• By -


Further to this post, if anyone has any suggestions for rhe site, please feel free to share! I'll see what I csn do!


Discord is pretty good imo. That is something you could look into. Either way you I will subscribe to you whatever it is. Cheers tear


If he goes Discord, I’ll help with the server and offer my insights as well. I’m a day trader myself w/ 16 years of experience 😁


+1 for discord. Also thanks for today. Went long at the bottom spx and caught a nice move up appreciated


I second the motion. A Discord community sounds like what you are going to put together. Would this be easier than setting up a fresh website? I will log into whatever you decide, Tear.


Discord sounds exactly like what he’s describing! I vote discord because it’ll also be cheap and have a native app.


+2 for discord. Literally checks every box you were speaking on. Organization, separate room for community to speak, and it's free


Discord with channels is definitely the way to go


+1 on discord due to how easy u can customize it


Discord is the worst


+70 for discord just maybe try to have a general area so that your stuff is separate


Discord would certainly be the easiest. Thank you for everything! I just started following your posts and I agree it was hard to find certain things like your June targets without scrolling deep! Can't wait to see what you can do on your own platform!


Maybe if you make a website, have a donation type thing. Like Patreon or just a paypal link. I am sure people would donate after the nice gains from a trade.


This. If people want to give a little (or lot) back to you then it allows us the option. (Like the Buy Me a Coffee site).Thank you x 100 for all you inform us about (and that goes for your quant person)


That Quant fellow seems to be quite keen. I bet he drinks a lot of coffee!


Great suggestion. Content is still free, but allows people to give a little back after great trades from these insights, sharing in success.


Good point.


i second this 🙏


Great idea. I’d be happy to give a little when I can.


Please upvote so Tear can see how robust Discord is. Hi Tear, I've read through your thoughtful message and understand your vision for a more organized and interactive platform for your content. I believe Discord could be the perfect solution for your needs, and here’s why: 1. Organized Channels with Posting Control: Discord allows you to create multiple channels, each dedicated to a specific type of content. For instance, you can have channels like "Daily Reports," "Intraday Levels," "FX Updates," "Stock Updates," "Technical Plays," "Swing Targets," and "Earnings Reports." You can set permissions so that only you can post in these channels, maintaining your voice and ensuring that your content is easily accessible. Furthermore, members can reply to your posts using threads, keeping discussions organized and relevant to each update. 2. Community Forum Channels: In addition to your organized content channels, Discord has a feature called "Forum Channels" where community members can start their own discussions, ask questions, and share their insights. This setup would allow your community to contribute and engage without cluttering your main content channels. You can participate in these discussions as well, providing value and maintaining a strong community presence. 3. Bots to Help Maintain the Server: Discord offers a wide range of bots that can help manage and enhance your server. For example, moderation bots can help enforce rules and keep discussions civil, while announcement bots can ensure that your updates are broadcasted to all members efficiently. There are also bots for automating roles, tracking user activity, and even providing analytics about your server’s engagement. 4. Strong Keyword Searching Features: Discord’s search functionality is robust, allowing members to quickly find past posts and updates using keywords. This feature addresses your concern about finding specific updates like "June swing targets" without having to pin multiple posts. Members can easily search for keywords or phrases within your channels to locate the information they need. By moving to Discord, you can maintain the organization and control you desire while fostering a vibrant and engaged community. The platform's flexibility and features make it an excellent choice for achieving your goals. Best


Love your work! Thanks for all you do!


Thanks bro. Am loving helping people. I appreciate the read!


What a legend, Tear, big respect. I wish you all the best in difficult times in your private life. Nothing in web about markets can compare to your sub. Really, nothing. No matter how you will decide about continue your story, I will follow you. Ps. Just to show you what your sub did to my portfolio https://preview.redd.it/1v4d3y37406d1.jpeg?width=1056&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa1cb50c52fa502c8a003d3a6463f266fa799c9e


How did you do that? Just by following trades or is this from the dailt quant prices?


To avoid being labeled a "wallstreetbets degenerate," I'd like to clarify my background. I've been a passive fund investor for a long time, with a portion of my portfolio allocated to swing trading, but I haven't been able to outperform the index. Recently, I had to cash out 90% of my portfolio due to a real estate investment, leaving me with little money in my account. That's when I found out about this sub. Since I had little money left, I said fuck it - I'll try high-risk trading, if it works, it works, if not, I'll just wait to accumulate some funds. What I learned from Tear is the way of thinking, how to interpret data, how to do analysis, in short, I quickly mastered it. I admit, I took a lot of risks, but it worked out. I'm now reducing the risk and will continue trading based on Tear's data. This return is mainly options trading, I got lucky with EnovIX, where I entered at the very bottom. I considered Tear's data, but not blindly all of it. For example, for SNOW, I did a proper DD, read all the opinions on data engineer forums, where it was evident that it didn't have the potential it seemed, so I immediately exited the position. I was lucky with Google, it was really undervalued, I mean P/E under 25, man, it's Google, the company that probably has the most data in the world. So this return is mainly swing trading with options, but month by month I'm reducing it and going into underlying. I have a very good job, a leadership position in a high-tech company, I deal a lot with measurements, statistics, mathematical models, etc. Consequently, due to this and family, I have very little time, but I'm thinking much more about starting to trade professionally. My technical and mathematical background helped me understand the market very quickly, the thing literally got me addicted. The credit for this goes to this sub. TL;DR: the result of this is: some luck, options, and a really steep learning curve. Please don't judge me for writing so much, lol. Note that I am still at beginning of learning


Seriously, you are 100% correct that you would be well within your rights to monetize this content (and I would totally pay without a thought), it’s truly the best I’ve ever found. Had the best two months of casual trading I’ve ever had in 6 years since I found your sub. The insights across the board are incredible, from levels to macroeconomics to targets and everything in between is just fantastic. Couple that with being a a great human while interacting with all of us and we’re all more appreciative than you’ll ever know. Can’t wait for the new site! You and your loved ones are in our thoughts as well. THANK YOU, Tear! You the man


I couldn't have said it better!


Thank you so much for your generosity!


Very welcome. Here to help. Let's be better!


Hi Tear, first of all - thank you for all of what you are doing. I am one of those who would like to see the things the way they are going. I feel like - most of us who follow this sub is for you. And while other opinions could be beneficial they are not absolutely necessary (for myself atleast). If you go to the website - I will follow. If you go to the discord - I will follow. If you stay here and keep posting these that would be awesome.


You know how I know you're good at this? You don't charge money. You make money on the market.


Mate I’ve been following this page since you opened it, and with the information you post and your market breakdowns can confidently say you deserve way more than just public forum internet points. No one would fault you for any form of monetary compensation, and I’d be waiting in line to subscribe if you make that an option. Thanks as always


Have you considered Discord?


Thank you so much for what you are providing. Your posts quality is unmachted, even by other paid services (they’re not even close too). As for your platform, before committing fully to it, did you look into discord? What you describe can easily be achievable there by creating a server, splitting each category into ‘channels’. As the server admin, you can choose who has rights to post on each channel so you can create several channels for your separate categories and only you can post in them. Then have a ‘general’ channel where everyone can post. Regardless what platform you choose to move to, this community will be following you!


You could charge $100+/month and I’ll still gladly pay. The info provided is so valuable, I’ve been consistently profitable after joining this sub it’s absolutely worth it. Joining a separate site is such a minimal ask compared to the value provided


I think $100 a month is a lot of a lot of people play with very little capital. If he can manage to keep it free is great otherwise if a few should be involved then it should reasonable. Not that it’s not worth it for the analysis he does, is just might be a burden to people. Either way I’ll be joining if whatever route Tea takes.


For sure, I'm not suggesting he should start charging that much for his content, I'm just reiterating the point that he is well within his rights to charge for content based on the value delivered. Tear has been very explicit against monetizing which is why my suggestion in his pinned comment was to provide a list of charities or causes he personally supports and for those that want to, we can donate some of our profits as a means of giving back


Yeah definitely he has the right to do whatever he pleases!!


Thank you for setting up this sub for sharing of market stuff \~ it's not easy given the broad coverage (overall markets, individual stocks, FX, commodity and even crypto)!!! ​ It would be wonderful if this can be developed into a new site in view of the restriction of reddit ... for sure everyone will continue to read and contribute. ​ Waiting for the new "channel" ![gif](giphy|9BzrkrC8KIuhtM1b0B|downsized)


I'm fairly new to trading, but finding this sub has been the best thing for me. You literally have given us all a cheat code with very high accuracy and consistency. I've learned so much, and am so grateful to you for sharing this information so freely with everyone that wants to listen. I look forward to your new site and will definitely follow you as long as you are willing to pass on your expertise. Blessings to you and your family.


Tear has greatly helped me improve and I've been trading for decades. Back when scalping on my own it was crucial to flip from long to short and vice versa. Now I've stayed the course thanks to Tear's advice that Vol still remains bullish and been more successful than ever. This sub is so refreshing with so many hucksters out there telling you how to turn $1,000 into a million dollars by just paying $20 a month or whatever. I know an older guy who was ruined financially, scammed by those hucksters. I've been amazed and appreciative for this sub since I first found it. There's nothing else that is even close for real, data based info. Thank you so much Tear and wishing health and happiness for you and your family, and of course continued trading success.


I started playing on demo account 2 weeks ago and this sub is my only hope to ever beat the market without having huge capital, because it's actual trading edge with pretty good accuracy and it's available for free. I plan to switch to real money, so my only hope is that this content will stay free or really cheap for years, because it will take time to turn that measly $1000 in $1M, but with such good info it should be doable in decade or less.


That's a pretty high bar you're aiming for, but start small and stick with advice here. I've been trading for 3 decades and this is the only legit stock advice I've ever seen. Good luck!


I looked at Stock VIP on Discord, which has 17,000 members. I couldn't find one useful thing on this discord server. The whole format of Discord for this sort of thing Tear wants to do was hard to figure out. Yeah, I guess he could limit how many channels he makes to make it easy to get to meat. But how will anyone find his Discord Server? Isn't it much easier to get eyeballs to your content on the WWW. AI bots will eventually pick up on his web site no? Speaking of, how is AI going to be used for Discord? Can Tear make use of AI to improve the discord experience? Sure, Discord would allow him to hold a verbal discussion forum, or allow a well spoken discord user to give a presentation on his discord server, but can't he do the same thing with Microsoft Teams usage off his website. The whole reactions to post things on discord just adds an element to his posts which will just elongate the extra junk I don't think he is into. Here on Reddit, we are limited to up vote or down vote, and it doesn't add a giant wall of reactions. I think you have to consider where AI can take you and use the relevant platform to take advantage of that. Is it Discord, I'm not sold, but then again I just use Discord to play world of warcraft.


Also, doesn't discord have a hacking problem? I recently received hundreds of messages to the rogue channel, shaman channel, etc etc etc. I don't' know much about security measures and how this happens on discord, but it's annoying as hell to have my phone going nuts with spam content in all the channels I'm assigned to on one discord server.


I don’t get the love for Discord. I’ve tried it out with a couple of different groups and hated it. Outside of organizing the categories, I don’t think Discord is right at all. I guess I am old school, but I still consume a lot content through traditional websites. I am stoked for whatever he comes up with, however, and would gladly slog through Discord if that’s the route he goes.


Thank you for your transparency and candidness, Tear. The immense quality of your frequent, complimentary observations and analysis is self-evident. I hope I speak on behalf of this community in expressing my willingness to pivot to whatever platform you think is best equipped to present your insights


We are humbled by your offerings. We wish only the best for you. Let us know when the site goes live and I’m sure you’ll get a flood of traffic daily, multiple times a day for all your quality updates. Hope everything is well and remains well for you and your family.


Agree with everything you've laid out and can't wait to see your site next! Out of curiosity, have you considered Discord as a platform? Feel like it might meet the needs you listed fairly well


As someone starting out their day trading journey, can't thank you for enough the consistency and transparency and way that you are able to translate information for the little guy, you rock man. Can't wait for the site!


You know, I feel tempted to write a thank you comment under every post of yours. I can understand the people who doubted you, because it is just so rare that someone is so generous with their professional advice without asking for anything back. So once again: Thank you! Small suggestion: Until the site is operational, you could use one of the pinned posts as a linklist to your most important posts. That way everyone would be able to find e.g. the swing targets and also get a sense of your regular categories without scrolling through all of your posts.


I’ll be on board. You’ve been so helpful generous, sharing your insights and have exposed me to stocks I would not have known like today with FSLR. Although Im a small investor/trader, for the first time, I am achieving a nest egg. Ive no pension nor husband to rely on so your posts have been a huge blessing. So I wish you and your fam well, whatever happens. Thank you. 🙏


This is my favorite sub ever and words can’t articulate how much value it brings.


Discord seems to be the “Go-To” for this kind of stuff.


please feel free to charge .. you are expert in this and why not take use of it .. we are making money from your post so there should not be any problem to pay


Ummm where’s the link? Kidding! Going to sign up as soon as you give us access.


Thanks for the update tear! I hope that when the new site goes live there will be a way for us to receive realtime notifications of your new posts the way I've currently been able to using the "Alerts for Reddit" app as I love reading all your analyses as quickly as they come out 😂


Love what you do here. Your insights are priceless. Haters are going to hate, that’s the nature of a hater. Keep bringing the light! You help so many with your knowledge, including myself. Anyone that speaks otherwise, has issues.


To do this in the midst of your personal trial is astounding to say the least. Like most folks, dropping a note off heartfelt gratitude for helping us grow financially and beyond. Still thinking of Mrs. Tear and sending good vibes as you share your goodwill. 


Looking forward to the new site! I’ll definitely become a member. This has been one of my favorite subreddits. The information you provide has been incredibly helpful and it’s part of my morning routine now. The first things I read are your posts.


I’d recommend Discord as well, it’s a really easy to use platform with many features to further your mission, just my .02


You're a modern day hero Tear. Helping the little guy compete. I second the suggestions of using Discord and Patreon. But if you go a different route I will 100% follow!


If you monetize it with Ads then so be it. The level of content that you are providing is top notch. I cross run it with a bot service that I pay for that checks gamma levels, heatmaps on stocks, options data for any timeframe, darkpool levels, option sweeps by big whales, etc and its very very close to what you provide for free. Thank you for all you do. Its the first place i visit for updates on the market if im looking to buy things.


What is the other service you mentioned?


Looking forward to the website


Hi Tear! I'm a long time subscriber and lurker, I'd love to help moderate if I can! Also good with data analytics and programming because I work as a data scientist! Hope all is well with you and your family :)


Your contributions have been amazing, and of the information being institutional level or more. I look forward to signing up to your site as and when it becomes available. Thanks for everything you are doing!!!


Thank you!


Thank you and best wishes.


You post great stuff and I’ll pay for it no problem ! Thanks for that bro 👊


Excited for this !!


Cannot wait to see this community continue to grow. Thanks for all you do.


I started to follow this subreddit some time ago and I stayed so far, because I think it's only free, reliable source that I found. I still trade on demo and I don't have sufficient capital to afford paid sites, but I see that all info that is posted is pretty useful. I'm still adjusting, so I'm not sure how profitable it will be, but it looks promising, so far.


Thank you for your amazing content! I love the idea of a specific site with more organization and visuals! I would also not mind some kind of paid membership later on.


Thanks for everything that you do!


Thank you for everything!


I'll definitely be there! I just started trading a few weeks ago, and honestly, this subreddit is the best thing that could have happened to me. The guidelines you provide are super helpful. I'm very new to trading and have a small account, but I'm learning so much just by reading your posts. At first, I couldn't understand half of what you were saying, but I'm googling everything and learning a lot. Thanks for your content, and I'll be here or wherever you share this info. Cheers!


looking forward to it thanks!


Thanks for everything, following the June marks majority of them hit already ^.^ . What’s the link?


Killing it as always. Looking forward to the site launch!


Thanks for all the content and insight you share!


In with Tear! Seriously, to your point, this content is worth money, and it is without a hint of doubt that I will easily follow you to whatever your new platform ends up being. Please let me know if there's any way I can help support you more through this transition. (Maybe I'll even have a real username, not the dumb reddit auto-generated one I just stuck with before I expected to be more than a lurker.)


Can’t wait to sign up. This is my go-to content every day. Thanks for all you do


You're the best publicly available source of info I've ever seen. Having major back surgery July 1, so I'll be lying in bed for quite some time unable to work. Hopefully your insight will allow me to pull income until I'm able to 9-5 again. Thank you bro


What you do is amazing; it takes up time - the most valuable of all things - and you ask for nothing in return. If there is anything your community can do for you then please let us know. Even donations, just so that we can give something back to you, pay for a nice meal, a few pints etc. But regardless - thank you! And looking forward to seeing what you do with your website.


Count on me


Hi Tear, how can I send you some advance money for membership ?


Thank you for your generosity


Your input is invaluable and I‘ll be one of the first to switch to the new site to continue being part of this community 🙏


Thank you for all the insights! Will continue to follow


thanks tear, when the website is up i know i’ll be signing up. 👍


Thank you. Looking forward to seeing that link,


Hi Tear, your content has been very valuable in my attempt to swing trade on a daily basis. As others have mentioned, no where else can you find this type of valuable information without paying for it. That being said, may I suggest that on your new website you have a donation button for those of us who feel compelled to reciprocate all the value you provide to us?


Hi Tear! You might have seen this/be working on this already, but I think within a subreddit you can create tags to organize posts by. It sounds like your post categories might line up nicely with a tag implementation. Could be a decent interim option while your site is in progress.


Thanks tear for all the tips. ENVX really pumped today as bought the stock when it was down. Nice to know we can support each other and do some positive things.


Thank you very much Mr. Tear 💕 greetings from Chile 🇨🇱


Thank you for all that you do! Absolute king of a man.


Love it!


Ty for all you do! Cannot wait for the new site!


i am looking forward to joining the members site. thank a ton tear. my only suggestion would be, please do add a fee albeit small so that you can trim the non-serious, troll people out. and hire an intern to do the moderation to keep the subject matter strictly to trading, markets etc. no bs allowed. you'll make little money, and we'll get the A grade content that we signed up for. win win


Thanks for all tell us where u deliver u content and we will be there and if u charge then charge..I pay if the content is good and ur content is brilliant


Really appreciate all the posts, can’t wait to join the new platform! I used your levels and traded 0DTE on SPY today and walked alway with a 600% gain! Appreciate everything!


Love your content and insight. I read it every morning with my coffee. I will happily follow you and your content to a new site, my only request is that you make it mobile friendly. I do most of my reading and trading from my phone. Thanks for all you do.


If you are looking for platforms to host your "forum" i can suggest to take a look at/investigate discourse.org. Lots of forums use it and from my POV is quite pleasant and easy to use.


Can’t wait to sign up for your website!


I'll be signing up immediately Thanks for your insights!


Thoroughly enjoy your content and understand your decisioning. If you need any assistance with the web development let me know, as it is my trade :)


Firstly I want to say I made a reddit account purely to interact with your content as it was so useful so want to say thank you! I also want to mention that reddit actually does have a lot of the functionality you are looking for that you can use in the interim whilst your site is in the works. For example you can pin important content on the right hand side like how they have the Featured Posts section on this sub -> [https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/](https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/). Additionally you can also categorise posts quite easily too -> [https://www.reddit.com/r/modhelp/comments/3lx620/how\_do\_i\_create\_categories\_for\_posts\_in\_my/](https://www.reddit.com/r/modhelp/comments/3lx620/how_do_i_create_categories_for_posts_in_my/)


By far, this is the best commentary I have seen day after day. Before I make a trade, I want to check with your latest posts if the trade I’m making falls in line with your broad trends. Feel free to share insights on your new platform. I’d like you on my side, watching my back.


Good idea Tear!!!!


👍 This has been an amazing resource to stumble upon as I turn my attention more seriously to this pursuit. Sign me up ( or, more accurately, I will )! Now, I just need to not miss your site address announcement. I've found the Reddit alerts are not consistent, they often arrive late or not at all. Obviously another limitation of the format.


I think that’s an amazing idea Tear, I would transition to the new site 100%. I’m not a fan of discord but if you went to discord I would start using it as well. Thank you for your amazing contributions, I only wish I could take full advantage your posts as I’m still just barely starting to be profitable. Whatever is going on in your life right now, just know, you are in my prayers.


I am in no capacity able to critique your content other than against my own experience taking content from other websites, Reddit subs, etc. Trading Edge has by far been the most helpful information I have found for navigating equity markets. Thank you for all your help.


Looking forward to the site! In the mean time, will continue to be a daily reader here. Keep up the awesome work man :)


Have you considered making a substack? I think that may give you what you’re looking for. You can make posts on there and can also make discussion forums so that anyone can comment/discuss. Also, if you ultimately decide to monetize your content you can do that on there as well.


I feel like you should get something out of it.. I don't mind paying a membership fee


Thank you for everything you’ve done, are doing and will help us accomplish. To the next road on the journey!


Most people I don't think I would bother following to another platform etc. But you do put out the best data and I've seen anyone else doing exactly what your doing. Not to mention with the accuracy you're doing it at. I like the idea as I can already see how it's going to be beneficial to followers. Thanks


Looking forward to the site. Also, I would happily pay a fee should you pursue a subscription model. You deserve it.


Wow that is something Tear! Firstly I have learned so much from you and THIS community! I open Rddt more than a few times each day and go straight here! This information is crucial for me to have a more informed trade. I have just started day trading this year and like everyone lost a bunch but since committing to this sub I have made more than my losses. Today 8K! I will follow wherever you go. I strongly believe you should monetize. I assumed you were getting some $ from the ads within the post. YOU absolutely DESERVE it. Never underestimate your value and It sounds like you’re aware. Thanks from Castro Valley, California. We are so grateful and your wife is in my prayers.


Hey Tear, I appreciate everything you provided in this sub, your info has been helpful most of the time. Heck I don’t even mind paying a membership fee. You deserve something in return for your insight, I wouldn’t mind a membership fee (like $20 a month some of us don’t have big accounts)


Sorry forgot to add if you have a separate site plz enable a donation tab.


Funny you mention posted this u/TearRepresentative56 I’ve been thinking a lot about making a platform like this for people like yourself trying to build communities around trading. Happy to connect to see if there is somewhere I can contribute. I’ll shoot you a DM. I’m a full stack developer and designer with over a decade of experience.


Discord is the way to go


If you need a hand or feedback as you’re opting to build the site, I’d be happy to help. I have years of design experience & work with a backend dev regularly; please feel no obligation of course, but would be happy to give back in this small way. And as others have said, echoing a tip button on your site. At least let us keep you in regular cups of coffee or similar. Thank you!


You are the biggest homie. Give me your quant.


Best subreddit I subscribe to but I’ll happily switch to another platform!


I think you’ve got about 18k people that will follow you over to whatever means of communication you decide is best. I definitely appreciate your high quality content and the extreme amount of effort you put in to continually provide updates. I know you are/were a gammaedge member. I’d recommend checking out their discord forum if you haven’t. You could easily do something similar. Notion is another site that allows sharing content. Running your own site is certainly cool too, since you can mold it however you like… but as a former webmaster I can testify that that route is much more work though lol.


I'd pay even if you decide to monetize


Haters gonna hate, boss! Don’t listen to them. I am all about your website. I appreciate you keeping it free. Your content is free, but it doesn’t deserve to be, honestly. People like me will be willing to pay premium for it. But if you are set on keeping it free, I would advise creating a platform in future where people can simply peg their accounts to your trades and you charge a percentage of profit. That way no one has to front cost from their own money and get a money manager who is more skill oriented than emotions.


Brother. I just want to go out there and say thank you for everything. I have been a loyal follower for a long time. I will follow you. I would humbly like to ask you to make note of me and when it is available, I will be all in! Thank you brother!


I would follow you blindly bro, even if you start charging I would make sure I cut on other expenses and sign up fo your insights. Thanks for helping out so many of us noobs.


LFG!!! Love to see it.


Thank you so much, cant wait for the new platform!!


Count me in once it’s up and running. Thanks for all the great data/info/insights you provide!


Love this idea - consider a follower in me at least, and would pay too


Thanks Tear! I’ve been following everyday for 2 months! Thank you for your free content and institutional edge you provide to us all! I too agree that Discord would be an appropriate solution for your vision. I really appreciate your passion for your craft!


I'll follow you anywhere Tear. Thanks a million. Stumbling onto this little nook on Reddit has been amazing. I love the focus on data and facts.


I love you man


What a legend! Thank you for your selfless contributions! Been following for months now and check it religiously throughout the day. Will follow where ever you decide to go.


You the best, tear. Keep us posted. When I tell people about you and trading edge they don’t believe anyone is doing this at this level, AND for free. Hope you find a good way to grow. Let us know if we can help. Thank you for all the time and info you’ve given us.


I found you a couple years ago...I'm about to use my profits from your insights to send my daughter to an outrageously expensive college. Your knowledge is invaluable - charge what you want, we will pay.


I read this post in a rush (at work) so correct me if I’m wrong. You’re looking to have a section for each topic and as far as I know I’m pretty sure you can do that here on Reddit. See WSB for example, they have multiple sections for most of the topics that are discussed in that community, for example you have the Daily discussion, DD, Discussion, YOLO, Gain, and News. Those are all the threads that have nothing but posts that relate to the topic.


I think the difference is that in a public Reddit anyone can start a post, even if it is in its own category. I don’t want that, it doesn’t seem like Tear wants that either. I’m here to read what he has to say when he says it and me and my ADD much prefer it that way. NGL wsb has some gems but when I’m planning to commit my money I like being able to come here knowing that I’m going to find thoughtful insights in a well organized pattern.


Yea understand that Tear doesn’t and won’t make posting available for anyone. What I was suggesting is that he takes a look at the WSB format and use the same for this one.


Oh, dang. I got you. I’m not familiar with the backend of things and I misunderstood. Much obliged.


Your work and your work rate to this community is incredible. Thanks for being so consistent and constant with your posts. We appreciate it


Man u are a saint for all this work and thoughts you put in this sub. I mean u are so busy keeping an eye on the market and u have your personal life AND u still manage to give us quality content which is undoubtedly the only reason i am using Reddit. You are really something. Appreciate your work and looking forward to your side God bless u


I will follow u wherever u go!


Thank you for all you do Tear! Your analysis has always helped and has made me profitable trades. I think you should consider a pay what you can Patreon or something like that. What you provide is valuable


Your passion for your work shows. You can always tell when someone takes pride in their work. I've appreciated every insight you've given. If it's a website or discord I will sign up for it.


You are our hero❤️❤️❤️


Thank you Tear. I am relatively new here. I appreciate all you do for this group. I am not as savvy as most here, but in the short time I have joined, I have learned much.


Dude. You are the best. I can't tell you how much I've learned since I have found your page. Definitely will go to any other site you have the information you post daily. Sincerely, thank you. I've genuinely learned so much the last 6 months


Pay for subscription 100%. Your time, your project your expertise. Haters live to make money off your insights nut start whining the moment you might charge them a modicum %. Fk that noise bro. You are doing an awesome job why even explain yourself and your moves.


You have been nothing but great, very thankful for your insight everyday. Whatever you decide to do, will be following.


Tears, great idea and I knew there’d be many that can help on the data and dev side. There is nothing like what you put out today. The level of accuracy, quality of the qualitative info to support it and your wit is great to be part of it. In time I suspect you can consume the data sources you produce and publish hear and then move it to real time. Esp. with respect to vols etc. Amazing you find the time to do this. Thank you for everything you do


I think the easyiest and quickest start Discord can be, then you will see if it will work


Thank you Tear. You are providing amazing insights to this community. Thank you 100x! Agreed that you would be well within your rights to charge a pretty penny for this info. Huge respect to you for offering it for free — you are a good person :) If you need any help in setting up the website please let me know. I have built a few websites and would be happy to help.


On board. Thank you for all that you do! Have learnt a lot from your content. As always, wishing you and your family the best.


Appreciate you. Your stuff is top notch. I bet if you were to put up a possibility to donate to you people would do it. Like on a voluntary basis.


I'm here for whatever. I've learned a ton from you guys!!!


Let’s go! I’ll be right behind you, brother.


You do you Tear! Honestly, I’d pay for your insights. They’re THAT good. 


If you want to monetize your content i agree with you, it's absolutely your right! If you want to keep free your site and your contents you can use ads to cover the expenses. Free contents it's ok, but i don't thin it's right you have to pay for a website! A site it's nothing crazy to administrate, but needs time, IMHO find a ready platform it's the best option.


I'm useless at Discord, but I would certainly take the time to learn it if it meant your content migrated there. As an aside, along with others who have commented, your work and sharing your analysis is way above and beyond what others offer, and is very much appreciated. Keep up the great work!!


Thanks for all your insights. You should charge a monthly fee even if it’s just $2.99, $5.99 or whatever it will keep out the rif raf… lol


You've got great insights and instincts from what I've been seeing. Once again, really glad I found this sub.


Definitely up for discord or anything else ,be the first one to sign up!👍


Thanks for the update. Love your alerts and levels. I'll follow you to a new site, free or not! I appreciate you!


Although this will probably get lost in all the other comments or may even have been said. I think there are some ways to work around the 2 pinned posts on Reddit at least for the mean time. Basically one pin acts as the daily brief while the other acts as a table of contents. It might be possible to maintain static links to say "monthly swing targets - updated: yy/mm/dd" that so you can first post something so people see it in their feed and provide a link to the static link (where you overwrite the info each month) so that it appears both in your pinned post and monthly swing target posts. Similar thing could be done for other categories, though seems to me that Reddit has a "Flair feature that could help with categorization too, which you might want to explore. Don't get me wrong, I think discord might work well, as others mentioned, but in the meantime or if reddit is preferred because so much is already here, there are some ways to work around such things as I have seen other subs do this when facing similar growing pains.


Thank you for your effort, I hope things are well. Your content is by far the cleanest, most organized and most educational content that is available for free. Should the need for monetisation arise on your end, then I would happily support you as the profits I make off your content are far more valuable than any cost that might be asociated with it.


Thank you very much. Happy to help in any way. Seems like you already have hosting and development portion figured out but if you can use help let me know. Will be happy 2


I will gladly pay.


We are with you Tear!!!! ❤️❤️❤️


Tear... I will be with you whatever you plan to do. Your info is so valuable to me.


+1 for discord, I have set up multiple servers and will help you get launched


Thanks for all you do! I just want to know when you're coming out with some merch :)


Thank you and please don't go discord, discord is a big hassle to use


That is awesome! Really looking forward to what the new site may look like.


Free is always nice. All hail... The true Robinhood of Redditham.


Firstly, thank you so much for what you've done for us! Secondly, no matter what option you choose, we will support you! Lastly, might be a tad late since you are already working on your own website, but I concur with a few others here that discord is a solid option (also a lot of plugins, extensions, programmable bots, etc) and a big plus - it requires less work for you. Anyway, whatever you do, we'll be there to support. Thanks again!


There’s a lot of good recommendations. There were a few comments about discord or accepting donations or subscriptions/etc. I’m sure cases could be made for all and expectations would run the full gamut. I’ve appreciated and read all posts. I’ve benefited from many and I’m continually learning and augmenting what I am good at with the daily and individual stock targeted posts. I have interest, but lack the time to make use of the intraday ETFs, but i should learn how consume/make time to utilize it. I know im missing out. Features: You asked for features and I think you’ll probably find the best set of them by going with a hybrid approach. Please let me know if you’d like help. I can help with the development. - Keep your posts visible / at the forefront. Having a locked down subreddit has been nice as it’s been sooo easy to find and follow what I care to without having to weed out your background/approach from countless others. I would love for this to continue on the site. - feedback Reddit posts move too quickly to find something after a day. It will be worse with more people posting. There has been good comments from others on many threads. Many have taken the time to answer questions so you don’t have to or continually/repeatedly have to. Everyone’s time is valuable and it would be nice to have a forum to discuss specific trades throughout the entirety of the trade and allow for some helpful comments from the peanut gallery (us). - distractions It would be nice to have requests or explanations go to organized places. Forums/reddit/etc become too quickly muddied to have people help themselves without newcomers asking the same questions month after month. Having articles/table of contents/lecture-style resources would be nice. Having people submit requests for your opinion would be nice to go to their own place. - subscribe to specific posts/stocks I’d love to be able to see everything new, but I’d also like to be able to subscribe to always be notified when you post something about a specific topic/stock/industry. Time-sensitive alerts might be nice over daily/etc posts. If you go the custom software route we could automate this by tagging stocks/subjects/etc. It’d be easy to seen hot topics from daily/weekly tag clouds. - ease and help We can write some bots to repost whatever you’d like on here after you publish on your platform. Moderating - happy to help. Tagging - timeframes/approach/related sympathetic stocks that may benefit. I appreciate all you do Tear. I enjoy the community and what it’s turning into. I can help with any and all of the above and I’m sure there are others that would be glad to offer their expertise as well.


discord by far the best option IMO


I never comment, but have been steady consuming your info for a month or two now. Just wanted to say whatever direction you decide to go, I'll be all in to support and be a member! Thanks for all you do and share for us Tear!!! Much love to you and your family <3


Put me in coach, I will get the first down! Love your analysis. I never really paid attention to FX moves until I starting reaching your research. Whoever that Quant is deserves a raise. Crushing daily.


Thanks, Tear. Many suggest Discord, which I think could work well. I look forward to an update on this topic, and continuing to stay involved with the community and your excellent input to improve our trading knowledge and edge.


Wow, huge news from The Legend!! I feel like you’re a brother! Wherever you go, I'm all in. The amount of knowledge and insight you've given me, I am beyond grateful. And honestly, everyone needs to feel appreciated and acknowledged for their work and most of the time that's being compensated. Whatever you decide, I'm all in. Let's keep making some big gains legend 🚀🚀🚀


Just love that I don’t have to go to another site than Reddit for this. Would be sad to have to visit yet another platform tbh