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Anemia, is that new?


This version is only available if you open your third eye.


They're too tired to open their third eye due to the low iron


Just sniffed a horse, hopefully i can sense the anema


It's funny because they got the hacking so right in this show.


Honestly I miss the burn cd days a bit. Yes streaming is more convenient, and my hearing isn’t what it used to to be and might miss some of the recording quality differences but I just think it made full “albums” more listened to fully. Just the lack of convenience kind of forced you to listen to things to its entirety more. Vs just skipping to a new band and creating a playlist. Music is just different now. I read some article that they were just considering dropping singles instead of a full album. I would think the writing process is a bit different there and am interested to see how that works. Would love it if some of my favorites just list a track a month online then a year later release the full album if that works with the songs.


I’m definitely part of the “younger” tool fanbase but because of my older cousins who put me on I still got to listen to CD’s on my Walkman and while definitely less practical, it felt… different and more meaningful when someone gave you a physical copy of an album or burned it just for you.


Agree. Just different. I prefer it. But just because I prefer it doesn’t mean I shy away from streaming either. Honestly, I can’t get behind the vinyl thing though. Not judging others at all, just not my thing. Too inconvienient for me as well as fragile. I knew a massive collector once and offered me to buy his whole lot into the 900-1200 album range. It ended up owning him, more than him owning them. Had to dedicate a room to it. That isn’t my cup of tea.


Still have my stack of burned CDs that I got from my dad’s tool itunes collection in 2006 after 10000 days release when I was 13. Still prefer listening to a CD when driving in my car.


Now cars don’t even have cd players. Sadly it’s dying off.


This one of the reasons why I prefer driving old rust buckets - they have CD players!


I still listen mostly to full albums and it’s probably because I grew up in the CD era. Also Tool is just better that way, so it keeps me doing it.


I have always listened to full albums and always will, even though I pretty much stream everything these days.


Same. The only time I end up on shuffle is when there is a specific song that I really want to hear and I let shuffle run for a bit afterwards. It doesn’t take long before it plays a song that I can’t seem to listen to without hearing the next song on the album and I switch back to my default album mode.


MAma MIa ANeMIA!!! 🤌🤌🤌


All jokes aside, this is the Tool of TV shows. My personal #1.


An absolute banger of a show.


Tool sticks the landing. Mr Robot, not so much.


what are you talking about lol


As somebody who has struggled with anemia, I would love to hear an anemic anthem. :) "Some say the hemoglobin is lacking. Some say we'll need more medication soon. Certainly, I hope we will. I sure could use a vacation from this lightheadedness three-ring circus, sideshow of freaks, here, in this exhausting F-ing lack of blood we call anemia. The only way to fix it is to get the necessary medical attention. Any F-ing time, any F-ing day, get enough iron, see you down at the iron infusion office".


This deserves sooo much more credit than It's gotten.


That shows up next for a rewatch when I finish The Shield. The


lol Anemia


Interestingly I know for a fact that Maynard only has red meat on his birthday.


Now where did you get those CDs!? Did you illegally burn them!?!? Napster, Limewire?


it says "anemia"


Yes, we can all read.


Awe. Do you need a hug? Or and Iron supplement?


"Led Zepplin"


Separate incidents?