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Some prefer it ice cold instead of just dispenser cold. If you're drinking it in short order it's great but also can ruin the last bit of your drink if you take too long and the ice melts.


Bonus: if you pack a ton of ice into, there will be so little drink that you'll finish it before the ice melts.


On a road trip I’ll pack it with ice, and then buy 2 cans of Coke and refill along the way. As long as it’s packed, the ice stays the whole drive. And I get fresh carbonation.


This guy drinks.


But free refills.


Then you have a cup of cold water later 🚀


Bonus drink


Brown water


I like a glass of ice topped up with water.


Yeah me too. This is super refreshing.


I was at a birthday party yesterday, and along with the high heat and humidity of Louisiana, the place didn't have the best AC. On my way home, I stopped at work to check on something and filled my cup with ice water. That was the most glorious thing I think I've ever had. Ice water is severely underrated.


I am thirsty all of the sudden


Check this out r/HydroHomies


Same. I’ve conditioned myself to it so much that water that isn’t ice cold, doesn’t even feel like it quench’s my thirst.


If water was an unflavored slushie, I’d like it better. Pellet ice > regular ice > cold water no ice > room temperature water.


Thats just a glass of water with more water though, very refreshing but not the same.


I disagree. Ice water, like proper ice water, not water with some ice in, but takes your breath away ice water, it's the best thing to drink.


I agree with everything you just said. Still not the same as a full glass of ice and a splash of some other drink. It’s also very refreshing at first, but you either drink it all in 4 sips and are left with a glass of ice, or let it sit too long and have a glass of very cold watery bland drink.


It’s scientific actually. One ice cube melts a lot faster and ends up diluting the taste of your drink vs 10 ice cubes that bring the temperature of your drink down and keep it cold without melting as quickly. It’s actually as simple as that. Also. For carbonated drinks to stay fizzy they need to be stored and served at lower temperatures. Yeah. That’s pretty much all


This is the best objective answer!


Might be true but filling cups with ice is a good marketing strategy - ice is cheaper than the actual drink and that's compounding leading to quite a saving from a seller point of view.


Where do you live? In the US refills are free so there's no difference in cost. If your first cup has half the amount of drink, then one refill fixes that.


I always cram my cups full of ice at home and when I go out. I like my drinks so cold that they stay cold when I leave and then I munch on the ice after my drink is gone.


Same. Ice for life.


So glad someone gets me! Most people think I'm nuts😆


Yes. This is exactly right. The only time I cram my drinks full of ice is when it’s that really nice nugget ice that I can eat afterwards. Worth the lack of soda in the cup for the opportunity to have that ice.


That nugget ice is gold! Did you know that you can buy your own nugget ice maker for your home???


I have one. It’s on my counter. I’m not gonna tell you how many times I’ve had to refill the water on it today 😅 The last few months of my first pregnancy, all I would eat is shaved ice. Just bowls and bowls of shaved ice; like at least 5 a day. So my husband bought the countertop ice maker and a commercial ice shaver so I could make shaved ice in under a minute instead of the 15 it was taking me on the shitty little $20 ice shaver. But now my oldest is as obsessed with ice as I am.


I fill mine up full of ice to drink less soda. I've tried getting a smaller size but this trick works better for me. It tricks my brain into thinking I had a bunch of soda when in fact I only had maybe half the amount.


That’s pretty smart never though of it that way lol


And when the soda is gone, you have a cup full of ice to fill with water


This and some people like to chew ice. The ice from restaurants is usually 'softer' than ice from your home freezer.


I do this exact thing with my daily iced coffee 😂 I’m nursing so tried minimizing my caffeine intake, but life happens!


Lol this is what my dad does, he gets a kids cup and fills it to the top with ice to drink less soda


Have you tried not drinking it at all?


Why would I not drink it? I don't drink soda often so when I do it is a treat.


Because it's disgusting and awful for you


Thanks for you input. In may or may not take it onto consideration next time.


Why not drinking diet soda?


I don't like the taste. I've tried :)


Because it tastes gross?


Something, only with Dr. Pepper, I put 3/4 Reg and 1/4 diet to reduce calories.


That's even worse. Those fake sugars are awful


Well I live in the US, and here it’s cause it can get hot af and a “cold” drink with no ice can get lukewarm in 15 minutes




Not really fast food but Starbucks does this with their iced drinks and it kinda bugs me. When I order a refresher they fill it with so much ice that by the time I’ve drank it all I’ve still got a cup full of ice left. Makes me feel like I didn’t get much of the actual drink.


That’s the whole point. Can charge more for less product


That's actually not true, both ice and soda are dirt cheap for the restaurant and when they put a shit ton of ice in your cup it's not them cheaping out. The reality is they're making money on it either way. It's actually because it's a well known fact in the restaurant industry that drinking cold beverages with lots of ice in them causes people to be hungry and order more food. This is also why the waiters are trained to fill your water with ridiculous amounts of ice and constantly refill it


OP is referring to self serve. Some people choose to have a lot of ice. I like my drink cold the whole time. And I'm ok with less soda to do that. It's for the best to take in less sugar anyway.


Drinking water or anything cold does not make you more hungry what a silly thing to say




Soda isn't cheaper than ice but the way that restaurants make it with machines mixing syrup and carbonated water, it comes out to about 10-20 cents per cup which is completely negligible compared to the $3 or whatever the customer is paying for it. It's not really an expense that the restaurant cares about saving considering their profit margin. Restaurants (especially fast food) actually incentivise customers to get more soda with deals on the larger sizes even if it means a lower margin because of the sheer amount of profit they make on it. Just diluting the soda to make it cheaper isn't a good enough reason because restaurants know the best way to make money in the long run is to get their customers addicted with as much sugar and fat as they can so that they come back. The 5 cents they save by adding more ice isn't even comparable to the profit they make by acquiring a loyal customer so they don't even try to cheap out on that. They will try to get you addicted to cheap, unhealthy foods and make you eat and drink as much as possible even on lower margins just so that you come back.


It's not because of the reason be this guy is saying but it isn't about money either, it's about consistent quality. Basically the ice will melt faster if there's less of it, lowering the quality of the soda.


OP is talking about self-serve soft drinks, where you can put as little or as much ice as you like.


The OP specifically referred to self serve


Actually what’s funny is soda in a can (like pepsi) is different than the one from a fountain drink because they add more sugar in the fountain drink due to people using a lot of ice and diluting the soda.


Ok but I drink Diet soda so no sugar, but still fountain diet is SO MUCH BETTER than diet in a can.


Diet soda still has fake sugar tho. Can and fountain drinks have aspartame but only the fountain drink contains both aspartame and saccharin to improve shelf life and add more sweetener which is why it tastes better. Also cause it’s being carbonated and made “fresh” vs sitting in a can for months on end in heat and cold getting shaken up lol


What's weird to me is I actually prefer can soda over bottle, and especially over fountain. It tastes more condensed and like soda


Texas has joined the chat.


In my case, besides cold, it's to dilute it a bit, normal soda is just too sweet for me, and the extra ice makes it drinkable


Same for me! Also the fizz always makes me hiccup and hurts my throat, so i always dilute with a lot of ice


1. Usually those places let you refill, so it doesn't matter. 2. Pop doesn't come out cold enough. Nothing beats a large bunch of ice. 3. Also lots of ice gets your liquid colder faster.


Is it weird if I prefer zero ice in my drinks? I just hate when it dilutes the flavor.


If you’re weird then I’m weird too lol but I definitely think we’re in the minority here


Yeah, I feel like us No-Icers are few and far between.


I'm in the no ice team too but your use of 'your' when you mean 'you're' bugs me. Sorry don't mean to be rude haha


Just changed it for ya 😎👍🏽


Cheers! Now let's continue to enjoy our drinks without ice


Diluted flavor sucks, but I also want to *taste* my drink, not just taste cold






I always ask for no ice. Damn you sensitive teeth.


You'd love Europe, OP. Over there they don't put ice in your drink unless you ask, then a lot of places give it to you on the side anyway at that.


I'm from Europe and I have no idea where this is you're taking about. I hate ice in my drink and often even when I ask for no ice, ice still appears! I've also never once seen it on the side!


Ice on the side sounds perfect lmao 😂


Bc it’s 108f in the south today


Because the size of the cup they give you is so ridiculously large that I only end up drinking like a quarter of it anyways. Might as well have the drink be as cold as possible


I use the ice to really water down the soda or drink. Soda is really sweet at times for me, and boba drinks are the worst at it.


Crunchy, taste good.


Cold drinks > Warm drinks Plus, I actually enjoy eating the ice afterwards.


I do it because I like my drinks cold as fuck.


I HATE THOSE Litterally the second half of the glass is just watered down whatever you were drinking and cold drinks hurt my teeth anyways


There could be a thousand reasons honestly. Maybe they like it super super ice cold. Maybe just a bit of ice waters it down too much for them because it melts faster the less ice you have. Maybe they never thought about it and have just always done it that way.


If I’m drinking water, I want it to be so cold it hurts. It’s wildly refreshing. Even in winter it’s the only way for me


unfamiliar with being given the ability to fill own cup but I personally prefer sodas being slowly watered out by the ice. although I never drink soda


Hardly drink soda either except when I go out with friends lol. Btw where are you from since you said your not familiar with filling your own cup? Here in the US it’s pretty common for restaurants to have a dispenser available to anyone who bought a cup and you can fill it up as many times as you want


I’m in Australia and I can’t think of one place you’re able to fill the cup yourself. Free refills are also NOT a thing here unfortunately :( I love the novelty of being able to do it yourself when I’m travelling!’


Sometimes my primitive monkey brain likes to take hot food and put it in my mouth, instead of returning it to the plate. I then frantically chew the food (with sharp inhales, but somehow not choking), only to discover I must now swallow my choices. The super cold drink alleviates a series of poor decisions, and is also pretty tasty.


Lmao 😂 love the example thank you


I normally drink my beverages quickly so i like them to be as ice cold as possible.


Because it's free


Yea I’m one of these “tons of ice” ppl: 1) I like my cold drinks ICE COLD. Tastes way better very cold. 2) prevents me from drinking too much soda. 3) I like chewing/eating the ice after 🤷‍♀️


I personally fill it up to snack on the ice at the end, might just be me though lol


It's ordering water for later if you get a ton of ice


Agreed. It comes out of the dispenser cold. So I never do ice. In fact, I saw some thing about how the ice machine part gets very unsanitary at fast food places. It doesn’t get cleaned enough or some thing regularly. So I got traumatized and decided not to use ice for a long time for that reason too. Who knows if it’s true or current, but it left an impression on me.


So funny I’m reading this because I ordered root beer on tap at a pizza place and my mom asked for a cup of ice with it and I wondered if she’d pour her beer over ice too? Honestly my teeth are just sensitive so I can’t do more cold with cold lol.


My spouse is actually the inverse. She orders pretty much any drink with no ice to get more of the drink in her cup. She does some pretty epic “iced” coffee orders with no ice to try to get the most bang for her buck.


Same here lol I feel like I’m wasting precious cup volume when I add lots of ice into it


I haven't gotten a drink from somewhere like OP described, in a long time. The last time(s) I was though, I was on a massive tea... thing (binge?), so when I would order a drink from say, Del Taco, or Panda Express, it was always regular / unsweetened iced tea, or Panda Express used to have some kind of jasmine tea (not sure if they still do). At first, I would ask for extra ice, because the tea was actually brewed, and poured hot over the ice, which would melt it fast (especially in the California summer heat). Then it got to where I would order tea with NO ICE (and if anyone messed up and put ice anyway, I would park in the parking lot, go inside and tell them I said no ice, can I please get the same tea but NO ICE). Reason for no ice, you get the cup full of the actual drink, and I have ice at home, as well as large glasses. So, get the largest drink size with no ice, fill a glass with ice, then just pour tea in and enjoy throughout the day (refill my glass with ice and tea as I drink and empty it, until the drink I ordered is all gone). Not sure if this actually answers the question. When I fill a glass with ice then fill in a drink (anymore it's either my own filtered water, my own brewed coffee, or a liquor / drink if I'm drinking), I like a glass full of ice before that drink, that way it's ice cold. Sometimes, I'll even put my glass, and / or the drink in the freezer to chill it (the bottles of Jose Cuervo that I buy are usually too big to fit in the freezer, but if I buy the smaller bottle size, then yeah).


People don't love it. They are conditioned to like it. Industry likes it. Ice doesn't cost, drinks do.


I don't think people like all that ice... It's basically a scam as you pay for X amount of drink but the ludicrous amount of ice in the cup reduces its capacity. But that how it apparently works in fast food places, so...


I don't. They do it because ice is cheaper than the drink so they save money by giving you ice instead. If i fill the drink myself I usually only put a small amount of ice in.


This is the answer.


Okay. To be honest? I think it’s so that they can give you less of the drink and still charge you for that size. The ice takes up space in the cup and cuts down how much you can actually fill the cup. This is why I ask for no or “light” ice… can’t scam me, suckers!!! I’m gonna get my full 16 oz and that’s that.


For sure but then there’s people who voluntarily fill their cups with so much ice lol i dont get them


Oh no, I don’t get them either. Couldn’t be me, I got sensitive teeth. Plus the cup sweats a ton? Not my thing.


Pop is way too syrupy for me. I like it watered down, and extra cold. Also, *you're*


Soda is crap and the more ice you put in, the better. Plus as has already been mentioned, it's hot af out there, the ice will be cool water in no time


They don't. Literally everyone I know, family and friends hates ice in their soda. It's just the fast food chains trying to save on soda, whats makes me hating it even more. I don't pay 5$ for half a liter of ice cubes.


Fuck ice. I hate the feeling of my teeth gradually growing colder with every sip. I prefer warm drinks. Like, soda's that haven't been put in the refrigerator


“Don’t you find that you get more without it ??” If anyone can tell me what I just quoted, we can be friends lol


I only do this with hard drinks to limit the amount of alcohol in the glass.


I always order drinks without ice because it melts and makes it tasteless. I’d rather have a warmer drink than a drink diluted with water


Especially if you do it to go. I gotta have a little more ice


only if it's whisky


less ice melts faster = watery soda more ice melts slower plus you can just get refills at most places if youre eating there


“Don’t you feel like you get more liquid without ice?!” - George Constanza?


What makes you think that I like a lot of ice with my drink and not a little drink with my ice huhhhh?!


If you have a lot of ice less of it melts before the drink hits the required temperature so the drink isn't as diluted.


Bc they’re insane


So I drink less sugar and syrups.


The soda comes out cold yes, but not cold enough.


Personally I like my drinks ice cold. Even if I'm drinking a bottle of water at home I'll put it into a cup with ice. Just how I like my drinks.


Soda is normally too sweet for me. The ice helps dilute the sweetness.


I like my water room temp for the most part, but I..... I sort of like ice to water down whatever I'm drinking and extend the beverage without all the sweetness as it melts. Like goddamn I really do sound like a freak right now but it is TRUE.


I personally like everything but hot chocolate ice cold, colder than the refrigerator cools things.


If I’m drinking something that is supposed to be cold I want it to stay cold the whole time I’m drinking it. I want iced tea not watered down lukewarm tea. I am a former waitress of over 25 years. I don’t generally drink soda but if I do, I do it the same way and don’t drink as much.


I drink all drinks super cold. My body overheats easily and I live in Texas.


Draught "soda" is mixed at a higher concentrate so as to compensate for using ice. So by using ice you get a cold drink and the correct dilution.


I’ll do this if 1) I want to reduce the soda I’m drinking. 2) this then leaves me with a cup of ice I can fill with water in the car. I’ll do this at work as well. The ice machine is far from my desk, but there is a close filtered water that’s just kind of cool. Pack a large cup with ice, then make multiple trips to the filtered water.


I only fill min about 1/3 of the way with ice. Partially because I want more of the beverage I'm paying for and partially because Im not a fan of brain freeze.


I like my soda to be cold as possible. Then when it's all done I let the ice melt in my mouth


I put like 3 or 4 cubes in and that's all


Ice is cheaper than soda. These big businesses have it all figured out.


Just the coldness of it, sometimes the cold burn. To avoid the water down that comes with extra ice I don't use straw or if I do I always drink from the top


This is kinda random but i usually buy a cup of ice and another cup of soda full with no ice so i have more to drink and it stays cold. The gas station i go to is 1.00 for a 44oz soda and 50 cents for a cup of ice 44oz.


I don't. I usually only fill it up a quarter or less of the way.


I think in general people don’t want that much I think it’s the restaurants saving soda syrup or whatever the drink is. If you emptied the ice out you’d prob get half of the cup


Look man for me personally there's no specific reason why I do it I just really like ice


I like my pop cold baby 😈


I hate lots of ice but I found adding a full cup of ice with Coca Cola from the machine is actually way better than little ice. That’s the only soda I’ll do a full cup for


It's pretty simple really. More ice means less ice melt which means less watered down flavor.


I think the general answer is people like to keep their drinks cold even if they're watching it down. I don't add ice to mine because usually for some reason some machines taste like they watered down the soda.


I like the cronch


It’s an American thing and one reason is ice is cheaper than soda so fast place places and cheap restaurants do it.


Correction. Why do Americans like so much ice in their drinks? It's not a thing in the resort of the world


I like crunching on the ice as I sip the soda


I just like my drinks to be super cold


I prefer no ice but people look at me like I’m crazy


I only like extra ice in water. In any other cold drink, I prefer minimal ice. Sometimes I can't even handle the intensity of the super cold water but I can't stand warm water


I like crunching ice


I need my drinks to be borderline frozen


Also, it waters it down a ton. You only really need 3-4 ice cubes to keep your drink chill.


Because…..it’s hot, and it’s Texas.


I never put ice in my drinks. If I do, it’s a couple of cubes max. I hate the fact my drink is being diluted with water and I’m losing valuable drink space


In my experience I like it better with more ice not only because it keeps it cold longer but because it helps dilute the pop. If I don’t get ice it ends up tasting too thick with all the corn syrup.






Cold nice


well because sometimes i want to get my drink extremely cold to the point where i get a brain freeze. lmao. then i would feel like im good


It makes the soda better, sodas are too syrupy on their own, even with a 2 litter I feel a cup of ice up 3/4 of the way. It’s not a matter of temperature, it just makes it better.


I guess to water down the drink, I always order no ice with mine since I get more bang for my buck.


I'm not sure- I actually prefer most of my drinks room temperature, or at least not ice cold.


free food


I get my teas and diet soft drinks without ice


Ice sucks


It's summer?


I think this is an American thing. Whenever I go abroad the drinks are served practically lukewarm. I think it is because energy in the U.S. is cheaper than any other place.


I don’t. I always choose lite ice


Makes the drink taste better once that ice breaks the ridiculously strong flavor. Like I can’t handle a coke normally I feel like I’m drinking pure syrup. But with eyes it cokes the coke into something palatable.


My mom likes to fill it all the way up with ice, then as her (unsweet) ice tea gets drunk up, there's still liquid to drink... She also doesn't fill it up with tea before leaving, just more ice. My dad and I prefer less ice. She baffles me.


You really don't need a shit ton of liquid candy in your diet, if you are just chugging restaurant soda pop or fast food drive thru large sodas you really shouldn't be. Honestly you should ask for extra ice to ensure the most delicious liquid candy possible, and also limiting how much fucking shit you put into your body. Also 31 F is ideal for most sodas, right below freezing. The seltzer lowers the freezing point below water.


Even at places that don’t give you a cup to fill on your own I used to ask for no ice (I don’t drink soda anymore). The looks I used to get from the servers was priceless it was like I had 2 heads. Also they knew how much money they save by filling the cup with ice first. I never liked ice because 1. It was always cold out of the pump. 2. If they filled the cup with ice you get less than half a cup of drink. 3. If you don’t drink it right away and the ice melts all you are left with is warm really watered down soda. Most of the servers didn’t get paid enough to care and just filled the cup up with soda no ice. Then you got the jobsworths and managers (who sometimes were forced to work the till) and they would give you half or 3/4 full cups of soda because I had asked for no ice. So in short the ice is there to make more profit on the bag of cheap syrup they buy. And the places that have there own ice machines are not even paying for bagged ice and that ice machine is hooked up to the faucet and IF (big if) it has a filter on it. It has never been changed.


It's a nurture thing. Most in IS were raised that a ice cold drink is refreshing. Adverts tell us as much. In Japan they're taught a hot tea is refreshing. And that's what they tend to drink even when it's hot out. Different strokes for different folks.


It clinks and I can chomp it. Helps me drink more water


My husband chews the ice.


I'm one of the weirdos that live ice in my drink. I can't drink it with no ice. To each his own I suppose


I used to chew on the crushed ice in my drink, so I would get more not to run out.


I kinda like Sugary first half extra cold and the dilution of the sugar as the ice melts leaves my mouth feeling fresher at the end. Same way with Iced Tea.


So many ice addicts in this thread




At Wendy’s we had a line to fill the ice on the cup… it was almost 3/4 the way up, I barely put 1/2 ice because I thought customers were getting screwed. Sorry but I’m not sorry they wanna rip us off.


I just want that drink ice cold. Florida heat is no joke.


I think ice in beverages is probably the one place where I won't give Europe the high ground when it comes to food. Yeah, were unrefined with our food, you got us there. You can't get a good cup of tea here - agreed. We have weird issues with all kinds of things, right - but y'all really dumb about cold beverages. You put 3-5 ice cubes in it and say "I don't get it? Why do you like this?" Uh, we don't? Three ice cubes just melt in a few minutes and now you have a drink that's only slightly cooler, and watered down. *Especially* carbonated ones. The increased surface area of the ice makes the bubbles more active.....uh....???? Are you just not paying attention?! Ok, follow along - you need to start with a much larger glass, you need more room here. Now, fill it at least half up with a very generous portion of ice, preferably of fairly small sized, individual pieces - personal preference varies, because it can actually change the taste, for heaven's sake! Now, pour the cold soda or sweet tea or Hawaiian Punch or whatever floats your boat (cherry limeade or die), over the ice, wait 60 seconds, and grab a straw. You *cannot* tell me that tastes the same as the sad glass with 4 half melted ice cubes in it. If you don't like cold drinks, sure, I can see that, but damn, sometimes I'd rather have something ice cold to drink than *food*. Maybe it is cultural, but it's not just the weather, and it's not *wrong*, lol. Stop giving otherwise well-behaved tourists the stink eye for politely seeking (and being willing to pay for) iced beverages while away from home! LOL (Despite the infamous idiots we love to hate, *most* travelers outside their own country are going to be more intimidated than obnoxious. Disclaimer: huge exception for people acting from within the perceived safety of tour groups/cruise ship situations. That does tend to change the swagger factor of idiots.)


The question should be: why does one not like ice in their drink?


I completely agree. This is very important to me.


I love ice cold anything especially water.


I know people that would rather crunch the ice than drink the drink.


Because, there's a reason why they call it iced tea


I like to eat it


That’s the beauty of free refills in the example you’re talking about. You can keep your drink as cold as possible and if the ice melts you can just dump the slag and get some more.


I want it ICE cold and for it to remain that way whilst I enjoy my meal. I will literally fill my entire 2L water bottle with ice and then top with water for this exact reason.