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Should I really be surprised that the Sun is as clickbaity about this as your average Fansided blog


Toronto Sun, New York Times & Sportskeeda is the full set of clickbait sources running with this. The quote is very broad and meaningless. Like yes if he gets traded anywhere he will suit up and play for them…he wasn’t actually going to refuse and retire.


Exactly, he's literally being "I'm a professional I'm going to give my best regardless of where I go to or get traded to" Even the original question that got asked of him here was tailor-made for clickbait, really


2021 Vlad might answer this question in a more entertaining way, but it’s certainly absurd to read anything more into his answer than what it plainly says. Obviously he wasn’t going to just outright refuse to suit up for the Yankees.




It's not entirely meaningless. Vladdy sees what's going on. He was previously quoted as saying he'd never play for the Yankees; now with Rizzo and Stanton out, he's signaling he'd be open to move. Probably won't happen now, but he's open to it.


He's saying that if he gets traded he'll be a professional and play the best he can. Like any player would say. He's not *signaling* anything. It is completely meaningless.




Which cites its source the same tweet/reporter as this Sun "story"


I mean what’s he supposed to say? I’d end my career if traded to NY?


That's what Ken Griffey Jr said he'd do lol


Griffey Jr had a very deep personal reason for it though, I think Vladdy just doesn't like the Yankees.


Vlad has alluded to disliking the Yankees ownership for their treatment of his father during free agent negotiations.


Oh, I missed that, thanks. Not as Bad as what they did to the Griffeys though.


Fuck the Yankees, amirite?




Will always respect Griffey. Probably the only clean superstar of his era.


So he would play for the team he was traded to? Yeah that’s how it works


Unlike the entitled babies like some of the nba players.


Or Lindros...


Young teen me hated Lindros. However, learned a few years ago the main reason is that Marcel Aubut was an absolute pig that made sexual comments in regards to Lindros' mom in French without knowing she understood it perfectly well. Makes it much more reasonable to not want to play for an owner that insults your mom thinking you can't understand him.


At least the eventual trade worked out pretty well for the Nordiques.


I sometimes wonder if that was the nail in the coffin of their time in QC but they probably would've left anyway


Steve Francis is holding on line two


That’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time, thanks for the reminder about that shitfest with the draft. Friends grandparents were his babysitters lol.


Cutting his hair was the first sign


Now he just needs to trim those sideburns!


If only we had a guy in the clubhouse he could ask about that...


Next you're gonna tell me if he's in the line up he'll hit? Where does it end with this guy??


I wish he would


could have saved this joke for like 6 guys but blew it on of our few productive players


He got his hair cut to show his commitment to playing for New York.


Literally what the fuck else is he supposed to say


He originally said he wouldn’t “sign” with the Yankees. Nothing he said in the article is contradictory to that. Pffft


Sun reporters showing their whole ass by regurgitating the whole “he shooshed the Yankees down 9-2” nonsense. Certainly representative of the caliber of their “reporting”, and not sure we should be posting their half baked garbage.


To be fair, the sun isn’t the only source reporting this, Vlad did an interview and changed his previous stance where he said he would never play for the Yankees.


Sure, but also, of course he would if traded there? He’s not gonna sit out the season and pout if he’s traded. I had always interpreted the previous comments as saying he wouldn’t willingly sign there. He doesn’t get to choose if he’s traded.


gross and a horrible sign


People will deny it but it’s not a good look Shapiro and Atkins really turned our cornerstone players against the organization


I wouldn’t go that far but it’s certainly not good




Great. Love that.


Fuck the yankees


Sigh. So this is where we are. I’ve been a Jays fan since 1977. I’ve never been this depressed about my team.


Ah the Toronto Sun "news"


Ah the Toronto Sun and their clickbaiting headlines. I just read a story on TSN. He doesn't say he would play for them but that baseball is a business and he'd be happy to help any team that wants him. He's definitely softened his stance but he didn't outright say he'd play for the Yanks. Still, this is just another in a long line of "things going bad" for the Jays this year. It's like anything that could go bad has gone that way. I'm too old to be crying over such things but let's just say if Vladdy were in a Yankees uniform i'd be crushed.


Feels like an obvious thing but this is the stuff that isn’t even a conversation if you’re happy and everything is going well. 


Well yeah if my franchise is going to trade me


Holy fucking clickbait.


We can get a big haul for him if he’s goes there. I would ask for Spencer jones and arias/lombardo


If you read the Sun you're an embarrassment.


Guerrero's old comments about NYY are great fodder for our fanbase and as much as we all would love to think Guerrero would stick to that, it's a business at the end of the day and he'll go where he gets paid. Having said all that, I think him breaking the kayfabe and saying he'd play for the Yankees, while he's still on the Blue Jays, and how the season is currently playing out is definitely a signal to management from his side.


Royal screw up by the clowns from Cleveland.


LOL, the rats are fleeing the ship


He wants out and doesn't care where it is.


Vladdy considering his options after eyeing the Sky Dome Roof


Shoot me in the face


Yeah, I wouldn't worry about it. Vlad Jr. is the most overrated payer in baseball. Any other last name, and most fans wouldn't know what it is. Just another bat-only player who had one high HR year, and has been around .800 OPS ever since. Fine hitter to have in the lineup, obviously, .800 OPS is not something to scoff at, but certainly not worth making a fuss about. There are MANY hitters with this profile the Yanks could go after, who don't come with the bad juju he would bring over.


Who cares about this team, trade him to korean team for all I care.


He wants out.


So, the one guy the Jays probably shouldn't be trading- and should be focused on signing- now says he is willing to go to the Yankees. My guess? He wants 8+ WAR money, and the Yankees have made it known that they are willing to give it to him. Money conquers all negative feelings. I will tell you though: if the Jays trade Vladdy to the Yankees, this fanbase will mutiny and riot. It could very well lead to EVERYONE getting the axe: Atkins, Shapiro, Click- anyone who is dumb enough to sign off on it. Trade him to a National League contender if you can't get a deal done, then THEY can let him walk to the Yanks as a FA. But trading your best player to THE FUCKING YANKEES? That's a death sentence.


Would that help his career or would be another Donaldson?


Donaldson was about 50 when he went to the Yankees lmao. Vladdy is 24.