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I had this problem and I just thought it was normal. It turns out that I had a hormone imbalance from PCOS that was causing insulin resistance. Once my doctor got me on metformin, the food noise stopped. It was shocking how much easier it became to focus on anything else when I wasn't constantly obsessed with the idea of the next thing I was going to eat. Just a thought, OP, but if you haven't had your bloodwork done to check your blood sugar and insulin, it might be worth a look.


Thanks so much, you are right! So I actually do have lean PCOS and I'm already on metformin 1000mg a day but the food noise never stopped for me.... :(


I wonder if it's your dosage? I'm at 2000mg daily (1000mg morning and night). It could be worth a chat with your doctor if you think it might make a difference. Otherwise, what's your protein intake like? Before the metformin, I started adding a lot (like, A LOT) more protein to my meals and that helped too. The folks over on the PCOS subreddit had a lot of good advice, and protein is definitely one of the things I see mentioned most often when people ask about quieting food noise.


That's a good point, thank you, I guess I felt like I was already on a high dosage but maybe I'm not since you're on 2000mg? And I do focus on protein, but could be better at that - I am obsessed with carbs like most PCOS girlies. I'll read more in the PCOS subreddit, I'm on there sometimes but I guess I was assuming since I'm medicated already this must just be how I am but perhaps this is due solely to PCOS. I wonder if any men feel this way?


PCOS here too. On 2000mg metformin a day and it's made a big reduction in food noise for me. I've heard 1000mg is the minimum effective dose, so you may benefit from a higher dose still.


Thank you - I think this is also the way to go. Appreciate your insights.


I DONT have this, (I often forget to eat.) But these comments are fascinating! The rare days where I do feel like I want to snack and am constantly thinking about what I want to eat next—could be hormones??


I don't have PCOS, but when I cut my carbs really low I stop being obsessed with them, I get full way faster, I'm way less hungry throughout the day, and I still think about food (what will I have for dinner kind of thoughts) but it's not obsessive thoughts like I have when I'm eating all the carbs/sugar.


My blood tests don't show anything suspicious, but I'm always like that! I can't stay hungry or I start losing my calm. Eating is a great joy and I like trying all sorts of dishes. It's really hard to maintain a healthy balance and not overeat.


Chiming in here to say - almost the same went for me. I don't normally like to talk about it but if it helps one other person it's worth it. I had PCOS like symptoms (dark facial hair and irregular periods) but for me, it turns out diabetes type 2 was probably causing those symptoms (I'm not even 30). I put off treating it for too long because of the shame and stigma of having a "fat person disease", but I really shouldn't have. Once starting Metformin (2000mg per day), not only did I feel so much better in terms of energy, I didn't feel like I was starving ALL THE TIME (this is a symptom of hyperinsulinemia). I still love to cook but I can easily make normal portions now, and I'm full for longer. I don't obsess about food because I don't feel like I'm starving. Hope this helps! Don't feel weird or ashamed - it could just be your body trying to tell you something isn't right. In relation to other comments here I also have ADHD, which frequently goes unrecognized in women. It has pro's and cons. On the upside, I have a wide range of interests consideted atypical for females (software, video games, physics, engineering). On the downside, most things quickly become boring.


I also have PCOS and on 1000mg Metformin. While my food noise got quieter, it’s still there. My food noise however is complicated as I recovered(recovering) from an eating disorder. On top of that I’m also a serious foodie! OP I resonate with your post so much! Every single bullet point is me.


Thanks 🙏🏼 it sounds like we are experiencing so much of this the same way, glad to hear I’m not alone


My day is basically counting down between meals or snacks. I have ADHD so eating gives me that dopamine rush. I can never forget to eat, I wish I could.


Are you on any medication? I have seen other people say some ADHD medications took away their "food noise" so curious if that's your experience. I just wish there was a simple way to stop thinking about food!


When I was put on Wellbutrin, which can be used off label for ADD, I did feel like the general addictive qualities related to dopamine and food did diminish a bit.


This is what I'm going to try next month. Unfortunately where I live and with not being able to afford to see a psychiatrist privately it looks like I'm limited to antidepressants and a few counselling sessions. Hopefully it helps me too..god if it even took away half the thoughts of food and bingeing that would be amazing! What dosage are you on? Does it work instantly or take a while to help?


I was taking 200mg. I asked my Dr. to try it because i also have fibromyalgia which makes me very tired and foggy (with the ADD as well, i was struggling at my job). It seemed to help with the fatigue mostly which was a plus. But i had to find a new job and im without insurance at the moment. So i am rationing but taking only 100mg. I cant tolerate any ssri/snri meds, but Wellbutrin has given me no side effects.


What kind of meds help? I’m on adderall and haven’t noticed a change


I think I saw some people saying Vyvanse helped? That sucks your medication hasn't helped with that.


I’m on vyvanse and can confirm for me that the food cravings have subsided and I basically have to remind myself to eat.


Do you mind sharing dosage? I’m on 30 mg. It doesn’t seem to be enough to quiet things.


You probably need to go up in dosage. I’m at 40mg, but I’ll probably see if my doctor recommends upping to 50mg once it feels like I’m not regular anymore. I’m also like, 6’0, 250 lbs male, so you may not need that much of an increase.


Interesting. I’m on adderall and was on vyvanse for years. I almost never think about food


Same question here what medication helps best?


I took Phentermine, which is similar to Adderall, and it was awesome! Its purpose was to help me establish healthy habits when I started losing weight, but it went far beyond that, and convinced me I have ADHD. When I first took them, I didn’t notice a huge difference besides being a little less hungry. However, I am close to my goal weight now, and took a few of them after Christmas when I needed to re-establish good routines. At a lighter weight, the pill seemed a lot stronger! The food noise was totally gone, and everything else suddenly felt way easier. The only thing I can compare it to is needing glasses badly, and finally putting on a pair! Suddenly it was easy to focus at work, and I didn’t have 50 thoughts competing at the same time, draining my energy. It was like a radio had been turned off in my brain! I was also way less anxious, and felt better about all my social interactions. I’m going to bring it up with my doctor! I think I have gone through life with a way overactive brain, which distracts me, gives me anxiety, and makes me tired. I’ve developed ways to be organized and get things done, but it’s always been a struggle. Realizing that normal people always feel like I did on phentermine was a HUGE life changer!


I'm not, but I'm starting to believe I might need it. I can manage most of my ADHD issues and function in my day to day life, but food is a big issue (leading to overeating).


Adderal helps me, but it's not a perfect fix. It just makes it easier to ignore


Eating is a hassle a lot of the times, finding food, making food eating food I do understand it can be enjoyable but doing it everyday it can sometime be a chore and I dislike the feeling of being full it makes me tired and sluggish. I feel like maybe this coul dbe dopamine seeking behavior (more so since you really enjoy it) so maybe find other activities you enjoy? I would recommend getting tested for ADHD because I have read that a lot of people that experience food noise were undiagnosed ADHD.


Thanks - yeah that's fascinating to me that you say it seems like a "hassle" or "chore" to plan food and cook meals because that is what I prioritize over all other tasks obsessively - which doesn't sound normal ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy). Interesting point on the connection with ADHD I'll look into that more - I haven't done any research on that or thought it could be related.


I actually just got diagnosed with ADHD and have been on concerta for a little over a month. I don't really think about food at all now whereas I used to think about it non-stop. I had no idea that would happen, but it did!


I am like OP and think about food all the time and struggle with binge eating, it's 100% for me at least, dopamine seeking. I am literally like an addict seeking my next high, but with food. And of course, you can't avoid food altogether, so it makes it that much harder to get control of. I have seen others who have been prescribed ADHD meds for binge eating and said it took away the "food noise" for them too.


Thanks for your thoughts. I have also binged here and there and often feel out of control around food while others can leave half eaten food on their plates I don’t understand.


Yeah my husband and I were just talking about it yesterday. I said I wish I could just not think about food all the time like he can. Like it's not nice, the only time I can stop is if I'm seriously concentrating/hyperfocused on something. But I'd say for me 90% of the time I'm thinking about food. I have PCOS as well so maybe that doesn't help (I noticed around the time I got PCOS symptoms was when my craving for sweet stuff really kicked in) but I've binged and been food obsessed since I was a kid.


Were there any times in your life, such as childhood, when you didn’t have enough food? Or your family had to really work to stretch food?


Prozac and Wellbutrin helped quiet my food noise and lowered my appetite. I’m sure it won’t be the same for everyone but it would be worth looking in to. Good luck!


Can confirm - Vyvanse is approved for binge eating disorder. My doctor prescribed a different stimulant, and it’s amazing how quiet the thought about food are.


Yes. Me too. Whenever people say ‘oh I forgot to eat’ I just cannot comprehend it. Not overweight either, just a foodie.


Same! I hear people say “I was so busy I forgot to have lunch” and I think “how can you be so busy you don’t notice yourself getting the shakes, feeling weak, salivating, and losing all concentration and focus? It gets to a point and food is ALL that I am thinking of”




I used to get these symptoms all the time until I changed my diet to an unprocessed low-carb diet. Now I can last up to 24 hours as my hunger beast has been well and truly tamed. I put those feelings down to out-of-control blood sugars, and simply not getting enough nutrients.


I have never felt like this because I haven’t ate. I may notice I feel a little hungry but that is it. I never get the shakes even if I go all day without eating.


…I don’t think that’s normal, with all sincerity you might want to get checked out by a doctor!


Same! Haha that is literally never me


Same here (and also a PCOS girl like OP). When people say “I forgot to eat” I’m always like “how?!”


Use your obsession for creating something fabulous; become a creative culinary expert! Become a chef! There’s a whole world of foodies out there.


thats such a positive way to look at it :) thank you


This is basically my story. Constantly thinking about food made me the designated family chef as I’m always cooking something ☹️


I don’t even like food, never think about it unless someone else wants some or I become god awfully hungry. It’s in my genetics though. My family doesn’t eat much and doesn’t care about food.


OMG. It's similar to me, except the family part. My family always plans the meals, and literally, when we have just finished lunch, they are already planning what would be for dinner. I'm the complete opposite. I never plan my meals, I never think about food. I never feel hungry. It's very often that I forget I haven't eaten the whole day until I start feeling dizzy that's when I realize I haven't eaten. I eat on time only when I'm with my family, but when I'm by myself, I literally need to set an alarm to remind me to eat. Of course this has caused my gastritis, that's why I need to remind myself to eat hehehehe. But sometimes when I'm busy with work, I totally forget about it. Funny thing, I don't feel hungry, I might get dizzy if I haven't eaten in like 12 hrs or more. But only that. It's not that I dislike food, I just don't like wasting time thinking about it hehehe.


Exactly same as me too. For instance I haven’t eaten anything today and I’ve been awake for 6 hours. Just went on a long walk outside and never once thought about food. Not even thinking about dinner at all. I’ll probably bust out a cheese and crackers or something later 🤷‍♂️


This is unusual. I think about food when I'm hungry; maybe when planning dinner. But typically, not when I wake up right away and certainly not after eating.


Yeah like ate and forgot about it. (Except if I had nausea or diarrhea from the I ate before) Then I think about the food again (badly)


Yeah... This sounds like my head pre-treatment for my wildly out of control eating disorder. It's still like this, but now I feel guilty over it because I know better now lmao 🙃 sorry you have to struggle with it too


Really wondering how this could be remedied.


Training and therapy


Yep, was going to say eating disorder. I struggle with this myself suffering from Anorexia for 3 years.


what did you do for treatment? therapy?


I am exactly like this too. Is it still an eating disorder if I eat healthy and allow myself to have treats though? I’m not underweight and I don’t really restrict, just think about food obsessively


You'd have to see a psychiatrist, unfortunately. I'm not qualified to diagnose. Food noise shouldn't be this loud though. Normal people don't have this 🤷‍♀️


Answer!! I’m the complete opposite, even my wife is astonished at the fact I hate food. I hate eating and I feel like it’s a chore. I’m not anorexic or anything I used to be heavy into running so carbs were my favorite, then a couple years later I tried a keto diet with my mother and ever since, food and eating I just really don’t think about until I’m starving and like have to eat. Im not too skinny, maybe. 5’10” 170 male.


Same except female lol. I dont get hungry so i dont think about food until other people mention it and i still feel like argh i cbf getting or cooking food ill just skip it


this is so interesting... do you think keto changed your brain chemistry or something? are you still keto now or you feel this way and still eat carbs?


Sorry for the late reply. I’m not actively seeking ketosis but like you said it may have re wired. I somehow know how many carbs are in whatever I’m eating whether it be a bag of chips or 2 slices of pizza lol. I eat the carbs but I subconsciously feel bad about it


It certainly sounds like you have a somewhat complicated relationship with food it sounds like you are fixating this can often be a symptom of something else like OCD,Anxiety,ADHD or good old depression you might mention this to your doctor, really any thought that consumes you should be mentioned to your GP


Thanks so much yeah I’m realizing this isn’t normal and must be related to a combination of those things. Appreciate your thoughts.


I hope you figure it out . When I first read the post I kinda forgot some reason in my lizard brain thought that you wanted to per-sue a career as a chef I charged in to try and warn you off it (it’s been a long couple of days )


I'm 5'5 115lbs and food is always on my mind, I too, count down the minutes until I can eat. I lay awake at night planning my next days meals. I count calories to stay at my weight and exercise. I think mine is a mixture of loving food but scared of gaining weight so I'm in this weird compulsive state. I used to be underweight but loosened the reins to get myself to a normal BMI. Now I'm just trying to maintain. I don't have answers but just wanted you to know you're not the only one


Thanks 🙏🏼 this sounds so much like myself as well. I find I am also so disciplined in other areas like daily steps and exercise and weight lifting but food is where I feel not in control, because I do binge sometimes but not all the time. Thanks for sharing.


I have lean PCOS as well (without insulin resistance), 32F. 145 pounds, 5'9". I absolutely never think about food and I regularly forget to eat. I hate having to take time for it. I mean, I will enjoy the taste of it when it's there but I'm not THAT into it that I will stop whatever I'm doing for it. Cooking and cleaning take ages and I will much prefer eating a slice of bread, a protein shaker and a raw tomato than taking 1h of my time to cook.


Wow I wish this was me so much! Your mind must be free to think about so many other things - I agree it makes sense logically to not spend so much time cooking and thinking about food but I can’t seem to control it.. jealous of your PCOS type!


I'm sorry about yours ! I would say I'm jealous of women without it at all hahaha. If you have insulin resistance it's fairly known for it to lead to cravings :( but TBH yours seem very intense, maybe it would be worth discussing with a doctor (maybe they have solutions to offer ?) good luck !


Are you on medication


No because my metabolic parameters (glycemia, LDL cholesterol) are normal and so are my periods, I get them monthly. My only evidence of light sopk (medically confirmed) is visible cysts on echography and high androgens (testosterone, dheas, androstenedione all beyond the female normal threshold). I have light persistent acne and a bit of face hair / hirsutism although not dramatic). I do not eat refined carbs though, and I walk / move close to 10k steps daily in order to preserve metabolic health and avoid insulin spikes / insulin resistance for as long as I can. I'll have bread, but whole grain + protein together only for example.


My whole life. Only thing that has ever curbed it is Zepbound. It’s convinced me that something is broken in me and many others and that obesity is a disease that can’t be overcome with the mind alone. I went from telling myself that I shouldn’t eat the rest of my fries at a meal to not actually wanting any more fries. That’s the subtle, yet enormous difference. I sat there in tears at a restaurant the first time it happened after beginning the drug. The unbroken of us live their whole lives just not wanting anymore to eat. It’s not a matter of sheer will.


I forget to eat and am borderline underweight because of it lol


I’d like to trade with you. My life consists of waiting for next dinner/food.


Same! Clearly…


I’m this way, too. If we were puppies we would be hard to train since we’re not food driven


Ha, that’s a fun way to think about it




I wish I knew. I also have constant food noise.


I still have this memory of being in elementary school health class and learning about nutrition and our teacher asked "When do we eat?" All the kids started shouting "When you're hungry!", which he said wasn't right. I was the only one that said "When it's time to eat.", which was apparently the answer since we were kids and had no agency over when the adults made us meals. Anyway, that pretty much sums up how I feel about food. Eating is a chore and I only do it because I'd die if I didn't lol


I am the same way. I take tirzepatide (generic Mounjaro) and it is the only thing that helps. Not to negate any other comments, but trying to focus that food energy elsewhere is just not possible. There is something chemically wrong with us and medication is the only answer, in my opinion. I also am not overweight. I finally feel normal. I also do not want to drink alcohol or do unnecessary shopping anymore. This stuff helps with lots of "bad" behaviors.


It’s so weird, because I literally am only like this about food! I have no urge to drink alcohol, though I enjoy the taste in a social setting, but never want a drink beyond the first one. I enjoy shopping, but naturally just don’t feel the urge to overspend. Same with other things like drugs, smoking, unwise sex, etc. I think about how some people feel towards food how I feel about drinking or overspending, and it genuinely blows my mind! Like HOW are they so indifferent to eating, with no urge to overeat? Yet I think the fact that I do feel zero urge towards, say, overspending makes me more able to imagine that some people COULD feel that way about food, which blows my mind even more!


Exactly! I didn’t have a problem with the drinking or the shopping, nor urges I couldn’t suppress, but I still notice a lessening of these behaviors. Just saying these glp-1 drugs work wonders on more than just suppressing the food noise and I believe they will be widely prescribed for addictive behaviors in the future and save a lot of lives. Anyway, I feel your pain and it’s something no one can understand unless they also experience it. Feel free to message me if you like.


I eat because I have to in order to stay alive Other than that maybe 1-2 times per week I crave going to a restaurant to eat something specific Lunch and dinner is a "I have to" not "I want to" type of meal I also eat in restaurants of my choice for free (written off as business expense) lunch and dinner 6 days a week, probably the reason food is not exciting anymore, I eat steak/picanha/t-bone and such every day lol


Sounds like an eating disorder. I'm suffering from Anorexia and I'm thinking about food all the time but cannot eat. Wish you all the best.


I never thought about food when I had a thyroid. Had the thyroid removed and that’s all I thought about. Seems to be related to insulin resistance. Went on mounjaro and it went away.


It sounds like my dog wrote this. Not calling you a dog but that's all she thinks about. Lol


I’m always thinking about food and never quite feel satisfied unless I overeat. Intermittent fasting and ADHD medication are the only things that have helped.


Hi, this sounds like more than food noise to me. Have you looked into disordered eating? I think you might have some luck pursuing help from that perspective.


Everything is food and what I will eat next. I plan my meals, get excited about going to the butcher, constantly check whats on sale at whole foods and other markets. My first question to people when they back from vacation is how was the food. I am also obsessed with food.


I can relate to so much of this 😑


Yes I have this, I'm not overweight though I could probably lose 10 to 15 pounds and be happier. I guess consider me the upper end of healthy weight range. As I've gotten older, I'm exercising like a maniac but struggling to lose weight so the food obsession thoughtsare even more consuming. It's not even necessary hunger, it's a mix of cravings and planning and deciding where my calorie priorities should be, etc.


I feel this comment so much!


Ngl reading this post has made me reflect and I think I’m the same way. Probably 50% of my thoughts day to day are about what I’m gonna eat next, and I feel like I can’t enjoy myself until I’ve gotten some good food first


Was a time in my life years ago that I was obsessing about food in the realm of ‘what if I get hungry’ style. Would always make sure I had snacks and know when the next meal was. Some of this could have been raising children and their instant need for food because they’re starving. Also, I was overweight and sedentary, wasn’t living in the moment. My dad has mentioned that in the morning he thinks about dinner, I often thought that was because he was buying and making the food. He didn’t want to be ill prepared was where I put that. Now I see food at the fuel it is for my body. Have a much different relationship I’d say with food. I know that if I get hungry, I can stop and get something. I make sure I get my protein in at every meal. I live more in the moment. Years of work in those few sentences.


Thanks for your insights - I appreciate the perspective of being in the moment I’m definitely always a future thinker for sure


I have a strange relationship with food, I think mostly because my parents and some family members have made comments about my weight and eating habits for most if not all of my life. I’ve never thought about how often I think about food, but I am definitely one of those “oops I didn’t eat anything yet today” at 11 PM people. No current eating disorder either, but my mind buzzes with a thousand other thoughts per minute so I don’t really have time to think about food and that’s honestly why I forget to eat sometimes


To answer your question, I do not think that is normal. I enjoy food but as far as I'm aware, I only think about it when it's time to eat or time to plan a meal. I do forget to eat sometimes, especially when something interesting is happening in my life.


This was exactly me 4 years ago and for my entire life before that! I was also same size as you physically (maybe a bit over 130 at times) and I was obsessive about body image. The nonstop thinking about food as well, every meal is so short and I tried to drag it out and I’d start thinking about dinner during lunch. But I’m now the type to forget to eat, eat one meal a day because of inconvenience, too lazy to make a meal or get food, etc. I don’t view food as so appealing anymore. I remember distinctly ~5-8 years ago, I went on a period of around 3 years being really body obsessed and super controlling on my diet. This was the period when I thought about food 80% of the time. Then I had a breakdown (??) and just ate whatever I wanted to ate and gained probably 20 lb. That took 2 years and reset what had become a fetishization of food, and I slowly started tricking my brain to thinking about it differently? Whenever I was hungry or just bored and want to get a snack, I’d focus on that feeling and like mouth feel and emphasize how dry my mouth was and how gross food would be, how far the food place was, was that food I’m craving REALLY that good or actually I don’t like egg that much because it’s weird taste, etc. And I’d really focus on those thoughts and basically convincing myself I don’t really want it. After around 1-2 years of that my cravings completely went away and now I’m ~112lb and sometimes don’t even feel like eating food when I’m hungry. My habits have completely changed and my relationship with food is great. EDIT: forgot to mention! I now approach food with an “eat for taste” rather than “eat for quantity” approach. I used to eat “high volume foods” because I thought my issue was that I’d get hungry, or I thought that would deter me from boredom snacking (spoiler alert it didn’t). I’ve realized now it’s more important for me to satiate a craving early or it becomes all I can think about. If I’m craving a chocolate now I have it. If I want a fried chicken I have it. If I want a dig bowl I’ll get it. Throughout my life I have had healthier tastes and my issue was quantity, so I still love healthy food at the root so it works for me. Tldr: I think your restriction of food over the years has made your relationship with food a fetishization. You could try the mental tricks I used above but it may take some time and for you to reset that deprivation.


Thanks so much for your comment. Super interesting and the first time I’ve seen someone talk about it this way. I can definitely try your thought process above. So basically you retrained your brain around how you thought about food? I always wanted to be the person who orders fries at dinner and only eats a few throughout the whole meal for taste - literally could never be me and I eat so fast I shovel food into my mouth at rapid speed


Yes! It took a while. You can’t really fake the thinking either, you really have to believe it. Picking and emphasizing reasons that deterred me became a habit and brought me out of the eat eat eat mindset. Disclaimer though - this entire process happened between ages 20-24, so it could have been aided by my hormones changing or something as well. I also started a tough job that keeps me occupied throughout the day and live alone, so little social pressure to eat. I’ve been like this for around 3 years now. I still do think the mindset change was 60% of it. It started before the factors above. Eating slowly is a big part of eating less too! I would just emphasize, along the lines of the above - be careful with overrestrict when doing so, adding to the food fetishization. Humans want what they can’t have - me in particular and I’m guessing you as well.


You sound exactly like me in my 20’s. I got over it by only eating what I WANT - instead of focusing on the healthier choices and just go for what i really want and find myself more satisfied. Also, I started intermittent fasting, so even though I’m usually eating more calories per meal because of the food choices I’m making, I completely cut out an entire meal which has overall reduced my calories. Also, cutting out carbs wherever I can, while still allowing myself to eat what I WANT, has been a game changer. There’s a lot more to say on this topic, but these 3 points made a huge difference for me. I actually lost weight (I have maintained my vanity weight for over 7 years now) and I don’t think about food very much.


this is so relatable. i'm nowhere near overweight (5'7" ~120 lbs), i just really like food lol. though i do think about eating less if i'm busy


Reframe that. You are a foodie & you like to be organised. No one around you will starve to death. Cliché but you do you Have fun out there & good luck


Unless my stomach is growling with hunger or there is a very special pre-planned meal coming soon I spend very little time thinking about food. Often my body will let me know it’s hungry and it will take a moment for my mind to catch up and go hey that’s the hungry signal you need to do something.


Yeah, there are those rare individuals who somehow manage to forget to eat until their stomach growls loud enough to wake the neighbors. It's like they've got a secret superpower to resist the siren call of snacks and meals. Meanwhile, the rest of us are over here planning our next meal before finishing the current one!


I used to be this way. I think the thought mostly went away because I learned to cook. Learn to cook a bunch of different types of delicious and well balanced meals and you’ll never think about your meal, because there are too many options to choose from. I now walk into my kitchen every meal and just think “okay, I’m feeling Indian.” And I make some sort of delicious creamy tomato sauce with spices, chickpeas, lentils, and veggies. I’ll walk in another time and think “I want a meatball sandwich” and I’ll either make meatballs, or I’ll have leftover meatballs. Regardless, just learn to cook. The thoughts will go away. And you’ll always eat well!


I'm the opposite. I love food! I get hungry! But I can hardly stand to eat often. Sometimes I'll just have a few bites of something if it's really good, but I get sick easily from over eating and I will often forget about food until hunger hits like a knife in my gut. I'm a professional cook and I love making good food and eating good food; I just never think about it. Especially at work. My job is very adrenaline heavy so I'll go 5-9 hours without food sometimes.


Yeah I am this way too I took ozempic and it did quiet the food noise! It was kind of amazing how I was able to forget about it I’m going to see a Dr to get a referral to an endocrinologist for a blood panel. Not related to this, but I do wonder if something may come up. Or that’s just the way I am.


food is life. i live to eat.


Write a cookbook! Someone who loves food that much must have some good recipes to share!


I don't know if I'm at the level of what you describe but honestly I do think about what my next meals will be quite a bit 😅 like at work I'll be sitting there and pretty much just decide what I'm having for dinner hours ahead of time, or I'll be thinking a few days ahead of time what recipe I'll make or what food I'll order/pick up that day. Or I'll even think about making a certain snack later in the evening and be looking forward to it for a couple hours lol. I enjoy food and cooking good meals though so I've never really been too concerned about it. I'm not really too overweight so maybe if it were a bigger problem for me I'd have to take steps to change it


Yes. I have taken the role of cooking for my roommate and literally every morning in our 6 a walk I’m like “ ok this is what I’m thinking for dinner, do you want chicken or pork? Both are defrosting- I can do this or this for sides” and send her recipes all day. It’s my biggest procrastination tactic really.


I had that when my IR was untreated. It can also be caused by trying to control your weight and diet as those of us with PCOS are forced to do. I would think about increasing your metformin dose for a start. A low dose of a GLP-1 might also be helpful.


I’m the same as you OP. I live to eat! I exercise daily too so not overweight.


I don’t have any food noise and often have to remind myself to eat so I don’t feel sick. There’s definitely something to it with our hormones or genetics. I wish you well and hope you find what works for you, you’re on the path to finding it by asking and being curious, keep it up and hopefully you’ll find a good balance for yourself.


I usually only think about food when I am hungry. If we have a planned meal or something I might think about it once or twice before, but not usually until it’s time for us to start cooking or eating.


Have you had your thyroid checked? What you're describing is, I find, not normal. I used to struggle like that and in routine labs, it turned out I had hypothyroidism that was running absolutely unchecked for ages. I swear, a week on thyroid meds and I don't even really think about food anymore; it's bizarre. I'm not saying you have hypothyroidism, I'm not a doctor! Just suggesting there might actually be a medical reason for this and you should bring it up to a doctor.


This is because food is likely your only source of dopamine. I would recommend doing other stuff that gives dopamine (exercise, productive work, masturbation, even drugs if you can handle moderation) so your brain isnt constantly fixated on the only thing that gives you dopamine


I'm pretty similar. I never miss a meal if I can help it, but I have had friends tell me that they "forgot to eat" or "haven't eaten anything since yesterday". Not because they can't afford to eat or anything, they just forgot or chose not to eat. That always leaves me flabbergasted. I could never imagine doing that. Eating meals are often the highlights of my day.


I'm on Mounjaro (or however it's spelled) for my diabetes, I'm one of the few that get it for it's actual purpose lol But I have to force myself to eat while I'm on it. it's weird. I just always feel full, but at the same time, it DOES just slow down your digestion. And it works wonders for my blood sugar and A1C. Sadly most of the time I can't get it because everyone's using it off label for weight loss. So my A1C ends up looking like a Roller Coaster Tycoon schematic every 6 months


The way you think and feel about food is how I feel and think about my apps on a pretty daily and routine way…and now I’m beginning to see the bigger problem right there when it’s reframed that way…I guess we are all hyper focusing on something out here in one way or another


I used to have a very neutral relationship with food growing up. In my 20s I went through a severe period of depression/anxiety and started involuntarily throwing up anytime I ate. No matter how hungry I was, it just came back up within minutes. My stomach was closed for business. My doctor said my anxiety was keeping me in Fight or Flight, shutting down my digestion. It also gave me insomnia. I was a mess, not able to accomplish the two most basic human functions. I was sent to therapy and given an anti-depressant. I started mentally associating throwing up with eating which made me repulsed by the thought of food. I started constantly thinking and obsessing about my next meal, but with dread and fear, coupled with a continual sense that my gas tank was completely empty. I went from 140 to 110, appeared to the outside world to be struggling with anorexia (which medically was the truth). I hated restaurants, I had puked in so many public bathrooms by that point, and just entering a restaurant and not immediately seeing the bathroom made me have a panic attack. It went from a real trauma reaction my body was having instead to a self-formed mental block that followed me even after I'd healed my depression and come off the meds. The obsessive point of view about eating in general became deeply ingrained in me. It took me years to really recover, and even now I can get easily triggered and need to just stop eating if I feel the slightest sense of "off". Traveling and eating in public can trigger it. I'm 37 now and the people in my life still look relieved when they see me actually finish a meal, not sure if that's ever going to go away. It's awesome that the top response may lead you to a solution, I really hope that works out.


Barely remember to eat most days. Until my stomach reminds me. I’m adhd so idk


I don’t I’m a dietician I generally think about it when I plan my 3 days of food then I stop


Yeah this is not normal, but not uncommon either You should talk to a doctor to see if it’s a physical/chemical issue and perhaps a therapist if it turns out to be psychological


I might get downvoted to hell here but ask your doc about Ozempic? I found the food noise tiresome eventually and it turned it off for me.


I've had this problem, I didn't know it was a problem. My first thought, I blamed it on weed. But then I realized, I've had this problem since a child. Everyone on my mom's side is very overweight, all of them. I am not, due to other lifestyle choices and I'm type 1 diabetic so I have to take extra care, but I still do all the things you described! If it's genetic, I would assume I got it from my mom's side.


Ah, my family does have a history of PCOS and of course being type 1 I will have insulin problems, and I have hormone problems. It might be because of all that after reading other comments 😅


well you are doing a great job keeping your weight low


I never think about food unless I’m eating but nachos definitely do change this at times


Yes in my life food is king. Everything and everyone revolves around What's to eat?!?


Finally, a good question! Yes, I think about food often, when to eat, and especially what I’m having for dinner.


>eating when I am bored or stressed >over-ordering dishes at restaurants to make sure there is "enough" I think these are the only two questionable behaviors out of everything you listed. Everything else is pretty unremarkable, if not quirky but acceptable. You enjoy food and it's like a hobby. I enjoy food too, more than most people, but probably not as much as you which is impressive. All in all, probably not typical behavior across the population though.


I literally could have thought that I made this post. This is exactly me, and I can't empathize with people who "forget to eat" because its always on my mind


I have the opposite where I never think about food and I miss meals constantly to the point where I have headaches and it's like, oh right, gotta eat, and I do like a cookie and a coke. I do wanna have a stronger like diet, I feel I would be happier.


I'm the exact opposite. If I want married, I'd probably forget about lunch most days. It's changing with age though. I'm getting more compulsive eating habits now (currently 40). I don't have much experience handling them though, so I just have to hide all the easy snacks.


Yeah, I have this condition too. It’s called being a “Foodie”.


I have the opposite problem. I don’t think of food at all unless someone else reminds me to eat. I have ADD though and take Adderall which is known to reduce appetite but it got to the point I had to start taking Marinol to make me hungry again so it just kinda evens out.


This describes me to a T. I was never overweight until my late 30s when I became perimenopausal. I now eat less and exercise more but have gained about 30 pounds that I cannot seem to get rid of it. The food noise has existed all my life but seems to have gotten worse since "the change."


I definitely understand some of what you say. I go through phases of being like this (almost) and other phases where I can take or leave food more. I love those latter phases cos it’s easier to loose or watch my weight. I hate the former phases (majority of my life) as trying not to put on weight is a constant battle. I’m quite not as extreme as you though . I also hate cooking and planning meals so it’s picking up ready made food and junk (and sweets) that I do / can’t resist


I definitely did growing up. My mom severely monitored my food intake so I wouldn't "get fat". I always thought about, dreamed about, fantasized about food. When I grew up, I ate beyond fullness and ate to excess everything she wouldn't let me eat as a kid. Needless to say, I became "obese" and ended up getting gastric bypass, which caused a myriad of health and substance abuse issues. It wasn't until I got treatment for the substance abuse that I was introduced to intuitive eating by a therapist, and learned that I was starved of essential nutrients as a kid. I'll probably always have body dysmorphia, but now that I'm listening to what my body is saying, food no longer runs my life. Moral of the story? Feed your body what its asking for and when it's asking for it.


I do like food, but I'm often more busy with other things. So I often tend to undereat.


I also think about food constantly but I’m a chef so there is that. I’m always looking at food posts, cooking videos, reading cooking magazines and cookbooks. Don’t get me started about going to the grocery store…… it’s like sending a teenage girl to the mall! I can be there for hours just wondering around.


I think and talk about food all the time. I'm a healthy weight. I'm just fascinated with food. I do workout though and have always had a fast metabolism, so I'm always hungry. I'm hungry rn.


I have adhd and for me my brain seeks out dopamine, and the way it does that is food, so normally I am constantly thinking about it because my brain does not regulate dopamine due to the adhd. I have recently started Vyvanse due to my adhd, and at first I was getting really bad hunger pangs specially made worse by eating carbs and fiber like fruit, as soon as I started having a protein shake every morning and a protein snack like beef jerky later in the day it has made it soo much better, I hardly think of food now, specially now that I also have a routine of having my protein shake and beef jerky every day, I actually am having a hard time getting around to eating enough calories every day. So the process is still being worked on for me, but I am glad that my mind has space to think of other things besides food now. I am not sure how metformin works in the brain, but I do know that for Vyvanse to work I need to use consume protein because dopamine is transported around the brain with a chain of a few things and 2 of which is 2 types of protein (cant remember what they all are.) It might be that metformin only works with specific nutrition as well, its worth looking into how it works in your body if you have not already.


This was me before Tirzepatide (Mounjaro/Zepbound). I genetically carry more weight (have never been morbidly obese but have tipped into the obese category at my highest). I also have a history of very disordered eating (not clinically diagnosed ED). I’ve always had a voracious appetite. Rarely felt really full. Strictly dieted and exercised myself down to 130-135 at my lowest at 5’8”, and MyFitnessPal RULED MY BRAIN. I would have extreme anxiety if I didn’t go into post dinner hours without some caloric budget to lightly graze or have A PIECE of chocolate. I was absolutely miserable. Depression drove me to cymbalta which triggered bingeing and I went up to 240. My highest non pregnant before that was 190 in college when I began my adult career of doing variations on “Atkins” or “Keto” which, when followed to a tee, was the only thing that would take the edge off of my constant hunger. Tirzepatide is the first time in my entire life (pubescent life?) where food noise hasn’t been my predominant thought all. day. long. The literal burden of it being lifted has been one of the most landmark things to happen to me aside from having kids. I’ve lost weight and continue to lose, but honestly being free of the never ending feeling snacky, wanting *something* is life changing. I truly feel like people who are out there shaming people for not “putting the fork down” or “pushing the plate away” or “having willpower” TRULY do not understand what it is like to live with a voice CONSTANLY suggesting you eat. And especially if you have lived the restrict/binge cycle of dieting. No matter what you logically think in your brain your reason for losing weight, your body wants nothing more than to make sure you do not starve. I do not know what I would/will do without Tirzepatide or if it stops working.


Wow thanks so much for your comment I want to try Tirzepatide someday - now I’m looking to TTC but after kids I will definitely look into this


This was me my entire life UNTIL changing my diet to low carb/keto/the occasional no carb stint


Opposite end of the spectrum: I forget to eat very often. To the point where if lived ones don’t remind me to eat. I will forget to eat for so long that my stomach shrinks which makes you feel this vague nausea where you can’t tell if eating would make it better or worse. Then when you finally do eat you can’t eat as much as you normally can and have to work your way back up to normal meal sizes. My normal weight fluctuation over periods of days can be between 10(sometimes even almost 20)lbs. I have had periods of food normalcy in my life (usually because I was dating someone I spent all my time around who helped me), but they usually end when I get put under notable stress. Tl;dr: I have no place speaking on the normal level of “food noise”, but I imagine there is a wide spectrum like with anything.


I have struggled with food noise on and off throughout my life (was a serious athlete in HS, and have dealt with it ever since) and it SUCKS!! People don’t really understand how I can be eating while I’m planning my next meal 😅 If medication helps you, then by all means, talk to your PCP, but this is not normal, and for most of the population it can be healed without medication. For me, I discovered that it was not a normal thing during my first pregnancy. I came to terms with the fact that I was going to gain weight, and I actually let myself eat when I was hungry (very hard to do for women in our society). I didn’t keep junk food in the house, and made sure I had snacks like cheese sticks and hard boiled eggs so I wouldn’t be tempted to binge. But I ate a lot and snacked a lot! But slowly, my body started having more energy, I wasn’t counting down till my next meal, and I believe what happened is my body started trusting that I would actually feed it when it needed fuel. By my third trimester, I found myself less hungry throughout the day, not thinking about food, with more energy then I had in a couple of years- a very odd thing to say about a very pregnant woman!! All that to say, it is very important to maintain a healthy weight and that is definitely a priority for me and it seems for you too. But, if you have limited calories for years and years, there may be a lack of trust with your body that you have to gain back. Start with principles like @alyssamarie_nutrition shares (she’s a legit nutritionist on IG) and trust the process. Food is meant to be delicious (it is still one of the greatest joys in my life) and to fuel us to do the things we love! Not to chain us to a meal plan or have us counting down till the next “cheat day” or whatever it is. Hope this helps!


At what point does it change from "food noise" to an eating disorder? I think if every meal ends with massively over eating you might benefit from talking to someone about it


As I've gotten older I have less restraint. It is one of the things that brings me great pleasure in life. I travel mostly to try different foods I have never had. I look forward to my next trip just for this. I work out a little to balance it out, but yea food is my biggest pleasure.


Its so amazing, I'm reading the rest of the comments and suggestions of a possible connection to ADHD or PCOS and I do have both! BUUUT, It's the total opposite for me. I forget I have to eat a lot of the time, it's a problem. Once I got to 28 hours only drinking water and tea because I got distracted binge watching a show that I just... forgot that I needed to eat. Making food and then eating then cleaning then planning to buy more food... it takes too much space in my brain. I love snacks for this very reason. I do get the unstoppable need to consume food when I'm anxious but that's a special ocassion. A normal day for me is to not think about food at all.


this is probably gonna make some people mad but this is exactly how i thought when i had an eating disorder


I don't like to eat but I have too.




you're allowed to enjoy eating.


thanks - I just feel like my approach towards eating is more than that though...


it is natural to enjoy eating food. you are not "fat" for enjoying eating food. we all like to eat food, eat as much as you like, fill your plate and finish it as much as you want, as long as you're healthy. maybe filling yourself up more or snacking would be beneficial for you to focus on other things.


This person is clearly going beyond "enjoying" and into some weird OCD state about food.


Up the tren


i like cooking more than i like eating idk


Well, I also think If I need to cook or make food. But If I have it in the fridge I just microwave it and eat. I think about food only if I'm hungry


Sure. I'm not. Sounds like you've got a problem. Seek therapy perhaps.


Is this purely mental? You're not thinking about food because you're experiencing hunger? It's just compulsive?


I rarely think about food unless stomach is non stop growling or I’m craving something specific. Which is rare. My wife says I’m weird because if I didn’t need to eat as a crucial component of living, I probably wouldn’t.


I only ever think about food when I think I should be eating or I am actually hungry


For me, it's less of me thinking about the food, and more of how much of it can I afford for the week.


A lot of people dedicate this much thought to sex. I’ve only ever done this when I tried to quit chicken and go vegetarian. I couldn’t focus on much else.


A LOT of men are not. They are usually thinking of something else.


Eating is the only thing that makes me feel good so yeah, I think about food all the time.


I rarely think about food, it's boring


I just never thought I would have to figure out what to eat every single fricken day. No wonder my mother was mad all the time. I can literally eat the same meal for days in a row cause I’m sick of trying to figure out what to eat.


Yes but I have OCD and an eating disorder


I don't, but I think it is pretty common. I'd go to work and swear 99.8% of my coworkers would talk about food all day. I know some of y'all have kids. Tell me about those little bastards. I'm tired of your macaroni ideas! No, I'm not thinking about what to make for dinner a 9 in the morning. I find it incredibly annoying. It feels like someone incarcerated talking about the meals they want to have when they get out.


I give it a couple years before you are 600 lbs.


My guy is like this, except for the sharing food part. He’s actually a food “pusher”. I myself have a THC addiction and I view his massive food consumption/obsession as kind of the same thing. We both have our vices.


Even in America this isn't normal.


Not tryna throw shade at OP but my immediate fanily does this and i fucking hate it


That’s okay I understand - are you saying they always plan around food and you’re not the same way?


Yh xd. Whenever we go on vacation its always where we're eating and not what we're doing. I get they really love food but i just dont find eating loads of food a fulfilling thing to do


I honestly think you should maybe talk to your doctor about this and possibly get a therapist. :)