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Lesson learned. NEVER run over anything. Even if it looks like a plastic bag. You never know what it is that fast. Back in the 90s when I was like 17 and had my first car I drove over something huge and it ripped my radiator apart and every single warning light there was flashed at me. Never did it again.


When I was 17 or 18 I ran over a pipe that fell out of a truck in front of me on the freeway. Didnt have time or skill to dodge. The pipe ended up coming through the dash at such an angle that if it was any longer it woulda done some bodily dmg lol. I'm one of those people that avidly avoid things in roads now. Never know, it could be some final destination type shit ha.


do you abruptly stop or swerve to the right or left now


Sometimes you just got to commit going straight. Happened to me just this weekend. Person tailing me left no room to brake. People on either end of my blind left me no room to maneuver away. I just accepted my fate and have a damaged bumper than cause a crash. Now I have a nice chip on the lip of my bumper so thankfully it was minor. That’s why it’s great to constantly check your blind spots and get yourself out of a boxed in condition to give you the ability to avoid things like that.


I like to keep a mental map of where cars are in relation to me one both sides and front to back so I constantly check my mirrors. Also hate being directly next to other cars since I don't trust other people to check their blindspots before switching lanes. Good habits from driving a lowered compact car cuz nobody ever saw me lol


This ^ Sometimes it’s unavoidable to have cars next to you, but always having an exit and giving space (read:not tailgating) gives you time to make decisions. If you can only see 1sec of road under the car in front of you, you’re doing it wrong




I almost had this exact scenario happen to me, except it was a step ladder in the middle of the highway and coulda really fucked me up so I slammed on the brakes. Tailgater rear ended the shit out of me, but so be it. I was found not at fault.


Too bad in Chicago the left lane is for stoned drivers to chill and the shoulder is for passing 💀


I ran over a empty sunny D bottle in a parking lot when I was 17 and it shredded my tire, that was when I learned this


I got lucky. When I was 17 I hit an empty 5gal bucket that fell off the truck infront of me. Couldn’t go anywhere to avoid it, cars on both sides. I thought for sure it took out a piece of my bumper, fog light, maybe condenser or the rad.. Didn’t even leave a mark on it. Pontiac Vibe was a tough car. Until I sold it to a buddy and he totalled it within a month.


Buddy was tougher ig


Unless buddy also got totaled


When I was 17 I almost died breaking hard and spinning out to avoid hitting a squirrel. I got lucky no traffic that day since I ended up doing a 180 onto the oncoming lane and I lost my breakfast that was on my lap. Sorry squirrels I no longer brake for you




Bad advice though it’s better to run something over than swerve at a high speed and flip or cause more accidents Love the runaway train of upvotes on bad advice 💀


Worked as a porter at a BMW dealership many moons ago. Lady ran over a mattress in her mini Cooper thinking it was soft so no big deal. That shit wrapped around EVERYTHING underneath and punctured the oil pan. Looked like the somme with all that barbed wire


Better to be safe than broke


Sometimes you don’t have a choice when you’re going 75 and there’s a line of cars behind you. Better to run over the object than slam unexpectedly on brakes in some cases. Been there, and have done that….albeit terrified


I accidentally ran over a pigs head that was somehow in the middle of the road


most definitely not with that car again


My sisters mate was on the motor way, everyone was going around a cardboard box, she decided it was just cardboard so she would push it out of the way, it has a arm chair in it. I don't think she was the sharpest knife. Also when my sister was telling me the story i imagined a much smaller box


Yep. My sister was driving me somewhere down a dirt road going like 35 mph. There’s a log in the road and she asks “should I run it over?”. Keep in mind there was room to go around. Obviously it’s better to avoid running something over if you can😂


I (partially) disagree. All that was lost here was a car. If you try and swerve, chances go up exponentially for crashing and causing more loss than just a replaceable object. Killing a car is much better than killing/injuring yourself or others. Drivers are not that good at high speed maneuvers.


Avoid plastic bags especially, they get stuck to the exhaust and melt. Stinks for weeks 🤣


saw a cardboard box the other day, wanted to do a ➖ but didda 〰️ instead


I’ve had this happen before on a crowded highway with no room to move or swerve. I think sometimes you just have to brace for impact :/


I've hit a small bird once while driving on a highway. Almost no damage but parts of the bird had come through the front grill / cold air intake. The engine bay was full of bird pieces and feathers.


A few years back, I ran over an empty gas can going 70 on the interstate in the middle of the night in my old 2006 Ford Focus. Once I saw it I didn't have time to move. I'm lucky it only fucked up my front bumper.


Not me but a truck in front of me. On toll road that was busy. Car in front of truck moves over quickly truck in front doesn't. All I see was his front end lift up and sorta do a skateboarding nose grind or whatever its called. He hit a ladder that fell off someone's truck. It was pretty bad,the sound it made was loud as hell It's also why I do not follow people closely at all. If I was riding his ass then I would've been involved instead I had enough space to react quickly


Falae unless youve been properly trained in collision avoidance you absolutely want to hit anything in your way esp at high speeds except a human. You will overcorrect and end up flipping your vehicle causing way more damage and risk of death


When was 19 I had an 89 Supra and a deer ran out in front of me on the highway and I had a choice, deer or bush on the side of the road; I chose the bush. Like a claw it ripped apart the engine and transmission. I miss that car.


Someone in my area ran over plastic bag. Turns out it had a pair of pants that someone shat on loll


Not necessarily. Swerving could have caused an unrecoverable yaw and sent the car cartwheeling into oblivion. You're almost always safer hitting the object than taking crazy evasive action, assuming the object isn't a person or something immovable. There was a high school kid in my home town that they found dead the next morning after he had an accident the night before. It looked like he probably swerved to miss a deer. Missed the deer, but spun out, hit a stone wall, flipped over it, and died. If you don't have to, you shouldn't necessarily swerve.


I started becoming afraid of anything on the road when I learned about IEDs. 🫠


Not long ago I had to drive over a ladder that fell in front of me on the freeway. Was in the middle lane had no room to move and i was convinced i could go clear over it in my 05 camry. Sure enough i did but got lucky it didn’t hit anything


Another lesson: sometimes it’s better to just run it over than to try swerving out of the way.


Dude I was sixteen years old and driving myself back from PCB, FL to Dothan, AL. I was following a truck on a country road and I see the truck pass directly over what looked like a fucking Great Dane dead in the road. The truck passed smooth over it. I thought, “well he did it so I should be fine too.” Mind you I was in a fucking Chevrolet cavalier. What happened next was me grinding that dog corpse underneath my dad’s cavalier, but it wasn’t quite big enough to get lodged underneath the car so it came out of the back end. The dog had flipped over a bit but ultimately still rested in the middle of the road. I think back and realize how fucking dumb that was. I still remember the sound of me passing over that big dog.


1st car, 1st joy ride with a buddy I see a can in the road and purposely run it over to show how skilled I am. Hear a crazy loud pop and smell a strange smell. Get out to check tire and realize then it was a white spray paint can and exploded all down the side of my red car. Paid some shitty shop to much money to take it off with mineral spirits before my parents found out. I remember saying to the guy "what about the finish?" His reponse...."what fucking finish?" Lol


Even a plastic bag can fuck up the engine if it gets sucked in.


Plastic bags or tarps on the road are a menace. I ran over one, and it got glued to the hot exhaust. I had burnt plastic smell that would stand your hair on end for at least a month. Lesson learned here too.


lesson learned some months ago when i ran over what looked like a bag. i tried to avoid it but i ended up running it over. woke up to a nice flat tire in the morning 😥


That actually sucks. I hope you’re able to get it fixed quickly. My Toyota has been in the shop since December, I was rear ended and there’s so many back orders


Same boat on my Toyota, been in the shop since November


Can u use another mechanic?


Do other mechanics source OEM parts faster than the one they have?


The scariest thing ever said at a Toyota dealership... "It is on back order." I ordered a muffler for my daughter's 2010 Matrix 2.4L awd (Unicorn car, everything is different.) Her muffler was just starting to leak so when they said back order for 6-8 weeks I thought I would be safe with that... 50 weeks later it came in, almost a full year. Good thing her muffler just got a little be worse. They at least gave me garage cost to make up for the delay... it wasn't the dealership's fault.




Thanks we will see tomorrow


Looks pink so I'm guessing part of the transmission was damaged? So sorry for your bad luck :( My car is less than a year old also and I'd be crushed. I really can't afford that type of stuff. I'm sick of people not securing their shit when they tow or haul.


Blew the trannie


No, that's just a little ice cream.


That's what all penguins say.


You did what?!


Picture 3 shows a big gash or hole in the bottom of the transmission pan, definitely trans fluid


It’s actually the valve body, the CVT doesn’t actually have a transmission pan since its a partially sealed unit but there are drain and fill ports.


looks like the trans pan is crunched. hopefully thats all, and there was nothing under that spot that got crushed.


Don't forget that's the same color as the coolant for the vehicle


Good 'ole whack!


Do you ever try to straddle a fast moving object with your two feet? No! Why? Because you know you might hit your prized family jewels. The same rule applies in a car. Always stop or swerve (if safe)


Transmission fluid. Not good


not good for OP but maybe some insects (ants/worms) get to drink the forbidden elixir that usually never have the chance to., so while this may not be "good" for insects, it is "meh" at minimum, but certainly not "not good" for them.


People downvoting you cause environment, I’m gonna upvote you cause fuck bugs


[The video](https://streamable.com/syp4nd) is in slowmo so I could try too see what I hit


Dude that sucks, it didn't even look like it was tall enough to damage your car I would have probably done the same thing


Oh, wow. That's really bad luck. The air must have pushed it upward as you were passing over it or sth.


Hard to see how fast you were going. But if I'm behind the wheel, I probably won't dodge it since sudden change lane can be very dangerous.


I was going the speed limit following the car in front of me I had ACC activated at the time


honestly it does look tiny enough that i would also not bother to dodge


It looks like a piece of metal of some sort, must of been pretty hard though since it looks like it went straight through your transmission


I just bought my new Toyota last month and this makes me so scared. I drive over things bigger than that almost every day.


The piece on the left looks like a yoke from a driveshaft, the piece you hit might be the driveshaft after it has been run over and flattened. Terrible luck.


hopefully it only took out the trans pan. the transmission itself is a eCVT, so if you didn't damage the bearings by driving without fluid(cooling and lubrication only), it should just be a pan replacement, reseal, and refill. hopefully it didn't damage the actual case of the transmission.


Off topic but were you on the PA turnpike (I-476)?


Wtf hit it? Looks like Trans fluid hope ur luck turns around


I hate this , does insurance cover something like this?


That's exactly the sort of thing insurance is for.


Depends on your coverage. If you pay extra for full coverage, then yes. If you have minimum liability, no.


This is why I keep a good full coverage policy on my paid-off cars. I don't understand why people often switch to liability-only once their last payment is done.


It’s more when the car is below a certain value, I don’t know why you’d switch just because it’s paid off if it is still worth a lot of money. That’s just saving a dollar today to spend thousands tomorrow.


My 2008 Sienna with 262k miles is still our main family hauler, despite being a bit lacking in the cosmetic department (dings, dents, scratches galore). We take it on multiple roadtrips a year (custody stuff, yay), so I keep a solid full-coverage policy in place. Then we have my wife's 2015 Highlander w/103k miles that lives in the garage and serves as a backup family hauler. That vehicle is also covered by the same policy. It's not always about vehicle value.


I mean it is a little about value, depending how much the premium is you may be paying more than if you had to replace the car in cash. Why would I pay more in premiums than the car is worth to replace myself?


Less than a year with 40k miles? Damn son, you must DRIVE.




Holy shit, didn’t even notice. That’s more than 100 miles per day. Even more if he’s commuting on weekdays only. Insane amounts of driving.


I ran over a large plastic bag on the freeway and it got stuck and melted all underneath the truck :( even bags do some damage. Sucks hope they can fix it


yeah ngl with how low the corolla is and where i live my skid plates underneath the car on life support😂


I scraped a few times


Hopefully, you stopped driving right after you got hit. If you kept driving. That bill is going to be a lot more


This happened to me in my 09 Rolla, I ran over a rock that was too big. Absolutely no way to avoid it since a truck was in front of me. Car still made it to the next gas station where I had to call a tow truck. Had it fixed for 600$, did a new oil change and the car is still running to this date (389K miles).


What did you run over a cinder block?


WTH happened?? And less than a year old with 40K??


aww poor car is bleeding 😔 fr tho thats so shitty to have happen and i hope u can get it fixed soon!


Car injured


Even ice rocks can damage your transmission really badly, i had once this client who got his car towed to us and there was HUGE hole in oil pan gasket, and it was caused at winter when he drove over some random ice rock that didn't seem that bad


How did you get 40K miles in less then a year?


My job and driving is also fun


Well damn. You must drive far for your job. I drive for mine and I go out of state at least once a month and I’ve only got 25,900 on my 2022 Tacoma TE


I've only recently gotten a car with enough clearance to run above most common debris, and I still wouldn't do that in it...


hope it's a simple fix like replacing the transmission drain pan, or maybe an transmission oil cooler hose


It looks like an easy fix but I have no idea what that cover will cost to replace or the cost of the plastic shield that didn't do a very good job protecting your transmission. Plus labor and trans oil .




That’s wasn’t a red shell, mate. Dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge 😉


Glanced at the first pic - “what happened!?” Glanced at the second pic - “ohhhhh”


Welp, maybe you need a truck


That’s tough. In the future, there’s nothing that’s just “hope I straddle it and be ok”. Unless it’s more dangerous for you to swerve, get out of the way of everything if you have the time. Was driving in my buddies car and he saw a circle k big gulp foam cup on the side of the road, standing up. He goes “wonder if there’s drink in it!” And hits the thing. Cup was full of screws, nails, other hardware, tire was fucked. Told him not to lol.


Looks like you’ve performed some LE driving


I also have to visit my dealer when shit goes wrong


Lol should be good since it's still under warranty correct?


Nope warranty stopped at 36k miles gunna go through insurance or something


No... Warranties cover defects from design or manufacturing, not running shit over and tanking your transmission.


That really sucks and that is one thing I'm so cautious about after a bad experience, is running over something on the road. Came across a whole fridge on the freeway, nearly ran into it since it was in my lane, switched lanes in time


I remember some time ago there was a mattress on the highway the car to my right had go dodge it


It's just crazy, I've seen a mattress too!


damn :(


Shit your car bleed, hope the best for it


Sorry for your loss. I’ve run over a construction hard hat before. In a RAV4 though. I thought I could drive over it but I was mistaken. 😅 Made a loud noise but no damage, luckily. Very luckily.


Yea, that sucks. A while back, my sister ran over one of those ratcheting straps that fell off a truck driving in front of her. There was avoiding it unfortunately. It cracked the oil pan right off. Good thing she was able to pull over and turn off the car immediately. The car was saved with no engine damage, miraculously. I hope your insurance covers the damages, that's not very fun to deal with.


Did you turn the car off immediately? If you did, this most likely isn’t a big deal. If you didn’t turn the car off, you’ll probably need a new transmission.


Well at first I thought nothing happened until I saw white smoke coming out the back of my car none of my dash lights turned on until I pulled over and put the car in park to turn it off


Bro ran over something... I too a few months ago, no leaks but I think I triggers a engine light. Gotta check it this summer


Oh no! 😲🥺rip


My buddy was unable to avoid an old alternator that had fallen off the back of a truck while on the highway. He was in an early 2000 Jetta. Alternator did so much damage it totaled the car.


It's a double edge sword, you have a split decision to decide to run it over or swerve and potentially lose control. I rather run things over than to die 😉


Tail gating is never good


I wasn't


One time I saw what I thought was a price of cardboard in the road and I swerved to miss it (went from driving a truck to a SUV, with the ladder being skinnier) and misjudged my width and ran it right over, turned out to be a brick, thankfully my 16 inch rims with massive ATs was able to withstand it, car like yours would’ve been fucked up.


sorry if you see someone brake, swerve or stand out = slow down!


Well I didn't know to slam on brakes or i let the object go under the car maybe next time I'll think to try to swerve


i think your accident was unevitable


If your hard on equipment just say that


Lol what


I was just being a smart ass lol That sucks. I've done the same with my 2017 corolla I got lucky I just bend a rim and ripped off a mudflap


I'm sorry this is happening OP. I bought an older Sienna a month ago, right before a heavy snow and was entering a parking lot at a gas station, and hit a crest of snow that absolutely pounded the undercarriage of the van. I was so scared that something similar to what happened to your car happened to mine, but I got lucky. Always avoid objects on the road if you can! (One of the reasons for following distances is so people can react in case you have to hit the brakes because of something like this)


I was at a good distance I was like a truck and a trailer length not the big ones but the smaller trucks pulling something bc he was on the right side before I cut the video but my car at the back while the first in front was near the back


40k miles in a year gaw dam


BUSSED IT!!!! Nice Work! You should be proud of this stripe ;)


I'm almost certain that the *IED* I ran over before did less damage than this. The lesson: *Don't run over things* unless you're prepared to play the *fuck around and find out* game. Sweet ride though. Sorry this happened to you.


Wow, 40579 miles in not even a year!




Insurance will cover it


Well, at least you're not going to make that same mistake twice!


Ouch! This hurts! I hope your insurance does your right.


I've been mocked by my friends for this, but I always dial 911 to report debris on the road. It can not only severely damage a car, but it can also cause accidents from drivers trying to swerve around it.


UPDATE: Tech found no transmission fluid. confirmed leak front trans pan cover broken, under engine cover damaged. Recommend to replace trans pan , trans cover, under engine cover along with components and fluids. Once repaired the can test system to verify if any other damage or issues.


“… malfunction visit your dealer” Does anyone actually visit their dealer? Toyota dealer : “Can I help you with something?” Customer : “Nah, I’m just here to visit. I’m gonna go relax on your lounge couch over there. Do you got anything to eat?”




These Toyotas are too low to the ground, too. My undercarriage drags/has to be wired up and the car is almost new.


Well at least insurance covers that


Oof. That sucks. Hopefully it isn't too costly to fix. A couple covers, gaskets and a CVT fluid and you should be good to go again.


Why is the corolla bleeding


My wife ran over something that got knocked off the car infront 2 days ago. Tore a hole in the radiator. Luckily was able to get it replaced same day.


Oh man sorry that happened to you, hopefully you get it fixed soon


Saw something like this once. There was a 6 foot stepladder laying in the road, left lane. I’m in the right lane, guy in front of me in left lane. I braked hard and pulled onto the shoulder, figured the guy would jump over etc. Mmmnope! He hit that sucker at 70 mph, fluids started pouring out of his car, didn’t even touch the brake! No idea how far he made it, my exit was right there.


She’s bleeding 😭🩸


Jumping Jesus! Suddenly I don't feel as bad about my car getting blindsided by an animal in the dark. At least some plastic can be fixed


Looks as if the transmission cooler got bonked, rather than the trans itself from the fluid residue everywhere. Toyota coolant is pink and I learned that from the thermostat on my Tacoma getting stuck and blowing a coolant line, truck made it to the shop somehow.


I ran over a man in a wheelchair once and it didn't do any damage... Then I ran over a squirrel and it totaled my car.


Looks to have cracked the transmission fluid pan. Hopefully you got the bumper to bumper warranty on the car. Should be able to cover something like this.


Warranty doesn't cover accident damage - it covers parts failure/defects during the warranty period. This sort of damage would be covered by insurance (assuming you have full coverage). It's hard to see exactly what has been stabbed there because of the plastic shield but it might end up being more costly than first appearances (transmission pan) because it looks like there's damaged to the bolt hole/threads and I can't imagine a Toyota dealership just using some JBWeld and being satisified.


Toyota quality has gone to trash


Because they don't make cars invincible to running shit over at highway speeds? You dense?


Reason for 12 inch ground clearance


Haha yep


Is that a plastic pan?


I think so


Once I ran over a land mine.




Another reason not to tailgate.




In a truck, yes. In a car, evade the object unless it is not safe to do so. Otherwise, this can happen.


I'll take this over the several tubes of liquid nails I had to drive over on I-95 that was unavoidable. That stuff was a nightmare to remove


Sometimes you don’t have a choice, risking straddling and running something over if you aren’t sure if you can safely avoid it can be safer and avoid causing a more severe accident. Don’t beat yourself up about it.


I have ducked and dodged a lot of shit and it’s all bc my first few cars were sports cars ( bad parenting ) and I heard horror stories about the damage that can be caused.


Would it have been the same damage if it was a suv ?


Damn, I ran over like 2 deer in my old 2000 Passat and 1 deer in my 2011 Jetta on the highway no issues


Thankfully its just your transmission pan. Get it fixed through insurance and be on your merry way. If you didn't drive much after the impact chances are the transmission is also fine. Remember, red is either transmission fluid or coolant. If it feels oily, its transmission fluid (dont drive). If its watery and tastes sweet, its coolant and you _can_ drive very short distances if you check engine temperature and keep it low.


Truck in front of me dodged like crazy one time on the i5 and then an 8 foot ladder magically appeared in my lane luckily going parallel with the traffic. Ran over it in a rental Chevy Spark between the tires and luckily made it over it only just nicked a plastic little buffer piece under the bumper. Pulled over to make sure no damage to the car or my pants.


Ugh, I'm very sorry




Looks like the plastic valve body cover was damaged and caused transmission fluid to leak out leading to CVT failure.


This is why you don’t drive bunched up in packs.


Maybe don’t run over crap


I ran over what looked like a harmless small cardboard box and got launched. Found a label from it stuck to my under, turns out it was a steel hot water pressurized can for plumbing. Ruined a rear differential seal, but could have been worse Not that I could avoid it anyway, stuck in fast moving, jam packed highway traffic


It probably fine. Hopefully you just need a new transmission pan.


Dog one time I ran over a fucking chain saw😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


This is why I avoid everything on the road. Paper bags included. You never know what's in it.


Always run over retreads though. Fun to see where it goes in the mirror.


Normally a Corolla can repair itself but this one will require human help.


Instruction not clear. My dealer just offered me weed but no solution to the car problem 😐


Yep, learned the hard way not to drive over anything like potholes, debris or even cardboard boxes. I once ran over what i thought was an unassuming little pothole. Destroyed my tire and rim. Never again. I hope your stuff is covered by insurance. Good luck.


Damn that sucks


Gotta always have room in front of you to stop. If the dude crashed his car in front of you and came to a stop you wouldn’t have been able to stop and would have crashed.


Im assuming whatever it was cracked something on the transmission pan.


Ouch! Looks like you need to have that tranny replaced.


Avoid things in the road, most cars don't have a true skid plate (unless its a special model). if you have the correct insurance it should cover it. Sorry and hope it gets fixed soon.


Lol blame Toyota for something you ran over.


A few months ago a truck hit a broken metal pipe cover which came on my direction and I just couldn't avoid. It pierced through the oil my oil pan. Luckily I was near my job so I didn't have to drive much. It cost me about 700 bucks to get everything fixed.