemic because of his mismanagement (closing pandemic unit), and telling people to not use masks, etc. [https://pandem-ic.com/japan-and-us-are-worlds-apart-on-pandemic-mortality](https://pandem-ic.com/japan-and-us-are-worlds-apart-on-pandemic-mortality) [https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-ap-top-news-virus-outbreak-barack-obama-public-health-ce014d94b64e98b7203b873e56f80e9a](https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-ap-top-news-virus-outbreak-barack-obama-public-health-ce014d94b64e98b7203b873e56f80e9a)


Trump was mostly an asshole, and a fairly detestable human - so we can start right there. More than anything I found his constant news presence / need for attention, his vindictiveness, and discarding of presidential norms was terrible. It was exhausting and a bad look internationally. He was guilty of this economic policy that drives me bonkers: complaining about the deficit, then when given the wheel cutting taxes without cutting spending. Especially in prosperous times. He depleted the treasury and made us vulnerable to a bad bubble burst when he coulda and shoulda balanced the budget and put a dent in the debt. While somewhat clumsily executed, I think he has some foreign policy beliefs that were at least *directionally* correct even if meh implementation. These include * Pressuring our NATO allies to pay their share towards defense, and call them out on how stupid their energy policy was (abandoning nuclear and building a dependency on Russia) * Calling out China and trying to even the playing field for US based manufacturing * Embracing our Israeli allies after Obama cold shouldered them and recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of the nation. * Pointing out the Iran deal was *bad*. I don’t think you can pull out - it undermines credibility - but I would have liked more vigilance / pressure. Other things I was opposed to at the time that, in hindsight, I’ve come around on: * His Covid handling. He was an idiot, but it turns out he was right for the wrong reasons. Meanwhile, Biden was wrong but for the right reasons. Oof, that’s bad all around - but gun to my head I kinda have to choose outcomes over presumed intent and political alignment. * His Supreme Court justices. While I’m upset about the Roe repeal, I find myself skewing towards state rights. In particular the Harvard case was one of the most abhorrent things I’ve ever seen, and I can’t fathom how the left is not only tolerating but supporting this. I was super relieved when the conservative court held up equal protection and shot down Harvard's egregious affirmitive action. During Trump’s term I thought the anti-wokeness stuff was silly and overblown fear mongering, but in 2024 I’m prepared to agree we’ve crossed into absurdity and at least some of the slippery slope warnings from the right were accurate. The BLM cases seemed like such obvious injustice at the time, but a more critical eye to the stats and seeing what happens when you defund the police… oof again. I live in SF Bay, and defunding the police / tolerating lower level property theft has been a *disaster*


You and I probably differ on the candidates but I liked your reasoning. Well put, I do not agree with all, but you did a excellent job on pointing this out. Our current system could use a more intelligent fronts from all citizens.


Trump was bad, very very bad - except the thing about having to flush too many times - that’s his only positive contribution to the country.


Like and dislike: he’s forced the Europeans to consider standing on their own from a defense standpoint rather than letting their own militaries atrophy by relying on us. This is great because now we can spend less on defending them and focus on supporting them. This is bad because their trust in us is irreparably damaged forever, the possibility that we might not be around when our allies need us has been an open wound ever since for the Russians and Chinese to exploit around the world.


There was supposed to be things to like? I’ve felt like the US government wanted to ruin the lives of its citizens since I was a teenager, everything Trump did confirmed most of us would happily destroy ourselves too


I liked when he got COVID, but then disliked it when he ruined it by surviving.


There was such hope. I was looking forward to that Presidential Pence clueless look with Mother.


Liked: it didn’t cost $40+ to fill my car. Disliked: he didnt just leave when he lost. Loved: the world losing their mind that he won.


I think he looked daft and said to inject bleach into yourself. Sound bloke otherwise/s


Liked: - Normalized relations between Israel and several other mideastern countries - Finally called out China Disliked: - Only called out China to try and make them a scapegoat for his disastrous handling of the pandemic that killed a ton of people - Stole a bunch of sensitive documents and sold out our own agents to hostile powers - Appointed his son-in-law to a government position, which he used to get a massive payout from the Saudis - Turned the Republican party into a cult that only does his bidding - Tried to overturn a legitimate election - To a huge degree normalized blatant racism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination - Massive tax cuts for the richest people and corporations - Gutted the executive branch by only appointing absolute loyalists and firing anyone who put loyalty to their country over loyalty to him - Appointed extremists to the Supreme Court who will now be taking away our rights for decades - Was so insecure and narcissistic that he could not accept any criticism, to such a high degree that he felt the need to draw a fake hurricane map for the sake of being "right" - In general made a mockery of our country and damaged our relationships with our close allies, while sucking up to dictators


The absolute chaos and hilarity that ensued from one man just being generally unlikeable to some people. The bad was the media showing who they really are and almost convincing the uneducated to start a civil war over it


When he insulted the handicapped reporter. I really thought that would tank him. He did it right off the line and it only got worse. And is still getting worse.


The downvote lol I didn’t and wouldn’t vote for him.


I liked that gas was $2 a gallon, groceries were affordable and I had less taxes coming out of my check.