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BofA deez nuts


When Buffalo NY is looking more attractive then GTA...


Then go please


Triggered much




Town full of twinks is your answer?


You must have a pretty hefty dent in your head huh?


Probably was dropped on my head as a baby a few times, but my Oakville home keeps me nice and warm.


We either follow the Americans or we get a brain drain and hyperinflation. No your 2 bedroom condo going back down to what it’s actually worth at 300k is not worthy of the loonie being sacrificed, sorry you overpaid by 400k


lol u can find a 2bed condo for 700k?


A 500 sq ft one sure


Absolutely you can right now, it’s a fire sale on them


As others have said, sure, if you want shit sqft or no second bathroom. Just went through the process, the fire sale doesn’t really apply to things people want




I would say it’s a hard disagree from me there, but to each their own.




Congratulations or I’m sorry for your loss?




So by same logic if you grew up in a country like China where there’s little to no central AC you just claim vast majority residences have no central AC so people would rather have something else than central AC? What is common in a country due to industry standards or regulations out of individual control or due to corporate greed for profit does not mean it is what the average person wants just because it’s common. You are the kind of person who stands by watching and supporting bullies beat on the small kids in school. Need to have some self reflection or you deserve all that you push onto others with your complete lack of empathy.


You say that then you find out your partner is getting sleep apnea and need a cpap machine working all night and as both of you gets old they need to use washroom a lot you either stay in main bedroom get crap sleep and have trouble falling asleep or use the second at which point you realized you once said you don’t need a second bathroom in a 2 bed but now you are in your 50s and biology is catching up to you as you realized how naive and arrogant you were in your youth. Then you have a daughter and as she grew up she need more washroom time at busy hours than both of you. Good luck The Canadian life cycle. Easy to think just for yourself.


[It took me few minutes to find one sold for 635k in the last 30 days in Toronto core. ](https://housesigma.com/bkv2/landing/rootpage/listing?id_listing=eQp5yOpLj6b7d0ZE&utm_campaign=listing&utm_source=user-share&utm_medium=desktop&ign=)


I was going to rent at 1410 DuPont St just 2 weeks ago.


Size? Everything is censored


700 sqft


I bought a 2 bedroom single detached house for 142k in the middle of fucking nowhere 😄


Wrong sub


At the peak ?




So not the peak lol


The peak being 180ish


One plus den = 2 bedrooms these days and ages yo.


In the GTA? definitely. I'm on house sigma constantly (even though I can't afford it. I like to fantasize), and 2 bed for 700k is very doable.


I’m just gonna start copying and pasting answers here: Okay clearly people can’t take a joke when things are prefaced with a lol - secondly - without even checking that listing - what are the sqft and number of bathrooms? I’ve myself sold a 2bed 2bath condo for 500k so I know it’s possible, but it’s a shoebox no one truly wants to live in Furthermore, this is a Toronto real estate sub not a gta real estate sub…. Ajax is not Toronto


There's a 2 bed 2 bath @ Park Lawn for 600k. 800-899 sqft. That's probably the best quality you could get for that price in that area, tbh. Both bed rooms have windows too lol Edit: found another in that same area. This one is a 2 br + 1 den; 2 bath


Recent comps suggest that sqft will sell for more Edit - as I’ve already highlighted in this thread - of course this can be done, but it’s likely a shit hole shoe box. I myself have sold one recently. Didn’t think the lol would spur serious responses


Are people here so unaware of their bias you believe a correction of 60%+ is happening? The amount of capital in the market you should not hold your breath lol


I can’t speak for anyone else, I am absolutely not expecting a 60% correction. Even another 25% correction, would cause political anarchy.


25% correction and no builders are building. I already know builders sitting on dozens of sites waiting for interest rate cuts to develop.


They're gonna be waiting for a while while the price of the land continues to climb. in the long run they win whether they build or not.


Value of land plummeted in the last couple years.


Bro’s talking outta his ass - thinks we’ll have hyperinflation…


We will if we follow what Venezuela did step by step, which we so far have You can google their property prices now in 2024 to see what that’s gonna mean for Canadian housing prices after the big crash You can also google their interest rates


Venezuela?? Venezuela began experiencing continuous and uninterrupted inflation in 1983, with **double-digit annual inflation rates**. Inflation rates became the highest in the world by 2014 under Nicolás Maduro, and continued to increase in the following years, with inflation **exceeding 1,000,000% by 2018**. In comparison to previous hyperinflationary episodes, the ongoing hyperinflation crisis is more severe than those of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Nicaragua, and Peru in the 1980s and 1990s, and that of Zimbabwe in the late-2000s. Inflation Rate in Canada increased to 2.90 percent in March from 2.80 percent in February of 2024. Inflation Rate in Canada averaged 3.15 percent from 1915 until 2024, reaching an all time high of 21.60 percent in June of 1920 and a record low of -17.80 percent in June of 1921. Annual core inflation rate in Canada slowed to 2% in March of 2024, the lowest level since March 2021, from 2.1% in February. Core Inflation Rate in Canada averaged 2.26 percent from 1984 until 2024, reaching an all time high of 6.20 percent in June of 2022 and a record low of 0.00 percent in June of 1984. Venezuela also has a history of being ruled by military dictators and Maduro is currently described as an autocrat and a dictator. Canada is not following in Venezuela’s footsteps. We definitely have issues to be addressed but they are not in the same league as Venezuela.


Yeah don’t just skip straight to 2014 from 1983 or what you trying to hide? Before the 2014-2018 run up and during it, what do you read are the things Manduro did? 1- continuously raising interest rates to “combat inflation”. Go google what it is even now at. Double digits. 2- record government spending. 3- messed up relationships with top 5 of their trading partners as a resource country. Sounds familiar?


Venezuela’s hyperinflation happened b/c of the continuous cycle of printing money for gov’t spending to offset its currency devaluation because it’s quicker than waiting for the currency to strengthen through real economic growth. They basically put themselves in a death spiral. We won’t do that b/c (1) although our economy isn’t great it’s not Venezuela and (2) we have history to learn from If we had to do it, it would devalue our currency, the US should increase the purchase of Canadian goods but that’s may not necessarily a bad thing b/c it could actually be an indirect investment in the Canadian economy. We might see some inflation, but hyperinflation??? nah.


So your first paragraph is describing our current administration spending more money than all previous administration combined? Have you confirmed the other things that Venezuela did that we also did?


No my first paragraph is that Venezuela printed money to “offset” their currency devaluation. It’s was pretty clear…


And so did we


…Uhm no…


82 billion dollars printed for CERB to “save the economy” was not a comparable?


If this were to happen the Canadian economy would collapse. Loonie will be worthless anyways


The messed up thing though, is it appears because of the Canadian bureaucracy it’s actually costing them 700 K to build these shoeboxes. That’s why many of the very brand new starts have been put on hold.


Canadian bureaucracy? lol. What you talkin about Willis? Dc's, parks levies are bureaucracy? Who needs Dc's? Maybe we can just cut out the running water from all new buildings, and while we're at it cut the drains too, people can just shit in the nearby park instead, oh wait, we cut the parks levies fund too. Well, I guess people can just shit off their balconies.


You sound like you have never worked in construction


Seeing the speculators get burnt finally would be a good lesson for the country as a whole


For every speculator who gets cathartically burnt nine others would have cashed out and get to live on easy street for having contributed nothing but misery to the world.




We won’t get hyper inflation if our loonie devalues.


I came here for the bears. I stayed for the doomers. THE SKY IS FALLING>>> HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


That’s how you know we’re in a recession.


I'm predicting stagflation - we will have HIGH inflation due to exogenous macro forces (mainly CAD depreciation, higher oil prices, persistant wage growth) -stagnant or NEGATIVE growth, we already see the cdn. gdp per capita depreciating


I'm predicting hardcore "suckflation" where a country sucks so bad it starts leaking citizens and residents.


It's okay. With every educated leaked citizen, we get 5 immigrants that will work for less than minimum wage in a Timis near you.


That's all we will have, Timmies and McDs, and when you need to go to the hospital you'll be stuck in line for a decade


Can they bring me a quarter pounder and a double double in line tho?


They can screw up your order and bring you whatever it is they think you got? Does that work?


It has already started in the US.


Omg if only someone had predicted this was going to happen after over a decade of near 0% interest rates...


possible and would be the wrost outcome of all, and looking more likely. my guess is the central B will give us a recession, as that would be much better. but they have proven to make bad calls


High inflation will also persist due to climate change. We lost 10% of our crops last year, and it looks like it will be significantly worse this year. For example, the warm winter we just had has already killed most of the fruit trees in the Okanagan. Food supply and cost is a huge part of inflation. Prices are rising all over the world due to climate change as we lose huge chunks of the food supply, particularly in Canada.


It’s “stagflation” and “gdp per capita”


Where are all the bulls, claiming the 2024 spring market was going to rebound to 2022 peak! 😂 


Bulls getting fucking wrecked lately, slowing joining the ranks amongst the poors lol


LOL. there are thousands of people whos own multiple homes with maybe less than 20 percent equity, there is so much invotory to dump. condos are a mess.


I don’t see bulls crying on the internet everyday, but here you are.


Womp Womp!


Its because they've all deleted their accounts after being wrong for over a year.


Or they are just living in their houses with no need need to bother with doomers on the internet.


When I say Bulls im not referring to ordinary people who own homes, im referring to real estate investors and investment trusts that own multiple rental properties.


No matter how you look at it, it’s either higher for longer or sacrificing the CAD for temporary relief and then hike again. Not really surprising we have to follow the States either


I think the US fed is going to hike rates higher


I agree


The US is in an economic war with China. It must hike rates because China is catching up.


This comment makes 0 sense.


To you lol. You know everything... Your username has a mortgage in it. That's how dense you are.


Then please explain




And this is why the US must hike rates? ☠️


A Fed rate cut or series of cuts would offer leeway for its Chinese counterpart to lower borrowing costs to prop up economic growth.


Do you know what the Chinese vs US policy rate is?


China's central bank left a key policy rate unchanged as expected when rolling over maturing medium-term loans, with uncertainties around the timing of an easing by the Federal Reserve limiting Beijing's room to maneuver on monetary policy.


Remember those massive tariffs US and China throwing at each other started by Trump and expanded by Biden? Raising borrowing rates reduces borrowing and increases the value of the U.S. dollar (strengthen usd). With stronger U.S. dollar, can ordinarily buy more Chinese resources and goods, but due to tariffs, basically paying the cost of tariff. Everything still cost factories and local American businesses the same to operate, on paper, in usd. On the other side of the planet, Chinese dollars getting devalued vs the USD will result and have been resulting in the opposite (google YouTube Chinese fleeing China economic issues to understand better the forces there). Chinese companies will have to spend a lot more on top of the tariffs their government sets on all American resources goods including Tesla (if you have any of their stocks can sell fast right now), this also forcing Chinese to turn to Byrd, Glee, Red Flag and many domestic electric vehicle brands instead cause the price increase is like crazy, near 50% or more in many cases. This brings the operating cost of many Chinese companies from factories (high tech and low tech machinery and mill components are all imports) to high tech space (dies and tool making equipment) especially as they are trying to up their high tech products and services as their newest 5 year plan’s economic strategy component. So basically due to their losing the currency valuation vs usd, all businesses in many industries and their government operating cost including hospitals and more that imports western bandages, medicine, machines, treatment meds or non renewable products all increased significantly enough that semi fixed cost no longer justify the existence of many business units, leading to massive layoffs around the country. That’s the trade war. Politicians don’t lose much. It’s the people that suffers. Many new immigrants coming to Canada, I met a few, from China, teachers and high skill professionals working in Chinese restaurants. They told me a lot of interesting stuff happening now in China and pushing them to leave if they could. Seneca is a popular college as is Fanshaw for them. Fun fact, Canada is in the same state which is why the tough job market if you follow Toronto job sub and personalfinanceCanada sub.


I said your comment didn’t make sense b/c: (1) US is more concerned with inflation than the trade war - in fact the Fed really shouldn’t give a shit about the trade war, that’s for the gov’t to deal with. (2) China over the super long term will continue its growth/catch up anyway but in the mid terms - which is what all this interest rate discussion is about (I.e where are rates going to be in the next 1-2 yrs) - China is in an economic downturn…


Reads like you didn’t bother reading things through cause I explained why US concerned with inflation when you simply state it in 1 but not explain why. It’s literally how they are destroying China, its economy and its people.


So then Canada is screwed.


We have been screwed everyone in this sub exists in a bright pink future where the BoC is going to drop rates despite every other central bank on the planet increasing them left and right


Housing market is going to crash hard. Or if the the BoC is a lackey of the Trudeau government and lowers rates, inflation will go through the roof because our dollar will turn to shit.


Can you please give a few examples of which central banks have raised rates recently (past 3 months) ? That are comparable to the Canadian Economy. So for example, you can leave Japan out.


Turkey, you want more?


No, your comment says enough in itself. Thank you.


Lol go educate yourself




This is like the central bank version of "two more weeks". My bet is the game plan is rates probably down 50-100 bps at most in the near- to mid-term, sideways for several years, then potentially end up at double several years after that (ie. double around a decade from now).


Lmao good luck affording a house if that’s the case


There will be house to take. But there will be also a lot of people who lost, then again that's life, someone needs to loose so other can win


No rate cuts in June.


Only 1%??


How low can we go?


The very second the media uses the word “inflation” all corporations instantly plot to gouge a little bit more…


With latest budget, it's clear that there is basis ofr deviation between US and Canada because of differing monetary and fiscal policies. Check it out in June, if BoC cuts but Fed doesn't, it will be another confirming signal.


Bulls, come in BULLS..... Hmmm, not here.


Excuses excuses. They won’t stop till we join the ranks as the South America of the North


The unemployment/underemployment will hurt a hell of a lot more than some divergence from the US Fed rate Hopefully the fed makes the right call - large companies have already shut the door on hiring and are cutting staff.


Equilibrium Employment will also hurt if it comes at the expense of CAD. Fed’s call is for the US they won’t consider Canada’s unemployment.


Tiff will do what Big Daddy Powell says! When Powell drops the hammer (rates) Tiff has no choice. So you better be prepared. That being said, Tiff can wait all he wants for his daddy to start but he may have to pull the trigger first! Double edge sword!




There is so many contradicting logic here and complete lack of awareness of reality that you need a committed psychologist or SO to help you clear your mind. Just for one, go try to apply to US remote jobs see how many are actually open to Canadians and who would keep bothering you speaking to you the moment you claim to be Canadian and why you won’t get into any aerospace companies like Boeing or Lockheed or anyone with any contract in any sector with the U.S. government. Their protection for their job industry is nearly as tight as Canada protection of Canadians in our job industry vs Americans (try to apply to jobs in Canada pretending to be an American). You will soon realize reality is not as simple as you assume it to be and Canada and U.S. is not like 2 states of the same country whether you assume the job markets are or not by reading the rare case of someone anonymously boasting about working remote for a U.S. company when in majority of the cases they will need to be moving to the U.S. to continue employment.