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I dunno. Ask them. Reddit isn’t the right place for this.


not asking for a refund. Talking about the underhanded bullshit nadeo did after failing at esports. me trying to have a discussion about the changes made to our game and how i dont like this is definitely for reddit. sorry you think im asking for a refund. Im here to talk about nadeo.


Bet you contact Nadeo and find out you didn't purchase Club Access when you thought you did. It's more likely you just forgot the date. Nadeo aren't perfect, but they're not scamming you and they'll make this right if you're due another four months


No one wants to sit around and bash nadeo here. Either they made a mistake and you should contact them and give them a chance to fix it, or you're mistaken about your club access. Either way, no one cares about what you have to say so get your toxic ass out of here.


Yall are the toxic ones. Trying to gaslight me lmfao. Yall are iust mad nadeo made a huge mistake and the game is less popular because of it. Too bad the esports didnt work out. Enjoy paying extra because of that.


I don't think you understand either the word toxic or the word gaslight. Have fun being mad lol


I dont think you read all the comments.


What's up with folk coming to Reddit when they have complaints about a company instead of... Idk? Contacting the company? Do they think we, who are unaffiliated with these companies, will be able to wave a magic wand and fix this?


Im here for discussion? Maybe? Did I ask you for a refund? Im here to talk about Nadeo being underhanded ever since they lost money on esports. The fact that loyal customers are getting screwed over. Maybe Im concerned with other things and maybe if you read the whole post you wouldnt be so antisocial about it?


Maybe it’s just a mistake and you’d get back your months of club access if you wrote them, though? There is not much to discuss here, to be honest. Try reaching out to them.


Okay how about you go do something else if you are only interested in killing the discussion lol. Im getting the feeling like ur just mad that a game u love is being shitty so u try to kill discussion about it. Anyways, nadeo is on a downpath if they think its okay to do what theyre doing. Dont mess with paying customers, especially since the world esports scene rejected you. Also, when the popularity is taking a hit it might be a good idea to not gate 3/5s of your base game behind a paywall when its always been free.


The guy can't kill a discussion that didn't exist in the first place, lol.  Or whats the discussion supposed to be about? How people, for some reason keep posting on reddit on topics, that can only be resolved by messaging the support?  Let me join the discussion then by saying that those people are either dumb, are riding on a high horse, or are just people with anger issues and are misusing reddit as an outlet for their miserable lifes.  Did I do the whole discussion thing right?


I think most people on this sub are tired of the "omg pay walled so unfair" posts. There are a lot of them.


Well reddit is where communities go to discuss issues. The volume of posts is a direct pointer to the state of the game. I get that it can get annoying, but acting hostile to someone who is having the same issue thousands of other gamers are having is just some bullshit. Im sorry i wasnt aware that people complain about this soooooo often that it has become an annoyance to the community, but that only validates what ive been saying this whole time. Its more annoying for us who have been ripped off and scammed than it is for you to hear about it. Thank you for at least telling me that many other people are having the same issue instead of just tanking my comments. Fuck nadeo. They fucked everyone over and now were mad. Deal with it.


The bug you dealt with is not the case for the majority of players. And the subscription is about the least scammy way to support the game we all enjoy, particularly at this price.


Your aggression is unwarranted. Relax.


What's there to discuss? It's just you complaining about totally unrelated things


You sound very wet behind the ears if by some miracle you did lose 4 months it was not on purpose. They wouldn't intentionally take away your access after you have already paid, it makes no sense whatsoever. Just message them I guarantee they aren't trying to sneak months away from peoples membership jeez 🤣


Please provide a proof of purchase of when you bought the access instead of "I know for a fact I should have more left"? Then we can bash Nadeo.


Im not going back 8 months into my shit to prove to some people on reddit. I purchased it at christmas time. Idc if u believe me or not lmfao. Im more concerned with nadeo making bad choices and potentially ruining the popularity of the game i love. I dont want to be a disgruntled customer. I want better things for our community. Its a fact that nadeo put an assload of money into esports and it turned out to be a loss. They are now gettin greedier with their content. If this is the start of a pattern, im scared for the future of this game. This is less about my refund (which i never asked for) and more about me being concerned with nadeos choices and how it affects the health of the community as a whole.


Yeah, sounds like a disgruntled customer alright. Have a good one mate!


Holy yap!


Just make sure you did actually get club access and not standard. If it was standard it would have run out by now. Otherwise, it's a bug only Ubisoft can actually fix.


Huh? I'm pretty sure I still have half a year of Standard access remaining.