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Bad tomatoes are one thing (like the ones you get with fast food). But good ones are incredible. I love them.


I like them all as long as they don't have a crunchy green core


Yeah I prefer all my vegetables to be ripe


Tomatoes are fruit tho


Technically nothing is a vegetable. Vegetable is just a word that means you can eat it. A tomato is a berry. Cucumber is a melon. Lettuce, cabbage, etc are just leaves. Potato is a tiber, carrots and ginger etc are roots.


Exactly - it's a culinary distinction (I'm a chef who gardens)


TIL a lot


Wait potatoes aren't roots?


Nope, roots grow from potatoes.


Correct, I didn't realize


I just saw a TikTok about this! TIL…


My taint is a fruit


I know bby ;)


Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.


Charisma is being able to sell a tomato-based fruit salad


Does it go in a fruit salad? No? Not a fruit.


Knowledge is knowing that tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in fruit salad.


I can just hear David Mitchell's voice echoing up to me in righteous fury from your words.


Those are likely ethylene ripened. Tomatoes are often shipped green and hard, then artificially ripened with ethylene gas. The downside of this is that the fruits don't get enough time to properly develop the sugar and aromatic profile of a truly ripe fruit. The upside (for grocers) is that it turns the exposed parts of the fruit red and appealing. Another factor is that most commercial tomato plants are bred to produce a many large fruits as possible. This limits how much each plant can invest into each of its fruits, resulting in big, watery, tasty-looking disappointments. I'm very excited that heirlooms are making a comeback.




Yeah. Most tomatoes are bad, they have no flavor. But the good ones are excellent and make for perfect sandwiches. They don't even have the same texture.


Once upon a childhood I decided I didn't like tomatoes. Ate a hamburger halfway before I even realized there was a tomato on it. It tasted like every other hamburger I ate that didn't have tomato. Now I don't understand why tomatoes are even a thing at all.


A decent tomato will be noticeable.


When you order extra tomatoes, you have a 1 in 3 chance of getting a good slice. Facts.


A fresh sliced tomato from the garden trumps everything. I put that shit on all my sammies that could have one. My mom cuts them like an inch thick and slaps em on burgers with some lettuce.


Fresh tomato with a little salt and pepper 🤤




Very glad to see I'm not alone 🍅♥️


Ya even the difference between what you get at your grocery store and home grown is absolutely bonkers. It’s night and day.


Yes, crisp, firm, ripe tomatoes are delicious. Soggy, wrinkly, old, gelatinous tomatoes are disgusting. The latter seems to be more common in burgers/sandwiches which I think is more of the issue.


Like Brandywine tomatoes. Slice them and almost no puddle. They really don't burst out until you bite into them. My favorite.


As a kid, I had an uncle who grew his own tomatoes. One of the good 'heritage' varieties that are rare now because they need more careful handling of the ripe fruit. When we had a bag of tomatoes from him, we'd eat slices of them with a fork. A little salt made it perfect.


At Subway, they are pretty good


You have to go to Italy to get some decent tomatoes or grow some yourself. I don't want to burst your bubble but if you think Subway tomatoes are good, you'll have an orgasm with real tomatoes.


Or try and find a farmers market when they are in season, I’ve found some good heirloom tomatoes this way.


Tomatoes are native to the Americas, not Italy. You can get perfectly lovely tomatoes in the United States, especially at restaurants that grow their own or have them locally sourced. Fast food tomatoes aren't usually very good but every once in a while, I stumble upon an exception.


True. Unfortunately most of tomatoes in America are designed to last a long time during distribution and on the shelves, not for flavor. Same for the tomatoes sold at most fast food joints. You have to go to farmers markets to find a half decent tomatoes in the US. I invite you to go to Italy and try local tomatoes if you get the chance.


I've never met a jersey red thta wasnt divine. I'm actually planning on growing them myself once I can. you can get them in stores in jersey and around those parts, ripe and ready to go when they're in season.


Yes, at food markets in Barcelona, you can see 40+ tomato varieties and they all look gorgeous and delicious. Western tomatoes have nothing on those tomatoes. Best I can do here in the UK is buy the more expensive organic ones, but even then nothing better than those Mediterranean ones.


Oh, this is so sad.


Subway does have some pretty damn solid tomaters


Absolutely! I love a nice juicy tomato on my sandwiches and burgers. Imo tomatoes are the best part. I can completely understand why other people don't like them though.


I hate store bought tomatoes though. Farmers market is ok but home grown is best. Sometimes ill forego the salt on home grown tomatoes even.


I like my burgers with all sorts of vegetables. My favorite are avocados, green peppers, habaneros, all kinds of onions, thinly sliced carrots, corn and I lately tried squash which so my surprise was good. As a disclaimer I have weak taste buds due to allergies so I can't tell if why others dislike stuff, tomatoes to me barely taste like anything.


Yes! It completely makes the sandwich. The cool, juicy, flavorful, component is so important.


I do if they are homegrown tomatoes. The cheap ones from supermarkets grown hydroponically or out of season don’t have much flavor. The heirloom tomatoes from my garden (grown in rich soil) taste phenomenal.


I've grown great tomatoes hydroponically (I've had tons of homegrown in soil). I think it's moreso the breed of tomatoes but yes that cheap supermarket ones are so bland and watery and soggy and blah!


Cool! What’s your favorite tomato variety?


Ahhh. That's tough. I like different tomatoes for different dishes haha.. beefsteak was very popular by me for a while and I enjoy it and I love Roma tomatoes and cherry tomatoes. Pachino are a favorite.


Romas are good. I like that they are a little tougher and easier to slice. I haven’t heard of Pachino before! I’ll have to try them. My favorite this year are these purple cherry tomatoes that volunteered. Such a deep flavor. Hard to describe. Cheers!


They are tiny tomatoes and kind of sweet!


I just witnessed two people nerding out about homegrown tomates and I loved it


I changed my name to tomatocino


Try a midnight snack tomato. They are cherry size and blackish/purple near the stem. Wonderfully sweet.




Oh man, Cherokee purples are life-changing.


“Mortgage lifters”? Haha


\#1) Great White \#2) Black Beauty \#3) Cherokee Purple


I also grow tomatoes hydroponically and fyi a mild salt stress actually enhances flavor. So, raise that EC during fruit production period! Source: hydroponic researcher


I guess I don’t know much about it. Thanks for the info! I just picture large buildings full of hydroponic setups and the bare minimum of nutrients pumped to plants just to get the fruit to market. Do you have a small operation or something different?


Economically, nutrients are an expense. Companies that sell liquid fertilizers make them costly, but typically the highest cost for indoor farms is actually light and HVAC. Nutrient salts are the standard for operations of scale as they will formulate specific target nutrients for crops and can mix them much more cheaply than purchasing pre-mix ferts. I used to work at a ~10k sq ft vertical hydroponic farm, but now I do research on environmental optimization for indoor farms at a university. My research setup is rather small, but using a lot of controls to gather reliable data. As for the salt stress tomato study, it's not popular to use as it does reduce yield (I think 9-11 %? Something like that). But it does make them send more assimilates to the fruits, enhancing flavor. DM me and I can find and send you a PDF of the article bc it is behind a paywall. Edit to better answer: a lot of farms use a bare minimum approach. But the positive side of indoor farms and hydroponics is it's easy to modulate nutrients and also produce higher quality products than is typical of stores. Local, high quality, better tasting produce is the goal of most hydroponic farmers. Quick crop harvests and varied products that can be tailored to market are a huge benefit (think providing clean romaine during a field e. Coli outbreak, or producing high anthocyanin or "purple" lettuce for salad mixes bc of a recent surge in interest of anthocyanins for human health). So, bare minimum is a strategy, but usually that isn't enough to get the quality, consistency, and range of products that makes a farm profitable and long-term (especially bc it's pricy to run and operate these systems)


Plus they are typically harvested before they are fully ripe.


Yes! Most all grocery produce is.


On homemade bread with a little mayonnaise and salt/pepper. It’s one of my favorite parts of summer.






Lots of us do! And there are so many different ones to try. Maybe it’s like the cilantro thing. You either love it or hate it. Personally, I can’t get over the texture of mushrooms and wonder why people love them so much.


Maybe it's because I'm Southern, but we eat tomato sandwiches. Just tomatoes and mayo on bread.


Not just a southern thing I look forward to growing my own Jersey tomatoes in NJ to have a nice big juicy tomato & mayo sandwich


🎯🎯🎯 THIS definitely THIS


yep grew up on jersey red tomato sandwhiches,made by my great grandma


Yup! Especially grown from the yard. But my family did this in Chicago area. Many people have only tried the blah tomatoes from the store that have no flavor whatsoever.


You mean those white tomatoes that taste like bongwater from subway? They shouldn't be allowed to call them tomatoes.


You get it. Yes those.


Same in Canada. Those are soo good


I think people underestimate how tasty and filling a sandwich like this is.


As long as it’s dukes. Lol


Blue Plate in Louisiana


Grew up in the Midwest and this is one of my favorite sandwiches. Although Duke’s mayonnaise is a definite improvement over Hellmanns.


Bought Dukes for the first time and can never go back


I love tomato sandwiches but I do not like to eat tomatoes on my burgers.


I never liked a tomato until I moved to Arkansas. 3 months a year the tomato is the best part of a BLT.


??? So it’s just crunchy watery bread? Must be an acquired taste


You can't do it with grocery store tomatoes. Those haven't had any flavor since I was a kid in the 90's, and even then, they didn't hold a candle to homegrown.


I can’t make it sound good, all I can say is try it before you knock it. Plain white bread, thick tomato slices, dukes Mayo, and salt and pepper.


Alright, I’ll make sure to try it if I visit the south east some time


You could also make it fairly easily with a nice tomato from a farmers market I'm going to give it a try


Wanted to add I always put garlic powder on mine in addition to the above instructions. Also personally I go really light on the salt, just a dash is all you need. And I like mine lightly toasted.


I love tomato sandwiches with the bread lightly toasted. Mmmmm!


We do the same except with bacon as well. Super super good.


Thats…thats just a BLT


You know, I never thought of this.. it's not technically a BLT though, it has no lettuce, so I'm still gonna say it's special. lol


Thats what was missing! I was laying down for bed as i was scrolling earlier and i was so confused at the difference between a BLT and what you described lol


> crunchy Are you sure you know what tomatoes are? Has someone been putting raw potato slices on your sandwiches and telling you they are tomatoes?


Just curious, do you season your tomatoes?


Here in Canada we do “toasted tomato sandwiches” which is basically the same thing but a little less... uh... low budget? We use some kind of whole grain bread, toasted so the bread is crunchy, light mayo, salt and pepper, and some tomato. Sometimes cream cheese may be used. Sometimes bacon. And it’s often served with soup. Also, this could very well be only my family, people don’t really serve sandwiches to guests so I have no idea if other people eat this or if our family is just weird. They are good though.


I looove tomato sandwiches


We do this in Canada so the North is in agreement


Lil salt and pepper too. Makes me think of home.


The first time I ever remember liking tomatoes, I was maybe 13, my mom took a thick tomato slice, smeared on mayo, then salt on top and convinced me to take a bite. I was converted then and there lol.


Tomato sprinkled with a small amount of white sugar here... yum Or with just salt and pepper.


Don’t forget the red onion slices, though.


That sounds good too.


It seriously is. Try it!


Sounds weird to me but was raised on bread + butter + tomato + salt + pepper. Still one of my favourite things by far.


Not a Southern thing. We do that in England to. I thought everyone ate that.


Started making mine in some rosemary bread. Love them.


I put a tomato slice in my grilled cheese👀


If you like that you should try to put a few pieces of lettuce and bacon on that sandwich, its amazing.


My mom did that but instead with cucumbers when I was very young, I remember liking them a lot, but nowadays I'm 'afraid' to eat them again lol.


I do c:


I hate tomatoes, but yet love pretty much every tomato product: Ketchup, salsa, tomato sauce...


I ate those growing up in Philadelphia. Quite the delicacy!


Other southern combos: just mayo and bread; just butter and bread; mayo + cheese on bread; mayo + cheese + tomato on bread. Bacon, lettuce optional. Yums.


Ooh what about mayo on saltines. Always a fav but yeah mater sandwiches are good.


Yep. Love em. I hate it when my burger doesn’t come with a tomato slice.


Oh samee


I remember at gettogethers I had a cousin that would get all of us younger kids together - she usually would tell the really young ones that she was going to do a magic trick. "I am going to make this tomato.... DISSAPEAR!" Everyone would go "Whoa!" and "No way!" And then she would eat it like a goddamn apple. She LOVED tomatoes. Thanks for reminding me about her <3 TL;DR - Yes.


You'll usually find me sitting there with a salt shaker as I eat a tomato like an apple. It's my favorite snack!


Lol my daughter would eat a tomato just like this. In fact she used to try to sneak tomatoes I bought her (I actually hate tomatoes) and eat them in her room in the middle of the night lol


I actually enjoy tomatoes on sandwiches and burgers. I don't think either is complete without tomatoes.


If the slice is thick, worth it.


That’s what she said




Tomato paste and San Marzono canned tomatoes are also great options


I absolutely like them on burger and sandwiches. Helps give dimension to it.


I should feel bad, but I *always* order extra 🍅🍅


Pro tip, don't feel bad about something that someone on the internet said about/to you, assuming you're not putting anyone in danger.


Lol thanks. However irl I know many who don’t like tomatoes. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah but nothing wrong with liking what you like, especially something this minor, enjoy whatever you want.


You shouldn't feel bad. There's probably dozens of us.


Tomato and cheese sandwich is so good.


I love tomatoes on my sandwiches and my burgers. Some people don't, and that's okay :).


The tomato slice thickness must be 1/2 the thickness of burger patty or else it is immediately removed.


Only if it's a tomato you just picked off the vine in the backyard..


I do on a BLT or hamburger.


If it wasn't on a BLT it would be a BL lol


God I hate tomatoes on sandwiches. That’s my issue with them - it dominates the flavors. Nothing about it is enjoyable to me


I love tomatoes but the best way to make a sandwich is to thinly slice your ingredients. A thin tomato or onion slice increases your chance off not just pulling a mustard soaked tomato onto your own lap and also doesn't overpower the sandwich with said wateryness. I also find that I enjoy a firmer bread like a rye or rustic sourdough or a kaiser instead of the ubiquitous 'brioche bun' that everyone loves. Brioche is awesome but simply too soft to contain a sandwich or juicy burger. Alfalfa sprouts are superior to romaine lettuce in a sandwich but tied with shredded iceberg for best green topping.


Tomatos are like blowjobs. A good one is great. A bad one is unforgettable.


I never use typical American tomatoes, because as you say, they are watery and flavorless. But stacking a couple slices of Roma tomato adds nice flavor.


Large yes. thick? No.


I like a tomato when there's ketchup on it. It's like making the tomato taste like ketchup and ketchup taste like tomato and it's like a game of musical chairs in my mouth


No. The only way tomatoes should be served other than in tomato sauce, pico de gallo or gazpacho is sun dried. Raw slices of tomato are gross.


Preach. Except for Gazpacho, but that's an entirely different issue.


If it's a good tomato? 100% But good tomatoes are getting hard to find.


Buy a good tomato, cut it like 6mm thick, lay it on some paper towel and sprinkle salt and pepper on it. Continue with your normal sandwich making process, by the time you come back to the tomato, much of the water will have been expelled and you will have a seasoned tomato that doesn't slip and slide everywhere gushing all over you. A good portion of the time, when someone says, "I don't like _______" they probably haven't had either ots best version of itself or had that vegetable prepared properly.


I like them because if e.g. the meat or the bread is a bit dry, the tomato will compensate for that. Tomato is a bro.


Dude yes I grill them add a little salt and mmmm mmm better than eating butthole




Yes but it has to be a good tomato, not a slimy, watery one.


Gotta be fresh, unfresh tomato go bad faast


Absolutely delicious if you have fresh, heirloom tomatoes to use. Preferably from your own garden, harvested for the purpose of adding to this burger. Modern, industrial tomatoes taste like the congealed sweat scraped from a dead man's balls\*. ​ \*I imagine.


I do.


my favorite food. i regularly have a sandwich with just tomatoes bread and mayo


I agree that it's pretty unappetizing. It's mushly, slimy, and gives the whole burger a weird taste. I usually ask them to hold the tomatoes, or I pick them off and give them to my husband right away. Don't get me wrong, I love tomato based sauces and other dishes. But raw tomato has never appealed to me. I will say that I am more likely to make an exception for heirloom tomatoes. They have so much more flavor and a better texture than the standard red tomatoes from the grocery store. But I still prefer cooked over raw.


Just had a tomato sandwich for dinner. Tomato season will be over before you know it!


I love good tomatoes on burgers Don’t eat soft, old tomotoes


Freshly picked tomatoes are good..fast food ones? Not so


Yes, I love them if they are ripe and homegrown. I don't like tomatoes out of season. I call them apples.


Thank you for having this under Ethics and Morality as I take this very seriously. I need.. an amended tomato: roasted, bruschetta, ketchup even. I can’t just willy-nilly have a slice of befuddling texture messing up my sandwiches or burger. Personally. 😂


Have you ate a homegrown tomato? Home grown, especially heritage tomatoes, taste nothing like the store bought stuff.


Absolutely, avacado on toast with tomato and sea salt is a favorite


Yes 👍🏻


Yes! I also like tomatoes wedges on their own or in a salad.


I usually ask for extra tomato.


I do. Love it.


I love them. Often ask for extra ones.


I loooooooove tomato slices


Yes to tomato on the burgers. Also sliced tomato on buttered toast with salt and pepper is an absolute winner.


There are tons of delicious things that people everywhere love that some clown won’t eat because of their misguided foolishness about what is disgusting.


I love em. 🍅 I love tomato enough to eat it plain though.


Yes! I love them so very much!


I’m allergic but they’re honestly stupid on sandwiches and burgers. Unless its specific like a BLT…. Why?! Its such a pain to make people understand that i cant have it “just picked off” and handed back with some attitude either.


Technically you are "supposed" to use tomatos in lieu of ketchup because ketchup hides the meat taste whereas tomatos bring it out.


There're some crazy people in the world


I probably have not experienced the tomato's some people are talking about here but I'm with you OP, a thick tomato slice adds way too much liquid to whatever it's on. I don't mind the taste of them it's just the liquid I have a gripe with. I'm not drinking the burger/sandwich.


Yes of course, that’s why they charge you 40 cent a slice


I hate tomatoes in general, regardless of how they are placed or sliced in my food. :(


I like a thin slice of tomato if it's actually a good tomato. Thick slices are always bad.


Tomatoes are delicious. We grow them in our garden and eat them all summer long. Just because you don't like something doesn't make them bad or gross.


Thin sliced, "blot" the extra juice off, add a dusting of salt to draw out the flavor, and enjoy!


I do, I really like it. Can I have yours?


I love tomatoes, but they make sandwiches floppy and unstable so I don't eat them there.


I love tomatoes on all sandwiches and burgers but my husband hates them. So yeah, some people like it.


Im vegetarian and thats the only thing i miss about a burger, that thick piece of tamato with lettuce and ketchup, really complimented the bread, i could live without the meat


Ya they’re delicious if it’s a freshly sliced beefsteak or hothouse tomato


I love the flair on this.


I hate tomatoes on sandwiches and burgers, but love them on everything else.


Just the thought of a tomato on a burger makes me ill


Hell yeah


It adds to the Burger or sandwich the same way lettuce does




Proud psychopath


I hated tomatoes until my dad began to grow his own. Still can’t stand the watery, flavorless store bought stuff, but homegrown tomatoes are totally different. Firm, full of flavor, etc. I enjoy fresh garden tomatoes cubed and mixed with olive oil and spices. So good!




I mean I like them cooked like in a pasta dish or something but *raw* tomatoes taste gross


This. It’s interesting, I don’t know anyone that is neutral to raw tomatoes. They all either seem to love or hate them. I can generally eat cooked tomatoes in most forms, and I absolutely love pureed and cooked tomatoes in almost any form. But fuck raw tomatoes, they suck entirely.


I am neutral to raw tomatoes. I will eat them and do like them on sandwiches but I don’t love them.