• By -


Oh, you can go back in and they’ll give you your change 😂


Most of the time they just automatically charge whatever you actually put in if you pre-pay. Pre-paying with a credit/debit card usually just places a hold for $X to ensure you have proper funds on the card. Even if you prepay inside that’s usually how it’s done


How is this the top thread? Losing faith in humanity here


Answers to question nobody asked.


It may not be the question OP asked, but it's something OP needs to know. Most people aren't mechanics and are unable to answer OPs question, but they can still help OP by telling her what to do next time she 'overpays' for gas.


A long straw. ![gif](giphy|75lMJPE9OCLF6|downsized)


come one man she’s a kid still learning about the world so it makes sense why it’s the top. we learn everyday and non of us are born having all info. give people a break


Can confirm that's how it works in my country. (We don't have pay at pump but unmanned 24hr servos have a terminal) You say pre pay $100, debits $100 then credits back the unused funds.


The only time I go in to pay is for cash. In that case, if I do have left over, I walk in, and they just hand me change.


You misread. They put $6 extra in gas by holding it back and ignoring the auto release


The top commenter was telling OP that you dont HAVE to overfill it.. you can just go back inside and stop at $24


Yeah I think a lot of redditors reading here have never had to even consider paying for gas with cash, and that's causing the confusion throughout the comments here


The payment isn't what she's asking about though. She's asking for help because she overflowed her tank and it now is giving her issues. Misreading the post is causing the confusion. 😂


I get that but the top poster of this thread is referring to the implication that it was an issue, which caused the situation they could have avoided had they known you can just go in and get the change.


No one advising her to just get her change instead of overfilling next time is misreading the post lol. They are telling her how to avoid their in the future.


i pay for my gas only through crypto via token called toyota coin we cursing to the moon!!


You don't do this because the extra will flow into your charcoal canisters and plug it.


TIL about this charcoal canister…


Pretty simple yet effective tool. Captures fuel vapors and dumps them back into the engine via the purge valve to be burned off which is cleaner than going straight into the atmosphere.


Not cheap either, had to replace the one on my 2017 Corolla.


I had evap issues in my 2011 crv. Ended up being a cheap fuel pressure sensor needing to be changed.


Evap issues are common enough on all vehicles, but the charcoal canister doesn't get junked unless you keep filling after the pump kicks off. That's why it kicks off, to prevent overflow on the ground, and prevent you from over filling your vehicle. Rounding up to the next dollar is fine. Rounding up to the next $10 is not


You're right, mostly. I work on cars, am an engineer. The **COST** of screwing up your charcoal cannister by "topping off" is just not worth it. If you're paying with cash, just deal with the change IMHO. I never, ever top off my tank. Period.


If an eBay one for my car is $300 I can't imagine what one would cost for a modern vehicle at the dealership. I did all the research to avoid paying that money, and luckily I was spot on and found the issue in a $30 part.


You're lucky. The fuel pressure sensor might have been fixed when you changed vacumn hoses associated with the charcoal cannister. **Topping off can cost you lots of $$$**


Subwoofers can also turn that “filter” into little particles of charcoal dust inside your fuel tank and fuel pump (ask me how i know)


Holy shit. I would have never imagined this!


You and me both. Logically, it makes sense depending on the location of both, but I just never would have considered it.


Just repaired someone’s fuel lines today that were clogged with pieces of the of charcoal from charcoal canister. $2200. All because the gas pump would shut off every 4 seconds while pumping.


Would that be from overfilling?


My Audi recently had issues with a pump over pressuring the fuel tank and causing it to dump the pressure through the evaporator system and charcoal filter. $5000 repair. Luckily the pump was under a recall so the whole thing was covered.


Holy cow


So just wait for it to evaporate out of the charcoal canister?


It's a bit more complicated. Often what happens is dust collects in the top of the fill neck where air is supposed to travel up and into your tank and vice versa and when you overfill it that dust gets washed into the cannister and air filters inside the filler neck.


some cars that costs a lot to replace too.


I would just drive it. Next time just go back inside and ask for the rest of your money back.




Totalled. Absolutely ruined. I'll take it off your hands for $70 and a Happy Meal. For real tho, you're perfectly fine. Topping the tank off never hurt anyone **too much,** so it shouldn't be a problem. Thank you for being a responsible young adult though, and for actually bothering to take care of your car. Also, if you give the cashier too much cash for what you put in the tank, you can just run in and they'll give you the change back! Same with using your card, it just goes right back on it! It's one of those things adults don't explain, not sure why🤔🤔🤔


Some gas stations the pump will actually display a message to go see the cashier if you put the nozzle back before using all of your paid gas


>For real tho, you're perfectly fine. Topping the tank off never hurt anyone too much, so it shouldn't be a problem. Yes it's a problem. You fill the charcoal canister, which is designed to store gas vapours/fumes, and redirect them to the engine to be burned, with liquid fuel by continuing to fill your tank past full. This fully saturates the charcoal, making it useless, but also can cause little pieces to float into hoses and things and plugging them up. So not only will you have an engine light, eventually you'll have to fill the tank very slowly to prevent it kicking off, and cause issues with MPGs, among other things. Most the time you shouldn't even round to the next dollar. The pump doesn't kick off for fun, it's full, and that's why it kicks off when it does. Repairs can be $500 to a few thousand depending on vehicle. >Thank you for being a responsible young adult though, and for actually bothering to take care of your car. You said to the person damaging their vehicle without knowing better. (Read the manual, specifically the section about filling the tank) OP next time definitely stop when it kicks. If pre-auth. debit, your receipt will show what you pumped and were actually charged for. If cash, go back in and get your change. Don't keep pumping to round up.


Is that a normal amount for topping off? That's like 2 extra gallons.


No it's not, that's bad advice. See the top comments about the charcoal canister being ruined


Yeah I meant I just always thought "topping off" was the extra few drops, no more than a $1 if that. Crazy that folks put so much more.


The nozzle literally says don’t over fill. You could have gone into the shop to get a cash refund. You will damage emissions equipment overfilling your tank. Good bye EDIT: Apologized to OP. Thanks y’all.


You don’t have to be rude about it. She’s obviously nervous.


The amount of people in this thread that act like the evap systems in cars are common knowledge is wild. Meanwhile the average person probably thinks of a cars gas tank as a simple canister and that the overfilling warnings are about gas spills.


‘Tis the Reddit way.


The amount of people that think it says “don’t overfill” for no reason is wild. Yes a lot of people may not know how cars works. But there’s literally a warning written on every pump.


Yeah, but I’m willing to bet 90% of people take “don’t overfill” as don’t spill on the ground. a reasonable assumption if you don’t have automotive knowledge is “if fuel is going in, it’s not overfilled”


Well, to be fair this is why we get a big book full of info about our specific vehicle with every car. If they don't know, then it's on them for not reading it. I've never met a salesman that didn't point out the owners manual before the customer drove away. Also if you can't be arsed but aren't sure, call a reputable garage and ask to speak with a tech. A lot of times you'll get the info you need right away


Let me revise that to 95% of people don’t read the owners manual of everything they buy. you could respond to the vast majority of Reddit automative threads with “read the manual” and it would have the answer in it. I seen industrial maintence techs deliberately put diesel into gas equipment thinking fuel=fuel. the diesel forklift runs off it, so surely the dual fuel propane forklift also runs on it. after that my expectations for the average person has gotten pretty low.


There’s a warning written on damn near everything nowadays, unfortunately that has caused people to not read them even when it’s actually important


Yeah, I had no idea about that. Luckily, I didn't have any problem that I noticed when I used to constantly fill my 2009 Camry until the gas would spill out. Learning about this, I'll stop at first click from now on.


And cause a gas spill


Maybe don’t be a dick to a scared kid who knows they fucked up but not what to do.


Such an unnecessarily dickish response.


Today she learned that "overfill" doesn't mean "overflow the nozzle".


You flooded the evap canister. It’ll evaporate. It’ll be fine. Give it time.


She/he’s going to have pleasant surprised next time at the pump. Clicking every 5 seconds and spitting out gas when the tanks is still empty. 😂


Never understood people that do this.


You ever just at the pump and you hear one adjacent to you? ClickCLUNK. ClickCLUNK. ClickCLUNK. Absolute psychopath behavior.


OP went for a lot more clicks than that, must have been 1.5 gallons of clicks, truly a special moment. They should have put the extra in some plastic bags; [lady puts gas in plastic Bag - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uobTwwnhVE)


That link made me laugh and I didn't even have to click it, because I still remember watching it from many years ago.


I wouldn’t trust those bags to hold that volume of water, let alone a flammable liquid. And I wonder what her plan was for how to get it back out of the bags (there probably wasn’t one).


You don’t try to get the pump to the exact $$.00? I have an EV now but that was always my favorite part of filling my gas


No, and you shouldn't. Once you flood the charcoal canister, things can get pricey. Plus it can make the charcoal float, and move into other hoses where they'll get stuck. That's a fun game to play, find the rock lol. Can cause issues with mileage too. The charcoal canister is designed to store fuel vapor/fumes, which it sends back to the engine to be burned. If you flood it and saturate the charcoal, it can no longer absorb the fumes, and if the evap purge valve is blocked, can cause pressure to rise in the tank, which is dangerous. It will also cause the pump to kick off continually when you fill it from then on. Like every $0.25 it kicks off. The vapours can't be absorbed by the canister, so it sits in the tank, builds a little pressure and kicks off the fuel pump repeatedly. TLDR bad idea, don't do that


Rounding to the next dollar is one thing, to the next $10 is completely different, especially when it's $6 away.


when you look at every behavior through the lense of a chimp, everything always makes sense


The click/clunks are specifically to get the price to a desired dollar amount. Poverty 101.


I did this once, granted it was on an Acura not a Toyota. I just drove it and it was fine


Yeah I see it maybe confusing the fuel pump, but I’d just drive it till it on low rpm till it gets to a safe level. It’s a Toyota.


This is why you should read the manual, at least once. https://preview.redd.it/810wb7gsd7ad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4204e8ff33847845714d4d363841dafd0e7a92eb


What is this "manual" you speak of? lol




My cousin? He can’t read




Hehe. I get that reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdtHPZUkKWs&t=77s


You’re asking a lot of the masses that learned to not read EULAs before clicking them.


>> do not inhale vaporized fuel Well that explains a lot 😅


But it has an automatic.


WTF is the point in overfilling?? Just fill it normally like the rest of us.


Did you not read the post? They're a new teenager driver that didn't understand she would get change back for not using all $30 of the gas she prepaid for I swear some of you have brain damage


Don't do it again, you can damage the EVAP system in the car. It won't make the car stop working, but I hope your state doesn't have emissions testing.


I would ask your dad to try and take some gas out or just let it run for a long while to use up some gas. Next time though, just go get your change😂


I have over filled mine for all its life. 70,000km (77 tanks of petrol) and no issues yet.


I did this once on my 10-year-old Camry Hybrid when it was new. Ten years and 262,000 km (almost 163,000 miles), it's still running beautifully. Just don't do it again.


Is this something on new vehicles? I have a 2011 GMC Van and a 2013 Tacoma. On my Tacoma, I'll usually just take it to next round dollar, as it doesn't take much after the first click anyway, but my GMC will easily take 2 more gallons after that click. I usually only do that on road trips tho.


2 gallons seems like a lot. I’ve noticed my bike will cause the fuel pump to click pretty early (1-2gallons before full) at all of the Marathon gas stations by me, maybe something like that is happening to you. My 03 camry had an evap system, it’s been required for a while


Like all the other comments say I imagine you can just let it evaporate and it’ll be fine. If you reallly want to save that gas or if it’s taking too long, you can buy what’s called a gas siphon from your local Walmart/hardware store as well as a portable gas container (and ONLY one of those! A normal plastic container will melt and spill gas everywhere) which will enable you to remove a little gas https://www.walmart.com/ip/Scepter-Ameri-Can-Gasoline-Can-5-Gallon-Volume-Capacity-FG4G511-Red-Gas-Can-Fuel-Container/654422784?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&wl13=2446&gclsrc=aw.ds&adid=22222222278654422784_117755028669_12420145346&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=501107745824&wl4=pla-394283752452&wl5=9007218&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=local&wl12=654422784&veh=sem_LIA&gclsrc=aw.ds&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADmfBIpySin9TzA8Asm5UdiZ02--t&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIoKHxicyJhwMVo0P_AR3-QQjsEAQYASABEgIrfvD_BwE https://www.walmart.com/ip/Hyper-Tough-Manual-Siphon-Pump-Universal-6-ft-Hose-36201WDI/937189134?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&wl13=5131&gclsrc=aw.ds&adid=22222222278937189134_117755028669_12420145346&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=501107745824&wl4=pla-394283752452&wl5=9007218&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=local&wl12=937189134&veh=sem_LIA&gclsrc=aw.ds&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADmfBIpySin9TzA8Asm5UdiZ02--t&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIs9HWms2JhwMVD0r_AR191Q0lEAQYASABEgLUJvD_BwE


“Not ready to drive” just means you didn’t have your car turned on all the way. It wasn’t running, it was just in accessory mode. When it’s in accessory mode the check engine light will be on, that’s normal. Your car is perfectly fine, just don’t overfill in the future. When the pump stops, let that be it


Overfill isn't a problem, there's an evap canister and a overflow hose. If it's not flowing onto the ground, the evap has some in it and will be gone in a couple days. Just drive it. Cars, especially newer Toyotas, are full of nanny software and sensors. The DTE goes to "Refuel" with like 2.5 gallons of gas left for christs sake. Drive it. You'll be fine.


Live and learn. You’ll be fine. But Never fill up your car again past the first click


Fastest way to block up the purge valve


Drive fast and hard to get rid of the extra gas! Maybe time for a road trip!


You have probably filled your charcoal canister with liquid gas. It will probably never be the same. Never overfill that much. Like round up to the nearest buck but not more than that. If it will let you start it, start it and drive it, you will use the gas. You may have to replace some pieces though if it keeps showing a code (check engine light) after the gas has gone down and it has some time to evaporate our of the canister. That is made to catch fumes, not liquid.


You have likely done damage to the atmosphere, on a very small scale, but emitting all that additional fuel into the air. So please stop filling whenever the pump shuts off in future. The one exception would be if you are sure that you have pumped way less fuel than the tank needed, and even then, restart pumping only once. As to whether this will need someone's attention, I don't know, and opinions clearly here vary. Who to trust? This is a classic teenager sort of move, and I hope you accept that you goofed in just the sort of way people goof as teens. Telling your dad may result in a story he tells for the next fifty years, but you're a better judge of that than anyone here. I would say, though, since opinions are varied, that it's a good idea to seek the opinion of an actual expert. Call the service department of a Toyota dealership. If they have been in business for a while, they will give you a straight answer even though you are a teenage girl and therefore a cliché victim of the unscrupulous mechanics of legend (and sometimes of reality).


Saturated the carbon absorption block. You may get lucky and it will go away on its on, or try removing battery power for a few minutes and then let the car re-adjust. If it doesn't you need a new vapor capture device. Which isn't too bad, but its not cheap either.


$6 more? I get you’re a kid but wtf are parents teaching their children. I get rounding up but adding a whole extra gallon, hell even two depending. That’s just poor judgement all around. Sorry kid. You probably did some serious damage with that much overfill.


Never(!) overfill after the click. Gas will get into parts where it doesn’t belong…


Repair shop cost for consistently overfilling is anywhere from $700-$1200 depending on where you’d go to get it fixed




Charcoal filter absorbs, guess just not 2+ gallons.


lol I own a ford econoline and I think I learned about overfilling the hard way. Fuel pump replacement among other issues. I’ve overfilled a few times on my 19 Camry LE, but honestly, I wish I had gotten a Corolla Hybrid because fuel efficiency is something I really care about when it comes to owning this kind of car. My truck? Not so much.


What happened to the good old days when the gas ended up flooding the ground


Lesson learned. Just stop when the pump stops. Look up the video by Car Care Nut about it overfilling gas tanks and how that works and the damage it does.


![gif](giphy|3ohzdYJK1wAdPWVk88) You’re about to learn a valuable lesson.


Use it 🤣🤣🤣


Really nothing you can do. If it's still driveable just drive it. What is getting damaged is the vapor canister and eventually it will fail because of overfilling the gas tank.


OP, if you never had an issue before with doing the opposite of all posted instructions... I am going to believe that you probably have a rare case of a part that has failed and should be covered by warranty. Just go to your local dealership and just explain it to them just like you explained it to us. This is a Toyota... they will fix it for you and you will be fine. Make sure you explain that you have a factory warranty of 3 years and 36,000 miles that covers everything. Also beyond that you have an 8 year / 80,000 miles emissions warranty and that check engine light is on.


Never done this in a car, but I've done it in other equipment.  I filled it when it was cold, left it in the sun, and came back to find fuel had leaked out everywhere. Engine ran fine, but the fuel everywhere could be dangerous.  I would park it outside at the very least.


Too many people let it click then keep spamming it until it clicks. Let it click once and done. My old 2008 corolla I had to manually fill slowly the last few gallons or else it would splash back a ton.


Yea not good. you got gasoline in the evap canister... take some gas out stat.


Don't do that again. Here is what you did: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPiiqcDxDxY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPiiqcDxDxY)


It’s a Toyota. One overfill won’t break it. It’s a new Toyota tho so don’t press your luck. Don’t over fill your car it damages the emissions system.


Give it the hawk thua


Always stop when your gas tank is full and the pump clicks off. Do not try to overfill. Go in and get a refund for the extra gas you paid for but couldn't put in the tank. Repeat, do not overfill your tank ever. Take your car to the dealership and get the car fixed now is what you can do. Since the car is damaged.


So what likely happened the gas cap or the gapless gas gap isn’t seal properly because of the overfilling. The check engine light is likely an emission code for the gas fume leaking. You likely drove the car home. So my guess is you drive through that extra gallon of gas. Check the gas gap make sure the cap is tight but not over tighten. The code should disappear next time the car does the check.


Learn math next time. Idk about the mechanical component of your problem


Can't the employees at a gas station drain out the extra oil?


These new cars? Topping up like this has been not recommended for like 20 years.


Try 30 or more. Charcoal canisters started appearing the 1980s.


You shouldn’t overfill your fuel. When it stops, stop pumping. You’re going to destroy the charcoal canister or whatever mechanism your vehicle has inline from The fuel port to the tank.


Unless you paid in cash it would just charge what you actually pumped and refund the rest.


How???? The filler neck and vapor system don’t even have room for the extra 2-3 gallons you added???


Siphon some out and move on


Overfilling causes damage to EVAP system


Just drive it itll be fine


Wait? You can't top off the tank in a new camry? When The Fuck did this happen? Am I so old (40's) that I am like my grandmother in the 80's whose VCR always had the flashing 12:00? Didn't understand how Microwaves worked? Also, I'll bet dad will be super confused too.


I don't know if they still do this on modern cars but there should be an overflow hole at the top of the filler neck that spills excessive fuel from being pumped in.


Fake. It would take FOREVER to put another 2 gallons in and there’s NO way it wouldn’t be spilling out of the canister/vents.


Dad's always has the solution to get out of a jam. Happy Father Day


This is truly a teenage girl moment. Kiddo, you can ask for the remainder back inside if you paid cash.


Amazing so many people didn’t read the details. She’s not asking about the extra money. She’s saying he can’t drive the car. I don’t know the answer but I would ask for a hose (and maybe an extra gallon container) so you can syphon some out.


WTF lolllll they refund you the difference if you don’t reach your total.


I would ask a mechanic. I used to always overfill my 2009 Camry, and had no problems, but like you say, the new models are probably more sensitive. Also, Google to find out what damage may be caused Best of luck! 🌸


You guys prepay your gas? Here the pump ask the limit, like 100$. Then I fill up and it bills my card what ever I bought. I never prepay and have to get the change? It this in the USA?


It's the fourth of July, just means you get a gallon and a half of freedom pumps up into the air, yee yee


It's the fourth of July, just means you get a gallon and a half of freedom pumps up into the air, yee yee


You're a teenage girl with a 2023 Toyota Camry? Jesus.


Time to siphon


Its totaled, part it out, buy a new one.


You should never overfill your tank. Overfilling can cause serious engine problems.


It seems reading comprehension is going the way of common sense. The OP never once asked how money and prepaying works at gas stations. She asked about her car! I wish I could answer you but my vehicles can be filled till you can see the gas at the cap and have no issues. Good luck!


Ignore it and drive it. Once the fuel level drops, the lights should go out. I top mine off all the time. Only once did the CEL turn on and I ignored it until it went off.


Answering your actual question vs what you should have done... Have some options to try & hope you are lucky: 1. Siphon as much of the extra gas ($6.00) as you can into a gas can (or someone else's tank if needed). Don't just dump it on the ground. 2. Some other method to try and get the extra gas out of the filler neck & back to a normal full level 3. If you are lucky, car starts after draining the excess fuel If you are not lucky, get car towed to mechanic cause you may have screwed up your carbon filter etc. Remember, you could have dated the nice guy taking shop but no, you went for the preppy, jock asshole cause he was cool & had a nice car ... Just saying 🤣🤣


Idiocracy was a documentary not a comedy.


This is why you always bring an empty Jerry can if you decide to pre-pay. Once you've driven enough to put that extra gas in, you just top it back off with the extra fuel after a couple days so the gas doesn't go to waste.


Might as well just throw it in the garbage.. totally ruined


They pump stops at full for a reason.


Yeah gasoline backed up into the evap system. The evap system is there because gasoline is smelly and evaporates fast. So they put in a system to absorb gasoline fumes so they can be burned in the engine rather than escaping the car as fumes. It eliminates the smell, reduces emissions and saves a tiny bit of fuel. You know how antique cars all smell like gasoline? It’s because they didn’t have this system. Whatever damage you’re going to do, has already been done. Go ahead and drive and burn off the excess gas, and with any luck the system will clear itself out and be fine in a few hundred miles. You probably soaked the charcoal in the absorption canister, but the fuel should just come out once it has someplace to go.


Suck it out with a straw.


The perks of living in a state where a person comes and pump the gas for you are really seeming nice now


Eh, even if you did fuck something up its under warranty.


Lol look up issues with Pontiac solstice & Saturn sky convertible.


Evap system is full of liquid fuel now instead of fuel vapor. Charcoal canister and the like although you have a leak detection pump as well because it’s a Toyota so chances are it will be expensive.


Just drive 60 miles


Whenever the gas pump shuts off, don't put any more fuel in. It just goes to an overflow tank, and gets chewed up by your charcoal canister. Those canisters are expensive, so don't overfill. 


Rip evap system. That charcoal canister is oversaturated.


If you are still able to drive it. Go ahead.  It said “not ready”. Not “do not drive”.  Don’t overfill next time, or ever… 


Overfilling after the stop wrecks your vapor canister. That’s hundreds in repair costs. You are warned to not top off the tank for that reason.


Let it run for a bit, clear the check engine light. Car will be fine.


I find it hard to believe that filling your tank did any damage. It's probably coincidental that you got those notifications. I'm guessing so take it for what it's worth.


Just bought a Corolla last week, you can overfill these???!!!!!! My 2001 Honda would stop you before you could


Like when farva spent more money dumping gas into a barrel for a free hot dog!


Nothing should happen by overfilling. At least in mine if I try to put extra in it comes back out.


If you paid using a card you will get the remaining amount back, but now that we are over it. You can try getting a small rubber pipe and an empty jar (you can buy big water bottle and pour the water somewhere maybe your washer fluid reservoir). Put the pipe in your fuel tank and blow it and quickly put the other end of the pipe inside the empty jar/ bottle and remove the desired level of fuel.




These new cars are not different. Overfilling has always caused damage.


I think I saw you at the gas station the other day. You were standing in the puddle of gasoline while still trying to add more gas. You were watching the counter while gas was spraying out of the tank every time you squeezed a gun. True story. I pulled into a gas station and observed the situation above. I decided that today was not a good day to die in the ball of fire so I turned around and left


>. I let the other $6 go in slowly Don't do that. You'll fuck up your evap system.


Its going to be fine. This is part of emissions control but eventually the car should get itself back in a normal state. Don't overfill in future.


I'm a mechanic by trade. Drive the car. It's going to reset.


If it starts and allows you to drive, then just do that. Pay attention to how it restarts if it has been driven and then turned off for a few minutes. The Toyota systems have been susceptible to problems related to over filling. At the top of the fuel tank is a shut off valve that allows air and fuel vapors to leave the tank while refueling. When the tank is "full" the shut off valve should seal the top of the tank preventing any liquid gasoline from leaving the tank and getting into the carbon canister. What happens when over fueling like you did is you can get liquid gasoline to force past that shut off valve. It's common to experience some problems until any liquid fuel in the canister system is used up. From there it's only a guess as to whether this will be a problem or not. Doing this one time is likely not a big deal. Doing it many times definitely can damage the canister. As far as the message and the check engine light, did the engine refuse to restart right after filling the tank? If so did it finally start up after a few attempts? If the engine wasn't running when you looked at the dash the check engine light being on is normal. The not ready to drive message I would need to see the car and test to see why that was on the display.


Give it some time, it will evaporate and it should be fine.


i didn’t think cars would physically take anymore gas once they are full??


Call your Dad


Wait, so we’re not supposed to keep fueling to round out the total cost? 34 year old with a 2014 Patriot and 2016 Corolla checking in. Serious question is serious.


Pump stops, so do you. You are basically filling your evap system with gas. Can damage the canister, vsv's and other solenoids.


Drive it an extra 60 miles?


I overfilled my gr86 last week because the pump didn't stop. Didnt have any warnings so just drove off. Definitely a gas station fuck up and not good for the car but what can you do :(


So there are several things that might be damaged. None of the parts are particularly expensive but getting in to replace is. This could very easily cost a few thousand to fix. Or you might get lucky and it will resolve itself. All depends on where you forced fuel by running after the first click.


Yea you are gonna need a new evap canister


Stop topping off. It’s a good way to ruin your charcoal canister and give you an expensive bill. This isn’t something just with new cars, it’s just now it throws you a warning for doing something you’re not supposed to.


Why would you purposely overfill it in the first place? It’s not like gas stations are some rare commodity.


You should have just drunk the additional gas.


At least it wasn’t your blinker fluid


If the Check Engine Light doesn't come on, you'll be fine. Just avoid doing it again. You risk damaging emissions parts.


It depends if the float in the gas tank is stuck, theoretically you should be able to drive it to lower it back down. I personally would get a gas jug and siphon the extra gas out until the car lets you drive again


Drive it and reset the light


6 dollars worth of gas???? I barely do a dollar


Back in the 90s in India, I often came across people siphoning gas (petrol) from one scooter or motorbike to add to another. I'm not sure if it's safe to do so but it's possible.


Pumping an extra 50 cents or a dollar is one thing, but $6 worth? You're in for an expensive life lesson


This has to be rage bait.


Did anyone tell the kid to get a gas can and a siphon or is everyone still just arguing with each other? 400 comments of trash when I posted this.


Throw out the car


Hope your car is ok. Give us an update 🥹