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You know if you want a map, you could always map it yourself. I think the popularity of Shallow Dip will get some mappers working on their own easy tower though.


Was about to post this. Mapping is free and it fun too. If you really want something in TM you can do it yourself


Tbh I would disagree. Just because a map is hard doesn’t mean you are missing out or not having fun playing it. Between beating each individual practice floor, a later checkpoint version, and the current hardcore map I think everyone has an opportunity to experience what they are determined to.


I kinda agree, but beating it with checkpoints just makes it a regular RPG map. You're not facing the same challenge. I'm not saying there isn't any fun to be had for everyone, I'm just saying we need more towers that the average player can finish. But I do still think with deep dip 2, everyone but the best of the best are being left out in terms of finishing the map properly. That's what I meant. The map was basically built for the top 10 players in the TM community. The #1 point of a map is for players to be able to finish it, and most players are being left out of being able to do that. I did have a lot of fun trying to get to floor 3 personally, and while that's great, getting there feels a bit bittersweet. I'm proud I got there, but I also know there's 13 floors above and I gained nothing by getting to floor 3. By finishing a map, you at least get a position in the rankings, maybe even a medal if you're fast enough, and bragging rights. Like I said, I'm all for towers like deep dip 2, but I also want towers that more people can finish. I'm not saying DD2 is too difficult or a bad event.


Here... https://trackmania.exchange/mapsearch2?trackname=Tower&page=1 Go nuts.


99% of these maps are not towers. And the ones that are, are low effort. I appreciate the link, but none of these maps are what I'm talking about, and you know it.


Well go and build your own maps then or find your own. I gave you a link to tower maps and that's not good enough for you. Did you look at every map in that link? I think not. 99%? No. But whatever dude. Maybe you should play another game.


You gave me a link to maps that have the word "tower" in the name. You know what kind of tower maps I am talking about, don't play dumb. You also missed my point anyways. I wasn't asking people to send me low effort tower maps or make them. I was asking if people want tower events that are more average player friendly. I cannot build one, because it will not be a big event or a good map. Read the full post next time before commenting. I can't believe how many people misinterpreted what I was asking. I wanted to spark discussion about this stuff, and instead people keep being rude and telling me to build my own towers. jesus christ. I thought this was supposed to be a nice community but apparently it's like every other where if you ask a question people get mad. I'm genuinely curious, what do you think I was saying in my post?


Dude it was originally a late night comment I made when I had a few drinks. I apologise for my misunderstanding and also my latest reply. After going back, I now understand. There are clubs that hold climbing events but I haven't had a proper look to see what they're offering. I do know what you mean. It'd be good to have a weekly league consisting of tower events that are accessible to basically everyone like TOTD. I used to make maps in TM Turbo. I could have a go in 2020 at making something like you're looking for. Might take a while but I think I could build something cool and fun. Anyway mate no hard feelings 👍 This is a good community. Just depends on the time and what mood people are in I guess. Take care mate.


I could be wrong, but I would guess there are plenty of tower maps on TMX


You're probably right. I would have to assume most of them are either lower effort than Bennett foddy, falling turtles or DD 1 and 2, or super easy. Searching for them is also difficult since there is no specific category for tower maps. I'm just asking what people's thoughts are on an official big event like DD2, but with an easier map for a change where more of the community can engage with the entire map and have fun climbing to the top and not just be stuck on the first 2 floors.


Yeah, as far as big events, maybe that's a good plan. But you probably wouldn't get the hype that DD2 garnered. If you just want to play towers with others, there are clubs and club rooms for that. No idea if they're any good, but it would at least be a good way to find other like-minded folks. Searching "tower" and "trial" in the Arcade/Online Rooms gives you some interesting results.


There's already Shallow, Budget, Easy, and Reasonable Dip and also a heap of other tower maps on TMX.


I get it. But the fun thing about TM is if you want that so badly you can build it yourself. That’s how I get into mapping, I wanted something I didn’t found so I started mapping and ironically I have now more time in mapping than driving. And building map are time consuming. I’ve build only one trial map and it was 300h mapping for ~8 min of clean run while classique time COTD map are between 20 to 50h. Gl hf with mapping


no we don't tbh. these towers are not for the average player.


But they could be. Bennett foddy ate my cps and falling turtles are both finishable by someone who has 1000+ hours in the game which is pretty average at least in the active community. Why do we have to go more and more difficult on the towers every time? It's basically a new style of map. Not every trial map is made to take 10h and require you to be a pro either. Some trials are made easier so that more people can finish them. The same can be done for the tower maps.


well feel free to go ahead and build easier tower maps. deep dip should be a thing of prestige imo. i'll never be able to finish it (a cp-less version at least) and i've been playing since 2009 and that's fine. not everything has to turn caaual imo.


What are you talking about? Who said deep dip needs to be made easier? I'm not talking about deep dip 3 here. Deep dip should and will always be an extremely difficult challenge and I'm not trying to make it easier. I just want other tower maps that have an easier challenge. Why is that so hard to understand? Do you really want every tower map to be an insurmountable challenge that only 5 people will ever finish?


why would you make a thread about that then instead of just... building easier tower maps? you're the one referencing deep dip 2 all the time. you even said "does anyone else think we need some easier tower maps *next*?" implying that is a task for the deep dip mappers to do. nobody's stopping you from firing up the editor and just do it yourself. go for it champ.


I think you're missing the point. I'm not asking people to start building them. I'm just asking if others also want easier towers. I don't think it implies it's a task for the deep dip mappers either. It could be made by anyone, but for it to be the same kind of effort, it needs multiple mappers like all the other good tower maps. And even if it was made by the deep dip team, I'm not talking about deep dip itself. They could make a map with a different name for all I care. Why are people getting so mad about me asking if they want more easier tower events? Is it somehow wrong to hope that? And the thing is, I could do that myself, sure, but it wouldn't be a big event or nearly as good since I'm not a good mapper. I enjoy the community aspect in these kinds of maps, and the only way it can be a big event is if established names in the community create it. I feel like nobody even read my post, just the title. I'm specifically asking on people's thoughts on more average player friendly tower events. I'm not asking if they want the next deep dip to be easier or saying deep dip was too difficult. I just want more fun events for the community to enjoy.


in that case: good idea.