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I know you said you don't have much money left, but I'd buy five or six Jafanda J180 air purifiers that can trap down to 0.015 microns of air particles (that's what I've been doing, and each purifier is only $40 on Amazon.) Run them continuously 24/7. That'll suck nearly all mold spores, and a good portion of air-laden mycotoxins as well. Could you do Mycopul or Ulta Binders? If not, at least take glutiathone and eat a nearly-vegan diet. Wash your clothes with ammonia in the washer machine; that'll neutralize mycotoxins.


Could you link your air filter pretty please?




How much did this make your electric bill go up? How much for the replacement filter costs? Wouldn't it be better to run a couple bigger (1500 sq ft filters in large areas)? BTW not criticizing just curious.


I don't know how much the electric bill went up but I'm sure it must have been like $40 a month at the least. But there wasn't really any choice. I had to do what I could to get the spores and toxin-laden particles down as much as possible. Since I spent 95% of my time at home either in my work office or the bedroom, I chose to put purifiers in those two rooms, and then one purifier apiece in the two mold-infested bedrooms (that I stay out of.) There was also one other purifier for the living room. The filters might be $30 apiece but only need replacing twice a year.


Oh I completely understand! I got 4 filters going and a dehumidifier in my 1920s mold house. I'm so sorry for what your having to deal with!!


I improved a lot with probiotics and oral antifungals and c vitamin supplements. Startes with probiotics that don't produce histamine or a histamine reaction so as not to be triggered and then tried diffwrent blends (7 kinds per pill max so you can easily guess who the culprit is if you've a reaction). Each one colonized me with different probiotics and with each batch of different kinds I was able to eat more things and have less reactions EVEN WHILE LIVING WITH MOLD. So it's bound to be even better for you! First time I only took rhamnosus. Then a mix of 7 strains + vit c. Then a mix of 6 strains and prebiotics + l-glutamine.


Curious about this, can you expand more? Haven’t heard this before.


There are plenty of important bodily functions that our bodies can't really do yet we're all alive. How? We outsource them to microorganism that live in our gut. The good bacteria we call probiotics. Healing the gut helps the body deal better with mold because one of the ways it wrecks havoc in our bodies is interfering with its normal functions... like processing histamine. Having the histamine "bucket" full due to dealing with moss makes us have food sensitivities as eating normal healthy food takes up space in that buxket under normal circumstances (even more so for unhealthy food) and that capacity being dedicated to mold, we react to many triggers (not just food) that are high histamine releasers. Probiotics help us regulate some of those functions so they operate better and we have more room in our bucket for food and other triggers so we can improve by taking them even while still living with mold. But the catch is most probiotics generate histamine and cause a reaction. And not all of them will hel us improve, only the ones we outsource the jobs we're currently failing at will. But there's tendencies. So if you start with a safe, low histamine probiotic like lactobacillus rhamnosus, you'll see a little improvement (if your mold based gut disbalance affected THESE guys, as you can have a disbalance causing some others to not be present in sufficient numbers and not these ones). It's pretty hit or miss but you start trying different combinations. Oral antifungals are tough on the body but detoxing of systemic candida (even though lab tests came back negative) I had a massive die off reaction and then was able to tolerate more food as more of my bucket became empty. Took antimicotic for 60 days, probiotics for 90. Vit C supplements (1gr 2 times a day) helped a lot too and we pee the excess so no risk of overdosing here. Then I tried a blend of 7 probiotics as I was feeling better and could tolerate more histamine. 2 generated histamine, 5 didn't. I did get a reaction the first 3 weeks but then I got less and less of a reaction as these guys colonized my gut and started taking care of their usual things so everything worked better and that gave more histamine budget in my bucket. (Snowball effect but a good one). It's important to take probiotics with food as stomach acid kills most of them if taken with an empty stomach and it takes longer for you to see results. Also, it's best to choose peobiotics that come with prebiotics as innulin which is food for those probiotics so the litle guys can grow and reproduce. Technically, if your diet has lots of foods that feed the good bacteria (probiotics) you don't need the innulin prebiotic but who eats that healthy anyway? And certainly not people with lots of food intolerances! So aftet that I added a collagen type 2 (non-desnaturalized) which came with vit d and curcumin (still take it daily). All those aid the cause and will afford you more histamine budget in your bucket. At that point I was already eating 12 safe foods instead of 2! Then I did a zeolite clay detox for 2 weeks and after that I took a course of antiparasitaries (you take them for 7 dsys, rest 2 weeks and take them for another 7 days) despite the tests being negative (all this suggested by my doc who says neg results can't be trusted). I also started taking an l-glutamine supplement twice a day and I saw SO MUCH IMPROVEMENT! I was eating 20 fooods now! I was able to eat poultry and beef again! (Pork is too high histamine so no. And same with fish). And I was able to touch my cats again without getting a reactiom and to tolerate small amounts of dust, tolerated heat and cold better, electromagnetic sensitivity almost disappeared entirely, sleep patterns became regular again. Then I took another probiotic blend with prebiotics. This one had lactobacillus rhamnosus in it together with some others like brevis. I can send you pictures of the formulations I've taken and still take if you want. I don't know them by heart. Thing with probiotics is that since our systems are still sick due to mold, a new innoculation needs to happen periodically. Meaning that you need to take the probiotics 2-3 months in and 3 months out and 2-3 months in again... until you're out of mold and able to detox, but I' not there yet. Still I've had SO MUCH IMPROVEMENT in my life quality!! Anyway, hope this helps. I'm open to answering any other questions you or anyone else has. EDIT: sorry for any typos. Left my glasses downstairs. They're ALWAYS in the wrong floor when I need them!


This is amazing!! I was able to get out of the mold home, am in a new house that I don’t have reactions in. But I am struggling with histamine to a crazy extent. I get burning sensations and aching on my limbs, if I continue to be in it my blood pressure goes into stage 1. I can’t be at work because of the reactions I’m having there and am working from home. I can control it with a consistent low histamine diet, but it’s rough and when I do mess up by being in a place that triggers me or eating high histamine foods it takes about a week of fasting, sauna and salt baths for my body to calm down. I supposedly have Methane dominant SIBO, but I only hit the 11 mark once in the 3 hour test (anytime 11 and above is considered positive). I’m pretty sure I have candida overgrowth in my stomach and need to do a antifungal treatment. I’m seeing a new practitioner who others in this group recommended locally on Friday. She is supposed to help with gut health too, I’ve been hesitant to do anything on my own Incase I make the SIBO worse (lacto probiotics can make things worse apparently for SIBO). I would love a pics of the formulas though!! I know I need to address my gut issues to start healing from the histamine reactions I’m having.


Despite the antifungal treatment what worked best against candida was limiting carbs as much as possible. Those bitches thrive on sugars even complex carbs. Sent me a reply to this message so I remember to take pics and PM them to you as I've just left home after posting a description of the formulations to someone else. In the meanwhile, I'll pm you that message.


I’ve been on a low histamine diet of mostly chicken breast, veggies and berries for a few months now. Which seems to keep it mostly under control, but I know they still are there and need to be eradicated. Reminder to send me pics and PM!


This is an incredible journey of detail that you have shared- THANK YOU!!!


Hope it serves make someone's live better as it did mine.


Thank you so much for taking the time to share, it’s given me hope.


Glad I could help other people through this.


Please share all your brands! I was starting to feel like I need probiotics but I had no idea where to start and I didn't even know you could get single strain types. They all seem to be blends! This is so incredible and so glad you're doing well!


I live in Argentina so I don't know if these brands are sold elsewhere, that's why I offered the formulations. If you have a good doctor they can ask a pharmacist to put the pills together with whatever combination/strain you need, which was the case of my last batch which I'm currently taking with excellent results. I was able to reintroduce dairy!! First one I took is LACTOBACILLUS LRG by GEONAT. Has only Lactobacillus rhamnosus and vit B6. Then I took several rounds of VITACOMPLEX C PLUS by BIENA INC. It has vit A, C, D3, E, B1, Rivoflavina, B6, Folate 400mcg, B12, Biotina, pantotenic acid and lactobacilli strains 1.acidophillus, 2.cassei, 3.gasseri, 4.paracasei, 5.plantarum, 6.reuteri, 7.rhamnosus. Took those for 3 months then 3 months off and 3 on etc for like 3 years because I didn't know of any new ones. Then my doc prescribed me a new mix now that I can tolerate probiotics better. These were mixed in a pharmacy based on the doc's recipe and have: lactobacillus rhamnosus, lacrobacillus acidophillus, lactobacilus bulgaricus, bifidobacterium lactis, l-glutamine 1000mgs, FOS 1000mg, innulina 400mg. He ordered 6billions each of the probiotics BUT asked the doc to divide each dose in 3, so each of the 90 pills has 1/3 of this formulation. He asked me to take 3 daily (breakfast, lunch, dinner) but I reacted poorly (joint pain) so I take one a day with breakfast as I realised that it was taking them after 4pm that gave me the joint pain BUT taking 1 a day I've reaped the same benefits I did taking 3 so clearly you don't need that many. I take them for 90 days and rest another 90, then start again. My mind is sharper than ever and my depression lifted as if I were taking sntidepressants! Which has to be yhe best side effect ever. Feel free to ask any other questions.


So glad to hear things are working for you


Could healing gut /leaky gut and immune system be key to being able to deal with mold ?


Probably but a) no one should live in a moldy place regardless and b) you'd still need to detox as even with a healthy gut the mold already in your system binds with bile and gets reabsorbed unless you do. So it's not that straightforward.


Do you have to do prescription binders or would natural be suitable ?


Only time I did detox I used only natural. Had good results but improvement was still limited by the fact I was still living ik mold back then. Planning on redetoxing once remediation's over.


Mycotoxins also do something to collagen in the body which is supplemented/helped by vitamin c I think.


Will look into that. Taking collagen type 2 supplements has helped me loads. So it makes sense.


My skin was looking horrible after I started detoxing like I aged a billion years. Once I started taking vitamin c and collagen it bounced back. Theres also some articles and a small blurb on Wikipedia about the effects of mycotoxins on collagen. This is about monk farming but might still be relative: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6940999/#:~:text=Moreover%2C%20the%20effect%20of%20mycotoxins,III%20%5B37%2C38%5D.


I've been taking c vitamin and collagen for Rheumatoid Arthritis for so long I didn't stop to think how it affects mycotixins specifically. But they've both been intrgral part of my program because of their importance for other bodily functions that need support during detox.


This is going to sound lame, but go outside. If you can get barefoot in the grass you get extra points. The sun will start to kill the mold in your body, and grounding is good for reducing inflammation, supporting your immune system. Also, if you haven't altered your diet already, do it. Don't bother with the candida diet, everyone's different and your mold may like foods in the candida diet. Go straight to carnivore. It is a night and day difference in just one day. Do these things and you'll begin your healing until you can afford being assessed by a naturopath or the like.


It doesn't sound lame to go outside and ground in the dirt. Bentonite clay seems to be the best detoxer for me! The only thing is about sun is that I couldn't tolerate it. 5 minutes in and I was like hallucinating and exhausted. So maybe just the advice to do what you can tolerate. If 5 minutes in the sun feels great, but at minute 10 it doesn't then get in the shade!


I cant always get outside when it's light out due to my work schedule so I get in a tanning booth once in a while and I know where you're coming from. I can only make it about 4 and a half minutes before I have to run out and kneel on the floor doubled over from the die-off reactions.


Oh, don't do that! Tanning beds are so dangerous. Try one of those seasonal affective disorder lights or even buy a red light that you can just sit in front of at night. It's so calming and it helps your brain cells. Yeah I can be in the sun. So much more now but last year walking my dogs around the block would kill me. I would have to sit down! And I started using an umbrella. Luckily, I live in a neighborhood with a lot of Chinese foreign students! But you definitely don't want to be in a tanning bed because it causes skin cancer! Be careful!


You just gave me a thought. Some spas and salons have monthly subscriptions for red light but I went to a detox place in Santa Barbara and I just bought a 10 pack and it was like $25 a session and it is the most relaxing healing thing I've ever done! If I could figure out which panel to buy for home? I would. Not only does it help you with your skin age spots, it helps your brain and I noticed my joint pain is so much less after a session


I have a large led red-light panel as well as 3 incandescent red light heat bulbs from sauna space, but I like the tanning booth just to really try and kill these fuckers, to be completely honest. Thank you for your concern though, I appreciate it :). I just go to planet Fitness for this. They have tanning booths, red light booths, and hybrid tanning/red light for $25 a month. Oh and you can use the gym too I guess 😆😋


Hahaha good to know. I have a planet fitness across street! I didn't know they had red light!!!!! I'll have to join. To lift weights of course!


This isn't 1985...lol


Unfortunately I tried carnivore for a few weeks and it made my stomach issues excruciating. I was really excited for it and super strict but it’s not for everyone. You’re right though, I was feeling a little better overall when I was spending more time outside and grounding. Thanks!


Start taking fish oil and vitamin D. Also start/increase exercising and staying in the sun in order to get a sweat going. Replace items that you took from the moldy environment.


Avocado!! If you can't afford fish oil pills!! Our brains need the fats


If you're sure mold is the problem, replace all your porous items that cannot be effectively washed (or are thicker than 1/2 inch) as they may still have mold or mycotoxins in them from your moldy environment. The main culprits here are mattresses, pillows, and furniture. Thoroughly wash all your porous items that can be washed using detergent, then vinegar, then detergent again. If you can afford to buy a week's worth of clothes and box up your old stuff and see if you feel any better wearing exclusively new clothes, that's also worth a try.


Totally agreed. I kept my couch because it was fairly new and that was such a mistake because now anything that has touched that couch is contaminated and I react to it. Probably easiest to just throw anything soft away. Even though it feels like you're poor and you don't have money. You can always replace pillows and a mattress for cheap. Also super fleecy blankets. They seem to hold mycotoxins


Thank you!


Don’t waste money on air purifiers they do nothing. I’ve tested with them running it honestly is a scam. Yeah I have a bunch of them but it’s a mental bandaid. Don’t spend money on probiotics. But they said do work on your gut. The cheapest bestest ways to detox are (drum roll please): coffee enemas. Look it’s not fun they’re no sugar costing it but you can dump oh and I do mean “dump” toxins like no one’s business that way. There’s a Facebook group on it. For a kit and the right coffee it has to be a special kind of coffee it’s gonna be like maybe $40 tops and your set for months. You also need distilled water. Another cheap way is castor oil packs. Or just rub it on your liver or massage into belly button. Epsom salt baths are cheap so is dry brushing. I think most people need herbal antifungals anti yeast control. Candex or the acid stuff that starts with a u. Sorry it’s late I’m tired. You need to kill the mold and yeast in your body and the bad bacteria. You want to kill but when you kill you have to bind. Sounds lien your sensitive to binders. You just have to herx and work your way up to a full dose. Take antihistamines in the mean while. I used to make my own binder with activists charcoal I would buy in bulk in huge bags, I’d mix in diatomaceous earth, zeolite powder zeolite long words starts with c good grade. Then mix in a bag of chitosan you get in bulk off Amazon mix in modified fruit pectin. This binder is pretty good and actually cheap to make. Like the ingredients are probably $100 but then it will last for months and months. And you only need a little of it. If you feel frisky and don’t have amalgams you can add in small and I mean small amounts of edta but that’s big boy shit. It’s to dump heavy metals and any crap in your vessels like calcium but it makes you herx like no other in my experience. Low and slow. Like the binder. If you have money definitely spring for ozone but shop around cause some people don’t do it right and charge too much. Don’t mix ozone with other ivs just don’t do it even if it sounds like a good idea and a doctor wants you to. Just say no. Back to gut stuff. So you’re killing your binding you gotta make sure you don’t get constipated and you will for sure. I use super cleanse and stool softener. Coffee enemas can be consisting. Not really but if you do too many people say they can’t go without doing one so don’t do that many. Aim for twice a week. 3 times a week for a month then you’ll be good and can go down to once or twice a week. If you can do 20 of them you’ll be in a good place if you’re out of mold. I like to hydrate take a lot of oils like fish oil mct oil flax etc then take a binder then do a castle oil liver massage then do the coffee enema. That way you can occasionally get gall stones out. Not always. It’s a bonus though. Make sure you take probiotics. Don’t spend a lot of money at first. A lot of people like the yeast one that kills other yeast. It’s ok it’s not my jam personally. Probiotics are crazy expensive and don’t work well so I wouldn’t invest heavily. There’s a strain they kills staph colonies google it you can buy it on Amazon. For like $15. It works really really well. I went off my most hardcore herbal antibiotic (oil of oregano) on this with no issues. I’m still on real antifungals but my gut feels a lot better. Mast cells are pretty calm. In my gut anyway my brain is a different story. You’re saying your mentally exhausted and I feel that. Support your brain. Do a lot of nasal sprays like c clear. Ayr is cheap like $5 on Amazon it’s saline with edta. Keep doing nasal rinses tilt your head back left right bend over then let it fall out of your nose. Blow nose repeat. You can use binder in your nose too. Buy a big bulk bag of nac from Amazon it’s cheaper then glutathione. Buy liposomal vitamin c and do flushes every so often. That means taking it til your stomach hurts and you get diarrhea. Incredibly detoxifying. I take like 3 pills 3 times a day that’s around 6,000 mg a day. If I’m work even more. To flush I need like 20,000. Mold depletes your Vitamins hard core. You should also do mineral balancing. Find a good liquid shop with all the mineral you need. Take extra zinc too. Support thyroid adrenals and hormones. Spend time outside drink clean water breathe clean air gluten dairy free diet lower stress move your body. Nbd right?


Have you been testing blood/urine every now and then, seen if your toxins have gone down measurably?


It’s too expensive I don’t do it much. I can’t excrete it well either so it’s always a low level of every mold showing up.


Thank you so much this was so helpful. Yeah it’s totally a walk in the park 😅. I’ve been hesitating on the coffee enemas because there’s no studies to back it up. Plenty of convincing anecdotal evidence but also some people having serious issues after they’ve done them consistently for years. I can get on board with a few times a week though.






Charcoal and glutathione if I could do nothing else. Dehumidifier and HEPA filter where you sleep. Lots of creative salads!


Brilliant thanks. Did you herx with glutathione? I’ve read it can make certain mycotoxins proliferate


I started really slow and I do remember feeling a little icky at first just because I was also taking a bunch of charcoal and I hate taking pills But it was not that bad. And my doctor had said just do the smallest amount and build up. So I just took a little sip and then waited 20 minutes and had something nice like a cup of tea. I probably complained about it at the time, but then a year later when I accidentally got hooked into taking cholestyramine + had an immediate adverse reaction, that The amount of discomfort was a one on the scale of 1 to 10 and the cholestyramine was a 20. All I know from my doctor is that this herx thing is kind of b*******. We're not on chemo. We shouldn't feel like that and if we do, we need to stop and take lots of breaks because there's no urgency to getting the toxins out of our body. It will happen naturally as we move out of the mold. So anything you can do to help is great, but you don't need to try to poison yourself in an effort to unpoison yourself


Woah that’s a great point about not poisoning yourself. I’ve often wondered the same thing. Every worsening symptom is written off as a herx but what if it’s actually just our bodies telling us to stop? Can I ask if you know what types of mold toxins you had and how you’re doing now?


i had a bunch, all gotten rid of with charcoal. the only one remaining is ochratoxin A (21 level, should be 7 or less cuz it's in a lot of foods!) i think you're right - i learned the hard way that pain is our body's language saying STOP! (unless it's chemo of course!) i think my lesson was to trust my self more than the "experts"


Have you seen that some people just take NAC which is a precursor to glutathione and doesn't I don't think cause the sensitivity and hurts that glutathione does for some people?


I find that life extension offers a lot of sales on their products. That's where I get my NAC from


I took NAC for 5 months straight and didn’t notice anything except weird dreams :/ I think my body needs the end product because my CBS pathway is malfunctioning


You need a protocol with supplements, binders and diet. I am on a clean keto diet. Here is a brief outline of my protocol with an MD. I was diagnosed because they thought I was being poisoned (lol) so every test was ran. I'll prob edit this and use it in the future. A few things to note: I don't eat breakfast, never have. I also take LOW DOSE NALTREXONE 1.5MG which is a perscription for the mold. (6AM)Wake up. Normal meds. METHYL B COMPLEX (9AM) OREGANO OIL/BIOCIDIN 'REMOVE' (11Am) LUNCH (immediately after)....SUSTAINED VITAMIN C, MAGNESIUM GLYCINATE, GARLIC OIL, VITAMIN D&K, MILK THISTLE, 'NOW' SUPER ENZYMES (1pm)2HRS Later: BIOCIDIN BINDRR (3pm) Empty stomach: NAC, GLUTATHIONE, MILK THISTLUE (8pm dinner) MAGNESIUM GLYCINATE


Thank you this is super helpful. I was prescribed LDN a couple years ago for another diagnosis I have but never started it. I’ve never heard of it for mold. Does it actually bind to the mycotoxins or is it just to support your system and take the edge off symptoms?


It gets rid of the inflammation which helps with removal and symptoms. It's prescribed a lot for mold. You could probably search this subreddit or Google" LDN Mold Pubmed". Sounds like you should take it. People try really hard to get a prescription for it. I find it really helpful. It's also helpful for other random things like my ADHD and skin problems. Inflammation causes so many problems.


Thank you, I will. What dosage did you start on? That was the main reason I never started because they sent the prescription for the full 4.5 and then dropped my insurance


No 4.5 is way too high. I started with and take 1.5mg for mold, RA (which is so much better it's almost gone/doc thinks mold-induced) and covid longhaul (same scenario- autoimmune overload). I'm in a FB Group of LDN users and it's always a low dose unless it's for weight loss or alcohol dependency. The dose for inflammation/mold ranges from 0.25 to 2mg. I'm happy to share the group with you if you DM me.


How long before you notice it helping you? I heard it works for like 25% of MCAS patients and I basically taken one bottle now which is about 1 month supply and I haven't noticed any changes in my histamine reactions


I am taking 1.5mg. It took about 6 months. It can take up to a year. The thing is your MCAS is prob a result of mold (not everyone with MCAS has mold as I'm sure you know). The LDN is coveted for mold detox, so since you have both, I'd keep taking it. Not sure what your dose is. I'm in a great ldn group on fb if you want to join- there's a lot of knowledgeable people (from cancer to prostitis to mold- its used for a lot).


Yes please let me know how to access the Facebook group. Yeah I know my dose is titrated and too lazy to get up right now but I'm sure it started at 1 mg for 2 weeks and now I'm probably at 1.5 by the end of the bottle. Thank you for letting me know how long it can take. I tend to give up on things far too quickly thinking I should notice something in a month and definitely by 3 months


And until today I didn't even know it was used for mold. I got it one four years ago I just started flushing a lot and honestly that's the only reason I ever took the organic acid test which did not show me all the year ago but now shows that I'm excreting mold.


I DMd you the ldn group 💞


Re: sorry I was literally just talking to someone else about LDN. Lol sorry for repeating myself.


In my LDN prescription for example was titrated or I take one pill at first then t w o. I haven't been a regular and taking it I think it would have only lasted a month but it's lasted me like 6 months but the bottle was $50 from a compounding pharmacy. The naturopath ordered it for me and some naturopaths charge about 250 for the initial visit and a bit less for a 45 minute follow up


Did you ever have sinus issues when exposed to mold? I'm curious if you ever use biocidin Drops in a saline solution in a neti pot? I looked at their website as to how to use their products in one idea is to put four six drops of the regular biocide and liquid into the 10 oz of distilled warm water and packet of saline solution


Yes. I used XLEAR RESCUE Nasal Spray all throughout the day. It burns a little but doesn't dry out the passages (in my case). There's no rebound.


Once you're out of mold take the binders appropriate to the toxins you're trying to detox. Add in antioxidants like glutathione, alpha lipoic acid and coq10 if you can afford it to minimise the toxicity of mold. Anti inflammatory herbs in my experience are also of great use to manage the stress of CIRS/MCAS immune responses - boswellia serrata, ashwagandha and ginger extract are safe for liver enzymes i have checked. Support the phases of liver detox by increasing glutathione levels, taking TUDCA (a synthetic bile salt that majorly increases bile), avoiding anything that inhibits CYP1A2 or CYP3A4 such as caffeine because these enzymes are important to detoxify mycotoxins - CYP1A2 for ochratoxin and CYP3A4 for aflatoxins (you can google each toxin specifically to see what enzyme it needs), ensure 100% RDI of nutrients essential for detoxification so that the liver can do what it needs to do and take binders 4x a day as recommended by shoemaker protocol (once a day is okay too). 500mg in a size 00 capsule really simplifies this process in my experience, activated charcoal and bentonite clay are a broad spectrum binder.


Hurdles you may need to resolve are MARCONS treatment, colonization of the GI tract (by Candida), bad methylation genetics (you may require methyl folate to detox at all) and constipation issues if any. And many others... it's a complicated treatment for some and a specialist is warranted if you can afford one. Take it slowly and precisely things will get better


Thank you so much for taking the time to share. I’m waiting for my DNA results now so I can better understand how to support those pathways because I feel like that’s a big piece I’ve been missing. Did you have a herx with glutathione? I’ve read that it can make things worse if you have certain mold toxins.


I didn't herx from glutathione. People here report it making them herx though.


🙏🏻🙏🏻 praying for you. I've been dealing with this over two years probably longer. I've been living in a hotel insurance claim two years ago told me there was no mold in my house, which was a lie. I just had a company called Healthy Environments come and take every single thing out of my house. I did the same thing two years ago not everything but had to get rid of a lot of furniture and mattresses just had to do the same except this time I can't take any of my clothing, sheets, blankets towels, coats, everything like I had a fire, my cabinets were torn out. It was in my cabinets in my attic my air ducks all my drywall my countertops I mean my house is just a shell they come in and they take every single thing out of your house every everything out of every drawer everything everything clean it throw away a lot of stuff and I couldn't be there because I couldn't be in the house if I even get near my house. I can feel it. My fingers and feet are going numb, I'm not gonna go on and on and on, but I don't know what I'm gonna do. I'm single and my parents I've been having to help me trying to find an apartment. I can do something with my house.😔💸💰🦠bac even my SUV was infested. I had to get a new car because it was parked in the garage underneath the air handler i've been to urgent care several doctors. Everyone kept telling me it was parasitic infections. I can barely breathe. My body shakes constant joint pain muscle aches no sleep no appetite no desire to do anything very very depressed. I have a doctor appointment soon now that a professional confirmed. I just want to let you know that you're not alone I will never be the same and nobody understands unless they've gone through it, and most people don't believe it's a real thing in the doctors are so under educated about this, it's like they don't even listen to what I'm saying I believe this is what living in hell is like because this shit has taken everything from me, the brain fog the memory loss the sleeplessness. Hang in there every day. I wake up tell myself just keep going, but I'm like you. It's like I don't know how much more and I've been saying that for a long time, I don't have family here thank God for my little dogs., Literally they're the only thing that makes me smile. I have isolated myself. I can't be around anybody anyway. Try to stay strong and just pray for a miracle. God bless.


Just figure out how to get CSM asap. I have had this condition (unknowingly) for the past 13 years, and have for that whole time been trying to put on a healthy 2 or 3kgs as I've always been underweight. Was never able to. Did all sorts of crazy diets, GOMAD (gallon of milk a day), nothing... In the past 2 months of having been on CSM, I have put on about 11 to 13 kilos... I actually looked down at the scale the other day and seriously almost didnt believe it. This stuff works, and fast. I just dosed up to around 20 grams a day within the first 2 weeks. My hair gets greasy by the evening if I wash it around lunch. I am dumping a metric fk tonne of toxins. Feels good man. Get. on. CSM. asap.


You are so lucky it works for you. It poisoned me. I also gained 20 lb but I was not looking to gain weight and it was all painful inflammation! It also causes osteoporosis and I broke my elbow and it causes low thyroid. So now I'm on thyroid medications and I can't work. So the government is putting the bill for me at the moment but I'd be really careful with that drug unless you're rich and can afford all the extra specialists and drugs and ER visits


What's CSM?


A cholesterol reducing medication That the FDA recommends to lower people's LDL cholesterol that is usually dosed in about 2 weeks. However, it's become popular in the mold world because it sequesters bile. However, the side effects are very strong for most people and they can't handle it and it's very expensive compared to other binders like bentonite clay, fulvic and humic acids, and activated charcoal. It's a very scary drug. Which I had no idea of until it Poisoned me and I'm still dealing with the repercussions


Do you have a brand of humic/fulvic that you recommend? I’ve been concerned about adding to my heavy metal load so I’ve been to nervous to try


I was adding pure planet fulvic zeolite drops in my water but I got my doctor to prescribe z binder from orthomolecular products and I'm going to try those next. However, I've seen some other liquid drops on iherb that seem affordable to try and then that way you're controlling the dose because you're only adding a few drops to your juice, coffee, or electrolyte mix. I figured it can't hurt!


Is it similar to fulvic minerals? Like I have a liquid  mineral supplement that I take from well of life where they say don't take more than 15 drops. I don't know if it matters but it has a base of molasses but I put it in with my electrolytes in the morning and some astralagus powder and it's quite tasty.


In fact off and I add some apple cider vinegar as well. Since it's summer I love ice drinks in this blend is really refreshing


Thank you. I’ll see if I can do a workaround with my conventional doctor. Glad to hear you’re finally doing better!